Is it possible to play Dota 2 over a local network. How to play Dota2 with bots over a local network without the Internet. Who should be the lobby leader

Simple and short about how to play Dota 2 with bots local network without internet and without server installation.

All you need at a minimum for this is:

  • Two computers connected to a network.
  • Two different Steam account with Dota 2 installed.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a wireless network between laptops or a regular local network via a cord. You need different accounts, because if you use the same one, you will be able to connect with each other, but the second player will not be able to choose a hero.

Launch Dota 2 on both computers and open the console.

In the console of the first we write:
sv_cheats "1"
sv_lan "1"
dota_bot_set_difficulty "4"
dota_force_gamemode "1"
dota_start_ai_game "1"
map "dota"

After this, the “dota” map starts. As soon as everything is loaded and you can select a hero, write on the same computer in the dota2 console:

After this, the second player writes in his console:

And as soon as he joins the game, he also writes

At the top of the screen, where thumbnails of hero images are displayed, only two thumbnails of hero images should appear. If this is the case for you, then everything is done correctly. Now the first player, the one who created the map, writes another command:


All! After this, all free slots will be occupied by bots and you can play.


  • dota_bot_set_difficulty "4"- this command sets the difficulty of the bots. Accordingly: 0-Passive, and 4-Insane.
  • dota_force_gamemode "1"— sets the All Pick mode. Other modes, including All Random, did not start, which is why I am not writing a list of modes.
  • map "dota"— choose which map we will play on. By entering map in the console, you will see the available maps.
  • jointeam "good"- Select a side: good - light, bad - darkness.
  • dota_bot_populate— this command is written last, after it bots occupy free slots.
  • connect ip:port— usually it is enough to register only the IP, for example: connect

A small addition on how this can be simplified:

Let's go to the directory: Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg\

Create two files there, for example 1.cfg And 2.cfg. In the same directory (if you do not have such a file) create a file autoexec.cfg.

Contents of file 1.cfg: sv_cheats "1"
sv_lan "1"
dota_bot_set_difficulty "3"
dota_force_gamemode "2"
dota_start_ai_game "1"
map "dota"
jointeam "good"

Contents of file 2.cfg: dota_bot_populate

Add aliases to the autoexec.cfg file: alias q "exec 1.cfg"
alias w "exec 2.cfg"

Now the actions of the players after they launched Dota and both opened the console:
1. q
2. connect ip:port
1. w

If you wish, you can make do with one instead of two files, and specify not the opening of text files, but an alias. I hope this article will help you. Write comments, ask questions.

gl & hf and good luck with your skating rink!

In the section on the question Guys, a question about Dota 2. How to play Dota 2 without the Internet with friends on a local network? not with bots but with people. given by the author Vladimir Simonenko the best answer is Most likely you can’t, only if you’re alone.
Yulian Borisov
oh by the way about the incoming one
-connect 192.168.1.(3):27015-(obligatory)

Answer from Ork[guru]
Without internet and with friends???? Come on??? Or are you in a crowd at one computer - hahahahaha

Answer from Eurovision[expert]
Create a local lobby. Well, at least... without the Internet? Without the Internet there is no way, everyone must be connected to the same network

Answer from Loosen up[newbie]
with friends over the Internet, this means the Internet; to play without the Internet, you need a network cable to create a local network

Answer from Special[newbie]
In the console of the first computer we write:
sv_lan 1
sv_cheats 1
dota_set_bot_difficulty 4
dota_force_gamemode 1
dota_start_ai_game 1
map dota
After this, the Dota map starts, as soon as the game itself starts (this is where the icons with characters are visible), then in the console of 2 computers we write:
connect ip
P.S. to find out the ip of the computer, press f1 on the desktop, write ip in the search, select item 3 (search for the ip of a computer, like), follow the link there (something about network connections), click the active connection (local network connection), click RMB, then the very top line (approximately in the middle), and your ip will be there.
After you have registered connect and your friend’s ip, your Dota card starts and you connect to your friend! But if you want to play for different teams, then after you have registered conmect on the 2nd computer, write jointeam bad and simply register this before the Dota map starts, where you will play with your friend
P.S. It is advisable to enter jointeam bad before connect, then copy (ctrl+c) and spam (ctrl+v). That's all!!!

In this article I will try to describe in as much detail as possible how to start playing Dota 2, how to install Steam for this, choose a language, how to play Dota with friends or creeps. If I'm wrong somewhere, correct me. Let's get started.


Dota 2 is multiplayer team game in the genre of real-time strategy with elements role playing game, a continuation of the famous map for Warcraft games 3. In 2009, Valve hired the main developer of the first Dota, IceFrog, and on October 13, 2010, the game was announced for release in 2011. Now the game is in the beta testing stage and to start playing Dota you need to receive a special invitation or buy a key for the game in a special store for 499 rubles. You can also try to buy a Dota key from someone else if you find one.

How to start playing DOTA 2

You can only play Dota 2 through Steam, so if you don’t have an account there, you’ll need to create one; you won’t be able to play Dota without it.

1. Create a Steam account

  • Go to the site in the upper right corner, click Login
  • On the next page in the block, click Create account
  • Fill out the registration form with all the necessary data and again under the form click on Create an account
  • When filling out the field Desired username pay due attention to it, because the specified name will be permanently linked to you on the Steam resource, in the Dota 2 game itself and in other games.
  • If all fields are filled out correctly, you will be redirected to home page Steam website, and in the upper right corner of the page, instead of the “login” button, your name will be displayed.

2. Installing the Steam program

After registration, you need to install the Steam program itself on your computer, through which you will play Dota Steam. To do this, in the upper right corner, click on Install Steam.

You will be redirected to the above page, on which click on the green button Install Steam Now, after which the file SteamInstall will be downloaded to your computer, which will install Steam on your computer. Just follow the installation process, it's nothing complicated. Please note that You can only play Dota in operating system Windows, although Steam can also be installed on Mac OS.

3. How to change the language on Steam

If you want to change the language in Steam (and depending on what language you have selected in Steam program, it depends on what language you will use in the Dota 2 game), then you can do this as follows. To change the English version of the program to Russian, in the top Steam menu, click on the Steam menu - Settings - Interface and in a new window you will see the selected English language, click on it and select Russian. After this, you will need to restart the program.

4. Installing Dota 2

So, you have registered your account on Steam, downloaded Steam itself, now you need to install Dota 2. To start playing Dota, your Steam must have the following installed:

  • Dota 2
  • Dota 2 Test

In addition to the game itself, you will also need a so-called invite.

  • on ongabe.

To start it installed game, go to Steam > Library > Dota 2 > Play. If this is your first launch, then you will need to select how well you know the game:

  • Newbie: You have a vague idea of ​​how to play games like Dota. In those games where you will participate, only those heroes will be available for whom it is easiest to start the game. Hero levels will be automatically balanced
  • Player: you have a good idea of ​​how to play Dota. You may not know something, but you are ready to join the fight.
  • Experienced: You play Dota regularly and don't need any explanation. Selecting this item will most likely allow you to avoid games with limited choice of heroes and balancing their levels.

How to play Dota 2 with a friend

In Dota 2, you can play exclusively with friends, with a friend on the same team, or against bots. If you want to play only with friends, then you need to create your own lobby. To do this in Dota 2 you need to click “Game”, then “Create Lobby”. If you click “Game Options”, you will be able to set a password (the “private game password” item).

Enter any password, then the name for the lobby and select the match mode. After this, your friends should find your lobby by name, enter the password and you can play. A similar set of actions is needed if you want to play with a friend or a group of friends against/together with bots. To do this, in the lobby settings you need to check the box where “Bots instead of free seats”. Accordingly, if there are two of you, then there will be eight bots, if there are five of you, then there will be five bots.

In order to play in a regular match, but in the same team with a friend, he must be your friend in Dota 2 itself. You will need to click on your friend’s nickname, select “invite to group” and after that you will be able to participate twice in one match and play for one team against random people.

You need to act in a similar way if you want to play with five people in one group. If you want to play with one team, then you need to assemble it from five players, first creating it (option in the “community” tab). You can do without this, but then you will just be a group of five players, without rating and name. In this case, Dota 2 will select games for you in which organized groups also want to participate; if there are none, then you will fight against random people.

One of the latest features, recently added to Dota 2, is local server support. This article contains a small FAQ on the new feature from Cyborgmatt, covering some questions that many have asked about.

Dota 2 Local Game FAQ

Take part in the Battle with nine of your friends. Now you can create a local lobby and use your computer as a server in your home or internet cafe!

What is local play?

Local play allows players of the same physical network connect to a private lobby created on the local network.

Why do you need a local game?

Opportunity local game was added to allow Dota 2 to be played in Internet cafes around the world. This will also be convenient for those players who want to play a match on their local network or maybe at work (if you are lucky).

Do I need to be connected to the Dota 2 network to create a local lobby?

Yes. This is necessary so that the Dota 2 servers can track the status of your match, allowing you to use the existing system of private lobbies and Dota TV; therefore, you will need to be connected to the Dota 2 network to use these features. As mentioned above, this feature was presented as an opportunity that can be used in an Internet cafe network.

How can I create my local server?

You need to click the "Create a local lobby" button, the lobby leader will be the creator of the match. The lobby leader can also take part in the match as a player, commentator or observer.

Who should be the lobby leader?

To ensure maximum server performance, a local lobby must be created either by the tournament administrator or one of the commentators.

How can I connect to the local lobby?

Players can find available local lobbies on their network by clicking the "Find Lobbies" button and selecting the "Local Lobbies" tab.

Can I change any settings on my local server?

Yes. The lobby leader has full access to the match settings and has the ability to change the game mode.

Where can I find a local match recording?

The match recording will be located on the host's computer, you can find the recording in your Dota 2 folder "dota 2 beta\dota\replays\.dem", you can transfer this file to other players in any way convenient for you.

As a player, commentator or observer, you can enable game recording yourself using the command: "record filename".

Can I watch my friends play via DotaTV?

IN this moment DotaTV is not supported on local servers. This feature will be available later.

At the moment, there may be a large number of commentators and observers in the game who can stream your game.

If I lose connection to the server, can I reconnect?

Yes. Based on the fact that the server is connected to official servers Dota 2, you can reconnect to the game in the same way as if you were playing a regular match through game selection and using the "Reconnect to game" button.

Can I customize some elements and features of my Dota 2 server?

Enterprising players can modify the Dota 2 script files, which are responsible for heroes, abilities, and items. You can unzip them from the VPK archives, which are located in the "dota 2 beta\dota" folder, and enable the "-override_vpk" option to use local versions of the script files. You can change any parameters and settings in text files that are located in the "dota 2 beta\dota\scripts\npc" folder.

These modifications should only be made on the server computer, players who connect to the game do not need to change anything. These modifications are not officially supported, so use them at your own risk.

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