Which premium tanks are best for farming silver? Selection of the best non-premium tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks. Which premium tank is best for farming?

Hello dear “residents” of Ongaba.

Today, I want to introduce you to such a wonderful “machine” as the heavy Soviet tank Is-7.

There was already a guide on Is-7, but! I will have a slightly different guide. In the next 5-10 minutes of reading the guide, you will learn a lot about this technique.

Let's begin!


I'll start with the Is-7 armor

So. The forehead of the tower (highlighted in red) is difficult to break through the alpha. From a distance of more than 200m, even the high-explosive FV215b 183 will not give much damage, approximately 100-200. But in the clinch, PT lvl 10 is broken through with gold. The technical specifications say 240mm of armor, but in reality, if you take into account the angles of the armor, it comes out to about 300-330mm.

Next come the (cheeks) of the tower, (indicated in orange) They are easier to penetrate, but due to the angles of inclination, the chance of ricocheting is very high. In the clinch, many lvl 10s break through their cheeks, so you have to wag your tower. The armor according to the technical characteristics is 180mm, but in reality it is approximately 200-230mm.

Now we will talk about the places where the Is-7 headlights are located. Many people think that headlights break through easily, but in reality this is not the case. This place is difficult to penetrate, just like the cheeks. Armor according to technical characteristics is 150mm, but in reality 190-220

Now the weakest armor on the Is-7's forehead is the NLD. It is highlighted in yellow, since it is very easy to penetrate there, so in a head-on collision, it is better to hide the NLD somehow. The armor there is 150mm as written in the technical specifications.

We've dealt with the Frontal Armor.

Now board.

The side of the turret is 185mm according to the technical characteristics, but the angles of inclination give approximately 200-240mm of armor, which is as difficult to penetrate as the cheeks of the turret.

That thin thing highlighted in orange is a false side, 150mm according to the technical characteristics, but it is difficult to penetrate it, since it ricochets very often.

Well, the side is sewn by everyone) 150mm according to the technical characteristics, we try not to expose the sides to the enemy.

Now feed.

The stern of the tower is quite good. 94mm in terms of performance characteristics is certainly not enough, but the tilt angles give us as much as 150-170mm. So don't be upset)

Well, the “ass” of the tank is cardboard 100mm according to the technical characteristics, but I will say that it ricochets often. But still, don’t expose your ass to your enemies, otherwise it will be bad;)

We sorted out the armor. Now let's look at the Is-7 gun.


Our gun is 130mm S-70. Average damage 490 penetration of 250mm BB. And the goldoy is 303mm. Rate of fire 4.38. (I have a CD of 11.7 sec. It’s worth sending, fighting brothers, and dry rations.) 0.4 spread 3.4 reduction. My opinion about the gun. Damage and penetration are not bad for a TT, the disadvantage of the gun is that it is oblique and takes a long time to come down, but this can be corrected with a stabilizer vertical aiming and reinforced aiming drives. CD is also quite fast.

Personally, my opinion about the tank

I will say that the tank is good. You can tank with your forehead calmly. He also knows how to deal damage quite well. The maximum speed is 60 km/h, but the tank itself cannot reach this speed, only from the mountain) And there, the average speed of the tank is 40 km/h. He has 2150 HP, which I think is not enough for a lvl 10 TT. It is very comfortable to play on it, it is quite maneuverable compared to TTs of its level. Another disadvantage of the IS-7 is that it has expensive repairs (24,000), without a premium, you will go into a big minus. But what to say about this and that, I’ve already told you everything. The tank is very good, download it, you won’t regret it. This was my opinion about the Is-7.

3 years and 2 months ago Comments: 4

Guys, girls and everyone who plays and is interested in tanks, a huge HELLO to you!

The speech in this article will be devoted to the most remarkable of all tanks and this is the Level 10 Heavy Tank in the KV-1 branch - IS-7, which was never mass-produced, namely about Joseph Stalin-7. You will find a guide on this strand.

We will now go into detail about the performance characteristics

The cost of our Joseph is impressive - 6 100 000 silver and it’s not easy to get to it, but whoever wants to achieve his goal will always achieve it!
  • Our Joseph is a tough nut to crack - I’ll tell you, and his strength consists of 2150 HP;
  • It weighs not little, but not much either, as for me - 68.19/70.95 tons;
  • Good viewing range - 400 meters;
  • Our connection is valid at a distance of 720 meters;
  • The power of the diesel engine is 1050 horses;
  • Moves perfectly and this speed is 59.6 km/h;
  • Turns at a speed of 28 degrees. in sec;
  • This is not hull armor, this is a fortress and here it is - 150/150/100 millimeters;
  • The tower is strong like a dome - 240/185/94 millimeters;
  • Barrel, Gun, Muzzle, aka Pooh, just imagine, 130 millimeters in diameter;
  • The combat kit includes a set of 30 shells;
  • Unforgettable damage dealt - 490/490/640 HP;
  • apply - 250/303/68 millimeters;
  • Firing rate - 4.38 rounds per minute
  • Here is the damage that it deals per minute - 2146 HP.
In the future, we’ll talk about how to play in the best possible way, and what should be better on Joseph, what perks will decorate him, but in general, the IS-7 is a breakthrough tank and I don’t advise you to jump into the fire alone, this player is a close one fight!

So, let's get started - everyone's opinion is that the IS-7 is a miracle machine at level 10, and accordingly its gratitude is that:
  1. the unique Pooh (at level 10 with a 130 mm caliber, corresponds to both penetration and damage);
  2. Our technique is strong - this pike nose, an excellent cover for the forehead (and if you jerk it here and there, then there will be practically no chance of breaking through, NOBODY). Screens protect the sides (often they take damage to themselves);
  3. our stuntman Joseph, one might say, with his speed and without looking at the fact that he is a heavyweight.
So, after all our investigation, in gratitude to something, our seventh is tenacious, it’s time to sort out what we should install on it and which of the many perks to upgrade.

We install modules, but they depend on your plan in the battle and much more - for example, you catastrophically avoid Arta (you are doing this correctly, since Arta is shooting at us from above, but our tower is strong and if we move a little, we interfere with it target the weak point), in the end we will fix it - Lining.

Next up is the style game:

  1. in case of aggressive tactics (cutting ahead and ramming), we equip ourselves in this way:
    Rammer, Stabilizer and Ventilation.
  2. with careful, attentive and deliberate tactics, we equip ourselves like this:
    Aiming drives are a must, we’ll go with the rammer, and we won’t be late with ventilation.

Perks next in line for consideration:

To the commander: a light bulb is legal, then a strap, a mask, a handy master and a fire truck.
Mechanics: for the driver: - strap, mask, master for ramming and fire.
To the gunner: strap, mask, without a smooth rotation of our tower it will be tight, the sniper will definitely have to fire him.
To the loader: strap, mask, must be desperate and fire again.

So I chose, why?

  • yes, all because the light shows whether someone has discovered you or whether you are in the shadows;
  • the repair will help you fix all the breakdowns in one go;
  • the mask does not suit all styles, but makes you less noticeable to the enemy;
  • if the tower turns smoothly, we’ll hit it right, even on the way;
  • our desperate - at 10% HP, it works wonders when recharging;
  • the ramming master will reduce your damage and will hurt the enemy when you ram;
  • a fire starter will help put out the fire, even if we don’t have a fire extinguisher.
This Pike IS-7 tears anyone who gets in her way. I am sure that this TT is level 10, a quality product, even though it has the least HP of all the tier 10 heavy weapons.

I'll tell you another secret, what it contains.

  • Firstly, tank the damage with the turret, try to correctly position the nose of the pike at a large angle;
  • Secondly, use any shelter, even the corpses of tanks, if you haven’t found shelter for yourself, then avoid firefights, since there are only 30 shells and not all of them will reach the target, don’t even try it on board, you’ll only lose your life;
  • Thirdly, at long range shooting the aiming is not great, so make sure that you are safe and if you are in that excellent position, then you have nothing to fear, even self-propelled guns are too tough for you.
  • Choose low hills, they are our friends, then try to substitute your impenetrable tower and go to sniper mode, but not alone, but with the support of an ally who will help you damage the enemy during your long reload - this is the weak point of his seventh - reload. Let's face it, we are dependent on our team and inflicting great damage on one is a task of higher mathematics.
Friends, thank you in advance for your comments on my guides and don’t judge too harshly, because no two playing methods are the same. I will take them all into account and draw conclusions. I support criticism in my direction, adequate and constructive, and I wish you more sulfur and victories!

The IS-7 heavy tank is capable of severely dominating the map, but at the same time, it can be easily squeezed out by many other tanks if you play it incorrectly. This guide to the IS-7 will help you understand how to play this tank, as well as what tactics to use during the game to smooth out all the weaknesses of the seven. The IS-7 performs well only if the player positions himself correctly on the map and is well aware of all the shortcomings of this tank.

A very successful frontal armor profile and a heavy gun are, in fact, the bread and salt of the IS-7. On the other hand, due to the fact that the IS-7 has a slow turret with poor gun traverse angles, as well as a lower frontal part (lower frontal part) with weak armor, this tank is quite difficult to master. But the IS-7 generously rewards players who have learned to cover up the weaknesses of this vehicle, which, however, are not so difficult to cover with the right approach.

How to play the IS-7

The IS-7 tank is a pusher that should be in front, as it has good maximum speed and excellent frontal armor. This doesn't mean you have to be the first to rush into a bunch of enemies and merge. You can and should only push when your team is covering you. The ideal situation is to push against no more than 2-4 enemy tanks, after having thoroughly poked them from behind some embankment or hillock that will cover your NLD.

The IS-7 has excellent frontal ricochet armor, thanks to which most rank 10 tanks will deal zero damage to you. But there is one nuance - the lower armor plate, which you will have to hide with any possible ways. Partly because of this, the IS-7 must be in close combat, since most Tier 10 tanks have a lousy vertical gun angle, so they simply won’t be able to target your NLD at close range.

IS-7 armament


The IS-7 is equipped with a 130 mm S-70 cannon, which produces a lethal 490 damage and penetrates 250 mm armor. Such high damage, which in addition to the IS-7 can only be dealt by the Mouse and the E-100, exceeds any rank 10 heavy tanks with their standard 400-440 dmg. Don't forget about land mines, which can deal 640 damage and will be an excellent choice against weak armored tanks, provided you can break through them.


In general, do not forget that the IS-7’s gun is not very penetrating (250mm/303mm/68mm). Of course, this penetration is enough for any tank of rank 10, but if you compare the penetration of the IS-7 with other tanks of the same rank, the IS-7 does not reach them. If you remember about the spread of 0.4 m from 100 meters and the aiming time of 3.1 seconds, you can be completely saddened. For a heavy tank like the IS-7, which must constantly move, such indicators put an end to shots from a helicopter, because In order to even approximately get where you are aiming, you will have to stand still for quite a long time and converge. In addition, the 0.4m spread greatly complicates shooting at long distances.

With a 100% upgraded team, the IS-7 can fire 4.38 rounds. per minute, respectively, this is equal to 2,146.20 dmg per minute. With 100% command, the “combat brotherhood” skill, a rammer and improved ventilation, the IS-7 will achieve 5,305 rounds per minute. and 2,599.45 dmg/min. So it turns out that our IS-7 guide paints such a picture that the tank’s alpha is simply excellent, and in terms of DPM it is inferior to most 10-rank tanks.

How to play

To mitigate these weaknesses of the IS-7, it is better to go into battle with someone fully charged, this will give you about a 30 second lead in DPM and will only work against tanks that do less than 490 damage per shot. Also, do not forget about the very powerful frontal armor of the IS-7. Almost all level 10 tanks will not penetrate it if positioned properly. This way you can mitigate the disadvantage of DPM due to the fact that shots at you will often ricochet, and your shots will almost always penetrate the target.

There are two conditions here: firstly, you must take positions in which your NLD will be covered (usually these are pits and other places where you can hide the lower part of the tank’s muzzle), because it will penetrate one or two times, and secondly, IS-7 is strictly prohibited from standing up in a diamond shape (with some exceptions, which are discussed in more detail in the tips section). To successfully deflect projectiles, you must face the target due to the fish-like structure of the frontal armor. With this structure, the rule for tanking with a diamond works exactly the opposite, and by standing in a diamond you will get hits in the face at a much smaller angle.

IS-7 armor

By and large, when it comes to the IS-7, whether you will drag this tank or not depends on how you use the frontal armor of this tank.

Upper frontal part

The IS-7 VLD is designed in the form of a “fish nose”, which makes this tank a pain in the ass and, at the same time, creates a lot of pain for those IS-7 drivers who do not know how to use this armor structure. The highest level of effective armor can only be obtained when you are facing the target firing at you.

Gun and turret

Contrary to the expectations of most of your enemies, the IS-7's turret is almost impossible to penetrate by aiming at the gun shields, and even more so at the turret itself. But the condition for this is the same - it is necessary that the tower be located strictly facing the enemy.

The lower frontal part is the weak part of the IS-7

But as for the NLD, the IS-7 has it here big problems. It will be easily penetrated by all and sundry, and you will have to accept this weakness of the tank as your own and cover up the NLD in every possible way. This is done simply - you need to position yourself correctly during the battle.

  1. Try in every possible way to remain facing your opponents.
  2. Clinch tanks with poor vertical gun angles. When you are close to such tanks, they cannot make a penetration shot at your NLD. In a clinch, do not raise the gun when the enemy is about to shoot - at the lower junction of the gun and the turret, the IS-7 penetrates perfectly.
  3. Master the following technique (this will take a lot of practice): During a 1v1 fight, watch where your opponent is aiming. If he is targeting an NLD, rotate the tank's hull slightly so as to increase the effective armor of the NLD (yes, this does not agree with the categorical ban on tanking with a diamond, but this only applies to cases when they are aiming at an uncovered NLD). When the enemy changes target from NLD to VLD, turn your body straight so that his shot ricochets. If the enemy is aiming at the turret, rotate it 10-15 degrees to again blur the angle of the shot. A special burning of trousers can be achieved if you continue to turn the gun left and right by 10-15 degrees - this confuses almost any player. All these features will help you better reflect shots, and will also force your opponents to simply shoot at you less often, because they will have to aim hard and extinguish their lower ass after ricochets.

Conclusions and game tactics

If you add up all the pros and cons of the IS-7, the conclusion is disappointing. In modern World of Tanks, riding the IS-7 is the prerogative exclusively of hardcore and pain lovers. Due to the fact that at the same rank there are already a lot of drummers, and simply more accurate, quickly reloading tanks, including more agile medium tanks that produce excellent DPM, surviving on the IS-7 has become much more difficult than in the old ones. good times, when besides it there were one and a half tanks with similar characteristics.
However, if you have already pumped up the IS-7 or want to try to bend on this tank, stick to simple rules, outlined above in this guide on the IS-7: shoot facing the enemy, cover the lower armor plate, if possible, go into a clinch to protect the same lower armor plate, choose positions protected from artillery, because the structure of the tower and the frontal armor will not protect you from artillery will save. Well, get ready to suffer on a robin, of course.

In this article we will talk in detail about the Soviet IS-7 tank: we will reveal its weak points, indicate its advantages, game tactics, etc.

Let's start with the fact that the IS-7 is a level 10 tank and is the top Soviet heavy tank. I can’t say that the IS-7 is absolutely best tank in the game, but there is some truth in it.
After patch 0.7.0. The IS-7 has become noticeably stronger; it is impossible to penetrate it head-on with armor penetration less than 220 mm.
In my opinion, this is one of the most versatile tanks in the game: it is fast, well armored, and moderately armed.

Tank characteristics:

2150 - Durability (HP.)
70.95 — Maximum tank weight (t.)
68.99 — Tank weight (t.)
1050 - Power (hp)
50 — Maximum speed (km/h)
28 — Turning speed (deg/s)
28 — Turret rotation speed (deg/s)
150/150/70 — Hull armor (mm.)
240/185/94 — Tower armor (mm.)
30 — Ammunition (pcs.)
490 - Basic projectile damage (HP.)
260 — Armor penetration with a basic projectile (mm.)
5 — Rate of fire (rounds/min.)
460 - Review (m.)
820 — Communication range (m.)
6,100,000 — Price in store


1. Commander (radio operator)
2. Gunner
3. Loader
4. Loader
5. Driver

It is definitely necessary to transfer the already upgraded crew to this tank. However, a small problem arises in that the IS-4 has four crew members, and here there are five. That is, you need to find another one somewhere. I advise you to transplant it from some other Soviet tank. For example, I had a well-trained HF crew and I took one loader from there. By the way, you should not sell the IS-4 before buying the IS-7, since the IS-4 will soon also become a level 10 tank, this will save you a couple of million credits in the future.

Pros of the IS-7

1) High maximum speed, but it takes a very long time to gain it. Therefore, you should not think that you will drive at a speed of 49 km/h. Therefore, we conclude that this speed is very helpful when descending a mountain.
2) Excellent armor. This is certainly not a Mouse, but still the armor of this tank is simply excellent.
3) Rate of fire 5 rounds per minute. The tenth level has the fastest rate of fire when compared with other tanks (the French don’t count)

Cons of the IS-7

1) The tower rotates slowly, so in close combat there will be problems with the ST.
2) Weak armor on the sides; it penetrates the track very easily.

Additional equipment and consumables:

— Improved ventilation class 3,
— Large-caliber gun rammer
— At your discretion: Reinforced aiming drives or Vertical aiming stabilizer

— Small first aid kit
— Small repair kit
— Twisted engine speed controller or fire extinguisher

How to play IS-7 correctly:

Since one must always use the strengths of a tank, the IS-7 should definitely be used as a breakthrough tank. It can be used to knock out STs from positions they have already occupied. It seems to me that playing on the defensive is the most ineffective tactic for the IS-7, since the advantages of this tank are lost. I also want to say that there is no point in rushing alone. Some kind of support is always needed. Ideally, another seven or an American T30 will suit you.

IS-7 one-shots:


My review is coming to an end. In conclusion, I want to say again: do not sell the IS-4 before buying the IS-7!

Solitaire Solitaire