Find the cat level 1 in contact. Find the cat games online. More difficult games Find the cat

The Find the Cat game gives you the opportunity to have fun searching for a hidden animal.

In it you are asked to find a cat who is hiding in a secluded place. You definitely won't notice it at first glance! But if you look closely, you can find a long-eared naughty boy who, despite everything, has a very calm and independent appearance. He has no idea that you are looking for him! After you find a cat and click on its image, you will get the next image to search for. The game has a huge number of levels, and the goal in each of them is the same - to find a cat. Any level is an original location, cats hide everywhere: at home, on a busy street, in the forest, and in a bunch of different places. You should carefully study the provided image and understand where it is hiding main character games. If you have any difficulties recognizing it, you can always use the hint. After clicking on a special button, a circle will be drawn on the screen, in the center of which the desired cat will be located. All you have to do is take a closer look at this place and click on the image of the cat.

Finding cats is a serious matter

This exciting game of finding a cat will definitely capture your attention for a long time. From level to level you will need to discover furry pets that are sometimes hiding in the most unexpected places. You will definitely enjoy this process, and the creators of the game understand this very well. That is why they included an incredibly large number of interesting levels in the game.

The game Find the Cat has long won many fans on the VKontakte network. Although the idea of ​​the game itself is quite simple: you just need to find a mustachioed cat face in different situations. The cat can hide anywhere. Here in front of you is a rural landscape, and no sign of the cunning cat. But here are ordinary kitchen shelves, and somewhere here there is also a cat hiding. For those who still want to go through this exciting game to the end and find out the answers to the game Find the Cat on VKontakte, but you don’t have enough time or patience to search for the tailed main character, these tips will help you not to break the gadget you’re playing on.

Answers to all levels Find the Cat

Level 0. At this level, finding a cat is not difficult. He hides near the stones, right under the green plant. The cat is red in color and to notice it, you just need to look a few centimeters to the right of the center of the picture.

Level 1. At this level of the game Find the Cat on VKontakte, we see a room with shelves. That’s where the cunning cat is hiding on the shelf. Pay attention to the second shelf from the bottom. There, right above the stack of white paper, you will see a mustachioed muzzle.

Level 2. This time the cat is on a walk in the park. This is the ginger cat we are already familiar with, and he is sitting in the grass protruding from the stone parapet in the lower right part of the photo.

Level 3. Cat on the beach. And here we really need to try to find the answer. But we do know that he is lurking in the lower right part of the photo between a woman in a white hat and a man in blue trousers.

Level 4. We see a mountain of stones or a stone wall, and on its top, on the right, a cunning but cute cat. It's not difficult to find it here.

Level 5. Cat in the shade of trees. Here we will find it at the very bottom of the picture in the center.

Level 6. A fallen tree, and a cat under its branches, right in the center of the picture.

Level 7. Trees again. And again the cat is right in the center, where the black spot is.

Level 8. Red burnt fence, look at the center of the photo, slightly upward - and there it is, the cat. Although he hid himself well.

Level 9. Again a fallen tree and a road. The cat hid again almost in the center of the picture. A little lower and to the left. This black spot is a black cat with bright eyes.

Level 10. We see a room. The door to the balcony, and in the lowest corner there is a black and white cat. Those who are attentive will notice it immediately.

Level 11. Car parking in front of the house. The mustachioed sly guy sits on the hood of the lowest gray car, on the left.

Level 12. A charming girl at the table and no sign of the cat. However, he just hid himself very well. We look at the dark triangle in the lower right corner and see the animal we are looking for. Passing Find the Cat level 12 is quite difficult.

Level 13. Pink house, beautiful view and cat. He is sitting on the porch of the house on the left. And he doesn't even hide much.

Level 14. Looks like a cemetery road. The cat is not easy to find, but it is located at the bottom of the photo, almost under two trees, on the road.

Level 15. House with stairs. The cat is on these stairs, on the top landing, directly above the head of the rightmost person.

Answer to level 16. Almost an open field. Or a vacant lot. There are no landmarks, but the cat is slightly higher and to the right of the center of the photo.

Level 17. Yellow car. And right below it, on the right, where the radiator grille ends, we see two glowing eyes. The cat has been found.

Level 18. Hangers, hats. The cat is the second red hat from the left. Well camouflaged.

Passing level 19. House, large tree in the foreground of the photo. The cat is in the tree, right in the center.

Level 20. Yellow grass, two trees and a red cat. He is sitting in the grass at the bottom of the picture, next to the right tree trunk.

Level 21. Room again. The cat peeks out from behind the far corner of the TV, near the table.

Level 22. Again the trees and the cat are exactly in the center of the photo.

Level 23 in Find the cat. Winter road. The cat sits at the very bottom of the picture, to the right of the snow spot.

Level 24. There is a gray wall and again a cat’s face in the center of the photo against its background.

Level 25. Kitchen shelves, large white cat on the second central shelf.

Level 26. Dry foliage and two attentive eyes looking at us directly from the center of the photo.

Level 27. Puddle, earth. The cat is hiding at the bottom of the photo, on the right.

Level 28. Willow over water. The cat is under the willow branches, just below the center of the photo.

Level 29. Rock. Just below the center of the picture there is a crevice, and it is in it that the cunning cat sits.

Level 30. Stone staircase. We count the steps. The cat sits third from the top.

Level 31. Kitchen. We can find the cat at the very top of the shelves, on the right, near the door. Where the green wallpaper begins.

Level 32. Shelves with tools. The cat sits on the fourth tier, right at the corner where the shelves connect. It is black.

Level 33. Tables and lots of wires. Finding a cat in such a mess is not easy, but he is there. The cat is sitting almost in the center of the photo, on the right table.

Level 34. Kitchen again. Pay attention to the window. The cat sits in his lower right corner.

Level 35. Greenery, stones and a cat right in the center of the picture.

Level 36. Straw in bales. The cat is on top of the right bale.

Level 37. Renault car. We are looking for a cat on the right side of the radiator grille.

Level 38. There are a lot of colorful dogs and only one red kitten. He sits to the right of the big black dog's nose.

Level 39. An ordinary five-story building. And the cat, as in the song: “my love lives on the fifth floor.” And the cat’s window is in the middle between the balconies, the first on the left.

Level 40. Pink wall, bush. The cat is under a bush, just to the left of a large stone.

Level 41. Flowerbed. The sly cat is in the center of the photo, next to the large leaves.

Level 42. New Year's room. The cat is right in the center of the photo, opposite the white chair.

Level 43. Bedroom, bed. The cat is right between the pillows.

Level 44. Big stones. The cat sits between them, slightly to the left of the center of the photo.

Level 45. A lot of toys. We are looking for a cat among them, at the bottom left. The reference point is a doll, the cat is below it.

Level 46. A room with a table. The cat sits on the cabinet, at the very top, to the left.

Level 47. House and lawn. The cat is in the very first window on the left.

Level 48. The cat is at the very top of the cypress tree.

Level 49. The cat is on the lower roof, slightly to the right of the center of the photo.

Level 50. Bed. The cat is under her, near the lower right leg.

If any answer to the game Find the Cat on VKontakte is not clear, ask questions in the comments below, we will be happy to help you.

You are probably familiar with the game “Find the Cat” - almost every second gamer has tried to play it! It's simple and brilliant: look for the cat in the photo and click if you find it!

The game Find the cat (Where is cat?) - a graphic quest for the most keen-eyed and attentive players! This is the first version of a 10-level photo puzzle with hints.

How to play

The goal of the game is to find the cat in the picture, select it with the mouse and move on to the next task. Due to small, hard-to-see objects, difficulties may arise; if you get stuck, click on the hint at the bottom of the screen. The game will narrow down your search, and you will find every furry faster!

Check the whole house and find the kitten in every picture. Look carefully, those familiar with cat habits will understand how illogical the search will be! The cat loves to hide in the most unexpected places: it can easily climb onto a window frame, perch in a flower pot and a table drawer. The cat is interested in fooling you, but finding the cat in the game is even more interesting!

Today we will talk about the “Find the Cat” application. This is a popular and exciting application in social network VKontakte, the purpose of which, surprisingly, is to search for a cat in the presented images.

A little about the game

The principle of the game is quite simple: the player is shown a certain image (photo); The goal is to find the cat in this image and click on it. Correctly finding the cat in the picture takes the player to new level. It would seem that nothing could be simpler, but some levels need to be worked on, because sometimes cats “merge with the terrain.”

Unlike various unofficial versions of the application, here it is not at all necessary to click on it with the pixel-by-pixel cursor when you find a cat. When you click on the image, a circle appears. The cat must hit it. Sometimes, alas not always, if you find the cat incorrectly and click where it is not, you can still win if the cat is next to the click area.

The game Find the cat in VKontakte is complicated by the addition of a timer, after which the level is considered lost. When you find a cat and move to a new level, additional time is given.

If any difficulties arise, the player has the opportunity to use tips or help from a friend. Unfortunately, this will cost a certain amount of valerian, which is necessary to search for the cat and which, alas, is quite scarce. Additional valerian is given to the user 6 hours after it is used up, or it can be purchased using VKontakte votes, if the player has any.

2,200,000 participants have already become interested in the “Find the Cat” application, and this is not the limit. If you have not installed this application yet, install it immediately and enjoy! Application link.
