Find Triss Witcher 2. Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game. In search of magic

Together with Roche we will travel from Vergen to Loc Muinne, following in the footsteps of Saskia, Philippa, Sheala and Detmold. The transition will end on a mountain plateau, not far from the city. Vernon will lead us further.

Along the way you will have to fight off harpies several times. [Combat] To defeat winged predators, you need to knock them to the ground with the Aard Sign and finish them off with a silver sword. Suddenly, Roche will notice the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose - they will be standing guard at the city gates.

If we completed the first Witcher for the Order, we can safely enter the knights’ camp. If not, the captain of the special squad will put in a good word for us. Roche will be able to convince the guards that we are not guilty of Foltest's death. We will meet Siegfried in the knights' camp. Fortunately, the Grand Master does not believe in our involvement in the murder of the king. He briefly describes the situation in the city and explains why the Order sent its knights to Loc Muinne.

After a conversation with Siegfried, Roche invites us to take a walk around the city. Meanwhile, the captain himself will look into the Redan camp, where he will be waiting for us. We will have time to wander the streets, and then go to the main square and meet Roche again. Now is the time to visit Radovid.

We will tell the king about the murderers and their connection with Sheala de Tanserville. In return, the king of Redania will share with us his thoughts about Temeria: the kingdoms of Redania and Kaedwen are going to divide the country. However, the monarch himself would prefer to place Princess Anais, sister of Ariana La Valette, on the Temerian throne. This way he will have the opportunity not to divide the country. Unfortunately, the girl was kidnapped and is now in the hands of Detmold. Radovid asks us to take the princess from the sorcerer (Flesh of the Flesh). In addition, he promises us to take up Sheala’s case and informs us that the sorceress Triss Merigold is in Loc Muinn; she was captured by the Nilfgaardians. (Where is Triss?).

After an audience with the monarch, we leave the Redanian camp and exchange a few words with Roche along the way. Pragmatic Vernon believes that the life of one sorceress means nothing compared to the fate of the whole of Temeria. Meanwhile, we have every reason to piss ourselves for Triss’s life. As a result, Roche leaves the choice to us and informs us that if we decide to save Princess Anais, he will be waiting in the drains - we can use them to get to Kaedwen’s camp.

[Choice] We have to decide who to save: [A] Triss (Where is Triss?) or [B] the hope of Temeria (Flesh of Flesh).

Flesh of the flesh

If, after a conversation with Radovid, we decide that the needs of the country are higher than the needs of an individual, we will have to save Princess Anais from the clutches of the sorcerer Detmold. To do this, we go down into the sewers and meet Roche there: he will take us to the Kaedweni camp. We inform Vernon that we are ready to fight on his side, and together with him we scatter the Kaedweni guards guarding the entrance to the camp.

Moving along the corridor, we will eventually get out into the air. Roche will skillfully get rid of the shooters on the wall, and we will have to kill the soldiers below. [Combat] When facing several enemies at the same time, you need to remember about blocks and dodging, not forgetting about the Witcher Signs Aard, Yrden, Quen.

Roche opens the gate for us. On the other side of the gate, more Kaedweni soldiers are waiting for us. [Combat] A steel sword, powerful blows and the Yrden Sign will help you deal with them. Soon Geralt is attacked by Detmold's men. Fortunately, Roche is helping us again. [Combat] Let's use the Yrden Sign again: it will allow you to incapacitate your opponents and then finish them off with powerful blows. At the end of the battle, we will be able to get to the sorcerer: we dodge the fiery arrows and move towards him. If you just get closer, he will teleport, so you need to quickly roll up and knock the sorcerer down with the Aard Sign.

Having dealt with the guards, we rush to the tower. Anais is easy to find, but her dungeon is sealed with magic. We'll have to look for Detmold's room. We go to the left, get to the hall and become witnesses to an extremely cruel scene... Without going into details, the sorcerer gives up the ghost not without the help of Roche. With the death of Detmold, all magical barriers collapse.

We return to the dungeon where Anais is being held. We remember Radovid’s words and tell Roche that now the fate of all Temeria is in our hands. Now Vernon must act not as a warrior, but as a diplomat. [Choice] We either honor our agreement with King Radovid [A] or give the girl to the Temerian delegation [B].

[A] If we decide to give the girl to Radovid, the knights of the Order will be waiting for us near the tower. If Siegfried is still alive, you will have to talk to him. In any case, after this you will need to go to the Redan camp. Having reached the gate to the main square with us, Roche remains there and warns that he will go with the knights to King Radovid. We will meet with the captain during negotiations.

[B] If we convince Roche that it is better to give Anais to the Temerians, the knights of the Order will still be waiting for us at the exit from the tower. If Siegfried is alive, he will show mercy and let us leave without a fight. But if we completed the first “Witcher” on the side of the Scoia’tael, then we will have to fight with the knights. [Combat] The best tactic in the fight against men-at-arms is a combination of the Yrden Sign and powerful blows. After the knights of the Order, we will one way or another head to the exit from Kaedwen's camp. Then Roche will say goodbye to us and go with Anais to the court of Constable Natalis of Temeria.

Where is Triss?

The meeting with King Radovid and the information he gives us poses a difficult task for us. We must choose whether to rescue Princess Anais together with Roche, or save Triss Merigold. We decide to save Triss, which means it’s time to remind the Nilfgaardians about ourselves. At the exit from the passages we will fortunately come across Shilyard and a couple of his bodyguards. During the conversation, we kill one of the soldiers and take the ambassador hostage. After this we go, accompanied by Shilyard.

Coming to the surface, we find ourselves in the Nilfgaardian camp, and we are immediately surrounded by soldiers. The commander of the Nilfgaardian guard is not afraid of hostages: he kills Shilard himself, after which we have to fight many opponents at once. [Combat] In the fight against a superior number of enemies, as always, the Aard and Quen Signs help us. By knocking down opponents and paralyzing them, we can easily deal with entire groups of soldiers. To defeat crossbowmen, you need to get within blade length of them and kill them with powerful blows before they even have time to draw their swords. Let's help ourselves with the Aard Sign.

Having destroyed the enemy, we learn that the gates to the city are closed. We'll have to look for another way out of the camp. This time there are only two opponents in front of us. We block their attacks and counterattack with powerful blows. This should be enough. After the death of the guards, we will have to run around, destroying all the other soldiers we meet. Sooner or later we will reach the square where Matsen’s fresh forces await the witcher.

[Combat] There are many opponents, and you won’t be able to rest between the first and second waves of enemies. We should actively place blocks and dodge the soldiers' blows, not forgetting to deliver powerful retaliatory strikes. The signs of Aard and Igni will give us a serious advantage. Soon we will cross blades with Matsen himself, but before that we will have time to talk with him about Triss and the Lodge. After the conversation, the Nilfgaardian will rush into battle. [Battle] There is another battle ahead with the subordinates of Emperor Emhyr. We already know how to deal with shield guards: we dodge a blow with a shield and deliver powerful blows in response. The Signs of Aard, Igni and Yrden will not interfere here. After killing Matsen, we search his corpse and find the key to Triss’s cell.

Now we are one step away from saving Triss: all that remains is to go down the stairs and open the camera. Then there is a long conversation with Merigold, and the sorceress explains a lot to us: she talks about the creation and significance of the Lodge, about the role of Philippa and Sheala in the death of Damavand, about their plans to create a new state in the Pontara Valley... We have a real trifle to escape from with this knowledge Nilfgaardian camps. We are going to the exit from the prison. Here Triss suggests splitting up: in her opinion, it is easier to act separately, and it will be possible to meet again at the place where the sorcerers gather (Meeting of sorcerers).

Meeting of sorcerers

After rescuing Anais (Flesh of Flesh) or Triss (Where is Triss?), we will head to the Loc Muinne Amphitheater. Negotiations will take place there, at which the fate of the Northern Kingdoms will be decided. Depending on past actions, either Triss or Roche and Anais will be waiting for us at the entrance to the amphitheater. Events in negotiations also depend on our past actions.

After talking with Roche in front of the amphitheater, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare that Temeria is divided. Even if he formally represents this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. Overall, he is prepared for Temeria to fall apart. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of division. Divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Therefore, all of Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania... It is at this moment that Roche, Geralt and Anais enter the meeting room. Our heroes place the girl under the guardianship of King Radovid, who announces that upon reaching age, Anais will become the queen of Temeria. If in the first “The Witcher” we killed Adda, the king will say that he will take the princess as his wife as soon as possible.

After talking with Roche in front of the amphitheater, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare that Temeria is divided. Even if he formally represents this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. Overall, he is prepared for Temeria to fall apart. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of division. Divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Therefore, all of Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania... It is at this moment that Roche, Geralt and Anais enter the meeting room. Our heroes transfer the girl into the custody of Jan Natalis, who immediately changes his mind and presents the princess as the rightful heir to the Temerian throne.

The next topic of debate concerns the creation of a new Council and Chapter of Sorcerers. The course of this dispute does not depend on who we gave Anais to. The mages are demanding the creation of a Council in the image and likeness of the institution that existed before the riot on Thanedd. But then Nilfgaard’s ambassador Shilard appears at the meeting. He claims that he managed to capture the killer of Foltest and Damavand. Nilfgaardian soldiers bring Leto into the hall, who tells those gathered about the secret Lodge behind which Philippa and Sheala stand. Radovid sends for the Knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose to arrest the sorceress Sheala. But the dragon interferes with them...

If we did not help Roche in saving Princess Anais and went to the Nilfgaardian camp to help Triss Merigold, the sorceress will be waiting for us at the entrance to the amphitheater. After talking with her, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare that Temeria is divided. Even if he formally represents this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. Overall, he is prepared for Temeria to fall apart. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of division. Divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Consequently, all of Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania... Radovid introduces Princess Anais to the audience and declares that when Anais comes of age, she will become the queen of Temeria. If in the first “The Witcher” we killed Adda, the king will say that he will take the princess as his wife as soon as possible. The next topic of debate concerns the creation of a new Council and Chapter of Sorcerers. The course of this dispute does not depend on who we gave Anais to. The mages are demanding the creation of a Council in the image and likeness of the institution that existed before the riot on Thanedd. At this moment, Geralt and Triss appear. The latter asks to speak and accuses Sheala of organizing the assassination attempts on Foltest and Damavand. Triss claims that there are witnesses to this. Radovid orders the arrest of de Tanserville. The Knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose surround the sorceress, but she summons a dragon.

Dragon Appearance

Having turned into a dragon, Saskia takes Sheala and takes her to a tower near the amphitheater. While the dragon is circling over the city, we have to go to this tower and finish off the sorceress. You can only go to the tower; all other paths are cut off by flames...

We run to the tower and try not to die from dragon attacks along the way. De Tanserville is at the very top. Sheala admits that the Lodge is behind Demavend’s death, and Leto just conveniently fell into the trap. But at the same time, the sorceress believes that the Lodge is not responsible for the death of Foltest and the attempt on Henselt’s life. Like, Leto spent everyone here and acted in the interests of Emperor Nilfgaard Emhyr var Emreis. Moreover, Sheala tells us about a report from a Lodge agent in Cintra: shortly before the meeting, imperial troops crossed the Yaruga River. De Tanserville gives us a hand and disappears, leaving us alone with a very angry dragon... [Combat] We protect ourselves from the jets of flame using the Quen sign. It is better to attack at the moment when Saskia breathes out fire, because it is at such moments that it is easiest to get close to the dragon. When our resistance exhausts the flying creature, the floor will not support the weight of the dragoness and she will fall down. To escape, we will have to climb onto the roof of the building. But the battle will continue there: we still have to deal with Saesintess.

[Combat] Saskia will be hard to defeat. You will have to dodge the dragon's attacks and wait until the opportunity presents itself to deliver a series of powerful blows with the silver sword. Towards the end of the fight, a QTE scene begins, as a result of which we leave the city on the back of a dragon. After the next QTE scene, the dragon will unsuccessfully land on the forest edge and pierce her stomach with a broken tree trunk. Saskia's fate will be in our hands. [Choice] [A] If earlier we freed not Triss, but Philippa, then in our things there is a dagger that breaks the spell. With the help of this enchanted weapon, Saskia's life can be saved. [B] If we killed the Nilfgaardians to save Triss, the saving dagger will not be at hand. All that remains is to abandon the dragon to the mercy of fate or finish her off.

Assassins of Kings

The decisions made in Loc Muinne will lead to the fact that after the battle with Saskia and returning to the city, we will meet Leto. If we previously saved Triss from the Nilfgaardians, she will be waiting for us near the city limits. If we didn't save her, Roche will be in the same place. After a short conversation, Triss or Vernon will tell us about Leto, who is sitting in the former Temerian camp and seems to want to see us.

On the way we see soldiers who are destroying the city. [Combat] The easiest way is to block their attacks, then stop them with the Aard and Yrden Signs, and then finish them off with powerful blows. The sword, of course, is steel.

Sooner or later we get to the place where the Temerian camp stood, and we see the Killer of Kings himself. He stands openly in the square, and the problem of choice will again arise before us. [Choice] You can give him a chance to explain, or you can attack. If the conversation follows, we will learn about looking at recent events from a slightly different perspective. If Leto can convince us, a fight can be avoided. If not, words will be replaced by the clashing of swords. [Combat] If we continue to believe that Leto deserves to die, he must get what he deserves. It is possible to defeat an experienced killer, the main thing is not to forget about blocks, powerful blows and the Igni and Yrden Signs. This will be followed by the final scene.

Prologue | Chapter I [

We present to your attention a walkthrough of the game. As usual, in the continuation of the legendary game, you need to be careful with your choice, with your words and even actions. In addition, the Witcher, as usual, will unravel various conspiracies and intrigues, and even find the killer of kings. According to the laws of the series, players will have to make difficult, and in some cases, cruel moral choices. it still contains many secrets that cannot be revealed immediately.

In our walkthrough of the game, we invite you to familiarize yourself with two alternative endings this great game. What choice to make and which side to take is up to you to decide!


So, the beginning of the game, a dark and gloomy forest... The fleeing and wounded Geralt from Rivia is saved from his pursuers... They are getting closer. Fortunately, it was just a dream. Unfortunately, everything is on this moment much worse. You wake up in a dungeon. Soon the guards join your retreat and begin to thrash you. The whole body is scarred from recent wounds, and the hands are chained. At some point, a man arrives to take you in for questioning.

The person interrogating you introduces himself as Vernon Roche. From the conversation you understand that he leads a secret reconnaissance detachment of Temeria. If you refuse to cooperate with him, then the scaffold awaits you, so you have little choice. The story begins with what happened before you found yourself in this dungeon. You can start the story anywhere, but we think it's better to start from the very beginning.

By the Will of the King - Part 1

This part of the story begins with you waking up next to your lady - Triss Merigold. This day should be busy. Soon the named person spoils everything: the Temerian warrior informs you that King Foltest wants to see you. After a short dialogue with Triss takes place, you leave your tent and a huge camp of the Temeria army opens before your eyes. Go down the hill you are on and soon you will meet the Rubiles from Krinfrid, who will ask you to check a mysterious amulet. As a result, something new begins additional task"The Heart of Melitele"

We do not deviate from the given path and move to the trebuchet, which is firing at the castle called La Valette. Near the trebuchet you will find King Foltest along with a bunch of advisers and the Nilfgaardian ambassador - Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. The king wants you to stay with him. when the assault will take place. You move with the King to the camp where the siege tower is located. At this stage, you will have a choice: when you pass by the ballista, you can help King Foltest and make a successful shot, but you must do this at an angle of 1.5 degrees. Once you make the shot, move further behind the King into the inside of the siege tower.

This is where part of the whole story ends - you mentally return to the interrogation chamber and begin to discuss the siege tower with Roche - we think this was a stupid idea: the King and the nobility decided to have fun on the walls when ordinary people were dying on the streets below. Unexpectedly, after these words, Roche calls Geralt to order, while saying - “some were destined to live in luxury and wealth, and others in ordinary crap.” In general, now you can continue telling your story.

By the Will of the King - Part 2

So we follow the story clearly, now it’s time to tell Roche about your participation in the siege of the La Valette castle. You are now on the walls of this fortress and the barons have entered into battle with the first enemies, so you need to protect King Foltest. The task is simple: help the Temerian nobility kill their enemies - there should be no problems. Once you clear the walls, the King will next want to capture one of the towers, which is defended by one detachment led by Ariana La Valette!


The first tower will be protected by archers who are firing in the area. But more than that, the passage to this tower is blocked. As a result, first you will have to get rid of the barricade. This can be done using a nearby ballista. The ballista is located a little lower - in the courtyard. Go down the wall below and fight the defenders of this fortress. To defeat enemies, use the Yrden Sign, which will immobilize enemies, then you will be able to kill your enemies without much difficulty. Once you defeat all the enemies, bring out the ballista. Suddenly, your preparations for the attack are interrupted by a new batch of defenders of the fortress. You can defeat them with the same use of the Yrden Sign. Once you kill the enemies, return to the ballista. If you make a mistake when interacting with the ballista, then a new batch of enemies will arrive at you. Cock the bowstring and aim at the indicated barricade. This is all done very simply: press the buttons in rhythm that will be shown to you on the screen. Once you do everything, you will once again be attacked by La Valette soldiers. After defeating them, you will be able to shoot from the ballista and destroy the key barricade.

On the front line

After you have broken the barricade, go back to the wall and meet with the rebel count named Echeverria. The count will not be alone, but together with his knights. If, before the start of the assault, you successfully fired from the ballista, then the count will be a corpse and here you will only meet his charges. The battle will be much more difficult than those that came before. There will be many more enemies here and their coordination will be confident and more accurate. You need to try to dodge and attack enemies from behind (this will double your damage dealt). In this battle, the Irden and Quen Signs can help you.

Once you kill the last soldier in this tower, follow King Foltest to the next tower. Another batch of opponents awaits you under the wooden gallery. Using the same tactics, you can easily defeat them. Next, the knights of King Foltest will begin to cut down new doors. Behind these doors there are more enemies, but this time among them there will be a dangerous and strong fat guy along with his assistants. It will be easier for you to defeat this enemy using the Yrden Sign. After that. Once you defeat this group of enemies, the next target will be Ariane La Valette.

The king, as always, will send you into the thick of things: you will have to climb to the top and unlock his gates for the knights. In addition, you need to kill or capture Arian. In general, along the way, dodge the enemy's arrows and run forward. Soon there will be enemies on your way that you need to kill. In the end, when you get to the top, you will meet Ariana La Valette. Here you have a choice of three options for the fate of this gang: you can convince Aryan to surrender; you can challenge Arian to a fair fight and save his people’s lives; finally you can fight with everyone and kill all the rebels. The consequences of this choice will become clear a little later, when you escape from prison. If you decide to fight, then get ready for attacks and counterattacks from your opponents. Here it is more important than ever for you to use the Irden and Aard Signs. At this point, Vernon unexpectedly interrupts your story and so you return back to the prison cell. After a short dialogue, you are asked to continue your story.

Trial by Fire

The next important part of the story is the capture of the castle, where the children of the Temerian King are kept. After you have stormed the siege weapons of the La Valette fortress, Geralt, King Foltest and Triss move to the last bastion, which separates you from the sanctuary, in which the King's children are most likely hidden. Vernon Roche's squad opens the gate for you, and it seems that the path to the sanctuary is clear. But suddenly, something starts to go wrong and the witcher’s medallion begins to vibrate very strongly. A huge dragon suddenly appears above your heads! At some point you manage to run out onto the bridge that leads to the city.

A huge group of enemies awaits you here. As usual, you have to fight with opponents who significantly outnumber you. So, try to block blows and make counterattacks more often, in addition, use the Aard and Yrden Signs. Gradually you will begin to make your way to the next gate. Triss will clear your further path. Suddenly there will be a huge collapse and your beloved will be left on opposite side. The bridge located in front will burn with a bright flame. so we need to find another way. At some point the dragon will appear again. But fortunately, he will soon leave, frightened by the trebuchet. Your story is interrupted again by Vernon. He knows all this and has seen it with his own eyes. so it's time to continue the story from another place.

Blood from blood

Now Roche wants to know more about what happened inside the sanctuary. Since the gates were locked, you were ordered to find the secret passage that the priest told the prisoners about.

To the sanctuary

While searching for a secret passage, you may stumble upon a couple of Temerian soldiers who have begun to terrorize the local population. This is how the new task “Woe to the Vanquished” begins (see the walkthrough in another section). And if you also told the truth about the medallion, then you will soon learn about the fate of Small (one of the Krinfridsky rubiles), whom you once met in the camp on the assignment “The Heart of Melitele”.

While exploring the town you will soon find wooden doors. The door will lead you into a courtyard where there will be a well in the middle. Soon at this point you will be attacked by several La Valletta soldiers. Use the Yrden Sign in battle with him to immobilize them and easily finish them off with a steel sword.

The note: There is a fragile wall in the dungeon. You can destroy this wall using the Aard sign. There will be useful things and objects behind the wall.

So, this well turns out to be the very secret passage. Below there is a system of underground passages that are located under the entire city. In the dungeon you will encounter a couple of monsters. Against these enemies you can again use the old combination: Yrden + steel sword. As you exit the tower, you will soon be attacked by La Valette soldiers. In general, another battle in which there will be a new batch of corpses. After another victory, go to the temple garden. Once you find yourself in the courtyard, you will see that you managed to get inside the temple. Here you will face another squad of enemies. One of these enemies has the key to the room where the mechanism for raising the gate is located. Kill all enemies, take the key and go open the gate to reunite with King Foltest and Vernon Roche.

Vernon interrupts your story once again. Thinking back to the torture chamber, it turns out that Vernon is gradually starting to believe your story. And if you tell us about what happened next, then he will probably completely believe you.

Now it’s time to tell about the meeting with the high priest and another rebellious count named Tiles. From these people you learn that the children of King Foltest, Bussi and Anais are in a secluded place, in the tower of the sanctuary - go there. On the bridge that leads to the sanctuary, a dragon unexpectedly attacks you.

Things won't be so easy here now. Get ready for the fact that you will have to press the keys extremely quickly. If you fail then your adventure will be over. So, the wounded Vernon will be on the opposite side of the bridge, and you, if everything goes well, will be able to make the dragon fly away from here. then, together with King Foltest, you will get to his children. You will find the kids on the top floor along with a strange monk. The monk will invite everyone to lead a prayer. Suddenly you notice the monk's vertical pupils, but you fail and don't make it in time. King Foltest dies, and the killer escapes by jumping out the window into the river. Then the army of the late Foltest comes running and accuses you of this terrible murder. As a result, you find yourself imprisoned in a dungeon, where the interrogation is currently taking place.

Dungeon of La Valette Castle

Roche apparently believes your words, but he has no witnesses, much less evidence of innocence. In any case, the court will provide you with the death penalty. So, Roche is hinting that he is your only chance of salvation. You can decide for yourself what to do with his offer. If you agree to cooperate with him, then Roche will help you get out of this place, but if you refuse, then certain death awaits you. From such a choice, you have no choice but to agree to his proposal and go look for the killer. Besides this, this is your only chance to clear your good name. In the end, Roche hands you the key to the shackles, after which you are taken back to the dungeon.

After the interrogation, you find yourself back in your cell. It’s good that you were able to convince Roche of your innocence and he gave you the key to the shackles. You can use the key and provoke the guards to re-enter your cell and try to shackle you. You can also provoke the guards, and later they will enter your cell themselves. In general, in any case, you will have to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. The fist fight will be based on pressing certain buttons that are shown on your screen - nothing complicated. Once you defeat the guards, you can take the key to the cell from one of them. And in the chest nearby there are two elixirs: “White Seagull” and “Cat”.

Now it's time to get out of this dungeon. Move towards the exit. You can get out either secretly or kill everyone who gets in your way. Our method is based on a non-killing passage.

The first patrol guard will be in the first hall. As you enter the hall, you will have to hide in the cell on the left side and wait a while until the patrolman goes to the doors through which you just passed. Next, sneak up behind him and knock him out. After that you can move on.

You have two options for leaving this dungeon: the upper corridors and the lower ones. But everything again depends on how you dealt with Arian La Valette in the past in the task “By the Will of the King”. The events that will occur next are noticeably different from each other.

You will find yourself in a corridor at the end of which there will be a door. On the left side there is a guard patrolman who will monitor the prison cells. You must extinguish the nearest torch and thus attract the attention of the guard. When he comes closer to you, quickly knock him out.

Now move to the left side from which the guard came. A prisoner notices you from one cell and begins to scream very loudly, which undoubtedly attracts the attention of the guards. You need to hide in one of the empty cells, then get up from behind and knock out another guard. Next, go to the next room. Go around the guard and crouch behind the barrels on the left side. Extinguish the nearby fire again and knock out the guard who tries to light the fire. There will be another guard standing nearby, so you should now move over and hide behind the barrels in front. When attracted by the noise, he will come closer, so this is your chance to knock him out. Now you can go to the next room.

So, in this version, you will see how two guards take the captive Arian La Valette out of his torture chamber. At some point, the young baron will kill both guards and at the same moment Geralt will appear. After a short dialogue, you promise him to clear the further path, and then you will return for him and help him, since he is very exhausted from torture.

When you return for Aryan, you will go upstairs together. At one point, the nobleman will tell you about some secret passage. Soon he will open it for you and show you how to leave this dungeon, while saying that he will take care of the rest himself. Soon he sets fire to nearby oil barrels and cuts off the path back. You will find yourself in a small corridor that leads you outside. Merigold awaits your arrival at this place. Together with her, you run to Vernon Roche's ship to finally go in search of the mysterious killer.

In this case, you will see how the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterle takes poor Louise La Valette out of the torture chamber. You need to move up and kill all the guards you encounter along the way. After you defeat the guards, start looking for a way out. Eventually, you will end up in a room where the Baroness and Shilyard Fitz-Oesterlen are located.

After a short dialogue, the ambassador will offer you his help. Naturally, the death of King Foltest only benefited Nilfgaard, so a favor was simply provided for Emperor Emhyr. Shilyard will call off the guards who came and report that the Witcher is somewhere lower in the dungeon. As a result, all the guards rush there. Your road to the top is now free. As you leave the prison, move to the left, where you will soon meet Merigold. Together with her you go to the ship of Vernon Roche, who is waiting for you. Since the killer of King Foltest was helped by “squirrels,” you go to a city called Flotsam, where you recently noticed a detachment of the Scoia’tael leader Iorveth.

Chapter 1

Bad reception

Thanks to Vernon Roche (commander of the secret detachment), you were able to escape from the dungeon of the La Valette fortress. To find the killer of King Foltest, you go by ship to the Roche trading post, which is located in Flotsam. After you arrive, you go to explore.

So, we go on reconnaissance together to Triss and Vernon. Your path lies through a dense forest. Suddenly you hear a flute playing. Roche is more confident than ever that there are elves near you. Soon you meet the leader of the "squirrels" named Iorvet. A very famous partisan who has known Vernon Roche for a long time. From this dialogue you understand that the elves have been hunting for Roche for a very long time, in addition, Iorveth is hiding the killer of King Foltest. In general, to quote Iorvet, you have a “conflict of interest” on the spot. Merigold suddenly fires magical lightning at Iorveth, but the elf skillfully dodges and in response, a whole squad of elves will attack you. Next, Triss creates a protective barrier around you that protects you from arrows. But this ability also has its own side effect - Triss quickly loses her strength, so she eventually falls and loses consciousness. Vernon takes Triss and you are now covering their retreat. We recommend that you do not go beyond this magical barrier, as Geralt will quickly be killed with arrows. Use power techniques against elves. Vernon drags Merigold to Flotsam. Soon the local guards come to your aid. The leader of the elves promises you that you will meet with him more than once. The guards tell you that you can still make it to the execution, which is taking place on the grounds of this town.

By the will of the gods and executive fools

As you already know, an execution is taking place in the city. Moving through Flotsam you will see many people in the center of the town: they would rather see how the condemned are dealt with. So, having arrived at the place, you see how your old friends were among those sentenced: Buttercup and Zoltan. And Buttercup, as it becomes known, is Vernon’s mysterious informant. As soon as you approach the gallows, one of the guards turns to you. From this guard you learn that Zolton was accused of collaborating with the Scoia'tael, and Dandelion is being tried for debauchery and rowdy. So, you have several options to solve this problem: you can set a crowd of people on the guards or try to confuse the guards. In general, any decision will lead to the fact that you will have to beat all the guards.

After you have won, the executioner begins to execute all the condemned, so you need to quickly deal with him. When you also beat the executioner, Loredo, the Gornison commandant, will fall into the square. It doesn’t matter what you choose in the dialogue with him, you will be able to ensure that your friends are not hanged in any case. But despite the fact that they were spared, they are not allowed to leave the city. Next, the commandant invites you to go before him to his house in the evening; a new task, “The Vile Proposal,” will immediately appear.

Vile proposal

While rescuing old friends (Dandelion and Zolton), you simultaneously meet the commandant of this city. Subsequently, he invites you to come to his place in the evening. There is no way you can refuse his offer, so after 21:00 you must go to Lored’s house. So, you will need to talk to the guards who are standing near the gate: they will take your weapon away so that you don’t do anything. During the dialogue, Vernon Roche will join you. Now you go into the house together, chatting with Roche along the way.


So, inside, Roche notices that the commandant has a ballista and it is pointed towards the harbor. Thanks to this, every ship that arrives and leaves Flotsam is under the precise attention of the commandant. If you want to be independent of Lored in the future, then you will have to take care of this siege weapon in advance. In addition, the ballistas are still in custody, so girls will be more useful than ever to distract the guards. In general, now you need the help of a local courtesan named Margarita. Margarita is near the mansion. In a conversation with her, you can achieve the point that you will have to pay her or simply provide one service. If you choose to provide a favor, then she will ask you to give the devils to two guards: Alphonse and Myron. Two people will be nearby, you will have to defeat them in an arm-wrestle. In general, in any case, Margarita will fulfill your proposal and lead the guards away from the ballista. Now you have time to deal with this ballista. And keep in mind that you can postpone this task until later, when you meet with the commandant. But we recommend that you do not waste your time and immediately ruin this ballista.

After you go up the stairs, you will find yourself at the entrance to the house. Your further path will be blocked by one of the guards, who will say that Loredo is supposedly busy at the moment, since he currently has a meeting with a sorceress named Sheala. Vernon Roche will ask you to wait downstairs. You can look around here carefully, and then make sure that all the passages here are either blocked or closed, so all that remains for you is to go down to Vernon.

Vernon will tell you that he can distract the guards so that you can sneak into the backyard and see what is happening there. At this stage, if you have not yet killed the monster called Kayran, then an unknown merchant will contact you. If you agree to listen to him, he will tell you that there is a unique part of the trap in the backyard. You can use this trap if you hunt Keiran. According to the merchant, someday you will be forced to defeat him. In general, you have another reason to visit the backyard of your house.

While Roche distracts the guards who are guarding the backyard of the house, you can sneak in and see what's going on there. Next, you will have to wait for the moment when the guard turns his back to you so that you can quietly and calmly knock him out. Next, you must quietly sneak up to the next guard and knock him out, but be careful, as there is a bucket here that can create a lot of noise. As a result, you find yourself in the backyard. Make your way under the windows and listen to the conversation inside the house, in which Sheala and the commandant participate. After they talk there, return to Vernon and go to meet Loredo.

Even if the guards catch you in the backyard of the house, you will also end up in Loredo’s house, but you won’t know about what he talked about with Sheala. When he comes out, you will simply be led past her. Loredo will first start asking about what the killer of King Foltest is doing in his Flotsam. In general, in any case, Loreda gives you a new task: you will have to kill Iorvet along with his squad. Next, he invites you to turn to old Zoltan for help. And if Zoltan is not yet allowed to leave the city, then Loreda will allow him to leave the city on the condition that you kill the monster that lives in their harbor. Of course, you have to accept the proposals, since you don’t need problems with the city authorities at the moment. After you talk with Loredo, you can start studying side quests. You can go complete the “Kayran” quest, and if you have already killed the monster, then you can fully concentrate on finding the leader of the Scoia’tael Iorveth on the “Assassin of Kings” quest.


The Blue Stripes' ship had already been slightly damaged by the Kayran's attack and was subsequently unable to enter the harbor. When you first visit Flotsam's inn, while talking with your old friends, a peasant intervenes and calls on everyone to take up arms as the kayran is attacking the harbor. Marigold will decide to go and see what is happening there, so he thinks that someone is casting a spell there.

Follow the peasant. After arriving at the harbor, it turns out that the monster has already run away, and only a couple of peasants and a sorceress remain on the pier. A little later it turns out that Sheala knows you. The peasants are very angry with Sheala, since she allegedly almost killed their friend named Zosik. Depending on what you answer to people, there will be a different outcome. You can intimidate as usual, but if it doesn't work, then a fight will occur. There is also an option to convince them that the monster is to blame for everything, and the sorceress has nothing to do with it.

In general, in any case, in any case, you will have to talk with Sheala de Tanserville. She will tell you that she arrived in Flotsam as soon as she heard about the monster. Suddenly your conversation is interrupted by a man named Ludwig Moers. He will tell you that local merchants promise a reward for killing the kayran. According to him, Sheala and the witcher will be able to kill this monster. Here Sheala makes you a tempting offer: she is ready to fight with you against the monster and will even give up some of the coins. In return, she only asks for some ingredients. The sorceress will also advise you to meet with the merchant and talk to him about the price for the kayran. The girl herself will go to her room, which she rented on the second floor of the tavern. If you suddenly need it, you can find it there.

Keiran - a question of price

Go to the merchant to talk to him to discuss the reward for killing the monster. In the dialogue, you can intimidate him or try to use the Axiem sign, although you can simply demand that he raise the price for the work. In addition to all this, you have the opportunity to demand an advance from him. The merchant himself does not know anything at all about the kayran and we recommend that you contact Cedric, who is known in the city as a local trapper. You can find Cedric in Bindyuga nearby, which is located under the city walls.

Without wasting time, quickly move to Cedric. Near the gate you will soon meet Triss, who will ask you not to get involved with Sheala. No matter what you answer, she will join you in searching for Cedric. As you walk further, you can hear the local guards and one elf talking about him. If you talk to the elf, then she will tell you where you can find Cedric.

So, you will find Cedric as it should be in the indicated place. Among all the information, the important thing is that he killed most of his victims with the help of mucus, so you should take a closer look at his poison before you start fighting. Cedric will tell you that he recently saw traces of a monster near a wrecked ship in the eastern part. After you talk to Cedric, Triss will teleport, saying that she will be waiting for you near the island of the ship.

Move through the dense forest above straight to the river. After some period of time, you will see Triss near the ruins of the bridge, and on the shore you will see the broken ship that Cedric spoke about before. All you have to do now is go down below. When you are already approaching the ship, a couple of drowned people will get out. Defeating them is not too difficult: you need to use fast attacks and use a silver sword. After you defeat the monsters, collect Kayran mucus, with which you will need to brew a potion a little later. This potion will make you immune to Kayran mucus. In addition to the anti-potion, you will also need to find a plant called tenecost. Triss will recommend that you go back to Cedric and ask him for this plant, while Triss herself will be located near the broken ship.

Keiran - tenecost

Since you need Cedric's knowledge again, go to him. Return back to the Bindyuga area. If you don't find the trapper near the watchtower, then he is in his house. Say that you found Kayran slime and now you need tenecost. Unfortunately, the elf does not possess this plant, but he knows where it can be found - in the ruins in the south.

Once you find yourself near the ruins, you will need to find a passage into the cave, which is hidden by a waterfall. And when you find yourself inside the cave, then several flocks of neckers will attack you. When you fight these monsters, then use the Aard sign, since with this sign you can knock down the Neckers and finish them off with your silver sword. In the farthest part of the cave you can find the long-awaited tenecost. Now you can start brewing the potion. Return back to the city and tell Sheala that you are now ready to fight the monster. The sorceress will respond by telling you that she will be waiting for you near the ruins of the bridge, where the monster’s lair is located nearby. When you get to the indicated place, the sorceress will tell you about her plan. She will be on top and provide support with her magic, but you will have to fight the monster below. Please note that fighting a monster is not easy. He will attack you with his huge tentacles and if you get too close to him, then he will spit out his poisonous mucus. When you chop off four tentacles of a kayran, a cut-scene will begin in which you just have to press the indicated buttons and the battle will be over. Once you finish the battle, you can return back to Flotsam to the merchant and receive your well-deserved reward.

Assassins of Kings

After you have received the reward for sending the monster into oblivion, you will again meet Triss at the entrance to Lored's house. The further conversation can turn out completely differently - it all depends on whether you accepted Loredo’s offer or not. In general, in the end you find out about the prison barge that is docked in the harbor. On this barge they are holding captive "squirrels", including Iorveth's right hand, an elf named Ciaran aep Easnillen. You need to find out from him if he knows anything about the murder of King Foltest. Head to this floating prison.

Please note that the ship will be guarded by two guards, but if you accepted Loredo's offer, then they will let you through without any problems. if you have not accepted Loredo's offer in the past, then you will have problems. But even here there is a way out, because they can be convinced, intimidated, or simply bribed. Climb aboard the barge and go down to the lower deck, where Ciaran is being held. So, the elf will be very badly beaten and exhausted, in addition to this, he is near death and periodically loses consciousness. In order to bring him back to his senses, Triss will need your help: calm him down with the Axia sign and the sorceress will be able to cast healing magic on him. After these steps, you will be able to have a normal conversation with Ciaran. If you can talk normally, then you will find out that the thug who killed King Foltest is called Leto. In addition to Foltest, he also killed Damavand. And with the help of the elves, he achieved his goals, and naturally now he wants to remove the Scoia'taels together with Iorveth. According to Ciaran, it was Leto who defeated his detachment. After you talk with the exhausted elf, Geralt has a new vision - the abduction of Yenifer by the Wild Hunt.

Rose of Memory

Having learned about the visions, Triss says that she will try to return Geralt’s memory and memories in general. Cedric told Triss that not far from the ruins you can find some “roses of memory.” If you bring these flowers to Merigold, then she can make you a potion and possibly give you back your memory. You can ask your beloved to go to the ruins in a place with her, or go there completely alone.

You will have to move further through the forest extremely carefully: along the way there will be many traps set by hunters and various monsters, such as endriags and nekers. As you approach the waterfall, then Triss will say that you are already approaching the ruins. Following her, you will soon climb a hill. From this hill you will see very beautiful ruins of the elven empire, where roses of memory will come in handy. As soon as you pick the flowers, three bandits suddenly attack you near the statues of your beloved elves. It won't be too much to defeat this gang. challenging task, if you place blocks on time. During the battle, the ground will suddenly collapse under your feet and you and Merigold will find yourself in the elf bath. Using the Aard sign, destroy the wall nearby, but you will soon see that nothing useful comes from this. It's time to talk about this situation with Triss. If you play the dialogue correctly, you can end up in the bathhouse with her. If you start loading her up with things to do, then you can forget about passion. Triss will ask you to forget about everything, forget about further matters and run with her far from this place and begin new life. At the end of this conversation, try to use the Aard sign again and this time your attempt will be crowned with success. If you act out a love scene with the sorceress, you will forget about time and completely lose your head, after which Roche will begin to worry about your disappearance and will soon come to your aid. And now, together with Vernon and Triss, you will return back to Flotsam to talk with Zoltan. According to Merigold, Zoltan will help lead you to Iorveth.

So in this case, on the way to the roses of memory you will encounter endriags and neckers. When you fight with the Neckers, it is best to knock them down using the Aard sign, and then finish them off with your silver sword. And when you fight the Endriags, then use the Yrden sign. The ruins are located above the waterfall nearby. Climb the hill and from this place you will see huge statues of lovers - this is where the desired plant is located. Once you pick a couple of flowers, you can return back to Flotsam to see Triss. At this point, the sorceress will tell you that it is time to contact Zolton, since he can help you find Iorvet, since he, in turn, really contacted the “squirrels”. You can find Zoltan, as always, in the tavern. If you tell him that you need to meet with Iorveth in order to find the killer of kings, then Zoltan will agree to help you.

So, now you, accompanied by Zoltan, must go deep into the forest. At some point you will realize that you are being followed. In the end, Zoltan will pronounce the secret password, but the elves will not lower their bows from you. Zoltan will offer to go to another place to meet with the elves, but hints that this will be a trap. Your new meeting place is the crab spider's lair. The next monster will not pose any special problems for the witcher. Zoltan will lead you straight to the monsters' lair. Before entering the cave, you will have a choice: to take Zoltan inside or not. Please note that the new monster will be slightly stronger than the previous monsters that you have previously met in the forest, so in battle with it it is better to use the signs: Inni and Yrden. In the future, you will have a conversation with the elf captain, and if you fail to talk to them, then death awaits you. So we recommend that you be more polite and try not to anger the elves, led by Iorveth. You will have to explain to Iorvet that it was Leto who killed his detachment and, moreover, he now needs to kill Iorvet. In the future, you will have to lead Iorveth to Leto in order to ultimately catch the murderer of King Foltest. In addition, the elves of Iorveth will be in ambush, so you will have cover.

So, now, together with Iorvet, you go to meet Leto. The Witcher is waiting for you in the same elven ruins where you were looking for the rose of memory. Near the statues of lovers you will soon find Summer.

In a conversation with Leto, Iorvet will soon realize that Geralt was right and the witcher really wants to kill him. In addition, you will learn that somewhere in Upper Aedirn he has comrades. As the situation escalates, a clash occurs between the elves and Roche's soldiers who suddenly appear. Here you have to choose: if you give the sword to Iorvet, then he will flee, and a little later the non-humans in Flotsami will suffer greatly; if, instead of giving him the sword, you knock him out, then he will be captured by Roche, and Flotsam will throw a couple of holidays in your honor. But in any case, you will find yourself in the elven bath, where a fight with Leto will take place. The fight with the kingslayer will not be so easy. You have to use power attacks, block his blows and remember to use signs. Unfortunately, the Witcher will lose Leto’s duel in any case and he will make you unarmed. But still, he leaves you alive, saying that he is repaying his debt to you, even though you don’t remember about it. After this, he speaks his thoughts out loud and goes to Triss so that she can take him to Aedirn.

Inside the ruins you will find either Roche or Iorveth, depending on which side you chose before. There will be no time for chatter here, because Leto has left to look for Merigold and you need to get to her first.

Where is Triss?

This task will change depending on which side you chose in the past. If you chose Iorveth’s side in the “Assassins of Kings” mission, then he will be able to fight off Vernon’s soldiers and nonhumans will be massacred in Flotsam, but if you did not give him weapons, then holidays in your honor are expected in Flotsam.

A brutal massacre broke out in the city. When you get to the city, you will suddenly be stopped by guards at the gate. If, while completing the task “Infamous Proposal”, you agreed to work with Loredo, then you will be allowed into the city without any problems. If you refused Loredo the task, then the guards will let you in. If they don’t let you in, then, as always, you can intimidate, persuade, or use the Axiy sign. In general, you will find yourself in the city in any case, and once you are inside, the following picture awaits you: people are brutally slaughtering all non-humans. When you reach the inn, you will hear the voice of old Dandelion and judging by his voice, he simply huge problems. So, enter the inn. It turns out that the hillbilly decided to have fun with two elves, whom Buttercup bravely defends. You can convince anxious men to convince or use the Axiy sign. Keep in mind that if you fail, then there will be a fight. If a fight breaks out, then you won't have to slaughter everyone here, you'll just have to knock them out a little in a fist fight. After you protect Buttercup and the elves, they will tell you about what is going on here. Ask him about Merigold and he will tell you that she wanted to talk with the sorceress Sheala when Dandelion told her about the megascope. Now it's time to visit Sheala's room. Once you find yourself in the room, you will find many traces of blood and a hole in the wall. Now it’s time for you to go to the brothel, since apparently someone was watching this establishment through this hole. In the brothel, you find out that Triss has already spoken with Philippa. Another girl named Garvena will tell you that Cedric went into the forest for some reason (and the tracks also lead towards the forest). Now it’s time for you to drink the “Cat” elixir to view the further bloody path. Following on bloody trails You will soon find yourself in a clearing where there is a waterfall nearby. Here you will find the seriously wounded Cedric. With the last of his strength, the elf will tell you about what happened here. It turns out that Tris asked him to provide a couple of services. When they entered the room of the sorceress Sheala together, they were attacked by a huge witcher. The Witcher turned out to be so fast that Cedric had no time to do anything. Subsequently, the witcher forced Merigold to teleport them using a megascope. In addition, it turns out that Leto was trying to get into the vicinity of the dwarf district in the city of Vergen, which is located somewhere in the upper part of Aedirn, also known as Upper Marchi. Soon Cedric leaves this world in your arms and after a while Dandelion finds you along with Zoltan.

After you fight Leto and lose, Roche finds you. He will tell you that he managed to capture Iorvet. But still, Letho escaped, so Triss is in great danger. You would rather run into the city with Roche. In the city square you will find Loredo. The commandant declares a holiday for your victory over Iorveto and declares you heroes. Now go to the inn and find Buttercup there - we ask him about Triss and he will direct you to Sheala’s room. In the sorceress's room you find traces of blood and a hole in the wall. There is a brothel behind the wall, so go there in search of witnesses. Once you find yourself in a brothel, here you meet a friend of our Buttercup and she will tell you that she was watching Cedric and Triss. Merigold wanted to know who Sheala was talking to through the megascope. It turns out that Triss wanted to contact Kaedwen's court magician, Detmold. The elf friend no longer has a clue what happened next, but she definitely heard that there was a struggle later. After she left, she only saw Cedric, who was running headlong towards the forest. Use the "Cat" elixir to follow the bloody trails in the forest. Soon you will find yourself in a clearing with a waterfall. In the clearing you will find the wounded Cedric and with the last of his strength he tells you what happened in Sheala’s room. Triss asked him to help, when they entered Sheala’s room together, Leto found himself there. He was so fast that Cedric couldn't do anything. The Witcher overpowered them and forced Triss to teleport him using a megascope. It turns out that Leto was trying to get to the outskirts of the city of Vergen, or rather to the Krasnolyudsky district. The city is located in Aedirne, otherwise it is also called Upper Markhi. Soon Cedric dies right in your arms and a little later your friends (Dandelion and Zoltan) find you.

At a crossroads

Depending on what actions you performed in the past, it depends whether there was a pogrom or a holiday in Flotsam. Let's be brief - Triss was kidnapped by Leto, and Cedric was killed. Soon your friends Zoltan and Dandelion find you. Depending on what you did in the past, your future conversation will depend. If you helped Iorvet, then Dandelion will tell you that Roche wants to do something against Loredo. If you did not help Iorvet, then Zoltan will ask you to help the Scoia'tael to help and capture the barge. You have a very difficult choice ahead of you. If you helped Iorveth and in this case decide to help Roche (on the quest “Death to the Traitor”), then finish the first chapter with Roche. If you did not help Iorvet and decide to rescue him from the prison barge on the mission "The Floating Prison", then by the end of the first chapter you will find yourself in the company of Iorvet.

Vernon Roche

You can find Roche in his house, which is located in the city, Iorvet will be in the elven ruins. Each of them will be able to tell you a lot of very interesting things.

As Roche says, Loredo sold himself into the clutches of Kaedwen and is now hiding the spy Henselt in the city. Roche is determined to capture this Kaedweni and extract all the valuable information from him. And Loredo, in turn, will be sentenced to death in the “Death to the Traitor” building.


In the squirrel camp, you learn that the elves intend to make their way to Aedirn to help defend the dwarf city called Vergen. Iorveth will tell you that the Maiden of Aedirn commands everyone there, with whom everyone knows Philippa. The Virgin intends to build an independent state in the Pontara Valley, where there will be a place for both humans and elves. But all this can be prevented by King Henselt, since he is about to storm Vergen, so Iorvet intends to help Vergen defend himself. But in order to be in time for the assault, he will have to help get out of the prison barge on the mission “Floating Prison”.

Death to the traitor!

If you chose Roche's side, then work according to his developed plan. Bianca will have to dress up as a local prostitute to sneak into the Loredo estate unnoticed. You will help her in killing Vernon. The rest of the Blue Stripes will only come to the rescue if absolutely necessary. When night falls, go to a place where you can more easily climb the wall that surrounds the Loredo estate. Soon you will find a ladder that will allow you to climb the most top part walls. Once you get to the top, you will see a girl running from a rich man. You must go down to this garden and carefully knock out the man who is chasing the girl. The rescued girl will tell you that Bianca was taken to one of the towers, but the door to the tower is closed, and only the local guards have the key. In addition, you will also need a second key, which is located with the commandant’s mother. Loredo's mother is in the basement making fisstech. You can get to it through the garden, but if you don’t want to make your way quietly, then you can make your way noisily and kill everyone who gets in your way. Ultimately, you will come to a wooden fence anyway. Climb over this fence and then through open window you will find yourself in Loredo's house. Once you are inside, move towards the basement. Here you will have to kill one guard. Once you clear your way, move to the very end of this corridor, where you will find doors. These doors will lead you to Loredu's basement, where his mother is engaged in fisstech. Soon after the conversation you will have to press the corresponding buttons on the screen. Now go upstairs and kill all the guards. At some point you will stumble upon sleeping guards - no need to make noise, just quietly clean up and take Lored's key in the chest, which is located near the window. Now you can go up even higher and open the doors. When you open the doors, you will see Bianca, who has been tied up, and Loredo is attacking you from the next room. Here you will again see a cut-scene in which you will need to press the appropriate buttons. If you are not quick, then Geralt will be killed. After you defeat Loredo, you can free Bianca. Soon you will hear strange sounds from the next room. Following strange sounds, you soon find an elf named Moril and the most important thing is that she will soon begin to give birth. You decide to take the poor girl out of the house, but almost halfway through the journey her water begins to break and Bianca decides to give birth in the commandant’s house, but you go for help. Soon you get out of the tower and meet Vernon Roche's squad. Now the ship is ready to sail to the border of Kaedwen and Aedirn.

floating prison

If you choose Iorveth, believing that he can be more helpful in finding the killer of King Foltest and finding Triss Merigold, then agree to help the elves. The elves' plan is very simple: to sneak into the city unnoticed, then to seize the prison barge unexpectedly and quickly, after which they will go to Aedirn on it. After a conversation in the elven ruins with Iorvet or the dwarves, if in the past you allowed Iorvet to be captured, then you go to a meeting with Iorvet himself or just with the detachment. Upon arrival, the Scoia'tael commander will tell you about his plan. He gives you his best scout and a couple of elves, so that together you can make your way to the city along the river bank. The remaining elves would have to carry out the attack under his command from the beginning of the river. If you did not allow Iorveth to be captured, then you can offer your own version of the action plan (to do this, you only need to disagree with the elven plan and offer to get into the city through deception).

According to this plan, follow the scout to the cliffs. When you arrive at the river, you will see Roche's boat leaving. Follow the elf further and at some point he sees a patrol of Temeria soldiers. Here you have to choose: intervene and kill the patrol, or wait quietly. If you give yourself away, then your further battle in the port will be much more difficult. When you arrive at the port, you will see a huge number of corpses here, but you won’t have time to do anything and you won’t have time to warn the rest of the squad. The only option that remains is to engage in battle with them.

According to this plan, you go to Flotsam in the company of only one Iorvet (he will pretend to be your prisoner). Your proposed trick will not be very ideal: the guards will begin to approach you, asking you to allow the elven leader to inform you. If you agree, then Ioreth will be beaten. But even if you refuse, the guards will still let you through. Eventually, you will lead Iorveth onto the prison barge and take the soldiers inside completely by surprise. Then, at your conditioned signal, the “squirrels” will begin to attack from the direction of the forest. If you use this plan, you have the advantage of surprise. Of course, the battle will be much more difficult if compared with the plan of Iorveth or the elf captain, but for that it will be much shorter.

In any battle, it is important not to forget to block enemy attacks and use the Yrden sign more often. In addition, by killing enemies you will gradually advance to the prison barge. When you kill the guards on the barge, then you can free Iorvet, if then, in turn, you allowed him to be captured. At the last moment, Loredo's sneaky trick forces Geralt to jump into the water, after which you need to decide: save the elves or go in pursuit of Loredo.

First you have to kill two of the commandant's soldiers who will guard the doors; then get inside the tower and save the elves. Their salvation will depend on how you press the buttons that appear on your screen. If you save the lives of the girls, then one of them will thank you well in the future (but this will already happen in the second chapter). And if you hesitate, then the girls will burn alive. After it's all over, you jump back into the river. The elves will pull you out of the water and you will go to Aedirn together.

In this case, you will have to come to terms with the death of the elves. You will find Loredo in the town square. Apparently, he was waiting for you here. Here you will have to fight both with him and with his guards. Loredo will wield a huge halberd, so be extremely careful (it's best to approach him from the side). In the battle with him, the signs of Yrden and Aard will help you a lot. With the help of signs you can very quickly deal with all the guards. After you have brought justice to the traitor, return back to the pier, where the ship will be waiting for you. So, on this ship you go to a city of dwarves called Vergen.

Chapter - 2: The Path of Iorveth

Prelude to War - Aedirn

If you sailed from Flotsam with Iorveth, then you go to Vergen. You will begin the second chapter as Stennis (the son of the murdered Damavand), who should inherit the Aedirn throne. You, the priest of Kreva, Saskia and a group of dwarves must meet with the King of Kaedwen, Henselt, who has decided to lay claim to Upper Aedirn. The trail leads you through a gorge far from the city of Vergen.

So, you arrive at the meeting place and listen to King Henselt's new offer: if you give him Lower Marchia, then he will allow you to keep your crown. If you refuse, then he will easily take his by force. Negotiations become even more tense. Depending on what you tell the king: he will challenge you to a duel or order his soldiers to take you by force. There shouldn't be any complications, you'll just have to block the enemy's attacks as usual and deal heavy blows to the enemies with a steel sword. At what point the priest of Kreva tries to stop the fight, but Henselt, in his furious confusion, accidentally kills him... Suddenly the sky begins to darken sharply, fog rises and ghosts emerge from it.

Soon, the peaceful territories of Vergen begin to gradually be swallowed up by fog. In the fog, a battle takes place that took place three years ago. Now Geralt, who headed to Vergen, soon finds himself in the very epicenter of the fog. The game switches back to Geralt and you need to save Saskia and Stennis, who are left in the thick of this fog. In this fog, Iorvet will accompany you along with an owl, which will show the right path. The owl is Philippa Eilhart (the sorceress who assists Aedirn). The sorceress cast a spell that surrounded you with a magical shield and now if any enemy approaches you, he is instantly struck by lightning. We do not recommend that you go beyond the limits of this spell that Philippa conjured: behind the shield, you will suddenly begin to lose both your strength and health, in addition to this, you will probably be finished off by spirits, of which there are simply unrealistically many. A couple of times the owl will be blocked by ghosts, so you will need to destroy them. Eventually, you will emerge from this fog and will finally be given the opportunity to talk to Saskia and Philippa. Saskia is going to gather all her commanders to talk about the ongoing events that you have already been able to see with your own eyes. At some point, the game will take you outside the city walls, where you will meet the mayor of the city. He will tell you that he has already prepared a room for you in one of the taverns. Next, you have the opportunity to carefully examine the city of the dwarves. And when you want, you can go to a military council.

Having rested after a very long journey, you go to the council convened by Saskia. Arriving at this council, you see that everyone is already here: Saskia, Zoltan, Stennis, Philip Eilnhart, a representative of the local militia, and even the Aedirn nobility. So, all of you together need to develop a plan against the Kaedweni invaders. But first you need to dispel this fog and lift the curse altogether. It was decided that Geralt and Philippa would deal with this matter. It becomes clear that in order to lift this curse you will need four magical items that would in some way relate to the battle three years ago. Next you have to prepare for the defense of the city. Soon Iorvet will appear at the council and all sorts of disturbances will begin. But Saskia appreciates the help the elf provides. Suddenly, a very alarming event occurs: the girl makes a toast, then takes a sip and falls dead - it turns out that she was poisoned.

Philippa is trying to stabilize the girl’s health and then wants to talk with you. The sorceress soon says that to save the Maiden of Aedirn you will need the following ingredients: dragon's dream, dwarven immortelle, rose of memory and royal blood. Having learned all about this, you receive 500 units of experience on the spot and begin another task, “A Question of Life and Death.” In addition, the task will also cover the tasks “Underground Life”, “Royal Blood”, “Where is Triss?” and "In Search of Magic." By completing these tasks you will find all the specified ingredients.

Underground life

According to Eilnhart, one of the ingredients needed for the antidote is located deep underground. It is a grass, and the dwarves call it “immortelle.” In addition, the sorceress tells you that it is better to look into the long-closed Vergen mine, since you can definitely find herb there.

When you go to the nearest tavern, you will meet old friends: Zolton, Buttercup, Yarpen, Cecil Bourdon, Sheldon and even the mayor of the city. If you ask the dwarves about the plant, then they, like the sorceress, will advise you to inspect the mine. Cecile should explain why the mine is now closed. Friends, in turn, will also offer to help you, and soon you agree to meet together near the entrance to the mine.

Once you are there, tell Cecile that you are ready and he, in turn, will tell Sheldon that the mine can be opened. In addition, the headman will ask you to clear the adits of monsters. Before you go inside the mine, we recommend that you take at least four “Cat” elixirs with you, and if you want to drive the monsters out of this place forever, then take grapeshot bombs with you.

Now, together with a company of dwarves, you descend into the depths of this mine to find the immortelle plant. Get ready for the fact that you will soon meet a couple of corpse eaters. The best way to deal with these creatures is to quickly strike with a silver sword. In addition, remember that dying types of these monsters will explode before death, so try to move away from them in time.

The dwarven mines are huge networks of tunnels, where there are many locked doors, long passages and many monsters. Besides this, it is also completely dark here. Once you get into the first cave, it will soon turn out that you now need to find the key that will open the passage to the lower levels of the mine. Deal with the monsters and in the face on the right side, you can find the corpse of one of the miners (the key to the lower tunnels of the mine will hang on it). Once you find the key, go back to the cave and open the previously locked doors. Moving further along the mine, at some point you will find two more corpses that will have two keys. Eventually you will reach the very bottom of the mine. The duckling will kindly greet you there. If, as indicated above, you took grapeshot bombs with you, then you can easily defeat the corpse eaters surrounding the monster. In addition, the bombs can slightly injure the duckling itself. Also, do not forget to use the Yrden sign against this monster (this will immobilize it). In the end, all you have to do is finish him off with a stab in the back. Now after killing this monster, pick off the dwarven immortelle and return back to the sorceress Philippa to tell her about your new finds.

In search of magic

So, Philippa will tell you that the antidote for Saskia includes some kind of magical artifact. If you ask her for advice, then she will recommend that you talk to the local population on this topic. In addition, the sorceress will say that Cecil Burdon should know what and where is in Vergen.

It's time to go to Cecil and ask him about Vergen's stories that are related to magic. He will tell you about a magician's tower, which is located nearby in the forest, outside the City. He also says that that tower is considered a unique place of power, which constantly attracts all magicians. It's time to move towards this tower.

Go through the outskirts of Vergen, and then along the tunnel to the broken rock. On the opposite side, beautiful beauty awaits you, and from there you can also see the tower. So, go through the river nearby, and then straight to the hill. Please note that harpies will live not far from here, so they will attack you as you move towards the Place of Power. This is your first time encountering harpies, so remember that they are easiest to finish off with a silver sword and using the Aard sign. Using the Aard sign, you can immediately knock a couple of harpies to the ground, and then finish them off with your silver sword without any problems. Once you kill the harpies, then move to the tower that Cecil told you about. Once inside, you will find a nest in which the crystal will lie. Apparently this is the same magic item, so take it and return back to Vergen to the sorceress.

After examining the crystal, Philippa tells you that this is a crystallized dream of a dwarf. This artifact is quite interesting, but it is not powerful enough to create an antidote. Next you learn that only harpies can enclose dreams in crystals, but they are found only in an abandoned quarry, which is located far from the city. It becomes clear that a sufficiently powerful crystal can only be found there, but the problem is that the village chief has locked the gate that leads there so that monsters cannot attack Vergen. It's good that you came across Cecil's dream first, so you can discuss something with him.

After talking with Cecil, you can go to the quarries. Please note that the quarry is home to simply a huge number of harpies. Just like before The best way deal with the harpies - knock them down with the Aard sign, and in the end just finish them off with a silver sword. So, in the cave you have to find five pieces of magic crystals. In turn, the crystals will need to be placed in a magic obelisk, which is analogous to a projector. Eventually you will be able to view crystallized dreams. Soon one of the crystals turns out to be a dragon's dream (it is the one that is most suitable for you as an antidote). You will also find Baltimore's dream, which will begin the "Baltimore's Nightmare" quest. In general, now you can return back to Vergen to the sorceress.

Where is Triss? - Part 1

Let's start with the fact that we didn't get to the Krasnolyud city easily. It was here that the tracks of Leto and his stolen lover led you. But besides this, remember that long ago in Flotsam you gave Triss a rose of memory. Now if Triss still has the ingredient, then you can bring another ingredient to create an antidote for Saskia. Ask Philippa about Triss and she will tell you about what visitors saw in the tavern red-haired girl, which just fell out of the sky.

Now it's time to listen to this story from the original narrator. Go to the tavern. The dwarf man Philippa told you about is now near the owner of the inn. He will agree to tell you about the story about Triss, but only if you bring him a mug of Mahakam. Buy him a drink quickly and you will soon find out that in the area of ​​the ravine of the quarry, a red-haired girl and a huge man appeared from the sky. The man immediately abandoned the girl, and then the troll came and took her away.

Now it's time to go to the quarry. When you find yourself at the crossroads, where the altar is still located, turn left and move towards the gorge. It is there that you will soon find the troll that the dwarf told you about. The troll will tell you a story you already know, but with new details. He took care of the wounded Triss, but then his wife (the troll) left him because of this. Before she left, the troll still managed to grab Merigold's ribbon. A little later, Triss also ran away. So now you have a choice:

In this case, he will attack you. To defeat him you need to strike him quickly with your silver sword. If this does not help you, then use the Yrden sign, and then stab him in the back. Afterwards, go in search of the troll woman and take the tape from her.

In this case, he will ask you to convince her to forgive him and for her to return back to him.

So, now move deeper into this gorge, where the troll ran away. Along the way you will meet harpies. You should already remember the tactics against them (Aard sign + quick attacks with a silver sword). Eventually, you will find yourself near the wreck of a ship. Here you will find a troll who will be surrounded by armed soldiers. Here you again have to choose: you can either save the troll or join in her murder (but what if she knows something about Leto and Triss?).

In this case, the soldiers will thank you when the siege of Vergen occurs. But for now you will have to kill the troll. When fighting with her, strike quickly with a silver sword. Besides this, if you don't kill her now, then she will attack you a little later. But that will be later, but now take the Merigold Ribbon from the monster’s corpse.

In this case, you will need to kill the soldiers. There will be a lot of enemies, so carry out counterattacks and place blocks at the right time. In addition, the Yrden sign will greatly help you in this battle. After a small skirmish, Pangratt begs for their life and asks them to let him go. Now you can talk to the troll. If you killed her husband before, then take the tape and return back to Vergen. If the husband is still alive, then ask her to return back to him. As gratitude, the trolls will give you not only a ribbon, but also a horn (which you will use during the siege of Vergen and they will soon come to your aid).

Now it's time to go back to Eilnhar and give her the ribbon. Perhaps with the help of the tape she will find out something about where Triss is now. Soon your conversation with Philippa will be interrupted. The peasants now decided to kill Stennis, since they think that it was he who allegedly poisoned Saskia. In general, now the search for Triss is postponed. It's time to quickly go to the town hall and save the royal heir on the mission "Royal Blood".

Royal blood

To find the missing ingredients for Saskia, the sorceress gives you several tasks that also concern this. Now for the antidote, Philippa needs to get royal blood. Immediately after the War Council (at the very beginning), you could approach Stennis and tell him that you need some of his blood, but he would refuse you anyway. Now you will have new opportunity get royal blood when you bring the sorceress the Merigold ribbon. Soon your conversation is interrupted by one of the nobles, who will tell everyone that the peasants are going to kill Stennis, since he allegedly sent Saskia.

It's time to go to the place where the young prince barricaded himself. Here you will find a huge crowd of local and angry peasants, dwarves, nobles, and even Zoltan along with Dandelion. In general, old friends will tell you about what’s going on here. The peasants blame Stennis, while the local nobility tries to defend him. You must now collect as much information as possible and make your verdict.

In general, you have to talk with the assembled dwarves, peasants and local nobility. In addition, if you use the Axii sign on the Stennis guard, then also talk to Pritz.

After collecting information and conversations, you need to make your verdict. You have to make a very difficult decision, since there are no facts that could accurately point to the culprit, but still, you have the opportunity to convict the prince and sentence him to death. You can report that there is very little evidence and then Saskia will make the decision when she recovers.

In this case, lynching will occur and in the end, you will receive the royal blood you need.

In this option, you leave this matter for Saskia, thereby providing Stennis with a fairer trial, but you will not receive the long-awaited royal blood and you will have to get it from Henselt.

In any case, you will have to return back to Philippa and tell her about the fate of the young Prince. The sorceress, in turn, will tell you that she was able to find Triss Merigold using a megascope.

Where is Triss? - Part 2

While you were fulfilling the fate of Stennis for whether he tried to kill Saskia or not, the sorceress Eilnhart was able to find the location of Triss Merigold thanks to the found tape. When you come home to the sorceress, she tells you about what is on the other side of the fog - in the siege camp of King Henselt. Philippa will immediately ask you to go through the ghostly fog, so we immediately go there.

After passing the burnt village, enter the fog. You will again be accompanied by an owl, who will surround you with a magical shield that will kill enemies with lightning. Follow the sorceress's owl. At some point, the owl falls into a magical trap. You have to defeat all enemies in order to free your guide and continue moving forward. Use strong blows from your silver sword. Please note that ghosts are weak, so you should not have any difficulties. Once you free the owl, move on and try not to go beyond the boundaries of your magic shield.

When you cross to the other side, the sorceress abandons you, fearing that the sorcerer Detmold, who serves King Henselt, might see her. Continue north to Henselt's camp. At the border post you will find a very strange figurine, after which at some point you meet Vernon Roche and his special squad. Despite the fact that not the most pleasant events happened in your past, he Roche shows you where the camp of the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard is located and where you may be able to find Merigold. Here you again have a choice: you can make your way to the camp either from the side of the cliff, or through the underground tunnels in which monsters live.

So, you act on Roche's orders and move through the royal camp. Approach the tent from the left side and soon a drunken sentry soldier comes out, but he turns to the left. Next, you must wait for the moment when all the soldiers sitting around the fire are distracted by their drunken friend. At this moment you need to turn left towards the tents. Eventually, you will find yourself near the second gate. Now stand still and wait for the moment when the patrol goes deep into the camp. Now go out through the gate and kill the sentries standing here, then go down to the caves that are located under the camp. Here the Neckers will attack you. Against these monsters, use quick strikes with your silver sword. Eventually you reach the opposite side of this cave. Suddenly, a Nilfgaardian sentry finds you at this place.

At Roche's direction, we go to the caves that are located under the siege camp. The entrance there will be hidden. The secret passage is located in the tents of local courtesans, which are located opposite the Kaedweni camp. When you find yourself at the courtesans, talk to Madame Carole and give her a couple of gold pieces. In return, you will receive the necessary information along with the key to the passage to this tunnel. So, now you find yourself in the basement of an abandoned tower and from there you move into the caves. Move first in a north direction, and then in a northeast direction. Along the way you will meet neckers. The Aard sign will help you here. Using this sign, knock down monsters and then finish them off. In addition to the nackers, you will also meet a duckbill (you have already killed one in the mines of Vergen). As always, immobilize the monster with the Yrden sign and hit him in the back with your silver sword. After you get out into the caves, a Nilfgaardian sentry finds you and takes you straight to Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Strelen. After a short conversation, they begin to search you and find a strange figurine. A little later it turns out that this figurine is Triss Merigold! At this point the ambassador leaves and orders his soldiers to kill you. At the last moment, Bianca and Roche save your life. Now it's time to kill the soldiers and the sorcerer of Nilgaard. It is best to try to dodge the sorcerer's spells. We recommend that before he teleports, knock him down with the Aard sign and ultimately kill him. You can immobilize a soldier using the Yrden sign and finish off with blows to the back.

In this case, you have received royal blood and can now resort to help from Vernon Roche. He will help you leave the siege camp of King Henselt. He will take you out as prisoners who will need to be disposed of. Along the way, you should avoid patrols roaming the camp. When you reach the gate, a guard will stop you. He will start asking you questions and the answer to his first question will be “Game”, then it is better to choose the answer option “Silence”, since here he may understand that he is being fooled and will immediately raise the alarm. You'll eventually get out of this camp, so head back to the fog.

As you remember, in this option you never received royal blood. You can ask Vernon Roche to get the blood of King Henselt. Vernon will distract the guards, and at this time you will have to make your way into the tent. Be careful and try to hide behind the barrels, which will need to be set on fire using the Igni sign. This way you will distract the sentries. Now you can safely enter King Henselt's tent and take his blood. Next, you will be escorted out of the camp in exchange for removing the ghostly fog. Now you can safely return Vergen back to the dwarven city.

Before you once again enter the ghostly fog, Eilnhart will appear and again lead you through the battlefield as before. In general, along the way, as usual, you will need to kill ghosts, not leave the magic shield and follow the owl. As before, the ghosts will catch the owl in a magical trap, you will again need to free it. Once you do, you can continue on your way.

Eventually you reach Veregen. Now you can return back to the sorceress. Tell her about Merigold's fate. A little later, it turns out that Philippa's servant, named Cynthia, was actually a Nilfgaardian spy and now she has escaped. But she did not take her things, among which there was a rose of memory. It turns out that the flower is starting to die and you need to hurry.

A matter of life and death

Saving Saskia is the most important and primary task in the city of Vergen. Her rescue combines all of the above tasks. The task “Underground Life” - here you are looking for the dwarven immortelle. The task "In Search of Magic" - here you had to find the dragon's dream. Next is the task “Where is Triss?” and "Royal Blood", where you obtained a rose of memory and royal blood.

Once you have collected all the necessary ingredients, it is time to give them to Philippa Eilhart, who immediately begins brewing a healing medicine for Saskia. You also take part in Saskia’s recovery. So, after Saskia comes to her senses, she gives you Vandergrift’s stove. This blade will be useful to you so that you can disperse the ghostly fog.

Eternal fight

At the next military council, you and Philippa decide how to lift the curse that has cut off the Kaedweni people from you and is currently gradually absorbing the territory. According to Philippa, for this you need to find four magical objects that were in one way or another connected with the battle that took place three years ago. The objects found should serve as symbols of faith, courage, death and hatred. Soon Philippa will tell you that she is taking on the search for symbols of courage and faith, thereby leaving you with symbols of death and hatred.

Now it's time for you to find out as much as possible about this battle. To do this, first talk with Philippa, then with the city mayor Cecil Burdon and finally with your old friends Zoltan and Yarpen. She will tell you about a certain sword of Vandergrift, which is now in Saskia’s possession, and they will also tell you about the banner of the Brown Banner. So, it turns out that the Kaedweni general who owned the above-mentioned sword was distinguished by his unimaginable cruelty. In addition, you will learn that from the side of the Brown Banner, everyone to the last private fell near Vergen, and the bodies of this entire army were buried not far from the city - in the forest. Since the elves who guard Saskia do not let anyone except the sorceress through, you will need to wait a little with Vandergrift’s sword.

Symbol of death

It's time to start looking for the banner of the Brown Banner. You will have to go comb the catacombs that are located in the forest. You can do this when you are searching for the dragon’s dream in the quest “In Search of Magic” or when completing the quest “With a Trembling Heart.” So, in any case, you need to go to the forest. Go to the outskirts of the city and from there go out onto the walls and move to the area where Iorvet’s troops are stationed. There you will find a tunnel that will lead you to the shore of the forest, but the desired forest will be located on the opposite side, since somewhere there is a passage to those catacombs. Most likely you will encounter a couple of ghosts inside. To cope with ghosts, use a silver sword and the Aard and Yrden signs.

Once you find yourself inside the crypt, you will need to make your way to the lower level of the catacombs. There you will unexpectedly meet the spirit of one of the standard bearers of the Brown Banner. You have another choice here: you can lie and say that you supposedly once upon a time entered the Brown Banner, or you can simply fight him.

If you lied. In this option, the spirit will not believe you. But if you insist on your own, then the spirit of the standard bearer will ask you a couple of test questions to check. The answer to the first question is probably. The answer for the second question is Manno Koehoorn. The answer to the third question is that Menno Koehoorn was killed near Brenna. The answer regarding the commanders at the Battle of Vergen is Vandergrift and Seltkirk. Well, the answer to the last question is that Bigerchron was not captured. After this test, the ghost is convinced of your words and allows you to take his banner, which is in the sarcophagus. If you make a mistake once and you have a beaver hat or a Brown Banner cloak with you, then the spirit of the standard bearer will give you another try. Otherwise, you will need to fight him. You can get the items by completing the "Baltimore's Nightmare" quest, or simply win a game of dice against old Burdon.

If you are determined to fight the spirit, or if you have simply given it the wrong answer, then you will be fighting a very strong spirit. In battle, the Yrden sign will help you a lot, as it allows you to immobilize the enemy and calmly beat him with a silver sword. After defeating the spirit of the standard bearer, you can take the Brown Banner banner from the sarcophagus, but this part is not yet completed. If you tricked him, then from time to time he will pursue you in other battles.

Greetings! I would like to present to your attention a set of saves I personally created in key moments of The Witcher 2.

Most likely, work is already underway on the third part and new DLC, so saves obtained after different endings of the game (they are also presented here) can be very useful for those who, for some reason, deleted theirs. If the proposed ending options do not satisfy you, then you can easily replay the desired moment by using the appropriate intermediate save and adjusting the choice.

Initially, as soon as the game came out, I completed it quite quickly. Having captured Iorvet in Flotsam and, along the way, choosing to travel with Roche and keeping him from the bloody reprisal of Henselt, he eventually went to save Foltest’s daughter (later kindly handing her over to Radovid). Without experiencing even a drop of compassion for Sheala, who was torn apart by the megascope, he saved the life of the dragon Saskia and Leto.

Oddly enough, I was forced to go through The Witcher 2 a second time... Skyrim and the monotonous gameplay, completely bored after the third week of running around in the northern province of Cyrodiil, “driven” by the designer’s hand into dungeons and seasoned with monotonous quests without the necessary plot motivation. Although it is worth admitting: before the hero was pumped below a certain level, and the set of tasks did not seem monotonous, the game was incredibly addictive and did not let go.

As a result, I chose The Witcher 2 for my leisure time, from which I received a LOT of positive emotions the second time. And, definitely, for me it became the Game of the Year, naturally advancing the fifth iteration of the saga about the Elder Scrolls and, accordingly, Dovahkiin (which also brought many wonderful impressions).

After playing through the game for the second time along Iorveth’s path, its plot opened up from a slightly different side, all the “pieces of the puzzle” came together, and the misunderstanding of some details was eliminated.

Below are some comments on the various endings and intermediate moments of the game:

Should I save Triss or not?

Difficulty of choice. Key points games.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

In any case, Geralt is faced with a choice: save Triss or do something “more important.” In fact, there is always someone to take on the alternative option (Roche or Iorveth), but no one except Geralt will help Triss escape from captivity. There is definitely no reason to count on Leto’s heroic deed from the start.

Having completed the game and learned about Triss’s happy release, regardless of Geralt’s decision, it becomes interesting to participate in options that involve direct participation in government affairs. Although the decision to save Triss also greatly influences the balance of power in the north.

Roche's way:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Vernon Roche reinforces his friendship with Geralt many times, even if the witcher chooses an alternative path and joins Iorveth (which, in my opinion, is a betrayal):

1) Vernon tells you how to get into the Kaedweni camp;

2) Saves Geralt from certain death at the hands of the Nilfgaardians.

So Roche's choice of path and the capture of Iorveth (which resulted in a celebration in Flotsam, and not the beating of non-humans) seemed much more correct to me.

Kill Henselt or leave him alive?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Next, Roche faces a fundamental choice - kill Henselt or leave him alive. Having looked into the future in a time machine and learned about the coming war with the nilfs, we can definitely say: “You can’t kill!” I don’t know how it is in the books, but in the game Henselt seemed to me like the most normal king, a real man, straightforward and honest. I don’t know why Geralt disapproves of him so much in his judgments... Is it because Kaedwen’s prototype is Russia, and Henselt is essentially the “Tsar of All Rus'”, leading a very successful policy if Roche chooses the path and pardons the king. A fair result is that Upper Aedirn is annexed to Kaedwen.

Who should I give Anais, Foltest's daughter?

The next serious choice awaits the witcher in the third chapter. Knowing that Triss will be saved anyway, we choose to help our dear friend Roche. But who should I give Foltest's daughter to?

Choice in favor of Radovid:“Radovid’s boot is heavy.” Yes, if you choose in favor of the king of Redania, you can hope for the preservation of the integrity of Temeria, the end of the civil war and a good opportunity to provide worthy resistance to Nilfgaard. In addition, the girl will definitely face less danger than in Temeria: there is no threat from the nobles of Temeria; she will be taken directly from the front new war with the nilfs.

This decision also has a very serious potential disadvantage: after the annexation of Temeria, Radovid can secretly divide the entire north with the Emperor of Nilfgaard, using the position of the most powerful ruler of the north. Only the annexation of Upper Aedirn by Kaedwen allows the balance of power to be somewhat balanced.

But a positive outcome from this decision is more likely.

Choice in favor of the Temerians: Torn apart by civil strife, Temeria will quickly fall under the blows of Nilfgaard and open the way for a further march to the north. The only hope left is that Roche will be able to save the future queen.

It is worth noting that if we choose to save Triss, this also affects the balance of power on the map of the north: in addition to Upper Aedirn, half of Temeria goes to Henselt, which, given Radovid’s position, clearly balances the position of the large kingdoms of the north. Another thing is that in this situation, the decline of divided Temeria in the first years is inevitable.

Additionally, after rescuing Triss, we see a scene in which Roche single-handedly defends Anais from a group of Kaedwen. He is outlawed. Anais's fate is extremely unclear.

/*Something similar, but in a different historical context, happened in the last episodes of the second season of the series Rome (I highly recommend it!).*/

Based on the above, the choice in favor of transferring Anais to Radovid seems to be the most beneficial and sparing for the peoples of the north as a whole.

Iorveth's Path:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

If we choose the path of Iorveth, we will have to fight for the freedom of Aedirn.

Speaking of Upper Aedirne: I don’t believe in Saskia’s words about a “free” state, she is too naive, and ultimately falls under the thumb of Philippa Eilhart. I think that in the end, Upper Aedirn will either fall under the jurisdiction of Stennis, or fall under attacks from Kaedwen (which is more likely). So, there is no need to shed blood where it should not be shed.

In addition, Saskia's stupidity is proven by her attack on the forces of Foltest, who suppressed the split in his fiefdom. Saskia, they say, sympathized with Arian La Valette and the company, fighting for “freedom” from their own king and homeland (of course, how else can one evaluate the reluctance to hand over his children to the king?). According to her logic, all kingdoms should be divided into “free” principalities (“A bad prince who does not dream of becoming a king…”). And it doesn’t matter that internecine wars will begin quite quickly.

What to do with Prince Stennis?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

If he chooses the path of Iorveth, the Witcher is faced with the question of deciding the fate of Prince Stennis, the weak and cowardly heir of the ruler of Aedirn. Based on the state of affairs, on the one hand, Stannis will most likely be an insignificant ruler, under whose leadership the decline of Aedirn will continue (even the ghosts of soldiers during the battle of Vergen speak about the withering of Aedirn at Damavand). On the other hand, it is extremely cruel to do this to Stannis, especially since his guilt has not been clearly proven.

Since there is no more or less sensible replacement for Stennis (Saskia is stupid, despite her nobility, and the nobles are unlikely to accept her so easily), then let him live, otherwise another civil war threatens the kingdoms of the north - before the invasion of the Nilfs.

Heal Saskia or save Triss?

Everything is clear with Triss: her salvation, in this case, does not really affect anything - they will save her without us. But it makes sense to save Saskia, especially since by this point in the game the lives of many people and non-humans depend on her sanity. Philippa Eilhart certainly cannot be entrusted with the management of Upper Aedirn. In addition, in the case of saving Triss, Iorveth will suffer greatly at the hands of Philippa.

Although it is worth noting that Philippa herself notes: Saskia will never be the same. After her “healing” in this ending, it seemed to me that something was still wrong in Saskia. At the same time, in the conversation, Saskia also notes that she only used Iorveth, and that for her this is not a war for freedom and the rights of the Scoy "taels. Their gang will find a place in Upper Aedirn for their services in the massacre... And, yes, the person nearby may be useful to her ...

Options not related to Roche and Iorveth's path:

// With one exception - healing Saskia on Iorveth's path

Should Sheala have mercy?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

The sorceress spoiled a lot of blood for worthy people. Not only that, the attempt to bring Aedirn into a state of war was a success. Also, the plans of the lodge served as excellent soil for the active work of the kingslayer and the promotion of Nilfgaard’s plans.

Before being sent to the next world, Sheala actually says goodbye to Geralt, hoping for his quick death.

Sentence: death.

/*If Sheala is pardoned, in gratitude she will tell Geralt that Yennefer should be looked for in Nilfgaard and teleports away. Later we learn the same thing from Leto.*/

Should I finish off Saskia or not?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

At the very least, I would like to see her in the third part. In general, Roche correctly notes that, they say, a good choice- spare the dragon. We must fight the cause of the disaster in the first place - Philippa Eilhart. Yes, and in the service of Radovid, he will clearly have more resources to hunt for the witch...

So, in my opinion, it is better to leave Saskia alive, although this option is fraught with many dangers for the ordinary people of the north.

Should Leto live?

"You are not my enemy."

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Leto was a tool in the hands of Emperor Nilfgaard. In addition, he leaves Geralt alive in the first chapter and saves Triss in the third. Also, the revival of the Snake witcher school may be important in light of the still illusory threat - the invasion of elves causing the Wild Hunt.

Summer must live.

So, the above is only my opinion on the events taking place in The Witcher 2 and the solutions that are offered to us to choose from. Your opinion may not coincide with mine, so, as promised, I provide a set of saves for every taste and color:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

A) Possibility of communication with Siegfried, in case of friendship with him in the first part:

  • * Upon entering the camp of the Order of the Flaming Rose;
  • * On Roche's journey - when choosing to save Foltest's daughter from the Kaedweni camp. Siegfried arrives with a detachment of Redanian soldiers as an escort imposed by Radovid. If at the same time a decision is made to hand over the child to the Temerians, Siegfried will still let the witcher and Roche go in peace.

b) If Siegfried was killed by Geralt, the soldiers of the order call the witcher a murderer, and one of them tries to take revenge if he walks through the order's camp;

2) When choosing Iorveth's path:

A) If Adda is saved in the first game, in Vergen you can meet a crazy priest accusing Geralt of saving a monster born of incest.

b) In Vergen, you can start a conversation with Iorveth about Yaevinn, the leader of the Scoia'taels from the first part, and discuss Geralt's actions, depending on the decisions of the witcher, made in the original game.

V) If you resist the squirrels during the robbery of the Vivaldi bank in the first part, in Vergen you can count on meeting with a dwarf who wants to give a “credit” to Geralt (in fact, a simple monetary incentive).

3) In Flotsem, you can get help from one of Tyler's agents if his innocence is proven in one of the quests of the first part.

4) Foltest's words about Adda's fate must correspond to the choice made by the witcher in the first part.

P.S. I have long wanted to note that the game is perfectly designed for a gamepad. And the experience of playing on a gamepad in front of a widescreen TV is quite different, including due to the incomparably higher picture contrast and screen size. The only thing is that you need to install larger fonts.

P.P.S. Starting with version 2.0, a strange bug was discovered again when playing dice using a gamepad: the “reroll” button does not function. It's as if she wasn't appointed at all. The solution is quite simple: at the beginning of each chapter, I switch the controls to the keyboard and go through the entire dice quest. Then I return to the usual gamepad control.

P.P.P.S. I would like to believe that next time the developers will not screw up importing saves from the previous part... Some of my decisions made in the first part were not reflected in the second - for example, Geralt is accused of killing Siegfried, who did not exist. In addition, in my version, Siegfried was Geralt’s friend part of the time (before the general madness of the Order of the Flaming Rose in the finale of the first part), and I would really like to see him in the sequel... In general, we hope for an adequate utility from the game developers that will allow us to change important for the third part of the event at the wave of a mouse.

There will be blue blood of a noble person. The choice between Prince Stennis and King Henselt will fall on the latter, after the prince is arrested on suspicion of poisoning Saskia (although you can allow the peasants to kill him and then there will be plenty of blood). Only Saskia herself can decide the prince's fate. In the task “And the Walls Have Ears” you must first talk with the Aedirn peasants, then with the dwarf Adalstein Gun, the cupbearer Vicek Borovik, go to Cecil Burdon, in the house of the priest Olshan (to the left of the main gate of Vergen, we take Olshan’s notes from the table), to blacksmith Torak, .

Having chosen a peaceful path, without casualties, you will have to overcome the ghostly darkness to get to King Henselt. Philippa Eilhart will help you cope with the ghostly darkness, who will show you the right path by turning into an owl. We go to the burned village, from there straight into the fog, on the right side of the Scoia’tael camp. The task “Royal Blood” can be completed along with the task “Where is Triss?” (becomes active after receiving the scarf of the missing sorceress in the gorges near the old quarry). Triss Merigold may be in Henselt's camp. Walking along the path, Vernon Roche will come towards you. After the conversation, he will help you get into the camp, indicating possible paths.

Roads to enter Henselt's camp The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings:

  • Through the underground passage in the sutler's tent, Madame Carole will sell the key for 500 orens (there will be a battle with the duckling and foulbrood), or along the eastern shore, and then through the dining room, the entire camp and all the same caves. Moving through the dungeon under Henselt's camp and having reached the first and second exits (with a broken ship), we let them pass, continuing our way deeper into the cave. As a result, the witcher will find himself right in front of the Nilfgaardian camp, the sentry will lead him to Shilard Fitz-Esterlen, where he will have to fight with the guards of the escaped ambassador.
  • The second path begins in the eastern gorge, filled with foulbroods. From the place with three human corpses we turn left, the right road will lead to the hermit’s house, there is no need to go to it. Having passed through the gorge, we go down the rocks and find ourselves at the dining room of the Henselt camp. We give the drunken soldier the opportunity to leave quietly. We get to the soldier sharpening his sword, stun him with a blow to the head (right mouse button). We are waiting for the squad returning from patrol to pass through the main entrance. We continue the path in a straight line to the cook, getting closer, we use the Axiy Sign (press the left mouse button several times). The cook will fall asleep, we continue the path to the western doors, let the next detachment pass and leave the camp. Outside of it, we eliminate the last sentry with a blow to the head and go down to the caves. We turn into the left branch and reach the Nilfgaardian sentry. The rest will remain unchanged, as when choosing the first path.
Vernon Roche will help in the battle with the Nilfgaardians. He will distract the king's soldiers. At this moment we hide behind the boxes on the right side. We let the soldiers through and wait for them to leave. We continue moving behind the tents. The third tent with two guards belongs to the king. There are boxes behind the tent, we break them with the Aard Sign, drawing attention to the suspicious noise. We enter King Henselt, take the blood and leave the camp, heading to Philippa Eilhart into the ghostly darkness. Before that, however, you can run to the house on the cliff and

↓.Decisions and their consequences.↓

All solutions are current at the time of the release of The Second Witcher. Many decisions do not resonate in the Third Part of the game, however, nothing will be written about this in the manual, so as to avoid spoilers for the Wild Hunt.

If, in your opinion, I made a mistake in some reasoning, then please write about it in the comments, and not just thoughtlessly put a downvote.
Also, if you have any questions about the game, then ask them in the same comments and I will try to answer them.

Ariane La Valette
Reach an agreement will survive the fire and in the third chapter will turn to Radovid for help to find his sister Anais. The castle of La Valette will remain behind the fragmented Temeria.
Kill La Valette's castle will be surrendered to Nilfgaard by mother Marie-Louise La Valette.

Should I give the sword to Iorveth?
Give me a sword there will be a pogrom in Flotsam. Triss, using a mega-scope, will talk to Philippa Eilhart.
Don't give There will be a celebration in Flotsam. Iorveth is captured. Triss will talk to Detmold.

Iorveth or Roche?
Iorveth The Pontar Valley will not be captured by Kaedwen. Temeria will become dependent and will be divided. If you take into account the comic from CDPR" Matters of Conscience"(Remorse), then we can call this option the most canonical by the standards of the game.
Roche The Pontar Valley will be captured by Kaedwen. A chance for Temeria to become independent and undivided. Loredo is dead and Flotsam remains in Temeria's power. Prince Stennis will be killed.
Enough important point, which, as it turns out, is not known to everyone. Having chosen one of the sides, we will play the entire 2nd chapter in completely different locations, so it is recommended to go through the game twice or at least make a save before making the choice.

If you chose Iorveth
Kill Loredo or save the elves?
Kill Loredo Flotsam will remain in the power of Temeria. Iorveth talks about people's indifference.
Save the elves Loredo surrenders Kaedwenu to Flotsam. Iorveth is happy for saving the elves.

Iorveth's Path
Prince Stennis
Allow lynching (Sentence - death) Death of the heir to King Damavand. Without a legitimate ruler, Aedirn will begin anarchy.
Give to a fair trial (Sentence - life) Prince Stennis will be crowned ruler of Aedirn, who may be able to restore the country (But without the Pontar Valley).

Roche's Path
King Henselt
Let him be killed There will be chaos and disorder in Kaedwen. Just before the invasion of Nilfgaard, the kingdoms of the North will lose their balance. The Blue Stripes will be avenged.
Convince not to kill him The Pontara Valley will be annexed to Kaedwen, which will balance the positions of Henselt and Radovid in the North.

Iorveth's Path
Together with Philippa, disenchant Saskia or save Triss?
Save Saskia The beginning of a widespread hunt for sorceresses, magicians and witchers. The chapter will not be restored. The lodge plans have been disrupted. Saskia is disenchanted (Perhaps not completely, we will find out in the future) and will become queen of the Pontara Valley. Triss will survive, but relations with her may be damaged. No.
Save Triss The Nilfgaardian camp will be destroyed, the death of Renuald and Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. The Chapter and Council of Sorcerers have been restored, which will allow the creation of a powerful association of magicians of the North. Temeria will become divided, the fate of Anais and Roche unknown. Iorveth is seriously injured.

If you saved Triss for Iorveth

Kill The plans of the lodge are completely disrupted, their main trump card is destroyed forever. The Pontara Valley needs a leader.
Spare The lodge strengthens and retains control over Saskia (With a small chance of disenchanting her, because Iorveth finds a dagger to perform the ritual). Pontara Valley retains a leader who still remains under the authority of the Lodge.

Roche's Path
Save Triss or save Anais?
Save Triss The Nilfgaardian camp will be destroyed, the death of Renuald and Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. The Chapter and Council of Sorcerers have been restored, which will allow the creation of a powerful association of magicians of the North. The Lodge's plans are disrupted. Temeria will become divided, Roche will be outlawed. In the future, Anais may claim the throne.
Save Anais The beginning of a widespread hunt for sorceresses, magicians and witchers. The chapter will not be restored. Death of the sorcerer Detmold. Triss will be saved by Leto. Option 1 or option 2.
Option 1 - give Anais to Natalis (Freedom of Temeria) Temeria will exist independently of other states, but many dissenters remain in the country. Anais prepares to be a wise and intelligent queen.
Option 2 - give Anais to Radovid (Temeria Dependency) Radovid occupies Temeria in whole or in part (Depends on the life of Henselt), and claims that he holds the country only as a protectorate until the rightful queen, Anais, comes of age. But it is quite possible that Anais will never be queen. Also, if you imported saves from the first part of the game and disenchanted Princess Adda, whom Radovid married, then his heirs can automatically become the rulers of Temeria, but only upon the death of Anais.

Kill or spare the dragon (Saskia)?
Kill The plans of the lodge are completely disrupted, their main trump card is destroyed forever. Kaedwen need not fear Saskia's revenge for the capture of the Pontara Valley.
Spare The Lodge strengthens and maintains control over Saskia (With a small chance of disenchanting her, but it is unknown if Iorveth finds the dagger). Saskia can be used as a weapon against Kaedwen or in revenge for the Pontar Valley.

Sheala de Tanserville
Save Sheala will tell us Yennefer's location. A strong sorceress will return to the Lodge.
Let die The lodge will lose a powerful sorceress. Summer will later reveal Yennefer's location.

Kill Foltest will be avenged and Geralt will keep his oath to Roche. The Witcher School of the Snake will remain destroyed.
Spare Geralt will not keep his oath to Roche. The Witcher School of the Snake may be restored, which may help in the study Wild Hunt. Geralt and Leto part like old friends. Leto was also announced in the third part of the game, where he will help Geralt. Better not kill him, he will have a good role in part 3.

About endings

A small spoiler for part 3 of the game, which many have probably already completed: everything that I wrote above does not affect the game at all, except for a couple of dialogue inserts and one and a half quests.
There are a large number of final states of the world based on the main decisions in the game (Something like 40), that is, in all these endings the kingdoms of the North have different locations. And their locations are influenced by the following choices:

  • The fate of Ariana la Valletta
  • Roche or Iorvet
  • Fate of Commandant Loredo (If Roche is chosen, he is automatically dead)
  • Fate of Prince Stennis (If Roche is chosen, he is automatically dead)
  • Fate of King Henselt (If Iorveth is chosen, he is alive automatically)
  • Save Triss/Anais/Saskia
  • Give Anais to Radovid or Natalis (Only with Roche)
As you can see, there are quite a lot of ending factors, despite the fact that these are only the main decisions in the game, when there are a huge number of other less significant decisions, plus the import of saves from the first part (For example, Siegfried is alive or dead and our relationship with him).

This video is one of the ending options, here the following decisions were made: Arian is alive, the party to the conflict is Roche, Henselt is alive, Anais was given to Natalis, the dragon is alive.
It's best to watch it through a browser (Google Chrome in particular), because it has time codes and 60fps (And also Dark level)
