DIY wall games. DIY board games for children. Board games. Do-it-yourself board-printed children's games - Board games for the middle group

Victoria Sakhno

Board games for children are an excellent occasion for cooperative game. At the same time, in addition to having fun, they contribute to the development of the child. Depending on the game, intellectual, speech, and creative abilities can develop. Today we invite you to make DIY board games to develop your baby's intellectual abilities and... These games will be of interest to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, and production will take no more than 15 minutes.


Tangram - ancient Chinese puzzle, invented in the 6th century BC. It is a square divided into 7 figures: triangles - 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium, a square and a parallelogram. The essence of the game is to use these 7 figures to assemble another given figure based on its silhouette. In this case, all figures must be used and it is not allowed to overlap one figure with another.

Tangram develops logic, attention, imaginative and abstract thinking, as well as fine motor skills.

How to make a tangram?

You can use cardboard, thick felt or porous rubber as a basis. If you plan to make the game one color, then cut out a square and divide it into parts according to the scheme. If you choose a multi-colored puzzle, then first draw a tangram pattern on paper, cut it into pieces, and then cut out tangram shapes of different colors using the pattern. I chose the second method to make it easier for the child to assemble the shapes according to the color scheme. The material I use is porous rubber with a velvet coating, the size of the assembled game is 17 by 17 cm. The figures from this tangram are quite large.

In addition to the puzzle, you need diagrams. They are varied in subject matter and can be easily found on the Internet. You can print them out or draw them yourself in a notebook (like ours).

There are 3 types of circuit complexity:

  1. The diagram is divided into tangram shapes and colored according to the color of the main shapes. This is the simplest option, when the child matches the colored figure with the drawn one and lays out the given figure by copying.
  2. The scheme is divided into main figures, but is monochromatic. There is no longer a color hint.
  3. The diagram is a silhouette without breaking down into main figures. Such tasks become available at school age.

Tic Tac Toe

The well-known game in our version is “Berries - Mushrooms”. Develops logic and thinking. To make it we will need: multi-colored porous rubber, 1 meter of thick yarn (bright braid or rope), scissors and glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We cut out the playing field - a square measuring 22 by 22 cm.
  2. We prepare 2 pieces of yarn, 22 cm each, and glue it onto the playing field in accordance with the generally accepted pattern.
  3. We cut out berries (5 pieces) from red rubber and glue a green stalk on top.
  4. We cut out mushrooms from brown rubber, also 5 pieces. We decorate the white legs with white rubber. In the absence of the latter, I used a piece of white felt.

When the game is dry, you can play.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?


I made 2 mazes for my daughter: a large one and a small one with different tasks. In the small one, you need to help Masha get to the fruit tree. But waiting for her on the way are a spider, a bee and a snail. You need to choose the most safe way. In the big labyrinth you need to help Luntik collect all the toys and bring them to Kuza to play together.

To make a labyrinth we will need:

  • box lid (I used lids from our board games, now these are 2 in 1 games),
  • cocktail straws,
  • glue,
  • scotch,
  • large bead,
  • stickers or cut-out figures depending on the tasks and plot of your game.

Now on the lid we mark the labyrinth itself, that is, the places where you will glue the tubes. You can create a labyrinth yourself, use our version, or copy a suitable one from the Internet. Now we try on and cut the cocktail tubes so that they exactly match the given design. We glue them with PVA glue, then carefully glue the stickers (figures). When the glue dries, additionally secure the ends of the tubes with tape.

Have you noticed how all the children transfer the sun from the sky to their album sheet? Irina Ivaskiv is with you. But in the same way, you can use everything that surrounds us to make board games with your own hands. Practiced all over the world early development children. And you can’t do without games here. With the help of games, it is easier for a child to think, perceive and assimilate new material. The selection of board games in stores is huge, but the descriptions do not always correspond to the content and meet the expectations from the purchase. And the prices are such that you won’t stay in this department for long. But it’s so easy to make board games with your own hands – just a little ingenuity, time and available tools! Here are just a few of the most popular and beloved board games that are easy to make yourself.

Walking / Adventure

“Walkers” is one of the most favorite children's games. Average number of participants: 2-4 people. You will need: a playing field, dice and chips.

For playing field suitable:

  • for preschoolers: a simple route with a familiar plot folk tale(for example, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Kolobok”, etc.)
  • for older children: geographic map with more complex navigation and overcoming various obstacles and tasks

The size of the field, the length of the route, and the complexity of the tasks are proportional to the age of the participants in the game. You can make a field from cardboard, whatman paper, or leftover wallpaper. Don't forget to include cells with tricks when, having stopped on a certain cell, the player either gives way or returns 3 cells back. Mark the start and finish and show the direction of travel with arrows.

A cube for the game can be made from thick paper or purchased ready-made in a store. Chips for the game can be made from coins, unnecessary buttons, or favorite figures. In a word, let your imagination fly and, voila, your own board games are ready! The rules of such games are very simple. The point is to reach the finish line first. Players take turns throwing a digital die and, according to the number that appears, make the required number of moves, moving around the map.

Maze games

Enough simple game, but captivates even adults. The materials you will need are a lid from a box of chocolates, glue moment, cocktail tubes and a small ball (a large bead or plasticine ball will do). A picture of a labyrinth can be found on the Internet, in magazines with crossword puzzles or in educational materials for preparing for school. But it will be much more fun to use your own imagination! Draw a picture, glue the tubes and... get started! Diversify the board game with a stopwatch: come on, who will get the ball out of the tangled maze faster?

Tic Tac Toe

Psychologists recommend offering this game for the development of logical thinking to children from 4-5 years old. The field can be made from any material that is at hand: wood, fabric, felt, paper. Chips must be of two colors (5 pieces for each player). For girls, chips can be made in the form of flowers or hearts, for boys - in the form of small cars or balls. There are countless ideas here: clouds and suns, months and stars, mittens and snowflakes, dogs and bones, etc. Any material for chips is also suitable: plasticine, buttons, mashed potatoes lids, cubes, old puzzles painted the same color. Opponents choose chips by color or shape. The first player to cover the entire row horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins. For older children, the number of squares on the field may be more than the standard nine. Use a more “adult” design for them.

Tic-tac-toe with hearts
Tic-tac-toe from pebbles
Tic-tac-toe from buttons
Felt tic-tac-toe
Tic-tac-toe with Velcro
Tic-tac-toe from the designer
Tic-tac-toe on the playground

Unusual checkers

By creating this board game yourself, you can move away from the design standards of classic checkers. For example, draw a playing field not with black and white cells, but with yellow and green ones, and populate such a lawn with ladybugs or frogs as checkers. Here everything can be brought to life. To make a field, take thick cardboard, mark it with a pencil into identical 10*10 cells, and paint the cells in a checkerboard pattern with watercolors or colored pencils. For checkers, you can take 40 caps from drink bottles or jars of baby puree. Color them with a marker, stick on stickers of the desired color (20 for each player). Even if you don’t have the required number of caps on hand, together with your child, sculpt the missing characters from plasticine.


Children and adults still enjoy playing this game, no computer game can't compare to dominoes. The main rule: build a chain of dominoes, placing halves with an equal number of dots next to each other. These DIY board games are a rich platform for creativity! You can use flat, smooth, approximately equal-sized pebbles, wooden ice cream spatulas, pieces of plywood, and multi-colored felt. For a child 4-6 years old, it is better to make a colored domino or lotto with images of animals and objects with which he is familiar. Older children will find it more interesting to play classic game with the score.

Colored domino made from popsicle sticks
Lotto with stickers
Pebble Dominoes
Geometric domino

Scrabble games

They perfectly develop vocabulary, thinking, imagination, logic, and spelling. These board games can be easily made by yourself. They are suitable for schoolchildren, because they require both reading and numeracy skills. The rules of the game are for each player to create a new word from the available letters, adding one of their own letters. For the field you will need a thick sheet of cardboard in the shape of a square with 15*15 cells and letters (cut from cardboard, bent from wire, or taken from a magnetic alphabet). At the beginning of the game, determine how many points will be scored for letters of a certain color: for a red letter, for example, 1 point, for a green letter, for example, 2 points, etc. Paint several squares on the field. These will be bonuses: when you land on these cells, your points will be doubled. The one who earns the most points wins.

Word maker made from magnetic letters
Scrabble in interior design
Scrabble decorations for the Christmas tree

Games for attention

You can also make the very popular board game “Double” all over the world yourself. This will require 57 round or square cards with two images. Each picture should be repeated on different cards from three to eight times. Print out the images and color them. You can also use multiple sets of the same stickers. The rules of the game are to find a pair - a match on two cards, yours and the main one. Whoever identifies the match first by loudly shouting out the matching item takes the card for themselves. The player with the most cards wins.

Game "Fleas"

Game = fun, number of participants - 2 people. The edge of the bean is pressed with a coin, and it jumps up like a flea. Goal: hit the opponent's goal with a bean. The one who hits gets a point and the flea is removed from the field. If the flea gets into its own field, it can be used again. If a flea hits the opponent's field, the flea is removed from the field, but the point is not scored. If the flea hits your own goal (which doesn’t happen in football!), the point is awarded to the opponent. They play until someone runs out of fleas. A candy box is suitable for making a field. Cover the inside of the box with colored paper and the walls with thick fabric (this will prevent the beans from flying out of the box). For fleas, use beans of 2 colors. The last preparation is a couple of large coins.

Other DIY board games


Making board games with your own hands is not difficult, but the joy from them is many times greater! What’s also great about them is that not only can you play them together, but you can also make them together!

© Irina Ivaskiv

Yulia Andreeva

Children like “action games” in which you throw a dice and make a move. There are many such games in stores and on the Internet. We decided to make a similar game with your own hands together with the children. It occurred to me idea: make a cube not with numbers, but with six colors, respectively, and glued multi-colored squares on the path (I took a small wooden cube from a children's construction set, pasted it on top with colored paper and tape). Which color falls on the top edge of the cube, the player moves to the square of that color. I made several “transitions” - a few steps forward or backward - depending on your luck. There are several squares - “skipping a move” and “extra move”! I made a path, and the guys helped stick on colorful squares, houses, residents, trees. Then our "city" We covered it with tape for strength. The heroes were toys from Kinder surprises. A second similar one appeared recently. a game! The games that the children made with your own hands, They

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Previously, every home had a set of board games - chess, checkers, dominoes, lotto. The whole family spent evenings playing these games. Children found simple walking games in magazines. Today, board games for a group are much less common. They are quite expensive, and children increasingly prefer a computer.

Buy board games for children or…

Nobody argues about the benefits of these fun. Board games for children and adults not only allow you to have fun, but also force you to think through strategy, interact with other participants and resolve conflict situations.

Where can I get them? Of course, they can be purchased at a toy store or at specialized retail outlets. The second option is preferable - the choice is huge, and the consultants will be able to suggest a game that will be suitable for the participants by age and can captivate them for a long time. If in your city board games for the company are presented in a small assortment, then you can use the services of an online store.

It is preferable for beginners to choose the most popular games for the appropriate age category. But what if, after seeing the price, you are speechless? You especially don’t want to spend a large amount if you are not sure that this type of leisure will take root in your family. You can make a board game with your own hands!

Print And Play

Behind this name lies a whole movement. His goal is to play a board game with his own hands. In Russian it sounds like “print and play.” And indeed, you just need to download the file, print it, cut out the necessary parts - and you can play. Amateurs not only copy already famous games, but they also come up with their own.

The obvious advantage of this method is low material costs and a minimum of labor. This method is also good because you can get acquainted with the rules and elements of the game in detail, try it out, and only then buy it in the store.

But there are also disadvantages - cards and fields printed on plain paper quickly become unusable. They can be glued to cardboard or protected from tearing with tape, but appearance with such crafts it is still lost.

Cards can be printed on thick cardboard, cut using a printing method, and even laminated. But the cost of such work may even exceed the price of a game from the store. This method is suitable for those who can print the game for free or at a big discount. A more budget option is cards in the form of business cards.

There is another option - a do-it-yourself board game from scratch, made entirely independently.

What you will need

To make the game you will need:

  1. A sheet of white cardboard or thick paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Eraser.
  6. Pencils, markers, paints.
  7. Magazine clippings, stickers.
  8. Scotch.

Instead of player figures, you can use toys made from chocolate eggs, and if you lose a cube, make it out of plasticine. When everything is ready, you can choose a game and start making it. You can do this with the whole family.


Almost everyone played Monopoly or its modifications. Everyone knows and loves this simple and interesting game. You can make everything you need for the game yourself. You can take a ready-made game as a basis, and experienced players can change and complicate the standard field.

First of all, draw a looped game field on whatman paper. It needs to be marked into separate cells. Now you can draw company cards indicating prices and rent. And there is room for creativity here. Titles may not correspond to the original game. Come up with your own companies, for example, from the “Land of Wizards”, or take real names from your area.

You can draw money, use small bills, or simply add up the count on a piece of paper. You can do without a common field - just lay out the cards on the table. This way you can lay out a new field for each game.

If you are not familiar with the rules of the game, simply copy the original version. Pay special attention to the economic model - if you do not comply with the necessary proportions, you will not be able to play, there will be too much money or, on the contrary, there will not be enough of it .

The board game "Monopoly", made with your own hands, will bring many happy hours to the whole family. You can make it together with your children.

Board game "Labyrinth"

"Crazy Maze" is another game with simple mechanics, but extremely exciting. It was invented 30 years ago, but it began to gain popularity here recently. Can be played by 2 to 4 players. The goal of the game is to find various objects in the maze.

If you are not familiar with this game, read the rules first and watch the introductory videos. The rules are simple and easy to understand.

Let's start by making treasure cards. We will need 12 rectangular cards made of cardboard or thick paper. Draw different treasures on them. This could be jewelry, magical objects, clothing, animals. You can use stickers here, but there must be 2 copies of the same treasures - i.e. 12 pairs of stickers + 13 fake treasures in a single copy.

Let's make field cards. In total we will need 50 square cards made of thick cardboard or paper. On each we draw parts of the labyrinth. 12 cards with corners, 12 with straight corridors, 12 with corners and treasures, 13(!) cards of intersections of three corridors with treasures.

We see that there are only 12 treasure cards, and 25 maze cards with treasures. Redraw the images from the treasure cards onto the maze cards, 6 each at corners and intersections, and put fake treasures on the remaining ones. This is necessary in order to confuse your opponents.

Now let's make the field. This is a simple square of cardboard, a few centimeters larger than the square formed by the laid out maze cards. On the board, mark the start for each character. The board game "Labyrinth" is ready. To make the game last longer, you can reinforce all elements with tape.


Do you want to come up with your own game? The simplest DIY board game is “Walker”. It is easy to do on a large sheet of paper. You need to draw a long route, a starting point and an ending point. Divide the path into parts indicating each individual move. The game is ready.

Now you need to come up with a story according to which the game will develop, supplement it with cards and tasks. For example, for the little ones you can come up with the plots of “Competition in the forest”, “Little bunnies run to their mother”, and in games for older children wizards, fairies, princesses or heroes of their favorite cartoons and books will travel.

Players roll the dice and make as many moves as indicated on the dice. The game can be varied by using special cells: make a move back, make a move forward, skip the next move, follow the arrow and take a task card. You can do it just like that, you can set a reward for good performance or a penalty for failure.

How to come up with a plot for a game

Let’s take, for example, a story for the little ones - “Little bunnies run to their mother.” Let's come up with a backstory about how the little bunnies live in a forest house with their mom and dad, go to a forest kindergarten every day, and on the way home they have competitions to see who can run home the fastest.

You can link tasks to this plot. For example: a bunny saw a bush that looked like a wolf, got scared and made three moves back; the bunny ate the porridge well, so he has a lot of strength - make 2 moves forward; the little hare met a chipmunk - guess his riddle, and he will lead you through his hole; The little bunny met his bunny grandmother: tell her a poem, etc. The more tasks there are, the more interesting the game, but there should also be simple free cells.

For older children, a great idea is to make your favorite characters the heroes of the game. A DIY board game will become doubly interesting if you are familiar with the work and weave it in storylines into the mechanics of the game. You can weave a quiz element into the game for older children. For example: a troll is blocking the door, answer his question and he will let you through/take a shortcut. Questions may relate to the plot of the selected work, or contain riddles or interesting tasks.

At the final stage you need to decorate the playing field and cards. If you're not good at drawing, you can use stickers and magazine clippings.

Board games are a useful invention that will help a child of any age spend time profitably. Such activities will give a sea of ​​positive emotions to the whole family. With their help, the baby will increase his intellectual capabilities, learn to think logically and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

There are countless tabletop entertainment options in stores, but this is not a reason to give up making games yourself. Today we will tell you about several interesting and easy-to-implement options with which you can make board games for children.

DIY board games for children

Walking walker

This entertainment is perfect for kids 5-6 years old. Your child and you can take part in creating the necessary elements for this game. Classes perfectly develop fine motor skills, imagination, and help the baby reveal his creative potential. The game will bring a lot of positive emotions, teach kids to count, concentrate and be organized.

What elements are needed to make a walking walker and what can they be made from?

  • Field.

As a field for basis You can take regular cardboard. Draw a route for the game on it using pencils or paints. These can be circles or any other shapes of various colors. If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, use appliques. Cut out the necessary elements from colored paper and fix them on cardboard with glue.

To make a game fun, you need a little bit of it. complicate. To do this, draw arrows from one element to another, with the help of which during the game the participant will return several circles back or, conversely, forward.

Highlight a couple of other details using a certain color or draw some kind of sign on them. These elements will come with surprises. When the player lands on them, he will become the winner of the prize.

Decorate the remaining empty spaces in the field with animals, draw a forest, houses, etc. Use your imagination, but don’t overdo it so as not to overload the game.

Rules of the game develop it yourself. Come up with interesting story, maybe in the format of a fairy tale. For small children, choose simple plots; for older children, complicate the task.

PECULIARITIES! Teach your child not to despair and to accept defeats in games with dignity, and most importantly to continue to believe in themselves.

  • Cube.

You can use a ready-made cube or cut it out of cardboard according to a template, marking each resulting square with the necessary numbering.

  • Task cards.

Cards are needed when they land on a particular cell. Cut out rectangles of the same size from cardboard, write a task on one side, for example, “skip 2 moves”, “return to the start” or more creative ones: “jump as many times as you completed steps in the game”, “eat candy” and etc. Let your child take part in the process of creating cards, because this is a very exciting activity that will develop fantasy and imagination. If you do not have drawing skills, then try making a tabletop printed games for children with your own hands, designing cards using a graphic program on a computer. All you have to do is print out all the materials.

  • Chips.

To make chips, use felt of different colors. Sew 2 circles together and fill with filling. Or make a cone out of plain paper by rolling it into a bag and then cutting off the excess at the bottom. This craft is durable and easy to make; you can decorate it as you wish.

Products made from puff pastry in the form of various animals can also be used as chips. All participants will enjoy the process of making them.


This game is loved by many children. And you don’t have to spend money and buy it in a store, because making puzzles with your own hands is much more enjoyable. Classes with them are suitable for children over 1 year old. They will help develop perseverance, accuracy, imagination, attentiveness, and fine motor skills. In addition, the baby will learn to distinguish colors and think logically.

Of course, you can take a ready-made template on the Internet and print it, cutting it into squares along special lines. But we will make felt puzzles. This material is durable, pleasant to the touch and completely safe for children; in addition, working with it is a pleasure.

What you will need for making a puzzle?

  • Felt in different colors.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.
  • A piece of soap.

PECULIARITIES! To make a puzzle, choose felt of good density.

Work order.

  • First, decide what kind of puzzle you will make. Use patterns from the Internet or specialized magazines.
  • We cut out the necessary applique details (in our case we will make a duck), and then the base square.
  • Now we attach the body of the duck to the base and sew it with small stitches along the edge. You can use a sewing machine or do these steps by hand. Choose a needle that is not too thick so that there are no unsightly holes from stitches.
  • After that sew on beak to body in the same way.
  • We embroider the eye. Or you can cut a small circle out of felt and sew or glue it to the duck's head.
  • We attach the puzzle pattern to our base. We carefully outline with soap or pencil.
  • Cut it out details.
  • And now, in order to give the toy a finished look and ensure good structural strength, we retreat 1-2 cm from the edges of the resulting elements and add a stitch. Or we take a piece of felt, attach the parts to it and put a stitch along their edges, then cut off the excess.

The puzzle board game is ready.

Using the same principle, you can sew more complex puzzles consisting of more parts.

IMPORTANT! Already at the stage of making a board game, a child can gain invaluable experience, prove himself as an artist, designer, reveal his creative abilities and give free rein to creativity.


Another one interesting game with your own hands for children. To make a maze you will need a box lid, glue or glue gun, scissors, a pencil, a ruler and cocktail straws.

Work order.

  • Using a ruler and pencil, draw lines for the future labyrinth inside the lid. You can come up with it yourself or take a template from the Internet as a basis.
  • Cut the tubes to the required sizes.
  • Apply glue to the lines and fix the tubes with it on the line. You can use double-sided tape instead of glue.
  • That's it, the toy is ready. All that remains is to take a ball (bead) that will go through the maze.

If you have never made board games for children at home, hurry up and try it, because it is an easy and very exciting activity.

How to make a board game for children with your own hands: Phealthy video

Don’t know how to make board games for children yourself? Watch a master class on making an exciting board game:
