A week of games and toys on an environmental theme. Project “Week of Games and Toys. Organization of a development environment

Topic of the week: Toys


Regional component:


Integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents

Monday 02/12/2018


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Talk to your children about your weekend . Ts.: To create in children a desire to share interesting experiences with their friends.

Conversation "Toy Stories" Ts.: To create in children a desire to share interesting experiences with their friends.

Di “Guess it.” Purpose of the game. To teach to describe an object without looking at it, to find significant features in it; recognize an object by description. “Metal, made of twigs, stands on the windowsill, from there you can hear the singing of a bird,” “White, electric, the lid opens, a red light is on on the side, stands on a stand, water is boiling in it.”

“Milchanka” Goal: Development and promotion gaming culture children.

Organize an interesting and educational holiday for children.

Individual work with Yesenia, M. Sasha A. Game exercises with a skipping rope. Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump rope by rotating it forward and backward.

Word games: Finger gymnastics “TOYS”Goals: improve proper breathing skills.

KGN: Game "Let's remind the toys where our things are."

Goal: To consolidate the skills acquired during the year and to take care of personal hygiene items.

Preparing for breakfast , breakfast

Canteen duty

Objectives: tell children about the features of canteen duty in senior group, new tasks for duty officers (work neatly, easily, skillfully handle objects, be able to analyze their actions).

Board and printed games on this topic.”

Consultation in the parent corner: “Game – what is it?”


Cognitive, social-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development

9.00-9.25 Cognition (outlook): Such different toys. Ts.: .To form children’s ideas about the emergence and transformation of toys, about their diversity.

10.10-10.35 Psychocorrection: According to the plan of specialists.

15.50-16.15 Physical education (walk):

Tasks : Exercise children in walking and running in circles; jump on two legs while moving forward. Walking with a task. Strengthen sports exercise skills(jumping, bending, throwing the ball from below, agility, reaction speed) . Encourage children to love sports. Teach control of volitional efforts.

Inventory : Balls, hoops, caps, colored ribbons.

1. Introductory part :

Construction by height.

- warm-up : Walking in a circle one after another with exercises forhands : hands forward; up; to the sides; behind the head. Easy running. Side gallop with right and left shoulders forward. Final walking with breathing restored.

2. Main part :


Calculation for the first, second

1) Relay race. “Jumping on two legs” In front of each team there are 2-3 hoops from the linestart to cap . The first participants with the ball in their hands jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cap, pass the ball to the next participant and stand at the end of the column.

2) Relay race. “Catch the ball” Children stand in columns, and the captains stand opposite their team at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. The captains have balls in their hands. At a signal, they throw the ball to the children standing first in the column, they catch the ball, then return it to the captain and run to the end of the column. The team with the most caught balls wins.

3) Relay race. "Eye of a Needle." There are 2-3 hoops on the ground along the relay line.Starting , the first one must run to the hoop, lift it andthread it through yourself . With the next hoops also, then it runs around the cap and returns to the end of the column.

Outdoor game. "Trap, take the tape." The players stand in a circle and choose a trap using any counting rhyme. The rest take a colored ribbon and put it behind their belt or collar. The trap is placed in the center of the circle. At the signal "Run" the children run away, the trap catches up with them,trying to pull the tape . At the signal “one, two, three, quickly run in a circle.” Children gather in a circle.

3) Final part :

Game "Entertainers" The driver is selected using a counting rhyme. Children walk in circlessentencing :

In an even circle one after another

We are going step by step.

Stand still

Together together

Let's do it like this.

The driver standing in the center shows a figure that the others repeat.

Walking. Summarizing.


Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Physical development

Social communication development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Observation of non-living nature:

Monitoring the pedestrian path.

Target : develop knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, rules traffic.

Progress of observation

Should you go out with your children to the pedestrian part of the road and ask them where pedestrians are supposed to walk? Remember that you need to stick to the right side, so as not to collide with or go around oncoming people, turning to the side. Remind them that they should walk along the street at a calm pace and cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

Bring the children to the crossing, ask how they knew that there was a pedestrian crossing across the road? That's right, because there is a sign "Pedestrian crossing" and wide white stripes are drawn on the road

Outdoor game: “We are funny guys”

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. On opposite side a line has also been drawn. To the side of the children, approximately halfway between the two lines, there is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children say in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners and catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

P/n Players' task: throwing the ball to each other, knock out the driver, who dodges the ball, but can only run along the line. If the ball hits the driver, all players scatter. Then the driver tries to stain the runners, in turn, throwing the ball at them. The one he hits with the ball becomes the driver. If the driver missed, then he continues to be the driver.

Ind. slave . : With Roma A., Dima, Leonid A.. "Gather your toys." Develop mindfulness.

Labor activity

Sweep snow from benches and paths.Goal: to cultivate a desire to collectively improve your site.

An independent activist.

Games with external material .

Movable a game . "Broken Traffic Light", "Find Your Color"


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Hardening procedures

KGN: Dressing and undressing C.: Improve the skills of correctly placing your things in the closet, strengthen the ability to tie shoelaces, fasten sandals.

Reading h.l. “About the Mouse Who Was a Cat, a Dog and a Tiger”, ind., trans. N. Khodzy “Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek”, tales of the peoples of West Africa, trans.

Ind. Slave. : Polina Nadya D., Rasul M.. work with scissors.

Theater game (Theater on the hand - finger) Ts.: Develop an interest in performing arts. Dramatization of a fairy tale 12 months".

Preparing for a walk. Walk

Washing doll dishes.

S/game:"SCHOOL" Purpose:

1. Expand, clarify and specify children’s knowledge about school.

2. Instill in children a desire to learn.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Weather observation : Monitoring seasonal changes . Goals: form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, waxing night); consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm). The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars-snowflakes fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely appears and the days become cloudy.

Give the children a riddle:And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.(Frost)

Coord. - health a game: "Fish and Sharks"

Ts.: improve the skills of correct posture in various starting positions, with various hand movements; strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Individual work with Sofia N., Kolya

Ts.:improve jumping as you move forward.

Di: “Name the winter months” Ts.: teach children to name the winter months using signs.

Labor activity Teamwork in the snow removal pavilion.Target : to develop teamwork skills.

Independent gaming activity with external material.

P/game: “Who has the ball” C.: passing the ball behind the back, developing the muscles of the hands and fingers.

Topic of the week: Toys

Target: Engage children with a variety of species play activity, continue to develop and cultivate interest in games, deepen knowledge about some games and toys, through nurturing a caring attitude towards them by means of enhancing the emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children to national holidays.

Target: Formation of children's knowledge about their native land, acquaintance with traditions, holidays, and the way of life of our people.

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in critical moments

Tuesday 02/13/2018


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning exercises No. 12

"Vulcan" Ts.: Improve the ability to work with various materials, demonstrate a desire for transformation, and take a creative approach to solving assigned problems.

D/game “Describe without naming”, “What for what?”

Articulation gymnastics : “Let’s warm ourselves up” Our hands are freezing, we press our fists tightly together

Let's play a little

Let's clap our hands. unclench your fists, clap your hands

Clap-clap, clap-clap! fingers to warm them,

You need to rub it hard. press your palms together, rub

We warm our fingers, palm on palm

We squeeze them, we unclench them. warm your hands in a circular motion,

We clench and unclench our fists.

Ts.: Development of fine motor skills, sense of rhythm.

Conversation: “Cossacks - Defenders of the Fatherland” Goal: To develop children’s interest in the heroic past and present of their Fatherland. To develop the qualities necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland. Cultivate love for your small homeland, a desire to learn more about the life of your ancestors. Develop an interest in artistic expression. Continue to introduce the folklore and musical heritage of Kuban folk art.

Morning exercises.

Canteen duty. Ts.: teach table setting.

Filling out the nature calendar (based on observations)

Be interested in what responsibilities the child has around the house (put away toys, help set the table, etc.).

Conversation and consultation on the topic: “Outdoor games”


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.55-9.20 Cognition (FEMP): Quantity and counting: solving examples of addition and subtraction, composing a number from two smaller ones. Orientation in space: working in a squared notebook. Geometric figures6 circle, rectangle C.: Teach to move in the indicated directions. Invite the children to connect the number 5 with lines with examples, the answer of which will be 5. Clarify that the examples are different, but the answer is 5. Invite the children to draw a car, as shown in the figure.

9.30-9.55 Music : According to the plan of specialists.

10.20-10.45 Drawing: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Wildlife watching : Observation of mountain ash.

Target : Continue monitoring the mountain ash in winter.

Progress of observation

Compare autumn and winter rowan in the picture. What changed? Remind your children how to take care of trees in winter.

What happened to the rowan?

Why does the rowan tree have no leaves, but there are berries?

How can you and I keep it from severe frosts?

Who eats rowan berries?

Outdoor game: “Run quietly”

One of the children sits in the middle of the playground and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the playground; 6 - 8 of them quietly run from one end to the other, past the person sitting in the middle. If children run silently, the driver has no right to stop them. If he hears the sound of footsteps, he says: “Stop” - and, without opening his eyes, indicates the direction of the sound. If the driver indicated correctly, the children return to their places.

Outdoor game: "Owl"

On one side of the site there is a place for “butterflies” and “bugs”. A circle is drawn to the side - “owl’s nest”. The selected child - the "owl" - stands in the nest. The rest of the children - “butterflies” and “bugs” stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the teacher’s word: “day,” butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground).

When the teacher says “night,” the butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and don’t move. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to the area to hunt and takes those children who move (takes them to the nest). At the teacher’s word: “day,” the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or bugs.

Ind. slave. with Georgy D., Work. assignments: collect large garbage.

Di: “Name the animals that prepare for hibernation in the fall”

Labor activity

Clearing snow from paths.

C .: Develop a desire to do work together.

Games with external material.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep “Invigorating” Goal: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.

Hardening procedures (washing face and hands up to the elbows with cool water)

Reading H.l. : O. Kustova and V. Andreev “Goldilocks”, trans. from Czech K. Paustovsky

Ts.: To develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to a work of art.

Ind/ work by application with Violeta, Sasha.Target : practice cutting out oval shapes.

Group duty

Ts: To develop working skills in a team, to bear responsibility for the assigned work.

Independent games based on interests.

Enrich the group with new board games. Introduce the rules of the game.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Snowfall observation

Goals: - clarify ideas about the properties of snow;

To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Light fluffy white snowflake,

How pure, how brave!

The stormy road easily rushes by,

Not to the azure heights - it asks to fall to the ground...

Tell the children where snow comes from.

Water vapor from the air rises high above the ground, where it is very cold, and, before it has time to turn into water, it immediately freezes and becomes tiny snowflakes, like white stars. That is, snow is frozen water. The movement of air causes these white stars to fly up and down, in all directions. Gradually they “stick” to each other, and when there are too many frozen pieces of ice, they begin to slowly, like parachutes, descend to the ground. We call these accumulations of ice floes snowflakes. They cover the ground with a lush white blanket.

Outdoor games

“The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “Needle, Thread, Knot”.Goals:

    teach gaming activities with strict adherence to the rules;

    develop speed and reaction;

-cultivate courage.

Individual work Bogdan B., Leonid A.Development of jumps.


activity: Team work on snow removal.Target:develop teamwork skills.

Independent gamingchildren's activities. Games with external material.

Topic of the week: Toys

Target: Involve children in a variety of types of play activities, continue to develop and cultivate interest in games, deepen knowledge about certain games and toys, through nurturing a caring attitude towards them by enhancing the emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children to national holidays.

Target: Formation of children's knowledge about their native land, acquaintance with traditions, holidays, and the way of life of our people.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup, individual

Educational activities in special moments

Wednesday 02/14/2018


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning exercises No. 12

Conversations "What are toys made from"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the different materials from which toys are made: rubber, plastic, clay, wood, fabric.

Fun: "Toys for the Theater"
Goal: To develop in children an active interest in design and entertaining exercises.
Support the desire to be creative and experiment.
Develop the ability to independently analyze designs, drawings, pictures, diagrams.
Determine the purpose of parts of objects, their spatial arrangement.
Develop aesthetic taste in the process of decorating a structure with additional materials.
Learn to think through a plan and think through the stages of work.
Exercise children in working with paper, in different ways of cutting out symmetrical shapes, in different image techniques (tearing, plucking).
Practice making toys using the origami principle. Learn how to decorate crafts with appliqué and draw small details.
Teach accuracy in the process of activity.



Duty in a corner of nature. Feeding indoor plants, loosening, wiping dust from leaves with a brush.Observation in a corner of nature: Indoor plant" Goal: to continue to reinforce children's basic understanding of indoor plants.

Filling out the nature calendar (based on observations)

S.R game "SALON" Target: Enrich children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser.

Invite parents to learn a poem about their favorite toy with their children.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

8.50-9.15 Cognition (research - construction): Sailboat made of paper.)Ts. :learn to make crafts by weaving from ready-made strips, stick a cardboard base with a silhouette image of a boat onto the product, develop aesthetic taste in decorating crafts with applique, cultivate independence and accuracy.

9.25-9.50 Speech development : Our toys. Ts.: teach children to describe the appearance of a toy, talk about how they can play with it, what toys they have at home; consolidate the ability to form similar words with similar meanings and use complex sentences in speech.

10.00-10.25 Physical education: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation for seasonal changes.

Goals :

- form concepts about the change of seasons; give an idea of ​​the features of each season.

Progress of observation

Lay down in the snowstorm fields

In snow-white beds.

It's time to rest!

Drops are ringing at the porch,

The sparrows are cheerful

Drive winter out of the yard!P. Obraztsov

March is the first month of spring. But look out the window: it’s snowing, the wind is shaking the bare branches of the trees. Everything feels like winter, and I can’t believe that winter is already behind me. But spring is still approaching. The sun rises before seven o'clock in the morning and sets around eight in the evening, which means that the day has increased by almost five hours.

March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. The day is equal in length to the night. Then it will continue to increase, and the night will decrease.

March is the spring of the world. There are days when the clouds clear in the morning, the sun comes out and illuminates the snow-covered land. This is where you can immediately say that the snowstorms and blizzards are coming to an end. You involuntarily squint your eyes and don’t want to leave the yard.

The teacher asks the children questions.

    List the signs of spring.

    What month is it?

    What happens to snow in spring?

    How does a person's life change in spring?

S\r game “Garage” Ts.: Cultivate friendly relationships, hard work, neatness.

Di “Guess the fairy tale”, “Catch and throw, call fairy tales!” Ts.: consolidate knowledge about Russian. people. fairy tales

P/game: “Horses” Ts.: exercise in walking with balance, jumping, develops speed, agility, coordination of movements.

Labor activity

Collection of large waste on site.

Target : learn to work together, achieving a task through joint efforts.

Independent games based on interests.

Outdoor games:

"Burn, burn clearly"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal. Develop dexterity.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Hardening procedures

KGN: Game “Let’s remind the toys where our things are.”

Goal: To consolidate skills and take care of personal hygiene items.

Round dance “Maslenitsa” Goal: Improving jumping movement with moving forward.

Reading H.l. : "Three golden hairs of Grandfather the Omniscient", trans. from Czech N. Arosieva “Greedy” A. Barto

Ts.: To develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to a work of art.

Situational conversation: "IF I DO THIS" Target : draw children’s attention to the fact that in every situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; develop thinking and intelligence

Independent games based on interests.

D/Game"Change the Word"

Ts.: consolidate the ability to change words (machine, typewriter, typewriter)


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development.

Observation for the tit.

Target: - deepen the understanding of tits

Give the children a riddle:

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

The shadow rings loudly: “Shadow-shadow!

What a beautiful autumn day!” ( tit)

The tit is a beautiful bird. The dorsal side is yellowish-green, the ventral side is yellow, with a wide black stripe along the chest and belly. Tits of Central Asia have a bluish-gray back, and the yellow color of the ventral side is replaced by white. The upper side of the head, sides of the neck, throat and adjacent part of the crop are shiny black with a bluish steel tint, the sides of the head are white. The wing is grayish-blue with a light transverse stripe. The tail is blackish, with a bluish coating.

Di: “Name the birds in the pictures” Ts.: recognize, name, describe what benefits birds bring and what they eat.

P/game: “Sly Fox” Ts.: develop running and agility. Courage, cunning.

Individual work WithNastya, Dima.walking in single file, jumping on two legs.Target:develop endurance.

Labor activity : Collection of large waste on site.

Target:to cultivate the desire to work together, to bring joy from the harvest not only to themselves, but also to other children.

Motor activity

"In an even circle" Target : move in a circle holding hands, pronounce words

Topic of the week: Toys

Target: Involve children in a variety of types of play activities, continue to develop and cultivate interest in games, deepen knowledge about certain games and toys, through nurturing a caring attitude towards them by enhancing the emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children to national holidays.

Target: Formation of children's knowledge about their native land, acquaintance with traditions, holidays, and the way of life of our people.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning exercises No. 12

Individual work (fine motor skills): with Sofia, Georgy, Danil.

Cor.-health game (vision, flat feet) Relay "Load the car"

Equipment: machines, sticks, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Children stand barefoot, hands on their belts, back straight, with their toes they take the sticks one at a time and pass them to each other along the chain, the last one puts them in the car.

Complicated option. Two teams compete.Target : develop skills of correct posture, strengthen the muscular system; practice correct foot placement when walking; strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the feet to prevent flat feet; cultivate a conscious attitude towards correct posture.

Didactic games (musical):

"Dawn - lightning"

Ts.: The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of students, with the formation of physical skills, and a respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country.

Word games: "Brush" I will paint with a soft brush

A chair, a table and the cat Masha.

Connect the pads of all fingers together, using movements of the fingers and wrists, swing the hand to the right, left: to the right - spread the fingers, to the left - gently connect.

Observation in a corner of nature: Loosening the soil of indoor plants. Goal: Teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques and rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy.

Filling out the nature calendar (based on observations)

C\r Game " “We are building a house” Goal: to introduce children to the construction professions, to draw attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure, to cultivate friendly relationships in a team, to expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, to expand children’s vocabulary: to introduce the concepts “ construction", "bricklayer", "crane", "builder", "crane operator", "carpenter", "welder", "building material".

N.p. games at the request of the children (puzzles, dominoes, lotto, etc.)

Consultation for parents “Playing with children at home.”


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

9.00-9.25 Speech development : « Is this how they play? Ts.: Teach children to retell the text expressively; activate verbs in speech, learn to select verbs for nouns according to their meaning; practice forming singular and plural forms.

9.55-10.20 Music: According to the plan of specialists.

10.50-11.20 Drawing: According to the plan of specialists.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of people's activities: Helicopter surveillance

Goals: - consolidate knowledge about air transport;

- to develop interest in the pilot profession.

Make a riddle and ask to answer the following questions:

Without acceleration it will fly up -

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian...(helicopter).

    What does a helicopter look like?

    How is a helicopter similar to a dragonfly?

    What types of helicopters are there?(sanitary rescue, military, cargo)

    Who flies the helicopter?

    What other types of transport do you know?

    What are the differences between a helicopter and an airplane?(An airplane has more speed than a helicopter; a helicopter can hover in the air, but an airplane cannot; an airplane needs a runway to take off, but a helicopter can take off.)

Individual work With Kolya, Sasha.

-Exercises with the ball.

Goals:continue doing exercises with the ball; develop running speed.

Labor activity

Garbage collection at the preschool site.

Target:teach to come to the aid of an adult.

P/n “Homeless Hare” Ts.: development of running, the ability to jump on two legs.

Games with external material.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Hardening procedures (washing face and hands up to the elbows with cool water).

GCD: 15.50-16.15 Circle work according to plan

Theater games: Production “Who, who lives in the little house” based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Objectives: To consolidate children’s ideas about the natural sequence and seasonal changes in nature through oral folk art; teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters in the fairy tale “Teremok” (bunny - jumps, chops wood, gets wet in the rain; frog - jumps, lights the stove, cooks cabbage soup, trembles from the cold; mouse - cleans, bakes pancakes, hides in the tower from the rain and etc.), develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Looking at the illustrations: "Toys different countries» C.: Introducing children to various toys.

Individual work : Oley, Zhenya B.

"Hit the target." Target: develop accuracy and eye.

C.H.L. B. Zakhoder “Dog’s sorrows”

S. Marshak “Mail”, “Poodle”

M. Yasnov “Peaceful counting rhyme”

Ts.: To develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to a work of art.


Encourage children to help each other get dressed (tying a scarf, fastening buttons)

S\r game « Trip around the world»

Goal: expand children's horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendly relationships, expand children's vocabulary: “captain”, “travel around the world”, “Asia”, “India”, “Europe”, “ Pacific Ocean".


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Monitoring the clothing of adults and children

Goals: continue to develop the ability to establish simple connections between changes in inanimate and living nature; consolidate knowledge about the classification of clothing by season.

Draw children's attention to people's clothes. Ask to name parts of clothing, compare it with summer, find out why it has changed.

All living things prepare for the cold season, just in different ways. The cold forces wild animals to grow long hair (arctic fox, fox, mink, wolf, wintering birds), to store food in their homes (squirrel), the appearance of snow leads to a change in the color of animals for protection from enemies (hare). A person does not have wool, so he puts on warm clothes, heats his home, and stores vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game “Who needs what?”

Objectives: - to exercise in the classification of objects;

- develop the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Invite children to remember what people of different professions need to work:

Name a profession, and children must answer what is needed to work in this field.

Name the object, and the children say what profession it might be useful for.

Outdoor game: “Paints” Purpose: to teach children to run, trying not to catch up, to jump on one leg, landing on the toe with a half-bent leg. Develop agility, speed of movement, and the ability to change direction while running.

Labor activity

Collecting seeds in a flower garden; harvesting and drying plant leaves

Goals:teach how to carefully collect seeds in paper bags;

cultivate perseverance and environmental culture.

Independent games based on interests.

Games with external material.

Topic of the week: Toys

Target: Involve children in a variety of types of play activities, continue to develop and cultivate interest in games, deepen knowledge about certain games and toys, through nurturing a caring attitude towards them by enhancing the emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

Regional component: Introduce children to national holidays.

Target: Formation of children's knowledge about their native land, acquaintance with traditions, holidays, and the way of life of our people.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Reception of children. Morning exercises No. 12


Didactic games (sensory): “Counting sticks” C.: lay out a mushroom from sticks from memory Goal: to develop hand motor skills. "Coins"Target: introduce children to objects that are round in shape but of different sizes. Place them in the corresponding holes.

Construction games: Children learn to do work according to plan. The teacher draws a plan - for example, a room, a yard or a house. Introduces the children to the plan and puts it away. The task is to create from memory the teacher’s idea from the parts of a building set.

Goal: Formation of independence, active thinking, development of efficiency, constructive and creative abilities, correct relationships in a friendly team.

Development of coordination of movements and eye.

Construction of the simplest buildings according to drawings drawn by adults, or according to options in the “Construction” section of the preschool general education program.

Duty in a corner of nature: Watering indoor plants. Goal: Teach children to care for indoor plants; pour water at room temperature from a watering can; consolidate children's knowledge about different methods of watering indoor plants. Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in your actions, work skills. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment and a desire to take care of it.

Watering indoor plants.

Filling out the nature calendar (based on observations)

Board games“Collect and guess”, “Correct the mistake”, “Russian folk tales” puzzles.

Conversation and consultation on the topic: “If a child cries”


Physical development

Cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, speech, social and communicative development.

9.00-9.25 Physical education: According to the plan of specialists.

9.35-10.00 Application: Russian matryoshka Ts.: Continue to teach children to cut out fabric, choose by contrast, conveying the characteristic features of their appearance (shape, color and ratio of parts).


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Observation of a living object : behind the sparrow.

Goals :

    continue to consolidate, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the familiar bird - the sparrow;

    enrich your vocabulary with artistic words about the sparrow;

    activate attention and memory;

    teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring.

Progress of observation

In a ditch with melt water

The sparrow splashes

I stood by the dark alder tree,

I look from behind the bare branches.

Like a carefree boy

With his head he wants to dive...

Perky, dashing sparrow

- I'm afraid of scaring him away.

He forgot both hunger and cold,

I forgot how chalk the drifting snow was.

He is glad to see a sunny puddle today

And drops of stingy warmth!

The teacher asks the children questions.

    What changes have occurred in the life of a sparrow with the arrival of spring?

    Where do sparrows like to live - in the forest or next to a person? Why?

    Who are sparrows afraid of?

    What do they eat in the spring?

How should people care for birds?

Folk games: “Trickle” Ts.: development of logic and dexterity.

Ind/ work with Zhenya, Gulzoda A.

"Touch the ball."Target:strengthen the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Labor activity

One subgroup of children - sweeping the path in the area and collecting fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox.

Target:cultivate diligence and the ability to work together.

Games with external material.

Game S/r "Shop".Ts.:Strengthen the ability to distribute roles.

First, two people play: the seller and the buyer, and then everyone.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Reading H.l. : V. Dmitrieva “Baby and Bug”

S. Cherny “Cat on a Bicycle”

N. Nosov “Living Hat”

Ts.: To develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to a work of art.

S.-R. a game : “Cafe” Goals: Continue to enrich the content of children’s games, teach independently, organize games, improve role-playing communication, children’s relationships, and develop the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners.

Joint activities in the visual arts corner: Situation for the game sketch “Winter Night”.

Construction games: "My house is made of bricks"

The basics of building houses from building kits. Ts.: Construction of the simplest buildings according to drawings drawn by adults, or according to options in the “Construction” section of the preschool general education program.

Household work:

"Helping the nanny"

Goal: To teach how to make bed linen and to teach children to provide all possible assistance to adults. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Independent games based on interests.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Monitoring transparency and air movement

Target: - generalize knowledge about air and its properties (invisibility, transparency, movement, movement).

Ask the children to breathe in the cool, clean autumn air. What does it smell like? What do children feel when they breathe in this air?(The smell of freshness, earth.)

Air surrounds us everywhere: on the street, in a group, in any room. It cannot be seen, but it can be felt. You can feel the air when the wind blows, because wind is the movement of air.

Research activities

Objectives: - to prove to children that air does not have a specific shape, spreads in all directions and has no odor of its own;

- develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on basic experimentation.

The air does not have a specific shape and spreads in all directions.

Invite children to close their eyes and feel the smells (from orange peel, garlic, scented napkins) spreading around.

Conclusion: Air is invisible, but it can transmit odors at a distance.

Labor activity

Snow removal.

Target:continue to instill labor skills.

Independent games with external material.

Outdoor games

“We are funny guys” Ts.: jumping, running, orientation on the site., "The Kite and the Hen".

Ts.:develop attention, speed, dexterity.

Olga Pupysheva

Subject: « Week of games and toys» .

Target: contribute to the formation of a gaming culture for children, parents, teachers.

Main goals:


To develop children's gaming skills, interest in folk games and toys, give an idea of ​​the folk toy, folk crafts and folk games Oh;


Learn to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role, interact in the game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow the game rules,

To realize the social development of children in play;


Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys,

Bring joy from playing together. Develop character, intelligence, will.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal, demonstration, visual; game, practical, story, conversation, explanation.

Materials and equipment:

Vintage clay toys, wood, fabric. Modern toys. Projector. Computer.

Expected results:

Improving teaching skills.

Improvement and expansion gaming skills children; developing interest in various types of games

The emergence of the ability to establish and regulate contacts in a joint game: negotiate, put up, convince, act; development of role communication

Parents' interest in organizing children's play activities in preschool educational institutions and in the family.


Announcement to parents about week of games and toys, about the organization of the exhibition "Darling toy» (in any technique, about creating in group mini-museum of folk toys– about providing assistance in replenishing the museum with attributes.


1. GCD. Conversation on the topic "My lovely toy» . Writing a descriptive story about your loved one toy.

2. Drawing "Funny tumblers for kids".

Didactic game "Which toy- determination of the material from which it is made.

On a walk

Movable games: "We are funny guys", "Trap with a handkerchief"


Reading fiction literature:

Poems by A. Barto « Toys» and fairy tales "Ball".

Target: develop focused attention, imagination, empathy, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Role-playing game "Trip to Children's World"(with distribution of roles by gender principle: boys - drivers, dad, son; girls - mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). Target: develop creativity, develop interest in games played together with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.


Draw the attention of parents to consultations on the topic

"Which toys choose a child to play with?.

"Play with me".

Round dance game with all the children “We walk in circles, play merrily...”

Role-playing game "Hairdresser-beauty salon".


GCD: Making up riddles about toys.

Folk games to music(in the music room)-

"Golden Gate",

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"- determination of geometric shapes, small toys.

On a walk:Movable games: "Geese-geese", "Carousels".


Reading the story by V. Oseeva "Watchman".

Conversation with children about the need to play together and share toys and negotiate with each other.

Movable games our mothers and grandmothers (gym)-

"Burn, burn clearly", "Paints".

Bell's toys

Gift for moms on mother's day (Subgroup of children) .

Role-playing game "Shop".


Decorating a corner of a folk doll.

Examining folk dolls for children

Construction game "Railway".

A game "Deaf Phone"- on the development of phonemic hearing.


GCD: "People's toy» . The teacher's story about folk toys.

View the presentation "Rag folk toy» .

On a walk:

Outdoor game "At Malanya's old ladies» - learning a new one games.

Ball games: "Pass the ball between the pins", "Toss, clap, catch the ball", "Hitting the ball with one hand".


Reading a story by T. Kryukov "Naughty Doll".

Making folk rags Bell's toys

Gift for moms on mother's day (Subgroup of children) .

Drawing (individual work)-"Decorate the matryoshka"-Yulia Sh.,

Nastya F., Yarik Ch.

Role-playing game "Polyclinic".

Outdoor game "Mousetrap".


Round dance game “If you like me, then do this...”

Role-playing game "My family", "Salon",

"Shop", "Auto repair shop".


Conversation about puppet theater. Puppeteer professions.

Pageant "Flower for Mom".

Reading a fairy tale (excerpt) Tolstoy "Pinocchio".

On a walk:

Movable games: "Migration of Birds", "Geese-geese".

Role-playing game "Travelling by car".


Evening with moms “I love mom very much!”.

Games with moms: “Guess the child by his palm”,

"Skillful fingers"- coming up with outfits for daughters from scarves and ribbons, coming up with hairstyles for daughters.

"Swaddling the Doll", "Lullaby for a Doll".

Making a folk doll "Pelenashki" with moms.


Design of an exhibition of children's works in the locker room on the theme "My lovely toy» .

Round dance game "Let's do everything as I do",

Didactic games"Tooth - Neboleyka", "Vitaminka and her friends".


Theatrical games: "Three Bears"-table theater.

"Masha and the Bear"- theater behind a screen.

Watching a cartoon "Story toys» (Part)

On a walk:

Movable games"Crucian carp and pike", "Golden Gate".


Theatrical games of children's choice(with costumes).

Role-playing games for children's choice.

Tabletop games(at the request of the children).

Games with Lego constructor.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week – 07.11 – 11.11)

Group: senior Topic:"Toys".

Target:Expand children's ideas about toys; clarify the names of toys, ways to play with them; highlight components, shape, color, material.

Final event: exhibition of children's creativity “Toys from Polkhov - Maidan”. Date of the final event:Thursday - 10.11

Responsible for the final event:educators.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents/social partners




Monday - 07.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

D/I "“Find a place for the picture” - teach to follow the sequence. progress of action.

M/I"Pick up a toy"

Target: practice counting objects according to the named number and memorizing it; learn to find an equal number of toys.

Physo. I/U “Roll the ring on the floor” - learn to roll the ring in the center.

(Violetta, Mark, Tanya, Katya, Da-vid, Dima K.).

Conversation: “It all starts with the word “hello.” Goal: to consolidate formulas of verbal politeness.

Lotto "Toys" - expanded. ideas about objects in the surrounding world.

Circle the dots around the toys and name them.”

Place information on traffic rules in the parent corner.



Getting to know your surroundings. “Toys” (see “KRO” by Morozov, p. 33). Goal: Systematize children's knowledge about toys. To form a generalizing concept of “toy”, to improve the ability to describe an object.; indicate its essential features, recognize the object by description.

Physical education


Physical Culture. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Autumn landscapes” - clarify knowledge about the follower. autumn changes.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 22)

P/I "Blind Man's Bluff".

I/U "Fishermen".

Work assignments:

We remove dry twigs and sticks from the area.

Situational conversation “Why you need to study.” Purpose: to explain to children why they need to study, to broaden their horizons.

S/R game “Zoo” - to develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Intensify motor activity with portable sports equipment.

D/I “Describe the house.”

work before bed

Telling children R.N. the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.” Canteen duty. Goal: to strengthen the skills of setting the table and correctly arranging cutlery. Talking with children about the benefits of naps. Finger gymnastics “Gnome”.


Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening.

Moral education: conversation “Who offended whom?” (see V. Petrova, p. 36) - introduce children to manifestations of injustice.

Write a descriptive story about your favorite toy. (Varya A., Nastya, Dima L., Rostik, Vlad, Yarik).

Repetition of songs learned in music classes.

Situational conversations with children about honesty.

Duty in a corner of nature.

Role-playing game “School” (Students come to school. The teacher meets them and conducts lessons).


Observation “Targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards everything that surrounds us. (see G. Lapteva, p. 41). P/I “The Fox in the Chicken Coop.” I/U “Walking like a snake.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments

Tuesday - 08.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

D/I ""Loudly whisper" -

Teach children to select similar-sounding phrases

(sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew in; . .)

M/I"Pick a figure" - strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric figures: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.

PHYSICAL I/U “Knock down the pins” - teach how to throw the ball from the chest with two hands. (Dasha, Yana, Varya, Vlad, Dima L., Gleb).

Talking with children about food culture.

Work in a corner of nature: Loosening the soil of indoor plants. Goal: To teach how to care for indoor plants; to give knowledge about the need to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques.

Cut out pictures of toys and paste them into an album.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Consultation “By playing, we get to know nature.”

Direct educational activities

Communication socialization

Speech development. “Talking about personal impressions on the topic “Our toys.” (see Ushakova, p. 32).

Goal: Learn to describe the appearance of a toy, talk about how you can play with it, what toys you have at home. Strengthen the ability to form words with similar roots that are close in meaning and difficult to use in speech.











Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Autumn wind” - expand – presents the phenomena of autumn nature.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 25).

P/N “We are funny guys.”

I/U “High-speed aircraft”.

With Diana, Varya

Tanya, Mark Goal: consolidate the count to 7 (with autumn leaves).

Improving children's ability to dress and undress independently.

Story games according to children's choice.

Experimenting with sand.

Di. “Name whose leaf” Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish tree leaves.

Work before bed

Reading “I am a passenger” by T. Shorygin. Canteen duty. Purpose: explain that the spoon and knife should be placed to the right of the plate, the fork to the left. Conversation: “The Journey of a Breadball.” Purpose: to talk about the path that food takes in the human body, to explain the need for thorough chewing.


LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Clothing and health” (see M. Fisenko “Life Life”, p. 76) - talk about the types and purposes of clothing.

« Drawing from life of a houseplant.” Goal: Learn to draw with thin lines with a simple pencil and paint with watercolor. (Pasha, Zoya, Tanya, Mark).

Conversation on the topic “Who and how can you say hello and goodbye.” Goal: to consolidate the formulas of verbal politeness.

Role-playing games using buildings. Goal: to encourage accepted roles, role behavior.

Design: designer-"TECHNO" - develop thinking, modeling, dexterity and hand motor skills.


Observation “Signs of Autumn” - develop creative imagination. (see G. Lapteva, p. 35). P/I "Entertainers". I/U "Monkey". Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Wednesday – 09.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI"Say the opposite" -

To develop children's intelligence and quick thinking.

M/I“Name and count” -

PHYSICAL I/U “Circus horses” - teach to alternate walking and running at a signal (sub-group of children).

Ecological consciousness “Our helpers are plants.” Purpose: games: to strengthen children’s ideas about how to help themselves and others always stay healthy.

Work in the center of the book: selection of books about toys.

Mosaic “Make a toy out of a mosaic” - develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Encourage children to independently dramatize familiar fairy tales.

Invite parents and their children to recall folk proverbs and explain their meaning.

Direct educational activities


FEMP No. 10 (see Novikova, p. 27). Purpose: To introduce the formation of numbers and the number 8. To teach how to relate a number to a number; be able to count within 8; consolidate temporary ideas: “morning - evening, “day - night”.

Phys. Culture

Artistic creativity

Physical education (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

Drawing “Toys from Polkhov - Maidan”. (D. Koldina, p. 101). Target:Introduce the Polkhov-Maidan painting and its characteristic elements. Learn to make patterns based on Polkhov-Maidan. paintings. Foster a love of folk art. Develop creative abilities.










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Migratory birds” - expand knowledge about the life of birds.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 26)

P/I "At Uncle Tryphon's".

I/U “Catch the ball.”

Labor: cleaning the site - creating a culture of work activity.

Remind children to help each other. Remind them how to politely make requests and thank them.

Cognitive and research activities: "Parachute" Target:Reveal that air has elasticity. Understand how air power (movement) can be used.

Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice.

work before bed

E. Uspensky “Cheburashka goes to school” . Analyze work in the canteen. Memorizing the poem “My toys.” (see plan). Game situation "Who is faster". Goal: To consolidate the ability to undress independently and quickly.


Gymnastics after sleep.


Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zhiharka” Goal: to develop children’s creative abilities, the ability to convey the character of the characters with gestures, voice, and facial expressions.

Practice with children in finding objects of square, round, rectangular shapes.

Prak. exercise “The Best Bed” Goal: To consolidate the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully make the bed after sleep.

Construction games at the “Our Microdistrict” gaming activity center.Goal: Continue to learn how to build various buildings from building material. Develop the ability to think about the purpose and structure of a future building.


Observation “People’s work in autumn” - bring to attention the benefits and necessity of the work of a janitor. (see G. Lapteva, p. 34). P/I “The Fox in the Chicken Coop.” I/U “Heron on the hunt.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Thursday - 10.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI“Call it in one word” -

learn to enrich objects with one word, enrich vocabulary.

M/I“Is it enough?” - teach children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, bring them to the concept that number does not depend on size.

PHYSICAL"Hit the hoop."

Purpose: to practice throwing at a target.

(Maxim, Zoya, Kristina, Pasha, Rostik, Kostya).

Conversation “Food culture is a serious matter.” Goals: To consolidate the skills of using cutlery correctly, eating with your mouth closed, chewing food silently.

S/r.i. “Kindergarten” Purpose: to teach how to play, work, and study together.

Games with didactic material at the center of musical development. “What do I play?” Goal: development of timbre hearing.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing.”

Direct educational activities


Speech development: Narrating “My favorite toy.” Goal: To teach children to compose stories from personal experience. Practice forming words - antonyms. (see Gerbova, p. 82)


Artistic creativity

Music (according to the plan of the music worker).

Application “Cut out and stick on whatever toy you want” (see Komarova, p. 89). Goal: Learn to conceive a simple plot. Reinforce cutting techniques. Foster activity and independence.










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Leaf fall” - test knowledge about changes in nature. (see G. Lap-teva, p. 28).

P/I "Burners".

I/U "Kangaroo".

Labor in nature:

Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves. Goal: to teach how to create a joyful mood from the work done.

Situational conversation about what a real friend should be.

Cognitive and research activity “Stones”Goal: develop curiosity, attention; maintain interest in understanding the surrounding reality by asking problematic questions; develop coherent speech.

Independent activity of children.

work before bed

Reading: V. Oseeva “The Magic Word.” Goal: to find out the likes and preferences of children. Canteen duty. Goal: to strengthen the skills of setting the table and correctly arranging cutlery.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Hardening procedures.

Entertainment: Literary performance - quiz “Which fairy tale are these miracles from” - continue to learn to recognize and name which fairy tale the presented fragments of fairy tales are from. Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

“My Bunny” - Strengthen the skill of creating images of your favorite toy from parts, correctly conveying their relative size

(Varya, Dasha, Mark, Sasha).

Consolidating the ability to make a bed: straighten the sheet, cover it with a blanket.

Talk about friendship; teach to play, work, and study together.

Role-playing game: “School” Goal. Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Introducing and accustoming preschoolers to the routine of school life.

Working in a corner of nature, caring for indoor plants.


Observation "Sparrows" - expand knowledge about birds. (see G. Lapteva, p. 33). P/I “Migration of birds”.

I/U “Hit the target.” Labor on site.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).




Educational activities in special moments

Friday - 11.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Morning exercises.

DI"Finish the sentence"

use of complex sentences.


“Tell me about your pattern” -

teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

Physo. I/U “Knock down the pin” - exercise in throwing a bag at a target. (Dasha, Varya, Yarik, Vlad, Mark

Situational conversation “About the rules of behavior at the table) Goal: To consolidate the ability to take food little by little, to use a fork and knife correctly.

Games with didactic material in the center of environmental development. Lotto "Plants of the forest, garden, vegetable garden." Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about plants in the forest, garden and vegetable garden.

D/I “Find toys by silhouettes and name them” - develop thinking and attention.

Visual information “Getting to know the paintings.”

Directly educational activity



Getting to know your surroundings. “What is the Red Book for?” (see Volchkova “Ecology”, p. 16). Target:To cultivate a kind, merciful, responsible attitude towards nature, future descendants who need to leave the Earth to live; to form the belief that the beauty of nature is priceless and must be protected.

Artistic creativity

Physical Culture

Drawing “Clown and doll” (see D. Koldina, p. 100). Target:Develop the ability to convey a human figure and depict facial features. Learn to draw the image of a cheerful clown and the image of your favorite doll. Educate independence.

Physical education in the air. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).










Reading x/l,

Artist creation,


Observation “Sad time” - expand your understanding of natural phenomena in autumn.

(see G. Lapteva, p. 29).

P/I "Geese - swans".

I/U “Get the toy.”

Labor: sweeping paths on the site.

Remind children that they need to take care of their appearance, cleanliness of clothes, and hairstyle every day.

Experimentation:“Prints of our hands” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the property of wet sand to preserve the shape of an object.

S/R game “Street” - to develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

work before bed

Reading E. Moshkovskaya “Resentment”. Canteen duty. Goal: to improve the ability to quickly and accurately set the table and clear the table. Finger gymnastics “Gnome”.


Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Patriotic education:

“Ground passenger transport of the native city” (see N. Zelenova, p. 42) - introduce children to different types of transport in hometown, with the work of people of different professions.

Modeling according to plan. Goal: Formation of the ability to think about the content of your work; outline its execution, methods of depiction.

A situational conversation about who and how to say goodbye. Acting out and discussing situations.

Household work.

Game situation: “Muddy”. Goal: To consolidate the ability to maintain order in a group.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.


Observation “Willow” - to give children an idea of ​​the role of plants in human life. (see G. Lapteva, p. 30). P/I "Magic wand". I/U “Throw it – catch it.” Labor on site.

in kindergarten No. 2164 in Moscow

Working with parents

    Tests for adults (in the form of a screen) “Children’s games and toys will tell about the character of an adult.”(Journal “Game and Children” No. 4, 2004, p. 31.)

    Conversations with parents about their children's favorite toys.

    Preparation of costumes and attributes for story and theatrical games: “Teremok”, “Dirty Girl”, “Travelers”.

Working with teachers

    Consultation "The role of the teacher in teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments."

    Memo for teachers “Attributes for amateur role-playing games for children.”

    Making a sliding folder "A game".

Age group


Day of Russian folk games and toys

Games with nesting dolls and pyramids “How different they all are!”

and II junior groups

Bogorodsk toys. “How they played with them in the old days”

Middle group

Russian folk games and toys “Kuchamala”, “Wonderful bag”

Senior group


Ball games
“Balls in the Basket”, “Catch a Ride”*

I and II junior groups

Games with hoops
“Ball through the hoop”, “Hit the target” (p. 101-102)*

Middle group

Skittle games(at the choice of teachers)

Senior group


Games in play corners with your favorite toys

I and II junior groups,
middle group

Excursion to the kindergarten museum: “Our great-grandparents played with these toys” (by subgroups)

Senior group

* “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.” E.I. Vavilova.

Age group

Day of role-playing games “I play what is at hand...”
(Magazine “Game and Children” No. 4, 2004)

Games with dice
“We build it ourselves”, “What games can you play with this?”
Goal: development of creative abilities.

I and II junior groups

Creating a game situation “The bear is sick”*

Middle group

Role-playing games with your favorite toys

Senior group


Outdoor games with story content
“Shaggy Dog”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Birds and Rain” (S.N. Teplyuk “Activities on walks with younger children before school age»)

I and II junior groups

“Birds and the cat”, “The hen and the chickens”, “Hares and the wolf”**, p. 114, 116

Middle group

“Mousetrap”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “Wolf in the ditch”**, p. 155

Senior group


Games with paints, pencils, color

“Colorful glades”*, p. eleven

I and II junior groups

“Colorful water”*, p. 27

Middle group

“Planes behind the clouds”*, p. 39

Senior group

* “What doesn’t happen in the world.” E.L. Agayeva.
* * “Physical activities, games and exercises while walking.” V.G. Frolov. M., 1986.

Age group

Day of Games and Toys of Different Nations

Exhibition “My Favorite Toy”
Children bring toys from home, together with the teacher they arrange an exhibition and invite children from other groups to it. Children are tour guides. They talk about their toys and show how to play with them.
Excursions for children
II junior group - to the middle group
Middle group - to senior group
Senior group - to junior group I

In all groups


Outdoor games of different nations

“Jumping over a ditch” (Turkmen game)*, p. 223
"Who will throw further" ( Tatar game)*, With. 79

I and II junior groups

“Quail” (Ukrainian game)*, p. 116
“Hold by the tail” (Turkmen game)*, p. 122

Middle group

“Ivanka” (Belarusian game)*
“Ring” (Belarusian game)*

Senior group


Children playing with their favorite toys brought from home
Goal: to cultivate goodwill, develop a desire to play together, not to quarrel, teach children to share toys, teach them to see the features of toys of other nations.

I and II junior groups.
Middle group
Senior group

Preparation for performances for children of other groups

Senior group, middle group

* “Children’s outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR”, compiled by A.V. Keneman, 1998.

Age group

Day of theatre, theatrical toys and dramatization “We are artists, we are spectators”
Performance for children (introducing children to puppets and puppets) “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

All groups


Games to develop motor skills

“Planes and Butterflies”, “Ants”, p. 43, 41*

I and II junior groups

“Grandma Malanya,” “Catch Cotton,” p. 48, 46*

Middle group

“How are you living?”, “Head or tail”*

Senior group


Tabletop toy theater “Dirty Girl” (after A. Barto and P. Barto), p. 25**

I and II junior groups

Tabletop theater « Little Red Riding Hood", With. 68**

Middle group

Finger theater “Two Greedy Little Bears”, followed by a show for children of primary and secondary groups

Senior group

Children's games with the “Geometric Constructor” (we collect fairy tale characters based on the picture)

Senior group

* “Methodology and organization of theatrical activities for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.” E.G. Churilova (p. 40-54).
* * “Theatrical games for preschoolers.” L.V. Artemova, 1991.

Age group

Day of Musical Games and Musical Toys

Musical and didactic games: “Which bird is singing?”, “Tambourine”, p. 87, 88*

I and II junior groups

Musical and didactic games: “Guests have come to us”, “Caps”, p. 88, 89*

Middle group

Musical and didactic games: “Our journey”, p. 89*; “We listen carefully,” p. 91*

Senior group


Outdoor games using musical instruments: tambourine, drum, maracas, noise boxes, etc. (at the choice of children and teachers)

In all groups


Individual games with musical toys: tumblers, tops, bells, rattles, bells, organs, rattles, organs. “Whose bell?”, “Guess what it sounds like?”

I and II junior groups

Concert for children "We are musicians"

Middle group,
senior group

* “Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments.” N.G. Kononova. M., 1990.


1 municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type 62 Project “Week of Games and Toys” Authors of the project: Sedova M.P., teacher, Sulina R.A., teacher 2015

2 Information card of the project Project type: creative and informational. Project duration: short-term (1 week). Project participants: children, teachers, parents. Children's age: 5-6 years. Educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, Speech development”, Artistic and aesthetic development”, Physical development.” Problem. Modern living conditions are such that children can often play meaningful educational and role-playing games only in kindergarten. In a family setting, play is not properly accompanied by adults and, accordingly, does not contain the necessary developmental content. Organizing a unified play space for child development in the family and preschool is the most important task of kindergarten teachers. The task of filling preschoolers’ play with educational content and developing children’s interest in its different types remains urgent. At the same time, it is necessary to more actively conduct psychological and pedagogical education of parents of preschool children on the content and importance of games and toys for the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child. Project idea. Carry out a large number of games of various types and contents with children, and together with children and their parents make interesting attributes for games. Goal: development of play activity in children of senior preschool age, enrichment of familiar games with new solutions, inclusion of productive activities in it, creation of conditions for creative self-expression. Project objectives For children: 1. Continue to introduce older preschoolers to the diverse world of toys and the variety of materials from which they are made. 2. To develop children’s interest in various types of games, to support their free creative self-realization in the game. 3. Develop the speech of children of senior preschool age, enrich and expand children's vocabulary. 4. Develop thinking, memory, attention through didactic games. 5. Encourage the need of older preschool children to experiment. 6. Develop cognitive interest, the need for knowledge of the cultural and historical values ​​of the people through familiarization with the making of toys in ancient times.

3 7. Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children. 8. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, careful attitude towards toys. For teachers: 1. To increase the level of pedagogical competence of preschool teachers on the issues of planning and conducting independent and joint play activities for children and adults, pedagogical management of theatrical and didactic games. 2. Replenish the development environment for children’s independent activities. For parents: 1. Give parents knowledge about the meaning of the toy, its role in the child’s play through open classes, photo reports, photo newspapers, presentations and information on the website. 2. Provide information about the appropriate pedagogical selection of toys. 3. Enrich parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family. 4. Involve parents of students in an active discussion and create conditions for the development of the child’s play at home. Main directions of project implementation: Social and moral development. Development of productive activities. Cognitive and research development. Introduction to fiction. Expected result: developing a caring attitude towards toys among older preschoolers, introducing children to the history of toys, their production, and folk toys; increasing the level of development of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age; independent compilation of short stories about toys; creativity in productive activities; development of children's communication skills, positive emotions from joint gaming activities. Enriching parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increasing the competence of parents when choosing a toy; increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions; active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten and group. Replenishment of the subject-development environment with toys, creation of a card index of lexical, active, folk, musical, didactic games. Preparatory stage: study and selection of material, development of the project structure, drawing up thematic planning of events, selection of didactic, active, folk, musical, vocabulary games, preparation puppet theater“Cat House”, making decorations, making a drawing for an art gallery for A. Barto’s poem “Airplane”, preparing presentations on topics, learning the “Matryoshka” dance, starting the creation of a mini-museum “Folk Rag Doll”.

4 Main stage (implementation of the project): Program for the “Week of Games and Toys” Morning Monday Day of your favorite toy and role-playing games“My favorite toy” Teacher: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken Tuesday Day of creative games “City of Masters” Educator: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken Wednesday is the Day of outdoor and folk games “And in our yard” Educator: Sulina R.A. The goal is to awaken Thursday Day of Books and Intellectual Games “Smart Men and Wise Girls” Educator: Sulina R.A. The goal is to awaken Friday Day of musical and theatrical games “Living Toys” Educator: Sedova M.P. The goal is to awaken the Exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Toy” (children as guides). Purpose - Didactic game What from what. The goal is to learn to identify the names of toys and the folk outdoor game “Catch a Fish.” The goal is to develop in- Intellectual game"Guess the fairy tale." The goal is to expand the reader’s circle- A musical staging of the nursery rhyme “Shadow-shadow-shadow” - to form

5 developing children’s interest in the world around them, the ability to share impressions of their favorite toy through drawing; development of speech through artistic expression, complete answers to questions, composing a story about toys. An exhibition of favorite toys brought by children from home. The goal is to create a positive attitude, introduce peers to your toys, teach children to take care of their own and other people's toys. Finger gymnastics Toys. The goal is to develop memory, motor skills, the ability to navigate in space, speech, and a sense of rhythm. the material from which they are made. Game “Wonderful Palaces” (different sets of building materials for constructing buildings). The goal is to activate children's imagination and creativity. Visit to the exhibition “Toy from Mother’s Childhood”. The goal is to introduce children to the toys of past years. Reading fiction: Poems by A. Barto “Toys” and the story by V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”. The goal is to develop focused attention, imagination, and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. motherhood; consolidate game actions in accordance with the rules of the game. zor, develop cognitive interest, activity of older preschoolers. Thematic role-playing game “Library” (using the example of books from the “Entertaining Atlas” series). The goal is to increase interest and respect for the book; develop speech creativity during games; older preschoolers have a culture of communication in the library. to develop a value attitude towards folk games Mini-competition of reciters of poems by Agnia Barto from the “Toys” series. Goal - To promote the formation of cognitive interest in the work of A. L. Barto. Puppet show for junior group"Cat house". (together with music director V.Yu. Shcherbakova) The goal is to create conditions for the development of stage creativity in children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities. Riddles from the “My Toys” chest. The goal is to determine the ability to understand the relationships between objects on the basis of a visit to the art gallery of MBDOU d/s 62 (Topic “Paintings to the poems of A. Barto from the cycle “Toys”.

6 giving descriptive riddles, with negation, simple metaphorical riddles; the ability to explain why exactly such an answer. The goal is to guess works from illustrations, to increase students’ interest in reading works of art. GCD Outdoor game: “Who is most likely to take the toy.” Goal: To develop dexterity and intelligence in children. “Visiting your favorite toy - Matryoshka” (together with music director V.Yu. Shcherbakova) - an integrated lesson using a computer presentation; inclusion of a mini-concert “Friends of Matryoshka Wooden Spoons”; productive activity: making a flat matryoshka doll from paper using assemblage, appliqué and paper-plastic techniques. "Journey through the cities of folk craftsmen." The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about folk art crafts of Russian masters, in particular, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel paintings. A situational conversation about the benefits of outdoor games among the people, how they arose and multiplied. The goal is to develop interest in Russian folk games. Situational conversation about the book and its benefits. The goal is for preschoolers to have an interest in books and a need to read; cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Game-activity “Journey to the Theater”. The goal is to consolidate and expand children’s understanding of the work of actors in the theater; children’s ability to dramatize familiar fairy tales, coordinate the words and actions of the character; develop intonation expressiveness, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, communication skills; cultivate a culture of verbal communication. The goal is to create conditions for the inclusion of older children

7 school age to folk traditions through folklore. Development in children of cognitive interest in folk life, products of decorative and applied arts, and Russian folklore. Continue to introduce children to objects made of wood, a variety of toys and folk musical instruments. Walk Outdoor game “The sea is agitated once” (toy figure freeze). The goal is the development of creative and communication abilities, imagination, resourcefulness, erudition, attention, and memory. Outdoor game “Colored Cars” The goal is to consolidate the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space, and not bump into each other; develop in- Competition of winter buildings. The goal is to create conditions for a variety of cognitive and motor activities of children in walking areas in the winter, to develop the creative abilities and construction skills of preschoolers. Russian folk outdoor game "Colors". The goal is to cultivate interest in the Russian folk games of sledding. The goal is to teach to be friendly, to be able to give up your place to a friend. Snowball games. Game "Hit the Target". The goal is to develop the eye of preschoolers. Game "Who's next?" The goal is to teach you to take the correct starting position after a throw. Games with snow. Construction of a fortress, a snowman. Folk outdoor game “Defend the fortress”. The goal is to teach to be accurate, friendly, and develop logical thinking. Music game“If life is fun.” Goal - To develop coordination of movements, attention to the sound of the word. Outdoor game Funny tambourine. The goal is to develop a sense of musical rhythm

8 Evening mania; consolidate knowledge of traffic lights; make you want to learn the rules of the road. Drawing toys with sticks on the snow develops creativity. Role-playing game “Trip to Children's World” (with roles distributed according to gender: boys drivers, dad, son; girls mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). The goal is to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively; be able to dramatize; interest in playing games with peers, self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot. Didactic game “What can toys do?” (individual work) - Observation of the work of a janitor - develop the ability to see the expediency of labor actions; learn to evaluate the results of work "Toy Workshop" Master class "Making a folk rag doll with a twist" (joint activity with parents). The goal is to teach how to perform a Russian rag doll based on traditional technology; instill interest in Russian rag doll as a form of folk art. Making a plasticine painting for the competition “Fairytale Gzhel” (Individual work, Velichko Kira). The goal is to teach the technology of plasticine applique, relying on the skills of the folk outdoor game “Burners”. The goal is to develop coordination of movements, attention and balance. Folk game "Golden Gate". The goal is to develop speed, dexterity, eye, and improve spatial orientation; practice chain walking. Conversation “What do we know about water.” The goal is to introduce older preschoolers to the properties of water and talk about its benefits; cultivate a desire to be inquisitive. Experimental games with water “Submarine”, “How to get a coin out of water without getting your hands wet”, Lotus flowers.” The goal is to identify the properties of water; that water can saturate paper and make it heavier. Didactic game “Match the picture by numbers and color it.” The goal is to prepare the hand for writing. Individual games with musical toys “Guess what it sounds like?” The goal is to develop auditory perception, memory Productive activity: making Russian characters with children folk tales for finger theater. The goal is to activate the creative potential of children through introduction to the world of theater. Creative play"Mysterious Shadows" The goal is to develop the imagination and creativity of preschoolers.

9 Interaction with parents, exercise in selecting actions for objects. Design of the wall newspaper “Our Favorite Toys” together with children. Questionnaire “Game in the life of your child.” Goal: find out what games children like, how they like to play, and what they like to play at home. Electronic presentation “Seriously about toys.” Teacher-psychologist Komolova I.N. "Gzhel" fishery Practical lesson "Making sports toys. Instructor physical culture Bogatyreva I.B. Master Class for parents “Folk doll - twist” using the author’s presentation “Russian folk toy and its significance in the education of preschool children.” Teacher Sedova M.P. Consultation in the parents' corner "The benefits of outdoor folk games among older preschoolers." Electronic presentation “Games of our grandmothers”. Teacher-speech therapist Shcherbakova I.I. Interactive game with parents “Games of our grandmothers.” Physical education instructor Bogatyreva I.B. Electronic presentation “Folk Toy”. Art teacher Komarova E.B. Didactic game "Find the differences." The goal is the development of visual memory, attention, logical thinking. Electronic presentation “A toy is destiny.” Deputy Head of VMR O.N. Bachurina Booklet “Are we playing? Let's play! Teacher Skrynnik T.P. Interactive game with parents “Let's play with the whole family.” Physical education instructor Bogatyreva I.B. Final stage: photo exhibition about the week of “Games and Toys”, analysis of the questionnaires “Game in the life of your child”, preparation of the presentation “Week of games and toys in the group “Fidgets”, information on the website of MBDOU d/s 62 about the week of games and toys , replenishment of the “Games for older preschoolers” card index, participation in the Internet competition “Fairytale Gzhel” on the “I am a teacher” website.

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Solitaire Solitaire