A week of winter games and fun in the senior group. Carrying out a week of winter games and fun Calendar thematic planning winter fun senior group

In our kindergarten “Solnyshko” it has become a good tradition to hold a Week of Winter Games and Fun. According to the annual work plan, it is carried out immediately after the New Year holidays. This academic year, such a week was held from January 9 to 17, 2014.
The goals and objectives of the thematic week were:

Creating conditions for physical development, increasing physical activity and broadening the horizons of children;
ensuring children have adequate active recreation during winter walks; providing them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities:
promoting children's health;
identifying the most rational methods for organizing children's entertaining and physical activities while walking in winter;
enriching the content of walks in winter by expanding the list of sports games, fun and entertainment;
generalization and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience in the educational process of joint activities of children, teachers and parents.

To prepare and conduct a thematic Week in kindergarten, a creative group of teachers from all age groups was created. The head of the creative group was the physical group instructor Natalya Viktorovna Uzhegova.
Members of the creative group drew up a plan for the Week, Scenarios for activities with children, outdoor games and relay races have been selected . At the pedagogical meeting, members of the creative group presented methodological recommendations for holding the Week.
The Week of Winter Games and Fun was held on a thematic basis. Each day of the week was dedicated to a theme related to the winter season.
Based on this plan, the group teachers organized various activities with children, varied in form and content.
Informative conversations were held about the winter season, united by a common theme "Three White Horses" , accompanied by viewing children's multimedia presentations about the winter months and their distinctive features.
Physical education aroused great interest among children “We are not afraid of frost!” with a variety of relay races, fun games, and outdoor games.
A competition of ice figures and patterns was organized "Secrets of the Ice Mosaic" . Using ice cubes from colored water frozen in containers, the children laid out various flat shapes and patterns in their areas. Creative works were assessed by the Snow Queen herself.
Exhibitions of reproductions of paintings about winter by famous artists were held in all age groups. "In the kingdom of Zimushka-Winter" .
An environmental campaign was carried out “Take care of birds in winter!” . Conversations were held with children on the topic "Caring for Birds in Winter" . A competition for the best feeder was organized together with parents. During walks, teachers and children built a real "Bird's dining room" , with a variety of bird food, conducted bird observations.
Productive activities with children were presented "City of Masters" : with the help of non-traditional visual techniques of art, appliqué, and paper construction, children created a variety of fun toys and winter landscapes.
Most of the activities with children were carried out in the fresh air: fun games “Ice sleds”, “Sleigh train”, experimental activities with snow and ice, learning new outdoor games and so on.
One of the days of the Week was dedicated to the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi. During the walk, the Small Winter Olympic Games were held with children of all age groups. Three teams of children competed in various winter sports - biathlon, hockey, cross-country skiing, luge, and visited "Station of winter mysteries" . During the day, children had conversations about the history and symbols of the Olympics, and didactic games about winter sports.
The Week ended with traditional folk entertainment - Carols. The pupils of the preparatory group prepared wonderful entertainment for the children of other groups with folk fun games, music and dance numbers, and also told a lot of interesting things about this folk tradition.
All events held during the Week of Winter Games and Fun were carried out at a high quality level, a good emotional uplift, and contributed to the physical, aesthetic and cognitive development of children. The children were able not only to spend their winter holidays interestingly and usefully, but also to stock up on positive energy for the second half of the year.
The coherent, clear, organized work of the members of the creative group played a major role in organizing and conducting the Week.
The group teachers presented photo reports on the results of the Week. Materials about the Week of Winter Games and Fun were published on the kindergarten website.

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Preparatory group Teacher Kazakova L.I.


  • Expand children's understanding of winter fun and entertainment.
  • Form ideas about safe behavior of people in winter.
  • Reinforce knowledge about the properties of snow and ice.
  • To cultivate a love for our native nature, for the Russian winter.

Final event: Construction of a snow slide on the site.

Day of the week Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners

Monday 1.OO (environment, ecology) "Winter. Winter fun" Goal: to continue monitoring the further decrease in day length, frosts, snowfalls, freezing of water bodies, to clarify children’s ideas about winter fun. (I. A. Morozova, p. 121.)

2. OO (modeling) "Skiers" Purpose: to sculpt a human figure in motion, to convey the shape of the body, structure, shape of parts, proportions. (Comprehensive Lessons, p. 223)

3. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

Morning exercises

Conversation "Winter is full of wonders and fun" Goal: to give an idea of ​​the importance of physical activity for human health, to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Didactic game “Collect a picture” (cut postcards) Goal: to consolidate knowledge of color, shape, the ability to assemble a whole according to a model, to activate the vocabulary.

Didactic game “Name the plant with the right sound” Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking in children.

Making riddles about winter games Goal: to develop children's thinking and speech.

Round dance “Burn, burn clearly” Purpose: to consolidate the movements of the round dance, to develop imagination and rhythm.

Observation in a corner of nature. Goal: to develop the ability to take care of plants (watering, loosening the soil, the ability to write a description of plants.

Walk 1.

Observing the wind Goal: to develop observation skills, interest in inanimate natural phenomena, their features in the winter season, to activate vocabulary.

Outdoor game “Polar Bears” Purpose: to practice running in different directions, to develop agility, speed, courage

Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind” Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to practice circling.

Outdoor game “Two Frosts” Purpose: to develop dexterity, learn to distribute roles.

Individual work

Throwing objects at a target. Goal: to develop hand strength and eye.

Labor assignments: clearing paths.

Goal: to cultivate in children a positive attitude towards work, to bring what they start to the end.

Conversation "Winter Games" Purpose: to introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.

Reading fiction I. Surikov "Winter" Goal: expressively read the poem by heart, conveying intonation an admiration of winter nature, feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Role-playing game "A trip around the world" Goal: expand children's horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendships, expand children's vocabulary: "captain" , "Traveling across the world" , "Asia" , "India" , "Europe" , "Pacific Ocean" .

Equipment: a ship made of building material, a steering wheel, binoculars, a world map.

Didactic game "Safety rules in winter" Goal: know winter safety rules; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures.

Didactic game "Broken phone" .

Goal: development of auditory attention.

Ecological game "Seasons"

Goal: to develop logical thinking and enrich children’s horizons with the concept of seasonal changes in nature.

Experimentation "Ice-strongman"

Purpose: to draw children's attention to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the top with water, to invite them to make a proposal about what will happen to the water if it freezes. Offer to conduct an experiment.

Walk 2.

Observations of trees in winter, tell how to protect them from severe frosts. Goal: to promote knowledge about preserving trees during the cold season.

Outdoor game “Fairy-tale figure, freeze” Purpose: to develop imagination and creativity in inventing fairy-tale figures.

Outdoor game “Hares, Christmas trees, stumps.” Goal: to practice running in different directions, the ability to act on a signal, to develop attention and agility.

Outdoor game "The Kite and the Mother Hen" . Goals: to consolidate the ability to act together; develop speed and agility.

Individual work

Development of movements. Goal: develop an eye for throwing snowballs (balls) at the target, achieving active movement of the hand when throwing.

Offer children felt-tip pens and colored pencils “Draw your favorite fairy-tale character” Goal: to develop imagination, creativity, visual skills, speech; activate the dictionary.

Making pinwheels for observing the wind. Goal: to develop the ability to work together and creatively.

Individual consultations: "Children's clothes in the group" .

Invite parents to help decorate the kindergarten area with snow buildings, garlands and toys made with their own hands from waste material.

Tuesday 1.OO "Cognitive activity" FEMP No. 15

"I'm counting to 20"

(E.V. Kolesnikova, p. 30) workbook.

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity"

3. OO "Speech activity" (fiction) Telling a fairy tale by V. I. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" (O. S. Ushakova, p. 180) Morning

Morning exercises

Conversation "On the Hill in Winter"

Purpose: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding downhill; develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait your turn; develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.

Reading and retelling by N. Nosov "On the Hill" Goal: to teach to feel and understand the nature of images, to assimilate sequence, and to retell based on a plan.

Didactic game "Who by whom (how) will?"

Goal: consolidate the sequence of events.

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Goal: to consolidate winter signs.

Finger game "Herringbone" .

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Canteen duty. Goal: education of CGN, culture of behavior and self-service skills: to consolidate skills of culture of behavior at the table.


Observing snow Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow; teach how to measure its thickness, consider the components of snow.

Outdoor game “Brave Guys” Purpose: to practice walking and running in different directions, jumping from snow banks, to develop courage and dexterity.

Outdoor game “Oh, you, sleigh, my sleigh” Purpose: to practice sledding in different directions, to create a positive emotional mood.

Outdoor game "Penguins with a ball" . Goal: to make jumping on two legs more difficult by moving forward with an object clamped with your feet.

Individual work

Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

With snow, sledding, sculpting figures from snow.

Conversation “How the curious tongue was punished”

Objectives: to give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that they should not be touched with the tongue, lips or bare hands;

teach to take care of your safety and prevent accidents.

Reading fiction G. Skrebitsky “How a squirrel spends the winter” Purpose: answer questions about the content of the listened text; learn to retell the text of a story; instill love for animals and care for them.

Plot-role-playing game “On the roads of the city” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, to introduce them to the new role of a traffic controller, to cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

Equipment: toy cars, traffic controller flags - red and green.

Didactic game "Edible - inedible" (with a ball).

Goal: formation of attention, development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

Didactic game "Find your match" Purpose: to consolidate geometric shapes.

Game-situation "In our orchestra" Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk traditions; activate auditory attention and promote playing musical instruments.

In the book corner, invite children to look at the illustrations "Winter Landscapes" Goal: to evoke positive emotions in children.

Independent gaming activity Goal: To develop the ability to independently choose games, negotiate with peers about interaction, and select attributes.

Walk 2.

Watching the tracks "Funny drawings in the snow"

Goal: to improve the ability to think about whose footprints remain in the snow.

Hanging feeders on the site. Goal: to promote caring for birds in the winter season.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught" . Goal: practice running in different directions.

Outdoor game "Blizzard" Goal: perform movements according to the content of the game.

Outdoor game "Owl and the Birds" .

Goal: practice running in all directions.

Ind. physical education work: exercise in walking "trail after trail"

Goal: practice balance.

Independent activities of children

Board games - traveling with cubes and chips Purpose: to develop imagination, perception, thinking, consolidate counting, teach children to engage in joint activities, taking into account the interests and opinions of other children.

Dramatization game by S. Marshak "Twelve months" .

Goal: to encourage children to improvise, to develop the ability to feel free in a role. Offer children the opportunity to perform in front of their peers.

Consultation "Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease"

Oral conversation “Gallery worms are one of the measures to prevent viral infections” .

Consultation: topic: “Parents to avoid payment arrears”

Consultation for parents “How to dress a child in winter” .

Invite parents to make bottle skis as a group.

Wednesday 1.OO "Speech activity" (speech development) Making a story based on a picture “We are not afraid of frost” Objectives: - coherent speech: learn to tell stories from a picture, without repeating each other’s stories; use figurative words and expressions to describe winter; - dictionary and grammar: learn to identify essential features when comparing phenomena, give tasks to select definitions and synonyms; introduce the polysemy of words; - sound culture of speech: teach the correct pronunciation of sounds (With)(With,) (h)(z,), differentiate them by ear, select words with these sounds, change the strength of the voice, the pace of speech.

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (construction), (manual labor) "Snowman" Goal: to consolidate the ability to make products from waste material. (Comprehensive Lessons, p. 169)

3. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

Morning exercises

Conversation “What I liked most about skiing” Purpose: to systematize children’s knowledge, activate memory.

Lotto "Equip an Athlete" .

Goal: select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes.

Didactic game "Who can name more actions" Goal: activate verbs, form various verb forms (infinitive, third person).

Didactic game "Four Seasons" Goal: to know the signs that characterize each season.

Reading a story by V. Suteev "Yolki" .

Purpose: to introduce children to the work and invite them to express their opinion about the story.

Finger gymnastics "Snowball"

Canteen duty. Goal: To promote children’s ability to perform the duties of dining room attendants and to set the table correctly and consistently.

Walk 1.

Comparative observation of a sparrow and a tit. Objectives: using the example of comparing a sparrow and a tit, introduce the features of their structure and way of life; cultivate a friendly attitude towards our smaller brothers.

Pour food into bird feeders. Goal: to promote a desire to care for birds.

Research activities

Suggest compacting the snow in a small area and using a stick to sketch the bird tracks you see.

Labor activity

Collecting snow to build a snow town. Goals: to develop the ability to work in a team; plan work.

Individual work "Walk carefully" . Goal: learn to walk "snake" between objects without knocking them over.

Independent activities of children

Telling a Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form.

Didactic game “Help Ole choose clothes and shoes” (etiquette)

Goal: using pictures to clarify and activate the names of clothes and shoes in children’s speech (mittens - gloves, shoes - boots); give each child the opportunity to express themselves in choosing outfits for the doll

Didactic game “Which team will line up faster” Goal: consolidate counting and numbers within 10, orientation in space.

Didactic game "Name the action" Goal: know winter phenomena; be able to complete the teacher’s sentence, choosing the appropriate verb according to its meaning.

Plot-role-playing game “At a car service station” Purpose: to expand the theme of construction games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place for the game, introduce a new role - a car repairman.

Equipment: building material for building a garage, plumbing tools for car repair, equipment for washing and painting cars.

Low mobility game “Find what I’ll describe” .

Goal: improve the ability to find an object by description, practice orientation in a group, develop attention.

Experimental activities “What color is the snow?” Purpose: to give an idea that snow collected in different places (near the roadway and in the kindergarten area) different in color. Why?

Walk 2.

Observing frosty patterns Purpose: to observe frosty patterns on the window.

Labor activity: clean the path leading to the veranda.

Goal: improve the ability to work with a shovel correctly and throw snow in the right direction.

Outdoor game "Red, yellow, green" .

Goal: act on a signal, reinforce the rules of behavior on the street.

Outdoor game "Running on a Winding Path"

Purpose: to exercise the ability to maintain direction

Outdoor game "Run to the flag"

Goal: to develop agility, speed, spatial orientation.

Games with portable equipment. Goal: development of skills in joint gaming activities

Offer children books "Do it yourself" (cut and paste): “Here, the New Year is approaching” .

Goal: to promote the development of creativity, safety when working with scissors.

Invite children to build a “Castle for the Snow Queen” using building material. Goal: to develop children’s constructive skills, the ability to demonstrate plot structures, enjoy the results, consolidate the names of parts and verb forms in speech, and develop motor skills.

Conversation: "Future First-Grade Mode"

Consultation “How to spend a day off with a child?” .

Bring winter sports coloring books

Thu Wer 1.OO "Cognitive activity" FEMP No. 14 "I solve arithmetic problems" (E. V Kolesnikova) workbook.

2. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

(on air)

Subject: "Winter roads"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and the road in winter.

Give children knowledge that in winter the roads are slippery and drivers cannot move quickly.

stop the vehicle. On slippery roads, cars and buses even

After braking, they slide forward for some time. Cultivate the ability to restrain

yourself, be careful, don’t play on the road.

Didactic game "Say it differently" Goal: to teach children to select a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Didactic game "Pick a pictogram" .

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about Olympic winter sports.

It is necessary to select a pictogram for the corresponding sport and name it.

Reading p. n. fairy tales "Morozko" .

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, and express their attitude towards them. Conversation on content.

Finger game "Feeder" Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Walk 1.

Observation "Bird tracks in the snow" Goal: to strengthen the ability to recognize bird tracks in the snow.

Work assignments: feeding birds.

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to pour pre-prepared food into feeders, instill a love for birds, and encourage the desire to take care of them.

Outdoor games "Find the trail" , "Trace after trace" . Goal: practice jumping with forward movement, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the movement.

Individual work

Practicing jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m. Purpose: to improve coordination of movements.

Telling a tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

Goal: to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to lead to an understanding of the idea of ​​the work, to connect it with the meaning of the proverb.

Didactic game "Make no mistake" Goals: develop quick thinking; consolidate children's knowledge of what they do at different times of the day.

Didactic game “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?” Goal: to teach children to recognize objects by their characteristic features; intensify the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, and the materials from which they are made.

Story-based role-playing game "Guests"

Goal: strengthening cultural skills, imparting to the children some knowledge of home economics (room cleaning, table setting).

Game material. Doll dishes, imaginary treats, substitute objects; tables with tablecloths, tea sets, vases, tea, pies.

Reinforce the rules for safe movement indoors: carefully go up and down the stairs; hold on to the railing; open and close the door while holding the door handle.

Walk 2.

Observation. Draw children's attention to the seasonal changes that are occurring and practice using epithets when describing them. To instill in children sensitivity to the poetic word.

Memorization: "Snowflake" K. Balmont, to form an idea of ​​the properties of snow, interest in inanimate objects of nature; consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop a sense of beauty.

Development of movements. Goal: practice running "snake" , running around objects placed in a row.

Construction of a snow slide. Goal: to cultivate a love of work and friendly relationships. Building a slide for dolls, slamming the snow with a shovel, teaching how to work together, getting joy from the work done and its result.

Outdoor game "The deer has a big house" . Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text.

Outdoor game "Aircraft" Goal: to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal, speed of attention.

Outdoor game “Hit the target with a ball of snow” .

Goal: to develop eye and throwing power.

Offer to draw "Frost patterns" Goal: to promote children's ability to draw frosty patterns. Create conditions for experimenting with paints to obtain different shades of blue.

Free activities for children in creativity centers, books.

Goal: to teach children to independently find something they like.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing” .

Individual conversations "Training to Remember"

Consultation “Daily routine is the key to health and academic success”

Bring pictures, newspaper clippings, winter sports magazines (possibly Olympic themed), about winter fun in Rus' and in modern times (for the design of a wall newspaper)

Friday 1.OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (according to the music director's plan)

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (drawing) "Snow Maiden near the Christmas tree" Goal: to teach to convey the fairy-tale image of the Snow Maiden through her outfit: a long fur coat with snow patterns and fur trim; choose cool colors: blue, blue, purple or lilac for her clothes; train children in using different pencil pressures: light for evenly painting a fur coat, strong for drawing an outline, details, patterns; learn to draw Christmas tree needles with continuous oblique strokes; learn to depict fur with strokes. (G. S. Shvaiko, p. 84 “Fine art classes” ) Conversation "Who feels good in winter" Goal: to engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Purpose: name and distinguish between winter and summer sports.

Didactic game “It’s similar - it’s not similar” Goal: teach to compare objects; find signs of difference in them; similarities, recognize objects by description.

Didactic game “Guess it!” Goal: to develop the ability to describe an object without looking at it, to identify essential features in it, to recognize an object by description.

Articulation and finger gymnastics “Hello to all friends - physical education” Goal: improve fine motor skills

Round dance “Whoever walks there wanders”

Goal: to consolidate the movements of the round dance, to develop imagination and rhythm.

Walk 1.

Observation of a crow and a magpie Purpose: to teach how to compare a magpie and a crow, to find distinctive features .

Individual work Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

Research activity Observe where the snow melts faster - on the mitten or on the hand. Why? What is formed from snow?

Labor activity

Construction of a labyrinth.

Goals: to teach to finish things; develop the ability to act together.

Outdoor games "Penguins with a ball" "Don't step on it!" .

Goal: to make jumping on two legs more difficult by moving forward with an object clamped with your legs.

Outdoor game "Birds and Cats" Goal: develop speed and attention.

Reading a fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months"

Goal: to teach to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Goal: to clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons.

Didactic game “Name the bird with the right sound” Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking.

Thematic role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Goal: caring for the sick and using medical instruments, cultivating attentiveness and sensitivity in children, expanding vocabulary: introducing concepts "hospital" , "sick" , "treatment" , "medicines" , "temperature" , "hospital" .

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.

Didactic game "What it is?" Goal: to develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity.

Walk 2.

Watching Hooded and Carrion Crows

Objectives: teach to compare the gray and black crow;

find distinctive features (appearance, voice, habits).

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work in a team.

Individual work

"Find the object" .

Goals: to consolidate the ability to navigate the kindergarten area; find an item by description.

Outdoor game

“One, two, three - run!” .

Goal: develop running speed, agility, attention.

Outdoor games "Frost - red nose" "We are funny guys" . Goals: learn to clearly speak text in the game; follow the rules of the game

Role-playing game at the request of children Goal: to continue to form relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance; cultivate friendliness.

Art activities at the request of children "New Year through the eyes of children" Goal: to promote the development of creativity in children, teach how to place a drawing on a sheet of paper, and how to do work accurately.

Offer children “Puzzles”, “Mosaics” Goal: to develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills Memo to parents: "Safe behavior of children on the road"

Invite parents to take part in a competition for making Christmas tree decorations.

Individual consultation “Formation of independence in children aged 6–7 years for successful schooling” .

Alesya Chistova
Planning a Week of Winter Games and Fun (senior group)



Conversation "Fun in winter."

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about winter fun games; expand the vocabulary using nouns (sledge, skis, skates, skiers, figure skater, skating rink).

Didactic game “Guess what’s hidden”: theme “Winter sports games”

Goal: to teach children to imagine objects according to their verbal description, to create a description of various objects according to plan. Develop verbal and non-verbal imagination.

Lesson: “Winter sports”

Goal: To introduce children to winter sports: skiing, biathlon, speed skating. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the differences and similarities of these species. To clarify knowledge about athletes’ uniforms, sports attributes, and equipment necessary for sports. Activate your vocabulary of verbs, adjectives, plural nouns. number. Develop vocabulary, thinking, speech, cognitive activity. Cultivate interest and desire for sports to improve health.


Outdoor games “Trap-Christmas Trees”, “Two Frosts”.

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to navigate in space.


Quiz “Who can name the most winter sports?”

Invite children to divide into two teams and take part in a competition to test their knowledge of winter sports and winter sports games.

Goal: to systematize ideas about winter sports, to promote the development of logical thinking and reaction speed.

Evening. Walk.

Sports exercises: sledding.

Goal: to train children in descending a mountain, standing with their knees on a sled, to teach them to move towards certain landmarks. Develop agility, strength, endurance.

Fun game “Snowballs”.

Goal: to develop accuracy, eye, to develop the ability to navigate in space. Increase physical activity and bring joy from the game.

Working with parents.

Invite parents to tell their children what winter sports they are interested in, what they did in childhood, and continue to do now.



Conversations about the cultural traditions of the winter games in Russia.

Objectives: to introduce children to the traditions of their people, to create a desire to learn more about them; broaden children's horizons, introduce them to folk games and amusements.

Watching a fragment of a TV show from the series “Chronicle of the Winter Olympics.”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with winter sports, with the concepts of “Olympiad”, “Winter Olympics”. Instill an interest in physical education and sports.

Offer to consider the uniform of the Russian national team, pay attention to the signs of Russian symbols on the athletes’ costumes.


Role-playing game “Family”: plot “Winter Walk”

Goal: to teach children to use in the game ideas about options for active leisure activities related to sports: ice skating, sledding, skating, etc. Perform mastered actions with attributes in the game.

Relay game “Pass the wand”.

Goal: to train children in running, to teach them to act in accordance with the rules of the relay race. Foster a sense of camaraderie and responsibility for the overall result.

Games with snow: making a snowman.

Goal: continue to teach children to act in concert, select objects for making parts and decorating a figure.

Invite the children to talk about their work and come up with a fairy tale about a snowman.


Reading the story by A. Maleinov “On the Lenin Hills.”

Goal: to develop children’s interest in fiction, teach them to listen carefully, and answer questions about the content of the work. Arouse interest in winter sports. Pay attention to the author's description of the ski trip.

Didactic game "Winter Sports".

What are the names of the athletes (athlete, sportswoman who engage in skiing? (skiers, skier, skier), etc.

Didactic game “Which one?”

Goal: to activate in children’s speech the names of attributes necessary for practicing various winter sports, to learn to select adjectives for them, to coordinate words in sentences. Develop coherent speech, learn to answer questions, focusing on their structure and content.

Evening. Walk.

Outdoor game "Pair running".

Introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to perform actions when given a signal. Offer to tell what qualities a player must have in order to win. Discuss the rules for safe movement around the playground in winter.

Physical exercise “Ice tracks”.

Goal: continue to teach children how to run, take off, and maintain balance when moving on ice paths. Remind the safety rules that must be followed when performing the exercise.



Guessing riddles about sports, sportswear and shoes. Goal: continue to teach children to recognize objects by description.

Sedentary game "Entertainers".

Goal: imitate the movements of different athletes.


Sports game bandy.

Goal: to teach children to throw the ball at the goal: short throws (with the hand) and throws with a wide swing. Learn to combine moving around the court with throwing. Develop accuracy and accuracy of movements.

Sled relay race.

Goal: teach children to sled each other and perform speed exercises. Develop strength, endurance, coordination of movements.


Examination of a reproduction of A. Daineka’s painting “Hockey Players.”

Goal: to introduce children to a new type of art - mosaics, and to draw attention to its characteristic features. Talk about the rules and tactics of the game.

Offer to compose a story based on the picture, talk about the actions of the hockey players, their form, and the attributes of the game.

Animation hall: watching the cartoon “Puck! Puck!

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the sports game of hockey, to the rules of the game, to enrich the experience of emotional and sensory knowledge. Instill an interest in physical education and a desire to play sports.

Evening. Walk.

Relay game “Exactly on target”.

Goal: to teach children to throw at a target, act at a fast pace, and begin the exercise only after the previous team member returns. Develop speed qualities, accuracy, cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”.

Goal: to improve children’s ability to follow the rules of the game. Develop reaction speed, dexterity, coordination of movements. Increase interest in completing the task correctly.



Independent activity in the book corner. Examination of the painting “Winter Fun”.

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about winter games and fun (snowballs, skiing, skating, sledding, skiing down a mountain, sliding along an ice path) to teach how to write stories in the first person.


Folk games “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Golden Gate”, “Ring”.

Objectives: to improve children’s ability to correctly perform game actions. Develop speed of movement and reaction, agility.


Reading fiction and dramatization of the river. n. fairy tales "Morozko".

Objectives: continue to introduce children to works of Russian folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes. Develop expressive speech.

Evening. Walk.

Outdoor games “Empty Space”, “Snowball Traps”.

Objectives: teach children to follow the rules of games, play the roles of players and traps. Develop accuracy and dexterity.



D/i "Safety Rules"

Goal: to consolidate safety rules in winter; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures; describe it and the rules that must be followed so as not to get injured or die.


Outdoor games “Baba Yaga”, “Entertainers”, “Sly Fox”.

Objectives: teach to follow the rules of the game, act quickly and deftly; practice running.


Reading the fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes”

Goal: continue to introduce children to works that talk about winter entertainment, expand knowledge about winter entertainment, cultivate attention, and strengthen listening skills.

Problem situation: what can happen to a child if he eats snow? Reading “The Winter's Tale” by S. Kozlov.

Evening. Walk.

Winter relay races: “Tumbleball”, “Who can carry all the snowballs faster”, “Jump over a snowdrift”, “Who can climb a snowy mountain faster”.

Goal: to introduce children to the traditions of big-time sports; develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance. Strengthen knowledge of winter sports.

Develop a sense of camaraderie, the ability to win and lose.
