German technology in world of tanks. Changes in the German WoT research branch. Chinese and Japanese branches of World of Tanks development

Without the German branch, a game about tanks of the Second World War was in no way a game about tanks of the Second World War. The main antagonist in a game without a plot allows you to experience all aspects of the historical part of the game. If you still decide to play with this particular branch, then get ready. The Germans are the most long-suffering nation in WOT. Nerve problems in each patch affect cars of that particular nation. This happens especially when introducing any other nation, to maintain balance and popularize new foreign technology. But even mentioning these problems, it should be noted that it is Germany that has the largest number of uniquely distinguishable models, and even historically it turned out that the design of German tanks is the most expressive.

To end the information about this thread, highlighting it from the positive side, it is worth noting the most negative aspects of the cars of this nation. The biggest disadvantage (a plus in terms of visual appearance) is the design of any Wehrmacht tank. They are truly “obese”. Square shapes will not allow you to hide in the folds of the terrain, or adequately tank with a diamond shape. This backwardness in the use of armor with right angles played a joke not only on virtual tankers, but also on the Germans who actually fought during the Second World War. The likelihood of a ricochet with this design is extremely low, and thick armor is impossible due to the unprofitable slope of the walls.

For some reason, in many tanks the engine is moved to the most vulnerable zone. To the front. This “excellent” solution allows the German crew to be set on fire much faster, leading to the detonation of ammunition faster than the car of any other nation. Considering the fact that German technology prefers to consume highly flammable gasoline, the developers took this historical design feature into account and added the ability for German tanks to burn like matches more often.

However, if you approach German technology individually regarding a specific model, then the situation is not so dire. Each high-level tank is so massive that it has a great effect on the results of ramming. These results never stack up on your opponent's side. Crush? - There's no problem! Immobilize? - Line up. That is why the number of videos with rams is exactly German technology prevails. The absolute leader in weight and the most terrible ram is considered to be the E-50M. It is capable of damaging equipment of any level. Excellent accuracy allows him to stand next to the PT in terms of results.

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Choose this nation second and you will gain a lot of experience in the skill of the game, and when returning to the previous nation, you will notice a difference in your game in a positive way. How do you rate the German tank branch? And what do you like or not about it?!

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at the German branch of tank development (in game World of Tanks), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation. This will not be a guide, but a personal opinion, so there is no need to vehemently prove that I “didn’t write the guide based on guides.”

The popularity of German tanks in World of Tanks

German tanks, although inferior in popularity to Soviet and French ones, still found their admirers among players. These people play with German tanks all the time, their hangar is dominated by these tanks and they worry about everything that happens to this nation. Such players are called “German-philes”. Why this technique found its admirers - read below.

Advantages and disadvantages of German tanks

On the plus side Most of the equipment is worth noting guns. Many German tanks have accurate, penetrating and fairly fast-firing guns. It often happens that even on the move you can accurately hit the enemy with these weapons. According to their characteristics, German guns are the best in the game. It is also worth noting the armor of the turrets of almost all the vehicles of this nation, as well as the hull armor of individual vehicles (Mouse, E-100, etc.). Most cars have good dynamics (speed, mobility), as well as excellent visibility.

Minus the Germans is the hull armor (mostly). And also small one-time damage (there are exceptions).


The technique is divided into 5 initial branches WoT development:
  • Fri-Sau
  • Heavily armored light tanks (up to Pz.IV)
  • Maneuverable light tanks (up to Indien-Pz.)
  • Medium armored light tanks (Pz.II)
  • Self-propelled guns (artillery).


German anti-tank installations famous for their guns (and subsequently armor). You can get a lot of fun from breaking through them at any level of battles. On JgPanther, the development tree is divided into two branches: JgPanthII and Ferdinand (the most popular tank destroyer, due to its level 10 gun and excellent armor). Then everything goes on one branch.

TB/M/SB light tanks (conventionally designated in my own way)

These tanks are somewhat reminiscent of entry-level French light tanks - this is armor. These tanks (from Pz.35(t) to Pz.38 nA) have excellent frontal armor, as well as some dynamics.

The Germans also have very fast and dynamic tanks, starting with Pz.I through “Aulyukhka-totampanzer” (or simply “Long-fat-pard”). They also have penetrating and rapid-fire cannons (but most of them are cassettes), and coupled with their speed, they can decide the outcome of a battle even when it is just beginning. And the Pz.I c with its “Mauser” became especially famous. The “fat guy” is also famous for its 105 mm high-explosive weapon with cumulative shells.

The Pz.II line is one of the most popular, because has access to Panther, after it on E-50. The Panther has a cannon with excellent penetration, and the E-50 has strong armor, good gun and a large mass, which is often used for ramming. These vehicles are some of the best and most popular tanks in World of Tanks.

From the Pz.IV you can upgrade to the Maus heavy tank (by switching to the Tiger P), as well as to the E-100 (by switching to the Tiger). Both tanks are well armored, and the Tiger and Tiger P heavy tanks have accurate, fast-firing and penetrating cannons.

self-propelled guns

Artillery - the gods of war. It’s not for nothing that they were called that, because a skilled artillery commander can crush all enemy tanks and keep all enemies at bay. Self-propelled guns fire along a hinged trajectory from a howitzer aiming mode at long distances. The advantages of German artillery are damage, accuracy and horizontal aiming angles. Some self-propelled guns have good screen armor. Otherwise, they take a long time to come together, but are still loved by players. Hummel, Grile, and GwPanther are the most popular artillery in the game.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that German tanks are good. But they practically do not forgive mistakes of inexperienced players, so it is worth buying the equipment of this nation if you are an experienced player who has played several thousand battles. The biggest disadvantages are only in armor and one-time damage. Otherwise, they may well be a good competitor to any nation. German tanks need to be upgraded to try what breaking through the “omnipresent” guns can do.

A World of Tanks newcomer, upon opening the research section in the hangar for the first time, will get lost in the endless rows of tanks. He will have a reasonable question: “Where to start?” We will answer this question in this article.

What to download?

World of Tanks features about 450 production and experimental vehicles from eight nations. USSR, Germany, USA, France, England, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia. Soon, the collection will be replenished with cars from Sweden and Poland. The time frame of WoT covers the period from the 20s to the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. All equipment is divided into 5 classes: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns (tank destroyers) and artillery (self-propelled guns). All of them are divided into 10 levels.

They rank combat vehicles in strength, which, with rare exceptions, corresponds to the time period when this or that vehicle was in service or the project was in development. As it is not difficult to guess, the division into classes and levels builds “branches” of development, where the cherry on the cake is the “top” - a level 10 tank. The three first nations that have the most development branches are the USSR and Germany from the release, and the USA a little later. For three of us this is more than 20 tops, the rest are content with fewer branches.

In World of Tanks, each vehicle has its own playstyle. Conventionally, they can be divided into: tanks with armor and “cardboard” tanks without armor; small and “barn”; fast and slow; precise and oblique; rapid-fire and with a large alpha strike (damage per shot). Also, tanks can have traditional reloading and so-called drum loading, thanks to which you can fire several shells in a short time, but pay for it with a long reload.

Tanks with different playstyles place different demands on the player's skill. So, slow tanks with armor forgive the mistakes of their tankers, but fast ones light tank or cardboard medium tank painfully punishes for sloppy play. To understand which tanks should not be researched ahead of time, let’s try to divide all the vehicles in the game into appropriate categories by class. Let's start with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

If you came to World of Tanks to dominate the battlefield and crush everyone with your steel tracks, then heavy tanks are your choice. They combine strong armor, powerful guns and are capable of pushing through directions, “tanking” damage while less armored STVs come in from the flank and rear. But it's not that simple. There are TTs in WoT that do not fit the description above.

For example, the French AMX 50 100 and AMX 50b give a head start to many fast tanks in terms of dynamics and do not have armor. But they have a cannon with a drum for 6 and 4 shells, respectively. This is the choice of experienced players, they can show impressive results on these machines. Whereas a beginner who opens AMX 50 100 may become disappointed after playing several unsuccessful battles. And the whole point is that in the head of an inexperienced player there is a thought: “Hey, I have a fast tank, I need to go to that hill in the center and take it!” This usually leads to dire consequences.

Another good example of a branch not for beginners is the British top-end TT FV215b. The path to it is long and thorny - from level 5 to 7 you will have to ride almost the same Churchill with different guns and armor. At level 8, a deplorable Caernarvon awaits you compared to your classmates (don’t break your tongue!) with mediocre armor, dynamics and damage of 230 units per shot. And what does a player who opens a level 10 British TT get? And he gets the most comfortable gun among his heavy classmates, good turret armor and a slipper-like layout, which imposes its own difficulties on the game. Add to this the 76 mm NLD and two HUGE tanks immediately behind the armor, which leads to fires two to three times per battle. Then you will understand why beginners don’t like this tank so much. But, experienced players, despite all the disadvantages of the machine, use it in clan battles on the global map and are very happy with it.

The ideal option for mastering the TT class is the Soviet and German branches of the IS-7 and E 100. The IS-7 is a legend of the World of Tanks, the longed-for dream of any tanker. It has an impenetrable turret, good armor, a 130 mm cannon and the famous Soviet “vertukhan” (the ability to hit on the move and without aiming). E 100 is 130 tons of gloomy German genius. Has good armor and damage 750 units. If he is not standing in an open field, he is able to live for a long time and reflect a hail of shells that fly in his direction. On the way to both vehicles, you will have a pleasant game with such iconic tanks as the KV-1, IS, IS-3, T-10, Tiger, Tiger 2 and E 75.

Medium tanks

ST is a universal class in WoT. Favorite class good players. They can inflict damage, deflect shells, carry out reconnaissance and illumination, carry out raids in the rear, return and disrupt the capture of a base, and some can do everything at once. Prominent representatives are the three twin brothers from the Soviet development tree - T-62A, Object 140 and Object 430. An inexperienced player will not see the difference in the performance characteristics of these vehicles, although there is a difference there. The T-62A has an impenetrable turret and better gun stabilization, while the Ob. 140 is slightly better than UVN (angles vertical aiming) and motion dynamics. About. 430 has higher damage per minute. T-62A should be opened first, then Ob. 140.

German E 50 ausf. M and Chinese 121 good cars, possessing armor and powerful guns. They can be pumped up instead Soviet tanks, but the E 50 has a difficult branch, and it itself is very large, and self-propelled guns like to shoot at it. The Chinese 121 is good for everyone, except UVN: and you can only shoot at the skies. The gun tilts down only a couple of degrees.

Many will pay attention to the French ST Bat. - Chatillon 25 t. It rightfully bears the title of one of the best CT tanks in the world. Speed, 5-shell drum, universal love. But there is no need to rush, since “batchat” is a very demanding fighting machine in terms of ability to play. Inexperienced players, having opened “batchats”, end battles ingloriously, which often causes a storm of curses from their allies. "Fast Tank Syndrome" in action. The branch before it consists up to level 8 entirely of light tanks, which we will talk about below, which does not contribute to comfortable leveling. In general, we advise you not to take on the French CT until you learn how to play the medium tank class. The situation is similar with the “Czech” TVP T 50/51.

Those undesirable for upgrading primarily include Leopard 1, AMX 30 B, STB-1, M48A1 and Centurion Action X. The first three do not have armor, and the American and British also have impressive sizes. All tanks, except for the M48A1, have complex upgrade paths. It is better to postpone these machines until you have experience playing.

Light tanks

It is rightfully the most difficult tank class in the game. In “sand”, most tanks are light, and therefore play fun and without problems. But, starting from level 5, they have an important role as the eyes of the team. Not all newcomers understand this and merge into a “rush in the center,” depriving their team of “light.” You should start pumping up high-level LT only when enough battles have been played and an understanding of the various game mechanic World of Tanks.

Tank destroyer

Anti-tank self-propelled guns are snipers in the world of tanks. On high levels they have the best weapons among other vehicle classes. There are two subtypes of PTsheks: glass cannons and assault self-propelled guns.

Glass cannons are combat vehicles with precise penetrating guns mounted on a chassis whose armor provides protection only from rain and wind. Typical representatives- Waffentrager branch with Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, aka Borsch, and Grille 15. This type of AT relies on camouflage and its painfully hitting guns.

Assault tanks in addition to powerful guns They also have good armor, but they pay for it with slowness and the lack of a turret. Jagdpanzer E 100 and T110E3 can compete with heavy tanks on the front line. But players don’t really like to climb forward on them, preferring to stand in a nearby bush with glass cannons.

In general, any branch of tank destroyers is friendly to beginners. The gameplay is simple and straightforward - stand in the bushes and shoot at the tanks. Apart from, perhaps, Grille 15 due to the lack of armor, there are no particularly difficult branches, so you can level up any of them. Moreover, at low and medium levels there are many nice cars that you will want to leave in the hangar, such as T67, M18 Hellcat, SU-100, ISU-152.


How many copies have been broken around the issue of necessity Art-self-propelled guns in battles. And while Wargaming is thinking about what to do with it on its test servers, we will try to understand whether a beginner should start with “art” and which branch to explore first.

If you look impartially, you can understand why the art is so popular among players. It allows you to deal damage with impunity without moving far from your base. With a successful hit, you can kill the enemy in one shot. Doesn't require much tension or concentration. On the other hand, after several nerfs, playing on art became very uncomfortable. Long reload, long aiming, huge spread. The gameplay on self-propelled guns is reminiscent of roulette: you can avoid hitting a standing enemy for the entire battle and then send him to the hangar of an ST or LT, who is rushing at full speed, not focusing on the target at all.

To get acquainted with the class, it would not be superfluous to play a self-propelled gun, but downloading any of the branches to the end is highly not recommended. Firstly, except top self-propelled guns, walk-through cars, with rare exceptions, are very uncomfortable. Secondly, leveling up is slow, you need to earn a lot of experience, but you can’t do it consistently. Thirdly, after level 10 art has been researched, it is very difficult to sit down and learn to play normal tanks.

So where to start?

Which branch to open first depends entirely on the player. Some people, out of a sense of patriotism, start with USSR tanks. Someone, being an ardent Germanphile, opens Maus and E-100. In this article we have given only general information about development branches that are difficult to master for beginners and unforgiving of mistakes. Choose your first branch carefully. Perhaps you choose your favorite tank, on which you will bring terror and sow destruction in the enemy’s camp.

The German development branch was available to players World of tanks throughout the entire period of the game's existence. The Maus tank was one of two tier ten tanks available at release. WoT versions. Much time has passed since then, and the German development branch has been supplemented with many excellent combat vehicles, among which it is worth noting the E-series tanks, which allow you to explore the top-end medium tank E-50M, and the heavy tank E-100.

An unusual combat vehicle is the Waffenträger auf E 100 tank destroyer. It is a poorly protected self-propelled gun with an open wheelhouse and a loading drum, capable of inflicting a colossal amount of damage in a short period of time.

Among the advantages of German tanks in World of tanks it is worth noting good, accurate top guns most combat vehicles.

Research tree for German tanks in WoT

The research tree for German tanks in World of tanks is shown in the figure below. To view the full image, click on the picture.

Is it worth upgrading German tanks in World of tanks?

Among German tanks in World of tanks There are many excellent warriors on whom experienced players can decide the outcome of the battle, and who will allow beginners to show good results. There are also German tanks in WoT, the game on which significantly depends on the training of the crew, for example, to play tank destroyers that play from camouflage, an experienced crew is needed. Some German tanks in World of tanks are downright difficult to play.

The above allows us to conclude that playing German tanks in World of tanks may not be easy, but at the same time, many German vehicles in WoT are very strong.

December 17, 2016 at Moscow The first games festival took place Wargaming. There was a lot of news and announcements on this day. Our team has collected the most interesting news to let you, our readers, read it in one place.


On WG Fest“There were a lot of interesting things said about the technology. In 2017, we will have both new researchable tanks and premium ones.

German tank tree

In 2017, the German nation will add another heavy tank X level.

TO Maus more logical tanks will go - VK 100.01 P and at levels VIII and IX, respectively. And here VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A And VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B will also remain at their levels, but will lead to a new Tier X tank Pz. Kpfw. VII. New tank will be completely analogous VK 72.01 (K), which was given to the winners of campaigns for Global map . GK"shny VK 72.01 (K) will receive a unique camouflage and additional body kit. On VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A And VK 100.01 P it will be possible to go from Tiger (P).

Almost all of these tanks will receive changes to their performance characteristics. The Maus will have significantly improved reload time and enhanced frontal armor. U VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B Some characteristics of the gun will also be improved, the armor on the sides of the hull and the front of the turret will be strengthened, but the NLD will be weakened. VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A expects an increase in frontal armor and elevation angles.

In addition to these vehicles, the characteristics of machines at lower levels will also be affected. Three tanks at once: VK 30.01 (D), VK 30.02 (D) And Indien-Panzer mobility will be improved, and Indien-Panzer The weapon will also be improved. Panther I And Panther II will receive improved weapon characteristics, and the latter will receive a new weapon 8 .8 cm KwK L/100. U Tiger (P), Tiger I And VK 30.01 (P) The tower's armor will be strengthened. E 75 will receive a very good improvement in the performance characteristics of the gun. U E 100 will also increase the comfort of the gun 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44L/55, but the weapon 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 and will completely increase the armor penetration of an armor-piercing projectile.

Japanese tank tree

Because of Type 4 And Type 5 Heavy rarely seen in battles, Wargaming decided to adjust the characteristics of some TTs from the branch.

The top vehicles will have new guns, with high-explosive shells, to make the tank branch more logical, in order to preserve the uniqueness of the entire branch. O-I Experimental will lose its mobility, because its mass will increase, and maximum speed it will be like O-I. Same with O-I Experimental the top gun will be taken away 10 cm Cannon Type 14 and will receive increased frontal armor. U O-I the set of available shells for the gun will be revised 15 cm Howitzer Type 96. Top gun 10 cm Experimental Tank Gun Kai at O-Ho will receive an armor-piercing shell, like a premium one. Premium Heavy Tank No VI The turret's armor will be improved.

American tank tree

What all the players had been waiting for for so long and no longer even believed would happen would happen to several American cars.

U T28, T28 Prototype And T95 the speed will be increased.

Premium cars in 2017

In 2017, we expect two new premium cars - and Object 252U.

Object 252U, I can imagine that it will become a replacement IS-6. Probably every player already knows that now W.G. withdraws preferential tanks from sale, which is what IS-6. well and STRV S1, will most likely appear as the first premium Swedish Tier VIII vehicle in the game.


On WG Fest"we again talked about improving the balancer. Now W.G. wants to completely change the way the rework balancer works, key mechanics and the template system.

The improved matchmaker will match players based on a number of patterns, such as 3/5/7: 3 cars at the top of the list, 5 cars in the middle and 7 cars at the bottom of the list. During peak online times on the server, the balancer will create two-level and one-level battles.

Platoons of the same level

W.G. plans to completely solve the problem of “key fobs” with the settings of a new balancer. Only vehicles of the same level will be allowed into battle. The system of fines for platoons with a difference of more than 3 levels will be eliminated, but the bonus system will remain.

Hatred of self-propelled guns

W.G. plans to solve the problem in the following way: limiting self-propelled guns in battle to three units.

Light tanks Tier X

In order to new system balancer worked perfectly in Wargaming We have made a final decision on Tier X light tanks - they will appear in the game in 2017!

In total, 3-4 nations of Tier X light tanks will be introduced into the game. When LT-10 is introduced, all LTs will have a normalized level of battles, and not, as now, increased.


In order for the balancer changes described above to work well in the game, the second iteration of the server awaits us in February 2017 “ Sandbox" If in the first iteration much attention was paid to changing the roles of all equipment, then in the second iteration it will be divided into 2 stages.

At the first stage, accuracy testing, a decrease in armor penetration with distance, and modified “two and three caliber” rules will be carried out. By the way, with the changed rule of “two and three calibers” players could already meet at general test updates 9.17. Wargaming wants to try to reduce the excess armor penetration of tank destroyers and tank destroyers, increase the drop in armor penetration with distance and change the accuracy of all vehicles. All these changes should lead to an increased role of armor in the game.

At the second stage, changes to self-propelled guns and new equipment will be tested, which can be used several times in battle. W.G. The so-called stunning of self-propelled guns has been improved. Improved aiming mechanics will be available, including the introduction of an alternative sight similar to Battle Assistant . The changes will also affect game interfaces: it will be displayed important information about stun: duration, radius, etc.

Monastery in HD

On WG Fest The first map in HD quality was officially announced.

As they said during the presentation of the map, this awaits us already in 2017.


Well, now let's move on to various news and announcements that are less noticeable.

"Tax on Google"

We can say that the very first thing on December 17 Wargaming announced that the company has decided to fully accept the payment of value added tax on purchases in services Google to myself. Prices will not change at all.

For those who do not understand what we are talking about: from January 1, 2017 in Russian Federation a new value added tax (VAT) of 18% is introduced on all purchases in Google. IN Play Market games posted Wargaming and one of them is World of Tanks Blitz.

Kaspersky World of Tanks edition

Kaspersky Lab introduced a special version of its anti-virus system, which is called World of Tanks edition like the same one

How it differs from the regular version, we are now clarifying this. And we hope that we will tell you about this in the near future.

"Contest of Champions"

During WG Fest An eSports tournament was held, where several teams from all over the world took part. In the final we met Natus Vincere And TORNADO ENERGY Team. The team won TORNADO ENERGY Team with a score of 7:5. The winners received a cash prize and a quota WGL 2017 Grand Final, which will take place in Moscow.


Was presented a new game from Wargaming And 1C - Caliber. The game is a third-person team action game where the main mode is PVE.

Official website of the game.
