There is no sound in the game, what should I do? What to do if there is no sound in the game? There is no sound in the game: what to do

The essence of the problem

Few people experience the lack of sound in the game, but a number of users may experience this problem. Including me. After digging around the forum, it turns out that even the developers themselves for the time being did not know about this problem and did not know how to solve it. No wonder - it’s so unlikely.
Good people have already found what the problem is and found a solution (I won’t provide a link to the correspondence between players and developers on the forum, because I didn’t save it). All this is in the English-language part of Steam. We present to your attention a free retelling and translation:

Who is guilty?

When creating the game, the developers used a set of tools Microsoft XNA Framework. The problem is that XNA required for correct operation Windows Media Player. I, in turn, decided that Windows Media no longer my friend. And he deleted it.
If you don't have sound, think about it! Maybe you did the same? It may also happen that you installed pirated assembly operating system (don't tell anyone about this! This is important) and the player is not installed by default. Happens...

Anyway, for the sound to appear Windows Media Player needs to be put back in place.

For those who deleted the player themselves and know how to get it back, there is no point in reading further. For everyone else, the recipe:

What to do?

Let's go "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Uninstall a program". A window will open "Programs and Features". In the left menu of the window that opens, find the item "Turn Windows features on or off" and click on it. A window will open again, this time a small one.
Here you need to scroll the mouse wheel and find the item "Components for working with multimedia". You can install them all if they don't bother you. But it is enough to return to the system only Windows Media Player. Check the box next to the player and click OK. Wait.
You may need to restart your computer, but this is unlikely.

That's it, the player is back in action and if you start the game you can hear the sound. Don't forget to turn on music in the game settings , she won't do it herself.

Alternative method. Without Windows installations Media Player

If you do not want to install WMP on your computer, or the first option did not help you, or is disgusting for religious, ethical or some other reasons, then you can get by by installing dll files from it into the system.

You need two dll file, namely wmp.dll And wmploc.dll. Luckily, you already have them. Windows carefully stores them, I don’t know why, excuse me. Use the search and find them. There you are step-by-step instruction where, how and what to do:

  • Find the file wmp.dll in the directory C:\Windows\winsxs\(spare parts for your OS are stored there). Mine was found in the folder C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mediaplayer-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23041_none_69f5bbc37ef22fc6
  • Copy it and wmploc.dll V C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  • Go to menu Start>Run and enter the command "regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\wmp.dll"(without quotes). This will register a new one wmp.dll on your system. wmploc.dll You don’t need to register, it’ll do just fine.
  • Agree to make changes when asked.
  • Ready. Launch the game, play. Don't forget to turn on the sound in the game settings.

Attention!!!: I found this method on the Internet and have not tested it myself. I'm too lazy. By the way, in English-language forums they checked it and are happy like children. If some kind person checks it in Russian, please write back, I will be very grateful.
Here's a link to the first one


First check physical parameters computer. If you have speakers connected to your computer, check that all cables are tightly connected to the board. Try playing music through the player, or launch another game to test the sound. If everything is fine, then the problem is not with the speakers. Otherwise, you will have to buy new speakers or repair old ones. As a rule, standard speakers for a personal computer are not expensive, about 300 rubles, so it is better to buy new ones.

Next you need to check system parameters games and computer operating system. Check the restrictions that are set on your computer. Go to the Control Panel of your computer and find the Sound tab. Make sure all settings are turned on, as the sound may simply be turned off on the system. If everything is fine, then the problem is in the game itself. Often the game parameters are set to the very minimum, or completely turned off, so the user does nothing during the game. Log in to the game. Next, click the “Options” or “Settings” button. Each game may have different names for these tabs.

Find the tab called "Sound" or "Sound Options". Set the cursor to the average value for all parameters. Typically, in-game sound can be adjusted using parameters such as “Game Sound”, “Game Music”, “Effects Volume”, “General Volume” and much more. Once the settings are configured, save all changes. Exit the game and restart it. Check if there is sound in the game now. If the sound appears, it means that the cause has been completely eliminated. If there is still no sound, then you simply have pirated copy a game that is often missing some files.


  • Why is there no sound on my laptop?

When installed on a personal computer various games quite often there is a problem with playing sounds in game world. This problem occurs for a number of different reasons that would be useful to know.

The first reason for absence music c are faulty “broken” drivers for the sound card. It is quite possible that after installing the game the sound will disappear altogether, which means that you will need to reinstall the drivers. Quite often, various drivers are already included with the game distribution, so you can install them directly from the game disc. Missing sound in the game may also indicate that the player’s computer does not have the necessary sound codec. Codecs are responsible for the correct reproduction of a specific audio format. If the sound in the game is recorded, for example, in the "flac" format, but the computer does not have this codec, then you can download it from and install it, the problem will be solved. It is worth checking whether the sound card on the computer is compatible with minimum requirements games presented to it. In rare cases, there may be a discrepancy, in which case purchasing a new sound card can save the situation. Their cost is quite low; for around 1000 rubles you can get a card that is quite good in terms of parameters and quality. Sometimes problems with sound in a game may be due to the fact that during the installation process some of the files may have become broken, so the sound cannot be played correctly. In this case, a complete reinstallation of the game will help. If the situation does not change, you can check the surface of the disc for scratches and damage. If none are found, there is a problem with the quality of its recording from the manufacturer. If you have a receipt, such a disk can be returned to the seller and replaced with a new one. Sometimes the problem of no sound in a game may be due to the power supply of the sound card. When starting the game, the amount consumed sound card energy increases. If the computer's power supply cannot cope with the loads placed on the card, then there will be no sound in the game. It is worth changing the power supply to a more powerful one. Their cost ranges from 1000 to 5000 thousand rubles. For an ordinary user, it will be enough to spend a couple of thousand and get in return a unit that is quite decent in power.

Modern games More and more often I want to equate it, if not to art in full, then to cinema – for sure. Well-developed plot, detailed interiors, realistic graphics And sound accompaniment sometimes adds up to simply amazing results. However, as soon as a problem occurs in at least one of the components (for example, sound), the entire atmosphere is destroyed.


Make sure there are no problems with the system. If the sound does not play in other than game, but also on Windows, then install the necessary software. First of all, all the audio drivers that came with your sound card on a separate DVD (if there was no disc, download the one you need from the Internet). In case the audio plays but the media files do not, install the K-lite Codec Pack. It will solve all compatibility issues with most file formats.

Open the game disc. As a rule, it stores not only the necessary files, but also redistributives: a set of programs for the correct operation of the game. Make sure you install all of them. Even if it seems to you that you have such a version of software (for example, DirectX), then it would be a good idea to still run the installer, it will check whether this product is already installed.

Gamers often encounter problems in computer games. Some of them are related to performance on their computers, others are related to problems in game files and bugs. There is a solution for almost every problem, especially when it comes to gaming. In this article you will learn what to do if there is no sound in the game, and what ways you can get it back. Methods for solving the problem from the side of the game itself, as well as from the hardware and software personal computer.

There is no sound in the game: what should I do?

First, let's list all the reasons that can affect the lack of sound in computer game:

  • problems with game files;
  • problems with settings in the game;
  • malfunctions in the operating system settings;
  • damaged drivers;
  • equipment malfunction.

To fix the problem, let's start by setting up the game itself. It is possible that due to inattention or inexperience, you caused there to be no sound in the game due to incorrectly set parameters in the game menu.

Game settings

To get started, launch the game and go to the settings menu. It may be located in different places and called differently, but the essence will remain the same - this section of the menu contains all the technical, graphic and sound settings. Once you've found your audio settings, try setting all the sliders to maximum and saving your changes. Some games will require a reboot - please do so.

If after this there is no sound in the game, then you need to check its presence in the game itself. operating system. Check or run video/audio to see if the computer plays third-party tunes that are not related to the game. If everything is fine, then the problem is not related to the computer hardware or operating system.

Let's get back to the game itself. Perhaps reinstalling will help solve the problem. If you are using a licensed version purchased on a digital platform, for example, on Steam, then through it you can check the integrity of the files and download damaged ones, if any. You can do it like this:

  1. Open the list of games and click right click mouse as needed.
  2. Select "Properties" from the menu.
  3. Go to the “Local Files” tab and click on the “Check integrity of game files...” button.
  4. After checking and downloading the damaged components, try to check the solution to the problem again. If there is still no sound in the game, move on to the next method.

OS settings

Before checking your operating system settings, be sure to ensure that sound is present in system notifications and other multimedia components (for example, video playback on a website, etc.). If Sound is missing everywhere, then you need to check the settings in the OS.

First, look at the taskbar and find the sound icon. By clicking on it, you can adjust the volume level as needed. You may have accidentally muted the sound.

Now you need to open the mixer. To do this, right-click on the icon and select “Open volume mixer”. If necessary game was launched, then find the corresponding column in the mixer and raise its level to the maximum.

If after all the operations performed there is no sound in the game, then you need to proceed to checking the equipment. To do this, you need to use the standard OS functionality, which is described below.

Hardware settings

Often the problem is faulty drivers. To check you need to do the following:

  1. In the search bar on the taskbar, enter the query “device manager”.
  2. Go to the program and find the subsection with audio equipment. Pay attention to whether the equipment is marked with an exclamation mark. If it is next to the icon, then you need to reinstall the driver.
  3. Now right-click on the desired hardware and select “Update Driver”.
  4. You can trust the operating system to check, or install the driver manually. For the second method, you need to download the distribution kit to your computer in advance and specify the path to it on your hard drive.
  5. Wait until the procedure is completed and be sure to restart your computer. After this, try starting the game again and checking for sound.

Now you know, in the game - check the settings, file integrity, reinstall the driver, check that the equipment is connected correctly. However, the methods described do not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the problem. If nothing works for you and there is no sound in the game, then try contacting developer support.
