An incredibly detailed guide to Renault Mag! Reno Warlock Review by Tnatym Reno Jackson Decks Standard Mode

As promised, we are posting a translation of the brilliant Renault Magu guide from yesterday's post. You will definitely not be disappointed! 🙂

I absolutely love this Reno Mage deck and climbed to 14th in the Legends Rankings with a 72% overall winrate. A little later, I improved this result, and quickly took 1st place. It happened just the other day, because I can describe the game with this deck in as much detail as possible, based on my feelings.

When playing against Midrange Shamans, do everything to control the table, but do not waste your best removal, but leave them to counter. If you are faced with a choice of which creature to eliminate: or - always choose the second. important to win, but control of the table is key. Do not let the Shaman get cards with help, and always consider the potential damage from, to be sure that you do not die. If you are not sure, apply it just in case.

You may want to leave, but don't.: , , , .

Warrior (Tempo Warrior: 50/50, Patron Warrior: Auspicious, K'Tun Warrior 50/50, Warrior on exhaustion: Impossible to lose)

If a warrior has fallen into your opponents, you can rejoice at this. In the worst case, you have an equal opponent, and in the best case, if it is a warrior on exhaustion, you will win an easy victory. The key to defeating a Warrior is to quickly identify his deck type. If this is a Tempo Warrior - calmly play yours in order to keep up with the pace, you just don't need extra ones from. If you are playing against a K'Tun warrior and a Warrior on attrition, try to save the coin for the rest of the game. Against Patron Warriors, do not play until his combo for the second clear.

The main thing is that NEVER do against a warrior - do not use your class ability into the opponent's hero on the first moves, until he starts increasing his Armor. A few points of damage will not solve anything, but the cards that the Warrior will get with the help of an unlucky magician in your face can decide the game.

When playing against K'Tun Warrior, do not let yours work, and do not summon until K'Tun is summoned. You simply will not survive the consequences of its appearance. In general, when playing against warriors, towards the end of the game try not to waste your cheap removal, because they can be easily turned into. Try to use your spells as carefully and carefully as possible.

Against exhaustion warriors, try to play very carefully, they have 2, 2, 2. Try not to have more than two good creatures so that they do not become easy prey. Play only at the end of the game, after making sure you have lured out all the removal.

You might want to leave, but don't: , , , .

Rogue (Miracle (and other Rogue combos): Auspicious, Deathrattle Rogue: Auspicious).

In matches against Rogues, it is very important whether you have enough time to find, and. Fortunately, you will find them much more often than not 🙂 Matches against Rogues are easy to describe: “saw something? kill that something. " Kill anything that moves. There are not so many creatures in this deck, your spells will be enough.

With the release of the Vile City of Gadgetzan, the face of Hearthstone has changed. The shaman throne has been shaken, and new decks have appeared on the battlefield. For the priests, the addition turned out to be very favorable, primarily because of the two class legendary cards. An expensive but powerful Renault Jackson deck is an example.

Deck composition:

"Forbidden form"

"God's punishment"

"Cleric of Northshire"

Shadow Word: Pain

Shadow Word: Death

Power Word: Shield

"Stolen Thoughts"

"Excavated Evil"

"Glutton Priest"

Circle of Healing


"Master of Potions"

"Herald of Rock"

Garrison Commander

"Treasure hunter"

"Servant of Pain"

"Brann Bronzebeard"

"Azure Dragon"

Emperor Thaurissan

Auchenai Priestess

Courier from Cabal

Cabal Talon Priest

"Mind Control"

"Maryele Pure-hearted"

Renault Jackson

Sylvanas Windrunner

"Once the Captive"

Dragonfire Potion

Actually, the basic card remains "Renault Jackson", which fully restores health to the owner, if there is no identical cards... As a result, the whole structure is created around it, which determines the character of the deck. First, it is designed to be dominated in the late game and deprived in the early game, so creatures need to be matched accordingly. Secondly, the use of legendary cards arises, which already have to be taken in a single copy.

Renault Jackson - legendary card, a savior in a desperate situation. Sometimes literally one move is not enough to rip out a victory, and Renault gives this very additional move. And even not one. Unlike "Ice Block" "Renault" and the problem of death from "fatigue" can solve. Full recovery allows you to hold out against aggressive decks, when in the middle phase of the game, death is breathing in the back of the head, and go to the later stage. Indispensable.

« Kazakus"- a new legendary card for 5 mana crystals for mages, priests and warlocks, developing the theme of unique copies. Under the same conditions as "Reno" "Kazakus" will allow you to create a special spell for 1, 5 or 10 mana crystals. Each spell has two characteristics, which the player will choose in turn from three options. The spells themselves are powerful, but the main advantage is the effect of surprise and the ability to determine properties and prices based on current conditions. Irreplaceable.

« The Captive Times"- a new class legendary priest card. Makes use of Hero Power free until end of turn if there are no duplicate cards in the deck. It significantly expands the possibilities of combinations with treatment, and simply increases its volume. The sooner it appears in the hand, the more useful it is. Combines magically with Maryele Purehearted and Prophet Velen, although not in this version. Indispensable.


Any late decks have to somehow defend themselves from the attacks of all kinds of hunters and shamans, mainly by exterminating everything that the enemy gets out of his sleeve.

After the release of "Light Bomb" from the standard mode, the priest often suffered from a lack of massive damage. This was partially compensated for by Excavated Evil, but now there is a Dragon Fire Potion that deals 5 damage to everyone except dragons. There are many dragons in this deck, so the weapon is powerful. In any case, you need to collect 2-3 massive damage cards like "Circle of Light", "Circle of Healing" (if you have cards that turn healing into crowns), "Uncovered Evil" or "Potion of Dragon Fire". Both "Herald of Doom" and "Dirty Rat" will help to slow down the capture.

Individual weapons of murder: one copy each of "Words of Darkness: Pain", "Words of Darkness: Death", "Burials", "Mind Control". Combinations like Confusion with Reducing Potion will work as well. Against early aggression, both "Potion of Madness" and "Divine Punishment" are good. The deck requires you to use different cards, so several options will do at once. In any case, 3-4 point killings and the same number of mass murders are required. The main damage to the enemy is provided by creatures.

Draw cards

By the 6-7th move, it is desirable to have a full hand, which will allow us to weave intrigues and create insidious combinations, spending part of the cards to defend against the enemy. A set of cards in sufficient quantity is provided by the universal "Power Word: Shield" and classic combinations with the "Cleric of the Northshire".

Azure Dragon, Acolyte of Pain, Blood Mage Thalnos, Treasure Seeker, and Stolen Thoughts are also designed to provide a consistently full hand.


The trump card of the assembly is to make the most of the hero's power. Raza makes it free, Garrison Commander allows you to use power twice, Moriel enhances it. Accordingly, cards with the "inspiration" mechanic like "Confessor" or simply creatures related to healing - "Prophet Velen" look good in the deck.

Emperor Thaurissan is a versatile legendary card that plays well in any slow deck that collects a lot of cards.

Glutton Priest is one of the most effective cards for restoring health, and at the same time it is very tenacious. The "master of mixtures" will help you hold out until the later stages.

The Cabal minions again bring additional cards and works especially well with Brann Bronzebeard, which doubles their effect.

There are also alternative versions based on other priest archetypes. In the Dragon Priest deck, the main impact power is legendary creatures like Ysera, Maw of Ice, or even Deathwing. As a deterrent to early aggression, the "Duskwatch" and "Dragon Envoy" remain key. Then the "Twilight Dragon", "Book-serpent" and "Destroyer of the wing of darkness" are useful. Of the new ones - "Draconid Spy".


Thirty different cards do not allow you to develop a clear universal strategy. It is difficult to predict the order of receiving cards and possible situations. The most important thing is not to use cards just like that, from each you need to squeeze the maximum benefit. It's better not to set anything at all than to waste "Battle Shout" or another feature: the deck is designed to receive direct attacks, but all cards require special conditions to unleash potential.

Kazakus, Forbidden Form, and Cabal cards, which allow you to "dig" spells of your choice, give the assembly a high adaptability: they are equally useful at any stage of the game, providing the opportunity to choose what you want. For this version, it is important to save the "Auchenai Priestess" on the darkest day, healing turned into darkness may be the last chance to win.

Similar decks with Renault are still in creative search. It is worth picking it up depending on personal preference and available cards. At the junction of updates, there is always a place for creativity, go for it!

The first wing of the League of Explorers was just published, and already one map made so much noise. Yes, I mean, at first glance it was not a very playable card, but now Reno Jackson is wildly storming the meta and various decks with him are flooding the ladder.

Play ranked games now and you will immediately be faced with decks built around. New decks with Renault now cover absolutely the entire meta, from rank 20 to TOP of Legends. In this article, I want to collect on this moment the most powerful and popular decks with Reno Jackson.

If you haven't played Reno with decks yet, then you should know that it is not highlighted in yellow when its effect is triggered. So, if you have several copies of cards in your deck, then you will have to manually calculate whether Reno will heal you, well, or use third party programs... As Ben Brode wrote, they still cannot implement this lighting effect, according to him it takes a lot of processing power, since the card will constantly ask to compare each card in the deck and the correctness of the lighting, respectively, but in the future the developers promise to fix this problem. Also, we do not recommend using Renault if it is on your table, see below why 😎

Bold RenoWarrior from Kripp's:

So kripp decided to try it out, and the result was a Fatig Warrior Control deck (on Fatigue). But kripp has his own take on decks built around Reno Jackson, he has 2 copies of certain cards in his deck, since most players create decks with Reno with only one copy of the cards.

Below you can see how Fatig Reno Warrior plays:

Kibler RenoLock:

Here's a good example of new Renault decks. Brian Keibler with his "In search of Reno the Warlock" managed to rise from rank 6 to the TOP-500 of Legends in 4 days, using exclusively this deck. Of course, he made the most of the surprise effect and the opponents simply did not know how to play against such a deck. Try playing with this deck.

Best decks with Renault Jackson:

RenHunter Deck: Midrange Tempo Reno Mage Deck:

Fatig Reno Mage Deck (on Fatigue): Freeze Mage Deck with Reno Jackson:

4.9 / 99

The League of Explorers add-on to Hearthstone has not yet had time to reveal all the cards, and the current meta-game has already begun to change. With the arrival of Reno Jackson and Brann Bronzebeard, face decks began to recede from the top ten of the ladder. It is understandable: a full "healed" or double healing of the Ancient Healer is doing its job. Control and midrange decks of any class are in the lead in the rating. Paladins are especially annoying, check out the deck of secrets in our September selection.

There are several best top Hearthstone decks with the use of the "League of Explorers" cards (December 2015): Warlock "Reno Lock", hybrid midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. With their help, you can definitely go to the Legend. Checked!

A very strong deck that is just gaining its popularity. Incredible balance and clever synergy of cards. The highlight of the "seasoned cake" was Renault Jackson himself. Please note that all cards are presented in one version. Renolock resists rush-face decks well and is great in late.

List of deck cards:

  • 1 Face of Decay
  • 1 Overwhelming Power
  • 1 Dark Bomb
  • 1 Black archaeologist
  • 1 Demonic Wrath
  • 1 Leader of the Imps Gang
  • 1 Hellfire
  • 1 Merciless Explosion
  • 1 Flame of Darkness
  • 1 Void Summoner
  • 1 Soul Siphon
  • 1 Lord Jaraxxus
  • 1 MalGanis
  • 1 Scolding Sergeant
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 1 Shindorei Intercessor
  • 1 Acid Ooze
  • 1 Mental Technician
  • 1 Experienced Hunter
  • 1 Argus Champion
  • 1 Snack vendor
  • 1 Twilight Dragon
  • 1 Ancient Healer
  • 1 Slime Belcher
  • 1 Emperor Thaurissan
  • 1 Renault Jackson
  • 1 Doctor Boom
  • 1 Ragnaros
  • 1 Mountain Giant
  • 1 Fire Giant

A hybrid and devastating mix of face hunt with midrange Beast Hunter. The deck provides a good aggressive pace for the game. In a good scenario, your opponent has no time to attack. Corner your opponent and win.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Tenetnik
  • 2 Glaive Thrower
  • 1 Snake Trap
  • 1 Bear Trap
  • 2 Get it!
  • 2 Pet
  • 1 Release the dogs
  • 2 Hound
  • 2 Shepherd
  • 2 Savannah Highmane
  • 2 Mad scientist
  • 2 Precious Scarab
  • 1 Ironbeak
  • 2 Dagger Juggler
  • 2 Obsessed Slider
  • 1 Brann Bronzebeard
  • 2 Grave spider
  • 1 Doctor Boom

An incredibly evil and aggressive Druid deck in Hearthstone. Notably, the Fel Reavers are very good at this deck. A hint that you don't care about the size of the deck. Each card eats up a life from your opponent. Only the maximum damage in the face of the enemy.

List of deck cards:

  • 2 Illumination
  • 2 Living roots
  • 2 Fighter of Darnassus
  • 2 Druid Saber
  • 2 Wild Roar
  • 2 Swipe
  • 2 Keeper of the Thicket
  • 2 Furious Warrior
  • 2 Druid of the Claw
  • 1 Force of nature
  • 2 Leprognom
  • 2 Dagger Juggler
  • 2 Shadow of Naxxramas
  • 2 Piloted shredder
  • 2 Fel Reaver
  • 1 Doctor Boom

Reno Lock Warlock, Hybrid Midrange Hunter, FACE Druid deck. What's next?

Tags: decks, top, december, 2015, explorers league

Which can be used in any deck, the main thing is that this deck does not have duplicate cards, or in the case of a warlock, it does not have more than one or two repetitions (due to the basic ability and Hand Lock play style).

Let's start with an option for those who have just started playing Hearthstone. But first, here's to you best deck to start without Renault, with several cards that are better to craft first.

Universal deck with Renault (and without) for any class in Hearhstone

On the right, you see a blank for a universal economy deck made up of free, common and cards from the first quarter of the Explorers' League (~ 900 dust + 700 gold). It will be correct to include the strongest cards available to you, respecting the ratio in cost, and then create the missing cheap cards from this list.

Initially the next deck has 28 cards, this means that you can only insert 2 good spells... As new GOOD spells are unlocked, replace them by removing the following cards from the deck:

The deck contains only the best of the free or simple cards (40 dust per card) and two cards from the first quarter of the Explorers' League (Djinn of the Winds and Reno, other cards). If you have more expensive cards and they are really better than the ones presented - you can freely substitute them in the deck.
