Neverwinter nights 2 satellite management. Impact on companions. Detailed instructions. Destroyed West Harbor

To whom: For fans of the genre.

For what: Without benefit, but with pleasure, spend the next few evenings of your life. =)

NWN 2 is a rare example of a sequel that is as good as the original.

Considering how cult Neverwinter night 1 was for most role-players at one time, for the developers of the second part (and this was no longer the widely known Bioware, which has at least three very successful projects - the Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale, and actually the first part of NWN, and the young company Obsidian Entertainment) the main concern was not to fall below the level set by its predecessors. And they did it brilliantly.

The only significant complaint against the developers is that the game requires very high computer power: both RAM (1 GB or more (it runs on 512, but with very noticeable brakes)) and a video card (at least 128 MB). Released six months earlier, TES4:Oblivion, with much more detailed and lively graphics, required less. However, if you have a sufficiently powerful machine, this disadvantage can not be considered as such :)

The developers took a responsible approach to both the reproduction of the world and the possibilities of creating characters, many subraces were introduced and the range of offered prestige classes was greatly expanded, and another main class was added, the so-called “Warlock”, something between a battle mage and light armor oriented warrior.

The plot, if you break it down into stages and tell it in a nutshell, is simple and predictable to the point of banality, but the point is HOW it is told to us. The simple story is flavored with so many goodies and mysteries that at some point the player understands that perhaps the authors are leading him by the hand along the standard path of the fantasy “Chosen One,” but he doesn’t want to turn away from this path at all.

In addition, in NWN2, for the first time since Baldur’s Gate 2, the interpersonal relationships of the heroes were complicated, and this, of course, is still “not the same,” but much more than I dared to expect from this series, plus the ability to choose between good and evil was added. The hero may well follow the path of evil, earn a reputation as a notorious criminal element and eventually join the “world’s evil” or do the exact opposite :). “World evil”, by the way, is not so evil, if you look at it.

My Favorites:

Anti-paladin and champion of darkness Stan, which my willpower was never enough to level up, Dread Knight Finn(with him we went through the solo campaign to the end) and the druid Novel(we just started playing with it online) .

Girls: evil sorceress Eleranta(main character for network game), no less malicious Mystic Archer Lissa and tracker Nika, on the example of which I tried romances with the male half of the NPC population of Faerun :).

By the way, the proportions are correct :) This is exactly how much smaller the elves of this world are than people.

During the game, the hero meets 11 companions who want to share his path, but since you can take no more than 3 and then 4 people into a team at a time, the choice of companions remains on the conscience of the player :)

And here they are, all those who this time made my journey through Faerun especially interesting:

Calgar Ironfist:

Neutral good Shield dwarf. Fighter.

Hero to enemies: There are three of you for one dwarf, this is not fair!

Calgar: Unfair? *thinks* Well then, let them invite their friends!

Shandra: Mom often told me how my grandfather rocked me in his arms, and I pulled his beard.

Calgar is a fighting-loving dwarf warrior, an ax master, who dreams of becoming a monk (LOL) because he was once amazed by their ability to fight and now wants to become stronger and help his clan. This is the very first companion you meet on the way. Loves a fair fight and beer, doesn't really like to think =).


A completely neutral tiefling (tieflings are half-breeds born from the connection between a human and a demon). Rogue.

Calgar to the hero: If you want your children to grow up like a pack of wolves, listen to the Druids.

Nishka to the hero: If you want your children to grow up to be idiots, listen to Calgar.

Nishka is a cheat and a thief, and because of her demonic blood, she always ends up in ridiculous and sometimes dangerous situations. She constantly quarrels with Calgar and Elani with or without reason. She loves money and somewhat falls for the main character if he is a man and has any kind of high influence on her (however, I did not develop this line in the game and cannot say anything more specific). She’s completely unprincipled, but she sincerely doesn’t understand what’s wrong with it :) In general, she’s a sweetheart :) But since she’s only useful in the first couple of days on a team, she’s rarely been my companion.


Neutral good forest elf. Druid.

Elani to the hero: I long years was nearby and watched how you lived, how you looked out the window into Big world and thought about it, and one day this world came for you.

Elani is a very good druid, developing towards magic rather than combat or transformation. He tries to stay a little apart from everyone. A little arrogant, a little moralistic. Always stands for peaceful solution Problems. She doesn't really care which side she's on. main character as long as he is close and merciful to nature. Very jealous. She is the main candidate for the hero's lover. Although overall the romance with her is rather bland, it has a logical conclusion :). In general, very correct views, most often of the same opinion as the paladin.


Chaotic neutral person. Witch.

Calgar: Everyone knows about the honor and manhood of the Ironfist family!

Kara: Ahh... About the two smallest things in Faerûn?

A bright and very eccentric sorceress. At any sideways glance in her direction, she throws a fireball at the “enemy” and considers herself perhaps the most powerful sorceress in Neverwinter. She was kicked out of the academy for burning down the stable. Arrogant, sarcastic, but not too smart. Her sympathies depend on whether the hero allows her to “do whatever she likes.” Organically does not tolerate the other magician of Sanda's group.


Neutral good rock gnome. Bard.

Sand: Well, one of us knows what to do now.

Hero: Oh... It better not be Grobnar.

Sand: Are we going to take this spider with us?

Calgar: Well, we took Grobnar.

Grobnar is a good bard and craftsman, but funny and somewhat eccentric. That's why half the other NPCs joke about him harmlessly. He firmly believes in the Undersniven, mythical invisible and omnipotent creatures living in some heavenly kingdoms. Later, while completing a certain quest, Grobnar finds indirect evidence of their existence. He is very trusting, which sometimes does not play into the hands of the main character.


Law-abiding good person. Paladin.

Hero: It seems you don't trust Neverwinter.

Kasavir: I don’t trust cities or states. But I believe in people.

A strong, calm and very balanced paladin. He is well over 30, and has an even, but somewhat distant relationship with everyone except Bishop. He never jokes and takes everything responsibly and seriously. He is immersed in his own moral problems related to his broken duty to Neverwinter. Believes that people need protection more than any rulers or states. If you play as a girl or a paladin, then there will be a storyline with Kasavir or additional quest, respectively. He is also the main candidate for a romantic companion if you play as a girl. The novel will develop quite predictably, except that Bishop, with the heroine’s high influence on him, will introduce a certain amount of chaos into what is happening.

It should be noted that Casavir is my second favorite hero in the game. =)


Chaotic evil person. Ranger.

Bishop: No, I'm afraid then you won't be able to sleep because of the nightmares, and I know a lot of more pleasant ways to deprive you of sleep.

Kasavir to the heroine: It’s difficult for me to follow the same path as before, I doubt it...

Bishop (appearing from another room) to the heroine: A crisis of faith occurs among paladins just when they betray their duty and then become carried away by a woman.

Bishop: And when they ordered me to burn the village, I decided that I would solve two problems at once, kill the Luskans and destroy the place that produced that “honest and kind man” you see before you now.

IMHO, the most interesting character in the game. In the past, he was a Luskan soldier (Luskan is the main enemy of Neverwinter), an excellent ranger, a master of the bow and fighting with two swords. He's good-looking and knows it. The character is very bad, the reputation is even worse. Smart, cunning, but very inconsistent in his actions. As he gains influence over him, he falls in love with the heroine or acquires friendly sympathies for the hero (if he does not increase his influence, he will hate both). Unfortunately, there is no full-fledged love line with him, although the relationship is developing in this direction.

He hates the paladin, especially if you play as a girl, and harasses those around him with his sarcastic jokes. Almost no one on the team gets along with anyone except Amon. He loves himself no more than those around him, but he prefers that his help be appreciated. He does not believe in gods, does not accept everything that can fetter him, and is ready to go to freedom any way, even if the final price is his life.

Uh-huh, if someone else hasn’t understood from the description, Bishop is my big, albeit not very pure, love in the game =)

Shandra Jerro:

Neutral kind, man. Fighter.

Adventurers: On the way, we took a cat from a tree, and its old lady owner gave us an apple.

Calgar (skeptically): Well, we have to start somewhere.

Shandra: Yes, if our captain got into this situation (the hero there eventually receives the captain’s rank), the tree would burn down, the cat would die, and the old lady would go traveling with him...

Shandra is not a fully-fledged NPC; she appears in the story and goes with the heroes, regardless of the player’s wishes, on several main quests. This is a village girl, the granddaughter of the court magician Amon Jerro, who once stole the Silver Sword of Gith. Her blood should open the way to his hideout.

In his adventures, the hero becomes indirectly responsible for the destruction of her home and farm; because of her blood, she is drawn into the adventure against her will. He considers the hero “a mercenary dragging around the cities for a couple of gold pieces,” but later, when he learns his story, he is imbued with sympathy.

Shandra is simple, she says what she thinks, sometimes makes scandals, and in all disputes she takes the side of ordinary people. Sand and Bishop make fun of her, and Casavir constantly stands up for her.


Lawful neutral moon elf. Wizard.

Upon entering the provincial town of Port Last:

Sand: Be careful, my friend, walk carefully, otherwise the local culture will stick to your boots...

Sand: This matter is urgent, we’ll leave immediately.

Kara: We can do without the help of seedy magicians.

Sand: Karochka, dear, if we need to burn down Luskan, we will call you. But now we need to work with our heads.

Torio Klaven: Sand, please, let's not show off our bad sides.

Sand *with feigned surprise*: Do you have any good ones? Wait, I have to write this down.

Sand, IMHO, is the best sorcerer in the game. He also hails from Luskan, spent some time spying for Neverwinter in the Towers of the Lords, and then sought refuge with Lord Nasher during the war. He is very smart and has a subtle and caustic sense of humor. An excellent diplomat. He appears on your team as a lawyer, called upon to clear the name of the protagonist from false accusations in court.

Can hardly stand Kara's company. He has a very even relationship with the others, which does not stop him from laughing at them from time to time. Have a very high opinion of your mental abilities, loves when others appreciate them. Does not tolerate rudeness towards him.

Undoubtedly the most courtly and aristocratic hero of the game :)

And another one of my unconditional likes =) He only lacks his own strength storyline to complete delight :)

Lawful neutral githzerai. Priestess .

Zjav to the hero: They say that if the sword of Gith is pulled out of its sheath, it will never return there, but now you are the sheath of this sword, the heart of this sword.

Priestess of Gith, Zjav appears towards the end of the story, she is a good priest, but IMHO the most useless NPC in the game, which is aggravated by the fact that she has to be carried around a lot and often throughout the plot. Zjav is pretentious and somewhat fanatical. She doesn't like Amon Jerro, and the feeling is mutual. Otherwise, she appears only because the main character is Kalak-cha, the Thief of the Sword, the one whom the sword forged by the leader of her people recognized as its master.

She believes that his destiny is not only to defeat the Guardian, but to go a much longer way... And she is right.

Amon Jarro:

Neutral evil person. Warlock.

Grobnar about Amon Jerro: Well, if the magician was strange, but quiet, then his refuge should not be a scary place.

Amon Jerro: You just unleashed the most feared creatures in the netherworlds, and now you accuse ME of being irresponsible?

Warlock. A very useful NPC, and the only one who can replace Zjav in some rituals. Shandra's grandfather Jerro, considered long dead, is another fighter against the Guardian, preaching the principle of the lesser evil. Believes that the death of a few is acceptable for the common good. Communicates with demons lower worlds, for a long time stood in the way of the main characters, although they pursued the same goals. The former owner of the Silver Sword, who never recognized it. Ultimately, he sides with the hero, because he has no other opportunity to resist the Guardian.

In addition, I can’t help but pay attention to some non-player NPCs, peculiar narrative glitches:

The hero's adoptive father: Daigong Forlong. A sullen half-elf ranger, noble, but completely immersed in his grief. At one time he was an adventurer and the best ranger of the Sword Coast, but the death of his friends and the loss of his wife broke him. IMHO, Deigun has the saddest line in the game.

Duncan. The owner of the "Drowned Flask". Half-elf, half-brother of Deigun, uncle of the main character. Unlike his brother, he is cheerful and cheerful, always a little (or a lot) drunk, and quarrelsome. In principle, he is friends with Sand, but they often entertain the player with mutual jokes addressed to each other. Also a former adventurer.

Lord Nasher aged from the first part, completely bald, acquired a crown with Neverwinter’s “eye”, and became even more pragmatic and cautious. Sometimes his methods are unpleasant, but Nasher cannot be denied the courage and strength with which he rules his troubled country.

Sir Nival. The leader of the Nine (the Nine are Nasher’s bodyguard knights and defenders of the city) and Nasher’s closest and most trusted person. Apparently the most handsome man in Neverwinter. A careerist who believes that the citizens' duty to Neverwinter exceeds their personal interests, on the basis of which he quarrels with Casavir. Periodically changes his armor to more expensive and beautiful ones =) However, he never has time for a fight, he comes at the moment when everything is already over. I don't like him for this: E

Officer Kana, who runs the Crossroads Fortress. The main character's first assistant, who holds somewhat samurai views on service.

Enemies: Lorne(a huge barbarian berserker, the older brother of the protagonist’s childhood friend who sold himself to Luskan and the black Garius), Torio Claven(Luskan’s envoy to Neverwinter, a real snake, defeat her in a verbal competition in court “a problem for a C”, dresses very colorfully and vulgarly) and Black Garius(the same man who woke up the Guardian and brought disaster to the Sword Coast, the only representative of absolute evil in the game).

And of course he is the Guardian of Illefarn, the King of Shadows….

But when the sword of Gith cuts the Guardian's shadow for the last time, it will not be a victory for the hero... After all, even the wisest men of Faerun know that whoever wields this sword will long haul, and across the Worlds and beyond... But that’s a completely different story. (With)

Influence on companions, part 2


If, when talking to Bishop, you ask his opinion about the upcoming trial and fail a Diplomacy saving throw when you say “If I always did everything that others told me to do...”, you will lose 1 influence point with Bishop. If your saving throw succeeds, you will gain 1 influence point on him.

In the same conversation, agree with Bishop that the best way out of the situation would be to kill the Lascan ambassador Torio Klaven - and you will receive 1 point of influence over him - and minus 1 point if you do not agree.

In the same conversation, Bishop will invite you to escape from Neverwinter and go with him to the forest expanses for a couple of years. You will receive +1 influence point with him if you agree and -1 influence point if you refuse.

When you first talk to Casavir, ask him why he seems worried lately, and the paladin will share with you his doubts about Bishop. Thank him for his concern (+ 1 influence point) or tell him not to interfere in his own business (- 1 influence point). (This conversation option is only available to female GGs.)

When talking to Bishop, he will ask you what you need from him that you cannot get from Casavir. If during the conversation you say that you are not indifferent to the paladin, you will lose 1 influence point with Bishop and gain 1 influence point with Kasavir, even if he is this moment will not be in your group (is he listening behind the door, or what?). If you convince Bishop that you don't care about the paladin, you will receive + 1 influence point with Bishop and – 1 influence point with Casavir. (This conversation option is only available to female characters and only if you have very high influence with Casavir and very low influence with Bishop.)

When talking to Shandra, select the "You seem a little confused..." option and during the conversation, reassure her that you don't doubt her abilities (+ 1 influence point) or that you don't care (- 1 influence point).

When talking to Shandra, select the "You seem a little confused again..." option and she will apologize for being harsh with you earlier. If you politely accept her apology, you will receive + 1 influence point with her, and if you are rude, then – 1 influence point.

When talking to Shandra, ask her about her family and in response tell her that Duncan used to be an adventurer (+ 3 influence points), and in response to her further questions tell her that you lost your mother early (+ 3 influence points).

After talking with Tasha, when Nishka declares her intention to rob the Collector, agree with her (+ 2 influence points) or try to dissuade her (- 2 influence points).

Shopping District.

If you talk to Ofala, owner of the Mask Moonstone, about Torio Klaven and her accusation against you, Ofala will have no doubt that Sand can be of great help to you. Agree with her (+ 1 influence point on Sand) or disagree (-1 influence point on Sand).


When you meet the artist Peppin Polo, he will offer to paint a portrait of Shandra. If you offer to buy a portrait, you will lose 1 influence point with Nishka and Elani (at the same time). If you offer the artist 500 gold for a painting, you will lose another 1 influence point on Nishka. If you offer to buy the painting for 150 gold, you will lose 1 influence point with Shandra, and if you claim that it was all a waste of time, it will cost you 2 influence points with her.
If you play a male character, at the end of the conversation you will receive + 4 points of influence on Shandra if you offer to buy her portrait for 500 gold and + 2 points if you buy it for 300. If you play as a heroine, you will only receive + 2 points influence with Shandra, regardless of whether you pay the artist 300 or 500 gold.. You can also avoid losing influence with Elani and Nishka if you do not offer to buy the painting outright, but first ask how much it will cost you. (But if you pay 500 gold for the painting, you will lose 1 influence point with Nishka in any case.)

If Elani is in your group when you meet Kylie Bruce, offer to go to the crypt and find her sister, then say "Don't worry, Kylie..." and you will receive +1 influence point with Elani. If Elani is not in your group, then you will receive +1 influence point on Shandra.

When meeting Kylie Bruce, tell her that “Lisbeth is free to do as she pleases...” - and you will receive + 1 influence point on Nishka. If you say that Lisbeth needs discipline, you will lose 1 influence point on Nishka.

When you talk to Lisbeth in the Bruce crypt, say that she “was ready to give her soul for a few beautiful words and kisses” - this will get you + 1 influence point with Bishop and – 1 influence point with Elani.

During the bard competition, ask Grobnar to play with you as a couple - this will bring you + 3 influence points on him.

During the bard competition, ask Kvara to make fireworks on the stage - this will bring you + 1 influence point on Kvara.

During the bard competition, ask Sand to ridicule Kane - this will give you + 1 influence point on Sand.
Note: During the bard competition, you can only ask one follower to help you, so choose the one whose influence is more important to you.

If Quara is in your group when you meet Jenks, he will recognize her and start making fun of her. You will receive + 1 influence point on Kvara if you say “Burn him, I’ll cover you...” and – 1 influence point on Kvara if, instead of standing up for her, you start defending the honor of the “Sunken Bottle”. (“Hey! The Sunken Bottle is not a hole!”)

When you meet Jenks, tell him that The best way Treating animals is kindness and you will get +1 influence point with Elani. (This conversation option is only available if Kvara is not in your party.)

Glade of Consolation.

When Shandra speaks to you during your ritual, thank her for her concern or tell her you don't want to get her into trouble (+1 influence point with Shandra). If you tell her to sit quietly and not get in the way, you will lose 1 influence point.

After the fight with the Lascans, thank Shandra for her help (+ 2 influence points) or say that she has already caused you enough trouble. (- 2 influence points).

Port Llast.

If, upon entering Port Llast, you tell Sandu that you are glad to have him in your ranks, you will receive +2 influence points with him. If you order him to remain silent, you will lose 2 influence points.

If you are rude to her when you meet Elaine, you will lose 1 influence point with Shandra, and if you assure her that you only want to help, you will gain 1 influence point.

If after talking with Elaine you decide to leave her alone, you will receive + 1 influence point with Shandra and – 1 influence point with Sand. If you decide to use her to your advantage, it will cost you 1 influence point with Shandra.

When talking to Malin in the tavern, tell her “If you have any problems with Bishop, you better forget about them...” (+ 1 influence point with Bishop) or tell Bishop to hold his tongue (- 1 influence point).

When talking to Malin, tell Bishop “It’s good that it’s you and not her that is with me...” to gain 1 influence point. If you tell him to choose his words, you will lose 1 influence point.

When receiving a reward from Niya, say that you will keep her amulet to get + 2 influence points with Elani (for a male player) or + 2 influence points with Kasavir (for a female player). You will also lose 2 influence points with Bishop. If you publicly ask how much you can get for the amulet, it will cost you to lose 2 influence points with Elani/Kasavir and you will gain + 2 influence points with Bishop. If you say you don't care, you will lose 1 influence point with Elani/Kasavir and gain +1 influence point with Bishop.
Note: the conversation option with the possibility of gaining influence only appears if Elani/Kasavir is in your group.


When Sand discovers a strange corpse, praise him for his observation (+ 1 influence point) or ignore his discovery (- 1 influence point).

Duskwood Forest.

Upon entering Duskwood, offer to investigate the forest problem and, if possible, resolve it - and you will receive +3 influence points with Elani. If you say that you fear for Elani's health and offer to return, this will give you +1 influence point with her. If you ignore Elani's warning, you will lose 3 influence points with her.

When Sand announces that no magic works here, if Kvara is in your group, then a dispute will immediately arise between her and Sand, in which you can support Kvara (+ 2 influence points with Kvara, – 2 influence points with Sand) or Sanda (+ 2 influence points with Sanda, - 2 influence points with Kvara). If you try to settle the matter peacefully (“No one wanted to harm anyone...”), you will gain +2 influence points with Sand and lose 2 influence points with Quara. If you threaten both of them, then, accordingly, you will lose influence with both (- 2 influence points with Sand and Kvara at the same time).
If Kvara is not in your group, then you can either thank Sand for the warning (or inquire about the details of this phenomenon), and you will receive + 2 influence points with him. If you blame him for not warning you earlier, you will lose 2 influence points.

When talking to the dwarfs near the cave, tell Grobnar that you would prefer him to stay with you - and you will receive + 1 influence point on him. If you say that you would prefer him to leave, you will lose 1 influence point.

If you pretend to be Lorne when meeting the dryad Lissa, you will lose 1 influence point with Kasavir. If you declare that you are not Lorne, you will lose 1 influence point with Sand and gain +1 influence point with Casavir.

If your Bluff is successful and you receive magic powder, you will gain 1 influence point with Sand.
If you agree to the dryad's offer to steal magic stone goblins, then get 1 influence point with Sand. If you refuse the deal with Lissa, you will lose 1 influence point with Sand.

Goblin Cave.

After you feed the spider Kistrel a collection of insects and invite him with you, say that you will always welcome the allies that nature sends, and you will receive + 1 influence point with Elani. If you state that you intend to use the spider solely for personal purposes, you will lose 1 influence point with her.

If you tell the goblins guarding the Shining Stone that you intend to take it for yourself, you will lose 3 influence points with Elani.

Castle Nevers - before trial.

If, upon receiving the quest “Suspicious Connections” from Sir Neval, you say that your duty is to serve Neverwinter, you will receive:
+ 1 influence point with Kasavir,
- 1 influence point with Bishop,
- 1 influence point with Sand (if there is no Bishop in your group).

If you refuse Neval's task, you will receive + 1 influence point with Bishop and + 1 influence point with Sand (at the same time).

Castle Nevers - court.

If you tell Sandu how unlucky you are to have him as your lawyer, you will lose 1 influence point with him.

If you ask Sand for advice on how to behave during the process, and after his answer you call his advice useless, you will lose 1 influence point with Sand.

If you thank Sand for agreeing to represent your interests in court, you will receive + 1 influence point with Sand.

If, before the hearing begins, you successfully use your diplomatic skills to piss off Torio, you will receive + 1 influence point with Sand. You will lose 1 influence point with him if your attempt fails.

If, during your own interrogation, you successfully use your diplomatic skills to make your listeners believe in the Lascans' dishonest intentions, you will receive +1 influence point with Sand (-1 point if your attempt is unsuccessful).

Temple of Tyr - before the fight.

When Kelgar offers himself to you as a replacement for the duel with Lorne, agree (+ 3 influence points with Kelgar) or say that you need someone who will not rely on instinct in battle (- 3 influence points). If you tell Kelgar to leave the temple, you will lose 3 influence points.

When Sand offers you potions to help you fight Lorne, accept them (+ 1 influence point with Sand) or refuse them (- 1 influence point).

When Kvara offers herself to you as a replacement for the duel with Lorne, agree (+ 1 influence point) or refuse (- 1 influence point, even if you are very, very polite).

When Nishka appears at the temple of Tyr, say that you are glad to have her company (+ 1 influence point) or tell her to leave (- 1 influence point).

When Nishka tells you her plan to damage Lorne’s armor and sword, agree with her idea (+ 2 influence points) or say that you prefer to fight honestly (- 1 influence point).


Ask Shandra if she was really worried about you because of your fight with Lorne and either thank her for her concern (+ 1 influence point with Shandra) or tell her that you don't need her participation (- 1 influence point with Shandra).

Castle Nevers - after the trial.

When talking with Lord Nasher and Sydney Natal, insist that Laskan admit responsibility for what happened in Amber (+ 4 influence points with Shandra Jerro) or agree to leave it in the past (- 4 influence points with Shandra Jerro).

Tavorik's mansion.

Say that you are going to use the explosive balls you found to defend your house - this will give you + 1 influence point with Grobnar. If Grobnar is not in your group, then you will receive +1 influence point on Sand.

If you decide to open a barrel of balls at your own risk, it will give you +2 influence points with Grobnar.

If you tell your companions not to touch the barrels, you will lose 1 influence point with Grobnar.

Crossrod Castle (Fortress at the Crossroads). First visit.

Near the field next to the castle you will see the corpse of a peasant.
If you say it's just another dead man, you'll get +2 influence points with Bishop and -2 influence points with Shandra. If you tell Bishop to show respect to the dead man, you will lose 2 influence points with him and gain +2 influence points with Shandra.
If you offer to bury the peasant's body, you will receive + 2 influence points with Shandra. (This conversation option is only available if Bishop is not in your party.)

After Garius starts his ritual, tell Vale not to get in your way, and this will give you +1 influence point with Bishop.

Crossrod Castle. After taking possession.

When Pentin starts talking about leaving, threaten him to force him to stay (+ 1 influence point with Bishop if your Threat attempt is successful) or kill him (+ 2 influence points with Bishop, - 2 influence points with Casavir). If you claim that he owes you money and successfully get him out of debt, this will give you +1 influence point over Sand.

When Grobnar suggests using the Book of Iltkazar to repair the golem, agree with him and praise him for the idea (+ 1 influence point with Grobnar) or tell him not to dig into the golem (- 1 influence point with Grobnar).

When Grobnar finishes repairing the golem, praise him for his efforts (+ 2 influence points with Grobnar) or tell him that the golem looks like it's about to fall apart (- 2 influence points with Grobnar).

If you decide to upgrade your golem but fail your Alchemy saving throw, Sand will offer to do it for you. If you agree, you will receive + 1 influence point with Sand, and if you tell him not to touch the golem, you will lose 1 influence point.

Ruins of Arvan.

If you successfully use Diplomacy in a conversation with Uthank (“I didn’t know that Logram was your brother...), you will receive + 1 influence point on Sand.

If in a conversation with Uthank you choose the Threats/Intimidate option (“Logram lost because he was weak...”), this will bring you + 1 influence point with Kelgar.

Rivergard Castle.

If you are polite when meeting Gellu and say "Greetings...", this will give you +1 influence point with Sand and -1 influence point with Kelgar.

If you agree to Gellu's offer to kill Utank, you will receive + 1 influence point with Bishop.

If you agree to Gell's offer to kill Utank, and Casavir is in your group, he will try to dissuade you from helping Gell. If you say that it is your decision or that Uthank's death will end the orcs in the area, you will lose 1 influence point with Kasavir. If you claim that Uthank is just a savage, you will lose 1 influence point with a paladin and gain 1 influence point with Bishop. If you agree with Kasavir, you will gain 1 influence point with him and lose 2 influence points with Bishop.

If you ask the Rebroker to break the door for you, behind which there is an Illefarn statue, and allow him to break it until he dies from the damage, you will receive (at the same time):
+ 1 influence point with Bishop;
– 1 influence point with Shandra;
- 1 influence point with Kasavir.

If you ask the Rebroker to break down a door, but stop him after he starts taking damage, citing the fact that he might die, this will give you (at the same time):
+ 1 influence point with Kasavir;
+ 1 influence point with Shandra;
- 1 influence point with Bishop.

If you break the door yourself to get to the statue, you will receive +2 influence points with Zhievi.

Mine of precious stones.

When talking with Master Aizim about the Guardian, say that you consider his sacrifice noble (+ 2 influence points with Casavir, - 2 influence points with Bishop). If you say that you think patriotism is stupid or that no nation is worth such a sacrifice, you will receive + 2 influence points with Bishop and - 2 influence points with Kasavir.

Temple of the Seasons.

When Casavir starts a conversation with you near the statue, say that you see nobility in him or that ordinary residents of Neverwinter do noble deeds every day - and you will receive + 2 influence points with him. If you tell him to shut up or tell him that his doubts do not interest you, you will lose 2 influence points with the paladin.

Destroyed West Harbor.

When talking to Shandra, say that you left West Harbor to protect the villagers and you will receive +3 influence points with her. If you say that you hated your village and its inhabitants, it will cost you 2 influence points with Shandra.

If, after Shandra expresses her condolences to you, you tell her not to be distracted or order her to shut up, you will lose 2 influence points with her.

In the same conversation with Shandra, say that she too can become famous in the future (+ 1 influence point with Shandra).

In the subsequent conversation with Shandra about West Harbor, say that you hope your actions prevent more harm than they cause (+1 influence point with Shandra) or say that you hope to cause more damage in the future (-1 influence point).

Ammon Jerro's shelter - the approach to the fortress.

If, when approaching the geyser, you say that the strange smell is sulfur, you will receive + 1 influence point with Elani. (This option will only be available with high Intelligence).

If you fail your Dexterity/Evasion saving throw when trying to draw water from a geyser, you will receive +2 influence points with Nishka.

If you decide not to kill the barbarian shaman and say that it seems unfair to you, then this will bring you
+ 2 influence points with Kasavir;
+ 2 influence points with Shandra;
- 1 influence point with Bishop.

If you tell the shaman "The easier it will be to kill you", it will give you:
- 2 influence points with Kasavir;
- 1 influence point with Shandra;
+ 2 influence points with Bishop.

The answer option “I have no choice...” will earn you + 1 influence point on Bishop.

After the golem at the entrance demands Jerro's blood, tell Shandra to comply only if she wishes (+1 influence point with Shandra) or threaten that you will do it yourself if she doesn't hurry (-1 influence point).

Ammon Jerro's hideout is inside the fortress.

When Nishka gets into an argument with Baalbizan, tell her "Shut up..." or "You should listen to your own advice..." and you will lose 2 influence points with Nishka. If you say “My friend is right...” or “A few threats would be in order...”, you will receive +2 influence points with the tiefling.

If you play a male hero, you will have the opportunity to offer Baalbizan to clearly demonstrate to him that you belong to the strong half of humanity. If you choose this option, Nishka will try to support you in front of the demon. If you tell her to shut up, you will lose 2 influence points with the tiefling. If you tell Baalbizan “Nishka is free to say whatever he wants...”, you will receive + 2 influence points with Nishka.

When Nishka starts making fun of Zaxis, tell her to shut up or tell her that her speeches will not help you (- 2 influence points). If you say that Zaxis should listen to Nishka or that she does everything just fine, you will get + 2 influence points with Nishka.

After you find out Zaxis's True Name, tell him to stop talking about himself in the third person, and this will give you +1 influence point on Nishka.

After you agree to a deal with the succubus Bladen, Casavir will express his distrust of the demoness. If you agree with him (or thank him for the warning), you will receive + 3 influence points on the paladin. If you declare that you are the commander here, you will lose 3 influence points with him.

If you play as a male hero, Bladen will try to charm you (“Gods, what a magnificent specimen...”), and Elani will do her best to prevent this charm (“Don’t even try to manipulate him, succubus..”). If you tell Elani that you don't need her protection or that you can fend for yourself, you will lose 3 influence points with her. If you answer Bladen “Elani is right - don’t waste your charms on me...”, you will gain + 3 influence points with Elani.

If, after Bladen states that your conversation is starting to bore her, you use the Diplomacy option and say that she is one of the most beautiful women you have ever seen, you will lose 3 influence points with Elani. (Only for male heroes.)

When Bladen asks you to entertain her, select the response option “Something interesting”, followed by “You are very unstable”, and Grobnar will interrupt your conversation and ask permission to perform the song that your conversation with the succubus reminded him of. If you agree to listen to Grobnar's song, it will give you +3 influence points on him. If you tell him to shut up, you will lose 3 influence points with Grobnar.

After you fulfill Hezebel's condition and reveal to her the True Name of the matron of the Baalbizan family, Kasavir will say that he would not trust Erinyes. If you agree with him or simply thank him for the warning, it will earn you +3 influence points. If you state that you did not ask his opinion, you will lose 3 influence points with the paladin.

Crossrod Castle Tavern upon returning from Jerro's Vault.

If, in a conversation with Ammon Jerro, you try to use Bluff, saying that you want to protect the inhabitants of Neverwinter, you will lose 1 point of influence with Ammon if you fail the saving throw.

Ask Ammon Jerro why he is so determined to defeat the Shadow King. If you agree with his principles, you will receive +1 influence point with Ammon, and if you try to object, you will lose 1 influence point with him.

Ask Ammon about his past and why he fought you instead of trying to join forces with you. If you successfully use Diplomacy to defend your point of view, you will receive +3 influence points on Ammon. If you fail the saving throw or choose any answer other than “I guess you're right...”, you will lose 3 influence points with it.

After you ask Ammon why he dislikes Zhievi so much, he will accuse her of being a blind fanatic. You can agree with him or say that Zhievi is only useful to you - just like Ammon himself (+ 1 point of influence on Ammon) or stand up for Zhievi (- 1 influence point).

Explain to Ammon why the Githzerai cannot interfere in your battle with the Shadow King and you will receive +1 Influence Point with Ammon. (This conversation option will only appear if you have already talked to Livey about it.)

In the same conversation, when Ammon makes a very ironic comment about the wisdom of the Githzerai who don't get involved in the conflict, say that you disagree with the Githzerai's policies (+1 influence point with Ammon) or admit that they are right (-1 influence point).

What is strong about the game is its characters. Incredibly bright and memorable characters, each of which is perceived as an integral personality and evokes living, genuine emotions.

The couple Neeshka & Khelgar - a tiefling thief and a dwarf fighter - was incredibly enjoyable throughout the first part of the game. Love-hate relationships familiar to everyone, constant bickering and teasing, emerging trust... Unfortunately, as soon as Kelgar admitted that even a dishonest tiefling girl could be a good comrade, the couple was completely abandoned. From the second half of the game, they slide down to a subsistence level of dialogue and pay less and less attention to each other. It’s a pity, because the clarification of their relationship greatly enlivened life and the potential here was clearly not all wasted.

If there was ever something in games that most resembled all the stages of the formation of a sincere and strong friendship, then it was Shandra Jerro. Maybe due to the constant presence next to the GG and the plot connection to her heritage, or maybe the developers were simply generous with dialogue regarding Shandra, but we chatted with her constantly. About home, about childhood, about parents, aspirations and goals in life. Our worldviews amazingly coincided and my influence on Shandra grew not only in unfortunate ones, but also by +2, +4. Incredibly balanced, a little mocking (not poisonous malice, like Sand, and not jokes bordering on insults, like Kvara), she was simply an ideal party member. And for male characters - I won’t be the first to notice - it would be just an ideal romantic interest. And even the ending of the second act would only make this novel more poignant and deeper. There, when Shandra talks about friendship, you really believe - you were friends.

Voice acting - without any complaints. Just wonderful. Playful Nishka, sarcastic Sand, clumsy Kelgar - the actors delicately convey their characters and emotions. Bishop’s poisonous, hissing voice is just a fairy tale for the “bad” girls acting out their romance with him (more precisely, his scraps that ended up in the OC. The romance itself was in best traditions cut before release).

And yes, yes. Novels. Comrades Obsidians, you can finally learn from Bioware!
In NWN2 novels.. a whole one - for m and f, respectively. Moreover, the unfortunate positive protagonists were givenooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... For some reason, Bioware’s “female” novels never turned out to be particularly bright - Valen, Skye, Anomen were very standard (the latter, at least, had an amazing conceit... for which the male part of the players hated him fiercely), but Obsidian breaks all records.. I was shaking from my “betrothed”. A noble exile, a paladin with a dark past... and Chaliapin's bass voice. I would have killed her myself if they had allowed me to.
With my romancing interest, Kasavir was actually the only (last) sane LoveTalk. The rest of the time he was tormented by his unauthorized departure from Neverwinter. As someone aptly noted on the AG forum, “if it weren’t for the posts, I wouldn’t have realized that he was having an affair with Kasavir, he only talks about the Well.”
In old Baldur, for one Shadows of Amn (without TOB), the romancing guide took 107 (one hundred and seven!!!) pages in tenth font! An abyss of branching dialogues, unique sidequests and events, cross-romances and jealousy of other characters... The novels were terribly difficult to play for the first time without the help of this Talmud (I mean romancing guide), because many LoveTalks were tied to certain events or environments ( for example, be sure to spend the night outside the city), but if you miss one, the romance is lost. But the delight from the depth and sincerity of the relationship was simply stunning.

The system for gaining influence points is brilliant. In the first NWN, when at the end of the game your friends, who had gone through thick and thin with you, *so* easily and without hesitation went over to Mephistopheles' side simply because the hero did not have the Diplomacy skill developed - it looked crazy. In NWN2 everything is fair, you carry your favorites with you and if your worldview coincides, you become a significant figure for them.

I really liked the inclusion of highly specialized “tricks” in the dialogue options. Lore now not only identifies objects, but also helps the character flaunt the depths of knowledge in conversation. Spellcraft, Hide, Tumble, Appraise and many others have found a second life in dialogue.
Armor, cloak and various types of headdresses are now visible not only on the “doll” of the characters, but also on their portraits. The helmets, however, are only on GG, and even then I edited the corresponding file and removed their display, since they spoiled the appearance pretty much. Although the golden hoop on the character’s portrait looked very advantageous))

The game is very beautiful. Pre-sunset rays of the sun, gilding the clothes of the heroes, ripples on the water... Smooth, natural movements of the characters. And varied - when I gave my Teria a long sword in her hands, she walked leisurely, throwing it over her shoulder, and rushed into battle, grabbing the hilt with both hands. Facial animation... none. Be grateful that the characters move their lips. The music was also disappointing - half the themes were from the first NWN, half were simply inexpressive.

New - Tamagotchi "Build your own castle". Mini strategy in role-playing game. We rebuild the walls and towers of Stronghold Keep, hire blacksmiths and miners, recruit volunteers for our troops, find ore to improve their weapons and armor, and restore order in the surrounding lands. Overall, it’s brilliant, although it’s not always possible to immediately understand the impact of your actions on the morale of the troops and the defense capability of the castle. Plus, I was very bothered by this strange time connection to the exit/entrance to the castle; If I hadn’t studied the Stronghold Guide, I probably wouldn’t have guessed it right away.
The defense of Stronghold Keep is good - we already saw this in the first NWN, here Obsidian follows the Bioware path, but does it well. The missions are varied and the combat itself is well played out.

Just a cry from the heart: this is not a game, but one big bug! The game started by cutting out my five-channel audio and ended with Media Player Classic not launching after it. In between there were countless glitches and crashes + monstrous controls. Why, well, why reinvent the wheel if Bioware had already licked everything before them in the original NWN and brought it to perfection. In NWN I didn’t think about controls at all, everything was so convenient and logical.. In NWN2 I struggled for several days before setting it more or less to my liking..
Before the end of the game, I managed to encounter Light of Heavens not responding to me, Deakin not selling me goods, Kelgar not wanting to remain a fighter (even if the influence on the hero is off the charts - an obvious bug), a monk not seeing the Holy Avenger in my hand point-blank, from -why some of the quests remained unfulfilled.
The number of small bugs that I no longer paid attention to is beyond description. For example, according to the plot, she must take a magic book from a defeated villain. Tome of Iltkazar. I'm taking *two*. The magician who demanded this book does not see a single one. The sidequest, also associated with this volume, generally passes by.
Sword of Gith. The most powerful weapon for the Main Character. Unique, with a bunch of special abilities. At some point in time I find a second one in my inventory. I'm trying to sell it to Kasavira (the good stuff won't go to waste). I took it, but the sword lost all its unique properties. Well, yes, I am the Heart of the Sword. Sorry, sorry...
Act III Vale of Merdelain. We will be teleported there as a whole party and *in theory* a window for selecting four companions should open. But - another glitch - and the window does not open. No, I'm not going deep into the dungeon alone. *Everyone* is following me. ...twenty companions, and the magicians also summoned familiars and creatures (who periodically began to squabble among themselves and with party members). From this I was stunned, fell into an insoluble precipitate, and throughout the catacombs I wandered detachedly among the corpses of the unlucky adventurers who had found their last rest here, while my entire horde, howling and hooting, drove the unfortunate mummies, skeletons and Shadows through the dungeon.

Well, and as a result. On the one hand, NWN2 is very worthy: to motivate me to write such a review, the game must be very impressive. But some brilliant ideas still didn’t give me that feeling of all-consuming delight that never leaves me in games from Bioware. And they don’t overshadow the feelings of disappointment from the ending (Vermi, you’ll like it.. But the ending of the game is simply amazingly “empty”, devoid of any emotions other than slight amazement: “And that’s *all* that they could tell us about the characters with whom we spent so many months real life" Truly, Obsidian does not want to learn from his mistakes.) I’ll go finish off MotB, although the reviews for it are even cooler. And wait Dragon Age.

The beauty with the golden eyes is me, Teria Vennes. I’ve always played exclusively as humans, but in the third edition of D&D I simply fell in love with aasimars. Which, in general, are people... with a small admixture of heavenly blood.

How young we were. A very young, inexperienced Teria and her first traveling companion, the dwarf Kelgar. We save Nishka from bandits in military uniform. By the end of the game, a pumped-up Nishka with swords in each hand, a full dual fighting/dual defense branch and a bunch of tasty thieves' chips will be able to single-handedly defeat an army of such warriors.

Nishka and Kelgar's favorite pastime is sharpening their tongues on each other. Kvara takes pleasure in showing non-professionals *how* to call people names.

Thanks to the druid Elani, this scene will not end in bloodshed. Captured wolves can not only be released, but also persuaded to fight on their side.

"Questions, questions - go ahead, I"m all horns." Nishka's quotes are gorgeous, as is her voice acting - especially when she teases Kelgar :) The screenshot shows just one of those moments.

Shandra will go with us all the way from a farmer to a professional warrior and will open the gates of Ammon Jerro's Vault for us.

Kistrel the Spider. One of the creatures that you can feed and take with you to the Fortress at the Crossroads. Note Ulcer-Sand's comment: "It doesn"t seem to be attacking.. But what I wouldn"t give for a huge book to crush it flat right now." There's nothing wrong with humor in NWN2.

We were given Crossroad Keep.

Duel with Light of Heavens. Two paladins, two aasimar - a rare sight! And as it turns out, I’m good in chain mail... hmm. :D

Nolaloth the Dragon. It would be more accurate to say, Nolaloth the Dead Dragon. A magnificently beautiful scene of a conversation with the spirit of a dragon.

Siege of Crossroad Keep. From a military council consisting of the entire party to the breakthrough of enemy troops into the courtyard of the fortress.

The sculptural group “I, Nishka and Kasavir” goes to count the bones of skeletons and other undead. Nishka, however, hinted that she was much more comfortable behind the castle walls. In my hands I have the Strongest weapon for killing Glavgad, Silver Sword of Gith. Yes, yes, with such parameters, it probably doesn’t need me at all.

A wonderful mini-game "open the coffin with a vampire." The creatures burning with a scream in a sheaf of light are them, bloodsuckers.

A warm welcome at the end of the journey. Are you offended by vampires?

That same romantic scene with Kasavir against the backdrop of the rebuilt Crossroad Keep. You can’t imagine how my hand was twitching to choose the third answer!

An hour of insight for the hero. The hour of truth for his comrades. Who will betray, who will step aside, and who will stay... will remain with you even under an enemy spell.

During adventures in Neverwinter Nights 2 main characters will meet 12 satellites that will help you cope with various difficulties and solve assigned tasks. Relationships in the group, trust, loyalty and many little things depend on the level of influence on companions. Loyal Companions more willing to share information and provide support. Influence is formed during the game due to the decisions made. It should be remembered that companions have different personalities, so it will not be possible to please everyone at the same time. The squad should be composed taking into account the nature of the companions, then the chances will increase that decision will not affect the relationship too much and will not go against their life principles. If the influence on some companions by the end of the game is too low, they may leave the squad and at the decisive moment go over to the side of the King of Shadows (refers to natures with an evil and chaotic worldview).

You can establish closer relationships with some characters: the male gender is the elf Elani, the female gender is Kasavir. There is no single sure way to constantly maintain influence at the proper level, since most of the decisions made in dialogues still affect one of the companions. You can travel in Neverwinter Nights 2 either alone or with a whole group of three or four companions. There is not enough room for everyone in the squad at once; the rest will wait either at their uncle’s inn at the Neverwinter Docks, or at. You can communicate with companions through the order issuing menu by holding down right button mouse on the satellite icon in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting the “Talk” option.

Companions in Neverwinter Nights 2:

  1. / Khelgar Ironfist (dwarf, warrior/monk, neutral good) - Weeping Willow Inn.
  2. Nishka/ Neeshka (tiefling, rogue, neutral) - in front of the entrance to Fort Loke.
  3. Elani/ Elanee (wood elf, druid, neutral good) - on the road to Highcliffe.
  4. Kara/ Qara (human, sorcerer, chaotic neutral) - near Duncan's tavern while going around the guard posts.
  5. Grobnar/ Grobnar (rock gnome, bard, chaotic good) - on the way to the Old Owl spring.
  6. Casavir/ Casavir (human, paladin, orderly good) - after leaving the Bone Gnawer's lair in the Old Owl spring.
  7. Bishop/ Bishop (human, ranger, chaotic evil) - after Shandra's kidnapping at the end of the first chapter.
  8. Shandra Jerro/ Shandra Jerro (human, warrior, neutral good) - beginning of the second chapter, later dies.
  9. Sand/ Sand (moon elf, wizard, orderly neutral) - beginning of the second chapter.
  10. Zjaev/ Zhjaeve (Githzerai, Priest, Ordered Neutral) - After fighting Black Garius in the fortress.
  11. Ammon Jerro/ Ammon Jerro (human, warlock, neutral evil) - after the battle in the shelter.
  12. / Construct (warrior, neutral) - after finding all the components and restoring them by Grobnar.
Directly see indicators of influence on the companion This is not possible; to do this, you must use a special command entered into the console. The console is called by the [~] key (tilde, keyboard layout must be English). Enter the command DebugMode 1 And rs kr_influence, press the key. In the dialog box that appears, you can view the indicators of influence, and also change them towards improving or worsening the relationship. Having found out the influence value, enter the command into the console DebugMode 0 and press the key. Some commands are case sensitive, that is, they must be entered as indicated above. You can see a detailed diagram of the distribution of influence points on companions in dialogues


- You! But you died in the battle of Western Harbor!
- Recalled, as soon as possible. My prison was an extremely unpleasant place. But “died”?

Dialogue between Dalren and Ammon Jerro.


Place of Birth: Neverwinter
Race: Human, Illuskan
Age in 1374 DR: Unknown
Status: Alive
Class: Warlock
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: None
Language skills: Common, Chondathan, Infernal, Void, Underdark

Ammon was born in Neverwinter into the noble Jerro family. His talent for infernal magic manifested itself as a child, and he subsequently became a court magician of Neverwinter, gradually gaining experience and power. Ammon's acquaintances noted his modesty and reserve, but in reality, Ammon tried to occupy a low-profile position that allowed him access to all of Neverwinter's libraries, archives and document repositories, and also gave him a voice in difficult times for the city. Ammon had several teachers in his time, including from Waterdeep, Thay, and the Secret Brotherhood of Luskan. Even demons and devils were among Ammon's teachers. As a result, Ammon overplayed his role as a jester at the court of Neverwinter in order to divert attention from himself and his considerable abilities.

Ammon's research led him to knowledge of an ancient threat known as the Shadow King. He tried to warn the authorities of Neverwinter, but they were so mired in politics that they did not even listen to him, and then the upset Ammon began to look for other allies - demons and devils. From the Shadow King's enemy, the dragon Nolaloth, he learned that only the legendary Silver Swords of Gith could harm the Shadow King.

In order to obtain such a sword, Jerro descended into the depths of the Nine Hells, where Gith had once disappeared. There, his advisor was the archdevil Levistus (prince of Stygia, the fifth layer of Baator), who directed Ammon along the right path in his quest and, by virtue of the agreement, provided him with the devil Mephasmus into his service. Having received the silver sword, but finding no trace of Gith herself, Ammon returns to Prime and begins preparations for war. There he turns for help to the ruler of Neverwinter for the last time.

Under the command of Ammon, several decades before the Year of Thunderstorms, the forces of Neverwinter entered the dark-tainted lands of the Marshes of the Dead. Ammon caught up with the King of Shadows on the border of the settlement of Western Harbor and drove him to a dead end, but in the battle he was distracted by the sudden cry of a baby, giving the King of Shadows an advantage, which he took advantage of. Ultimately, the Sword of Gith was destroyed, banishing the Shadow King back to the Shadow Plane.

However, Ammon did not get to enjoy his victory for long: the forces of a diabolical pact dragged the warlock into the Nine Circles of Hell, where he was imprisoned for decades. Jerro, who disappeared without a trace, was considered dead. And later they were even mistaken for the King of Shadows due to connections with the events and people of that time.

Ammon remained trapped until he was freed by Black Garrius, the head of the Secret Brotherhood. Garius requested information about the King of Shadows, but the experienced warlock easily eluded him and began to regain his strength. He enslaved the powerful tanar'ri (Bladen, Baalbisan, Zaxis) and baatezu (Koraboros, Mephasmus, Hezebel) in his hideout in the Mountains of Swords, and through them gained enormous power.

As Ammon began his search for the shards of the Sword of Gith, he faced competition from both the Githyanki and the Shard Bearer. By killing the four nobles who kept the shards, he caused the Black Lake Region to be isolated for a while. In addition to searching for the shards, Ammon worked to gain knowledge of the unbinding ritual, a powerful rite created by Illefarn that could banish or at least weaken the King of Shadows.

Despite the efforts of both Ammon and the Shardbearer, neither was able to complete their task without the other's aid, and they inevitably went against each other, first clashing in Ammon Jerro's Vault. The warlock subsequently joins the Shard Bearer in his war against the Shadow King, bearing the burden of guilt from the murder of his own granddaughter. Together, reaching the Fortress of Shadows, they will crush their hated enemy.

Further fate

During the collapse of the Fortress of Shadows, the heroes somehow separated from each other, and in the chaos, the gargoyles, minions of the Red Sorceress Nefris, managed to kidnap the Bearer of the Shard. Having believed in the Knight-Captain, Ammon rushed to save his ally, but was neutralized by Nefris herself, who undoubtedly remembered him from her studies. Ammon was taken to the Academy, where his soul was separated from his body and given to two baatezu, servants of the Academy. In such a deplorable state he was discovered by the Shard Bearer. If Ammon's soul was returned, he agreed to follow his ally, but his fate after the events of the Mask of the Traitor add-on is unknown.


The character, who received the voice of actor Murphy Guyer, suffered from content removed from the final version of the game. One example is the warlock's return to West Haven, which clearly shows that Ammon did not destroy the village, and the next day the villagers were telling each other about their strange dreams from the previous night, with visions of fire and brimstone predominant.

An interesting fact is that Ammon is one of the most powerful characters found in the game. He was called both a sorcerer and a wizard, but the very fact of possessing power over creatures such as baatezu and tanar'ri speaks of his incredible power, which lies far beyond the powers of simple arcane spellcasters. And initially it dark forces were not the result of a contract with an infernal (or some other) entity, but a gift inherited from their ancestors.


« I doubt you'll survive. Unlike me - because I'm always on the winning side
Bishop about loyalty.

Place of Birth: Redfallow's Watch
Race: Human, Illuskan
Age in 1374 LD: 28 years
Condition: Deceased
Class: Pathfinder
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: None
Language skills: General, Chondathan


Bishop was born and raised in Redfallow's Watch, a small village near Neverwinter. As long as he knew himself, Bishop hated his native village, and as soon as he had the opportunity to leave, he took it. Some time after leaving, the ranger joined the military forces in northern Luskan and served there for several years.

Some time before the Second Shadow War, Bishop returned to Redfallow's Watch. However, this was not a tribute to home or a nostalgic craving - he returned to destroy his native village and thereby undergo initiation into the Luskan assassins squad. However, Bishop intended to leave the villagers alive and use it as a trap to eliminate his Luskan employers.

Events, however, did not turn out as the ranger had originally intended. And although he tried to warn people about the danger, they did not pay attention to his words - as a result, the Redfallow Watch, along with all its inhabitants, as well as the Luskan assassins, died in the fire. Before their death, the Luskans still tried to stop Bishop, seriously wounded him and left him to die. Filled with hatred and guilt, Bishop wished for death as a release, but he was saved by Duncan Furlong, a traveler who happened to be at the scene of the events. Duncan realized what happened that day and in some way blackmailed Bishop with this knowledge, making it clear that he was in his debt. Therefore, Bishop settled in the Sunken Flask, a Neverwinter tavern that belonged to Duncan.

The Ranger wouldn't do much good drinking and sleeping off the Sunken Flask until one day a party of Githyanki broke in, chasing Shandra Jerro. Bishop helped defend the tavern and was forced to assist the Shard Bearer, surrendering under pressure from Duncan.

Although the ranger proved his usefulness in many adventures with the Shard Bearer, his black heart prevented him from proving his loyalty - at some point he conspired with Black Garius and betrayed the Shard Bearer. He deceived Grobnar (by forcing him to give Bishop information on how to control the Construct), damaged the gate mechanism of the Fortress-at-the-Crossroads and, allowing Black Garius to enter the fortress, disappeared.

Further fate

During the attack on the Fortress of Shadows, the Bearer of the Shard finds Black Garius - and with him Bishop. The Traitor Ranger either fights on Garius's side and dies at the hands of the Shard Bearer, or avoids the fight and dies during the collapse of the Fortress of Shadows.

Presented before Kelemvor on the Fugue Plane, Bishop was sentenced to imprisonment in the Wall of Unbelievers. There he is found by the Bearer of the Shard during visions caused by the Dormant Sabbat. Bishop accepted his fate and even gloated as his former companion watched his agony in the Wall of Unbelievers. Perhaps initially the Shard Bearer did not believe this vision, but later Kelemvor himself confirmed Bishop's fate.


Bishop was voiced by Asa Seigel in the official campaign and by Dave Walsh in Mask of the Traitor. There are many indications that this character was planned to have a much larger role than what is in the game. For example, a possible love interest for a female gg, the implementation of his proposal to escape from trial after accusing the Shard Bearer of destroying Ember.

Speaking of sad things: Bishop is the most popular character in terms of love among the female part of the community. Frail girls’ minds produce tons of oxytocin just from the thought that there will be a “bad guy” nearby, and on lonely nights dreaming about the same thing in real life – a heartless and boorish redneck. Wow, this is so brutal and pompous, girls!

Let's continue about the game. A rather strange fact is the absence of a patron deity, which is unacceptable for a ranger in the DnD 3.5 edition, even taking into account that Bishop could be a ranger without spells from DnD 3.5 Complete Warrior (however, he has spells in the game). This is likely done for plot reasons, given the fate of Bishop in the Mask of the Traitor. At the moment, with the release of DnD 4.0, this is no longer so relevant, because in the new edition rangers no longer cast spells.

In one dialogue cut from the game, Bishop says that Redfallow's Watch is one of the villages in the Marshes. Elani mentions that Redfallow's Watch is also called "Swamped". On top of that, Redfallow's Watch is the place where Sir Nivall was knighted. In the final dialogue, Bishop says: “For every hero from West Harbor, there are a thousand like me.” As it turned out, Bishop was planned as the opposite of the Shard Bearer, because indirectly they are connected by many things, but at the same time, both are opposites. A hero is a villain, a loyal friend is a traitor, etc.


« - Just think! Grobnar the Dwarven Hands and the liberation of the Ironfist clan with all their engineering marvels - this is a story that will please any tavern, any man, woman and child!
-Who is this gnome?
“Our arrow bait... We’ll talk about him later.”
Kelgar Ironfist about Grobnar.

Place of Birth: Unknown
Race: Rock gnome

Status: Unknown
Class: Bard
Alignment: Chaotic good
Deity: Garl Goldshine
Language skills: Common, Gnomish


Very little is known about Grobnar's early life. Apparently, he comes from a long line of bards, and Grobnar himself said that “all Dwarven Hands are masters of storytelling, with the exception of those who were hanged in Luskan.” Who these “those” are and who his relatives are, the dwarf did not tell.

Grobnar is a big fan of Kobald Deakin in general and his work on Andrentide and the Underdark in particular. In his adventures with the Shardbearer, Grobnar may meet Deakin - a surprisingly warm encounter considering the enmity between dwarves and kobolds.

Constantly on the lookout for the Wendersneven, Grobnar seems to be somewhat out of touch with reality - and this shows in everything he does. Too naive and carefree, he is sometimes so busy with his own affairs that he completely forgets about the dangers surrounding him. Nevertheless, from time to time Grobnar shows himself to be a resourceful and cunning person who can be admired - solving puzzles, activating a construct. Even when Bishop acquired the knowledge of subjugating the Construct, Grobnar hid information about another path from him, guessing about the ranger’s unclean thoughts. This may have been one of his key and very important roles in the Fortress at the Crossroads: he ensured the Construct's "loyalty" to the Shard Bearer, and not to Garrius. And then the latter used Bishop to obtain the necessary information.

Grobnar travels with the Shard Bearer doing what he does best. Together they found the Wendersneven (although Grobnar’s companions were too skeptical about this statement), but the dwarf did not stop there, accompanying the Bearer of the Shard all the way to the Fortress of Shadows.

Further fate

After the defeat of the Shadow King, the fortress in which the final battle took place begins to collapse. The construct that cleared the way for the group was in danger of being crushed by debris. Wanting to save his brainchild, Grobnar rushed at the Construct in a vain attempt to hide the golem - which was witnessed by Ammon Jerro, who later told this to the Bearer of the Shard.

However, a year later, in many taverns of the Sword Coast, people began to talk about an extremely talented gnome bard, with incredible success using a strange invisible musical instrument. Did the Wendersnevens really save Grobnar from certain death?


Grobnar was voiced by actor Andrew Pang. In German, the name "Grobnar" consists of two parts: coffin- “uncouth”, “rude”, and narr- “fool”, “stupid”. Whether this was a joke on the part of the developers or a random pun is unknown.


« Know that more than one generation will replace another while I read to you at least one of the annals of our People«.
Zdzhaev about his people.

Place of birth: Limbo
Race: Githzerai, Female
Age in 1374 DR: Several thousand years
Status: Unknown
Class: Priest
Worldview: Orderly neutral
Deity: None
Language skills: Common, language of the Underdark


Little is known about Zjaev's early life, but she appears to be a very ancient creature. She may have known Zerthimon, the founder of the Githzerai branch, and that fact alone would give her a few thousand years of existence.
During the Second Shadow War, Zjaev investigated Githyanki activity on Prime related to the Kalach-Cha; Her investigation led her to Black Garius' hidden base in the ruins of Crossroads Fortress. There she fell into a trap and, along with Aldanon, the sage of Neverwinter, was imprisoned by Garrius, who wished to gain knowledge of the King of Shadows and the Silver Swords of Githyanki.

During the attack on Crossroads Keep, Zjaev was mistakenly believed to be a Githyanki spy, but she insisted on meeting with the Shardbearer and subsequently joined him, claiming that her knowledge of the Shadow King and the Silver Swords of the Githyanki would be of utmost importance to the Shardbearer in upcoming battles. Among the first revelations was the meaning of the name "Kalak-Cha", which meant "Bearer of the Shard" in the Githyanki dialect of the Underdark language.

Throughout the journey, Zjaev revealed other secrets to the Shard Bearer: the meaning of the purification ritual, how to "control" the Silver Sword of Gith, the origin of the Shadow King as a construct of Illefarn known as the "Guardian", the reasons for the war between the Githyanki and the Guardian. In addition, in the Fortress of Shadows, she also provided assistance by reading the true names of the Shadow Eaters along with Ammon Jerro.

Further fate

What happened to Zdzhaev is unknown. When the Shard Bearer finds Ammon Jerro in Thay, he is unable to confirm that the githzerai are survivors as he did not see her during his attempt to rescue the Shard Bearer from the Foundress.


Zdzhaev was voiced by actress Lisa Emery. Unlike most characters, no scenes of the character were removed from the final game.

Zdzhaev is a priest, but there is no Deity in the character description. Perhaps her powers come from the psionic mastery that is common to the Githzerai.

A small part of the community believes that Zjaev is Gith herself, who disappeared over a thousand years ago while traveling to the Nine Hells.

Zjaev's veil can be removed with a third-party mod, revealing that she has an aged, wrinkled face that combines features of both a Githzerai and Githyanki. Perhaps she is a representative of the Original People and witnessed their division into two races.


« My problem is that everyone is constantly telling me what to do. I'm already terribly tired of this
Kara about her relationships with others.

Place of Birth: Neverwinter
Race: Human, Illuskan
Age in 1374 LD: 19 years
Condition: Deceased
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Kossuth
Language skills: General, Chondathan


Kara is the daughter of a powerful magician who founded the Academy of Magicians in Neverwinter. IN certain moment In her life, she was enrolled in the Academy (and even applied for a high position, in which her father was ready to help her), but, to put it mildly, she did not like it there. The rest agreed that Kara remained at the Academy only thanks to her father. Her innate talent for magic was the result of the derisive (and sometimes sharply negative) attitude towards her from fellow students, who claimed that she was too uncontrollable and even dangerous to use magic. As it turns out, it wasn't just an assumption when Kara once set the Academy's stables on fire. This led to more ridicule from the students, culminating in Kara's conscious decision to leave the Academy...following her official expulsion.

Kara meets the Shard Bearer shortly after leaving the Academy, and he/she helps her resolve a dispute with two students, one of whom was the daughter of Jokris, the Master of the Academy. The angry father decided to settle scores with Kara and conspired with Sydney Natalie from the Tower of Masters, promising her open access to the Academy of Neverwinter Mages in exchange for eliminating Kara.

Uncontrollable and harmful, Kara is nevertheless a truly powerful sorceress. Unlike the cynical and calm magician Sand, the girl strives to show her strength and importance, even inviting the Bearer of the Shard (with high influence) to fight Lorne in his place. Kara travels with the Shard Bearer to the Fortress of Shadows, where before the final battle, her conflict with Sand reaches its extreme point: one of them remains loyal to the Shard Bearer, and the other joins Black Garius, betraying the others.

Further fate

Regardless of whether Kara betrayed the Shard Bearer or remained in the group, she eventually dies. When, having defeated the King of Shadows, the heroes fled from the collapsing Fortress of Shadows, Kara (if she was not killed in the battle between the group and Garrius) died first, not being sufficiently prepared for such chaos.


Kara was voiced by actress Jenna Lamia. Based game files and several NPCs saying her name out loud, the correct pronunciation being "KAR-ah" (Russian pronunciation "KAR-a"), which corresponds to the standard English pronunciation of the hard "Q". However, almost all NPCs say "QWOR-ah" out loud, probably due to the fact that several words in English language are actually pronounced in this style, instead of pronouncing a "soft Q" (for example, as in the word "queen").

Many interesting scenes related to the character were cut from the game. So, in one of the scenes, Praven and Ashni discuss Kara’s new companions in the “Moon Mask”, deciding to track and kill them individually, because together they are too dangerous, to which Praven notes that he would not mind “tracking” the forest elf, referring to Elani.

Most of the deleted scenes relate to Kara's difficult relationship with Sand. For example, in one of the scenes it is explained why Sand openly dislikes the young sorceress. It turns out that he lost his position as an instructor at the Academy of Magicians because of the girl's father, and harbored a grudge against both of them.


« There are not many people left in Neverwinter whom I can call my friends, and even for them, their service to Neverwinter comes first
Kasavir about friendship.

Place of Birth: Neverwinter
Race: Human, Illuskan
Age in 1374 LD: 39 years
Status: Alive
Class: Paladin
Worldview: Orderly and kind
Language skills: General, Chondathan


Hailing from Neverwinter, Casavir once took up arms in the service of the Pearl of the North. A noble knight, Casavir served with honor, as did his dwarven friend Collum, who later became a member of the Neverwinter Nine. However, due to certain circumstances, Casavir subsequently left Neverwinter in disgrace. He never revealed the reasons for this, but Bishop assumed that it was because of the woman (as it turned out, this was true). Many in Neverwinter considered his departure a betrayal, and Casavil himself looked at himself in the mirror with shame in the months following the incident.

After leaving Neverwinter, Casavir travels south to the outpost of Old Owl's Spring. After spending some time there, he discovers that the onslaught of orcs and the frequency of raids on settlements increases every day (due to the unification of the mountain tribes, as he learns later).

Determined to protect the outpost from falling into the hands of the enemy and the people from the bloody massacre with the orcs, Casavir, without waiting for help from Neverwinter, takes the protection of the outpost into his own hands, believing that one person can change everything.

Over the next few years, Casavir carries out multiple strikes on the orc positions, first alone, then with the help of several warriors and mercenaries, including Sergeant Ekaterin. Casavir's attacks were so successful that the orcs began to fear the paladin and his men, giving him the nickname "Katalmak", meaning a warrior mad with rage who had lost control of himself in battle. Casavir eventually learns that the orc chieftain Logram the Dazzler is behind these attacks and begins to plan his actions accordingly.

Although Casavir never received help from Neverwinter, the orcs managed to attract the city's attention when an envoy from Waterdeep disappeared, which was part of the Black Garius plot. Having discovered orc activity in the Sword Mountains and their direct involvement in the abduction, Nasher sends an expedition led by Collum to resolve the situation. The Shard Bearer assisted in this expedition. It was in the Mountains of Swords that Casavir first met him.

Initially teaming up with the Shard Bearer to defeat Logram the Dazzler, Casavir subsequently decides to travel with him to Neverwinter as an ally, hoping along the way to somehow correct his previous mistakes. Traveling with the Bearer of the Shard, Casavir becomes a close friend of the hero and follows him to the end, to the Fortress of Shadows.

Further fate

According to Ammon Jerro, during the destruction of the Fortress of Shadows, Casavir supported the collapsing ceiling, allowing his surviving allies to escape, but he himself disappeared under the rubble.

However, despite serious injuries, Kasavir did not die. He was found by secret servants of Luskan, captured and taken to the City of Sails in chains. Apparently, there he was tried for murder and imprisoned.


Casavir is voiced by actor Paul Schoeffler, and he is the only character who is a love interest for a female character. Casavir's character was also deprived of some game scenes. For example, the quest that was supposed to shed light on Casavir's departure from Neverwinter has been removed. As it turned out, he was the lover of Ofala Cheldarsthorn, but, choosing between his love for her and his duty as a paladin, he chose the latter. It all ended with the fact that in a duel Kasavir killed his rival, who was also seeking Ofala, and he turned out to be the son of a noble lord. In the final version of the game, Bishop hints that he knows the reasons for Kasavir's departure, and when they both seek the hand and heart of the GG-woman, the ranger notices that Kasavir is following the same path again.


« Crazy dwarf? Heh, I may have been hit on the head a lot, but I'm already strong enough. So, let me prove it to you?»
Kelgar Ironfist about himself.

Birthplace: Sword Mountains, Ironfist Clan
Race: Shield Dwarf
Age in 1374 LD: Unknown
Status: Alive
Class: Warrior, later possibly Monk
Alignment: Neutral good, later possibly Orderly good
Deity: Clangeddin Silverbeard, later possibly Tyr


Born in Ironfist Keep deep within the Sword Mountains, the young warrior Kelgar desired adventure and glory like other thunder-blessed dwarves. However, his clanmates were not supportive of his aspirations, and Kelgar eventually left his clan in some disgrace, although he does not view his departure in that light.

As a traveler of the Sword Coast, Kelgar sought to improve his martial skills and sought glory in battle by deliberately provoking fights with other tavern patrons. In the end, in this extraordinary way, Kelgar found the purpose of his life. Once in a tavern, he was offended by the fact that the “suffocated ones in robes” were drinking water and not ale, thus not showing due respect for others, and tried (as he had already done a huge number of times) to provoke them into a fight. When he was ignored, Kelgar, in a rage, attacked the strangers himself, but was severely beaten. As he later discovered, the monks of Tyre turned out to be suffocated. In awe of such combat prowess, Kelgar decided to go straight to Neverwinter and become a monk himself. Stopping at the Weeping Willow tavern, Kelgar met the Shard Bearer.

Kelgar will go with the Shard Bearer his entire journey, perhaps even actually becoming a monk. During the collapse of the Shadow Fortress, Kelgar will survive and follow the gargoyles serving Nefris, but will never be able to reach the Plane of Shadow and save the Shard Bearer.

Further fate

Shocked and angry, upon returning he went straight to Nasher demanding that search parties be sent for the Knight-Captain. Unable to find the necessary resources, Nasher invited Kelgar to accept the title of Knight-Captain himself and lead the Crossroads Fortress. Refusing the title (for there was only one Knight-Captain for him), Kelgar nevertheless accepted the post of steward until his friend returned, and also became one of the Neverwinter Nine.

After the events with the Spirit Eater, the Bearer of the Shard returned to the Sword Coast and was restored to the rank of Knight-Captain, which Kelgar, who had already begun to mourn his missing friend, was incredibly happy about.


Kelgar Ironfist (like the main villain Black Harrius) was voiced by actor Adam Sietz, and is one of the few characters who did not suffer from scenes cut in the final version of the game.
In 2006, handsome Kelgar received the “Best Character” award from GameSpy.


« Well, he won’t kill anyone if you just tell him: “Hey, you, kill someone”... Ay, Construct, what are you talking about! Stop swinging your blades!»
Grobnar on managing the Construct.

Place of creation: Illefarn
Race: Gear, Blade Golem
Time of existence by 1374 LD: Several centuries
Status: Destroyed
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None
Language skills: General (understands commands)


Other than the fact that the Construct was created in Illefarn, nothing certain can be said about it. Shortly before the Second Shadow War engulfed the Sword Coast, the Construct was recovered by the Shadow King's servant, Black Garrius, and then used by him against the Shard Bearer. At the next meeting with the Carrier of the Shard, the Construct was neutral, and the hero, realizing its value, took it. Later, after the restoration of the Crossroads Fortress, Grobnar took over the work of activating the golem.


« Usually they call me “thief”, “cursed”, “demonic girl”, “little rat”, “horned goat” - and so on. You might think that “Nishka” is such a complicated name
Niche about myself.

Place of Birth: Neverwinter
Race: Tiefling (devil blood)
Age in 1374 LD: 23 years

Class: Rogue
Worldview: Neutral
Deity: Timora
Language skills: General, Chondathan, Infernal (understands a little)


Nishka was born in Neverwinter, but does not know her parents. When she was very young, the priests of Helm took her in to raise her, but “education” meant constant sermons and attempts to make her “good,” which irritated the tiefling. Their efforts were never successful, and Nishka kept getting herself into trouble. Ultimately, she decided to relieve the priests of the burden of herself... and the gold from the donation vault.

Years later, Nishka established herself as a professional thief in Neverwinter, working for Leldon and his gang. During one particularly lucrative heist, Nishka single-handedly bypassed all patrols and disarmed all the traps on the approaches to the treasury. Subsequently, however, Leldon demanded a larger share, allegedly because he had planned the robbery. Nishka, of course, refused, and Leldon decided to take the money by force. Having no other choice, Nishka had to give everything up, but this was not her last word: before leaving the gang, the tiefling snuck into the storage room and took all the loot. An enraged Leldon offered a reward for Nishka's head, and the girl escaped from the bandits before she was found. By the time she thought about her situation again, the Shard Bearer was next to her.

Nishka followed the Shard Bearer almost from the very beginning of his adventure, providing assistance with “innate skills,” as she herself described her abilities. The Shard's bearer was one of the few who was not prejudiced against the tiefling because of her origin - and the girl was quite comfortable in his company. Later, having traveled many roads together and stopped at the Fortress of Shadows, Nishka was kidnapped by Black Garius, who, under torture, tried to convert her to his side, using magic effective against her devilish blood. Depending on how close the Shard Bearer and Nishka became, it either worked or it didn't.

Further fate

Black Garius and the Shadow King were defeated, and while Nishka fought on the side of the Shard Bearer in the final battle, she survived the collapse of the Shadow Fortress, subsequently joining Kelgar in the search for the missing Knight-Captain. Like Kelgar, Nishka was happy about the return of the Shard Bearer after the events with the Spirit Eater.


The character was originally voiced by Naomi Peters, and several clips gameplay with this voiceover can still be found among pre-release media content. However, at a certain stage of the game's development, Obsidian Entertainment made a number of changes regarding this character, and Robyn Kramer became the voice of Nishka in all work on revising the character. This has caused some confusion and has led to Naomi Peters being incorrectly listed as Nishka's voice in some sources.

The developers admitted that Nishka was intended to be a love interest for the male character - and this is confirmed both by Nishka's extremely jealous behavior towards Shandra and Elani, and her occasional pseudo-flirt with a tendency to demand answers. Unfortunately, this was cut from the final game due to lack of time to complete it. The most annoying moment, however, was not cut from the game: if the main character is a man, then in Ammon Jerro’s hideout (in a dialogue with one of the demons) Nishka comments on the length of his genital organ.

Other interesting examples of cut character content include a reduction in quests. So, in addition to Bannon and Tremmel, Nishka had to be met by a third psychopathic thug named Raines, who threatened to cut off Nishka’s tail and strangle the poor girl with it.

The Hellfire Warlock Prestige Class, introduced in Storm of Zehir, allows you to summon a baatezu from the Nine Hells. One of the summoned creatures is Nishka. However, the nature of the spell contradicts the essence of the ability (for Nishka is a tiefling with an admixture of devilish blood, and not a purebred baatezu), and the summoned Nishka is nothing more than an Easter egg that has nothing to do with the character’s history.

There are many speculations about the origin of Nishka and her abilities related to it. It is known that in Nishka there are only a quarter of the fiends of hell, and that the beginning of the family was laid by her grandfather. Having carefully studied the data cut from the game, you can find a lot of references to the fact that Nishka’s infernal blood carries enormous power - it is because of this that Garius’s torture had an effect even on her “diluted” blood.

At Ammon Jerro's hideout, one of the demons points out that Nishka "stinks of baatezu." Another notes that her relative may be trapped inside the shelter. Of all the hellish creatures, only Mephasm shows an open interest in Nishka, and next to him the girl feels uncomfortable - just like next to Kasavir. In-game files indicate that Mephasm was somehow involved in the “creation” of Nishka - and this is confirmed by the developers. Unfortunately, we will never know the secret of Nishka’s origin.


« Oh gods, Sand! You lift your nose so high that I wonder why you don't wear a hat on it!»
Shandra Jerro on Sand.

Place of birth: Luskan
Race: Moon Elf
Age in 1374 LD: Unknown
Status: Alive/Dead (depending on player actions)
Class: Wizard (Transmutation)
Worldview: Orderly neutral
Deity: Mystra
Language skills: Common, Elven, Illuskan


It seems that Sand was born directly in Luskan, but all his already evasive answers on this matter are completely vague. Despite this, Luskan is where Sand began his career and first made his mark.
For some time he was a member of the Secret Brotherhood, whose goal was real power in Luskan, bypassing the High Captains. Sand performed well in the Tower of Lords and for his service gained access to numerous artifacts of the Secret Brotherhood, which attracted the attention of Black Garius, his future enemy. However, even such a cynic as Sand eventually began to worry about orders coming from Dark Brotherhood. One day he evaded the direct execution of one of the orders, and this led to him being “crossed off the list.” Saving his life, Sand fled the city, subsequently finding refuge within the walls of Neverwinter, Luskan's main enemy.
In Neverwinter, his career was not very remarkable - only an instructor at the Academy of Magicians and a shop owner in the Market area, and then in the Docks. In fact, Sand was a spy for Nivall and obtained various types of information for the Neverwinter Nine.

While still the owner of a shop in the Market area, about twenty years before the Second Shadow War, Sand was found by two adventurers - Daigun and Duncan Furlong, who came to him immediately after the battle with the Shadow King with a request to study two unusual silver shards. Sand granted their request, but found nothing in the objects except a weak magical aura. Interest in the mystery of these magical objects later became one of the key reasons for his move to the Docks area - closer to the Sunken Flask, Duncan's inn.

Having been neighbors for many years, Sand and Duncan got to know each other well, developing a complex relationship based on both mutual trust and mutual contempt. And now, as soon as they talk to each other, these two constantly exchange insults - albeit rather trivial ones.

However, Sand's connection with the fragments was not lost, although he had long forgotten about them. A generation later, the shards found the elf again when Daegun's adopted child came to Neverwinter for the same purpose as his father 20 years ago. Sand again tried to study the objects, however, to the surprise of those present, the fragments responded with a powerful resonating wave. Having suggested that the fragments had grown in strength, for some time Sand was content with this explanation, but he understood that not everything was so simple. Only Duncan knew that at that time there were already three fragments...
Until some time, Sand will not play a special role in the travels of the Shard Bearer, remaining an invisible agent of Nivall in the Docks. However, when the Shard Bearer is accused of destroying Ember, Sand, on behalf of Nivall, will be assigned to him as an investigator and lawyer. However, Sand was interested not only in helping Duncan’s nephew, but also in the opportunity to undermine Luskan’s authority, carry out his little revenge and defend what he considers fair.

Arrogance and excessive self-confidence played a cruel joke on Sand when Torio Kleven, prosecutor from Luskan, publicly announced the truth about the elf’s origins as a descendant of the Dark Brotherhood at the trial of the Shard Bearer. Despite this blow, Sand, as a protector, continued to give advice to the Shard Bearer - however, how well the latter followed his instructions after hearing it was unclear. Ultimately, after a trial and trial by combat, Sand, feeling a certain sympathy, decided to join the Shard Bearer in his adventures.

Further fate

If in the final battle Sand fights alongside the Shard Bearer against the King of Shadows, then later, during the collapse of the Fortress of Shadows, he will survive. Ammon Jerro will tell the Shard Bearer about this, explaining that Sand used a shape-changing spell to be resistant to the impacts of falling stones. Considering that the school of transmutation is Sand's chosen school of magic, and his skill in it is very high, we can say with complete confidence that the elf survived.


Sand is voiced by actor Fred Berman. The character gained enormous popularity among female audiences, but was not intended as a love interest.

Like many other characters, Sand suffered from content cut from the game, much of it related to his run-ins with Kara. For example, the scene where Sand once again teaches Kara about the dangers of her magical power was removed from the game, and the girl, in a rage, sets fire to several nearby objects and slightly changes her human appearance. After this, Sand is finally convinced that in the future Kara may turn out to be a very dangerous creature - both for herself and for others.

In another deleted scene, the veil of secrecy is revealed over the Animus, the elemental that Sydney Natalie summoned to destroy Kara. For Kara, there were two ways to deal with the elemental - to show restraint in magic and “disconnect” the Animus from its power source (the idea of ​​Sand, who wanted to teach Kara a lesson), or to release all her magical power against it and die.


« There is no need to protect me, I can protect myself! Sometimes, when there are no lizardmen or githyanki nearby...»
Shandra about her powers.

Place of birth: unknown, home: Highcliffe
Race: Human, Illuskan
Age in 1374 LD: 25 years
Condition: Deceased
Class: Warrior

Deity: Shantiya
Language skills: Common, Illuskan


Shandra was born shortly before the destruction of Western Harbor during the Shadow King's first attempt to destroy the Sword Coast. During the previous battles, many of her family were killed, so many that her grandfather, Ammon Jerro, the Shadow King's greatest enemy, believed the Jerro family was finished. However, Shandra and her parents fled the destruction caused by the Shadow King and his servants, and subsequently settled in Highcliffe.

Shandra was raised by her mother alone as an ordinary farmer, because the girl’s father died when she was very young. Hardworking and kind, Shandra, who took on more and more responsibility as she grew older, eventually became the head of the family. A nice addition to the work lessons Shandra received from her mother were stories about the powerful sorcerer Ammon Jerro, Shandra's grandfather. And sometimes the mother told her daughter about a terrible place, her grandfather’s refuge, filled with “deadly traps and thousands of spiders from the Abyss” and the blood-hungry Jerro family. At times, Shandra's sanctuary fantasies were so terrifying that it took her many years to grow out of these nightmares.

A few years before the Second Shadow War, Shandra's mother fell ill with swamp fever, and the girl had to take on all the work in the house and on the farm, and even take care of her mother. Some time later, Shandra was already mourning her mother and remained on her farm all alone, rarely traveling to Port Llast and Amber, living by selling grain.

Living alone has fostered stubbornness and independence in Shandra - which is why she ignored the manager of Highcliffe when he asked her to take refuge in the city from attacks by lizard people; Shandra could not even think about leaving the farm and being left without a livelihood. At that time, she first met the Shard Bearer, allowing herself to be distracted by a conversation with him and miss the lizard people, who, seizing the moment, set her barn on fire. After a brief conversation, Shandra made it clear that she never wanted to see the Shard Bearer again - and he left the girl. Only to return to Shandra's life again, a little later.

Amazing coincidences of circumstances forced Shandra to join the Shard Bearer and make perhaps the most important and tragic contribution to his history. Shandra assisted the Shardbearer during the assassination attempt of the Circle of Blades and at his trial, in his missions on behalf of Neverwinter and in the search for the city's unseen enemies. Ultimately, her help led the Shardbearer to Zjaev, the knowledge of the Shadow King, the ruins of Arvan... and to the Vault of Ammon Jerro, where Shandra gave her life to save the Shardbearer and his companions.

Further fate

Shandra's death shocked both the Shard Bearer and Ammon Jerro, having a significant impact on their relationship. One of key points began a conversation at Shandra's farm, where the Shard Bearer used the degree of influence over Shandra to tell Ammon about her, who never had a chance to talk to his granddaughter. Thus, Shandra indirectly influenced both of them and helped them in some way even after death.
The grateful people of Highcliffe remembered Shandra as a great hero who fell in the fight against the Shadow King, and revered her at every harvest season.


The character suffered the least from the content cut from the game. Of the details that were not included in the final part of the game, you should pay attention to the dialogue in which Shandra mentions that during her mother’s illness she studied in the temple. There she studied healing prayers and discovered that she had some miraculous powers.

In one of the conversations, Shandra says about Ammon that she does not know who he was to her - grandfather, great-grandfather, or great-great-grandfather. However, Ammon is the same age as Aldanon and Dalren. In this regard, it is safe to say that Shandra was the granddaughter of Ammon and that the Battle of Western Harbor took place approximately twenty years before the Year of Thunderstorms.


« I don’t need names and titles - they speak about the customs of cities and fortresses. But if you need them, then call me Elani from the Marsh, where the dead rest, although this is already in the past
Elani about herself.

Place of birth: Marsh of the Dead
Race: Wood Elf
Age: 204 years
Status: Alive/Dead (depending on player actions)
Class: Druid
Alignment: Neutral good
Deity: Silvan
Language skills: Common, Elvish, Druid Tongue


Elani was born in the Marshes of the Dead, and was orphaned when the orcs came and pushed her people, dwarves and people, into the depths of the Marshes, where they were hacked to death in the mists. There, her crying attracted the attention of the Swamp Circle, which sheltered the girl and taught her the secrets of nature. For over a hundred years, she lived under the leadership of the Circle, overseeing prosperous settlements such as Western Harbor and decadent ones like Redfallow's Watch. As a final test of the Circle, she was asked to live near Western Harbor and watch the Shard Bearer grow. Regarding this task, there were certain disagreements between the elders of the Circle about whether Elani was ready for such a thing or not. She was eventually recognized as a true druid, and after the battle that nearly destroyed Western Harbor, the Circle took an increased interest in the surviving child with a shard of the Sword of Gith in her chest. Elani was assigned the task of monitoring the Shard Bearer, and for decades she watched the child grow.

Gradually, Elani's interest became more personal, to such an extent that it caused some unrest in the Circle. Elani, shirking her other duties, watched the child for months on end, protecting him when he dared to go out into the swamps. IN last years The Circle was reluctant to give Elani assignments, believing that the experience had a negative impact on her.

When the seeker of the Githyanki sword discovered the location of the shards, he immediately organized an attack on Western Harbor. Elani begged the Circle to intervene, but they ignored her request. All she could do was watch indifferently the bloody massacre in the village.

After leaving the Circle, Elani continued to observe the Bearer of the Shard and one day decided to join him and help on his journey. Ultimately, Elani will cross paths with the Circle again, this time affected by the corruption of the King of Shadows, and what happens will be the basis of her future fate.

Further fate

If Elani betrays the Shard Bearer after the battle with the Swamp Circle, she will either die by his hand or go with Nevan to restore the Swamp. If she remains faithful to the Bearer of the Shard and subsequently takes part in the battle with the King of Shadows, she will inevitably die in a collapsing fortress.


Elani, voiced by actress Ursula Abbott, is the only character to be a love interest for a male character. Although she did not directly influence the main character, she was with him almost his entire adult life - which, undoubtedly, makes her very close to the Bearer of the Shard. Like many others, this character also suffered from cut scenes from the game, such as the quest where Elani enlisted Navan's help in setting up Crossroads Fortress.
