New vegas shelter 22 walkthrough. How to complete the quest Fallout: New Vegas - A lot of worries? Social experiment in the Vault

In the section to the question I took the quest for details of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout New Vegas in Vault 22 I can’t find the one specified by the author able-bodied the best answer is The part you need is in the locker on level 2 - air recirculation (your Pip-Boy map shows its location to the nearest centimeter). But there are problems: the only normal entrance to that room is blocked, and the only option left is to go through the hole in the wall, and to do this you need to climb into the caves. First go to level 4 - common areas, as soon as you find a locked door (hack 50) go into the first room on the left (there will also be a surprisingly well-preserved baby stroller), there on the rack there is a key card to the entrance to the caves (open the door to caves through the caretaker's terminal will not work in any case). Then you go to level 2 - food production, find the door to the caves, open it, go right, go through the wooden door that’s doing something unclear, walk a little more and that’s it, you’re in that room. Open the locker and take the thing you need.

This Vault differs from all others in that its main task was to test such an unusual quality as self-sufficiency. Almost all attention and energy was given to plants, which were continuously grown in huge quantities so that one could live calmly and comfortably in the Vault. Plants helped to distract from monotony and brought some variety to the subject’s life. Imagine how much the experimental subjects had to endure, being in the Shelter for years, following the pre-written rules.

At the beginning, oddly enough, everything was going just fine, but after some time, strange problems suddenly appeared, because of which the paradise itself turned into an unpredictable and merciless beast. Plants, having reached a certain period of growth, began to release very life-threatening particles - spores, thereby infecting a large number of people who were directly in contact with them, without even realizing the threat.

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And in our Shelter, the reaction spread gradually, while the fungus affected the body, sucked out all the juices and killed the inhabitant, turning into a similar one, the so-called spore carrier. The danger was that, at first, the infected were mistaken for their own, not suspecting anything wrong. Those, in turn, spread disputes everywhere, bringing everyone closer to a tragic end. As a result, the person turned into a completely overgrown, furious beast, a little like a wild ghoul.

In the end, such events led to the fact that Vault 22 was finally abandoned by the remaining inhabitants. And if you suddenly discover this creepy place, you can meet little Carriers there, who, once upon a time, were ordinary kids who lost their loving parents.


Under no circumstances - do not visit Vault 22 before accepting the quest, otherwise it will be bugged.


Hildern's assistant, Angela Williams, will tell you that you are far from the first person sent to this shelter. But no one has returned yet. The ghoul scientist Kili did not return either. We return back to the scientist to find out the details.
Hildern will say that if the scout’s corpse is not found, he cannot be considered dead. We blackmail the scientist by telling everyone what a rare bastard he is. With eloquence 40, we increase the price for data by 2 times.
We run to shelter. In front of the shelter everything is in flowers, lush vegetation, and there are praying mantises. There are also praying mantises, spore plants and spore plants inside. The latter are not visible on the radar; they hide among the flowers and reveal themselves only when you come close.

In the shelter, you need to find a terminal in the caretaker’s office that opens the door to the living quarters. There, in the bedroom (first door on the left) is the key card to the cave door. Next, you need to find a large tunnel in the cave (in which there are many mantises and spore plants). In it is Kili, a ghoul scientist who has not returned from her refuge.

Attention: if you do not mention your task when talking with Kili, this may affect the outcome of the quest

Positive Karma

We agree to help Kili. She suggests blowing up the fifth level to destroy the harmful spores. We find the necessary pipe - the air nearby is slightly distorted due to a gas leak.
It is best to wait out the gas explosion in the room where the data was downloaded - from there you can shoot with a laser or throw a grenade, closing the door immediately after that, but the easiest way is to use C-4 explosives, placing it on the floor near the above pipe, going into the room with the computer, closing the door behind him and using the detonator.

Upon his return, Kili will say that it is necessary to destroy all data about the experiment, since it is dangerous.

And again we have a choice:

Tell the ghoul that we downloaded the data, or, having lost karma, deceive her. At Science level 70, you can persuade Kili to leave data on the disk for the benefit of humanity, and karma is added. To get the most experience and money you need to first go to Angela to get 800 caps for saving Kili, and then give the data to Thomas and choose the phrase: “That's right, my work has even been overdone. So, you have more caps” - if barter or eloquence is pumped up to 50, then he will pay 1200 + 600 caps. With this method, you will receive a bonus 50 XP for skill checks + 800 caps from Angela + 1800 caps from Thomas + 1500 XP for completing the quest. If you first give the data to Thomas Hildern, and then approach Angela, the reward will be as follows: 1200 caps and possibly another 600 caps and 50 XP (if you have the appropriate skill level) from Thomas, and then from Angela 800 caps and 1200 XP for completing quest.
Having said that we have the data, let her destroy it.
If you don’t tell her that we are from Hildern (see above) - then you can simply lie that there was no time to copy the data - we will receive good karma and a free exit.
Tell the ghoul that we downloaded the data and refuse to give it back. In this option, Kili will attack you and, having dealt with her, you can go and hand over the data. To get the most experience and money, you need to give the data to Thomas and choose the phrase: “That's right, my work is even overdone. So, you have more caps” (if eloquence or barter is pumped to 50). And then lie to Angela (Speech 50) that Kili is still alive. With this method, you will receive from Thomas a bonus 50 XP for a skill check + 1800 caps + 1000 XP for completing the quest, and also from Angela: 800 caps + 1250 XP (including 50 XP for a skill check) for completing the quest, but you will lose 25 karma points for lying.

Negative karma

We leave Kili to die. We find the necessary data, it is in the terminal on level 5, we take it to Hildern, we receive a reward.

Another variant

If, when completing the quest, your companion is Veronica (a member of the Brotherhood of Steel), then after the gas explosion you can collect the data without killing Kili and without having a Science level of 70!

Third option

When the shelter data was downloaded, the gas was detonated - leaving the shelter will only be possible when Keely destroys the data or if she is persuaded to leave the data in favor of science. There is another way to get out of the shelter before Kili's data is destroyed:

We steal “Kili’s Password” from Kili and use the computer (which is located next to it on the table) to open the exit door from the shelter.

Next, we go to McCarran and give the shelter data to Thomas Hildern - in gratitude he gives 1200 caps, then select the phrase: “That’s right, my work has even been overdone. So, you've got more caps." If eloquence or barter is pumped up to 50, then the dialogue will continue and Thomas Hildern will give another 600 caps. Quest “Do not grow grass” completed: + 1000 XP.

Immediately we approach Angela Williams and for saving Keely she gives 800 caps and 1200 XP.

Winter long and cold night. I remember a shelter long forgotten even by me, and without hesitation we head towards it, looking at a couple more that were closed along the way. A small fence, snowdrifts, a road and here in front of us is a ventilation shaft. It is open, just like several years ago when I first learned about it. And so I returned to her, and everything was the same as it was several years ago. It still remains a mystery to me why no one gets into it when it’s in plain sight?)

2. We go down, carefully feeling the snow lying below with our feet, everything is frozen - we can get up. But there have been significant changes in the construction itself; over these few years, the brick has crumbled a lot and there is a danger of collapse. But we carefully maneuver between the piles of bricks and move forward, rather even sliding.

3. Closer to the building, collapses are more noticeable; we try not to touch the walls, just in case.

4. Turn and here is the treasured door, lucky it is open, you would have to tinker with a frozen one. Near it lies the remains of a rusty can and an old-shaped bottle. A narrow beam of a flashlight illuminates the room; there is dusty ice on the floor. Carefully standing on the pipes, I try the ice with my foot - it’s strong.

5. The thickness of the ice is about 30 centimeters; only somewhere at the very bottom are air bubbles visible in the unfrozen water.

6. The shelter itself, already in this room, is distinguished by its color. A bright green leaf remains behind, covered with a layer of frost.

7. The room we found ourselves in is relatively small. There are water tanks along the walls, and on the right you can see the remains of a pallet from under something frozen in the ice.

8. The next room is much larger than the previous one; there was a classroom in it. There is a board preserved on the wall and a single desk that hibernates next to the board. There is a bizarre dust pattern on the ice and a lot of crumbling plaster.

9. There is also a shelf with educational tablets, which are surprisingly well preserved.

10. Chairs were found in a small room. In appearance, the plaster and paint began to crumble only this year.

11. A light bulb bizarrely frozen into ice.

12. A corridor with several doors extends from the room with the classroom.

13. There are two bathroom units on the left. I only thought about where this door leads and what is in this box when I got out.

14. To the right are several empty rooms.

15. In one of the rooms there is another shelf with educational tablets.

16. We return to the main room and head to the FWU.

17. Unusual design of the unit divided into several rooms.




But it's time to return to the surface, there is still part of the night and several interesting places ahead.

Vault 22 is a location in the northwest of the Mojave Wasteland, south of the road to Jacobstown. The entrance is hidden in a mountain cavity. You can get there by walking north from the Brewery along the mountains, or from the west entrance to the West Side. But don't look for the entrance near the Foxtrot ranger post - you can't get to the shelters from there.

The experiment consisted of studying the cultures of various plants, but something went wrong and the shelter was completely overgrown with some kind of “weed”.
The shelter was being developed the new kind chemicals against insects (as indicated by the name of the lower level), but the main research was to create plants that could function several times better than ordinary ones (for example, produce more oxygen, be more fertile, etc.). But as a result of an error, some components of this product entered the ventilation system and spread throughout the shelter (except the doctor's office).

Information about the disaster can be found in the terminals. Gradually, the residents of the shelter became ill. At first they mistook the infection for a common cold, but some still guessed, or even knew about everything, while continuing to observe the consequences. On the 5th level of the shelter (the scientific compartment “pest control”) on the terminal in the lecture room you can read a verbatim scientific description of giant killer plants, mantises and spore-bearing plants, which were originally supposed to be bred to actually control field pests.

Sooner or later, all residents of the shelter turned into spore bearers (in some translations, spore bearer). In addition to them, carnivorous plants and giant mantises currently live there.

You can enter the shelter unhindered, since the front door is pushed back by the stem of a huge plant.

Air recirculation
Food production
Common areas
Pest extermination
There is an elevator in the shelter that can be repaired (Repair 50).

Spore bearer
Giant mantis
spore plant
Kasador (can appear at the entrance when moving to the shelter)

Valuable finds
The Programmer's Digest magazine is located immediately after the entrance, by the mattress, between two books.
Unique laser rifle Prototype AER14. To get to it, you need to open the door next to the elevator on the 5th level of the shelter, leading to the 4th floor. The rifle lies near the skeleton.
Next to the sparking transformer is a flamethrower and fuel for it.
The book “Merchant from Junktown. Stories" lies on the table with blue flasks in front of the door to the caves on the 5th level.

If you leave your companions waiting, then when you move on the elevator, they move with you and continue to wait.
The explosion does not affect the main computer room on level 5 even if the doors are open.

At the “Food Production” level you can find a bottle of “Additional rations” (translation 1C, more correctly “food additive”). These spices can be given to Chef Farber from Camp McCarran to boost morale. If you tell him that you have a “spore extract” from Kili, he will be happy and say that he will start trying (at the same time, the bottle does not disappear from the inventory and cannot be thrown away - a quest item. It can be removed via the console: player.removeitem 000efae0).
At the entrance to the Vault, there is a triangular stone nearby. There is a hiding place in it.
