New wot mode. Sandbox in WOT: how to download, log in and what is being tested. How to check if the test works

Today (04/10/2017) an update was released on the Sandbox test server, and the new iteration itself will be launched around 15:00 Moscow time. You can download the full client of the Sandbox test server from this link: (only those who have had their application for participation in the Sandbox approved can play in the sandbox).

Briefly about the “Front Line” mode:

The battle in the Frontline mode will take place in a 30 vs 30 player format with the ability to play in platoons consisting of 5 participants. In the mode, medium and heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns of level X, as well as light tanks of level VIII. The last limitation is temporary and is caused by technical details of testing. As a result, it is planned to make the mode available for X levels of all types of equipment. It is simply impossible to fit such an amount of equipment on a map with an area of ​​1 km2, for this reason we are introducing maps with an area of ​​9 km2, divided into 9 sectors, where one team defends and the other attacks. Each stage takes place in a certain territory: the attackers try to capture it, and the defenders try to keep it under their control.

And of course, what would it be without our water experts, who are ready to test this evening new mode“Front line” in created platoons of five people:

List of changes on the Sandbox server. Frontline mode

This iteration of the sandbox is entirely dedicated to the new game mode “Frontline”, the implementation of which has the following goal:

Testing new technologies that allow you to significantly increase the size of the map, as well as increase the number of users in one arena, without loss of performance on all configurations.
1. Mass performance testing on various user configurations;
2. Mass testing of server functionality.

Basic Rules:

1. This mode is available only for level 10 vehicles.
2. The exception is Light tanks, for which this mode is available at level 8.
3. 60 players participate in the battle.
4. All players are divided into 2 teams, 30 people each:
a. Attackers - the task of the attacking team is to destroy at least 3 out of 5 large-caliber guns before the timer expires;
b. Defenders - The defending team must prevent the destruction of large-caliber guns before the timer expires.


1. The total area of ​​the battlefield is 9 square kilometers (the sides of the map are 3 by 3 kilometers).
2. The battlefield is conventionally divided into 8 functional zones:
a. The beach is the starting zone for the attacking team;
b. The first line is the battle start zone for the defending team; bases A, B, C are located in this location;
c. Second line - bases D, E, F are located in this location;
d. The third line is the area where large-caliber guns are located.
3. In addition to the functional division, the map is conditionally divided into 3 strategic directions:
a. Eastern front;
b. Central Front;
c. Western Front.

Progress and development of the battle:

1. At the start of the battle, the players of each team are evenly distributed into 10 people on each of the three fronts - Eastern, Central and Western.
2. Players of the attacking team begin the battle on the beach line.
3. Players of the defending team start on the first line.
4. At the initial stage of the battle, the second line is inaccessible to players of the attacking team. If an attacking player enters the territory of the second line, he will be destroyed by the defending team's aircraft.
5. At the initial stage of the battle, the beach line is inaccessible to players of the defending team. If a player from the defending team enters the coastal territory, he will be destroyed by the fleet of the attacking team.
6. After the start of the battle, the attacking team has 12 minutes to destroy the large-caliber guns of the defending team located on the third line.

Capturing bases:

1. There are 3 bases on the first and second lines, respectively; at the start of the battle, these bases belong to the defending team.
2. To advance to the second line, the attacking team needs to capture the bases located on the first line.
3. The capture of the base occurs according to the standard WoT logic, taking into account the features of the mode:
a. To capture a base, the player must drive into the base capture circle.
b. IN this mode the number of players simultaneously capturing the base has been increased from 3 to 5.
c. To capture a base, players need to score a total of 150 capture points.
d. If damage is caused to the player capturing the base, the capture progress is not reset, but only paused for 5 seconds.
e. In order to stop the progress of capturing a base, it is necessary to destroy the capturing player.
4. Capturing each of the first 3 bases (A, B, C) adds 120 seconds to the time remaining until the end of the battle.
5. Capturing each of the bases on the second line (D, E, F) adds 150 seconds to the time remaining until the end of the battle.

Capture zones:

1. When the attacking team captures a base, the zone on which this base was located comes under the control of the attackers.
Example, if players capture base A, then the zone located on the eastern front of the first line comes under the control of the attackers.
2. After the zone comes under the control of the attacking team, the players on the defending side are given 60 seconds to leave the captured zone. All equipment of the defending team remaining after 60 seconds in the zone captured by the attacking side will be destroyed by the invaders' aircraft.
3. After the attacking team captures a zone, all adjacent zones become available for the attacking side to capture.
Example: if players capture base A, then the zone controlled by base D becomes available for them to capture;
4. After capturing any base on the second line, the attacking team gains access to the third line and can begin to destroy the defenders' large-caliber guns.
5. If the attacking team captures all 6 bases, then the “Reinforcement” functionality is disabled for all players.

Long-range weapons:

1. Are interactive objects and the main target for the attacking team.
2. The HP of each long-range weapon is 4000.
3. Can be destroyed by player projectiles.
4. They have extraordinary frontal armor (2000 mm).
5. Significant side armor (250 mm).
6. Most vulnerable spot is the rear part of the gun (160 mm);
7. High-explosive shells deal 50% of the base damage to guns.

Respawn system:

1. After destroying the player’s equipment, if the player has respawns, the player is taken to the respawn screen:
2. On this screen the player can choose:
a. What vehicle should you use to return to battle? The player has access to all level 10 equipment (and level 8 tanks) purchased by him; the equipment must be repaired and crewed;
b. Select your preferred tank equipment. Regular consumables and shells will be automatically purchased, premium consumables will be replenished only if the player has them in stock;
c. Select the flank on which the player prefers to return to battle;
* Flank on which this moment there are more than 15 teammates will be unavailable to return to battle.
* There is also a limit on the number of self-propelled guns on one flank of 3 units.
3. Returns are not instant:
a. The tank on which the player was destroyed becomes unavailable for revival within 3 minutes from the moment of its destruction.
b. After entering the respawn screen, the player cannot return to battle for 30 seconds.
4. The number of respawns is individual for each specific player.
a. At the start of the battle, all players of the attacking team have 2 respawns;
b. At the start of the game, all players on the defending team have 1 respawn;
c. Every 5 minutes after the start of the match, the teams receive reinforcements and each player receives 1 additional respawn;
d. The player cannot accumulate more than 3 respawns;
5. If the attacking team captures all 6 bases, the reinforcement functionality is disabled.

Repair points:

1. Players can use repair points located on the battlefield.
a. The radius of the repair zone is 25 meters.
2. At the moment when the player is in the repair circle, the equipment’s resources are restored:
a. 100 strength points per second;
b. 10% projectiles per second;
c. 100 crew strength points;
d. 100 module strength points.
3. All simple equipment resources are restored for credits at a standard cost. Credits earned for a given battle are taken into account.
** 4. All premium shells and premium equipment are restored only if they are in stock.
5. After all the tank’s resources are restored to 100%, a specific repair point becomes inaccessible to the player for 2 minutes.
6. If the player receives damage during repair, the repair process stops and the specific repair point becomes inaccessible for 25 seconds.

Currently, the game features 5 types of battles: random, training, team, battles in fortified areas and clan battles. In addition to permanent types of battles, there are those that take place over seasons, such as ranked battles and events such as Frontline or Leviathan Invasion. Battles are conducted in one of three modes: standard battle, assault and counter battle. Standard combat is the main one, while assault and counter combat are additional modes of the World of Tanks game. Available within Standard Battle for X levels general battle. Additional modes are not available for all maps and types of battles; in addition, they can be disabled in the game settings.

Random battles

The compositions of two opposing teams are selected randomly using a special software mechanism - a balancer. All three modes are available for random battles: standard battle, assault and counter battle.

Standard fight

Standard fight - first Game Mode in World of Tanks. Until version 0.7.4, when two new modes “Assault” and “Encounter Battle” were added to the game, “Standard Battle” was the only game mode in random battles. The essence of the game is as follows: a balancer gathers two teams of 15 players on a random map. Each team has a base, which is usually located in a well-defended area. The goal of the game is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy equipment. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), both teams are destroyed, or the battle time of 15 minutes expires, a draw is declared. If a team is captured and destroyed at the same time, destruction is counted.

The standard mode is implemented on all maps, while Assault and Encounter are presented only on some.


In the Assault mode, one team defends a base, while the other, in turn, tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually more advantageous position on high; “Victory” if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survives (provided that the base is not captured); 10 minutes of battle. Attackers, as a rule, have only the advantages of surprise and choice of direction of attack. In addition, they do not need to worry about base defense, since they do not have one.

Meeting engagement

The goal of the Encounter mode is similar to the normal one random fight: destruction of all enemy equipment or capture of a base. However, there is a small peculiarity: there is only one base on the map for two teams. Teams spawn on opposite edges of the map, and there is one neutral base at the same distance from the spawn points.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to standard combat. When two teams are in the vehicle capture zone at the same time (quantity and numerical superiority do not play a role), the capture stops, and the filled part of the capture bar flashes. The time of an oncoming battle in WoT is standard: 15 minutes.

The mode is present on the following maps:

General battle

The general battle is the classic gameplay of standard battles, but large maps, where you can fight 30 vs 30 using Tier X vehicles. For participating in battle, you will be able to replenish your resources not only with silver and experience, but also with bonds. The number of bonds is directly proportional to the total amount of experience earned.

Other modes

Ranked battle

Ranked battles are seasonal competitions where the strongest tankers compete, and the best of the best receive well-deserved rewards.

Mode " Ranked battle» is based on the rules of Standard combat and is available only for Tier X vehicles. The balancer of this mode selects participants with equal levels of gaming skill into teams. Based on the results of battles, players are awarded a rank, which can then be increased by winning battles and earning chevrons.

Front line

Front Line is 30 vs 30 battles on a huge special map with an area of ​​9 square kilometers,

many new game mechanic and additional incentives for overall progress and personal effectiveness. Frontline is available for Tier VIII vehicles.

Fortified areas

“Fortified Areas” is a game mode for clan players. It is available in the game client and is in no way connected with battles and campaigns on the Global Map. A fortified area is the property of a clan, which consists of a command center, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. A fortified area can be created by the clan commander for free, if desired.

Global map

« Global map" - This special treatment V game World of Tanks. It represents a strategic struggle between gaming clans for territories. This article presents general information about the "Global Map".

Detailed information about this mode can be found on the World of Tanks Clan Portal.

The interface itself and the Global Map are also located on the official game portal.

Training fights

Training mode selected in the hangar, in the bookmarks under the “Battle!” button. Many parameters in this mode can be edited: mode selection, maps, team composition, battle duration, room privacy, description. How to play in a training battle is described in the instructions for the game Tanks. An online training battle has a standard limit on the number of participants: 15 for 15 players, plus additional places in the “reserve”.

Experience and credits are not awarded for training battles in World of Tank, but you will have to pay for spent shells and equipment. Repairs after a training battle are free. Also, the results of a tank training battle are not recorded in the player’s statistics. Video World of Tanks in a training battle clearly demonstrates the tactics and strategy of combat.

Updated (4-04-2018, 22:29): test stopped

In addition to the traditional test server in World of Tansk, there is also "Sandbox"- similar test server, but with some features that we will talk about. Anyone can enter the Sandbox after filling out an application.

The test has stopped.

What is Sandbox in WOT

"Sandbox"- a separate one where players can influence the opinions of developers regarding changes to the game. Players submit an application, the developers approve (or not) and send a link to download the Sandbox client.

What is tested in the Sandbox?

Wargaming has released PUBG, a new mode "Battle Royale" (Battle Royale) in WOT.

What is PUBG Battle Royale in WOT?

PUBG- PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds, survival mode.

Random tank for 1 battle played

At the beginning of the year, a video of the new game mode already appeared.

Features of PUBG mode:

  • New visibility system, you can see the enemy (basic information about him) only by aiming the sight at the enemy.
  • The narrowing occurs in squares, 5 pieces each.
  • April Fool's test, where new mechanics are tested;
  • The mode was made by a separate group of initiators from the development of World of Tanks, the idea was born in the fall at an internal hackathon;
  • In mode new map, more precisely the reworked “Epic Normandy” (BF Epic Normandy) from Front Line, it was transferred to HD;
  • 40 players, you are one against everyone;
  • You can “loot” your opponents;
  • There are airdrops;
  • Initially, you respawn almost empty, shells, equipment, and perks need to be collected. You can collect and find other tanks;
  • The map is narrowing;
  • Access goes to everyone at the entrance to the server;
  • There is no art in the mode;
  • A separate atmospheric soundtrack for the mode;
  • There are platoons for 2 people and only for 2. In this version, the game is played only in DUO, resulting in 20 platoons;
  • There is some kind of inventory.


Now you can test it yourself! Download shortbread dough.

How to enter the sandbox?

Submit an application to participate in the test. After you submit it, you need to wait a while for the Sandbox moderators to check it and approve it. You will find out that everything is ok by opening a letter from the email address you are linked to. game account. Follow the instructions provided in the letter. If necessary, change your password (will be indicated in the letter) and, of course, download the Sandbox client.

If you participated in the first iteration of the Sandbox, you do not need to create New Password. Simply download the Sandbox client and log in using your password for the first iteration of Sandbox.

By what criteria are testers selected?

The developers do not disclose specific criteria, but they convince players that they are interested in allowing the largest number of players to test new “features”. Although, the number of players in the test depends on the purpose of testing.
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