Do you need a server sight wot. What is the World of Tanks server sight. How the server works


This material is no longer relevant! The server sight can be enabled in the settings of the game itself!

The usual crosshair that we all see in the game is drawn on the client side, that is, the player. If you look under the hood of the game, then in fact the sight is just a graphical display of the aiming coordinates. For the program, the crosshair is nothing more than just data that the game client sends to the server, which, in turn, processes this data.

So, due to the existence of such a thing as ping (ping is the time required to transfer information from the client to the server and back to the wiki), we often observe lags (lag is a delay in the operation of a computer application when it does not respond to input during the wiki). In this regard, the information on the server regarding the location of your sight is late. This immediately becomes noticeable when you turn on the server sight (seen in the screenshot below).

How do I enable the server crosshair?

You can enable the server crosshair with the following combination:

CAPSLOCK + 0- capslok - the button itself that converts letters to UPPER CASE, plus the number 0 key (press simultaneously). You can turn it off by pressing this combination again.

It is very important to see how the server thinks where your muzzle is directed, since this is where your projectile will fly, however, turning on the server sight loads the game interface and it turns out that this is already the third sight: 1-mouse, 2 - muzzle (turn of the tower), 3 - server sight. It's easy to get confused when the server scope is on, so it's up to you to enable it or not. But it's worth a try.

In the world of tanks I have played over 5 thousand battles and have never seen or heard about the "Server Sight". A miracle happened!

For those who do not know about the server sight: in the Settings, in the first tab, at the very bottom there is the "Server Sight" function, which is disabled by default. The "Server Sight" function displays on your screen the real position of the sight on the server, corrected for ping.

Imagine how the server works: the game client (during the battle) sends to the server data about the location of your tank, its speed, the position of the muzzle / turret, in turn, the server gives your client data about the location of the illuminated tanks of enemies and allied vehicles (movement speed, position of the muzzle / turret) ... When you take aim and make a shot at the side of the enemy in a split second, the server processes data about the position of your tank, the position of the sight cursor (muzzle / turret), the position of the enemy, its speed and, taking into account the skills of your crew and other factors, calculates the trajectory of the projectile ( drawing it on the screen) and delivers a verdict about hitting one or another point or not hitting it.

For a comfortable game, the client is "sharpened" in such a way that you can enjoy the game process. Comfortable game in WOT it looks like this: "80 fps in the top left of the screen, a flat 40-inch box with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and a tank rushing across the plains smoothly and gracefully bends around uneven terrain, illuminating enemies one after another, the battle front shines through from the first to the last line. The firefly, jumping up as if on a springboard, makes a shot in the air at the heavy enemy that suddenly appeared from behind the hillock, lands on the tracks, performs a maneuver and, making another shot, on the move, breaks through a heavy target and is removed from the front. "

In fact, the game on the server runs on average 17 fps, more precisely from 12 to 30 (in Krasnodar Territory- the geographical position is important), depending on the number of the enemy's luminous vehicles and their own in the line of sight. Those. if on your client screen the tank is moving smoothly, illuminating the entire horde of the enemy, then on the server the events take place much slower, slowing down, in fps this can be measured at 15 - 18 fps. The most terrible brake happens when you play the art - the top view can show a large number of allies and enemies at the same time, and therefore it turns out that the server needs to quickly process a large amount of data and send it to the client quickly. The time "wandering" of data from the Moscow WoT server to the Krasnodar client also takes time (this time is called ping), the ping is not stable and jumps (for example) from 20 to 70 ms.

So after reading the paragraph above, we can conclude that the actual events on world server of tanks are slightly different from those that we see on the screen, even the dynamics of aiming at the target and its defeat are slightly different.

By enabling the "Server Sight" function, you will see a "real" game on the screen, but the FPS may decrease. The lower the ping, the more FPS. The closer your city, town, village is to the physical location of the server wot, the lower the ping, the easier it is to play. So, out of 4 RU (1-4) Wot servers, choose the one with the lowest ping.

In short, the bottom line is this: if you have not seen or heard, before that, about the server sight and you need to improve your wot statistics - turn on the "Server sight" function and see if you can play with a low FPS.

After turning on the server sight, someone (who had a very low ping) may not visually change anything (such people can be called lucky), and the inhabitants of the Far East will have a terrible protobrake because the normal Far Eastern ping is 100 - 150 ms.

Personally, it became much more interesting for me to play. It became easier to hit the target across the entire clearing and close (to a certain easy-to-penetrate place). Those. with a server sight, the shot is sent exactly where it was firing, the spread remains only within the scope of the gun sight.

Select the server with the lowest ping:

  • RU1- Russia, Moscow -, url -
  • RU2- Russia, Moscow -, url -
  • RU3- Germany, Munich -, url -
  • RU4- Russia, Novosibirsk -, url -
  • RU5- Russia, Moscow -, url -
  • RU6- Russia, Moscow -
  • RU7- Netherlands, Amsterdam

So we ping these Ip addresses or url, choosing with the lowest ping.

More details for those who don’t know how to "ping":

Next, click " Start "-> execute (and in Windows 7 this is an empty line) -> enter three english letters CMD -> a black window has opened where you write Ping and you see:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
(C) Microsoft Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.

C: \ Users \ LAY> ping

Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes = 32 time = 24ms TTL = 55

Reply from bytes = 32 time = 20ms TTL = 55
Reply from bytes = 32 time = 20ms TTL = 55

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0
(0% loss)
Approximate round-trip time in ms:
Minimum = 20ms, Maximum = 24ms, Average = 21ms

Meaning time = 24ms and is the server response time. Ping Ip addresses wot servers in order to find with the lowest response time.

Before proceeding with the answer to the question what is a server sight World of Tanks, you need to determine the approximate scheme of the game. The main part of the calculations is performed on the server, which is why there is a desynchronization between the states of the regular sight and the server one.

The regular scope is the one you use by default. It is with him that sometimes problems arise, when, when firing during a turn, the projectile flies not at all where it is needed.

A server scope is one that shows 100% true circle of spread. The server sight is enabled in the client settings in the "game" section. You just need to check the box.

Personal feeling of use

I would be cheating if I said that I had no glitches related to desynchronization. It was far more than once and it is very, very unpleasant when you seem to take aim, and the projectile flies in the wrong place. In this case, turning on the server sight seems to be a really convenient thing, but immediately after activation, my FPS dropped by 20 frames. From 40 to 20, horror! And the devil only knows why. Probably, it's not for nothing that the developers made a regular and server sight.

By the way, this will be especially useful for artillery, which constantly complains that the shells are flying in the wrong place where the targeting circle is located. Try it, turn it on, but be prepared for the fact that the number of frames per second can drop significantly.

And yes, how can we not mention the modifications affecting the server sight. Here, for example, will replace the usual version with a server one.

Successful battles!

In the game menu, you can put the use of the server sight, and not the usual one, which is adjusted by the game client.

Meanwhile, not everyone knows exactly how this option works, what it changes. The simplest tool is to test the server sight on your own experience. Try to play with him a few battles, then without him. It's not worth drawing conclusions based on the results of one battle, or even just a few minutes, you still need to get used to the new sight a little.

Compare the feelings and leave the option that you like best. It is this final advice that I will give to the, even though I voiced it at the very beginning of the article. Now let's calmly figure out what a server sight in wot is, what advantages it gives, whether it is worth using it. Without personal experiment, it will be clearly difficult to correctly answer the questions posed.

So what is a server crosshair?

World of tanks - online game where the client-server interaction takes place. That is, your game client collects data and then sends it to the server. There the data is processed and the response data is sent back to you. All processing takes place on the server side, this is how wot developers protect their offspring from cheaters. On the other hand, the load on the game server increases noticeably.

But this has to be sacrificed, since in the conditions of rampant cheaters, the world of tanks could not achieve such popularity. So, due to the fact that data processing takes place on the server, there is a delay between real game events and those that you see in your client computer game... That is, in fact, battles take place on servers, and you are already shown an adaptive picture. The lower the ping, and the lower the load on the game servers, the closer these events are.

So the server sight is an option that allows you to use the server sight in the game, and not your game client. Let's say you have moved the hover circle, but it has moved on your game client, the actual changes will take place with some delay. In fact, the server sight is sharper, twitching, but its behavior strongly depends on the quality of communication with the server.

Should I use a server sight in wot?

Personally, I did not like the server sight, the standard setting is fine, so in the game menu I do not check the box next to the item on using the server sight. But if you have better game results when using the server sight - bet. Since this option can be easily turned on or off, there should be no problems with selection and use.

Trying to play with the server sight is definitely worth it, but I can't give an unequivocal absentee advice on its use or not using the site, many factors depend on your current settings, connection quality, and personal preferences. And it is worth being guided just by personal opinion, because these are settings Your his game client.

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For a long time, WoT has been popular with experienced players and tankers, whose Internet cannot boast of high stability. This mod adds hotkey activation of the server sight, which will allow you to quickly switch between normal and augmented fire modes.

In one of latest updates the developers have saved tankers from the need to download mods that add a server sight, because now it can be turned on directly in the client settings. But here, too, it was not without flaws, the developers did not take into account that in battle sometimes you need to switch between scopes several times, and it is not very convenient to go into the settings for this. After installing the mod, this problem will disappear, the server sight can be turned on / off with the F2 key.

And for those who have not heard of this kind of mods, let's explain the essence. Have you ever had cases when the sight looks at the enemy's tank, but when firing, the projectile leaves somewhere to the side of the enemy? This means that there was an out of sync between the game and the server sight, that is, the game one shows guidance to one point, and the server one looks at a completely different one. Because of this, annoying blunders happen, because of which you can lose more than one battle. Therefore, people are pumping server sights to always be sure that the projectile will fly exactly to the point where the marker is looking.


  • You need to go to the folder for mods: World_of_Tanksres_mods [patch version] and extract the contents of the archive here. The mod is turned on with the F2 key. Appearance the new sight does not differ from the standard one, but if the sight began to follow the camera a little slower, then the mod is working.
