About health quest games scenarios for students. Sports and entertainment quest game "in search of pirate treasure." Game quest task for adults and children movement with element replacement

Recently, parents often choose quests as entertainment for children. children's party. And this choice is completely justified. After all, what kids look forward to most at a holiday is entertainment; they want active recreation. And of course, children love to solve secrets and riddles. Therefore, a series of tasks united by a single goal or theme always delights children of any age.

Parents want the quest to be simple in terms of its implementation; it requires a minimum of props. This is especially true if the holiday will take place outdoors and a quest game is planned for children on the street.

This is exactly the quest scenario we want to present to you. It is designed for preschoolers and elementary school students who know letters, numbers, and can read and write. All the tasks are simple and can be solved by a preschooler or first grader.

The theme of the quest is animals, and the tasks are somehow related to them.

The quest is designed for one team, that is, all participants go through it together, everyone has a common goal, there are no winners and losers, which means no one will be offended.

An adventure can be organized in the forest, in the park. A prerequisite is the presence of trees, bushes, grass. Locations with tasks do not have to be far from each other, even if they are all within sight. Participants still don’t know in advance in what order they will go through the stages

Preparation and necessary props

First stage

You will need: an envelope, a sheet of paper with crossword puzzle tasks, a sheet with the crossword puzzle itself, a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

We hide the crossword and the tasks for it in an envelope. The envelope must be in the hands of the leader at the beginning of the quest.

Second phase

You will need: a file, a printed image of a goat, printed and cut out words and syllables, clothespins or paper clips to attach the words and syllables to the bush.

We are looking for a suitable tree with a bush growing next to it, or just a separately growing bush. We hide the file with the image of the goat and the text of the task in a file. We attach the file to a tree or bush with a rope or a button. We attach words and syllables to the bush with clothespins in random order. It is not necessary to hang everything in plain sight to make it more interesting; we hide several of them deep into the bush.

Third stage

Props: a file, a printed image of a fox, an envelope with a task, several matchboxes or Kinder Surprise capsules, printed clues and several empty pieces of paper that are hidden in matchboxes.

In the file we put an image of a fox, the text of the task and attach it to the tree.

There should be more boxes than clues. Some will have papers with hints, and some will have blank papers. This will complicate the search process and make it more interesting. We hide the boxes carefully; for this it is advisable to look for tall grass. Matchboxes can be replaced with Kinder Surprise capsules.

Fourth stage

We need: a file with a picture of a cat, an envelope with a printed assignment, several identical ropes, 9 mouse figures cut out of cardboard. Each mouse has a letter on it. From the letters you can form the word “treasure”.

We attach the file with the image of the cat and the task to the tree. We string mouse figures in random order onto ropes - 2-3 pieces on each rope. We wrap the ropes around the tree so that they are not too easy to unwind.

Here's a mouse template:

Fifth stage

Props: a file with images of mice and a task. You will also need a bucket of sand and a lockable box. The treasures will be hidden in the box. You can use sweets, small toys, souvenirs, stickers and other nice little things as treasures.

We hide the key to the castle in a bucket of sand.

Well, now we begin our quest for children in nature, the tasks have been prepared and are waiting for the participants.

Start of the adventure

The presenter holds the envelope with the first task. The envelope contains a crossword puzzle that needs to be solved. There are only four riddles in the crossword puzzle, the answers to which fit into the cells, and as a result, in the gray cells we should get a key word. It is this word that will lead us to the next task.


  1. There are ears on the top of his head, he sleeps on a pillow. Mice hunter, who is he? …….(Cat)
  2. Our grandmother is ready to give milk...... (Cow)
  3. He jumps very cleverly, he loves carrots (Hare)
  4. Barks loudly, guards, protects from villains. (Dog)

What word did we get? Goat! This means we are looking for the next task where the goat is drawn.

Location Goat

The guys run to a tree with a file with a picture of a goat attached to it. The following task is found in this file.

Text of the task: “Dear children! When I was grazing in the forest, I noticed that unusual leaves appeared on the bush. Apparently, forest animals left them here. You need to collect the leaves and figure out what is written on them.”

Participants collect pre-prepared leaves with words and syllables from the bush. Some syllables are missing in the words, they need to be inserted.



We insert syllables into words and get the names of animals:

  • squirrel;
  • hamster;
  • chipmunk;
  • chinchilla;

Host: Now let's see if there is anything in common between our animals? Maybe one of them is redundant?

Children must guess that almost all of the listed animals are rodents, except for the fox. If it’s hard for children to guess, the presenter can ask leading questions: what do all these animals eat, what do they have in common in their appearance, etc. In the end, the children come to the conclusion that the fox is the odd one out on this list. This will be the key to the next task. Children are looking for a tree with a picture of a fox.

Location Chanterelle

Host: Let's take out the envelope and see what task the cunning fox has prepared for us.

The presenter takes out an envelope and reads the task: “Hello guys, I’m a little fox-sister. Help me in my trouble! I had some clues, but I ran, waved my tail, and the clues fell apart. Help me collect them!”

Children look for matchboxes with clues in the grass. Then they open each of them and figure out what is hidden in them.

And here are the tips themselves:

  • not water, but liquid, not snow, but white (milk)
  • lives in a river, but is not a frog (fish)
  • It can be for children, and it is also used to make cheesecakes (cottage cheese)
  • small and gray, but everyone is afraid of her (mouse)

Host: Well, the children, we helped the fox with the clues, but what is encrypted in them?

Children try to guess it themselves; if they don’t succeed, you can give them some advice. All the answers are the food of some animal. Which one exactly? That's right, cat! So now we need to look for a tree with a picture of a cat.

Location Cat

Host: Guys, let's see what kind of task the fluffy cat has prepared for us. We take out the text of the task from the envelope.

Text of the task: “Hello kids! I got lost in the forest and lost all my mice along the way. Help me find them. I know for sure that the mice must tell you something very important, but I don’t know what exactly...”

Kids unravel the rope on the tree, removing cardboard mice from it. When all the mice are removed from the rope, you need to make a word from the letters depicted on them. Participants form the word “Treasure”.

Host: What did we do? Treasure! What does it mean? That the treasure is somewhere close! And who gave us a hint about the treasure! Right! Mice! So we are looking for the next task from the mice.

Mouse Location

Children approach the tree with mice, the leader takes out the task from the file.

Text of the task: “Hello kids, we are mouse friends! The key to the treasure was hidden in our hole, but the hole was filled up and now the key is under the sand. Help me find the key, and as a reward you will receive treasures from the secret chest.”

Participants together look for a key in a bucket of sand. If you want to complicate the task, take several different keys and hide them in the sand. Then the guys will have to go through several keys before finding the right one.

When the key is found and the chest is opened, the kids happily take their treasure!


It’s good to organize such a quest when the holiday is coming to an end. Sweets found in the chest can complement the sweet table.

Duration of this quest- from half an hour to an hour. The duration of the event will depend on the participants themselves and on the presenter, in particular on whether he will give them prompts and ask leading questions.

If desired, you can add children's quest on the street with a map. Make such a map based on the location of locations in your area. Although the map does not play a special role in the quest itself, it is rather for the general surroundings.

Almost all props can be found in any store stationery, which greatly simplifies the organization of the quest. The exception is a bucket of sand and a box with a lock. If finding a bucket and sand is not a problem, then the box will have to be selected according to size, and perhaps decorate it, because it is, after all, a treasure. Well, you’ll have to use dad to attach the lock to the box.

We wish you a happy children's holiday!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Scenario quest - games

for older children

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

Svirskaya O.V.

July 2017

Quest - a game for older children

"Journey to the Secrets of Health"

Target: propaganda healthy image life

Tasks: bring to the understanding that every person should take care of their health from childhood, consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, instill a love of sports and physical education, consolidate knowledge about vitamins and healthy products, familiarize them with the beneficial effects of music on the human body, develop physical qualities , cultivate the will to win, curiosity, cognitive activity.

Equipment: bag, vegetables and fruits for identification by touch, washcloth, shower gel, soap, shampoo, toys and stationery for playing with a health worker, Russian folk instruments, two hoops, two balls, a poster with the secrets of health, cut into 4 puzzles, a map of the passage route.

Preliminary work: Conversations are held with children about the importance of vitamins and their content in various products, hygiene skills, daily routine, music lessons children are introduced to folk instruments.

Progress quest - games:

The children gathered in the hall. They read a letter from Aibolit, in which he writes that he had prepared a poster for them, on which he collected all the secrets of health, but the cunning Barmaley tore the poster into pieces and hid them in different places. And now, in order to collect all the secrets, children need to follow the route indicated on the map, complete tasks, and for correct completion at each station they will receive one piece, so that they can then put them together, learn these secrets and maintain their health.

A map is attached to the letter, the children choose a captain, look at the map, guessing what the icons on it mean, think through the route of movement and follow the captain to the first station.

Music station:

Located in the music room.

The children are greeted by the music director, Russian musical instruments are laid out on the table.

Musician: Hello children! Music station. Tell me, how can music affect our health? Children's answers. Well, firstly, music helps you exercise, we perform sets of exercises to the music, do exercises, when we are having fun, we turn on rhythmic music and dance, and when we are tired, we turn on quiet music and relax. Now guess my riddles:

He's tight and thick-skinned.

Hit it with a stick. -Bam, bam!

It will rattle. Can't keep quiet

This one is loud. (Drum)

Wooden plates, colorful pictures,

They knock, they ring, they tell you to dance. (Ratchets)

You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Voiced, elegant,

Russian, two-row (Harmonic)

They eat soup at lunch,

By evening they will “talk”

Wooden girls

Musical sisters.

Play a little too

On beautiful bright (spoons)

Musician: Well done! And now one more task, I will play music for you, and you guess what genre this music belongs to: march, song or dance.

Children guess.

Musician: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks!

He gives the children the first puzzle and they move on.

Hygienic station:

Located in the medical office.

The children are greeted by a nurse.

Nurse: Hello children! Tell me, please, when you get out of bed, where are you going?

Children: Wash up!

Nurse: What should you do while washing your face in the morning?

Children: Brush your teeth.

Nurse: That's right, you need to brush your teeth every day, because if you don't, a lot of germs accumulate in your mouth and your teeth start to hurt. (Now let's go to the hall, I have prepared tasks for you)

Guess my riddles:

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean

Everyone needs to have... (soap)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And by mustache and hair,

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears... (comb)

Bony back, hard bristles,

He makes friends with mint paste and serves diligently... (Toothbrush)

And smooth, and shaggy, and soft, and striped,

I take it with me when I wash my hands... (towel)

Well done! Tell me, when should you wash your hands? (children's answers) That's right, why do we wash them? (children's answers)

Now let's play a game, choose those things that help us take care of our body.

Lay out on the table are sheets with pictures - soap, shampoo, washcloth, towel, shower gel, paints, album, colored paper, etc. Your task is to circle only those items that help us take care of our body.

Nurse: And now you and I will play another game called “Allowed-Forbidden”, I will name good and bad habits, and you will say whether you can do it or not.

Brush your teeth

Nail biting

Picking your nose

Wash hair

Use a handkerchief

Walk around in dirty clothes

Walking unkempt

Take a shower

Don't wash your hair

To wash hands

Nurse: Well done boys! You have completed all tasks, get a reward (gives away the second puzzle).

The children are heading to the next station.

Vitamin station:

Located on the catering unit.

The children are greeted by the chef.

Cook: Hello children! I welcome you to Vitaminnaya station! Tell me, what are vitamins?

Children: These are substances that are beneficial to our body.

Cook: That's right, if there are not enough vitamins, then a person becomes sad, often gets sick and gets tired quickly. Vitamins are found in many foods, but most of them are in vegetables and fruits. Guess my riddles:

The red nose is rooted in the ground, and the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose (Carrot).

Carrots are a very healthy vegetable for our body. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which is very important for the eyes. Vitamin A also helps you grow faster. If you want to grow faster, chew carrots. And here's another riddle:

I was born to glory, my head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup, look for me (Cabbage).

In ancient times, people not only ate cabbage, but also used it as a cure for many diseases. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, so it is very healthy. And now the next riddle:

Same with a fist, a red barrel,

If you touch it, it’s smooth, but if you bite it, it’s sweet.

I’ll get the round, ruddy one from the tree. (Apple).

Well done, you guessed it right. Apple is the favorite fruit of many children, because they are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain a lot of iron and vitamin C. Tell me, why do we need vitamin C?

Children: To get sick less.

Cook: Here's a new riddle:

I love helping people, I give flavor to drinks.

I fight colds and sore throats better than any aspirin.

I taste a little sour, but that's not my fault.

I am a vitamin champion, my name is Senor... (Lemon).

Well done, right. Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C and vitamin P.

Now let's play: I have some chopped fruits and vegetables. You take turns closing your eyes and guessing which vegetable or fruit you ate. Game "Guess the taste."

Cook: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks! Bon Voyage!

He gives the puzzle to the children and they go to the gym (sports ground), where they are met by a physical education instructor.

Sports station:

Instructor: Welcome to the sports station. Good sleep and appetite are given to us by physical exercise and vigorous energy for games and walks. To avoid getting a sore throat and not be afraid of colds, I advise you to engage in physical education! And at this station we will hold sports competitions.

Children are divided into two teams.

Relay "Crossing".

Participants of each team must reach a landmark, walk around it and return back, shifting hoops and moving from hoop to hoop.

“Roll the Ball” relay race.

Relay participants kick the ball to a landmark and back, holding another ball in their hands.

Instructor: Well done! It’s immediately obvious that you guys are athletic!

He gives away the last puzzle, the children on the table collect all the puzzles and the secrets of health are read to them.

Here's some good advice for you:

Secrets are hidden in them

Learn to appreciate it!

Instructor:Melodies and motives sound,
Let's learn beautiful movements!
Leg forward, arm swing, -
And joy and enthusiasm in the eyes!

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.

Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -

Get ready to exercise!

Dance, move your body to the beat,
It doesn't harm anyone at all
But it will help, in the meantime,
And the body will be charged with strength.

Children perform a sports dance “Do exercises.

This concludes our quest - the game has come to an end, everyone be healthy!

Natalya Zasemkova
Outdoor sports scenario. Quest “Treasure Search”


Formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity of children;

Creating conditions conducive to strengthening friendly relations within the children's team.



1. Develop cognitive interest

2. Develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity

3. Physical development.


1. Promote the development of attention and coordination abilities

2. Promote the unity of children in a team


1. Cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, and attentive attitude towards others;

Welcome children to the island of health! Explain the meaning of the game, choose a captain and a place to store the map pieces!

Pirate: Hello kids! I lost the magic key and now I don’t know how to open the magic chest of gold. Maybe you can help me?

Educator: Certainly. we will help, but how?

Pirate: I heard from one fortune teller that the key was broken, and its fragments were scattered across different islands, we need to find it. So, are you ready for an adventure where there will be different challenges on your way? So I bought the card from a sailor I knew. I just can’t figure it out.

The pirate takes out a map, and the guys go in the direction indicated by the arrows to the first island.

1. Island "Warm-up".

Children are given the task to come up with movements and dance. Having completed the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

2. Sea island.

On the island you are asked to find a sheet with a task.

Task, game "Shark".

The driver is chosen - he is a Shark, the rest are sea inhabitants. The shark is hiding (sitting on a chair, the others are playing.

An adult reads a poem, children perform movements.

In our sea, what a miracle,

Life is calm and beautiful.

Happiness and love reign

Even the whale knows this. (children hold hands and make a big circle)

Here is a crucian carp in the quiet sea

Skirting the waves (running in circles)

A flock of small jellyfish

Together, like a string of beads. (children line up, hugging each other tightly)

The swordfish and the hammerhead are dancing,

Forgetting about hunger. (dance randomly in pairs, depicting fish)

Dolphins jump briskly

Arching your back straight. (jumping in place "soldier")

The wave splashes quietly,

She is everyone's protector. (they stop in place, making waves with their hands)

But a Shark is hiding far away in a cave,

And the formidable Shark goes hunting,

She says to her friends, clicking teeth:

“I’ll cook for lunch today...” (Shark comes out and says any word)

If the leader (Shark) says something edible, then the children run away, the Shark catches up with them, whomever it stains, takes it to itself. If it’s inedible, the children freeze in place, the Shark looks carefully - whoever moves is grabbed.

3. Island of pictures.

Complete 2 puzzles.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move along the map to the next island.

4. Island "Obstacle Course".

Go through the obstacle course. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move along the map to the next island.

5. Island "Ball Trap"

A game: stretch the fabric, throw balls on top of the fabric, and from below the children must knock them down.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move along the map to the next island.

6. Island "Jumpers".

Relay race "Jumping on fitballs". Divide the children into two teams and place them in circles. On command, the guys take turns jumping on the fitball, passing it on to the next one. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move along the map to the next island.

7. Island « Mess» .

Collect scattered cubes, balls, bags into baskets. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

After which the children are asked to run around the building kindergarten and run up to the person (learning it from a riddle).

Who are all the tales and riddles

And does he know poetry from memory?

Dolls, balls, horses

Who plays until old age?

Who has all the questions?

Have an immediate answer?

Who takes everything out of the house,

Regardless of budget?

Who can do it out of the box?

Make a TV

Repair electrical plugs,

Hammering cloves into the wall?

Who's at the New Year's tree?

The kids are amused

And anyone you want

Is he pretending to be?

The teacher turns the collected picture into a real key. The key opens the chest where sweet coins lie.

Scenario for the quest game “In Search of the Health Treasure”.

Target: promotion of an active and healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports.

Location: camp with day stay during the summer holidays "Sunny".

Game participants gather at the START of the game to receive route sheets and instructions.

Musical introduction to the game, V. Shainsky’s song “It’s fun to walk together”


Hello everyone! Happy to see you here

Our teams are active with each other!

We have gathered you for the game.

Roll call is here, now!

The units, at the commander’s sign, pronounce their name and receive a route sheet.


The game begins! It's time to hit the road for health!

We need to collect the motto of the game

From the pictures, it looks very friendly.

If we collect them, we will find the “Health” treasure here!

On your marks! ATTENTION! MARCH!

1 station

2 station

3 station

4 station

5 station

6 station

Polyana "Sportivnaya"

Road "Healthy Lifestyle"


"Try and guess"

Living room

"Katsuzo Nishi"

Forest "Green Pharmacy"

Healthy Food Cafe

As a result, you need to collect the motto of the game:

If you want to live long,

Health should be valued.

Manage it skillfully

Don't forget how to do this!

1 stationPolyana "Sportivnaya"

    Find a match photo-name and surname of the athlete - type of sport;

    Guess the riddles:

    Who runs fast through the snow?
    Aren't you afraid to fail? (Skier)

    Ten plus one someone
    they want to kick the ball into the goal,
    and eleven others
    They try not to let them in. (Football)

    The ice around is transparent, flat,
    Two iron strips
    And someone is dancing over them,
    Jumping, waving his arms. (Figure skater)

    - I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
    Birders? Fishermen?
    What kind of net is there in the yard?
    - Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
    You better go away!
    We play... (volleyball)

    On an empty stomach
    They beat me unbearably;
    The players shoot accurately
    I get punches with my feet.
    They're blowing air into me
    And they kick me. (Soccer ball)

    He doesn't want to lie down at all.
    If you throw it, it will jump.
    You hit it a little, you immediately jump, well, of course - it's... (ball).

    I decided to become a strongman, I hastened to become a strongman:
    - Tell me about this, how did you become a strongman?
    He smiled in response: “Very simple.”
    For many years, every day, getting out of bed,
    I lift... (dumbbells).

    There is a lawn at our school, and there are goats and horses on it.
    We've been tumbling here for exactly forty-five minutes.
    At school there are horses and a lawn?!
    What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)

    Green meadow, a hundred benches around,
    People are running briskly from gate to gate.
    There are fishing nets on these gates. (Stadium)

    I can’t feel my legs from joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill.
    Sports have become dearer and closer to me, who helped me, children? (Skis)

    Who will catch up with me on the ice?
    We are running a race.
    And it’s not the horses that carry me,
    and shiny... (skates).

    Comma stick
    drives the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick)

    There was a game in the yard in the morning, the kids were playing around.
    Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” - there is a game going on... (hockey).

    This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. (Bike)

    Perform a morning exercise routine as a team; (0-5 b)

2nd station Road "Healthy lifestyle"

    Show on a model and tell how to brush your teeth correctly;

    Collect puzzles “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”

3 station Island “Try, guess”

    Guess riddles about vegetables and fruits;

These things help!

They save our health!

Like seven heroes!

Get to know them quickly!

1. Although it stings, although it burns, the storm of microbes is red... iodine!

2. For your brother, for your sister, for your knees there is...green stuff!

3. He will tell us the answer. Whether there is a temperature or not! It's not much fun to be sick. We will put...a thermometer.

4.Although bitter, it is useful. The enemy of diseases from the garden. And he is no friend to microbes! We know green... onions!

5.I'm training! Very proud! What gives me health is... sport!

6. Declares battle against the bacilli. He wants everything to be clean! Under the water it will certainly become white fluffy foam. It was, it was and it floated away. Because it's...soap!

7. In the morning there will be streams of tears. Let's not forget about the nose. So that you are not alone, put ... a handkerchief in your pocket!

    Test quiz about proper nutrition.

    Restore proverbs:

Temper your body for good.

Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Anyone who plays sports gains strength.

The sun, air and water always help us.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Walking means living long.

Give your time to sports and get health in return.

Move more - you will live longer.

Movement is a companion to health.

Walking means living long.

Thoroughly chewed - almost overcooked.

The more you chew, the longer you will live.

Health, joy and work always go together.

4 stationLiving room "Katsuzo Nishi"»

    Conversation about the structure of the human body;

    Exercises of the Katsuzo Nishi system

5 station Lesok "Green Pharmacy"

    Make a word from letters.

There is a “Green Pharmacy” for human health.

It contains plants. Their importance for health.

Rearrange the letters in the word! And imagine the plant!

    This is a honey plant. Favorite tree of bees and bears. This honey is the most delicious.


2. This tree has unusual leaves. In such a forest it is easy to breathe and healthy. Such baths will calm you down. This tree can be dressed up.


3..The fruits of this bush are delicious. Contains a lot of vitamin C.


4. The leaves of this tree kill pathogens. Even bath brooms made from such branches are the best.


5. And its fruits are a sweet delicacy. And a cold remedy.


    Identify a medicinal plant by appearance(linden flowers, plantain, dandelion, celandine, mint, black currant, burdock, yarrow).

6 station Healthy Food Cafe

    Presentation of porridge (barley, millet, rice or buckwheat) by a team member (Homework)

The squads, as they progress through the station, gather at the FINISH of the game.

They hand over the route sheets and the collected motto to the JURY. Musical intro of the game.


General gathering blow the trumpets! Being healthy is nice, love!

Game over! To all participants - HURRAY!

The JURY sums up the results. Presents a scroll to the winners and diplomas to the game participants.


There is no secret! Let's have a healthy summer!

Thank you all for participating! To everyone - health, peace, happiness!

A healthy lifestyle consists of an orientation towards health as an absolute life value, towards the ideals of the individual, family, nation and nature, from effective measures of nutrition, education, physical education and sports, hygiene of body and spirit. Teachers, as carriers of culture (including the culture of health), provide optimal psycho-hygienic conditions for learning and education. A social educator helps solve the problem of maintaining social health and preventing social illnesses. Consequently, the main way to improve health is to create favorable social and pedagogical conditions.
Currently, games in the quest format are in great demand among students. Quest game “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” is aimed at creating a culture of healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, demonstrating responsibility, independence and teamwork, as well as creating conditions for intellectual and creative self-realization of students and the popularization of physical activity.
A social teacher performs the following functions at school: educational - provides targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children; organizational - organizes socially valuable activities of students, ensures the implementation of plans, projects and programs; organizational and communicative - involving more children in events.
The school teacher-librarian, promoting the implementation of an integrated approach to the effectiveness of health-preserving activities, participates in the organization of physical education and health activities: holds book exhibitions “Choose Health”, “I take care of my health - I will help myself!”, “Sport is life, joy, health!”, conversations and literature reviews, public events. This kind of work helps students change themselves and their attitude towards physical education for the better.
Teacher physical culture in combination with the classical form of education, conducts physical education and sporting events- days of health and sports, outdoor games and competitions, sports festivals, sports competitions, with the help of which the formation of a person’s physical culture is achieved.
The tasks of interaction between physical education teachers, teacher-librarians and social educators during this event are as follows:
- motivation and need for systematic physical education and sports;
- mastery of basic types of physical education and sports activities;
- Creation favorable conditions to optimize motor activity;
- formation necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle, use of acquired knowledge in Everyday life;
- nurturing the need and ability to independently engage in physical exercises, consciously use them for the purposes of recreation, training, improving performance and improving health.

Plan for preparation and conduct of the game:

  1. Preparation of a route sheet for completing the stages.
  2. Preparation of questions and answers.
  3. Selecting quest organizers, forming teams of players.
  4. Conducting briefings for quest participants.
  5. Walking through playgrounds in teams.
  6. Summarizing.
  7. Rewarding.

Start of the game.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the sites. Teams move between the gym and the school library, completing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, teams receive points for correctly completed tasks.

1 site “Proverbs and sayings” (in the library)

  1. Temper your body for good.
  2. Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
  3. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
  4. The sun, air and water always help us.
  5. Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  6. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
  7. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  8. The athlete is in control of the sails and tackle.
  9. You'll be toughened up from a young age, and you'll be good for the rest of your life.
  10. The sun, air and water are our true friends.
  11. Get started new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises.
  12. Strong in body - rich in business.
  13. If you are not friends with sports, you will worry about it more than once.
  14. Walking means living long.
  15. Give your time to sports and get health in return.
  16. Move more - you will live longer.
  17. Movement is a companion to health.
  18. Walking means living long.
  19. Physical education is the enemy of old age.
  20. Sports and tourism strengthen the body.
  21. If you toughen up, you will distance yourself from the disease.
  22. If you want to be healthy, toughen up!
  23. Ice water- every illness is a disaster.
  24. Moderate food is a blessing to the mind.
  25. The thinner the waist, the longer the life.
  26. Gluttony clouds the mind.
  27. Not everything is in the mouth that the eye sees.
  28. Moderation in food is more healing than a hundred doctors.
  29. Long meals - short life.
  30. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.
  31. Anything eaten at night will not be good for future use.
  32. When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you wake up refreshed.
  33. Shorten dinner - lengthen life.
  34. Expect nothing but trouble from delicious and sweet food.
  35. Thoroughly chewed - almost overcooked.
  36. The more you chew, the longer you will live.
  37. Just eat and you can live to be a hundred years old.
  38. You can't get enough of sweets.
  39. When I eat I am deaf and dumb.
  40. Health, joy and work always go together.
  41. Laziness brings on illness, work cleanses the soul.
  42. Nothing harms a person more than idleness.
  43. The body weakens without doing anything.
  44. It is not old age that makes you old, but idleness.
  45. A person gets tired when he has nothing to do.
  46. Idleness is the sister of disease.
  47. A lazy person is always unwell.
  48. Excessive idleness leads to the acquisition of foolishness; through active work, the will is strengthened.

2nd area “Riddles” (in the library)

1. Who rushes quickly through the snow
Aren't you afraid to fail? (Skier)

2. Ten plus one someone
they want to kick the ball into the goal,
and eleven others
They try not to let them in. (Football)

3. Green meadow,
There are a hundred benches just around,
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets. (Stadium)

4. The ice around is transparent, flat,
Two iron strips
And someone is dancing over them,
Jumping, waving his arms. (Figure skater)

5. Right on the road
The horse spread his legs
Without head and tail,
Stunned to the spot, he stood up.
The horse stands still
Together with the rider. (Projectile - horse)

6. Iron pancakes
Thin stick -
Iron rolling pin
Bakes pancakes
It attracts by force. (Barbell)

7. Two rings
And two ropes
Up and down,
There and back again.
Unfinished flight
Stance, take off and turn. (Projectile - rings)

8. Beardless and not white,
Smooth, hairless body,
Iron hooves
As if dug into the ground,
He doesn't bleat or make noise.
Where they put it, it’s there;
They don't move him -
They jump over it. (The projectile is a goat).

9. Iron bird
She laid an egg
Egg from the nest
Can't take it without difficulty.
The egg is heavy
There is a ring in the egg;
You'll take the ring -
You will carry the egg. (Weight)

10. There is a lawn at our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle - guess what! (Gym)

11. - I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birders? Fishermen?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
- Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
You better go away!
We play... (volleyball)

12. On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
The players shoot accurately
I get punches with my feet.
They're blowing air into me
And they kick me. (Soccer ball)

For students in grades 10-11.

1. Who warns smokers about the dangers of smoking? (Ministry of Health)
2. Which organ is affected primarily in smokers? (Lungs.)
3. The most dangerous disease of the 21st century. (AIDS.)
4. A drop of it kills a horse. (Nicotine.)
5. A drink that can ruin your family and life. (Vodka.)
6. A low-alcohol drink that many people consider harmless. (Beer.)
7. What color are smokers' teeth? (Yellow.)
8. What happens to people when they smoke, drink alcohol, drinks, or take drugs? (Personality degradation is the loss of positive qualities.)

3 platform “Interesting questions” (in the library)

1. Name the name of the Russian person who in Holland really fell in love with skates and was the first to come up with the idea of ​​nailing them to the soles of boots. (Russian Emperor Peter the Great)
2. Which gymnastic figure has a namesake among the birds? (Martin)
3. What game do the French call “flying rooster”? (Badminton)
4. Which of the sons of Zeus “organized” the first Olympic Games? (Hercules)
5. What is the name of the largest company in Germany that produces sporting goods? ("Adidas")
6. In which game do ladies watch their figures the most? (Chess)
7. How to translate from in English What is the name of the butterfly swimming style? (Butterfly)
8. The name of what type of martial arts is translated from Japanese as “soft way”? (Judo)
9. What swimming style did people borrow from the frog? (Breaststroke)
10. What sport can be easy for some and difficult for others? (Athletics)
11. What warlike word can be used to describe the pole, the rings, and the bars? (Projectile)
12. In which team sports competition do you have to move backwards to win? (Tug of War)
13. What was the name of the winner of the Games? Ancient Greece? (Olympic)
14. How many days did the competition last? (Five)
15. In honor of which god were the Games held? (In honor of Zeus)
16. Do you think there were competitions between poets and musicians at the Games? (Yes)
17. Remember the motto Olympic Games. ("Faster, higher, stronger")
18. What is the symbol of the Games? (Torch)
19. What is depicted on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
20. How to decipher the word “sambo”? (Self-defense without weapons).

4 platform " Gym"(in the gym)

Sequence of obstacle course exercises




Start. Jumping on one leg

Distance 6 m. Perform at least 5 jumps.
Jumping can be performed on the right or left leg.

Marking. There is a start and finish mark on the floor.

You cannot change your leg while completing the distance. Every mistake
(less than 5 jumps performed, changing legs while moving) is assessed as a 1.0 second penalty

Crawling on a gymnastic bench.

Crawling from a prone position using arm curls.

Gymnastic bench.

When performing the exercise, you cannot help yourself with your legs.

Equilibrium. Walking on a gymnastic beam, arms to the sides.

Walk on a gymnastic beam without losing your balance.

Floor gymnastic beam, mats.

Loss of balance: falling from a log, touching the floor with your foot or hand - 1.0 second penalty.

Throwing a medicine ball at a target with both hands from the chest.

The participant makes 3 attempts.
From the place of the throw to the nearest edge of the target is 5 m. Near the place of the throw there are 3 medicine balls.

Medicine ball weight for grades 5-6 is 1 kg, grades 7-8 2 kg, grades 9-11 3 kg.
The target is a hoop with a diameter of 60 cm.
Marking the throwing line and target.

If the participant does not hit the target, then for each miss he is added 1.0 seconds.

Shuttle run (3 x 7m)

High start from the starting line. The segment (7m) is considered overcome if the participant steps over the line limiting the segment with one foot and touches the cone with his hand.

2 cones and markings on the floor

For each failure to reach the line limiting the segment, a 1.0 second penalty is added.

Dribbling around the posts and throwing the basketball into the hoop.

The participant circles 1 post on the right side, 2 on the left, etc. The racks are circled with the hand farthest from the rack.
Next, the participant takes the ball to the backboard and throws the ball into the ring in an arbitrary manner (stopping or after two steps in motion). After throwing into the hoop, the participant picks up the ball and crosses the finish line with it.

5 stands or cones. The distance between the cones is 1 m
The ball is located 1 m from the first cone.

Dribbling according to the rules of basketball.
Improper execution of the exercise is penalized for 1.0 seconds.

The program is considered completed when the participant crosses the finish line with both feet.

The line is marked on the floor.
The referee moves the ball to the beginning of the drill.

The time required to complete the entire complex task is recorded.

Obstacle course exercises are performed continuously by all team members. The time from the start of the first participant to the finish of the last is estimated. The start of the first participant is made at the command of the judge, the start of the second and subsequent participants - by touching the palm of the hand. The finish of the last participant is recorded immediately after crossing the finish line.
One judge records the time taken to complete the obstacle course exercises and the correctness of the relay passing, the second judge evaluates the quality of the tasks.
Students who are exempt from the practical part for health reasons help the judges in arranging equipment.

Additional competition “The most, the most!” - optional.

2 boys and 2 girls (from each team) participate. Each of them performs two exercises: first, 30 seconds of bending and straightening the arms (boys) from the floor, (girls) from the bench, then 30 seconds of jumping on two legs over a rope, rotating it forward or backward. The number of exercises completed in 1 minute is assessed.

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