The Other Side of the Earth - download the game for free. Brothers pilots. The other side of the earth Pilot brothers the other side of the earth passing the buoy

The Pilot brothers are starting a very interesting new case about an endangered and rare species of elephant on the island of Tasmania. Our long-familiar characters Chief and Colleague learn from the newspaper brought by the cat that the population of rare striped blue elephants on the island of Tasmania is sharply decreasing. Since these animals live only on this island, the cheerful detectives decide to go to the island and help the animals.

This is the third part of the game for Android about the Pilot Brothers, the first part can be downloaded from our website using this link. As mentioned above, the Colleague and the Chief go to the island of elephants, but for this they will have to travel around the world. During their trip around the world, our friends will have to overcome the Great Wall of China, sink to the bottom of the ocean and fly by plane. Naturally, they will need your help in solving various puzzles and riddles.

After completing all the levels, the Pilot Brothers will find themselves on the island and find out that this is all the tricks of their old evil acquaintance named Karbofos, who in the first part stole an elephant from the zoo, and in the second a cat from the pilot brothers.

You can download the purchased full version of the game below; in the version from the market, only the first few levels are available, but you can buy it directly from the game interface for 72 rubles. But for those who cannot buy the game, download the FULL version at the end of the article.

Walkthrough levels can be viewed directly in the game itself by clicking on the video camera icon in the upper right corner of the screen:

You need to download the cache and copy the “” folder from it to sdcard/Android/obb.

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Well, it's done. We finally waited for the continuation of the cult toy. The game has become more interesting, the graphics have become smoother. The number of episodes has doubled. Play and have fun.

1. Berdichev (house and yard)
The task is to assemble a plane on which you will have to fly to save rare animals.
The Chief (Sh) takes the jack from the storage room on the left. Colleague (K) opens the cabinet, takes the bottle and climbs onto the table. Sh turns on the fan, climbs onto the table, puts the jack on the table. K stands on the jack, Sh lifts the jack. K takes hold of the fan and from there flies to a shelf (aka an airplane wing), where he takes a jar of jam and jumps down to the floor.
Both go out into the courtyard (to the right). K eats the jam and throws the jar at the crow (give the jar of jam to the Colleague). The jar breaks, K picks up the fragment. Both return to the room (left).
Both climb onto the table, Sh lowers the jack, K climbs on it, Sh lifts the jack. K grabs the fan and flies back onto the shelf. There he cuts the rope (with the pennant) and falls along with the wing to the floor. Sh jumps off the table, takes the wing and turns off the fan. Both climb onto the table again, Sh lifts K on a jack and his colleague removes the propeller. Sh takes the jack and both go out into the yard.
Sh inserts the wing into the plane, K hooks the propeller. Sh puts the barrel on a jack and fills an empty bottle with fuel, after which he pours it into the plane. Both get on the plane and fly away.

2. Airplane (arcade)
The task is to fly a certain distance.
Fly to the right, avoiding collisions with dark clouds (or better yet, all clouds). When colliding with a dark cloud, the plane turns in the opposite direction and must be turned right again (collision with a dark cloud). Control - click the mouse on the top, middle or bottom of the screen.

3. Bear
The task is to get to the opposite bank.
Sh takes a stone (near the plane) and a wing from the plane. K kicks the bear, which throws him into the plane. From the first aid kit that appears, K takes a syringe and injects the bear with it at the moment when an ice floe with a hammer begins to float down the river. The bear throws K into the river. At a well-chosen moment, the hammer from the ice floe ends up on the shore and Sh takes it. Sh places a stone near the bear’s den, and a wing on the stone. K hits the bear with a hammer and immediately climbs onto the wing - a swing. The bear throws K onto the post. K tears off the left wire (click on the post), then click on the right wire to cross the river. Sh takes the wire (click on the pole or wire) and climbs onto the pole.

4. Station area
The task is to pick up a lying crowbar. Then - to the control room (directly).

5. Control room
The task is to collect all 3 compositions.
Move the trailers along the tracks like tag. The trailers move on their own (but only to adjacent sections of the track); you need to indicate which trailer and where to move it. First, the green train is assembled, then the train with tanks and timber is assembled.

6. Platform
The task is to get on the train.
(until the Control Room is completed, there will be no train in this scene).
Since the conductor won’t let us in, we use perverted methods. A colleague barbarously throws (sticks) a piece of scrap picked up on the square into a conveyor belt, from which various objects fall off. The cage falls - Sh climbs into the cage, is carried away by a servant, after which Sh in the cage ends up on the train. That leaves K. You need to sequentially throw a suitcase off the conveyor, then a box with a red ribbon. K opens a box from which bees fly out. K gets scared by the bees, jumps away and gets into the suitcase. The conductor takes the suitcase.

7. Wall steps
The task is to climb the wall.
K extends the steps in the wall, pulling the rings in the first row. The chief climbs the adjacent steps to the right, left and diagonally. The wall is Chinese, and therefore cunning and incomprehensible - along with normal steps, false steps also appear, which spontaneously disappear.
Possible route (ABCDE - columns from left to right, row numbers - bottom to top):
K - B1, C1
W - C1, D2, E3, D4,C5,D6,E7
K - D1
Ш - D8
K - E1
W - E9
K - A1
W - D10, C11, D12, top of wall

8. On the wall (center, left, right)
The task is to fly off into space on firecrackers (don't try this at home!).
Sh goes to the left and takes a ladder there, returns to the center and places it on the left. Sh climbs up, takes a pickaxe on the platform above and climbs down. K knocks down the lock on the hatch with a poker, Sh opens the door. Sh climbs onto one of the platforms (the left one, for example). K takes the firecracker and sets it off (use the firecracker on K). Sh tries to jump on a flying large firecracker. The same must be repeated for K - K takes the firecracker and launches it and immediately jumps onto the platform (for example, the right one) and tries to jump on the firecracker. If unsuccessful, repeat.

9. Satellite (arcade)
The task is to catch the satellite.
When the satellite takes off, position the heroes so that K is at the level of the satellite (for example, in the middle of the screen), and W is a level higher (for example, at the top of the screen). When the satellite approaches the pilots, click Sh on the satellite and they will catch it.
Control - select a character and click the mouse on the top, middle or bottom of the screen.

10. Buoys
The task is to get to the opposite side.
When jumping on buoys, they react by flipping over and throwing the characters some distance in different directions. The direction and distance of the character's throwing depends on: (a) the type of buoy (there are three types in total), (b) the state of the buoy (as inverted - 2 options for each type), (c) the character (K ​​and W are thrown back at different distances), ( d) what is the counting drop from the start of the jump (no more than 3).
Control - select a character and click on the buoy to jump on.
Passage is possible in different ways.
A possible (but not optimal) passage option (abvgdezhz - columns from left to right, row numbers - top to bottom):
K: a5 -\\>r6 (sinks)
W: a3 -\\> (to the shore), a3 -\\> g3 -\\> d4 -\\> e4 -\\> g6 -\\> z6 -\\> (leaves)
K: a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6 (jump to the shore), a5 (3 times ), a5 -\\> g6 -\\> z6, a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -\\ > g6 (jump to the shore), a5 (3 times), a5 -\\> g6 -\\> z6 (leaves)

11. Sydney (street, gateway)
The task is to borrow a red car from the parking lot.
You can pick up a car from the parking lot by paying 3 coins to the locking machine. Two coins are given out by the bottle machine and one is hidden by a crow in a traffic light above the road.
Pick up a corkscrew. To rummage through the trash container and pick up the fallen bottle. Return the bottle to the machine, which will give you a coin for it. K opens the hatch with a corkscrew, Sh steps into the sewer. They both get out in the backyard. There you need to collect Ш boxes (at least 7 pieces), put your colleague in the trash can (hide), close Ш wires on the wall on the right. Repeat until the bottle and weight fall out. We take them and return to the street (through the sewer). Sh hands over another bottle and gets another coin. Sh throws the weight at the Kangaroo or onto the road. Then Sh builds a pyramid of boxes under the traffic light (click the box under the traffic light) onto which K climbs (he can only climb one box, so we build Sh and climb K one by one). K takes another coin from the traffic light. We use the coins on the locking machine in the parking lot for the red car and leave.

12. Jeep breakdown (with arch and lake)
The task is to fill the car with cactus tincture.
Take K in the car horn. We go into the middle passage, K blows the horn - this gets the ostrich scared and breaks the bridge with his head. Sh pulls the plug out of the pipe - water from the lake drains and floods the volcano. We return to the left, go to the upper passage, take away the canister. We return to the left, go to the lower passage, take the W tap sticking out in the volcano (the volcano should already be extinguished). We return to the left, go to the middle passage, insert the W tap onto the pipe (the lake is filling). Open the tap and thereby water the cactus. Remove the K tap. We go left again and then into the lower passage, stick the tap into the cactus, open the tap and fill the canister. We return to the left and pour the canister into the car. We're leaving.

13. Ostrich
The task is to catch an ostrich (for the purpose of using it “as a means of transportation”).
You can complete the task using the main behavioral feature of ostriches - sticking their head into the sand when scared. If suddenly instead of sand there is an iron well cover, this is already an ostrich's problem.
Take the horn and remove the cover from the well, put it in place somewhere in the center of the screen where it is placed. Place K somewhere behind a flowering cactus, drive W the ostrich so that he stands on the lying lid. Scare Ostrich with a horn (Colleague), Ostrich hits his head on the lid and falls unconscious. Sh tie an ostrich.

14. Base
The task is to get onto a guarded submarine.
Click W on the sign, then K on the column of the sign. K climbs over the fence and takes a small stone under the wooden pier. K hits the switchboard cabinet (gray booth) with a stone, opens it and turns off the switch. Sh climbs over the fence (click on the fence) and pulls out the wire (the closest one, from the lamp post). K places a stone in the drain of the hand pump. Sh pumps the pump four times. While the pillar with the bell is under voltage from the resulting puddle (the puddle gradually dries up), Sh and K go to the submarine.

15. Pool with a submarine
The task is to get out of the pool.
Sh takes a lifebuoy and hangs it on the bow of the boat (puts it on the pipe). Sh pulls out a floating car (green cube). K ties the rope to the circle and removes the circle. Sh catches a light green mug around. To catch a fish in the mug - click on the bubbles that appear in the center of the pool. Sh puts the circle on the pipe. K ties the fish to a rope and the fisherman pulls them out.

16. City of Portassa
The task is to climb out the window.
Move the vase with the Chief (A colleague will help). K rummage through the trash can and W take the boomerang. Take the laundry (K) and rope (W). Knock down the coconut with a boomerang (U boomerang onto the coconut from the place where the vase stood before) and take it (K). Plant Sh a coconut in a vase, put K's underpants on and give him a rope. Squeeze Sh's wet panties into the vase until Sh can climb up the palm tree. A colleague is climbing up a rope.

17. Dentist
The task is to find adventures and then get rid of them, or rather, from the dentist.

Pilot Brothers: Far Side of the Earth

Well, it's done. We finally waited for the continuation of the cult toy. The game has become more interesting, the graphics have become smoother. The number of episodes has doubled. Play and have fun.

1. Berdichev (house and yard)
The task is to assemble a plane on which you will have to fly to save rare animals.
The Chief (Sh) takes the jack from the storage room on the left. Colleague (K) opens the cabinet, takes the bottle and climbs onto the table. Sh turns on the fan, climbs onto the table, puts the jack on the table. K stands on the jack, Sh lifts the jack. K takes hold of the fan and from there flies to a shelf (aka an airplane wing), where he takes a jar of jam and jumps down to the floor.
Both go out into the courtyard (to the right). K eats the jam and throws the jar at the crow (give the jar of jam to the Colleague). The jar breaks, K picks up the fragment. Both return to the room (left).
Both climb onto the table, Sh lowers the jack, K climbs on it, Sh lifts the jack. K grabs the fan and flies back onto the shelf. There he cuts the rope (with the pennant) and falls along with the wing to the floor. Sh jumps off the table, takes the wing and turns off the fan. Both climb onto the table again, Sh lifts K on a jack and his colleague removes the propeller. Sh takes the jack and both go out into the yard.
Sh inserts the wing into the plane, K hooks the propeller. Sh puts the barrel on a jack and fills an empty bottle with fuel, after which he pours it into the plane. Both get on the plane and fly away.

2. Airplane (arcade)
The task is to fly a certain distance.
Fly to the right, avoiding collisions with dark clouds (or better yet, all clouds). When colliding with a dark cloud, the plane turns in the opposite direction and must be turned right again (collision with a dark cloud). Control - click the mouse on the top, middle or bottom of the screen.

3. Bear
The task is to get to the opposite bank.
Sh takes a stone (near the plane) and a wing from the plane. K kicks the bear, which throws him into the plane. From the first aid kit that appears, K takes a syringe and injects the bear with it at the moment when an ice floe with a hammer begins to float down the river. The bear throws K into the river. At a well-chosen moment, the hammer from the ice floe ends up on the shore and Sh takes it. Sh places a stone near the bear’s den, and a wing on the stone. K hits the bear with a hammer and immediately climbs onto the wing - a swing. The bear throws K onto the post. K tears off the left wire (click on the post), then click on the right wire to cross the river. Sh takes the wire (click on the pole or wire) and climbs onto the pole.

4. Station area
The task is to pick up a lying crowbar. Then - to the control room (directly).

5. Control room
The task is to collect all 3 compositions.
Move the trailers along the tracks like tag. The trailers move on their own (but only to adjacent sections of the track); you need to indicate which trailer and where to move it. First, the green train is assembled, then the train with tanks and timber is assembled.

6. Platform
The task is to get on the train.
(until the Control Room is completed, there will be no train in this scene).
Since the conductor won’t let us in, we use perverted methods. A colleague barbarously throws (sticks) a piece of scrap picked up on the square into a conveyor belt, from which various objects fall off. The cage falls - Sh climbs into the cage, is carried away by a servant, after which Sh in the cage ends up on the train. That leaves K. You need to sequentially throw a suitcase off the conveyor, then a box with a red ribbon. K opens a box from which bees fly out. K gets scared by the bees, jumps away and gets into the suitcase. The conductor takes the suitcase.

7. Wall steps
The task is to climb the wall.
K extends the steps in the wall, pulling the rings in the first row. The chief climbs the adjacent steps to the right, left and diagonally. The wall is Chinese, and therefore cunning and incomprehensible - along with normal steps, false steps also appear, which spontaneously disappear.
Possible route (ABCDE - columns from left to right, row numbers - bottom to top):
K - B1, C1
W - C1, D2, E3, D4,C5,D6,E7
K - D1
Ш - D8
K - E1
W - E9
K - A1
W - D10, C11, D12, top of wall

8. On the wall (center, left, right)
The task is to fly off into space on firecrackers (don't try this at home!).
Sh goes to the left and takes a ladder there, returns to the center and places it on the left. Sh climbs up, takes a pickaxe on the platform above and climbs down. K knocks down the lock on the hatch with a poker, Sh opens the door. Sh climbs onto one of the platforms (the left one, for example). K takes the firecracker and sets it off (use the firecracker on K). Sh tries to jump on a flying large firecracker. The same must be repeated for K - K takes the firecracker and launches it and immediately jumps onto the platform (for example, the right one) and tries to jump on the firecracker. If unsuccessful, repeat.

9. Satellite (arcade)
The task is to catch the satellite.
When the satellite takes off, position the heroes so that K is at the level of the satellite (for example, in the middle of the screen), and W is a level higher (for example, at the top of the screen). When the satellite approaches the pilots, click Sh on the satellite and they will catch it.
Control - select a character and click the mouse on the top, middle or bottom of the screen.

10. Buoys
The task is to get to the opposite side.
When jumping on buoys, they react by flipping over and throwing the characters some distance in different directions. The direction and distance of the character's throwing depends on: (a) the type of buoy (there are three types in total), (b) the state of the buoy (as inverted - 2 options for each type), (c) the character (K ​​and W are thrown back at different distances), ( d) what is the counting drop from the start of the jump (no more than 3).
Control - select a character and click on the buoy to jump on.
Passage is possible in different ways.
A possible (but not optimal) passage option (abvgdezhz - columns from left to right, row numbers - top to bottom):
K: a5 -> g6 (sinks)
W: a3 -> (to the shore), a3 -> g3 -> d4 -> e4 -> g6 -> z6 -> (leaving)
K: a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6 (jump to the shore), a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6 -> z6, a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6, a5 (3 times), a5 -> g6 (jump to the shore), a5 (3 times), a5 - > g6 -> z6 (leaves)

11. Sydney (street, gateway)
The task is to borrow a red car from the parking lot.
You can pick up a car from the parking lot by paying 3 coins to the locking machine. Two coins are given out by the bottle machine and one is hidden by a crow in a traffic light above the road.
Pick up a corkscrew. To rummage through the trash container and pick up the fallen bottle. Return the bottle to the machine, which will give you a coin for it. K opens the hatch with a corkscrew, Sh steps into the sewer. They both get out in the backyard. There you need to collect Ш boxes (at least 7 pieces), put your colleague in the trash can (hide), close Ш wires on the wall on the right. Repeat until the bottle and weight fall out. We take them and return to the street (through the sewer). Sh hands over another bottle and gets another coin. Sh throws the weight at the Kangaroo or onto the road. Then Sh builds a pyramid of boxes under the traffic light (click the box under the traffic light) onto which K climbs (he can only climb one box, so we build Sh and climb K one by one). K takes another coin from the traffic light. We use the coins on the locking machine in the parking lot for the red car and leave.

12. Jeep breakdown (with arch and lake)
The task is to fill the car with cactus tincture.
Take K in the car horn. We go into the middle passage, K blows the horn - this gets the ostrich scared and breaks the bridge with his head. Sh pulls the plug out of the pipe - water from the lake drains and floods the volcano. We return to the left, go to the upper passage, take away the canister. We return to the left, go to the lower passage, take the W tap sticking out in the volcano (the volcano should already be extinguished). We return to the left, go to the middle passage, insert the W tap onto the pipe (the lake is filling). Open the tap and thereby water the cactus. Remove the K tap. We go left again and then into the lower passage, stick the tap into the cactus, open the tap and fill the canister. We return to the left and pour the canister into the car. We're leaving.

13. Ostrich
The task is to catch an ostrich (for the purpose of using it “as a means of transportation”).
You can complete the task using the main behavioral feature of ostriches - sticking their head into the sand when scared. If suddenly instead of sand there is an iron well cover, this is already an ostrich's problem.
Take the horn and remove the cover from the well, put it in place somewhere in the center of the screen where it is placed. Place K somewhere behind a flowering cactus, drive W the ostrich so that he stands on the lying lid. Scare Ostrich with a horn (Colleague), Ostrich hits his head on the lid and falls unconscious. Sh tie an ostrich.

14. Base
The task is to get onto a guarded submarine.
Click W on the sign, then K on the column of the sign. K climbs over the fence and takes a small stone under the wooden pier. K hits the switchboard cabinet (gray booth) with a stone, opens it and turns off the switch. Sh climbs over the fence (click on the fence) and pulls out the wire (the closest one, from the lamp post). K places a stone in the drain of the hand pump. Sh pumps the pump four times. While the pillar with the bell is under voltage from the resulting puddle (the puddle gradually dries up), Sh and K go to the submarine.

15. Pool with a submarine
The task is to get out of the pool.
Sh takes a lifebuoy and hangs it on the bow of the boat (puts it on the pipe). Sh pulls out a floating car (green cube). K ties the rope to the circle and removes the circle. Sh catches a light green mug around. To catch a fish in the mug - click on the bubbles that appear in the center of the pool. Sh puts the circle on the pipe. K ties the fish to a rope and the fisherman pulls them out.

16. City of Portassa
The task is to climb out the window.
Move the vase with the Chief (A colleague will help). K rummage through the trash can and W take the boomerang. Take the laundry (K) and rope (W). Knock down the coconut with a boomerang (U boomerang onto the coconut from the place where the vase stood before) and take it (K).

Game rating - 8 out of 12

A good, and most importantly long quest! The game interface was revived, but I personally liked it better. In addition, the controls are similar and the style has not been changed. The plot of the game, of course, is not ideal, but it is consistent and exciting! Funny videos (my son is 5 years old, he watched it with pleasure as a cartoon, in some places he laughed until he dropped). So many young questers will also like it. As a rule, the level takes place in one game location, so it’s hard to get stuck! Note that I had to look into the solution 4 times (the first time at level 13 and the last at 19)!

Our opinion:
  • There are not enough labels for items, for example, when I sat down to play, the first object I picked up, I couldn’t immediately understand whether it was a jack or a pump.
  • You cannot save in the game. There is access to any level, but it cannot be started from the beginning. If you, for example, want to start over from the fourth level, then you need to select the third and go through it there from the last automatic save
  • It’s a pity that we moved away from the “trick” of the first two parts, where there was a principle of 1 location = 1 level.
  • In some places the area of ​​action is poorly lit. For example, in the last stage, the lid did not come off the trash can the first time. So because of such bugs, I personally had to look into the game’s solution.

Most of you probably remember the cult cartoon “Koloboks Are Investigating,” which gave birth to several computer games and one mediocre television show. The main characters of this crazy, but so close and understandable to Russian people animated action were the immortal Chief and Colleague. After the resounding success of the animated film, “Koloboks” were for some reason renamed “Pilots” (this marketing ploy, by the way, did not obey common sense). After which the fate of the Chief and Colleague changed dramatically: they went into oblivion. There were no new cartoons, and the TV show turned out to be far from being as interesting and rated as the holders of the “Brothers-Pilots” trading park expected.

During the existence of these wonderful characters, two games were released; both are the best representatives of the “domestic quest with all the ensuing consequences” genre. The spirit of the “old Koloboks” was still felt in the games, but their success was brought to a greater extent by the quest hunger of our compatriots during the years when the very concept of “domestic game project” appeared.

Today we will talk about the third part of the adventures of the Pilot Brothers, called by the developers “The Other Side of the Earth”. This is still a classic pixel hunting, a two-dimensional quest that tells about the next investigation of our wonderful heroes. I dissected this quest, and I was persistently tormented by deja vu: familiar characters, a plot close to the previous two parts, graphics and riddles - all in the spirit of the very first “Pilots”. And, nevertheless, the game cannot be considered as a sequel - it is rather a play on old ideas on a new technical basis (which is worth one engine from the impressive “K-D Lab”). Is this good or bad? Don't know. Honestly. Those who are not familiar with the first games in the series will certainly enjoy “The Other Side of the Earth,” but for older players, seasoned by years of quest-shamanism, the project may seem too familiar. So we give the project a golden order: since for new players the game deserves a crown, but the old ones are unlikely to appreciate the project above the medal. We'll settle it on that.

Control and interface

Since the game is a classic pixel hunting game, I won’t delve into the jungle of controls: everything that can be taken must be taken, everything that can be used must be applied, everything that needs to be said, if you please, must be said. The only thing I want to note is that some actions can be performed by a Colleague, others by the Chief. Some puzzles require the interaction of both of our heroes, but read the manual for more details on this.

The game has arcade moments. Unfortunately, the developers did not bother to attach a certificate to them, so sometimes such episodes cause bewilderment among players who do not suffer from quest-schizophrenia. You can also read about all the features of completing such missions below.

It is impossible to save in the game. When you start a new stage, the game saves automatically, so I highly recommend playing to the checkpoint before leaving the game, otherwise you will have to start all over again. Good luck!

As a tie-in

One early morning of a beautiful sunny day, when most of the grannies had long occupied the nearby benches, the Chief and Colleague were having breakfast, like the rest of the millions of citizens of the Soviet Union. The happy and communist-verified year of 1950 was moving along: “Five-year plan in four years”, “Each family has its own apartment” and “Ice cream for the children, flowers for the woman” have long since entered the life of every self-respecting Soviet person, known to the world community as citizen.

Colleague, what is “Modern Soviet Propaganda” writing about today? - Chef asked while chewing a sandwich with liver for 2 rubles a kilo.

Inedible sausage, “tea with an elephant” and tangerines from Cuba, which is ideologically and politically friendly to us - these are the obligatory attributes of the traditional Soviet breakfast, present in every self-respecting party family. It is worth noting, however, that our heroes did not bother themselves with such thoughts. The Soviet system - the most honest and just in the world - lived as if next door to them, and only occasionally burdened the Chief and Colleague with contacts with the Motherland-The-Only-And-

Unique: the party newspaper in the morning, brainwashing in the regional committee and weekly visits from the local police officer - that was the little that ordinary citizens could claim.

But let's return to our heroes. Breakfast continued:

I don't understand anything! - responded the Colleague, biting a cactus instead of a bun for 12 kopecks of Asian origin. However, he didn’t feel any special taste differences, and therefore he finished the poor plant along with a cheap clay pot.

Give me a newspaper,” said the Chief, snatching a plump pack of excellent Soviet paper from his friend’s hands. - Interesting, very interesting...

"Attention! Comrades, on our friendly island of Tasmania, which is moving towards a bright socialist future, an emergency occurred (Emergency Occurrence, comrade). A rare species of blue striped elephant is almost on the verge of extinction. As the ideologically correct Tasmanian press notes, the complete extinction of this extremely friendly animal could lead to an international environmental problem. The best scientists of the USSR have already headed to the island in order to conduct their own investigation and identify the reasons for the disappearance of the beautiful blue elephants. Comrades, you will find a detailed report on the work done in our next issue. In the meantime, we bring to your attention statements from the best cultural figures of the USSR.

Borya Museev: Comrades, we simply must save these blue ones! Who, if not we, the Soviet people, with all our power and social responsibility, are ready to help an endangered species? At a time when trouble hangs over the gays, give them a helping hand, comrade!

Alla Pugalkina: I am ready to give all my million red roses just to save these noble elephants.

Boris B. from England, which is unfriendly to us: Elephants definitely need to be saved. But I have a question: will those who save them no longer be persecuted by the NKVD?

Anya Ivanova, specially for “Modern Soviet Propaganda”

Colleague, we simply must save these animals! - the Chief shouted in a fit of rage. - I feel like nature is least to blame here!

I don't understand anything!

This appears to be the work of organized crime! - the Chief hissed ominously.

I don't understand anything!

Perhaps we will meet our old friend Karbafos!

I don't understand anything!

Colleague, is your record stuck? - the Chief was surprised.

No, I just really don’t understand anything! - With these words, the Colleague again began to stubbornly gnaw the bonsai. Next in line were buttercups, tulips and begonias, and for dessert rose petals and gladioli. Apparently, the Colleague has finally switched to a “flower” diet.

The journey begins!- Well, Colleague, to get to Tasmania, we will first need to fly to China, and from there the island is just a stone’s throw away!

Brilliant, Chief! But our old plane was actually dismantled into pieces! We will have to work hard to bring it back to normal...

Never mind, we'll bring you! - the Chief answered enthusiastically. He always said that when he realized that his faithful friend would do the main work.

Going out into the courtyard of the house, surrounded by a whole galaxy of magnificent plaster statues in the style of “Pioneers and all-all-all,” our brave pathfinders stumbled upon their old plane, battered by time and the battles of the Second World War. And it was difficult to call this set of bright scarlet parts an airplane.

So, colleague, we need wings and a propeller,” the Chief stated after inspecting the aircraft. - And also, apparently, a little kerosene wouldn’t hurt, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem with it - there’s a whole tank over there!

Everything you need can be found in the house! - answered the Colleague, considering the menu for dinner. Will you really have to gnaw on the tough shoots of young daffodils? Moreover, the crazy grandmother Dunya is ready to kill for her beloved flowers!

In the living room, the Chief took the jack, and the Colleague borrowed an empty bottle from the closet.

Are you planning to hand over the container? - asked the Chief.

I don't understand anything! - answered the Colleague, and then added. - We'll pour fuel here!

The chief turned on the fan, climbed onto the table and set up the jack.

Colleague, would you like to join?

The colleague also climbed onto the table, then onto the jack. The chief slowly raised it to fan level. Another moment - - - and the Colleague was sitting on the cabinet. Taking the jar of jam, he jumped down. This is what hunger means - nine-year-old jam is in use! In the yard, the Colleague emptied the jar completely, and then threw it at a crow - a pest of fields and just a very bad bird, as they write in the zoology textbooks of the Soviet school - the most fair and interesting school in the world.

With the fragments of the can, the Colleague again climbed onto the cabinet and, cutting the rope, received a wing from an old airplane for eternal use. The boss turned off the fan, and his friend was able to pick up the propeller - the second part needed to lift their scrap metal into the air. While the Colleague looked lovingly at the remains of the cactus, the Chief, using a jack in the yard, filled a bottle with kerosene and mounted the wing into the plane. A colleague completed the repair work by attaching the propeller, which had served as a fan all its life, to the nose of the aircraft.

Well, Colleague, you did a great job! - The Chief praised his partner.

By screws! - the Colleague answered joyfully as a child, climbing inside.

A few more minutes - and the ancient plane, with a creak and a pitiful squeak, took off into the air. In the Chief's pocket was a map with the route of their new adventure marked with a blue dotted line. The pilot brothers are back in action!

Unreal flight- We're flying well, Colleague! - said the Chief, peering into the night distance.

A sad moon hung lonely in the sky. Its huge light yellow disk looked into lakes and rivers, seas and oceans, was reflected in clear water and went back into space, like a sunbeam that touched the surface of a mirror. This connection between Earth and Heaven, Simple and Complex, is common on our planet. But people rarely notice the difference between reality and its reflection. Why, people there, even frogs looked displeasedly at their swamp and their unexpected guest - the moon. If they didn’t notice the catch, then how can we master this science?

There were still about two thousand kilometers left to the border with China. The flight took place in a friendly atmosphere: the Chief and the Colleague discussed the problems of Tasmania and ways to solve them. Having dined on fried dandelions - as it turned out, the Colleague had not prepared any other food for the flight - the Chief fell asleep, leaving his comrade in charge. This is where he made his main mistake...

It is important: and here is the first arcade stage. It’s quite simple to pass it: all you need to do is dodge the black clouds in time; you don’t have to be afraid of the white ones. If you do run into a black cloud, the plane will turn in the opposite direction, which is absolutely unacceptable! In this case, you need to crash again and, preferably, fly to the end of the stage without serious problems.

The chief woke up from an unclear noise coming from somewhere to the right. As it turned out later, it was the side of the plane that was on fire. The colleague “looking after” the plane was sleeping peacefully and apparently having pleasant dreams, otherwise why would he smile dreamily and nod his head approvingly? Did you really go to a flower shop?

It was too late to correct the situation: the plane was crashing, and nothing could be done about it. The engine roared and died. “Here we go!” - thought the Chief.

“There is no more attraction!” - A colleague remembered in a dream a phrase from a song by the famous folk patriotic ensemble named after the native Viagra...

Taiga novel

Our brave travelers woke up on the outskirts of the taiga forest. Somewhere in the distance the lights of a big city loomed, which meant they still had a chance to get to China. Lonely snowflakes were falling from the sky - winter was already coming to an end, giving way to the beauty of spring. The ice on the river had practically melted, and only occasionally lone pieces of ice floated here and there. On one of these ice floes, the Chief noticed a hammer - a useful thing in adventures! In his den, the bear was sleeping quietly, snoring. Just before waking up, he, like a small child, practically fell into a coma, catching the last days of a quiet life. And then problems begin: fishing, courting the fair sex, taking care of small children. And all this for the sake of one goal: to fall into hibernation again next fall - the calmest time in his life.

Colleague, wake up! - The boss slapped his friend on the face several times.

I don’t understand anything, where are we? - the Colleague asked in surprise.

In the taiga. And we somehow magically need to cross this river. I think there in the distance,” the Chief pointed to the lights flickering in the predawn fog, “is a large city. There clearly must be a railway there.

Well, let's get started! - With these words, the Colleague approached the bear and began to mock the poor animal. The bear endured it for a long time, thinking that it was all just a bad dream, but when he realized that someone was tormenting him in reality, he immediately woke up and sent that someone to sleep it off in the crashed plane. Then the Colleague found a first aid kit, took out a syringe and put it in his pocket.

The chief borrowed a wing and a stone from the damaged airliner. Meanwhile, the Colleague again went to the bear, who had managed to fall asleep and forget the annoying people. At that moment, when an ice floe with a hammer floated past the shore, a colleague gave the bear a painful injection. The animal didn’t take long to wait and a few seconds later threw Chef’s friend onto the ice floe. The hammer was carefully hidden in his pocket.

The chief placed a stone near the bear's den, and on it a wing from an airplane. The result was something resembling a swing. A colleague approached the den - poor bear! - and hit him in the side with all his strength with a hammer, and then quickly climbed onto the makeshift swing. Waking up, the animal slammed its paw on the engineering structure. “He hits, that means he loves!” - thought the bear and fell asleep again in his den. And now our brave hero is already standing on the high voltage line. Tearing off one of the wires, he threw it to the Chief. He was able to get to the other side without difficulty. The city was already waiting for them!

Station for two

From the news release:

“Moscow speaks and shows! The plane of our delegates, sent to resolve the international conflict on the island of Tasmania, crashed somewhere in the Siberian taiga. The version of the American trace is now being checked. As the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs stated: “If the Americans really took such a step, then they will be very unlucky.” As all international news agencies state, the government of America, which is unfriendly to us, declared its non-involvement in this incident and expressed confidence that this incident will not affect bilateral relations between the countries.”

Dawn. A huge, bright orange disk of the morning sun lazily rose above the awakening city, painting the surrounding area the color of gold. Lonely crows sat on tree branches - they were still sleepy, and therefore reacted sluggishly to those around them, without their former enthusiasm and prowess. Dawn and the city. An unprecedented combination. When the sun - an unchanging miracle of nature - floods the ever-changing streets of a hi-tech metropolis with bright light, the line between new and old, classic and modern is especially visible. In every detail: be it sunbeams from the windows of houses or a light haze between sky and earth - a distortion characteristic of dawn.

And here is the station! - the Colleague shouted enthusiastically, examining the huge stone building in the early Renaissance style.

Great! - answered the Chief, entering the courtyard of the building.

There was a crowbar lying on the ground - certainly an extremely useful thing. Our friends did not fail to pick it up, and then headed to the control room - they needed to put the passenger train they needed on the tracks leading to China. Otherwise, the entire operation could be in jeopardy.

It is important: In the control room, the well-known, ancient, like the Universe itself, task of rearranging trains awaits you. There are, respectively, three trains on three tracks. You need the green passenger train to be on the first platform - that is, near the station building itself. Achieving this is simple: gradually move one car after another, and you will achieve success. Fortunately, the developers made plenty of free cells, and therefore this problem does not require a detailed guide.

Excellent, Chief!

As always, Colleague! Trains and logic are two things that live in perfect harmony!

I don't understand anything!

You don't need it...

Once on the platform, the Chief and Colleague approached the carriage and knocked.

Well, what do you want? - the conductor asked in a sleepy, slightly drunken voice, opening the door of the carriage.

“We’re going to China,” answered the Colleague.

Do you have tickets, or do you prefer to ride as hares? - the conductor asked with a grin, yawning unceremoniously.

Well, you can use rabbits,” said the Colleague, not seeing the irony in the conductor’s words.

Oh, rabbits, well, here I am now...

Total: two half-corpses lay near the doors of the baggage car. The guide, although he was slightly drunk, still maintained his balance. It was felt that this strong guy had previously practiced either karate or boxing.

Don't get upset my friend! We'll get on the train through the baggage car!

The colleague, obeying the boss’s demands, used a crowbar found in the station courtyard to throw the cage off the conveyor. The chief opened it - a crow flew out; and then quickly, while the loader was not looking, he climbed inside. So, one of our heroes was already inside, but what about the other?

A colleague repeated the same trick, but now sequentially: first the suitcase, and then the box with the ribbon. A few moments later he joined the Chief. Another moment - and the train started moving.

Mysteries of China

The train arrived in the southern province of China on schedule. The Chief and Colleague quietly got out of the baggage car and, while the loaders were carrying out the goods, carefully, without disturbing anyone, they slipped into the station. The unique atmosphere of the Chinese city immediately washed over them: the proximity of communism and Western trends was striking. East and West mixed, creating a completely new, daring and yet elegant and unique style. Here, paper kites and lanterns coexisted with fashionable boutiques and supermarkets. TV announcers were still reporting the victory of socialism, and at the same time they were broadcasting news of the economic miracle of the West. This was already a different country, so different from our native USSR - like a caricature in a fashionable glossy magazine. It was another world - the universe of China.

By taxi, the Chief and Colleague reached the Great Wall of China - one of the most famous wonders of the world. After paying the driver, they were able to carefully examine the wall. Truly a monumental building. The stone fence stretched from right to left all the way to the horizon, merging with the sky. It seemed that Heaven and Earth had become one, as if the spirits of the Great Emperors were still feeding this object with their energy, designed to protect China from the raids of nomadic tribes.

Well, Colleague, we are here! - summed up the Chief. - It's time to climb the wall.

This time the Chief decided to do it on his own, without the help of a friend. A few minutes of climbing and - voila! - he is already on the wall, throws a rope to his Colleague and slowly lifts him onto the stone structure.

It is important: This is where one of the biggest disappointments in the game awaits us - total glitches. The task seems to be simple: climb along the ledges onto the wall, pushing out special planks at the bottom. But in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated: many boards immediately close after opening, others do this several times - one gets the impression that it is generally impossible to go through this stage. The most likely option for passing is to push out one plank after another, climb to the highest point, push it back and move a new one. I highly recommend also getting a patch that corrects this error.

The observation deck of the Great Wall of China turned out to be empty: the usually busy tourist spot is closed for maintenance work - they say microbiologists discovered the ancient Umbula virus on the stones, but this was most likely a rumor started by the yellow press and had nothing to do with reality.

Chief, how will we get to Tasmania? - asked the Colleague. This question had occupied him for the past few hours. - The train doesn’t go there, our plane crashed. And besides, the nearest airport is 500-600 kilometers away, if not more.

Elementary, Wat... Colleague, on a spaceship. Our Soviet spies have stockpiled a small supply of pyrotechnic gadgets capable of launching us into orbit.

But this is terribly unsafe! - Chef's friend was indignant.

When did you think about safety? - the Chief laughed. - Was it not when they ate my begonia and daffodils?

I don't understand anything!

To begin with, our friends took the stairs on the left. With her help, the Chief borrowed a pickaxe lying on the top. A colleague - a burglary specialist - destroyed the lock in a warehouse with pyrotechnics and approached the rocket launcher. At this time, the Chief climbed onto the ledge of the wall and, after his friend set fire to the shell, jumped onto it and flew off into endless space. The Colleague did the same, but where would he be without the Chief?

It is important: When you perform a trick with a Colleague, you will have to act much faster than in the case of the Chief. Light the rocket and quickly jump onto the far right ledge, and then, when the shell flies up, you will immediately join your friend.

Weightlessness From the morning edition of “Modern Soviet Propaganda”:

“Our brave travelers, Comrade Chief and Comrade Colleague, accomplished one of the most remarkable space flights: connecting with a satellite using our friendly Chinese fireworks is a feat worthy of emulation. Thousands of boys and girls began to prepare themselves for similar achievements aimed at the benefit of the Communist Party - our strength and protector of the oppressed. Every pioneer, Komsomol member, party organizer dreams of repeating the feat of the great comrades Chief and Colleague! Hurray, comrades!”

Open space. Magnificence is the only epithet suitable for this grandiose spectacle. Billions of stars: each with its own history, its own charm and indescribable mystery. And here is our old lady Earth, the eternal companion of humanity - “Our Everything,” as a columnist for some gaming publication would say. Our Everything is what gives life and just as easily takes it away. The Queen of Peace is the young princess of the galaxy.

The Chief and the Colleague climbed into the satellite as it flew past. Having sorted out the equipment, they began to slowly descend. Another minute - and the views of cities, towns, mountains and seas began to transform: from a blurry picture a landscape was born, the same one so easily recognizable to any Soviet person who had watched enough of the “Travelers Club”. Sydney is the capital of Australia.

Well, Colleague, congratulations, there are only a few kilometers left to Tasmania.

It is important: Another arcade game awaits you in space. But going through this stage is more than simple: the Colleague must be at the level of the companion, and the Chief must be higher. And as soon as the satellite flies up, you can catch it.

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