Review of the game saints row. Saints Row: The Third - game review. Guys die for "respect"

Hello young people! If you've been to Stillwater. you've probably heard of me. After all, it is I who permanently lead the Saints, the best gang in the city. We know how to make gang wars fun and boring everyday life crazy. Today we're not talking about Stillwater. our hometown, but about how we lost it.

This story, like many others, began with trouble. The “saints” softened in the rays of glory, like a piece of butter in the sun, and were so carried away by narcissism and advertising that they squandered everything - money, respect, connections. Even the great Johnny Gat died! The “holy” business decided to take over the insidious Syndicate - an international criminal organization of such a scale that no one had even heard of them. After a small incident on the plane, the remnants of the gang (all three people!) found themselves in enemy territory - without money or weapons. But under the close attention of other bandits, ready to tear apart uninvited guests at the first word of the head of the Syndicate. Before we began the fight to return to its former greatness, we had to survive. But they would not be Saints if they did not survive with a twinkle!

A city where there is no time to sleep

Steelport is a small town, but beautiful in its own way. Some may not like the acidic colors of the neon signs, but the Saints immediately felt at home here. Yes, the city has its own cosmetic shortcomings, such as poor road textures or low rendering range of objects, but this is not the fault of the builders, but an inevitable consequence of its console origin. The main thing is that there is never a dull moment in Steelport.

As soon as the degree of madness did not rise during the small and victorious “holy* war for the redistribution of spheres of influence! Jumping from and to an airplane, wrestling, naked races, capturing government facilities, traveling with wild animals, destroying zombies, filming... In order to defeat a particularly malicious hacker, I even had to transfer my mind into a program. And how events began to spin and lasers flared when the BOAR organization descended on Steelport! Such a war is perhaps only in “ Star Wars"You'll see.

Often decisions had to be made that affected the final reward. Blow up a skyscraper for the sake of respect or keep it for yourself for the sake of profit? Should I take the live cargo to a den or to a base? Kill your sworn enemy or save your friends? Steelport often gives you choice, and in this city you feel free.

And even after the main story missions, there is something to do here. Something is constantly happening in the city, and in order to raise your authority and get some money, you have to react to these events in a timely manner. Shadow business will not come into your hands on its own. To control the city, you must regularly engage in brutal battles with the enemy, protect drug couriers and girls, buy real estate, or do completely strange things. Helps keep the situation under control mobile phone, where all the necessary information is collected.

Apartments with all amenities

In Steelport you can also find a lot of advanced weapons, which can also be upgraded for money. This is very useful considering that there are a lot of enemies: if you run out of machine gun cartridges, you grab your rifle. Only shotguns with their painfully long reload times are relatively useless: the dynamics of battles do not forgive this. When the authority is already great and money flows like a river, abilities become available for purchase that make the ammunition supply endless and the reload instantaneous. But we still have to live until this sweet moment!

Another reason to love Steelport is its luxurious fleet of vehicles for all occasions. In my garage there are already four variations of tanks, several cars with a personally developed design and the best imported parts, and motorcycles. Naturally, there are planes in the hangar, helicopters on the site, and boats in the dock. The best examples - jet-powered vertical take-off transformers - were kindly shared by soldiers from KABANA. I would especially like to note how easy it is to control air transport: you sit down, fly and shoot at your opponents. Many people now love to go into realism, but ordinary people then suffer - it’s good that this does not apply to the creators of the Steelport technique.

But cars on the road behave very strangely: they either run into each other, or collide like boxes. It can be especially funny to crash a car into a truck and watch how it is thrown to the side. Here, I must admit, a little realism would not hurt. But the cars are destroyed believably.

If you are going to Steelport. be sure to remember two things. Firstly, the pace of life here is absolutely frantic. Cars are rushing around like crazy, everyone is talking very quickly, and events are developing faster than a zombie epidemic. Secondly, everything here is very convenient. Seriously, all the annoying little things that are found in similar sandbox cities have been removed. Fell into the water? With the wave of one key you swim ashore! How long does it take to sink a car? Here you can do it instantly by jumping into the cabin through the glass! Do you often change radio stations? In your phone's player, you can create a playlist of your favorite songs and block your least favorite station altogether. But in general, of course, their repertoire is rather poor. For such a small town, eight stations is normal, but there could be more music on them.

The sound design here is not so great at all: the engines are quiet and monotonous, the weapons sound pleasant only after modernization. But there are plenty of delights for the eyes: plastic surgeons, clothing stores and tattoo parlors allow you to change your appearance in millions of different ways. You won’t find such freedom of self-expression in any other city, even if you can also go BASE jumping and rob your own stores there.

Work as a team

Although every "Saint" is a cross between Schwarzenegger. Stallone and Jackie Chan with a liquid metal terminator, it’s not so easy for them to survive. There are a lot of enemies. They are not very smart, but they are hardy and there are many of them. In addition to ordinary bandits, there are thugs and specialists. Brutes are just big guys who fight hard and often carry heavy machine guns or flamethrowers. Specialists work more subtly: they can be snipers, grenadiers, fast rollers or wielders of heavy shields. You need to look for an individual approach to such special opponents.

This funny little car (Gat Mobile) also has a flamethrower built into its cigarette!

Naturally, three people cannot win a war against an entire city. Gradually, the Saints make new friends - funny, original and loyal to their gang to the last. Each has its own story and character, and each gives a reason to laugh more than once. And they are all very different - there are only two characters in the entire game that can be confused. And that's only because they are twins.

Steelport is not very hospitable to singles, and it is best to conquer the city with a trusted friend. Discovering the secrets of the city together is a great way to have fun. Brothers are good, but a friend’s shoulder is somehow more reliable. Steelport is a real whirlpool of poisonous colors, enchanting parodies, humor, a story stunning in its absurdity and inimitably cheerful action. This city has its own dark sides and roughness, but they are so insignificant compared to the advantages that you quickly forget about them. If you want to brighten up a few evenings with a good, fun and not too... challenging game- your wish is fulfilled.

The rewarding cars in the game are worth fighting for.


A few errors, poor translation, average graphics and sound - that's all the shortcomings. All. regarding the plot, characters and gameplay, brought almost to perfection. The combination of the authors' unbridled imagination, humor, concern for convenience and variety in everything gave the world an ideal, perfectly relaxing entertainment game.


A magnificent example of pure entertainment, confidently juggling all sorts of humor and parodies. The craziest and most fun phenomenon in the genre of GTA-style games in recent years.

Final score: 8 points out of 10!

Review Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Joy is the main emotion that arises when starting Saints Row: The Third. Nobody hid that Volition was making the same GTA, only without the pretentious tinsel - they didn’t ask for more.

GTA is a genre-defining pillar, a masterpiece, a game that all representatives of the “sandbox in the city” genre are trying to emulate. Many people still believe that GTA can only be made by Rockstar, and, of course, they are right in some ways. Only Rockstar is trying to make its games more realistic and believable every year. We are amazed at the well-developed physics of car movement, the physics of human bodies, the harmonious change of day and night, the behavior of people on the street, destructibility, and much more. But behind all this, GTA has lost something...

Already in 2006, Volition released a game that did not try to imitate new GTA, it did not have the pathos and seriousness that the progenitor series was so striving for at that time. On the contrary, the game was filled with hair-raising jokes, all kinds of parodies, hurricane action and hopeless madness, in general, it tried to move away from modern standards and return to the roots - the first parts of all favorite GTA(remember how nicely we were able to crush the crowd of pioneers getting off the bus there). The second part consolidated the success, increasing the degree of madness to unimaginable heights - it was in this game that we could water our houses with human waste from the corresponding machine. They simply didn’t let us get bored: interesting story, additional tasks, incredible mini-games. There was also an amazing character editor that you could sit with for hours.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

The character editor pleases with variety

As a result, the series walked a very fine line, a little more ass-outhouse jokes, a little more explicit scenes and crazy characters, and the next game could have slipped into the category of trash. So the developers had difficult task– to improve everything that was included in the series, without slipping into obscenity and third grade.

Big Bank Robbery

Saints Row: The Third starts with a classic GTA bank robbery. Only here it’s a hundred times more fun, more active and with a bunch of cutscenes. What is worth it is that the heroes wear masks with the face of their own brother, explaining this by the fact that who would rob a bank in their own masks... Immediately we are given endless cartridges, crowds of enemies climbing from all doors, a safe that we tear out with rooted from the bank itself using a helicopter. The degree of madness is turned up to the maximum, it is impossible to break away, but in the end they catch us.

Only now we are allowed to create our own character. And this is a separate topic for discussion. Saints Row: The Third has one of the best character editors. It’s a special pleasure to try to make yourself. Even little things like moles are taken into account. Or you can not try to sculpt yourself, but make the funniest character possible. This is how charming blondes with the voice of a zombie are born, or, conversely, a zombie with a pronounced Slavic accent or a grandpa in a newfangled rapper outfit. There are very, very many options. Sometimes you catch yourself thinking that you’ve been playing the game for an hour, but you still haven’t seen the game itself. The developers separately released a character editor instead of a demo version - and even then people began to Create and share their work on the website And who you won’t see there: Dante from Devil May Cry, Spider-Man, Jessica Rabbit, singer Beyonce, the list of celebrities can be continued for a very long time.
When the editor finally lets go of his tenacious embrace, our newly created character goes straight to prison, from where he and his brothers are taken to a certain international mafia boss. The fact is that at the very beginning of the game we robbed his bank. Now he wants the Saints to pay him a cut. But our heroes are not like that, they bravely tear off the handcuffs and in just a couple of minutes they smash the captor’s plane to smithereens, while managing to jump out of the plane by parachute several times. In fact, this scene is more like some kind of Hollywood blockbuster: one minute we smash the face of some security guard, and the next moment dozens of cars fly out of the airplane hatch, and the hero jumps out after him and grabs his partner, and a couple of seconds later we shoot through the windshield the same plane and, in the style of the Matrix, we fly through this entire aircraft, not forgetting to shoot the remaining enemies. In the end, the heroes land in the city of Steelport. It turns out that the mafia stole all the money from the Saints' accounts and we have to start everything from scratch - a classic GTA beginning. And now the main gameplay of Saints Row: The Third begins. Even if you don’t start going through the company’s missions, there is something to do in Steelport - the local sandbox is akin to the one in GTA: San Andreas . We entertain ourselves. You can literally do anything. If you want to do BASE jumping, you’re welcome, if you want to ride on the roofs of cars like surfing, no problem, or maybe you like to ride a burning ATV and set everything and everyone around on fire - yes, it’s here on every corner. You can also look for hidden money, drugs, rubber dolls, deliver whores, strengthen your courage (the hero rides in a car with an angry tiger), run naked, drive horny celebrities, jump in front of cars (to make money on insurance), shoot entire neighborhoods from a tank and much more - the game is full of such fun mini-missions. Steelport is divided into areas controlled by three factions, which united for a time to oppose the Saints. Since our main task is to capture the entire city, the heroes constantly have to fight with one gang or another. Sometimes we are called by phone to defend already captured territory. Well, besides all this, the Saints can simply buy shops, factories, hospitals, in general, almost all the buildings in the city. There is something for everyone. But you can also tune almost every car in the game and stuff it with spokes to cut off legs or puncture tires. The company does not lag behind the sandbox. Yes, it is linear and short, but every mission here is like a selection. You get most of the pleasure from jokes, funny situations and beautiful moments from the plot. At first we simply recruit people into a new gang. Yes, in such a game these are not simple brothers, but individuals hypertrophied in some direction. Believe me, you won’t forget them for a long time! In the middle of the game, when we annoy our no less brilliant enemies, they will also be joined by super-military soldiers from the BOAR squad. All of them are armed with laser weapons, drive fantastic tanks, fly airplanes and helicopters with vertical take-off. And they are controlled by a seemingly brutal man with the most peaceful face. The city is put under quarantine, and our hero begins to literally become important, as there are an order of magnitude more enemies. At some point (of course, not without our help) an entire area of ​​the city is filled with zombies, and, accordingly, the degree of fun grows even more. Pumping should deserve a special mention. For all our actions in the game: be it killing bandits or driving in oncoming traffic, we are awarded experience points, the hero increases his level. With each level we gain new abilities that we have to buy with money. There are a lot of these same abilities and they range from the ability to steal money from the pockets of passers-by to endless health. The pumping system may well replace cheats, because the hero can be made practically immortal, immune to all types of damage, not tired, and has endless ammunition.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Why do I need cheats? I have a mega gun

No step back

Saints Row: The Third is a GTA action game from which everything boring and serious has been cut off. The developers filled the game to capacity with special effects, mini-missions, humor, good music and cool characters. The most important thing is not to try to take the game seriously. This is a crazy, crazy, fast and beautiful cocktail that was created to dilute the modern gaming industry. This is a game that gives you the ability to hit any passerby in the city with balls, without you having to think about whether you did the right thing or not. In the same GTA IV, I constantly caught myself thinking that I was trying to drive through traffic lights, give way to people passing the road and try not to hit a car. In Saints Row: The Third, I just press the pedal to the floor and just make sure that the road is somewhere in the middle! Only here you can put on a giant bear costume and, in this form, pathetically finish off one of the main enemies in the game.

Overall, new part Saints Row was a great success. The game keeps you glued to the screen from the beginning until the end credits. Yes, it can be criticized for stupidity and madness, but this is exactly what the developers wanted to make it, to return it to the roots of the genre, and they succeeded quite well. They did not engage in self-copying, but completely developed this subgenre of GTA games. Separately, we need to thank for the decent porting to personal computers - the game looks beautiful and does not slow down. This is definitely a success and now we can look forward to a new part about the adventures of the Third Street Saints.

Gang of Saints

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Pierce is a kind of Eddie Murphy of the world of Saints Row. He always jokes, is as frivolous as possible, a joker and a merry fellow. The only serious trait is that he loves to play chess for money.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Shaundi is, oddly enough, the most serious of the Saints gang. However, despite this, always if there is a choice between a peaceful settlement of the issue and war, he will choose war. Loves big guns.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Angel is a professional wrestler. He hates Kilbane because he once took the mask from him. It is Angel who will make us race with the tiger in the car.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Kinsey is a hacker who was kicked out of the FBI. A modest, sweet girl who believes that the Internet is watching everyone. It will help us cope with "virtual reality".

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Zimos is a pimp who has spent the last two years in sexual captivity. Saving him, the heroes harness him to a sled and run away from the same sleds with enemies. Zimos always “speaks musically” through a special device.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Oleg - main brute force Saints. An uncomplicated Russian giant, on the basis of which bandits based their thugs. Despite his proportions, he is very smart.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Viola is one of the DeWinter sisters who served under mob boss Philip Laurens. Subsequently, this bitch goes over to the side of the Saints and becomes a loyal ally.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Nightblade, aka Josh Burke, an actor who plays a comic book superhero, is constantly involved in the plot. At the beginning of the game he betrays us, then we constantly hear about him on the radio, and then we can join him to the gang of Saints.

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Review of Saints Row: The Third

Company Volition hosts the series Saints Row on the right path. Gradually increasing the degree of madness in each sequel, it does not create a secondary game, but only provides the buyer with the opportunity to get repeated sensations over and over again. The same ones he received while going through the previous parts. However, this rule applies not only to advantages - getting to know a new game can be spoiled by a gigantic number of bugs and shortcomings, also migrated from past projects. Therefore, the user can either put up with it and play like this, or delete it with hatred in a fit of yet another anger - there is no third option.

Start over

After clearing the city of the mega-corporation Ultor, the Saints gang turned into a popular brand, and their leaders into media moguls. Residents, seeing members of the group, with joyful eyes, nervously ask for an autograph or to sign another comic book based on “The Saints.” Planet of the Saints stores sell fashionable clothes, leaving competitors gnawing their elbows with envy. And in the evenings, the Japanese film advertisements for the energy drink “Saints” on basketball courts. In general, things are going uphill, and there is already so much money that you can swim in it no worse than Disney’s Scrooge McDuck did. However, some gang members are eager to shake up the old days, take part in bloody shootouts and get a few bullets between the ribs. No sooner said than done! The heroes decide to rob a bank.

The idea turned out to be not the most successful - even the secretaries desperately defend the vault, large groups of special forces come to the rescue, and combat helicopters cover them. After the defeat, it turned out that the city that the Saints considered theirs was no longer the same. A large syndicate has arrived in the metropolis and is now demanding half of the income in exchange for the lives of the heroes. Of course, pride takes its toll - the “Saints” do not agree and break out of captivity. But, unfortunately, it’s going nowhere - Stillwater is captured, the gang is disbanded, and the hero doesn’t even have the money to buy weapons. You have to crawl from rags to riches again.

Don't threaten the southern saint

Plot Saints Row: The Third does not pretend to be original - the script periodically falters and only occasionally tries to intrigue. Another thing is local humor. In fact, the entire game rests on it. When the characters talk to each other and make any decisions, you involuntarily stop to listen to them carefully, otherwise you might miss a hilarious phrase. In what other game can you watch a gang rob a bank, wearing not traditional rag masks or, at worst, masks with US presidents, but wearing giant heads of themselves? The best way to get a weapon is to steal it from a military arsenal, and in order to move into a new apartment, the easiest way is to kill all its inhabitants by parachuting onto the roof. There are a lot of parodies in this game, among which there are scenes teasing "Terminator" or "Throne".

Continuing traditions Volition I came up with really interesting and comical characters. In the midst of a real war, they carefreely organize drinking parties and invite strippers. The slave Zaimos, released from the BDSM club, is so poppy that he does not part with his electronic microphone and speaks exclusively into it. Even during firefights. The healthy big man Oleg Kirillov has a pronounced Russian accent, was fed steroids along with his mother's milk, and in adulthood was used by the mafia to create stupid, but damn strong clones.

Unfortunately, authors often do not live up to the bar they set, which makes one sad. The first videos between missions show beautiful animation, bright special effects and just a crazy pace of the story. A sharp jump from an airplane followed by shooting of desperate bandits is generally an unforgettable sight. Further Saints Row: The Third is also capable of lowering your heart to your toes: you will have to steal prostitutes right from under the noses of the mafia, steal a modern military fighter and, running naked, organize a massacre in a club for perverts.

But that doesn't always happen in this game. For example, in one of the missions you need to shake up the city thoroughly, destroying a good dozen cars and killing some of the law enforcement officers with the help of a stolen tank. Everything would be fine, but where did this tank come from? After a dark screen, the player suddenly finds himself behind the lever of a combat vehicle. The scriptwriters do not explain how the companion found out about the next attack, and why we are suddenly going to “that” point on the map. But we could have limited ourselves to at least a couple of phrases.

Phone 2.0

As before, you can’t play without a mobile phone in this game. Only now the player does not need to get to the work distribution points, as was the case before. It is enough to call one of the contacts in the “tasks” line, and he will immediately tell you where you need to go. On your phone, you can look at the map, select a route point on GPS, transfer the “laundered” money to your account, look at game statistics(it even says here how many episodes are left until the end of the game), and also agree to complete optional missions. The latter, as in the previous parts, do not let you get bored in large and completely open city. There are hundreds of icons scattered throughout the map that beg to be played immediately. Among them are rides on a tank, racing on a burning ATV or taming a tiger in the next seat of a convertible. If you want to shoot, sign up to participate in a reality show similar to "Kill the Mutant" V .

In this game there is no part-time job as a taxi driver, as in the series, but you can break into a car with future hostages and have a good time, preventing your frightened fellow travelers from jumping out. Funny! At least for the first time. For all such actions, the player receives reputation points. Formally, they represent levels for leveling up the hero. When you reach a certain number, you can purchase some improvements in a special phone menu for in-game money. The most important ones are increasing the duration of the run, increasing weapon damage, increasing the life scale and the ability to take friends with you. It is also worth adding a portable supply of ammunition, making sure that each car is equipped with a nitro accelerator, and also giving the hero the opportunity to collect twice as much money from corpses. Of course, in addition to the above improvements, there are several dozen more equally pleasant features. If you want, you can upgrade everything, but it will be even easier to remain penniless in your pocket.

The fight for influence

Alas, opportunity fine tuning your alter ego is not the only thing that is related new game from Volition with creation Realtime Worlds. IN Saints Row 3 just an uncountable number of software errors. Despite the nice effects from DirectX 11 libraries and beautiful reflections after rain, the graphics here are very primitive. Sometimes it’s very boring to shoot at enemies, and the physics of cars makes you longingly remember the great time spent behind the wheel in or. On the roads in Stillwater, in general, something is always wrong: either the unfortunate NPC’s truck will get stuck right in the asphalt, or the driver will freak out and foolishly hit several pedestrians. Local residents often get stuck in the passages, and prefer to leave the crime scene only by running straight into the wall.

Not everything is going smoothly with the sound either. On the one hand, the soundtrack traditionally does not disappoint, and throughout the game the ears will be delighted by such famous performers in some circles as Hybrid, Mos Def, Junkie XL, Benny Benassi, Mozart, Wagner, Butthole Surfers and others. On the other hand, the sound itself was probably recorded by a person deaf, otherwise how can such shoddy work be explained? To hear the car engine turned on, you have to turn the volume up to maximum; explosions sound a little better than firecrackers, and gun shots don’t add realism. But on the box with the game it mockingly says about DTS support.

But, by the way, I don’t care. Sooner or later you tell all these shortcomings to hell and close your eyes to them. Bugs are perceived as an integral part of the game; after listening to conversation or music, you completely forget about the rest of the sound, and you stop noticing the absence of videos. Saints Row: The Third catches you, first of all, with its diversity, madness and humor. In the end, this game is one big black comedy about scumbags. And very funny jokes are exactly what is often lacking in this extremely serious industry.

Gameplay: 3.8
Graphic arts: 3.7
Sound and music: 4.0
Plot: 4.5

Volition Studio, which recently buried its red Martian child and barely recovered from such a loss, has revealed its second child to the world. With a hefty gold round his neck, in wide trousers, hung with guns and on a pumped-up car of unknown manufacture. At first glance, a real gangsta. If it weren’t for the telltale wrinkles on his tanned face, and the subtle smell of old age, the mustiness of his son would have passed for the center in the area, even though he walks with visible effort. Yes, we've seen it somewhere before...


Since the end of the second part, the Saints have seriously risen: on TV there are advertisements for various junk with the symbols of the gang, their own Planet Saints chain of stores is thriving, and the purple ones themselves have become so insolent that they rob a bank wearing masks with the image of one of the gang members. They rob enchantingly, with fire, signing autographs for fans, helicopter flights and genocide by special forces. But the bank found itself under the roof of the Syndicate - a new powerful group stretching its raking paws to Stillwater, the hometown of the purple ones. Unable to tolerate such rudeness, the Syndicate quickly dealt with the fat and relaxed Saints, reset their accounts and took control of all the gateways of the long-suffering metropolis. And the trio of key members of the gang, as a result of an incident involving an airplane and one Belgian, ended up in a neighboring town called Stillport, where their difficult journey home will begin.

Went to success

This path, however, differs little from the one we have already taken twice in previous games in the series. Having taken a quick start, the story quickly deflates and spreads into tens and hundreds of small ones. side missions, in between which we are given a piece of history. The crazy staging and scope that the beginning of the game shows us will not appear as often as we would like.

However, this is nothing unusual; most sandbox games use the same controversial approach. The trouble with Saints Row 3 is that we have already seen the vast majority of these side missions in the second part. They covered their partner from a helicopter, fired back at rival gangs while a stoned Rasta was delivering dope to locations, and threw themselves under cars in order to receive compensation. In most of these tasks, only minor details have changed, and the process itself remains exactly the same. Of course, there are also new items. For example, now you can take part in a bloody reality show, where you have to run through a labyrinth full of traps and shoot enemies in fancy costumes.

WITH story tasks things are getting better. Some missions are difficult to even describe - they need to be seen. How do you like, for example, escaping from a BDSM club on carts pulled by latex-clad “slaves”. And although such frenzy and sodomy do not happen in every mission, nevertheless, at times the authors allow their unhealthy imagination to run wild. For this particular series, this can be considered a compliment.

Enemies also contribute to the general madness. The gangs in Saints Row have always been, to put it mildly, colorful, and in the third part the authors did not change themselves. The Syndicate includes three groups, and only one of them is more or less normal, but only by the standards of the game. The other two are some kind of pumped-up Mexican wrestlers and a parody of cybergoths.

Everything is for sale

To fight such enemies on equal terms, you need to be well prepared. Character development is perhaps the most interesting thing in the third part. The fact is that the game, even at an average difficulty level, is quite harsh, and money earned through sweat and especially blood is needed here for literally everything. Having received the full amount on the next side mission, you begin to frantically figure out what is best to spend the kilobucks remaining in your stash on. Take increased resistance to gunshot wounds or accelerated health regeneration? Or maybe buy the opportunity to carry an assistant with you? Or a new, more powerful barrel, and even upgrade it? Or you can be patient and buy some kind of store or auto repair shop, which will bring in a certain amount of money per hour, and even increase the gang’s sphere of influence. But you also want to dress up the self-made muzzle in more fashionable clothes and pump up his car, but all this requires a ton of money. In general, this process is truly exciting. And most importantly, there are practically no unnecessary upgrades. Everything, one way or another, helps to increase the chances of survival in this cruel world of an individual gopnik.

Second and a half

Hand-to-hand fights have undergone serious modernization, they have become much more spectacular, and some techniques would have done honor to other inflated jocks from the WWE. It’s just a pity that there aren’t enough of these techniques. But the firearms matters have not undergone any improvements, although they are definitely needed there. So all the shootings, as before, come down to running around stupid, dull enemies and pouring fire on them with periodic runs around the corner to restore health. It's not fun to shoot at all. Driving, by the way, too, because the control of the equipment and its physics as a whole have not undergone any changes: either a giant truck or a sophisticated sports car, just as they were troughs, differing only in speed and turning, remain so.

But they updated the picture, and quite successfully, so that Saints Row 3 can be called beautiful game and don’t lie about it. The soundtrack also pleased me, primarily with its variety: eight radio stations play music ranging from death metal to classical.

If we summarize all of the above, it turns out that Saints Row 3 is a mechanic that has not changed since the first part with all its sores, plus a solid piece side quests from the second, plus some, mostly cosmetic, improvements and improvements. You can play this and have fun, and despite all the shortcomings, I can’t even call it Saints Row 3 bad game, but at the same time, it feels like the series is marking time. It is pointless to further increase the degree of absurdity and madness; the series needs a major overhaul. But it is unlikely that Volition together with THQ will go this route, especially considering that rumors about the fourth part are already circulating on the Internet and it may very well be that after Red Faction This series will also fall into the ground.

Is smoking weed bad? Definitely bad. But, in my opinion, the developers of the game that we will analyze today did nothing but smoke very, very much. Well, or they drank, I have no idea. In a word, it turned out exactly what they wanted - with a drunken head that didn’t understand anything at all, they went and made a game about complete chaos. The toy is called Saints Row: The Third, or Saints Row 3. It was developed by the studio Volition, Inc. and published by Deep Silver, however, the first publishers were the guys from THQ (before they went bankrupt). Saints Row: The Third was released in November 2011 on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and such things as OnLive. The game received fame immediately after its release and was very good feedback from gamers and critics. Basically, it was the recklessness of the game itself that was noted. And, to be honest, when I started the game, I thought that there would be a lot of madness and illogical moments. Illogical, but really funny. However, I was still a little disappointed in the humor of the game. I can't tell what he's there for high level. Sometimes it seemed to me that he was stupid, but not funny. Maybe it only seemed to me and you will judge me for it, but I am expressing pure IMHO. Now let's try to figure out what the game can present to us.

Game plot

The plot of the game takes place several years after the events shown in the last part, in Saints Row 2. The Holy Ones completely captured Stillwater and became real multimedia stars. They have their own clothing stores, energy drinks, tons of fans and their brand is worth a ton. Even the most popular people treat the Saints with respect, and they have all the police in their pocket. Just for fun, all the leaders of the Saints (Pierce, Shaundi, Johnny Gat and the player himself) go to rob a bank to show their partner, actor Josh Birk, how it's done. And they decided to hide their appearance under the appearance of themselves, putting Johnny Gat's heads on their heads. However, nothing goes according to plan and a shootout begins. Josh Birk cowardly flees and the Saints continue to rob the bank. They killed hundreds of police officers and blew up heaps of their equipment, but in the end they were still caught and sent to prison. The saints are obviously outraged, because they've already paid the cops this month. The police say that someone has appeared who paid more and they send the whole team on a plane to a certain Philip Laurens. He is the leader of a new gang called "Morning Star" or simply "Morgenstern". He offers the Saints to give away most of the business and then they will avoid war, otherwise they will be killed and everything will be taken from them. The Saints send Loren and cause a riot on the plane, resulting in Johnny Gat's death (and no, this is not a spoiler, this is the premise of the game). Shaundi is especially upset by his death and is determined to take revenge on the Morgenstern gang and the Luchadore gang, which helps the former. However, as a result of the bloody war, the government decides to call the KABAN detachment to the city, which will eliminate all the gangs. Therefore, the Saints begin to be squeezed by all sides, but they do not give up and remain faithful only to each other. And the ending of the game will force the player to make difficult choices that will determine whether the player is as loyal to his gang as he says.


The gameplay of Saints Row: The Third is very similar to the series Grand games Thft Auto, which is what gamers often point out. On the one hand this is bad, but on the other hand it is good. The downside here is that almost all GTA clones have been criticized, but the upside is that many can safely call the Saints Row series best episode GTA-style games. In appearance, this is still the same third-person action game with open world and a bunch of features inherent in the GTA series.

In Saints Row: The Third, we can still steal any vehicle we like. His choice here is quite diverse, there are helicopters, planes, boats, ordinary cars with motorcycles, trucks and a bunch of other different game. For example, the Salem witches' broom, which also flies through the air and resembles a motorcycle, or there are also special cars that can suck people into themselves and then shoot from a cannon at others. And for you to get even more immersed in the madness of the game, it’s worth remembering a couple of missions for Professor Genki, in which we are given control of a car with a flamethrower. So what will we need to do on this mission? Burning and knocking down crowds of people is how Professor Genki has fun before meetings with fans. In other tasks on Genki, we will be thrown into a room that is full of electric and fire traps, and we will need to kill people dressed in animal and hot dog costumes. And no, I didn’t smoke anything before starting the review, but it’s better for the police to find out what the developers were smoking.

In the open world there will be a little less madness, although it’s a pity. Moving a little away from the tasks, it’s worth remembering the customization of the character and transport. In the world of Saints Row: The Third there are several different clothing brands, one of them, by the way, is brand store Saints. Here we can find different costumes for the character whose gender and appearance we chose a little earlier. We are given a choice: to dress the character ourselves, separately selecting boots, trousers, shirts, and so on, or to choose a ready-made set of clothes. We can also create our own costume and quickly put it on next time. Car customization refers to what you can do to a car in a special center. Of course, you won’t be able to make a tank out of the Kopeyka here, but at least improve the car for sure. You can choose the color of the car from a huge number of proposed options, and you can choose one color for the entire car or paint each individual element in its own way. In addition, for many cars you can remove the roof or, on the contrary, attach it. You can also install several improvements, for example, increase bullet resistance or pump up the speed of the machine and so on. An interesting feature is a certain leg cutter, the name of which itself describes this contraption. It is also possible to change the bumpers, hood, attach a spoiler, change wheels and so on.

In addition to this, the game has big choice weapons, you can find them from bots, after killing the owner of the gun. If this approach does not suit you, then you can go to the store and buy a weapon honestly. In stores you also have the opportunity to improve weapons or exchange them for others - all depending on your preferences. If you haven't earned money for guns yet, you can use one of the shelters to go into the weapons cache and select the necessary valyn. Shelters open to us as we progress through the story, but we can buy a couple of places ourselves.

Dimensions game card not the biggest, but still quite packed. We will have to seize areas from other gangs, thereby starting to profit from the areas. But you will receive the main profit by purchasing various stores and establishments, although they cost a decent amount, but in the future you will be able to receive even more. If shopping for establishments does not bring you much pleasure, then you can go to one of the additional tasks, for example, rides with a tiger in the back seat, destruction of the city from a tank, insurance fraud and much more.

The various choices you have to make throughout the game deserve a special mention. Most of them only affect what you end up with, say, a new controlled area or some other feature. I repeat: such choices do not affect anything, however, your ending will depend on the choice we make at the very end. There are only two of them: good and bad. Therefore, try to think through each of your choices and not lose sight of the consequences of the decision you make.

Let's summarize

It's time to summarize everything described above in my review. Saints Row: The Third is a good game and a worthy continuation of the series. Moreover, Saints Row: The Third is Best game in comparison with the first two, which are clearly weaker by a whole head. Yes, the game is stubborn in places, and in some places this same stubbornness and humor was not enough for me. In some places the characters annoyed me rather than making me laugh. But I still can’t call the game bad, and considering that the ending deserves my rating to be raised a little, then so be it.
