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Recently, even ordinary Internet users are faced with such a concept as “virtual hosting”. Few people imagine what it is in essence, let alone its creation and maintenance. Meanwhile, there is nothing particularly complicated here. Further in the article, basic concepts and some additional aspects that should be paid attention to are proposed for consideration.

Virtual hosting: general concept

Actually, to make it clear, any type of hosting can be described using a very simple example. Let's say a user has created their own web page. But you need to make it accessible to visitors on the Internet (why then create it at all?).

Placing a finished page on a specific resource (server) is virtual hosting. Roughly speaking, the user, using the services of providing a certain amount of disk space, simply publishes his page on a server owned by some company or individual. However, there are limitations here, and we will dwell on them separately.

Basic types of hosting

Today, if we talk about the types of shared hosting, there are not so many variations. Implementation is usually based on two types of systems:

  • UNIX-like (including Linux);
  • Windows-oriented.

But in any case, the server provides virtual hosting based on web servers and database servers (that is, everything that is necessary for the normal functioning of the user’s website).

For UNIX systems, Apache and Nginx web servers are mainly used, and MySQL and PostgreSQL systems are used as databases, using the programming languages ​​PHP, Perl and others, with support for the SSH protocol (for the Apache platform, the web server is managed via a file. htaccess).

On Windows platforms, the most common server solutions are based on Windows Server 2003, 2008 R2 and 2012 (version 2003 is gradually leaving the market). The main web servers are all versions and modifications of ASP.NET and IIS, and the databases used are similar to UNIX platforms.

Management is done through the web.config file. But, as practice shows, virtual hosting of sites on Windows platforms is more expensive in terms of tariffs. This is due to the fact that only those companies that have a special SPLA license have the right to provide such services. True, this moment also has its advantages: if you have such an agreement (license), you can be completely sure that official OS and related software.

Pros, cons and limitations

If we touch on the advantages and disadvantages of the named system, then virtual hosting looks preferable for individuals, since it is quite inexpensive and easy to set up (the main aspects are taken care of by the service or company providing it). In addition, when using the services, the user is free to choose the necessary tariff plan that best suits his needs.

However, among the disadvantages we can highlight the limitation of the allocated server (disk) space, the inability to install your own software and distributing the load on the resources of the servers themselves among all users.

Another point is related to the fact that in most cases hosting is designed for relatively small traffic (no more than a thousand requests per day). If the limit is exceeded, requests may even be considered as attempts to carry out DDoS attacks.

Shared hosting services

As for the services provided, they usually allocate a certain standardized list, which includes from 1500 MB to 10 GB of available disk space, an allocated traffic limit, a limited number of domain (subdomain) names, mailboxes and plug-in databases.

Despite this, ordinary users have enough of this, as they say, behind their eyes, especially since most of the pages are not of any kind gaming portals, but contain mainly textual information or multimedia elements (audio, video, graphics).

Differences from a dedicated server

Before we talk about how to create virtual hosting, it is necessary to note the difference between this concept and a dedicated server.

When connecting to hosting on the server, only one IP can be used for all registered sites, and redirection is done by specifying a domain name. In the second implementation, several separate IPs can be used for each hosting, but only on the condition that the server itself has several network interfaces.

When using a dedicated server, each site is located exclusively on one remote device (server), and there are no others.

Hosting creation and maintenance

As is already clear, to create hosting you just need to contact the appropriate company. Setting up virtual hosting will be done not by the user, but by its specialists (especially since there is already an appropriate platform and software environment).

Maintenance on the part of the user comes down only to adapting what has been created to one’s needs. Unfortunately, protecting user terminals from possible exposure to viruses or hacker attacks also falls on the user’s shoulders, despite the fact that main servers protected by firewalls and powerful antiviruses. This is understandable. After all, content editing will be done not on a remote server, but on a work or home terminal under an administrator login. And here no one is immune from outside interference.

Brief summary

That, in fact, is all that to a very small extent describes the concept of virtual hosting. If we make a final conclusion about what it is, then, roughly speaking, the user is dealing with allocated disk space on shared server, where it places its pages so that they become available on the Internet. The path to them is controlled by the computing power of the servers themselves, and not by user computer terminals. Creation is even easier. It all comes down to ordering the services of some provider (hosting) company.

And it is with the use of such elementary technological solutions that anyone, as a rule, for a purely nominal fee, can host their website and make it accessible to visitors on the World Wide Web.

But in such a situation, some nuances related to security should be taken into account, because the administration of sites on the server is carried out exclusively by the company that provides such services, and security issues of the hosted site, its content and the remote terminal from which editing or updating the content are carried out fall on the shoulders of client.

With the advent of the Internet and the improvement of information technologies, many specific and obscure terms appeared, which even visitors with higher education, not to mention such a special category of users as beginners, could not decipher. In this article, an attempt will be made to explain to each visitor to our site what hosting and provider are, revealing to the reader all the diversity of their species composition.

From the point of view of a simple visitor, a website can be considered as a thematic collection of content presented with textual information, graphic inserts, and video files. A visitor who is interested in the focus of this site may want to download certain files. Viewing files and downloading them provides full access to them around the clock. And all this time, useful content must be stored somewhere.

Hosting is a disk space on which all the content of your site, and the site itself will be located. This is server space that is provided by the provider company for a fee. A simple personal computer can serve as hosting, but this is not the most convenient way to store data about your site.

Hoster, hosting provider – an authorized operator providing hosting services. In other words, this is a company that has purchased servers and rents out certain amounts of its disk space to individuals and legal entities.

Why do you need hosting?

The hosting function is to attach a website to one of the places on a powerful computer for round-the-clock access to visitors. The choice of disk space should be approached with the utmost seriousness; the reliability and quality of the services provided are of great importance here. A simple PC can handle this task, but in this case it will need to be connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any software failures or other defects will not only lead to a breakdown of the computer itself, but will also stop transmitting data about your site to the network. In other words, your site will simply stop working or start to slow down.

Types of hosting

  • Virtual.

The most justified option from the point of view of minimizing costs involves maintaining several small sites on one server.

  • Virtual dedicated server.

The customer is allocated disk space, part of the server memory and processor time on one hardware rack.

  • Dedicated server.

The hosting company allocates the entire server to the customer and is fully responsible for its maintenance. This option is used when creating and maintaining large Internet projects.

  • Colocation.

The provider leases space to the client in a data center with 24-hour access to the Internet.

Which hosting to choose

When choosing hosting, it is important to understand that such an advantageous offer can be provided either for a fee or completely free of charge.

The advantages of free hosting do not require explanation; everything is clear here - they do not charge a fee for the service provided. True, some enterprising companies link such a service with the possibility of placing their advertising banners on your website. Often, unstable operation of free servers leads to a lack of access to a specific virtual platform.

Another unpleasant discovery will be the inability to use services: PHP, CGI, VB, MySQL, FTP. It is thanks to the presence of such characteristics that the website has prospects for development and improvement. As for technical support, free web- hosting does not provide such guarantees at all.

The only downside to paid hosting is that you have to pay for it. However, you should not be upset over such trifles, since a monthly amount of 100-350 rubles will not cause your budget to suffer much.

Taking into account the diversity of the current cost estimates of owners of virtual platforms, most companies that offer hosting services select a tariff plan that is 100% satisfactory to the client. All that remains is to make a choice in favor of a hoster that guarantees reliable storage of site content.

How to choose cheap hosting?

Remember, you don’t need to immediately rent disk space from the first company you come across. Chat on forums, ask for advice from experienced specialists.

For example, a website is hosted on Makhost. We also recommend TimeWeb. We can say with 100% confidence that these are reliable provider companies that provide quality services at very affordable prices.

Hosting is the placement of information (websites, files) on a server and providing access to it via the Internet.

How does website hosting work?

Each website consists of files (.html .php .css, etc.) and they are all stored on the hosting provider's server. Therefore, when a user enters the address of your site into the browser and wants to see it, at that moment files will be launched on the server and, depending on what code is written in them, the user will see one or another design and functionality of the site. But all text content of the site is stored in a special file - a MySQL database and loaded from it. This file has the extension .sql and is also stored on the hosting provider’s server.

Virtual hosting (shared)

The server on which the site files are stored is actually the same computer. It has a processor (CPU), random access memory (RAM) and a hard drive (HDD or SSD). But providing an entire server to run just one simple website (which doesn’t use a lot of resources) is very expensive. Therefore, the hosting provider places on one powerful server several sites at once, including those from different owners. All of them simultaneously use the processor and memory. This type of hosting is called Virtual hosting, Shared hosting or simply Hosting (). It is the most popular and widespread, because... is the cheapest. But it has one drawback: if your “neighbor” on the server begins to overload it (the server), then your site will begin to slow down, or it will stop loading altogether. Hosting providers, of course, limit the number of sites that can be hosted, databases and disk space. And they make tariff plans based on this. Those. The more sites you host and the more disk space they take up, the more you have to pay. But problems can still arise on Shared Hosting, and if your site is very visited, then it needs much more resources.

Virtual server (VPS/VDS)

Therefore, hosters came up with another type of hosting - Virtual Server (Virtual Dedicated Server, VPS, VDS, Virtual Private Server, Virtual Dedicated Server). With this type of hosting, websites from different owners remain on the server, but each of them is allocated a certain amount of resources (CPU power, amount of RAM and disk space). As a result, no matter what your neighbor does with the server, it will not affect your sites in any way. This type of hosting is more expensive, but it makes it possible to host as many websites and databases as you like, the main thing is that they fit within the limits of server resources (CPU, RAM and disk space).

Dedicated server

If this is not enough, and your project is growing very much and requires full control over the server. Then the provider will offer you the sole use of all server resources, without “neighbors”. It will be more expensive, but you will get more resources and, most importantly, full control over the settings. This type of hosting is called Dedicated server. It's quite expensive.

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