Fiery and watery. Adventure for two for girls

Depending on the toy you choose, you can meet the heroes in the depths of a gloomy labyrinth, at the bottom of a gorge, in the middle of a magical forest, or .... However, it makes no sense to list all the available locations, since the list will take up a lot of space. Let's just note that Fire and Water allow you to play in such unexpected and exotic places that will clearly impress you.

Gameplay features

The first thing that the Fire and Water games differ from other adventure games is the inability to play the main characters in turn. You can control both yourself: the girl Water, and the boy Fire, you can call a friend for help and pass one hero to him, but you will definitely not be able to play first with Water and then with Fire. Moreover, it is possible to overcome cunning obstacles of numerous levels only if both characters act in concert and help each other. Alone, none of them is able to reach the finish line: the fiery boy drowns in any liquids (and there are a lot of them on the way), and the water girl evaporates even from a small spark.

But together they represent a versatile tandem that can cope with any challenge. True, in the process of the game, the heroes can lie in wait for such ingenious traps that one desire to act together to overcome them will be too little. You will have to brainstorm and come up with a combination of sequential actions that can help the characters. But even if this succeeds, you should not relax: the elements of quests and puzzles will continue to be encountered at every step.

It is worth recalling that all games about Fire and Water are the brainchild of Chinese developers, and draws attention to themselves with a pronounced national flavor. For example, the notorious oriental symbolism in its classical manifestation is clearly manifested in them: a minimum of words, a maximum of eloquent pictures. You will be surprised to learn that the need for cooperation between the main characters of the game and Fire and Water is nothing more than another interpretation of the famous Yin-Yang mandala - a symbol of the interaction of opposites. In the "Book of Changes" (and this collection of wisdom has already passed 3000 years), this sign was used to denote the phenomena of antagonists: dark and light, icy and warm, hard and soft.

The ancient Chinese believed that he is the fundamental basis of everything and everyone, that no life manifestation can exist without its dark or light side... Only their complete harmony can make life long and happy, regardless of who it is about: a person, an animal or a flower. By the way, according to the Book of Changes, Fire and Water are two of the five main elements, thanks to which life arose on our planet. The remaining three are Wood, Metal and Earth.

Together they generate and absorb all forms of existence, smoothly flowing from one to another. For example, water feeds wood, which then burns fire, in its flame, in turn, metal is born, and so on. And if you take a good look at the adventures of the heroes of the game Fire and Water from the point of view of the ancient sages, then at each step you will see the incessant interaction of the five listed elements. However, those who like to observe will pay attention to him and in real life... The light flair of ancient Chinese philosophy, of course, adds zest to toys, but does not make them either boring or too abstruse. So feel free to choose any and start playing. You will see, you will like it!

Extraordinary couple

The main characters of the plots are two elements. These are vital important elements set the tone on Earth from time immemorial, long before superheroes appeared. Primitive people tremblingly kept the flame in the fire, giving them warmth and food. And without water, everything would turn into a lifeless desert.

In fairy tales, igrodels personified the elements of water and fire in the guise of people, spirits or animals. In some games it is a boy and a girl, in others - anime characters, in others - cats, etc. Fire, due to its ardent nature, always acts as a boy, and Water as a girl. The character representing the flame is displayed in red, and the character representing the water is displayed in blue.

Despite the fact that these are two opposites, in the games Water and her fiery ally brought down an invincible team. Since they complement each other, they are able to overcome any difficulties. Online games Fire and Water teach girls and boys the benefits of being able to interact.

Adventure for two for girls

If you are a fan team games, then in these flash drives you will have a place to roam. Since the main characters are two elements, then two girls or boys are needed to control. Playing Fire and Water games is always fun and immensely interesting, because it is an endless series of all kinds of adventures.

Spirits Fire and Water maintain balance and balance on Earth. Therefore, if humanity is in danger, then the defenders use their super powers to repel the attack of the aggressor.

Also, the girl Water and her partner are tireless travelers, so with them you will visit the most amazing places:

  • The bright temple;
  • in the dimension of Alcatraz;
  • Crystal Temple;
  • labyrinths;
  • enchanted forests;
  • possessions of sorcerers, etc.

In arcades with a friend for two, you can arrange a competition in agility, in Dandew tanks - to excel in the war for treasures.

Gameplay and controls of Fire and Water games

Some games are created in the anime style, while others are in the style of platformers or mazes. But they all have colorful graphics. For two, the guys have to move through the levels full of deadly traps. To win, two girls will have to show agility, ingenuity and ingenuity.

Also use the unique abilities of the heroes. Boy Fire is able to pass through fires, and Girl Water does not drown in lakes. However, the green bog and the lasers are deadly to both players. Also, each character needs to collect crystals of the color of his element.

Features of control for two:

  • use "WASD" to move baby Water;
  • to coordinate the guy Fire - "Cursors".

The ability to work together to achieve a goal despite fundamentally differing opinions, or even fundamentally different natures, is a very important skill. The games for two Fire and Water help to learn this, in which the boy-fire and the girl-water are looking for a way out of the labyrinths and solve puzzles, actively helping each other. It is simply impossible to complete the levels for each of the heroes individually, so cooperation here is the most important component of the gameplay.


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What makes us spend hours and even days on some fun, while we forget about others in a few minutes? As a rule, the secret of success rarely lies in one factor, usually their overall effect is important. Fire and Water games for two have all the qualities to become one of your favorite games. Interesting story, bright colorful graphics and unique gameplay make Fire and Water games a real hit among all games for two players. The adventures of a boy and a girl, personifying two such different elements, but who managed to make friends and start acting together, is an excellent example of well-coordinated teamwork.

Fire and Water are considered to be completely opposite and incompatible things. However, the developers knowingly awarded the main characters of these games with belonging to different genders. Boys and girls are also very different, just like fire and water. Some - impatient, impetuous and restless - hot. The latter, on the contrary, are soft and calm, reasonable - fluid and plastic, but changeable. And now it becomes clear that in this case, completely different character traits are not an obstacle to friendship, but on the contrary - a weighty reason for this very friendship to become even stronger and more useful for both parties. Indeed, in this case, boys and girls harmoniously complement each other and protect from the troubles that a one-sided - "fiery" or "watery" attitude to life can bring. In the game, this principle is put at the forefront - Fire without Water is powerless, like Water without Fire. Only in a respectful attitude towards a friend who is different from you, and in an understanding of how to correctly use these differences is the key to success.


The rules of all games about Fire and Water are very simple - you need to lead your team to the exit from the maze, bypassing all the obstacles and solving all the puzzles. Obstacles are divided into three groups - water obstacles are safe for the Water girl, but pose a threat to the Fire boy. With fiery ones, everything is the other way around. Well, the third type of obstacle is that acid and oil puddles are dangerous for both and must be carefully avoided.

In addition to obstacles on the way, you will also meet simple logical tasks- for example, how to use an elevator and a switch to be held to transport both heroes to a higher platform. Be careful and solving these puzzles will not take much of your time. Puzzles with mirrors and rays of light can be more difficult. These tasks require an understanding of the basic principles of the propagation of light waves in the air and an acquaintance with the wave-particle theory of light, and simply - the ability to throw sunbeams. Use the tools at hand (boxes with mirrors), as well as a variety of levers and controls that control the rotation of the mirrors to direct the beam of light to the desired detector, which is responsible for the door you are about to open.

On your way, you may also encounter devices that supply air under high pressure, with the help of which our heroes can soar up, giant swings that demonstrate the basic principles of mechanics, stones that need to be rolled into narrow places to activate switches and are suspended on lakes with acid or oil planks on chains, on which you should not linger and try to maintain balance - they need to be overcome as quickly as possible and move on. And some levels will have to be completed in complete darkness!

Do not forget about the bonuses on your way to the exit from the level - only Fire can collect red crystals, and only Water can collect blue crystals. The more crystals you collect, the more points you earn. At the end of each of the levels there is a door, approaching which you can go to explore the nooks and crannies of the next labyrinth. The entire temple (and the travels of our heroes take place in various temples - forest, ice, and light) is also a large labyrinth that you ultimately need to overcome. Well, you are free to choose your path inside it yourself, the number and complexity of the levels that you will be offered to pass will depend on this.

It's great when pleasant entertainment is combined with the development of useful skills and abilities. Have fun and at the same time develop ingenuity and the ability to correctly apply best qualities all team members can, together with cool free games Fire and Water for two, which we have collected on this page.

Here you can play all parts for free Online Games about the adventures of Fire and Water in full screen. The passage is made for two players who have to go through intricate labyrinths together. Separate parts allow three players to play when an additional character appears. If it turned out to be difficult to find a friend, then turn on the mode to 1. Each hero has his own traits, try not to fall into special traps, which are placed a lot inside the temples. There are several amateur designs and appreciate them. Beautiful graphics and many adventures will appeal to girls and boys. Control fire and water - go through mysterious temples!

Boy Fire and Girl Water of Steel popular heroes many adventures. A huge number of quests take place in different conditions. Sometimes you have to react quickly, but more often you need to plan and think logically. The developers have well thought out the gameplay, which requires the efforts of two people.

Who are Fire and Water

Both heroes are representatives of opposite elements, so during the passage they have to complete their tasks. The other character will not be able to pass certain obstacles. Water feels great in dampness, it can walk through puddles and even lakes, but hot springs are deadly for it. Fire can withstand the hottest flames, lava is its native element, and any cold sources immediately cause damage.

Character features

The picture below shows famous characters. On the left is a boy, he personifies fire and flame. He needs to collect red crystals to get extra points or open doors. He easily dies from many traps, so it is worth playing very carefully. Always wait for a second person if you can't deal with some problems.

On the right is a cute water girl, she perfectly complements the capabilities of her friend. A huge chasm with water is not a problem, you can swim! There are many tricky traps when water evaporates from overheating. Any wrong step always leads to the defeat of the whole team. Work together as a whole.

Joint passage

It is best to play "Fire and Water" for two, sitting at the same computer. Friends will be able to easily communicate and immediately go through tasks where it is extremely difficult or impossible to cope alone. We recommend opening the online game in full screen, this opportunity is free and available without registration. Never leave your partner. It is important to remember that both heroes must open the doors at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to go further. There are literally a couple of parts where you can play three - we recommend that you try.

Fire and water are two opposites

Two completely different elements, unable to touch, will act together. Visit several temples: forest, light, ice and crystal. Inside there are labyrinths, dangerous traps, tricky obstacles and much more. The reward is a mystery to be revealed if you work well as a team. Otherwise, expect a sad defeat.

We have tried to collect on this page all the parts and additional versions online games so that boys and girls can play Fire and Water for free, enjoying the passage on full screen your computer. Amazing Adventures dragging on for a long time, mysterious temples conceal something special.

If you are a fan joint passage games, then games fire and water, just give you everything to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding gamer. Each time wandering in the temples, the water girl and the fire boy pose new interesting problems for their fans, which can only be solved by joint efforts. Of course, you can play these games alone, alternately moving both characters. But it is much more exciting and interesting to play fire and water games for two, coordinating with your friends. The interest in the genre, which includes free online fire and water games, is growing every day, because these games have set a high bar in their niche and similar games with other characters can only claim the title of a clone.

Fireboy and Watergirl series

Games of the Fire and Water series immediately after their appearance became cult. All fans of this genre are eagerly awaiting the continuation in the form of the release of new equally interesting versions. What so attracted the public's attention in these simple graphics games. The answer is simple - the simultaneous passage of two characters and at the same time different abilities of the two heroes, aimed at ensuring that only jointly using their different skills, successfully pass level after level. Completely different natural elements - fire and water unexpectedly reconciled with each other and ventured on their own adventures and mutual assistance. Of course, these games can be played by one player, controlling each character with different keys. But recall that the games Fire and Water online are games for two and together with a friend are much more interesting and exciting.

Heroes in games with Fire and Water

So, the boy Fire and the Girl Water entered the vaults of the temple full of mysteries, what awaits them ahead? Of course, it was not without traps - in some places you can find lakes with water and lava. And here the abilities of our characters come to the fore. The fire boy can easily wade lava, and his girlfriend can wade water. But do not relax, because there are also acid puddles, which are equally destructive for both. So you have to jump and dodge these traps. The insidious temple is full of secrets and very often the girl and the boy need to resort to joint actions to cope with the next obstacle. Special buttons in the floor activate various lifts and therefore one of the heroes must stand on this button while the second one uses the opportunities provided to him to climb to the next floor. Collection should not be neglected various subjects which will add you a lot of game points. On our website you will find all series free games fire and water, as well as many clones that are similar to them in game mechanics.

Temples in Fire and Water Games

Girl Water and Boy Fire under your careful control will explore both the Forest and Ice Temple, will visit the Temple of Light and explore the Crystal Temple. Fire and water forest games are the most popular among players. They were the first and remain the best. The most incredible adventures await you there and sometimes you have to think very well before starting any action. This series is mainly intended for thoughtful players, because here you do not need to run and shoot, but first of all you need ingenuity and concentration. Enlist the help of your friend and start an exciting journey together in the company of characters so different in nature, but always come to each other's rescue at a difficult moment. Believe me, games of fire and water for two will drag you in for a long time with their unique gameplay, for which all versions of this exciting and so popular series of online games are famous.
