Fire and water dark temple play. The best Fireboy and Watergirl games

Everyone knows that water and fire are opposites, just like darkness and light. Today, we want to introduce you to incredibly different and inseparable friends - a boy named Fire and a girl named Water. They are representatives of two elements, after which they are named. Despite the fact that Water is afraid to evaporate in fire, and Fire is afraid to go out in water, our characters are very friendly and spend all their time together. They are already accustomed to traveling around various temples and unexplored places to collect crystals that help maintain the balance of all opposites in everything virtual world. Do you want to go on adventures with our friends? Then quickly turn on the exciting online entertainment for girls called Fire and Water in the Dark and go!

In the Temple of Darkness and Light, to which our heroes actually go, you can learn with them how rays of light, together with darkness, can help you in carrying out the important mission of inseparable comrades. Feel like a real discoverer of new things and try to help your friends overcome all barriers and obstacles so that Fire and Water reach their doors in every test. The site wishes you an exciting game!

Tips for passing:

As soon as our exciting toy loads on your screens, you can immediately begin playing through it. To do this, select the Play item, located in the central part of the playing space. Now you will see a map of the great temple of Darkness and Light. Select the first available level and travel through the dark rooms of the labyrinth. Next, you will find yourself in a room that is permeated with rays of light. Your task is to determine the mechanisms by which light affects the beams and bricks. When you can understand this, your heroes will be able to achieve their goals. Namely, they will be able to collect all the crystals on each level and get to the passages, each of which requires its own representative of a certain element.

To move Fire, you can use the arrow keys, which will allow this character to move left, right and jump up. The keys with the letters W, A, D will help you control Water. With their help, it will also be possible to jump and move left and right. Try to support each of the heroes and then you will become a real winner of the game.

The Fireboy and Watergirl games appeared several years ago, and Internet visitors immediately fell in love with them.
This boy and girl are so different from each other! It’s not even clear how they can be friends! But they are always together, helping each other out, and this duo has numerous fans who will always help the heroes overcome obstacles in these popular games.
These are mainly action games, but there are also a small number of toys of other genres. You will see them below, as well as similar adventures with different heroes.

Fireboy and Watergirl Adventure Games

Including the most famous ones, where it all began.
In these games, our boy and girl need to get to the exit without falling into deadly puddles and overcoming other obstacles. But everything is possible if we help each other!

Other games Fireboy and Watergirl for two

Following the action games, games of other genres with favorite characters appeared.

Games for 2 players like Fireboy and Watergirl

There is no Fire Boy and Water Girl here, but the authors were undoubtedly inspired by the success of those games. These games, with other characters, also turned out to be interesting.

The main thing in these toys is friendly interaction. It is best to play them together, when one player controls Fire Boy and the other controls Water Girl. One player can also complete the levels, but it will take him much longer to do so. The levels are built in such a way that they cannot be completed using only one character. In addition, each character can perform certain actions that are inaccessible to the other. Thus, only by carefully using each of its advantages will players be able to bring each level to completion. Such an organization scheme gameplay justified itself 100%. Free games Fireboy and Watergirl have become very popular thanks to this particular feature of the game mechanics.

Moreover, now all games in which you need to act with two players, taking into account their specific characteristics and go through levels in close cooperation, have come to be called “Fire and Water games.” For your convenience and so that you can get as much pleasure as possible, we have collected in this section not only classic flash games about the boy Fire and the girl Water, but also all similar ones. The heroes here are pandas, knights, Disney cartoon characters, and Japanese anime-style cats. The main and unchanged fact remains - in all games you need to feel the shoulder of a friend and be able to work in a team - then you will achieve success and complete all levels!

How to play the game Fireboy and Watergirl to the end

Fire and Water is a wonderful game for two about the boy Fire and the girl Water. In this game you need to go through levels, overcoming obstacles and solving simple puzzles. The highlight is that it is best to go through it together, when one player controls the boy Fire, and the second girl Water.

This game is not at all difficult, but very interesting and exciting! Try playing it with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and you won't be able to stop until you complete all the levels. And when you pass, there are a lot more games about Fireboy and Watergirl on our website!

How to play the game Fireboy and Watergirl

Everything is very simple here. One player controls Fire using the arrow keys, and the other controls Water using keys A,W and D on the keyboard. To complete the level, you need to get from the bottom of the maze, which is where Fire and Water are located at the beginning of the game. top part and go out through the doors designated for heroes.


On the way, players will encounter various obstacles, and this is where knowledge of the characteristics of Water and Fire will come in handy. The Fire Boy cannot cross the small lakes that are constantly found in the labyrinths. If he gets into such a lake, it will simply go out and the game will end =(The Water Girl is afraid of fires, which are encountered on the way no less often than lakes. In such fires, she can simply evaporate and die, which you should not allow. But Fire easily overcomes fires, and Water - lakes. However, in the game Fire and Water, there is an obstacle that is fatal for both. These are green puddles with acid that extinguish Fire and pollute Water. Both characters of the game need to jump over them.


As we have already said, an important feature of the game Fire and Water, for which children and adults love it so much, is that it is much more interesting to play it together. This happens because the levels in the game are specially designed so that it is impossible to complete them alone. On the way, the boy and girl will constantly encounter tricky elevators that work if someone stands on the button that activates them. You understand that you won’t be able to stand on the button and ride the elevator at the same time. This is where your teammate will help you! He will stand on the button while you drive, and then arrive on his own while you hold the button for him. That's how Fire and Water are incompatible ordinary life, are easy to combine and even benefit each other in the game.


It is important not only to get to the very end of the level Ice Temple, but also to score as many points as possible in the process. To do this, you need to collect crystals of the corresponding color. Red crystals are for Fire and blue crystals are for Water. The more such crystals you collect, the more points you get!

Fire and water - as the embodiment of a combination of opposites

In nature, it is difficult for Fire and Water to exist side by side; water next to fire can turn into steam, and Fire goes out under the influence of Water. In the game, everything is the other way around, and without each other, Fire and Water cannot complete the levels, nor get out of the intricate labyrinths with a bunch of crystals in their pockets. And all because Fire and Water here depict boys and girls, who, as you know, being completely different, are always drawn to each other.

Moreover, the most successful are always those who know how to understand the opposite sex well. It is not for nothing that the game developers chose Fire for the boy - after all, the hot-tempered and warlike, hot and unbridled nature of boys is so similar to this rebellious element. Real young ladies are always called those girls who are calm and docile, gentle and smooth, like Water, which personifies all the girls in this game. In the game Fire and Water you can see how boys and girls can be useful to each other and how much easier it is for them to go through life together.

We hope you understand that without interaction, even between completely different matters and people, you cannot achieve complex goals and succeed in the labyrinths of life. In the meantime, it's waiting for you exciting game Fire and Water, in which you can put the knowledge you just gained into practice. Good luck in the mysterious labyrinths of the Ice Temple!

Play games Fireboy and Watergirl for two with friends

Games fire and water 4 for two are a vivid example of how important the concepts of mutual assistance, friendship, and trust are. Together you can:

  • move insurmountable mountains;
  • swim across endless oceans;
  • conquer uncharted distances, depths and heights.

Together, everything becomes manageable and any trouble or victory is shared in half. If one gets into trouble, the other will definitely find a way out of a dangerous situation. Even an adventure becomes more fun and impressive if you have someone to share the excitement with. We invite you to play online, where the characters are controlled in pairs, and the toy will turn into a real odyssey through ancient temples, with their many traps and dangers. A droplet girl and a sparkle boy will walk through the dangerous labyrinths of the underground kingdoms hand in hand. Despite their clearly opposite natures, which in ordinary life never get along together, in the virtual world they get along well and set an example that, if desired, you can always find mutual understanding and act together.

An incredible adventure awaits you throughout many levels of the game Fire and Water 2 for two. If there is a lake in front of you, let the droplet cross to the other side and lower the bridge so that its partner can cross the obstacle. Another time, the wall of fire will become an obstacle for the girl and then a young man will come to the rescue, which relates to this natural element. He will find a way to help his friend not get burned. But the obstacles will not always correspond to their nature. Hazards such as impenetrable vines, poisonous plants, acid pools, sharp thorns and stone blocks represent an obstacle of equal complexity for both partners. But we can only cope with them together. While one hero acts below, the second will have to climb up and together launch certain mechanisms, acting in turn. By using the levers, you can lower elevator platforms, bridges, raise stone blocks and remove partitions. While going through labyrinths, collect crystals that you come across along the way, but your main loot is a green stone, which opens the passage to the next one game stage. When you have it in your hands, move to the door at the very top of the pyramid and set off to meet new adventures.

Your favorite game for two is always with you

The game has become popular and is often found on monitors not only of computers, but also of tablets or mobile phones. When a product is successful, it always comes out in sequels, and this one is no exception. Having coped with the emotions from the impression of the first part, a continuation with new scenery awaits you. The process of playing Fire and Water 3 opens up before you the expanses of the Glacier Temple, where everything has fallen asleep on the floor permafrost, which in itself has become an additional obstacle. If previously it was relatively easy to climb a sheer wall, now you need to figure out a way to do it. You will also often lack light, and in order to illuminate the way, you will have to be smart. Having found an ancient torch in a cave, you still need to be able to light it. But it doesn’t provide enough light to see the entire space around. By illuminating only a small section of the path, it hides dangerous gaps and you can easily slip into them and crash. Cunning traps and strange mechanisms are also here to stay, and you have to figure out how to use them. Although these games are designed for two, even one player can handle the controls just by controlling each character in turn. This logical adventure game captivated not only the children's audience, but also captivated adult gamers, which made it universal for entertaining different generations.

Second wind

Perhaps in the near future communication between people will turn into new format. For example, shared passage computer game. Games in which this function is available already exist both at the level of complex shooters and in the format of simple flash drives. For example, fire and water games make it fun for two participants. You can play as one of the two characters mentioned in the game's title, going through level after level together. There are separate controls for each. They are located at opposite ends of the keyboard, so fire and water games are ideally suited to be played comfortably by two people. In terms of genre, this is a typical adventure game with all its characteristic features. The idea is simple - walk through labyrinths, collecting artifacts and overcoming obstacles. To each their own. It is contraindicated for water to enter fire pits. And fire, accordingly, into small lakes. If you fail to jump over them, start the level over. Moreover, the mistake of one of the players affects the second - he will also have to repeat the passage again.

This game for two is very popular in families where, for example, there are two children and one computer. Brother and sister can team up and sit down to play this well-designed platformer. And compete to see who is faster pass the level on our website And the prize will be the opportunity to play your favorite game. Which, unlike the fire and water series of games, hardly involves the participation of two players at the same time.

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