Online game 10 ways to kill the boss. Kill the boss with super powers. ways to kill the boss

Category Games for boys- Original name Whack Your Boss 2 Fantasy Edition

In a few words describing what is happening here, we can say that here you are faced with complete chaos and excessive violence. The second part differs from the first in that it is a “fantasy edition,” which means that there will be many creatures from the fantasy world, that is, unicorns and other things. But we still haven’t figured out what to do, so we immediately correct ourselves. The game will be completed after you find 10 items in the office that you can use to kill your boss. The beginning of the scene is always the same: the boss comes to you and starts telling you something. As soon as it stops, you can start looking for the desired object, and when the mouse is on an object highlighted in yellow, click on it and watch how it kills the boss. After this, using the button at the bottom of the screen, we call the “cleaner”, who cleans everything here and the scene scrolls again, only this time you use a different means of reprisal. There are ten ways to kill the boss, and although it seems that finding them will be easy, in reality it is not so.


  • Left mouse button - point to the selected object.

In the Kill the Boss game category, you will meet characters who work hard in offices. Tirelessly, day after day, they carry out all the instructions that their bosses give them. As soon as they try to earn the praise of their management, they fail. This attitude sooner or later makes office workers angry, and they commit certain actions. Some of them quit and try to find a new job, while others decide to do desperate things. Those heroes who are too tired of the endless reproaches and bullying from the boss, want only one thing to kill him. To do this, managers choose the most brutal methods and try to make them reality. But they cannot figure out on their own what exactly to use in such work. This is precisely the reason why you need to join them and begin the massacre.

Before you start bullying your boss, make sure you have the following qualities. In order to deal with the enemy you need to be careful. The fact is that in most cases you need to look for items that you will use at the time of the fight. You also need to have the dexterity that is needed to deliver precise blows and evade the boss's attacks. In some cases you need to be very fast as the gameplay limits you to a certain number of minutes. Don't forget about logical thinking, because without it you won't be able to open safes and find your boss's hidden objects.

10 ways to kill a boss

In a game called 10 Ways to Kill the Boss, you become a worker who knows exactly what he wants. And this character wants only one thing, death to all his superiors who mocked him for a long time. Now you need to help him look for various items that will help your hero remove all enemies from his path. During the game you need to find three types of weapons with which you can deal with enemies. All of them will be located in some rooms and to pick them up, you need to click on them once, after which they will move to your inventory. Once you have dealt with the leadership, find a way out and return home to rest after such hard work.

Before you visit this section, you need to know what features it has. With the help of such entertainment, you can relieve tension at any time and take revenge on all your enemies. There is a goal here that you must complete in order to complete the simulator. The graphics in these games are ordinary, but you will still enjoy the gameplay while trying to take revenge on your offenders. In some simulators, you will still encounter three-dimensional graphics, which will allow you to get as close to reality as possible.

100 ways

100 Ways to Kill Your Boss is a game where you become a resentful employee who is tired of constant shouting and insults from his superiors. Everything that happens during working hours pushes him to take revenge. It is up to you to make it a reality and deal with the boss in the most painful ways. In order to make your plans a reality, you are allowed to use the objects around you. Each time you can start your bullying all over again and take revenge for all the bad words spoken in your direction.

Now you should decide which simulator is right for you and go to the playing field. But remember that once you set foot on the path of revenge, you cannot retreat back. You must go forward to the last, without giving up your plan, and repay your superiors for all the insults, screams and insults that were addressed to you.

If you want to meet a character who is tired of his boss, then open the “Kill the Boss with Super Powers” ​​simulator. The fact is that the director constantly finds fault with his work. But he honestly and efficiently carries out all orders. Realizing that he will never hear praise from his superiors, your hero is going to deal with him. But the employee cannot decide for himself exactly how he wants to do this. Now you need to keep him company and together with him try to destroy the offender.

You are sitting calmly in your office, but suddenly he, your boss, comes in. He throws a stack of papers at you and starts screaming. If you don't want to listen to all the hurtful words, then try to kill him. There are many items in your office, but only 10 of them will be useful to you for execution. Your task is to find each of them and find out how much they can harm your boss. In order to find an object, move the mouse cursor around the office and as soon as you see that the object begins to glow red, click on it. At this moment, your hero will begin to act and only a puddle of blood will remain from the boss. Once he's dead, the page will turn and you'll be able to find another way to make dealing with the boss much more fun.

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How often, after a hard day at work and the unfair demands of your superiors, you want to let off steam and take your anger out on someone. The Kill the Boss game is perfect for this purpose. This is where you can give vent to your aggression, and with complete impunity. In real life, it is unlikely that anyone would even dare to raise their voice at their boss, since everyone imagines the consequences of such a step. And to lose a prestigious and highly paid job because of one’s own intemperance would be very stupid.

Now you can take it out on your boss for all the insults and insults you have caused. Use all twenty-four ways to punish him. Any element of office furniture can serve as a murder weapon. Click on the umbrella standing in the corner and it will immediately be used like a real sword. There is a use for both the trash can and the briefcase. The game “Kill the Boss” will allow you to relax and calm your nerves. Turn your secret intentions into a joke and another amusement. Good luck.

If you want to know 10 ways to kill the boss, then launch this simulator as soon as possible. Here you have to release all your grievances and anger at your boss, because for a long time he mocked you. You are very angry with him and do not want to step back, because if you do not get even with him, then he will continue to shout at you and humiliate you. You don’t want to endure all this and are determined to act? Then it is time to throw out all your anger and take revenge for every offensive word that you heard from his lips.

You find yourself face to face with the boss. There is a panel on both sides with which you will implement your plan. You can throw darts at your boss, challenge him to the ring, yank his tie, or pour a cup of hot coffee on him. If you decide to fight in the ring, then do not forget that you will strike using the arrows that appear on the playing field. For all your actions you will receive points. Your boss will humiliate you and he will also get points for this. If his points are higher than yours, then he will win, but you will leave his office as a loser. To prevent this from happening, do not stop for a minute, but strike your boss without a break.

  • Sometimes bosses can be unbearable, and if you are familiar with bullying from higher-ups, then go to the game “20 Ways to Kill the Boss”. You become a user who is tired of hearing complaints from your boss about your poor work. Are you sure [...]
  • Work should be fun, but sometimes bosses can be unfairly picky, and if this sounds familiar to you, then run the simulator “30 Ways to Kill the Boss.” You are an honest worker who has never let your director down. But he never once praised your work [...]
  • Every manager hopes to hear praise from the director, but this rarely happens, as you will see for yourself when you start the game “300 ways to kill the boss.” Your character in this simulator will be an employee who worked tirelessly in the hope that his boss would [...]
  • If you want to find out how difficult it is to commit an assassination attempt, then play a game called “10 Ways to Kill a King.” This time you have to become a traitor, tasked with taking the life of the king. You agree without a doubt, without even suspecting how difficult it is to [...]
