Description of the game of the Siberian peoples deer diagram. Outdoor games of eastern siberia. Ethnographic Description of the Peoples of Russia Gustav-Theodor Pauli

Nekrasova Angela

Games of the indigenous peoples of the Far East are an essential part of the national culture. They are associated with specific historical events. The game is a "repository of information", which was perceived by ethnic groups as a magical action influencing the fate of a person.



Indigenous outdoor games

Siberia and the Far East

1. Sun
The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with an attached step, make regular waves back and forth with their hands, and say cheiro at each step. The Sun Leader is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens (arms out to the sides).
Rules of the game ... All players must dodge the sun as it turns. On the signal "One, two, three - run quickly into the circle!" those who were not touched by the presenter return to the circle.

2. Nanai wrestling.

Play in pairs on a mat or carpet. The players take each other by the shoulders and begin to fight, trying to put the opponent on his back. The winner is the one who laid the opponent on his shoulder blades.

The rules of the fight ... You can only fight on the mat or on the carpet, without leaving it. Rude actions should not be allowed.

3. Hurry up to catch!
On the playground there are two equal groups of participants: girls and boys. The presenter throws the ball up. If the girls catch the ball, they start tossing the ball to each other so that the boys do not take possession of the ball, and, conversely, if the boys get the ball, they try not to give it to the girls. The team that can keep the ball longer wins.
Rules of the game ... Passing the ball, you cannot touch the player's hands and hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

4. Nanai races

This game involves at least 4 ice skaters.

This game came to us from the North, where it is often played during the winter holidays. They are played by two in pairs. They stand facing each other, holding hands, and begin to slide on the ice - one with their backs, the other gently pushes it forward. Having reached a predetermined place, they change places and slide back - now the one who was driving with his back forward pushes his partner. The winner is the couple that can travel there and back the fastest.

5. Musher and dogs.
On opposite edges of the site, two cords are laid in parallel. The players stand near them, three people at a time, and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other from one cord to another.

Rules of the game ... You can only run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.

6. Banners

2 teams of boys play. The participants in the game become a chain, hooked on each other with their elbows. A line is drawn between the commands. One team is trying to win the other over to its side.

7. Deer and shepherds.
All players are deer with attributes imitating antlers on their heads. Two leaders - shepherds - stand on opposite sides of the site, holding a maut (a cardboard ring or a long rope with a loop) in their hands. Deer players run around in a crowd, and the shepherds try to throw a maut over their horns. Horns can imitate twigs that children hold in their hands.

Rules of the game ... You need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd chooses the moment to throw the maut.

8. Catching deer
The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Reindeer run along the delineated area. At the signal "Catch!" the shepherds try to catch the deer and complete the circle.

Rules of the game ... Reindeer can only be caught on a signal. The circle is closed when more players are caught. Deer try not to fall into the circle, but they no longer have the right to break out of the circle if it is closed.

9. Hands

The players are in pairs. The player tries to hit the opponent's hands so that he loses his balance. The winner is the one who has kept the balance.

10. Partridges and hunters.
All the players are partridges, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. To the signal "Hunters!" all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them (throw the ball at their feet). To the signal "The hunters are gone!" the game continues: the partridges fly again.

Rules of the game ... You can only run away and shoot on a signal. You should only shoot at the legs of those fleeing.

11. Ice, wind and frost
The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:

Cold piece of ice
Transparent pieces of ice
They sparkle, ring.
Dzin, dzin.
They clap on every word: first with their own hands, then with a friend. They clap their hands and say dzin, dzin until they hear the signal "Wind!" Ice children scatter into different sides and they agree on who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. To the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.
Rules of the game ... Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the big piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. Movement can be changed only at the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, easy or fast running, side gallop, etc.

12. Take away the stick

A talnik stick is selected for the game. It is sanded, dried and polished to make it harder to hold in the hand. The length of the stick is 20-25 cm, the thickness is 3-4 cm, a mark is made in the middle - a small groove is cut out, which rivals should not grab with their fingers.

Two players (boys with boys, girls with girls) stand sideways against each other, take the stick with one hand and squeeze it tightly, put the other hand behind their back. On command, the players begin to pull or pull the stick out of the opponent's hand. It is prohibited to leave the place. The one who pulled out the stick becomes the winner and chooses a new partner for himself. The game is played until the winner is identified.

13. Fishermen and fish.

There is a cord in the shape of a circle on the floor - this is a net. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players - fish. Children-fish run all over the playground and run into a circle. Children fishermen catch them.
Rules of the game ... You can only catch fish children in a circle. The fish should run into and out of the circle (net) so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches more fish is the best fisherman.

14. Hello, catch up!
Players stand in pairs facing each other in the middle of the court. Then the pairs form two lines, which diverge at a distance of ten large steps from the cord. Stand up for the cord is at home. Each representative of the first rank goes to visit and gives his right hand to the one with whom he was paired,

saying "Hello!" The host child replies: "Hello!" The guest says: "Catch up!" - and runs into his house, the owner catches up to the line. Children take turns visiting each other.
Rules of the game ... You can only greet with your right hand. It is necessary to say "Catch up" outside the line from the partner player. The one who catches up wins. You can go to visit in different ways: it is important, not in a hurry; joyfully, skipping; walk like soldiers in a formation, like clowns in a circus, etc.

15. Brave guys
Children stand in two or three lines, depending on the area of ​​the room. Two or three presenters are chosen. Each leader in turn asks the children: for example, the first at the first rank, etc. (Children answer.)
- Are you brave guys?
- Brave!

I'll see how brave you are (slyly, with humor). One, two, three (pause). Who is brave?
- I AM! I AM!
- Run!
The first line runs to the opposite side to the line, and the leader catches the fleeing ones. This is how the game is repeated with the next group of children.
Rules of the game ... You should only run after the word "Run!", Dodging the leader. It is impossible to catch by the cord.

16. Hide the thimble.A large number of players participate in it. They sit in a circle, each puts a fist of his right hand in a circle. The driver comes out to the circle, who is blindfolded with a handkerchief. One of those sitting in the circle hides a thimble in a clasped hand. After that, the driver's eyes are untied, and she is looking for a thimble, approaching any participant and separating her hands. Only three participants can be approached. If the thimble is found, then the girl with whom it was found becomes the driver, and the driver sits down in her place. If the thimble is not found, then it is hidden and the driver continues the search in the same order.

17. Catching an object... Children sit in a circle tightly to each other, bend their legs at the knees, hands under the knees pass a stick or a handkerchief to each other. The one standing in the middle tries to grab the object, and the one caught with the object replaces it.

18. Playing the lasso Arkan (maut) is stretched in a circle, grabbed with both hands, standing with their faces inside the circle. The driver goes to the middle. The game consists in the fact that those who stood in a circle, intercepting with their hands along the lasso, run in one direction or the other. The driver also runs, trying to touch someone's hand, the one he touched leaves the game.

19. Jumping over a spinning rope

Develops strength, dexterity, coordination, endurance, a sense of rhythm, the ability to control your body.
Two people stand at a considerable distance from each other, hold by the ends a loosely stretched seal belt (rope) and turn it around. The belt flies over the floor at a distance of 15-20 cm. The players' task is not to touch the belt. You can only jump over the belt while standing on all fours. If the strap touches the bounder, he is out of the game.

20. Hit the seal.
Boys participate in the game. The game develops accuracy in throws at a moving object, reaction, dexterity, and vigilance.
The player runs with a "seal" on a rope (soft toy). Hunters with spears (plastic bottles) are located on one side along a conventional corridor. The task of the players is to hit the moving seal with a "spear". Whoever got into the "seal" was considered the most accurate, dexterous, and quickest.

21. Playing with sticks.
The game involves from 2 to 9 people. Dry wooden sticks are required - 20-25 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, 0.2-0.3 cm thick. This game requires dexterity and dexterity of the fingers, patience and perseverance of the players are developed.

The first player takes 10 sticks in his hand, throws them up, catches with the back of the hand, then again throws the sticks up with the back of the hand and catches only one of them with his fingers. The player puts the caught stick aside and continues the game. Thus, you need to catch all 10 sticks. Whoever does it faster becomes the winner. The player performs all actions with one hand. If the player caught 2-3 at once, etc. sticks, the game goes to another player, the caught sticks are not counted.

22. Jumping on one leg.
The game develops leg strength, jumping ability, endurance, dexterity, fosters courage, willpower, endurance.
All participants stand at the line, taking the starting position - standing on one leg. At the command of the teacher, they start jumping ki. The one who overcomes the distance faster becomes the winner. Jumping is allowed on either leg, but without changing legs.

Descriptions of the Yakut, Dolgan, Nganasan, Evenk, Khanty, Nanai, Nenets, Koryak and other games

Hawk and ducks (Kirby uonna kustar)

On the ground, at opposite ends of the site, two lakes are outlined, on which ducks swim (pintails, teals, dives). The distance between the lakes is determined by the players themselves. Hawks (one, two or more - depending on the number of players) are chosen or appointed by children. It determines the place between the lakes, but not in a straight line between them, so that the field remains free for flight.

The players are divided into three groups of ducks: pintails, teals and dives, but so that each group has approximately equal numbers. On one lake there is one group (say, pintails), on the other there are two groups (teals and dives). At the signal, ducks start flying from one lake to another, and the flight begins from the lake where there are two groups, for example, first the teals fly to the pintails, then the pintails fly to the dives, and then the dives fly over, so that no more than two are at the same time on one lake groups.

During the flight, the hawks slick the ducks. The game is accompanied by verses (teasers) for hawks and ducks, for example:

No, poor little hawk, -

Don't catch me, buddy!

Hawk No, I'll catch you, don't rely on yourself

Pintails. I am the famous pintail

There is strength and great growth.

And the poor little hawk

I am never afraid.

Hawk. I'll catch it, I'll swallow it

I will swallow, I will catch!

Diving. Flying fast

Duck duck

You can't catch

You can't catch.

Hawk. I will catch, I will catch

Swallow it, swallow it!

Rules of the game... Ducks that have chosen one of the groups cannot change their name. Ducks caught by hawks are temporarily out of the game. The hawk does not catch ducks on the lake.

Shooting at the target with whirling (Salgydy)

A cardboard disc with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm is taken, painted with Yakut ornament (in the old days, the disc was made of birch bark, sewn twice). The disc is hung on a wall or on a pole. At a distance of 3 - 5 m from it, a pole (or a round bedside table) is placed, around which the player must run several times with the ball and throw it into the disc (target).

The winner is the one who hits the target after having run around the pole or bedside table more times. Older children may be advised to shoot at the target with a bow instead of a ball.

Rules of the game. You should agree in advance how many times you need to go around the circle. Throw at a target from a precise distance.

Falconry (Mohsotsol ohsupuuta)

Play in pairs. The players stand on their right foot opposite each other, the left leg is bent. The arms are crossed in front of the chest. Players jump on their right foot and try to push each other with their right shoulder so that the other stands on both feet. When they get tired of jumping on the right leg, they change it to the left. And then the tremors of the shoulder change accordingly. If, with a rough push, one of the players falls, the pusher leaves the game.

Rules of the game. The winner is the one who makes the other stand on both feet. You can only push your partner away with your shoulder. Change legs simultaneously in pairs.

Ball game

The players are divided into two equal groups and stand in ranks against each other. The extreme (any) throws the ball to the one standing opposite, who catches the ball and passes it to the next one standing opposite, etc. If the player does not catch the ball, he goes into captivity to the opposite side. And so on until the end of the line. Then the ball is thrown at reverse side in the same order.

Rules of the game. The winner is the group to which more players have joined. The balls should be thrown in a strictly defined order.

Drag game (Bya tardypyyta)

The players sit on the floor in single file, holding each other by the waist. The strongest and strongest one is chosen for the front one (torut is the root). Torut takes hold of something rigidly fixed. On the site, it can be a pillar. The rest are trying to tear it off by common forces. This game is similar to the Russian "Turnip".

Rules of the game. The winner is the strong man who did not give in, or the group that tore him off. The number of participants is determined in advance. The game must be started on a signal.

A nimble reindeer breeder

A deer figure is placed on the side on the platform. Reindeer herders arrange themselves in a line facing the deer at a distance of 3-4 m from it. One by one, they throw a ball at the deer, trying to hit him. For each successful shot, the reindeer herder receives a flag. The winner is the one who hits the deer the most times.

Rules of the game. You can only throw the ball from a conditional distance.

Fifteen (Attack tepsiite)

Two players put their hands on each other's shoulders and, jumping up, alternately hit their partner's right foot with their right foot, and their left foot against their partner's left foot. The game is played rhythmically in the form of a dance.

Rules of the game. The rhythm of movements, their softness must be observed.

Musher and dogs

On opposite edges of the site, two cords are laid in parallel. The players stand near them, three people at a time, and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other from one cord to another.

Rules of the game. You can only run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.

Flying Disc (Telaric)

A disc with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm is cut out of double cardboard or birch bark, painted on both sides with Yakut ornament. The disc is thrown up, and the player tries to hit it with the ball.

Option. The game can be organized under the guidance of an adult with older children who shoot the thrown disc with a bow.

Rules of the game. The time of throwing the ball and archery is determined by the player himself.

Deer catching

The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Reindeer run along the delineated area. At the signal "Catch!" the shepherds try to catch the deer and complete the circle.

Rules of the game. Reindeer can only be caught on a signal. The circle is closed when more players are caught. Deer try not to fall into the circle, but they no longer have the right to break out of the circle if it is closed.

Partridges and hunters

All the players are kuropaths, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. To the signal "Hunters!" all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them (throw the ball at their feet). To the signal "The hunters are gone!" the game continues: the partridges fly again.

Rules of the game. You can only run away and shoot on a signal. You should only shoot at the legs of those fleeing.

White shaman

The players walk in circles and perform different movements. In the center of the circle is the driver. This white shaman is a kind person. He kneels down and beats the tambourine, then goes up to one of the players and gives him the tambourine. The recipient of the tambourine must repeat exactly the rhythm played by the driver.

Rules of the game. If the recipient of the tambourine repeats the rhythm incorrectly, he leaves the game.

Ice, wind and frost

The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:

Cold pieces of ice

Transparent pieces of ice

Sparkle, ring

Dzin, dzin ...

They clap each word: first with their own hands, then with a friend. They clap their hands and say dzin, dzin until they hear the signal "Wind!" Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. To the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.

Rules of the game. Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the big piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. Movement can be changed only at the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, easy or fast running, side gallop, etc.

Tug on sticks (Mas tardypyyta)

The players, divided into two groups, sit on the floor in single file: one group against the other. The front ones take the stick with two hands and rest against each other with their feet. The rest in each group hold each other tightly around the waist. On command, they gradually pull each other.

Rules of the game. The winner is the group that pulled another group to its side, or raised several people in it, or snatched the stick out of the hands of the front one. Players on each team must be equal in number and strength.

Falcon and fox (Mohozol uonna sapyl)

The falcon and the fox are selected. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches its falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes different flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movement with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and follows its movements. They must accurately follow the movements of the falcon. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole. Sokolats quickly squat on their haunches so that the fox does not notice them.

Rules of the game. The fox's appearance time is determined by the leader's signal. The fox only catches those who do not sit down.

Fishermen and fish

There is a cord in the shape of a circle on the floor - this is a net. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players are fish. Children-fish run all over the playground and run into a circle. Children fishermen catch them.

Rules of the game. You can only catch fish children in a circle. Fish should run into the circle (net) and run out of it so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches more fish is the best fisherman.

One extra (Biir Orduk)

The players become pairs in a circle. Each pair in a circle is located as far away from neighbors as possible. One leader stands out, who becomes in the middle of the circle. Starting the game, the presenter approaches a couple and asks: "Let me in to you." They answer him: "No, we won't let you go, go there ..." (point to a more distant pair). At the time when the leader runs to the indicated pair, all those standing in the pair second change places, running over to the other pair, and stand in front. The front ones are already becoming the back ones. The presenter is trying to take some of the vacated seats. The one left without a place becomes the leader. Any number of children can play.

Rules of the game. You can only change pairs when the leader is running in the indicated direction.

Polar owl and euraska

A snowy owl is in the corner of a playground or room. The rest of the players are eurasian girls.

To the quiet rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the eurasian girls run on the site, to the loud beat of the tambourine, the eurasses become a column, do not move. The snowy owl flies around the eurasse and the one who moves or does not stand in a column, takes away with him. At the end of the game (after three or four repetitions), those players who have distinguished themselves with greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game. Loud bangs should not sound for a long time. Children need to react quickly to changing blows.

Snowshoe running

The players are divided into two teams and stand behind the line. Each team has one pair of snowshoes.

At the signal of the educator (wave of the flag), the leaders of each team in snowshoes run to the flags set in advance on the opposite side of the site, each goes around his own flag and runs back, gives the snowshoes to the next team player. The winner is the team that finishes the run earlier.

Rules of the game. The game is played on the basis of a relay race. You can only transfer snowshoes outside the line. Going around the flag, you must not touch it.

Hello, catch up!

Players stand in pairs facing each other in the middle of the court. Then the pairs form two lines, which diverge at a distance of ten large steps from the cord. They get up by the cord - this is at home. Each representative of the first rank goes to visit and gives his right hand to the one with whom he was paired, saying: "Hello!" The host child replies: "Hello!" The guest says: "Catch up!" - and runs into his house, the owner catches up to the line. Children take turns visiting each other.

Rules of the game. You can only greet with your right hand. It is necessary to say "Catch up" outside the line from the partner player. The one who catches up wins. You can go to visit in different ways: it is important, not in a hurry; joyfully, skipping; walk like soldiers in a formation, like clowns in a circus, etc.

Reindeer teams

The players stand along the wall of the room or along one of the sides of the playground in twos (one depicts a harnessed deer, the other a musher). At the signal, the teams run one after another, overcoming obstacles: they go around the snowdrifts, jump over a log, cross the stream on the bridge. Arriving at the camp (up to opposite side rooms or playgrounds), mushers let their reindeer go for a walk. At the signal "The deer are far away, catch your deer!" each musher player catches his pair.

Rules of the game. Overcoming obstacles, the musher must not lose his team. A deer is considered caught if the musher has bitten him.

Option. Two or three reindeer teams stand along the line. There are flags at the opposite end of the site. At a signal (clap, hitting a tambourine), reindeer teams run to the flag. Whose team is the first to reach the flag, she wins. Similarly, you can play the game "Dog Sleds". This species is typical for the coastal Chukchi.

Sun (Heiro)

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with an attached step, make regular waves back and forth with their hands, and say cheiro at each step. The Sun Leader is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens (arms out to the sides).

Rules of the game... All players must dodge the sun as it turns. On the signal "One, two, three - run quickly into the circle!" those who were not touched by the presenter return to the circle.

To a new camp

The players become pairs. In a pair, one is a deer, the other is a musher. The teams stand one after the other. The host says: "The reindeer herders are moving to new camps." After these words, everyone runs along the edge of the site, while the mushers, urging on the reindeer, emit the kkhkh-kkhkh sound characteristic of tundra reindeer herders. Stopped by a signal from the master. During the movement, the teams make a halt. Mushers let go of the deer, which run scatteringly. At the signal "Team!" everyone should line up in the same sequence.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to start movements in accordance with the signal. The toboggan train must move in an orderly manner (sledges must not overtake each other). The order remains after the halt.

Deer and shepherds

All players are deer with attributes imitating antlers on their heads. Two leaders - shepherds - stand on opposite sides of the site, holding a maut (a cardboard ring or a long rope with a loop) in their hands. Deer players run around in a crowd, and the shepherds try to throw a maut over their horns. Horns can imitate twigs that children hold in their hands.

Rules of the game. You need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd chooses the moment to throw the maut.

Vazhenka and calves

Several circles are drawn on the site. Each of them contains a vazhenka and two deer. The wolf sits behind a hill (at the other end of the site). To the words of the presenter:

An important woman wanders in the tundra,

With her - the deer,

Explains to everyone

Anything that is not clear ...

Stomp through the puddles

Fawns are small.

Listening patiently

Mother's instructions -

the playing deer run freely on the tundra, bend over, eat grass, drink water. To the words "The wolf is coming!" fawns and deer run away to their houses (circles). The wolf takes the caught fawn with it.

Rules of the game. Perform movements in accordance with the text. The wolf begins to catch only on a signal and only outside the house

Streams and lakes

Fishermen Players stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal "Brooks are running!" all run after each other in different directions (each in his own column). To the signal "Lakes!" players stop, join hands and build circles - lakes. The winners are the children who build the circle faster.

Rules of the game... You need to run one after another, without leaving your column. It is possible to form a circle only on a signal.

Tug of war

A line is drawn on the site. The players are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the line, holding a rope in their hands. At the signal of the driver "One, two, three - start!" each team is trying to win the opponent over to its side. Whose team is able to do this is considered the winner, she is handed souvenirs, as at a holiday of reindeer herders.

Rules of the game. A tug-of-war can only be started on a signal. The team that stepped over the line is considered defeated.

The sun

The players stand in a circle. Choose the sun. The sun walks in a circle and, pointing at each in turn, counts:

Nyan-nyan (bread),

Keji-kezhi (knife).

Those whom the driving-sun called kezhi, come out of the circle, stand in pairs and join hands, others - nannies-nannies - join hands and remain in place, also in pairs. Two groups of couples are formed: nanny-nanny and kezhi-kezhi. The couples of each group come up with different shapes.

Rules of the game. The pairs that come up with the most interesting pieces win.


The players stand in a circle. They are fishermen. The driver shows them the movements of the fishermen: they pull the nets, take out the fish, mend the nets, row with oars

Rules of the game. Whoever of the players repeats the movements incorrectly, he leaves the game.

Brave guys

Children stand in two or three lines, depending on the area of ​​the room. Two or three presenters are chosen. Each leader in turn asks the children: for example, the first at the first rank, etc. (Children answer.)

Are you brave guys?

I'll see how brave you are (slyly, with humor). One, two, three (pause). Who is brave?

The first line runs to the opposite side to the line, and the leader catches the fleeing ones. This is how the game is repeated with the next group of children.

Rules of the game. You should only run after the word "Run!", Dodging the leader. It is impossible to catch by the cord.

Sleigh sleds

Two players run and jump over sledges placed at a distance of 1 m. Sleds are 1 m long, 30 - 40 cm wide, 20 cm high. They can be made of cardboard. The winner is the one who comes running faster and does not touch the sledges.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to run from line to line at the signal "Run!" First, they put two sleds (sleighs), then two more can be added.

Ice sticks (Syuls)

Each player chooses a stick for himself, which should be higher than his height. Several sticks are doused with water in advance and kept in the cold until they freeze up. The player takes the syuls in his right hand and stands sideways forward, bends his left hand at the elbow, and puts his right hand behind his back, passing a stick under the bent elbow of his left hand, and throws it strongly.

Rules of the game. Syula should only fly in the forward direction. The winner is the one who throws the wand further. If the stick flies to the side, then the player is out of the game.

Triple jump

A line is drawn in the snow, the players follow it. In turn, they jump from the line forward: in the first two jumps they jump from one foot to the other, in the third jump they land on both feet. The one who jumped further wins.

Rules of the game. You need to start jumping from the line. You can only jump in this way.

Options. The game is carried out with the distribution of children by links. Each link includes from two to four people. All children of one link go to the line at the same time. At the signal, they all start jumping together. The link wins, the participants of which jump further.

The game can also be organized in such a way that children from different teams compete in jumps at the same time. In this case, they calculate how many first, second, third, etc. places were taken by the participants of each link.

Partridge hunting

Children represent partridges. They are located on the side of the site - the tundra, where there are aids that you can climb on (towers, benches, walls, etc.). On the opposite side of the site are three or four hunters.

Partridges fly, jump on the tundra. At the signal of the driver "Hunters!" they fly away (run away) and sit on branches (climb hills). The hunters try to hit the partridges with the ball. The caught partridges move aside and drop out of the game for a while. After two or three repetitions of the game, other hunters are selected, the game is resumed.

Rules of the game. Partridges fly away only on signal. Hunters start catching partridges also only after this signal. You can shoot the ball only in the legs.

Hitting the deer

The group of players is inside the outlined circle. Three shepherds are selected, they are deer around the circle. At the signal "One, two, three - start the beat!" the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer. The deer hit by the ball is considered caught, beaten off from the herd. Each shepherd beats five or six times. Then he counts the captured reindeer.

Rules of the game. You can only throw the ball at your feet and only on a signal. It is necessary to shoot from a place at a moving target.

Wolf hunt

The hunter stands 4 - 5 m from the wolf (a figure cut out of plywood or cardboard). He must hit the running wolf with the ball. Two players hold the piece by the strings and move it to the left and then to the right.

Rules of the game. You should throw the ball at the wolf from a given distance.

Wolf and deer

A wolf is chosen from among the players, the rest are deer. At one end of the site, a place for a wolf is outlined. Deer graze at the opposite end of the site. At the signal "Wolf!" the wolf wakes up, leaves the den, at first walks around the herd with a wide step, then gradually narrows the circle. At the signal (growl of the wolf), the deer scatter in different directions, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The wolf takes the caught one to itself.

Rules of the game. You can only run out of the circle on a signal. Whoever gets caught must follow the wolf.

Nanai wrestling

Play in pairs on a mat or carpet. The players take each other by the shoulders and fight, trying to put the opponent on his back. The winner is the one who has reached the goal, laid the opponent on his shoulder blades.

Rules of the game. You can only fight on a mat or carpet, without leaving it. Rude actions should not be allowed.

Stick wrestling

A line is drawn. Two players sit on either side of the line, facing each other. Holding on to the stick with both hands and resting their feet on the feet of the other, they begin to pull each other. The winner is the one who pulls the opponent over the line.

Rules of the game. You should start pulling the stick at the same time at the signal. While pulling the stick, you must not change the position of the feet.

Hurry up to catch!

On the playground there are two equal groups of participants: girls and boys. The presenter throws the ball up. If the girls catch the ball, they start tossing the ball to each other so that the boys do not take possession of the ball, and, conversely, if the boys get the ball, they try not to give it to the girls. The team that can keep the ball longer wins.

Rules of the game. Passing the ball, you cannot touch the player's hands and hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

Wolf and foals

A wolf, two or three horses are selected from the group of players, and the rest of the children represent foals.

Horses enclose a field - a pasture where foals graze. Horses guard them so that they do not go far from the herd, as the wolf roams there. Determine (and also outline) the place for the wolf. Everyone falls into place and the game begins. Grazing horses with outstretched hands drive foals frolicking and trying to escape from the pasture into the herd. But the horses do not go beyond the line. The wolf catches foals running away from the herd behind the line. Foals caught by the wolf leave the game and sit (or stand) in a certain place where the wolf will lead them.

Rules of the game. The wolf catches foals only outside the pasture.

The sun


The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with a side step, make regular waves back and forth with their hands, and say cheiro at each step. Leading - the sun is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens (arms out to the sides).

Rules of the game. All players must dodge the sun as it turns. On the signal "One, two, three - run quickly into the circle!" those who were not touched by the presenter return to the circle.

Musher and dogs

and two cords are laid parallel to the opposite edges of the site. The players stand near them, three people at a time, and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other from one cord to another.

Rules of the game. You can only run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.

Deer and shepherds

All players are deer with attributes imitating antlers on their heads. Two leaders - shepherds - stand on opposite sides of the site, holding a maut (a cardboard ring or a long rope with a loop) in their hands. Deer players run around in a crowd, and the shepherds try to throw a maut over their horns. Horns can imitate twigs that children hold in their hands.

Rules of the game. You need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd chooses the moment to throw the maut.

Deer catching

The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Reindeer run along the delineated area. At the signal "Catch!" the shepherds try to catch the deer and complete the circle.

Rules of the game. Reindeer can only be caught on a signal. The circle is closed when more players are caught. Deer try not to fall into the circle, but they no longer have the right to break out of the circle if it is closed.

Partridges and hunters

All the players are partridges, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. To the signal "Hunters!" all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them (throw the ball at their feet). To the signal "The hunters are gone!" the game continues: the partridges fly again.

Rules of the game... You can only run away and shoot on a signal. You should only shoot at the legs of those fleeing.

Ice, wind and frost

The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying: Cold ice, Transparent ice, sparkle, ringing Dzin, dzin ...

They clap each word: first with their own hands, then with a friend. They clap their hands and say dzin, dzin until they hear the signal "Wind!" Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. To the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.

Rules of the game... Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the big piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. Movement can only be changed at the "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, easy or fast running, side gallop, etc.

Streams and lakes

Players stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal "Brooks are running!" all run after each other in different directions (each in his own column). To the signal "Lakes!" players stop, join hands and build circles - lakes. The winners are the children who build the circle faster.

Rules of the game... You need to run one after another, without leaving your column. It is possible to form a circle only on a signal.

Fishermen and fish

There is a cord in the shape of a circle on the floor - this is a net. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players - fish. Children-fish run all over the playground and run into a circle. Children fishermen catch them.

Rules of the game. You can only catch fish children in a circle. The fish should run into and out of the circle (net) so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches more fish is the best fisherman.

Hello, catch up!

Players stand in pairs facing each other in the middle of the court. Then the pairs form two lines, which diverge at a distance of ten large steps from the cord. They get up by the cord - this is at home. Each representative of the first rank goes to visit and gives his right hand to the one with whom he was paired, saying: "Hello!" The host child replies: "Hello!" The guest says: "Catch up!" - and runs into his house, the owner catches up to the line. Children take turns visiting each other.

Rules of the game. You can only greet with your right hand. It is necessary to say "Catch up" outside the line from the partner player. The one who catches up wins. You can go to visit in different ways: it is important, not in a hurry; joyfully, skipping; walk like soldiers in a formation, like clowns in a circus, etc.

Brave guys

Children stand in two or three lines, depending on the area of ​​the room. Two or three presenters are chosen. Each leader in turn asks the children: for example, the first at the first rank, etc. (Children answer.)

Are you brave guys?


I'll see how brave you are (slyly, with humor). One, two, three (pause).

Who is brave?

I / I / ..


The first line runs to the opposite side to the line, and the leader catches the fleeing ones. This is how the game is repeated with the next group of children.

Rules of the game. You should only run after the word "Run!", Dodging the leader. It is impossible to catch by the cord.

Sleigh sleds

Two players run and jump over sledges placed at a distance of 1 m. Sleds are 1 m long, 30-40 cm wide, 20 cm high. They can be made of cardboard. The winner is the one who comes running faster and does not touch the sledges.

Rules of the game... It is necessary to run from line to line at the signal "Run!". First, they put two sleds (sledges), then two more can be added.

Hitting the deer

The group of players is inside the outlined circle. Three shepherds are selected, they are deer around the circle. At the signal "One, two, three - start the beat!" the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer. A deer hit by a ball is considered caught, beaten off from the herd. Each shepherd beats five or six times. Then he counts the captured reindeer.

Rules of the game... You can only throw the ball at your feet and only on a signal. It is necessary to shoot from a place at a moving target.

Polar owl and euraska

A snowy owl is in the corner of a playground or room. The rest of the players are the girls.

To the quiet rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the eurasian girls run on the site, to the loud beat of the tambourine, the eurasses become a column, do not move. The snowy owl flies around the eurasse and the one who moves or does not stand in a column, takes away with him. At the end of the game (after three or four repetitions), those players who have distinguished themselves with greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game. Loud bangs should not sound for a long time. Children need to react quickly to changing blows.

Snowshoe running

The players are divided into two teams and stand behind the line. Each team has one pair of snowshoes.

At the signal of the educator (wave of the flag), the leaders of each team in snowshoes run to the flags set in advance on the opposite side of the site, each goes around his own flag and runs back, gives the snowshoes to the next team player. The winner is the team that finishes the run earlier.

Rules of the game... The game is played on the basis of a relay race. You can only transfer snowshoes outside the line. Going around the flag, you must not touch it.

Reindeer teams

The players stand along the wall of the room or along one of the sides of the site in two (one depicts a harnessed deer, the other a musher). At the signal, the teams run one after the other, overcoming obstacles: they go around the snowdrifts, jump over a log, cross the stream on the bridge. Having reached the camp (to the opposite side of the room or site), mushers let their reindeer go for a walk. At the signal "The deer are far away, catch your deer!" each musher player catches his pair.

Rules of the game. Overcoming obstacles, the musher must not lose his team. A deer is considered caught if the musher has bitten him.

Option... Two or three reindeer teams stand along the line. There are flags at the opposite end of the site. At a signal (clap, hitting a tambourine), reindeer teams run to the flag. Whose team is the first to reach the flag, she wins. Similarly, you can play the game "Dog Sleds". This species is typical for the coastal Chukchi.

Vazhenka and calves

Several circles are drawn on the site. Each of them contains a vazhenka and two Fawns. The wolf sits behind a hill (at the other end of the site). To the words of the presenter: A vazhenka wanders in the tundra, With her - the deer, Explains to everyone Everything that is not clear ... Small deer are stomping in the puddles. Patiently listening to Mom's instructions - the playing deer run freely on the tundra, bend over, eat grass, drink water. To the words "The wolf is coming!" fawns and deer run away to their houses (circles). The wolf takes the caught fawn with it.

Rules of the game... Perform movements in accordance with the text. The wolf begins to catch only on a signal and only outside the house.

To a new camp

The players become pairs. In a pair, one is a deer, the other is a musher. The teams stand one after the other. The host says: "The reindeer herders are moving to new camps." After these words, everyone ran along the edge of the site, while the mushers, urging on the reindeer, emit the sound kkhkh-kkhkh characteristic of reindeer herders - tundra people. Stopped by a signal from the master. During the movement, the teams make a halt. Mushers let go of the deer, which run scatteringly. At the signal "Team!" everyone should line up in the same sequence.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to start movements in accordance with the signal. The toboggan train must move in an orderly manner (sledges must not overtake each other). The order remains after the halt.

Tug of war

A line is drawn on the site. The players are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the line, holding a rope in their hands. At the signal of the driver "One, two, three - start!" each team is trying to win the opponent over to its side. Whose team is able to do this is considered the winner, she is handed souvenirs, as at a holiday of reindeer herders.

Rules of the game. A tug-of-war can only be started on a signal. The team that stepped over the line is considered defeated.

Wolf and deer

A wolf is chosen from among the players, the rest are deer. At one end of the site, a place for a wolf is outlined. Deer graze at the opposite end of the site. At the signal "Wolf!" the wolf wakes up, leaves the den, at first walks around the herd with a wide step, then gradually narrows the circle. At the signal (growl of the wolf), the deer scatter in different directions, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The wolf takes the caught one to itself.

Rules of the game. You can only run out of the circle on a signal. Whoever gets caught must follow the wolf.

White shaman

The players walk in circles and perform different movements. In the center of the circle is the driver. This white shaman is a kind person. He kneels down and beats the tambourine, then goes up to one of the players and gives him the tambourine. The recipient of the tambourine must repeat exactly the rhythm played by the driver.

Rules of the game... If the recipient of the tambourine repeats the rhythm incorrectly, he leaves the game.

The sun

The players stand in a circle. Choose the sun. The sun walks in a circle and, pointing at each in turn, counts: Nyan-nyan (bread), Kezhi-kezhi (knife).

Those whom the driving-sun called kezhi, come out of the circle, stand in pairs and join hands, others - nannies-nannies - join hands and remain in place, also in pairs. Two groups of couples are formed: nanny-nanny and kezhi-kezhi. The couples of each group come up with different shapes.

Rules of the game. The pairs that come up with the most interesting pieces win.


The players stand in a circle. They are fishermen. The driver shows them the movements of the fishermen: they pull the nets, take out the fish, mend the nets, row with oars

Rules of the game... Whoever of the players repeats the movements incorrectly, he leaves the game.

Ice sticks


Each player chooses a stick for himself, which should be higher than his height. Several sticks are doused with water in advance and kept in the cold until they freeze up. The player takes the syuls in his right hand and stands sideways forward, bends his left hand at the elbow, and puts his right hand behind his back, passing a stick under the bent elbow of his left hand, and throws it strongly.

Rules of the game... Syuli should only fly in the forward direction. The winner is the one who throws the wand further. If the stick flies to the side, then the player is out of the game.

Triple jump

A line is drawn in the snow, the players follow it. In turn, they jump from the line forward: in the first two jumps they jump from one foot to the other, in the third jump they land on both feet. The one who jumped further wins.

Rules of the game. You need to start jumping from the line. You can only jump in this way.

Options. The game is carried out with the distribution of children by links. Each link includes from two to four people. All children of one link go to the line at the same time. At the signal, they all start jumping together. The link wins, the participants of which jump further.

The game can also be organized in such a way that children from different teams compete in jumps at the same time. In this case, they calculate how many first, second, third, etc. places were taken by the participants of each link.

Wolf hunt

The hunter stands 4-5 m from the wolf (a figure cut out of plywood or cardboard). He must hit the running wolf with the ball. Two players hold the piece by the strings and move it to the left and then to the right.

Rules of the game. Throw the ball at the wolf from a given distance.

Partridge hunting

Children represent partridges. They are located on the side of the site - the tundra, where there are aids that you can climb on (towers, benches, walls, etc.). On the opposite side of the site are three or four hunters.

Partridges fly, jump on the tundra. At the signal of the driver "Hunters!" they fly away (run away) and sit on branches (climb hills). The hunters try to hit the partridges with the ball. The caught partridges move aside and drop out of the game for a while. After two or three repetitions of the game, other hunters are selected, the game resumes.

Rules of the game... Partridges fly away only on signal. Hunters start catching partridges also only after this signal. You can shoot the ball only in the legs.

A nimble reindeer breeder

A deer figure is placed on the side on the platform. Reindeer herders stand in a line facing the deer at a distance of 3-4 m from it. One by one, they throw a ball at the deer, trying to hit him. For each successful shot, the reindeer herder receives a flag. The winner is the one who hits the deer the most times.

Rules of the game... You can only throw the ball from a conditional distance.

Nanai wrestling

Play in pairs on a mat or carpet. The players take each other by the shoulders and fight, trying to put the opponent on his back. The winner is the one who has reached the goal, laid the enemy on his shoulder blades.

Rules of the game. You can only fight on a mat or carpet, without leaving it. Rude actions should not be allowed.

Stick wrestling

A line is drawn. Two players sit on either side of the line, facing each other. Holding on to the stick with both hands and resting their feet on the feet of the other, they begin to pull each other. The winner is the one who pulls the opponent over the line.

Rules of the game... You should start pulling the stick at the same time at the signal. While pulling the stick, you must not change the position of the feet.

Hurry up to catch!

On the playground there are two equal groups of participants: girls and boys. The presenter throws the ball up. If the girls catch the ball, they start tossing the ball to each other so that the boys do not take possession of the ball, and, conversely, if the boys get the ball, they try not to give it to the girls. The team that can keep the ball longer wins.

Rules of the game... Passing the ball, you cannot touch the player's hands and hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

The outdoor games of the peoples of the North and Siberia not only developed the necessary physical qualities - agility, strength, endurance, but also brought up character - courage, patience, observation, which helped to survive in the harsh climatic conditions.

Karelian folk game

Several pairs are playing. In each of them, one player carries the other, sitting on a sled. At the request of the players or by counting, a pair of drivers is selected, who strive to catch up with any other pair of players and tarnish one of them. The player, sitting on the sled, salutes, he does it with a simple touch of the hand. If in a pair one is mastered, both become leading. Game continues. Rules of the game. You need to play within the outlined area. A couple who drove over its borders becomes a driver. You cannot play off the players of the pair that was just leading.

"Stop, deer!"

Games of the Komi peoples The players are located in different places of the trampled snow area (its borders are marked). The shepherd is chosen. Having received a stick, he stands in the middle of the site.

After the signal "Run, deer!" everyone scatters around the site, and the shepherd tries to catch up with one of the players, touch him with a stick and shout: "Stop, deer!" The one touched by the wand moves aside. The game ends when the shepherd catches five deer.

Rules of the game. You can run away only at the signal "Run, deer!" The littered ones retreat to the appointed place. Salt should be done carefully.

"Deer hunting"

The players are divided into two teams. Everyone becomes behind the line drawn at a distance of 1.5 m from the antlers * (their number depends on the number of children in the team). Each child has a lasso in his hands. He tries to lasso (catch) a deer. Rules of the game. The winner is the one who caught the most deer. Before taking part in this game, you need to learn the correct techniques for throwing the lasso. Throw a loop on the antlers of the deer should be at the signal. You cannot approach the deer closer to the place indicated by the line.

Options. Several people can catch one deer, that is, throw a lasso on one horn. In this case, they should stand without interfering with each other.

To complicate matters, the game can be played on the side of a mountain. The group of players is divided into two teams, which are located on two sides of the slide; each team has a maut (lasso). The leader pushes the sled with the horns attached to it. Children take turns catching a deer on the fly.

  • Dry branches can be used as "horns".

"Shooting at the target with whirling"

Yakut folk game Take a cardboard disc with a diameter of 20-25 cm, painted with Yakut ornament (in the old days, the disc was made of birch bark, sewn twice). The disc is hung on a wall or on a pole. At a distance of 3-5 m from it, a pole (or bedside table) is placed, around which the player must run several times with the ball and throw it into the disc (target). The winner is the one who hits the target after having run over the pole (or bedside table) more times. Older children may be advised to shoot at the target with a bow instead of a ball.

Rules of the game. You should agree in advance how many times you need to run around the pole. Throw at a target from a precise distance.

"Musher and dogs"

Games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East On the opposite edges of the site, two cords are laid in parallel. The players stand near them, three people at a time, and join hands. Two are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other, from one cord to another.

Rules of the game. You only need to run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.

"Ice, wind and frost"

The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:

Cold pieces of ice, Transparent pieces of ice Sparkle, ring: Dzin-dzin ...

They clap each word: first, in their own hands, then in the hands of a comrade. They clap and say ding-ding until they hear the signal "Wind!" Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. At the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.

Rules of the game. Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to quietly negotiate who will build the big piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. Movement can be changed only at the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, light or fast running, side gallop, etc.

"Triple jump"

A line is drawn in the snow, the players follow it. In turn, they jump from the line forward: in the first two jumps they jump from one foot to the other, in the third jump they land on both feet. The one who jumped further wins.

Rules of the game. You need to start jumping from the line. You can only jump in this way.

Options. The game is carried out with the distribution of children by links. Each link consists of two to four people. All children of one link go to the line at the same time. At the signal, everyone starts jumping together. The link wins, the participants of which jump further.

The game can also be organized in such a way that children from different teams compete in jumps at the same time. In this case, how many first, second, third, etc. are counted. places were taken by members of each link.

Dog sled racing

A competition of strength for two players. Players get on all fours with their backs to each other. Then the players are connected to each other with a rope, attaching it to the waist of each player (you need a rope 4-5 meters long). A line is drawn in the middle between the players' positions. On signal, each player tries to pull his opponent over the line.

Who gores whom?

Two players get on all fours face to face, forehead touching each other. A line is drawn between them. At the signal from the leader, each player tries to push the opponent back, while their foreheads must touch each other throughout the entire competition. The one who completely crosses the line wins.

Ikushkikmyak (ear-elbow walking)

For these bizarre races, players lie on their stomachs, distributing their weight between their elbows and toes. Then each player grabs their ears and holds them throughout the entire race. At the signal of the leader, the competition begins. The winner is the one who can go further than others without letting go of his ears.

Piddletuck (Knee Jumping)

This fun takes place in the form of a competition. The game is started on the knees, hands on the belt and socks stretched back. At the signal from the leader, the players jump up from their knees to their heels, and then jump to their knees again. The game continues until only one player can continue the competition (it won't last long!)

Seal Race

Another running competition, this time the players imitate seals. Players are positioned on the start line with their hands supporting their torso and relaxing their legs. At the signal, the players should begin to move using only their hands - their legs drag behind them, like the tail of a seal. Determine the finish line or limit the time of the race.


Another competition in physical strength for two people. Players sit with their backs to each other, legs extended. Draw a line one meter from each player's socks. On a signal, each of the players tries to push the opponent out of the line. Their backs must touch each other throughout the entire competition.

"Hares and dogs"

The players choose two or three hunters, the same number of dogs, the rest are hares. Hares hide in the bushes, dogs look for them, bark at them and drive them to the hunters. Hunters try to hit hares with balls or snowballs (in winter). The hunter with the most hits is the winner. When the game is repeated, the guys change roles. Rules of the game. Children determine the time of throwing at the target independently. It is necessary to throw balls to those who play at the feet.

"The wolf and the deer"

The wolf is chosen from the players, the rest are deer. At one end of the site, a place for a wolf is outlined. Deer graze on the opposite. At the signal "Wolf!" the wolf wakes up, leaves the den, at first walks around the herd with a wide step, then gradually narrows the circle. At the signal (growl of the wolf), the deer scatter in different directions, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the caught deer to himself. Rules of the game. You can only run out of the circle on a signal. Whoever gets caught must follow the wolf.

"Hunting for partridges"

Children represent partridges. They are placed on the other side of the site - the tundra, where there are devices that you can climb (towers, benches, walls, etc.). On the opposite side are three or four hunters. Partridges fly, jump on the tundra. At the signal of the driver "Hunters!" they fly away (run away) and sit on branches (climb hills). The hunters try to hit the partridges with the ball. The caught partridges move aside and drop out of the game for a while. After two or three repetitions, other hunters are selected, the game resumes. Rules of the game. Partridges fly away only on signal. Hunters start catching partridges also only after this signal. You can shoot the ball only in the legs.

Fire Thieves

(for children of secondary school age) Rectangular playground (30–40 m long, 15–20 m wide). A circle with a diameter of 2–4 m is drawn in each corner. Each circle is a fortress. Inside the rectangle, departing from the two narrow sides by 4 m, draw lines of danger (or fire) 2-3 m long. Two teams of ten to fifteen people play. They are located along the danger line. Each team has a captain and chooses distinctive sign(element of the national costume). The right to start the game first is determined by drawing lots. At the signal, the team captain, who starts the game, approaches the opponents, with a light blow to the hand of any of the players "takes fire" and runs away to his border. He runs after him, trying to catch him until the first player reaches the border. Caught becomes a prisoner, he is imprisoned in the enemy's fortress. If it is not possible to catch the runaway, and the catching one reaches the danger line, then another player runs out of the opposing team, trying to capture the catching one.

This is how the game continues until all the players of any team are captured. Rules of the game. When any of the players approaches the line of opponents, they are all obliged to stretch their arms forward. The pursuer must catch up with the enemy to the danger line, from where the game began. The pursuer who catches up with the fleeing person becomes the bearer of fire. He can go up to the opponent's line and, hitting the hand of any player, run back to his border as a beginner. In other cases, the pursuers are secretly appointed by the captain. One evader can be pursued only by one catching up. It is prohibited to leave the playing area. Prisoners are freed when their friend, having received fire from an opponent, freely passes into the fortress and touches them with his hand: they all quickly run to their border. The pursuer can catch both the liberator and the released prisoner. Other players have no right to interfere with the game.

"Reindeer teams"

The players stand along one side of the playground in twos (one depicts a harnessed deer, the other a musher). At the signal, the teams run one after another, overcoming obstacles: they go around the snowdrifts, jump over a log, cross the stream on the bridge. Having reached the camp (on the opposite side of the site), mushers let their reindeer go for a walk. At the signal "The deer are far away, catch your deer!" each musher player catches his pair.

Rules of the game. Overcoming obstacles, the musher must not lose his team. A deer is considered caught if the musher has bitten him.

Option. Two or three reindeer teams stand along the line. At the opposite end of the site there are flags. At a signal (clap, hitting a tambourine), reindeer teams run to the flag. Whose team is the first to reach the flag, she wins.

"Aleutian National Struggle"

(for children of senior school age) The fight takes place on a special platform, in a circle of spears stuck into the ground. Stripped to the waist, wrestlers, competing in strength and dexterity, must tear the enemy off the ground and lift him above them.

"Tug on arms"

(for older children) Participants sit opposite each other. The middle fingers of the right hands interlock, and with their left hands they rest on the opponent's left shoulder and try to move him from his place.

But in "Ldinka", a Russian winter game, it is good to play when the snow does not stick to "snowballs", on a well-trampled ground or a strong ice rink. "Ldinka" is played by youth, that is, junior and middle schoolchildren, from 5 to 10 people. The players, forming a circle, stand at a distance of 2 m from each other. The driver, selected with the help of the counting, is in the center and tries to "kick" the piece of ice outside the circle. It should be strong enough and not very large. The rest of the players prevent this by holding the piece of ice with their feet and direct it back to the center of the circle. The player who missed the piece of ice on the right side of himself changes roles with the driver. Once agreed, players can move in a circle. If you move to the right, that is, counterclockwise, you need to defend your right flank. Conversely, by moving to the left, the players defend the left side. Of course, the driver and the players must launch the piece of ice so that it does not fly higher than the knees of the players. Hands cannot be used, the one who holds the piece of ice with his hands gets into a circle and leads.

Children from the Komi Republic play the game "Deer" at school during physical education lessons. Gym- a suitable size for this game, but it is better to play outside. Before the game, you need to agree on the boundaries of the field, focusing on trees, bushes or footpaths. A reindeer breeder is selected. To do this, they run a race. Or, if there are few players, then they intercept the stick with their hands: the last one, who grasps the tip of the stick, leads. On command, the reindeer breeder catches the scattering "reindeer", in the manner of tag. The salted player must stop. A reindeer herder approaches him and asks the question: "A deer or a man?" If the player answers: "Man!", Then he becomes an assistant to the "reindeer breeder" and also catches the "reindeer". If he shouts "Deer!", It begins new chase, but for the "deer". A "deer" that has been hardened for a certain time is considered caught and is sent to the "corral", that is, it leaves the game. The reindeer herder's assistants, the "people", also try to grease the "reindeer". The game ends when there is only one "deer" left. He becomes the next "reindeer breeder".

This is where children play almost all year round. winter Games, so it's in the zone " permafrost"in Yakutia. Here old game"Ice hole". Reindeer herders traditionally hunted and fished. Children from about 10 years old and adults play the "ice hole". They play on a playground with small holes dug in the snow. The holes ("ice holes") by the number of participants without a driver are located at a distance of about two meters from each other. The driver plays the role of "frost" who strives to "hit" the legs or freeze the hole.

All players hold straight sticks, about 5 cm thick, corresponding to the player's height. They play with a small leather ball stuffed with wool. Participants lower sticks, each in his own "hole". The ball is at the driver who seeks to conquer one of the holes, hitting it with the ball with the help of his stick, or shower the player with the ball on the shoes (below the ankle). If the "frost" managed to get into the feet of the "angler", they change roles. Having drowned the ball in someone else's "hole", the driver begins to count loudly to ten. During the counting, he tries to lower his stick into the "hole", and its owner tries to throw the ball out of the hole with his stick. Each player can hit the ball, which is being adjusted to his hole, with a stick. To prevent the ball from hitting the feet, the player bounces, leaning on the stick. The neighbors in the "ice hole" help: they throw the ball with sticks. The driver who has failed to win the ice hole for himself within the agreed time is considered a loser. Basic rules: you cannot hit the ball with your hands, feet, body. Any use of force is prohibited, the offender is appointed as the driver or is eliminated from the game. If the "frost" manages to occupy the hole, its former owner becomes the driver.

In the long winter, the peasants are engaged in handicrafts. Woven baskets, knitted shawls and painted toys must be taken to the fair sooner or later. The Estonian game "Fair" illustrates an artisan's travel preparations. No special devices are needed to play. But the more friends gather for the game, the better. Driving - "fairman" assigns the other players the names of the items needed for the trip.

For example: "cart", "team", "arc", "bells", "bag", "purse". Players stand in a circle. The Fairy Man begins to talk about his travel packing, using the item names assigned to the players. The one whose item is named should wrap around himself in the heel of one leg. And if the player missed and did not have time to immediately react, then he must give his "fant": a handkerchief, a lace or a note with his name. When the "fairman" finished collecting, "forfeits" are returned to the owners after completing some task.

The game can be played indoors with chairs. In this case, the players do not stand in a circle, but sit on chairs and, hearing their comic "name", jump up and run around the chair. The driver ends his story with the words: "The fair is closing ..." At this moment, the players should get up and run next to the chairs. And when the "fairman" says: "... the fair is closed!" take any chair, while the "fairground", for whom a chair is not provided, also tries to sit down. The one who did not get a place - drives.

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