Special properties of l2. Strengthening weapons (Information about Soul Crystals). Getting Soul Crystal

Effect S.A., or Special Ability– Special Skill (or Ability). Each weapon has its own effects. The most common - effect Acumen for magic weapons (increasing casting speed), effect Focus for bows and daggers (increasing the chance of inflicting a critical hit), effect Health for swords on tanks (increasing the amount of HP) and Haste- for brass knuckles at Tirants. In any case, everyone chooses the effect for their weapon; I present only the most commonly used (in my humble opinion) options: CA type/weapon type/profession.

I will tell you about which weapon can get which effect later, in a whole series of articles on this topic, but now – for beginners, how and where to insert SA into your weapon.

Weapons of grade C and B are improved at the forge Town of Giran, y Blacksmith Pushkin. By purchasing a weapon and approaching it, you can find out what improvement options are available and what is required for them.

When talking to him, choose Bestow special ability on weapon (Apply special effects to weapons), then press View list and in the window that opens we see our weapons in three variations. By clicking once on the icon, we get a description of this SA effect, and below – what is required to obtain this effect:

In the screenshot, alas, the crystal itself is not visible (too lazy to load the game client of another server right now) - but to the right of Red Soul Crystal, you will have an icon of the crystal itself.

So, we found out what is needed to improve the weapon. All you have to do is get a crystal, buy Gemstones, prepare adena - and you can return to the blacksmith and find a new weapon with SA.

Crystals of levels 7-9 can be purchased at Luxor(Prestige Products Store, aka Luxury Shop), store for ordinary D and C crystals. Just in case, I’ll dwell on this point in more detail.

The location of the store is indicated on the city map (Alt+M):

We run to the store and talk to Trader Alexandria, select from the menu Buy groceries, click once on Soul Crystal, and look at what is required to purchase it:

I repeat - in this screenshot the red CAs are not visible, but they are there.

And so, in a conversation with the blacksmith, we learned that for SA (Special Ability) on Acumen V Homunkulus's Sword required Red Soul Crystal Level 7 In Luxor they learned that to purchase it you need 500 crystals of grade D, and 100 of grade C.

I don’t think there’s any need to tell you in detail where to get ordinary crystals (at the market, breaking something with a gnome, unsuccessfully sharpening a weapon, etc.).

Having purchased the Soul Crystal, we head to Grocery Store ( Trading Shop) , and there Trader Helvetia (Grocer Helvetia) buy 306 Gemstone C (Gemstone Rank C).

Now you can return to the blacksmith, and repeating the conversation described above, get a new, improved weapon.

This example is suitable for all weapons of grade C and B. The only difference is in the number and grade of gems, color and level Soul Crystal and the number of adena for improvement.

With weapons of grade A and S, everything is a little more complicated, because... deals with such weapons only Blacksmith of Mammon (Mammon Blacksmith)(he is filming Seal on things, how to find it and other little things - I wrote in detail). Moreover, if Gemstone C and B, like Soul Crystal the required level, you can buy it in stores - but with levels A and S it’s a little more difficult. In general, the system is the same - get a Soul Crystal of the required level and color, gemstones of the required grade and in the required quantity, come to Mammon the Blacksmith - and get SA in your weapon.

For S80 and S84 weapons, CA is inserted from Master Ishuma (Ishuma) in the Air Harbor of Gludio.

About what S.A.-the effect you can get in your weapon, and what Soul Crystal this will require - I'll tell you later.

As you all (probably) know, starting from grade C, you can insert SA crystals into weapons (SA - special ability), which additionally increase some characteristic of the weapon. The most popular SA among magicians is akumen, among warriors it is focus, but not all weapons can be equipped with such SA. In general, each weapon has three strictly defined inserts, and depending on the player’s preferences, he chooses the best one from these three. You can see what additions you can make to a given weapon with the help of SA by clicking once on this weapon in your inventory; there below, after all the characteristics, the available inserts will be listed.
All SA are inserted at blacksmiths, up to the 10th level of SA (C and B grade weapons) can be inserted at any forge, SA in grade A and S can only be inserted by the blacksmith Mamon in the week of victory of the seven seals. Only the blacksmith Mamon and his relative, the black huckster Mamon, who hides in secluded corners in every city, can remove SA from a weapon.
Crystals come in three colors - blue, green and red; depending on the color, the weapon acquires one or another addition.
SA crystals from levels 7 to 10 are sold in the Luxor in Giran from the merchant on the right; all the rest can only be obtained by taking the Enhance Your Weapon quest and charging the crystal manually.

Now let's look at the CA levels of crystals. The lowest level that we may need is level 5 blue - this crystal can be inserted into the low-C dagger Kursed Dagger to roll back the skills of the destroyer.

The quest can be completed starting from character level 40. We go to the magic guild in Giran (it is located on the right side of the temple - we pass through the corridor and cross the bridge over the river) and look for the grandmaster there Jurek, we take the quest from him, as well as a certain amount of level 0 blue SA. TP we are heading to Aden, and from there to Seal of Shilen. There is a well-known mob there (a groaning beast with an oar in his hands)
Now we remember one important rule - for the crystal to charge, there must be only one in the inventory. Two or more crystals begin to resonate and do not charge.
We throw all the crystals on the ground except one (or let the buffer hold them), and display the remaining one on the quick panel under any convenient F key. We beat the Doom knight until he has 5-10% HP left and press the keys with SA. An animation is shown as if we are draining HP from a mob (we are taking out its soul), the mob dies, and one of three inscriptions appears in the chat systems:
1 - the crystal absorbed the soul, that is, it charged, and became already level 1.
2 - the crystal was unable to absorb the soul, the SA level remains 0.
3 - the crystal could not withstand the filling with the soul and collapsed. In this case, take the next one.

This is how we charge the crystal up to the 5th level. This process is unpredictable, you can upgrade to level 5 in 10 minutes, or you can kick a bunch of Doom knights, but the crystal will not be upgraded. You will figure it out for yourself in the process.
The charging skill has been acquired, let's move on. The most popular, of course, are SA from levels 11 to 13. They charge on raid bosses, and they can no longer be destroyed, well, at least there’s something good about them.
We buy a level 10 CA of the desired color in the Luxor and go to charge it at the RB (don’t forget to take the quest from Yurek, many people fly by with charging). When you charge SA on raid bosses, you no longer need to put the crystal on the quick panel and click on it, just let it lie in your inventory.

Raid bosses that charge SA from 10 to 11 and from 11 to 12 levels.

  • Special bonuses (SA) can be inserted into various C, B, A and S class weapons.
  • Each weapon can be equipped with one of three SAs to choose from.
  • Dual swords/daggers automatically gain a certain SA when enchanted to +4. They cannot get another SA.
  • You cannot insert SA into a Common Item, Shadow Item, No Grade, D Grade, or Hero Weapon.
  • Can insert SA into Augmented and Masterwork weapons


  • To insert SA C and B class, you need to go to the Blacksmith (Blacksmith) in the Blacksmith Shop (Forge) in any city.
  • To insert SA A and S/S80 class, you need to go to Mammon Blacksmith, who appears in the week of Seven Sigs victories in Catacombs.
  • You must have with you a certain amount of Gemstone of the same class as the weapon, and a Soul Crystal of a certain color and level. The number of Gemstones and the level of crystals are indicated below.

C grade

B grade

A grade

S grade

S80 grade

Resources required for insertion

Grade Crystal level Gemstones
C Low 5 97 C
C Middle 6 238 C
C High 7 306 C
C Top 8 555 C
B Low 9 222B
B Top 10 339B
A Low Blue 11 147 A
A Low Red/Green 11 157 A
A Middle Blue 12 157 A
A Middle Red/Green 12 140 A
A Top 12 157 A
S 13 82 S
Dynasty 14 ??? S
Icarus 15 ??? S

SA decryption

Passive physical SA
Anger Increases P. Atk. (physical attack) and reduces maximum amount HP by 15%.
Back Blow Increases Critical (critical attack chance) from the back.
Cheap Shot / Bow During a normal attack, reduces MP consumption.
Cheap Shot / Crossbow When using skills, reduces MP consumption.
Critical Damage Increases P. Atk. (physical attack) on a critical attack.
Evasion Increases Evasion (evasion)
Focus Increases Critical (critical attack chance)
Guidance Increases Accuracy (accuracy)
Haste Increases Atk. Spd (attack speed)
Health Increases maximum HP by 25%.
HP Drain Restores 3% of the physical damage dealt to the enemy during a melee attack.
HP Regeneration Increases HP recovery by 2.2 per tick
Light Increases Weight Limit by 20%
Miser (Stinginess) Gives a 30% chance to reduce the consumption of soulshots when attacking
Quick Recovery Reduces skill reuse time
Towering Blow Increases the effect area of ​​the weapon.
Wide/Wild Blow (Impact Angle) Increases the angle of attack.
Chance physical SA
Critical Anger Reduces the player's HP by 12 and increases P. Atk. (physical attack) by 248 on a critical attack.
Critical Bleed Gives a chance to inflict Bleed on the target during a critical attack.
Critical Drain (Critical Vampire) Drains 9 HP from the target during a critical attack.
Critical Poison Gives a chance to inflict Poison on the target during a critical attack.
Critical Slow Gives a chance to apply Slow (reduced speed) to the target during a critical attack.
Critical Stun Gives a chance to inflict Stun on the target during a critical attack.
Limit physical SA
Risk Evasion Increases Evasion (evasion) at HP 60% and below.
Risk Focus Increases Critical (critical attack chance) at HP 60% and below.
Risk Haste Increases Atk. Spd (attack speed) at HP 60% and below.
Passive Magic SA
Acumen (Acumen) Increases Casting Spd. (spell casting speed) by 15%.
Conversion Increases maximum MP by 60% and decreases maximum HP by 40%.
Empower Increases M. Atk. (magic attack)
Magic Damage Increases damage power by 8 with a 30% chance when using bad magic
Magic Power When using magic, MP consumption increases by 15% and M. Atk. (magic attack) increases.
Mana Up Increases maximum MP by 30%.
MP Regeneration Increases MP recovery by 0.6 per tick
Chance buff SA
Bless the Body Inflicts Bless the Body on the target with a 20% chance when using friendly magic.
Magic Focus Places Focus on the target with a 20% chance when using friendly magic. Effect 3.
Magic Regeneration Places Regeneration on the target with a 30% chance when using friendly magic.
Mental Shield Places a Mental Shield on the target with a 50% chance when using friendly magic.
Chance debuff SA
Magic Chaos Gives a chance to inflict Curse of Chaos on the target when using bad magic. Effect 3.
Magic Hold Gives a chance to cast Dryad Root on the target when using bad magic.
Magic Paralyze Casts magic that paralyzes the target with a 5% chance.
Magic Poison Gives a chance to inflict Poison on the target when using bad magic.
Magic Silence Places Silence on the target with a 10% chance when using bad magic.
Magic Weakness Gives a chance to inflict Curse Weakness on the target when using bad magic. Effect 3.
Legacy SAs
Mortal Strike Increases the chance of completing skills with a chance of lethality.

Getting Soul Crystal

  • You can get the Soul Crystal by completing the corresponding quest (description at the link: /)
  • Soul Crystal levels 7-10 are also sold in the Luxury Shop.

Prices in Luxury Shop (Luxury Store)

level D crystals C crystals B crystals
7 500 100
8 567 120
9 135 44
10 150 50


  • Removing SA from weapons can be done by Black Marketeer of Mammon in any city for a fee.
  • Free SA can be removed from Mammon Blacksmith (Blacksmith of Mammon)
  • The soul crystal does not return

Kamael weapons

  • 1h sword (one-handed sword), 2h sword ( two-handed sword) and bow (bow) when transformed into rapier (rapier), ancient sword (ancient sword), arbalest (crossbow) and back retains SA and their effects.

Legacy SAs

  • In C2, the next weapon had a different set of SA.
  1. Demon's Sword / Demon Dagger (B): Critical Bleed, Critical Poison, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  2. Hell Knife (B): Back Blow, Focus, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  3. Crystall Dagger (C): Critical Bleed, Critical Poison, Mortal Strike / Might Mortal
  • In the future, the ability to insert Back Blow and Focus into Hell Knife and Mortal Strike / Might Mortal disappeared, however, if SA was already inserted, it remained.

Maximum parameter values ​​for some SAs

  1. Focus (90): Dark Elven Dagger (C)
  2. Haste (7%): Angel Slayer (S)
  3. Risk Evasion (7): Crystal Staff (C), Stick of Eternity (C)
  4. Risk Haste (13%): Cursed Dagger (C), Dark Elven Dagger (C)
  5. Quick Recovery (20%): Elemental Bow (C)
  6. Critical Stun (25%): Poleaxe (C), Halberd (A)
  1. Mental Shield (Effect 4): Spell Breaker (B), Sprite's Staff (B), Daimon Crystal (A), Themis" Tongue (A)
  2. Bless the Body (Effect 5): Staff of Evil Spirits (B)
  3. Magic Focus: Staff of Evil Spirits (B)

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Increase your strength by inserting into gear soul crystals! Soul crystals are one of the most important components of the power of your equipment. Increasing their level will help you increase your stats and not be inferior to other players. Every player should know what soul crystals are, how to improve them, and why they are important in the game.

All pieces of equipment have slots for installing soul crystals. The number of slots depends on the rank of equipment. You can get soul crystals by hunting in the field and in clan dungeons.

Here we will tell you everything you need to know about soul crystals: their types, ranks, levels, compatibility, and why this particular item distinguishes top players from everyone else.

9 types of soul crystals

Soul Crystal Ranks

Soul Crystal Levels

Cells for placement

Secondary Characteristics

Installation and removal

Tips from the experts

9 types of soul crystals

Each type of soul crystal has a name, and each type is installed only in equipment of a certain type.

For example:

Soul Crystal HP -> only for helmet and armor

Evasion Soul Crystal -> boots and necklace only

The soul crystal type cannot be changed.

Name Equipment Part Color

Soul Crystal of Attack



Soul Crystal of Critical Rate



Soul Crystal of HP



Soul Crystal of Defense



Soul Crystal of Accuracy



Soul Crystal of Evasion



Soul Crystal of Resilience



Soul Crystal of Critical Resistance



Soul Crystal of Penetration



Soul Crystal Ranks

Soul crystals have a rank (from C to SR). With each subsequent rank, the basic characteristics of the crystal increase significantly. Upgrade your crystals and try to get SR rank soul crystals as quickly as possible.

The rank of crystals, like equipment, can be raised (for example, collecting crystals of rank S from crystals of rank A, etc.).

Upgrading soul crystals requires adena, and they should be maximum level.

Soul Crystal Grade C B A S R S.R.
Cost 8,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 - N/A

Increasing the level of soul crystals

Level up your soul crystals to improve their characteristics. Combine materials to level up soul crystals and improve their characteristics. Remember that you you can improve an already used soul crystal. Simply click on the crystal you want to upgrade in your equipment and select "Upgrade". If you have enough materials to level up, the crystal does not need to be removed! This will help you save a ton of adena.

How to level up

① Click “Level Up” to go to the soul crystal level up window.

② Select the soul crystal you want to level up.

③ Select soul crystals to be used as level up material

④ Check the box if you only want to use installed soul crystals.

⑤ Check the experience and stats that the soul crystal will receive after leveling up.

⑥ You will see the amount of adena required to increase the level of the soul crystal. Click on the button with this amount to increase the level.

⑦ Automatic selection of soul crystals that will serve as materials.

Cells for placement

In the game, you can see that each type of equipment has slots for a certain type of soul crystal. As equipment improves, the number of slots increases, allowing the player to increase his power.

Equipment/Grade C B A S R S.R.
Weapon PurpleOrangePurpleOrangePurpleOrange
Gloves PurpleOrangePurpleOrangePurpleOrange
Headgear YellowRedYellowRedYellowRed
Armor YellowRedYellowRedYellowRed
Boots CyanGreenCyanGreenCyanGreen
Necklace CyanGreenCyanGreenCyanGreen
Earring BlueBlackBlueBlackBlueBlack
Ring SilverSilverSilverSilverSilverSilver

① Select equipment. As you can see, the helmet has the following slots for soul crystals: yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow, red.

② The color is indicated by the outer outline of the cell. The 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th cells are open.

③ The 6th cell is currently locked and will only open after the item’s rank is upgraded to SR.

Secondary characteristics (not applicable on North American/EU servers)

In addition to the main characteristic, all soul crystals have a secondary characteristic, which you can see under the main one. The secondary characteristic increases with each increase in the level of the soul crystal and remains unchanged with improvements.

List of characteristics:

F. attack- main physical attack modifier

M. attack- main magic attack modifier

F. defense- main physical defense modifier

M. defense- main modifier of magical defense

HP– health points

MP– mana points

Critical Chance - Chance to inflict a critical hit when attacking

Critical Resistance - reduces the enemy's chance of landing a critical hit

Critical Damage - main modifier general meaning critical attack based on f. attacks / m. attacks

Punching- reduces target's defense

Flexibility- reduces the target's attack

Accuracy- the main modifier that determines the chance of hitting

Evasion— the main modifier that determines the chance of avoiding an attack

Regen. HP— increases the speed of HP recovery per unit of time

Regen. MP— increases the speed of MP recovery per unit of time

Damage with Ignoring Defense - unknown

Reduced fixed damage - unknown

Below you will find detailed information on gaining experience through dungeons.

① Select your equipment, in our case it will be gloves.

② You can see the secondary characteristic at the bottom (different shade). This is +47 to f. attack.

Installation and removal

Soul crystals are installed for free, but you will have to pay a certain amount of adena to remove them.

Soul Crystal Grade C B A S R S.R.
Cost 10,000 30,000 70,000 150,000 300,000 600,000

How to insert:

① Select an item to install the soul crystal.

② You will see soul crystals in the selected item.

③ Soul Crystals that can be installed into selected items are highlighted to make them easier to select.

④ Check the box to select only sold soul crystals for this item.

⑤ Click "Auto Equip" to automatically select soul crystals.

⑥ Click “Level Up” to go to the soul crystal level up window.

⑦ Click "Equip" to install soul crystals. There is no separate fee for installing soul crystals.

⑧ Click to cancel installation.

⑨ Check all equipment that can be equipped with soul crystals.

How to remove:

① Select the equipment you want to extract the crystal from.

② Select installed soul crystals.

③ Click "Auto Extract" to extract all soul crystals from the cells.

④ Click “Extract” to spend adena to extract the selected soul crystal.

⑤ Click to sell the installed soul crystal.

Tips from the experts:

Do not sell low-quality soul crystals - they are better used to level up.

In the early stages of the game, install crystals in all equipment, even if they are of low rank. This will give you maximum combat power. Soul Crystals are difficult to find and players often leave their slots empty. This is a common mistake. When will you have crystals? best quality, you can replace them.

Don't forget about secondary characteristics. Develop soul crystals with the most useful characteristics for your character. Remember that the secondary characteristic cannot be changed! For example, for a Death Dancer, I would choose soul crystals with secondary characteristics to increase critical damage, critical strike chance, or f. attack.


1. The higher the rank of equipment, the more soul crystals you can place in it. (Maximum 6 in SR grade equipment.)

2. Bonus stats are given based on the type and rank of Soul Crystals installed.

3. The rank of a Soul Crystal can be from C to SR. Max level soul crystals below SR rank can be upgraded and their rank raised.

4. If you combine tradeable and non-tradeable soul crystals, the resulting soul crystal higher level will not be able to be sold.

5. If equipment and soul crystals differ in the type of sellability, the resulting item will become unsellable.
