What does the number of fps depend on? What is FPS? Optimal FPS value

Download Fraps and find out what is fps can be found at the end of this article. A little about the program itself. It is designed to measure and monitor FPS in games or other programs where the computer deals with graphics.

FPS is the number of frames shown to us per second of time. It is believed that the human eye does not notice 25 frames or more. That is, if there are 20 - 24 frames per second, then we will see the video twitching, and if there are 5 - 10, then it will be a slide show in the form of pictures. Well, if FPS is 25, then the video or game will be displayed beautifully, without frame sifting or glitches. Some gamers say that 25 FPS is not enough for them, that they should get 40-60. Indeed, you see, games are already being made with such FPS. But you must understand that the higher the FPS, the more powerful your PC’s hardware is needed. And besides, in my own way personal experience, I want to say. If you first play the game with FPS 25, and then with 60, you will of course notice the difference. But if you then play again for 10 minutes at FPS 25, you will get used to it and it won’t even bother you.

Now you know what is fps but what to do if the game slows down and the FPS is very low?

First you need to decide how many FPS you need specifically. Let's assume that 25 is the ceiling, and you have a very weak computer. And FPS shows 2-10. It's not realistic to play at this FPS. To increase FPS, you need to reduce the graphics in the game. Start with resolution and textures. Turn down all possible smoothing and shadows. And turn off some completely. If you have turned everything down to minimum, but FPS does not show 25. Then my advice to you is that you can play with FPS 22-24 a little crappy, but believe me, you can.

I beat The Witcher 2 with FPS 20-23. The resolution was 800-600 and the textures were even medium. If this article was useful to you, share it on social networks. Good luck and good FPS in games.

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Recently I decided to start writing articles not for general development, but choose topics based on the popularity of the questions asked to me. Today's article will be of particular interest to gamers, so if you are a fan computer games, don’t pass by and read the article to the end.

Today I will tell you the main reasons for FPS drops in games, how to deal with it and how to increase FPS to maximize your enjoyment of the game.

How to increase FPS?

Before I start talking directly about the reasons for the drop in FPS and ways to increase it, I will tell you what these magic three letters actually mean. I am sure there will be those for whom this information will be useful.

The abbreviation “FPS” stands for “Frame Per Second”. In Russian it sounds like frame rate. That is, the number of frames per unit of time, namely per second. Speaking in simple words, the Frame Per Second number is an indicator of how often the picture on the screen changes in one second. If the FPS is high, then the game runs smoothly and lags do not bother you. In addition to this indicator, the smoothness of online games is greatly influenced by ping. You can find out what it is and what it is eaten with in this article.

The change in frames per unit of time will depend on the three components of the computer or laptop on which the game is running. FPS is affected by the amount of RAM, power and type of video card and processor.

Also on FPS frequency Your monitor may also have an effect, since it is a kind of frame limiter. For example, you are using a monitor whose refresh rate is 75 Hz. This immediately indicates that it is above 75 FPS performance doesn't make sense. Despite the fact that games may say 100 FPS, in fact you will see a maximum of 75 frames per second on a 75 hertz monitor. All possible ways See FPS increases below.

Increasing FPS through video card settings

Before proceeding directly to the settings of the video card, you need to find out what type it is. Today there are only two of them: an integrated video card and a discrete one.

Integrated is a video card that is soldered into the motherboard. Therefore, such a video card does not have its own processor. Such a video device will be content with the resources of RAM and processor. Today, almost all motherboards are equipped with such a video card. If you have Intel graphics, don’t read any further, nothing will help you. But playing with this kind of card is a pain, I’ll tell you honestly. The only exception is powerful laptops that have “serious” video cards installed.

Discrete are video cards that are installed separately in a slot on the motherboard. They also have their own processor and RAM. If you want to play powerful modern games, then it won’t be possible to do this without a powerful discrete card.

In order to get the most out of your computer, you need to install drivers latest versions. It is also necessary to set maximum performance. To do this, you need to go to the video card settings.

Today, to equip computers, you can see video cards from the brands “NVIDIA” and “ATI (Radeon)”. And today I will tell you about them so that you can easily increase your FPS in online games.

In order to go to the settings of the video card, regardless of the brand, go to the “Start” menu and open “Control Panel”. Here you need to find a tab with the “NVIDIA” or “ATI (Radeon)” icon. Next, the setup procedure for each type of video card will be different.

NVIDIA graphics card settings

If you open the settings of your NVIDIA video card, you will immediately see two main tabs, namely: managing 3D parameters and adjusting the image. Now you will need “image adjustment”, let’s go to it.

In the picture above you can see the “Performance” parameter. You will need to pull the slider as far as possible to the right. Do not be alarmed that the image of the “NVIDIA” logo will deteriorate. That's how it should be. It’s just that now you’ve prioritized the video card’s performance rather than image quality.

But, in order to increase FPS even more, you need to go to the advanced settings, which are located in the “3D Control” tab. Here you will need to disable some parameters that interfere with increasing FPS.

If the result after the performed procedure does not impress you, but on the contrary - everything will only get worse, then all the settings can be returned back by clicking on the "Restore" button. But, there is a high probability that the FPS will become significantly higher. And this is not only about single-player online games, but also multiplayer ones, such as “World of Tanks”.

ATI (Radeon) video card settings

If you have a video card from ATI (Radeon) installed, then to enter the settings you need to click on any empty space on the desktop right click mice. In the window that appears, you will see the item “AMD Catalyst Control Center”. You may have a different name. Everything will depend on the video card model.

In the window that opens, namely in the settings, you need to check the “standard view” item. After this, the settings for games will become available to you.

We go into them and find the section “image quality” and “game performance”.

First, open the “performance” section. Here you will need to uncheck the standard settings and move the slider towards maximum performance. That is, we make the same settings as in the example about “NVIDIA”.

Now you need to open the section regarding anti-aliasing. In this section, you will need to uncheck the application settings and morphological filtering. I won’t tell you about the operation of these filters, I’ll just say one thing: they greatly affect the performance of the video card. After this, you will need to run the filter, which is called “Standard” and move the slider to the 2X mark.

Find the "smoothing method" tab. In it you will need to move the slider to the maximum performance level.

Now it’s time to move on to the “anisotropic filtering” section. You should never forget about this parameter, since it is the most important when increasing FPS. At this point, you have the opportunity to evaluate how the image quality has changed after disabling some parameters. Uncheck the box and drag the slider to the left. That's it, the settings are completed, you can exit. But, do not forget to save all the changes, otherwise the procedure will have to be repeated.

Also, when making settings in ATI (Radeon), you will see the “Advanced Views” tab. In it you will find the “3D Settings” section. In this section you need to configure settings for all games or configure them for one specific application. In order to increase FPS in this way, you need to set the settings as follows:


  • Anti-aliasing mode: override application settings
  • Sample smoothing: 2x
  • Filter: "standard"
  • Smoothing method: multiple sampling
  • Morphological filtering: off

Texture filtering

  • Anisotropic filtering mode: override application settings
  • Anisotropic filtering level: 2x
  • Texture Filtering Quality: Performance
  • Surface format optimization: on.

Frame rate control

  • wait for vertical update: always off
  • OpenLG Triple Buffering: Off
  • Tessellation
  • Tessellation Mode: AMD Optimized
  • Maximum tessellation level: AMD optimized.

Changing settings in games

Not only video card settings affect FPS increases. Also his high level can be achieved by changing the settings of the game itself. To understand in more detail, let's look at changing the game settings using the example of "World of Tanks". General graphics settings look like this:

In the "Extensions" tab you will find the basic settings that you will need to increase FPS.

Screen expansion and anti-aliasing will have a major impact on increasing FPS. If your computer’s hardware is not particularly powerful, then I recommend setting the resolution to the minimum setting at which the image in games will not be distorted. Also, in the advanced settings, I advise you to completely remove shadows. Oddly enough, they consume quite a lot of video card memory. If you drag the “Texture quality” slider to the minimum value, then during the game you will see “soapy models”. That is why I advise you to sacrifice the “quantity of vegetation” and “quality of effects”.

Remember that the main culprits of low FPS are shadows, effects, amount of detail and the quality of water obstacles. If you set these settings to minimum, you'll be doing your graphics card a favor and taking some of the load off of it. But there are also sad consequences - a gloomy gray picture will await you.

Increasing FPS through Windows settings

In addition to the video card settings and the game itself, Windows settings will also affect the FPS level. The operating system consumes quite a lot of resources. In order to improve gaming performance, you need to terminate some processes. The most resources are taken by antiviruses, programs for downloading torrent files, as well as various types of communication applications, such as Skype.

In addition, visual effects affect gaming performance operating system. To disable them, you need to go to the control panel and select “all panel elements.” Here you can find the item “means and performance counters.” After this, “visual effects settings” will become available to you. Your main task in this section is to make the settings so that performance is guaranteed. Check the appropriate box, then click apply and okay.

The purity of the iron itself will also affect performance. So let's not forget about this important point like cleaning a computer. Dust must be cleaned out at least once a month. Then your PC will definitely start working faster, you will notice this in FPS performance. Here's a playlist for optimizing your computer to increase FPS!

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There is a list of programs whose functionality includes the function of displaying FPS in the game. But what is it? FPS is the number of frames per second that the user sees on the PC screen while playing. The higher this indicator, the better. This is especially true for shooters. Special programs offer monitoring of this value. Let's take a closer look at them.

One of the most famous representatives of this list. Fraps functionality includes recording video from the screen, taking screenshots and, of course, it is suitable for measuring FPS in games. Fraps works on top of all windows, so you don’t have to switch between processes.

This program has a simple interface and little functionality, but it is quite sufficient for the purposes for which Fraps is downloaded. The trial version is distributed free of charge and is enough to understand whether the program is worthy of attention.


CAM is designed to monitor the entire system as a whole. It is also suitable for viewing frame counts in games. In addition to this information, the screen displays the load on the processor and video card, and their temperatures. It contains everything you need to be constantly aware of the status of your PC.

The program is distributed absolutely free of charge and is in Russian. CAM will always notify you of critical loads or system temperatures, which will help avoid system failures. All notifications can be configured in the corresponding menu.

FPS Monitor

The name speaks for itself. The program is great for showing FPS in games, and also helps to monitor other system parameters. There are several prepared scenes for different operating modes.

The trial version is distributed free of charge and has limited functionality. Full version costs 400 rubles and has no restrictions. All versions have Russian interface language.


The main goal of this representative is not the FPS counter, but the creation of various interfaces for games. However, you can set the fps monitoring option in the settings. After this, you just need to go into the game with the program turned on and the indicator will be displayed in the place that you specified in the settings.

It is distributed absolutely free of charge, almost the entire interface is translated into Russian and there are many add-ons that can be downloaded or purchased in the internal store. Installed plugins and skins are placed in the library.

MSI Afterburner

A multifunctional program that will help you set up your computer and improve its performance. With MSI Afterburner you can set performance or graphics settings, change cooler settings and much more.

The program's functionality includes full system monitoring, including displaying the number of frames per second in games.

Using Autoburner, you can overclock your video card, but this should only be done by experienced users. The program is distributed completely free of charge, but is not fully Russified.

Probably every computer user has encountered “slowdown” in different games. Anything can provoke braking:

  • insufficient amount of RAM;
  • overloading the computer with running applications;
  • low video card performance.

Performance and fps in games

In general, how is video card performance measured? Speaking in plain language, without technical details, then for most gamers performance is expressed in the number of frames shown per second, this is fps.

The higher the value of this indicator, the smoother and better quality the picture on the screen. You can use the Fraps program as an fps measuring device. It is designed to record video from the screen. Even if you are not going to record anything, it will display fps in any game in the corner of the screen.

How to increase FPS in games - installing drivers for a video card

Before you move on to setting up your video card settings, you need to update your drivers. The performance of the video card depends on the drivers. Outdated drivers change the picture beyond recognition.

How to increase FPS in games - NVIDIA settings

If you have installed on your computer NVIDIA drivers, then to configure them you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop and select “NVIDIA control panel” in the context menu that opens.

We are interested in the “manage 3d parameters” tab. It should be on the left side of the settings column. It is in this window that we will set the optimal settings.

Please note that the order of the options below may differ and it is impossible to guess how something will open for you. Therefore, we will consider only the basic options that are available in all NVIDIA drivers.

  • Vertical synchronization V-Sync. This parameter greatly affects the performance of the video card. It is recommended to disable it.
  • Anisotropic filtering. It directly affects the quality of texture display. It needs to be turned off.
  • Antialiasing – turn off.
  • Extension limitation – disable.
  • Triple buffering – enable.
  • Enable scalable textures - no.
  • Texture filtering (optimization) – enable.
  • Texture filtering (quality) – set to “highest performance”.

After completing the settings, save all this and exit. Once you enter the game, you will find that fps will increase by approximately 20%. This will allow you to easily play games that your computer could not handle before. By the way, the image quality may deteriorate slightly after making changes to the settings, but the picture will move more evenly and faster than before.

Useful software to increase fps in games

In this section we will look at useful software, the use of which will allow you to properly configure the OS.

  • Starter is a program that allows you to remove/add startup programs and control running processes. It can also be used to start and disable Windows services - this is very important for optimizing the system.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus is the best anti-virus in the world. The only drawback is the maximum use of computer resources. Using it will only slow down games.
  • Advanced SystemCare Pro is a very powerful tool designed to optimize your system. Designed to clean the registry, clean disks and increase productivity.

Cleaning the system to increase fps in games

Cleaning the system consists of:

  • Disk and registry defragmentation.
  • Removing unused programs from auto downloads.
  • Cleaning and fixing disk errors.

Licensed games are the key to high-quality graphics on weak PCs

As you may have noticed, games can come out crude, with glitches and bugs. There is one effective way to solve this problem - purchase a licensed version of the game. There are no viruses here and the latest patch will always download itself. Just convenience. The cost of such games is not that high, the main thing is to buy them in the right place.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the more you increase the fps in the game, the more the processor is loaded. Do not abuse your computer's load while playing the game. Everything should be in moderation.

FPS abbreviation concept

Every fan of computer games has probably encountered the fact that games sometimes start to slow down. It's all because of the FPS drawdown.

FPS is an abbreviation that stands for “frames per seconds”, which means “frames per second”.

The FPS value shows how many frames are displayed on your PC screen within one second. It is the number of frames that determines how comfortable and high-quality the gameplay will be.

The greater the number of frames, the better, as the picture will be smoother and more pleasing to the eye.

What determines FPS in games?

The number of frames per second depends on:

  1. Video cards. It is the video card that is responsible for the image on the screen, and the more powerful it is, the more frames per second it can process. We can say that the FPS that is reflected on your monitor is an indicator of the performance of your video card.
  2. Processor power. A too weak processor is often the cause of FPS drops in games. The frame rate per second is also affected by the presence of graphics accelerators in the processor.
  3. Random access memory. What is important here is the speed of the RAM; the higher it is, the better.
  4. Monitor. Although the video card produces the number of frames per second, the monitor is just as important here. If you have a weak monitor that only supports a 60Hz refresh rate, then no matter how powerful your graphics card is, you won't notice the difference between 60 and 120 FPS. This way, the monitor can limit the frame rate your graphics card can output.
  5. Detail settings. The weaker your personal computer, the worse you will have to set the quality in the game settings in order to increase the FPS.

In addition to all the above factors, the number of FPS in games is also affected by network speed and antivirus software.

Optimal FPS value

The minimum FPS required for relatively comfortable game 30-50. However, in particularly dynamic games this will be extremely little.

At a low frame rate, the picture in the game becomes jerky and less smooth, which has a very negative impact on the gameplay. For a comfortable game, a frame rate of 60 or higher is required.

How to find out your FPS?

Some games already have this feature, you just need to enable it in the settings.

If you do not find such a function, then you should install a special program that will display the number of frames per second during the game.

How to increase FPS?

It happens that even on a relatively good PC there are FPS drops, here's what you can do to increase the number of frames per second:

  1. Decrease quality in the game settings. To begin with, you can try playing with detail and shadows, and disabling anti-aliasing. If this does not help, then lower the settings to medium or low. The visual component of games is very important for many, but comfortable gameplay without lag is much more important; if it is not possible to combine these two parameters, then it is better to choose only the second.
  2. Disable antivirus. Antivirus programs protect your computer, but it also happens that they can conflict with some completely safe programs. If you are sure that the game will not cause any harm to your computer, then you can temporarily disable the antivirus.
  3. Close all applications and programs running in the background. A very large part of system resources is taken up by programs running in the background; many of them are often not needed, but they have a significant impact on game process. This move can significantly improve frames per second in games.
  4. Increase performance computer. It often happens that FPS drops in games occur due to the fact that your computer is not fast enough. To improve its performance, you can turn the visual effects of the operating system to a minimum.
  5. Update drivers for the video card. Drivers can have a huge impact on video card performance.
  6. Scan your computer for viruses. Often it is malware that causes a decrease in computer performance. To optimize the performance of your PC, you need to clean it.
  7. Correctly configure the video card settings.
  8. Try it overclock your computer. This method of increasing FPS should be used only in extreme cases, since overclocking the system is an extremely unpredictable thing. Overclocking can bring you the desired result, but it can also lead to complete failure of your personal computer.

In addition, before you start overclocking, you need to study everything carefully, since it is very difficult, not everyone can figure it out, correctly overclock a single computer.

To increase the number of frames per second in games, you can resort to the help of various utilities that can optimize the performance of your computer. They will help you control running processes, carry out disk defragmentation and cleaning in a timely manner.
