Pantomime options. Funny fairy tale scene "Turnip". contest. Dramatization of fairy tales

And last New Year we had these competitions. (We big company friends - they all know each other very well and have known each other for a long time) We did everything one by one. That is, everyone was personally given a competition (a week in advance), he prepared and conducted it. Everything went great, we managed to hold all the competitions in 3 hours, the time just flew by. Everyone really liked it. This new year there will be new competitions (there are 25 of us, we will celebrate in Finland, everyone is excited.

Fairy tale
When you have at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler the better, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc. are ideal). The presenter is Santa Claus - he will be a reader. From the book, write down all the characters of the fairy tale on separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, buckets, etc. All guests pull out pieces of paper with roles. Santa Claus begins to read a fairy tale, and all the characters “come to life”....

Any number of participants can play. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center is the driver (Santa Claus) with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, while it flies to the ground everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone calms down. As soon as the handkerchief touches the ground, this is where the laughter begins, and from the funniest we take a forfeit - this is a song, a poem, etc.

With signs
At the entrance, each guest receives his new name - a piece of paper with the inscription is attached to his back (giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, cucumber, etc.). Each guest can read what the other guests are called, but, naturally, cannot read what he himself is called. The task of each guest is to find out his new name from the others throughout the evening. Guests can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The first one to find out what is written on his piece of paper wins.

Mysterious chest
Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase in which they put various items clothes. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of Santa Claus they begin to put on things from the chest. The players' task is to dress up as quickly as possible

The players stand in a circle. The host - Santa Claus commands: "Touch yellow, one, two, three!" Players try to grab the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. Santa Claus repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one standing wins.

There is one interesting competition that I myself have experienced more than once in practice - laughter and that’s all...
pantomime competition:
We need 2 participants, one guy and one girl. You explain to the guy (so that the girl doesn’t hear) that he should show it as if he were changing a light bulb using a chair - without paying attention to anyone!
You explain to the girl (so that the guy doesn’t hear) that the guy is going to hang himself and she must stop him at all costs!

everything must be accomplished without words!
you tell the audience the meaning and everyone laughs =)

The competition is called "Break the Egg".
Take two guys, two cellophane (transparent) bags, four chicken eggs. The eggs are placed in bags and tied to the young people's belts, so that they dangle between the legs. Then the young men stand opposite each other and, swinging, hit each other with these bags. Whoever's eggs break faster loses.
This is such an interesting game.
I know a lot more interesting competitions for example, “Crawl to the rattle”, “Step over your friend”...."Kill the devil"....

Dancing with candy
Several couples are invited to participate in the competition (preferably 2-3 couples).
A candy is inserted into the couple's mouth; it will be funnier if the candy is chocolate. Couples should dance to cheerful music, and the audience should support them with applause. Whichever pair separates immediately leaves the game. The winner is the couple that can dance the longest with candy in their mouth.

"I like you". All participants form a circle, the game leader asks the first guest a question: “Look carefully at your neighbor. What do you like most about him?” (The answers will be very different: eyes, nose, earrings, blouse, hair, etc.). Then the host turns to the next guest with the same question and to the next one. When the survey is completed, the presenter invites everyone to kiss their neighbor exactly what they liked most

Two people sit opposite each other. Everyone has a bag of sucking candy. Each one takes a candy into his mouth and says: “Full name, you fat-cheeked lip-slapper,” the second one repeats. Then a second candy is placed - the phrases are repeated... and so on until the space for candies runs out.
It's just hilarious when you already have 6-7 candies in your mouth and try to say "fat-cheeked lip slap"

The players squat in a circle (boy, girl, boy, girl). Everyone is warned not to laugh (the presenter is allowed). The presenter “solemnly” takes his right neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else in the circle must do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek (nose, knee...), etc. Those who laugh leave the circle. The one remaining wins.

From the very beginning, hand out lottery tickets to your guests, and at the height of the holiday, give away small but pleasant souvenirs.

1. Universal cleaning device for the morning toilet (toothbrush).

2. Travel agency souvenir (badge).

3. The right to a car (lottery ticket).

4. Remedy for anger (donut on a string).

5. Norwegian mohair (spool of thread).

6. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance (envelope).

7. French cosmetics (pencil).

8. Electric tongs (clothes pin).

9. New Year's roll (serpentine).

10. Photo from the carnival (postcard with an image of an animal).

11. White on black (chalk).

12. Spare parts for sneakers (laces).

13. English castle (pin).

14. Thought fixer (pencil).

15. Typewriter (pen).

16. Antique hanger (nail).

17. Cognac set (3 thimbles).

18. Tool (spoon).

19. Diet food (chewing gum).

20. Crystal chandelier (light bulb).

21. Disinfectant (soap).

22. Universal synthetic backpack (cellophane bag).

23. Weight loss product (jump rope).

24. Aircraft ( balloon ik).

25. Measuring device (centimeter).

26. Bird of the future (egg).

27. Washing machine (eraser).

28. Painting by an unknown artist (postcard).

29. Electric lighter (box of matches).

30. Sewing machine (needle and thread).

31. Factory-made carpet (handkerchief).

32. Remedy for talkativeness (pacifier).

33. Fruit of temptation (apple).

34. Sound catcher of the “If you don’t like it, don’t listen” system (huge ear).

There will be no winners or losers in this game, this game is a joke to amuse the guests. Two participants are invited to it - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task is, blindfolded, to find this candy without using your hands and take it with your mouth too.” The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, no matter how long your chosen gentleman will try to find the candy from the “lady,” the guests will laugh heartily.

Good company, celebration with friends (only carry out this joke with parents, grandparents or vice versa
children - no need) birthday, etc. In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. From practice - no longer necessary.
They show the man that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them and he is taken to another room and blindfolded tightly. IN
At this moment, all the women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. Everyone bares one leg (slightly
above the knees) and a man with a bandage is admitted. He is squatting, one by one touching everyone’s bare leg with his hands, he must find out
his wife. There is nothing very scary, but the jokes are rubbish. There are many options. And the man “climbs” on his legs for a long time, and sometimes he doesn’t
recognizes “the missus”, well, if he points to another guy, they say, here is my wife (and he is wearing a stocking to hide his hair) -
the waste will be complete.

5. competition “And in my pants”
It has been played at all kinds of celebrations with adults and children since the age of 15. We take children's rompers and tie them with a string where the legs grow so that the notes do not fall through. We take a sheet of paper, cut it into small pieces 3-5 cm in size and write phrases there separately and pull them out in a circle, and saying “oh, in my pants” and read out:

There are also balls in bloomers
Sanitation required
Happiness is swelling
I'm a girl anywhere
Trouble is hooking
Dry and comfortable
There is still gunpowder in the flasks and berries in the buttocks
Warm and cozy
Not porn but fun
Vanka, stand up
Conscience did not spend the night
Only for currency
Needs care
Blue dream of finding a friend
Don't get distracted by loving
Expiration date has expired
Experienced mentor needed
You can look, but don’t touch
What you dare is what you shake
No need, I'll do it myself
Needs repairs If you're quieter, you'll last longer
The further you got in, the closer you got out
I'll leave the ends in good hands
Any-expensive, very expensive
It's a sad time
Do not offer intimacy, leisure
I want something, but I don’t know who
6. Competition "Dancing on a Leaf"
Two or more pairs are selected. There are sheets of larger format (A1..A3) according to the number of couples participating, and each couple must dance without leaving these sheets while the music plays (for a while). The one who stumbles is eliminated. If the music ends and a few pairs remain, the fun begins - the sheets of paper are folded in half and everything is repeated. Whoever can hold out the longest wins.

7. Competition "Rhinos"
For the game you will need: inflatable balls (1 for each), regular thread, adhesive tape, pushpin (1 for each). The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread around the waist (the balloon should be at the level and area of ​​the buttocks). The button is used to pierce a piece of adhesive tape and stick it on the player’s forehead. This procedure is done with each participant.
Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (he cannot use them during the game), or he can tie them. After all these preparations, the start is given (some time is noted - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, who survived is counted; and for the game, every man for himself - the game is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the enemy’s ball with a button on the forehead (not using your hands). It all looks simply amazing, the main thing is that there are more people. Well, the winner gets an incentive prize.
8. Competition "Composition"
Give everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen. The presenter asks the first question: “Who?” The players write the answer to it on their sheets (the options may be different, depending on what comes to mind). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks a second question, for example: “Where?”
The results are very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close acquaintances) and plot twists. The main thing for the presenter is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent
10. Competition "Fanta"
The presenter collects one personal item from all players, and then everyone writes some task on a piece of paper. Then the pieces of paper are collected, mixed, and the presenter, without looking, first pulls out someone’s object, and then a note. The person who owns the pulled out item must complete the task written on a piece of paper. The game is wonderful, but only players should remember that they themselves may get caught own task. This will limit your sadistic behavior.
11. Competition "Blind Advertising"
A person must advertise an item that he does not see, and the presenter can ask leading questions (show the item to the audience so that the participant does not see)

12. Competition “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
perform this song in different styles:
- in a marching rhythm;
- in rap style;
- in folk style.
16. Competition Tell me a bedtime story KOLOBOK
There are different situations in life, but the grandmother and grandfather from the fairy tale about the kolobok did not have children, but they had a kolobok. We want to show you how it happened, and for this we will need five participants. Grandfather, woman, bun, hare, bear, fox. When mentioning their hero, the participating heroes must play out the plot of the fairy tale. Example: the bun was rolling and rolling and met a wolf. And at that time the grandfather and woman were sitting on the threshold of their house and looking into the distance, waiting for the kolobok. So the story begins:
Moral: It’s better to have your own children and enjoy them than to constantly wait for the little bun to return!
20. Competition ^ TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF
The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - are ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles)
And so, husband:

  • Affectionate as...

  • Strong as...

  • Sociable as...

  • Authoritative as...

  • Independent as...

  • Smiling like...

  • Neat as...

  • Amorous as...

  • Beautiful as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named.
So, “Your Wife”:

  • In transport like...

  • With relatives how...

  • With work colleagues like...

  • In the store it's like...

  • At home it’s like...

  • In a cafe or restaurant like...

  • With the boss how...

  • In a friendly company like...

  • In the doctor's office it's like...
21. Competition ^ JOKING HOBBY
Choose 3 guys who have a hobby. Explain to them that you are going to ask them questions about their hobbies. They have to answer without giving away what hobby they really have, because later the audience will guess what hobby all three guys have. Then send them out of the room, ostensibly so the audience can ponder a few questions. While they're outside the room, tell the audience to imagine that all three guys' hobbies are kissing, regardless of what their hobbies actually are.
1. Who taught you your hobby?
2. How long does your hobby take?
3. In what room do you practice your hobby?
4. What sounds are present?
5. Does this involve any special training? If yes, which one?
6. How old were you when you first took up this hobby?
7. How do you prepare for your hobby?
8. Which best time days to do this hobby?
9. What do you wear when you do your hobby?
22. Competition POETS . Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Don’t be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with the last word
1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired by a beauty... (trellis)

2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown... (swim trunks)

3. I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy... (girls)

4.One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to ... (market)

5. The milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and... (jacket)

6. It was known even to children
Under the mask of Fantômas - Jean ... (Heat)

7. One blond guy wrote this for fun -
In the column, country of birth... (Angola)

8. Tell me, dear, frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)

9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Voroshilov, for example, was... (Clement)

10. In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is a local... (racketeer, rowdy, old-timer)

11. Grand stage and screen -
Italian... (Celentano)

12.The government spends billions
For shoulder straps, badges and... (cockades)

13. Once upon a time a new faith light
Lighted the Arabs... (Muhamed)

14. Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For mountain climbers... (peak)

15.For a puritan, erotica -
And sin, and temptation, and... (exotic)

17. Is figure skating familiar?
To the people of the Kingdom... (UK)

18.Publications are stored in the library.
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)

19. Maybe the convict would go on the run,
Yes, not passable around... (taiga)

20.Is Russia now able to collect
Worthy for the Olympics...? (army)

21. I, like a karateka, will not calm down,
if they don’t give me a black one... (belt)

22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard still shows... (zeros)

23. Sumo champion for cargo
It's good to have a big... (belly)

24. In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're lousy
Performed in comparison with... (Nogano)

25. The sports elite is happy
Another one is coming again... (Olympiad)

26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a “happy - …” (end)

27. The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
"Like me, they are also fed... (legs)

28.The peak was almost conquered,
But the snow... (avalanche) interfered.

1. In the background we also played the game already described by Chucha:

“At the entrance, each guest receives his new name - a piece of paper with an inscription is attached to his back (giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, cucumber, etc.). Each guest can read what the other guests are called, but ", naturally, cannot read the name himself. The task of each guest is to find out his new name from the others throughout the evening. Guests can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The first one to find out what is written on his piece of paper wins."

The adults were given more difficult tasks: “Oligarch in prison,” “Ice cream saleswoman in winter,” “Climber who conquered the peak,” “Husband caught in treason,” etc. For children - heroes of fairy tales and cartoons from Matroskin the cat to Spiderman. They wanted to design the cards beautifully and left a lot of free space, where during the evening they wrote New Year’s wishes and compliments to each other on them - it’s like DM made unusual greeting cards for us. There wasn’t enough time for a beautiful decoration (see photo), and in general, I must say, preparing such holidays requires a significant amount of time.
2. Then it was mentioned that in many countries DM (or in their name, SK) puts gifts in socks, and this year DM decided to introduce us to this Western tradition, but only the one who can guess what’s in the sock by touch will receive the gift . Then a bag of socks was found under the tree. What can be put in socks: kinder surprise, kiwi (they are confused, which complicates the task), chups, candy, light bulb, walnut, fountain pen, package of sparklers, soap bubbles, lipstick (hygienic?), cream or toothpaste and etc. This competition, of course, is of little interest to adults, mainly for children, but maybe if you come up with some piquant items for adults?..
Most of the competitions consisted of humorous questions presented in one way or another.

3. For example, such a game. We divided into three teams, which took turns guessing the encrypted phrase. Three attempts were given to guess the answer. If the phrase is solved the first time, the team receives the maximum number of points, the second - the average, and the third - the minimum; for the absence of a correct answer - 0.
The phrase is accordingly encrypted in three ways: translated into scientific language, into legal language and into the language of antonyms. From the first “language” the team has the right to translate together, from the second the team captain “translates”, from the third - the smallest member of the team.

For example, the team decides to give the first attempt to the legal language - the captain guesses. It didn’t work out, he chooses a scientific language or the language of antonyms, etc., i.e. decides in what order to use attempts.

Here are the tasks themselves, taken from E.I. Romashkova’s book “Birthdays in the Family and School”, as, by the way, many other competitions - I recommend them! There are still a lot of interesting things you can use there. It is available in online stores.
I continue to describe ours. In my previous post I inserted tasks for the game described there.

4. You can also arrange a quiz similar to the game “What? Where? When?" or “Field of Miracles”, i.e. Write tasks on cards and arrange them in a circle, in sectors.

You will need a children's top and something that serves as a pointer to the sector. I bought a pretty expensive top, with music and light. So, I can rent it out to anyone who needs it. Several cocktail tubes inserted into each other were attached with tape as a pointer.

This quiz in New Year's Eve We didn’t have time to spend it, so we used it for my daughter’s birthday. Players launch the top one by one; the player launching the top answers the question that the top tells him. Below are some fun questions and answers. In addition, there were two or three “Prize” sectors and a “Musical break” sector. The one who gets the “Mus. pause”, performs a number: a song, a dance, a poem, an anecdote, a toast - whatever your heart desires. Some children, and even adults, do not like to perform, while others, on the contrary, are always ready, so here you can always ask for help from the “club”, as well as when answering the questions themselves.

The top spins so merrily with music and the blinking of multi-colored lights that just its rotation with a long straw caused laughter, and everyone couldn’t wait to launch the top in person. I can’t attach a photo right now, but I hope to illustrate it later.

1. What comes second in France, and first in Russia? (Bkuva R)
2. I have twenty-five fingers on one hand, the same number on the second, and five on each foot. (If you insert a colon after the word “twenty”, everything becomes clear).
3. It is given to a person, and people use it more often than he does. (Name)
4. Why does Santa Claus always walk and never drive? (Not “why”, but “by what” - on the stairs)
5. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing, the next ones are no longer on an empty stomach)
6. Is it possible to jump higher than a house? (Yes, because houses don’t jump at all)
7. The hostess bought ten eggs. I put them in the basket, one fell. How many eggs will she bring home? (Actually not “one”, but “a bottom”, so none)
8. How many letters and what kind are needed to write about all close relatives in one word? (7 "i")
9. Grandfather has very interesting animals in his village. Each of them consists of a quarter of a grasshopper, a quarter of horse mackerel and half a sheep? Who are these mysterious animals? (Chicken)
10. What affiliation bookcase consists of half a letter? (Shelf)
11. Two fathers and two sons divided 300 rubles equally among themselves, and each received 100 rubles. How could this happen? (They were grandfather, father and son).

There were also “blitz” sectors: books, poems, songs. In each of them it was necessary to decipher several names or lines from the language of antonyms already familiar to us:

Blitz “Books”:

1. Blue baseball cap (Red Riding Hood)
2. Cube (bun)
3. Mouse in sandals (Puss in Boots)
4. Garbage Continent (Treasure Island)
5. Serezhkin soup (Mishkina porridge)
6. The Maid under the Watermelon (The Princess and the Pea)

Blitz “Songs”

1. A birch tree was cut down in a field (A Christmas tree was born in the forest)
2. Let motorists crawl very deftly along a dry road (Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles)
3. The lunar square, and the earth inside - this is a drawing of a girl (The solar circle, the sky around is a drawing of a boy)
4. A snail was jumping on a tree, completely different from a tomato (I saw a grasshopper in the grass, just like a cucumber)
5. Scooping up the rain with a fork The day ends small, why don’t you, sage, wake up?

Blitz "Poems"

1. The stranger Vanya laughs quietly: he pulled out a cube from the sea (Our Tanya is crying loudly: she dropped a ball into the river)
2. You hate my cow (I love my horse)
3. Six guys outside the door were embroidering early in the morning (Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening)
4. Someone else’s quiet sad puck, where are you lying motionless? (My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping)
5. Yesterday you sat idly by: you found an old cat (I was knocked off my feet today, my puppy was missing)

Well, since Santa Claus gifts were promised, when arranging quizzes, we also had to stock up on small prizes for the winners (and not only).
5. Friends also gave such “gifts”. We stand in a circle. Each person shows, using only pantomime, what he wants to give to his neighbor on the left (for example). He guesses with the help of everyone else. Gift options: balloon, cake, car, unearthly love, music concert, etc.

6. More fun game"Through the mouth of a baby." All adults and children are divided into two teams. Adults come up with a difficult word, such as “revolution”, “evolution”, and say it in the ear of the youngest member of the second team. And he, without saying the word, tries to explain it to his team. If it is not possible to guess, the word is given to the second oldest member of the second team, etc. For this game it is necessary that the children are not very old, otherwise it is very easy to guess.

7. New Year's toast competition. On the festive table, everyone was given a card near the device, where the word was written: pan, deuce, carrot, sled - whatever. You need to make a toast using this word.
8. Well, the biggest hit on all our holidays is the search for “treasure”. IN New Year- these are, of course, gifts, this time the most important ones - personal ones, from the most generous Grandfather. Everyone is given a note on which the designation of some place in the apartment is encrypted. In that place there is another note, with a different “cipher” and so on, i.e. You can get to the “treasure” only in a few steps, each time solving another riddle.

The cipher used was:
1. Allegory (for example, “The other side of our meal” means “under the table”)
2. Puzzles
3. Swap all syllables in words denoting place.

The difficulty of the game (for the organizers) is that, firstly, you need to strain your brains in order to “encrypt” so many names, and, secondly, to find so many places in the apartment where you are ready to hide something, and most importantly, ready for guests to look for it there. But children love this game so much that I think it’s worth it. As a last resort, you can hide only one, common gift (for example, pyrotechnics or a cake) - then you will only need four “places” and “three” riddles.
9. What's a party without dancing!

All kinds of dances:

1. Brook, train, snake. Everyone knows this.
2. Confusion. Everyone dances, standing in a circle and holding hands, and while the music is playing, they “get entangled”, passing under the hand, stepping over the hand, etc. Then someone stops the music and the driver unravels the “knot,” trying not to break it. It's good to play to slow, sensual music.
3. Funny. One is the driver. Everyone dances, then the driver turns off the music, everyone must freeze: you cannot move or laugh. The presenter tries to make people laugh or cause involuntary movement. Whoever moved or laughed is eliminated. The music starts again - the next round. And so on until there is only one winner left – the most unperturbed one!
I also remembered the game “for adults only,” in case anyone hasn’t played it yet. Because you can only play it once in your life until you know what it’s all about.

It's called the "statue of love".

We need: a presenter, a married (or similar) couple, and 2-4 participants of different sexes. Well, it is necessary for a few spectators to remain, so that there is someone to laugh.

Participants leave their rooms so as not to see or hear anything. You are invited married couple. The presenter invites them to depict a statue of love as they see it. As a rule, people hug each other rather modestly and make a special expression on their faces.

Then another participant, say a man, is invited from behind the door. It is announced to him that there is a statue of love in front of him, and that he, as a sculptor, must correct it as he sees fit. A person usually acts in the direction of a more revealing pose, for example, he moves his hand from his waist to his butt, etc.

When his “work” is finished, the presenter announces that according to the rules of the game, he, the former sculpture, must now take the place of the male figure in the “statue”. But he’s not a husband!

Then the next participant, a girl, is invited and everything is repeated. And only after making her changes does she learn that she must take the place of the female figure in the statue.

Mass competitions should, first of all, be fun and unusual. The main thing is not to start with active competitions, because... those present must first get into the atmosphere of the event. To begin with, you can take one glass and pass it to each other, gradually filling it with, for example, sparkling wine or another drink. A guest who is given a glass filled to the brim must make a toast and drink the glass to the bottom.

The “Pig in a Bag” auction will help break the official atmosphere: something in a bag is sold to guests. The host invites guests to buy this something by bidding in the form of an auction. The winner of this auction is given the opportunity to pay. Then, the presenter takes the cat-piggy bank out of the bag and hands it to the winning guest along with the money paid during the auction.

When guests get tired of sitting, you can move on to dance competitions. Everyone is given cards (they need to be prepared in advance) with the names of various dances (singles, pairs and groups), suitable music is put on and each participant in the competition performs a dance in accordance with the card he received. Non-dancing guests can be members of the jury or participate in awarding the winners. Another music competition is “Numbers”. All participants gather in the center to the music. At the moment when the music stops and the presenter calls the number, the participants should split into groups (for example, if the presenter calls the number “three,” then the participants should gather in groups of three), holding hands or hugging. Guests who are not included in any group are excluded from participation in the competition. Prizes are awarded to the last remaining 2-3 participants.

For the next competition it is necessary to call several women. Each participant in turn is asked which part of the female body she considers the most attractive, and then they are asked to dance with this part of the body. It is advisable to include different melodies for each dance. In the “Epithets” competition (for people with a rich vocabulary), guests are invited to describe the birthday person (holiday, company) using only adjectives. Participants who think for more than 10 seconds about choosing an adjective are eliminated from participation in the competition.

Another mini-competition will require several mops (or items that can replace them) and the same number of jackets. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited (make sure that their number does not exceed the number of sets of mops and jackets). The participants are put on jackets, and mops are inserted into the sleeves and the contestants are asked to complete tasks at speed (for example, light a cigarette or peel a banana). The music competition “Stars” is intended for brave guests. To carry it out you will need clothes and wigs. Participants dress up as “pop stars”, sing to a soundtrack, and the winner is determined by the applause of the audience.

You can't do without contests involving balloons. First option: couples are called, hold the ball with their bodies and put their hands behind their backs. The music turns on and the participants need to hold the ball between themselves for as long as possible. The number of balls can be increased. Second option: the volunteer participants are divided into two teams. Members of each team have a balloon tied to each leg, music is turned on, and teams need to burst the opponent's balloons with their feet, keeping their own. The team with the most surviving marbles wins. A competition for bankers and people with a good memory: participants are asked to name what is depicted on Russian and American banknotes of different denominations. You can give this bill to the person who guesses correctly. Another competition with money is "Clean out the bank." Participants are divided into male-female pairs. On the male representative, his partner hides 10 banknotes, and the woman from the other pair tries to find as many banknotes on him as possible (option - with restrictions, for example, without hands). What can you do to captivate and entertain at such an event? How to brighten up the boring eating of salads? Those who are going to take on the heavy burden of preparing such evenings should take on a number of useful (to maintain corporate spirit) and entertaining (to improve their mood) games.

For unity

To prevent a team of like-minded people from turning into a terrarium over time, unity is necessary. There are several ways to do this: One of the most indicative games for team building is “Guide”. If there are a large number of people gathered, they can be divided into teams. One person is selected from each group who must complete the “obstacle course” from point “A” to point “B”. To do this, you need to prepare a “path” in part of the hall in advance, placing obstacles from bottles, chairs, etc. The participant’s task is to go through the route blindfolded, with the help of instructions from the team, which should help the “blind” to reach the finish line as “painlessly” as possible. The game, by the way, allows you to find out whether a team member can trust those with whom he works shoulder to shoulder. This game also has another, more fun and relaxed version. After the “traveler” has been shown a route with obstacles, the obstacles in his path are quickly removed, clearing the road. At the same time, the participant does not even suspect that he can calmly wander to the finish line and, crawling and bending, overcomes the path to the general laughter of those gathered.

An easy to play and strong in thought game is “Chain”. The task is simple: in the allotted time, make a chain from paper clips (an option for less conservative parties can be the participants’ own clothes). Whose chain is longer is the team that wins the competition. At the end of the game, it would not be superfluous to sum up and explain to the participants that this kind of chain serves as the personification of their close-knit team.

To have something to remember

For those who prefer more active games, it is worth adopting the “Sports Gallery”. The presenter gives the participants the task of depicting a certain “sculpture”, freezing in place. This could be, for example, the mise-en-scène of “A goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth,” “A gymnast who forgot to come out of a pirouette,” or “A discus thrower who threw a boomerang by mistake.” The winner is the most picturesque “sculpture”. The same game can be played not individually, but by a group of several people, simulating team sports. The result should be a whole gallery with the loud title “Victims of Sports.” Similar game“Body figure” means that teams of at least 6 people must depict a certain object (star, sun, pyramid, etc.) using only their own bodies. Additionally, you can complicate the task by saying that all team members must be involved in building the “figure”.

The game “Lefty” will amuse the crowd. Having divided into teams, each group chooses for the competition the participant who, in its opinion, has the best brush skills. Each "artist" is given a famous proverb or line from a popular song. His task is to draw something that will help the team guess the phrase encrypted in the drawing. The only condition is that the artist must apply the masterpiece onto the sheet with his left hand (of course, if he is not naturally left-handed, then the rule is changed for him). The winning team is determined by the number of ciphers guessed. When choosing games for a holiday, you need to take into account the age of those gathered, as well as the goal you are pursuing, because many competitions can serve as a good reason for team building.

Competitions for corporate events should be interactive and contain elements role playing game and possess such qualities as: usefulness, team-building and team-building. For example, a competition to make a company flag from paper. Participants are divided into teams and within a minute they need to make a flag out of paper, and then make a humorous presentation of it. Similarly, you can draw and comment on the holiday emblem. The driver's tournament is truly exciting. For this, the company needs radio-controlled car models. Such mini-cars, controlled by competition participants, must overcome obstacles (in the form of bottles, etc.). The winner drinks a shot of vodka placed at the finish line. Don’t forget to select competitions based on the theme and style of the holiday, and if you have a rich imagination, it’s easier and more interesting to come up with them yourself. And remember, perfectly organized and executed competitions are only 20% of a pleasant evening. Why are there so few ideas on how to spend a family holiday in an interesting and enjoyable way? Especially if the number of people is less than 10.

Here are my ideas and outlines for now. I'm very sorry if I repeat myself. Everything (I hope not everything yet) was found by digging through a bunch of sites and searching through links.

I found funny poems (like amulets for costumes). The idea is to come up with costume elements, print the text of the poems, the person needs to fit into the image literally immediately while reading. Read 1 time. For each participant, knowing his characteristics, I looked for a special poem separately.

Fortune telling using Kinder surprises (one of the girls on the forum definitely wrote this). whoever pulls out what will be the same year.

Preparations for a comic lottery. Everything is also played out in the interests of people. And it will also mix in so as not to miss.

We are also making a list of our successes in 2005. And we will have fun discussing this over a glass of champagne

Well, dancing...

And also fireworks.
Like a dead phone, you can only call it blind. Take sheets of A4 paper and a pen (or pencil) and stand one after the other. Think of a character and depict him on the attached sheet of paper in front of him. The one who had the drawing on his back must guess what was depicted and pass it on to the person in front. And everyone draws like this.

Here's another competition:
How many participants do you want... You need a chair, a blindfold and several other objects to fit on the chair... So...
the participant is blindfolded and asked to sit on a chair; he needs to “butt” determine how many objects are on the chair

The presenter invites the children to play pantomime and shows how, with the help of body movements and facial expressions, one or another action, state or mood of a person can be depicted.

So that the children understand what the meaning of the game is, the leader performs the first task himself. The leader and children perform the next three tasks together: the adult shows, and the children repeat. Then, task No. 5 is completed by the children, and the adult helps and corrects, if necessary, what the little players have depicted. Task No. 6 is shown by the presenter paired with each player in turn. And finally, the seventh and last task is completed by each child separately, and the rest of the players try to guess what he is depicting.

Task No. 1

Leading: Hello children. Today we will play pantomime. Now I will tell you and show you what it is.

The presenter alternately depicts the body movements of a car driver, a carpenter, a man playing the violin, a boxer, a painter, a traffic controller, and a mother rocking a baby in her arms. (After each character shown, the adult should ask the children who he just portrayed).

Task No. 2

Leading: Now let's play together! How do we behave if:

- sunlight blinds the eyes;

- it's frosty outside;

- stomach ache;

- someone accidentally stepped on their foot;

— I went for a walk with my parents and accidentally got lost.

Leading: Well done! Now show one by one:

- how you brush your teeth;

- how you knock on the door;

- how you show someone to “Stop!”;

- how you show someone “Come with me!”;

- how do you scold a child who is playing around;

- how you say goodbye;

- how you inflate a balloon;

- how you comb your hair;

- how you thread a needle;

— how you blow someone a kiss.

Task No. 3

Leading: You did well! Now let's show together how:

- soldiers are marching;

— older people walking;

- there is a man walking whose shoes are not his size;

— ballerinas walk;

- someone is in a hurry;

- someone is dragging a heavy bag;

— models walk along the catwalk;

- the behavior of the one who was offended;

- an arrogant person behaves.

Task No. 4

Leading: Now let’s all help mom together!

Together with the children, the adult depicts such actions as: laundry, washing dishes, watering indoor flowers, ironing clothes, hanging clothes to dry, watering the garden with a hose, vacuuming the carpet, setting the table.

Task No. 5

Leading: Now those of you who want to, together, will show something, and the other players will have to guess what we showed.

The presenter, in turn with each of the volunteers, depicts one of the actions:

- trying on a hat;

- reading a newspaper;

- talking on the phone;

- shoe cleaning;

- knitting;

- walk the dog on a leash.

Task No. 7

Leading: Now I will select volunteers. I will tell each of them what he should portray, and the other children will try to guess.

Tasks for the guys:

- show a proud person;

- old man;

- a sleepy person,

- a person who smelled an unpleasant odor;

- a person who eats something tasty;

- a person who did not hear something;

- a person who beckons someone with his finger;

- a person who shakes his head in denial.

The pantomime game will be interesting for little participants; for older children there is an analogue of this game called “”.

Number of players: from 2 people

Optional equipment: No

Pantomime script

When planning holiday events, you need to choose a scenario that includes various interesting games. As a good option, you can offer a pantomime script, which will certainly interest the participants of the event. The basis of this scenario is a game of pantomime.

What is pantomime? Pantomime: its essence is known to many - it is necessary to show the word without words, which the other participants must guess.

To lead the holiday and the games themselves, you will need a person who will become the host.

– Our festive evening begins. We are glad to welcome all guests. Today the theme of our holiday is pantomime. This is one of the types of stage art in which it is necessary to create an artistic image only through the plasticity of the human body. No words are used. Today, every participant of the holiday will be able to play the role of a pantomime. Participating in the games prepared for you will allow you to learn this amazing art. So, I suggest starting with a game that will allow us to feel like we were in childhood, since many of us played it in our youth. Who wants to take part in an interesting game?

Next, the pantomime script includes the first competition. For this, one participant is initially invited. He will have to show the word that will be written on a piece of paper pulled out of a special box. It is necessary to show without words, only with the help of gestures and movements. All other participants will have to guess this word. The person who names the word first will then show the words. The participant who became the most active and guessed the most words wins a prize.

– This game was a great warm-up. Many of us have realized exactly how pantomimes need to be shown. But our celebration does not end with this game. A large quantity of at least interesting games. Now we will guess the songs!

The next competition, which is included in the pantomime script, is that the participant must show a song without words. All retired guests present at the holiday must guess it. As in the previous game, whoever says the word first gets to reveal the song next. You can display the title of the song or the name of the artist or musical group. You can also show the plot of the song. The most important thing is not to pronounce the words and so that the other participants can guess the musical composition.

– This competition showed that the participants of the festival are getting better and better at showing pantomimes. I see that you will soon master this art very well. But we don't stop there. Now a participant is invited for a more complex competition. Thanks to this competition, you and I will be able to get to know each other better.

After this, another competition is held. One person is invited for this. The task is to understand which particular person from the guests present the participant is showing. In this case, the participant himself must show this person’s hobby or profession. After the guest is guessed, he next comes out to show another guest. The competition continues until all guests have been shown and guessed.

– It was a wonderful competition! Now we know each other’s hobbies and areas of activity better. Our festive evening dedicated to the art of pantomime is coming to an end. I am sure that the minutes spent during the celebration brought pleasure and pleasant emotions to all the guests present. Now each of you has acquired the skills of this interesting direction in the performing arts.

Game "Crocodile" is able to amuse absolutely any company, regardless of its age and views, it reveals the acting abilities and ingenuity of the players. As soon as you start playing, all participants begin to feel excitement and unprecedented enthusiasm in their eyes. My friends and I have been practicing this game for a very long time, and, nevertheless, it always goes off with a bang, and if new people appear in the company, they join in with great pleasure. You can even make up the entire party entertainment program from various variations of this game, and your guests will be very pleased. In addition, the game does not require preliminary preparation, as well as special equipment and premises, just the desire to play is enough. And now I will tell beginners the rules of the game and give some tips.

The essence of the game

A word, phrase or phrase is guessed (at the discretion of the presenter or participants). One of the players must show what was planned without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, and poses, i.e. pantomime.

There are two versions of this game - individual and team.

In the first case, one of the players tells the other a task (a word or phrase), and he tries to explain the mystery to the others through “pantomime”. The player who is the first to name this word or phrase will, in turn, have to explain in the same way the next task that the previous driver will give him. You can prepare cards with tasks in advance, and the players will pull them out at random.

At team game all players are divided into two teams. One of them gives a task to a player from the opposing team. Within a certain period of time (for example, 3-5 minutes), he must depict the meaning of this task so that his team can guess the given word or phrase. If you did it right, you got a point, and now it’s the second team’s turn to guess. And so on - until you get tired of it!

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

1. The player shows the word using only facial expressions, gestures, and movements. He is prohibited from pronouncing words (any words, even “yes”, “no”, etc.) and sounds, especially those by which it is easy to guess the word (for example, by the sound of “meow” you can easily guess that the word is a cat).

3. It is forbidden to show the hidden word by letter, i.e. show words whose first letters will form the hidden word!

4. Guessers can: ask the player any questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list any options that appear. Remember that a lot depends on the activity of those who guess, on their ability to ask the most significant questions.

5. To display a word or phrase, use the certain time. If the correct answer is not given before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed.

6. If one word is guessed, then it must be a noun in the nominative case and singular (for example, any object or animal).

7. Attention! A word is considered solved if the word is pronounced exactly as it was spelled (with exactly the same prefixes, suffixes, etc.). For example, if the word “sun” was guessed, in this case “sun” would be the wrong answer.

Special Gestures

It is best for players to agree in advance on special gestures that indicate certain concepts. For example:

  • first, the player shows on his fingers how many words are in the task, and then begins to depict any word (the team helps the player and asks: “Is this a noun?”, “Is this an adjective?”, etc.)
  • cross with hands - “forget it, I’ll show you again”
  • the player points his finger at one of the guessers - he named the word closest to the solution
  • circular or rotational movements of the palm - “pick up synonyms”, or “close”
  • a large circle with hands in the air - a broader concept or abstraction associated with the hidden word
  • the player claps his hands and makes a wave with one hand - you need to add a suffix to the word named by the team, the root of the word is named correctly (darling - cute, dress - dress)
  • crossed fingers - prefix "not"
  • the player points a finger behind his back - past tense verb
  • the player claps his hands - “hurray, the word was guessed correctly,” etc.
  • Come up with your own variants of gestures for the concepts “I repeat”, “quite the opposite”, “showing in parts”, “close in meaning”, etc.

Tasks for the game

For those who are just learning the game, it is better to start with simple words on a specific topic, then move on to more complex abstract words (for example, “perfection”, “science”, etc.). Experienced and artistic players can think of phrases, famous expressions, films (it is advisable to immediately show the number of words on your fingers), or famous personalities and characters.

When tasks can no longer be invented, you can use available fiction and philosophical books. Experience shows that guessing phrases from books is much more difficult than those made up on the fly.

You can depict anything you want:

  • Any arbitrary words
  • Words related to a specific topic (the topic can be any: circus, office, store, school, fruit, names of sweets, animals, clothes, sports, professions, etc.)
  • Emotions, feelings
  • Famous personalities
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Phrases from songs
  • Movies
  • Sayings and proverbs
  • and many many others…

Variants of the game "Crocodile"


Each person in turn pulls out a note from the box indicating which animal they should portray, and the group must guess which one they are portraying.

Emotions and feelings

Players take turns pulling out cards on which various emotions and feelings are written (joy, sadness, boredom, surprise, disappointment, etc.). Each participant is given two minutes to depict the emotional state that he received.


Assignment: well-known popular expressions from films are written on the sheets of paper. Players must, without words, only with the help of pantomime, portray these catchphrases to their team. The team that completed the task faster wins.

Mute poet

Assignment: poems are written on pieces of paper, players read them to themselves and, using facial expressions and gestures, retell them to their team so that they can quickly guess.

Famous personality

Prepare cards with the names of famous personalities in advance, roll them up and put them in a hat. The essence of the game: players draw cards from a hat, read the name of a celebrity on it and try to portray this celebrity without words (with gestures, facial expressions). The one who guesses draws a note from the hat and imitates the celebrity that fell out to him. You can award a point for each answer and give the winner a prize at the end of the game.

Make up a song

Print out the lyrics of songs everyone knows in advance, fold them and put them in a bag. Then choose the first driver from all the players. He pulls a song from the bag, reads the text “to himself” and, using pantomime, tries to convey to the players the meaning of each line. The one who guesses the song changes places with the driver and takes out the next song from the bag.

TV show

The players’ task is to depict a TV program: show its brightest, distinctive features. The rest must guess what the “TV” is showing.

Guess the item

Various items are prepared in advance: keychain, toothpaste, pen, soap, chocolate, balloon, notepad, etc. The names of these items are written on separate pieces of paper, which are then rolled up so that the participants cannot see what is written. Then the participants sort out the pieces of paper. Everyone must depict the object that he received, and the rest of the participants must guess what is being depicted. The participant who is the first to name the item being shown receives it as a gift.

Witness testimony

You need to choose one person who will guess. He leaves for a while while the company (or the presenter) figures out who the criminal will be. You can make a guess for anyone, including the guesser himself. When the player returns, everyone present, without the help of words, but only with gestures and facial expressions, depicts him the appearance of the criminal. If the player does not guess the criminal after three attempts, he drives again. If he guesses right, he is chosen new person, and the game continues until you get bored.

Elena Didenko



Conducted by the music director of the first qualification category of MBDOU No. 1, Aleksandrov Didenko Elena Sergeevna.


TARGET. Increasing the professional level and sharing experience of music directors. Transferring personal professional experience and author’s developments in the field of creative practical activity to colleagues.

TASKS. Arrange, organize, systematize existing knowledge and creative experience on this topic. Develop cooperation and communication skills. Arouse desire develop your creative potential. Pay attention to the importance of classes pantomime for preschool children.

METHODS AND TECHNIQUES. Practical, verbal, explanation, game.

EXPECTED RESULTS. Participants' understanding master-class of the essence of professional experience transmitted by the teacher Didenko E. S. Practical mastery by the participants master-class of methods and techniques for performing creative tasks.

DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Cards with images human emotions, situations from life, cards with images of animals. Presentation on the topic « Pantomime» .

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT. Multimedia equipment, audio recordings.


1. Updating the topic. An introductory word about the genre pantomimes and the need for classes on this topic with students and teaching staff.

2. Show presentation « Pantomime» .

3. MAIN PART. Completing creative tasks on the topic “ Pantomime in the immediate musical and educational activities as means of emotional development of preschoolers».

QUESTION to the audience. Where do you think we should start our acquaintance? (from greeting).

Greetings. Participants sit in a circle. The presenter greets the person sitting next to him with gestures, then the other, and so on in a circle, until the greeting returns to the leader.

Let's organize our own theater pantomimes. "Artists" with or without music will portray:

“Image sounding objects”(All "objects" sounding, that is, except pantomime is needed and"sound"); motorcycle, airplane, cuckoo clock,

“Image objects without sound” (flashing light, teddy bear, ball, umbrella, house).

Create your own items.

Question for the audience. What should be taken into account and what should children rely on when performing this task? (accumulation of impressions of life experience).

“First draw without music, then with music”(a conductor who leads an orchestra performing a military march, waltz, polka, folk song, pop dance)

Question. What is the difficulty of completing this task for children? Offer your options.

“Depict situations from life”(a hairdresser who does a haircut, a hairstyle, shaves a beard, braids hair, combs hair or a cook who bakes pies, cooks soup, peels potatoes)

“Pretend who you want to become”(gestures "tell" about who they want to become)

Question. Why do you think children are happy to complete these tasks?

"Object for image"(depict a proud cockerel, a cowardly hare, sly fox, a handsome peacock, a hungry wolf - you can hand out cards with images of these animals). The main thing here is to convey "character" animal or bird facial expressions. All this must be done cheerfully, with invention.

Question. What other objects for depiction are available to children? (sun, rain, falling leaves, falling snowflakes, blooming flowers).

“More objects to depict”(depict an old woman with a dog on a leash; a pedestrian whose shoes are pinching; a man who has a toothache; a girl talking on the phone; a mother with children crossing the road)

"Show me "gait"(chicken, turkey, goose, penguin. Let "artists" jump like frogs, kangaroos, monkeys, birds,

They will show how a snake or a crocodile crawls along the ground)



1. Model from imaginary dough (or plasticine) beads Thread them onto a thread. From the same "material" sculpt a small human figure.

2. Fold from an imaginary newspaper paper: "birdie", "envelope", "boat".

3. Unwind the thread from the spool, tear it off, thread it into the needle; mend the sock, sew on the button.


FINAL PART – DANCE MIX "DANCES OF MY PEOPLE": round dance with singing, polka, waltz, square dance, lady, gypsy, etc.

CONCLUSION. Of course, all the proposed tasks are accessible and useful for children. To engage in this type of creative activity you need to do it as often as possible and systematically use its elements not only for music lessons but also while children are in a group, on a walk.

Question. Why? Give your arguments.


Literature: INTERNET RESOURCES, Agavelyan M. G. “Interaction between preschool teachers and parents”(M. G. Agavelyan, E. Yu. Danilova, O. G. Chechulina. M., 2009).Stolyarenko L.D., "Fundamentals of Psychology". Rostov on Don. 1996

Different games