Health parachute in kindergarten. Didactic manual “Parachute”, “Barbell”, “Maces”, “Masseur”, “Blizzard”. Non-standard physical education equipment in working with preschoolers. mental processes, development

Ksenia Ivanova
Card index of games and game exercises with a parachute

"Waves" or / "Flame"

Age: 2-7 years.

Target: liberation of children, development of coordination of movements, attention, development of a sense of rhythm, relieving neuropsychic tension.

Game description:

This game is suitable for any age. It helps to both activate the group and calm it down. We start with small waves/sparkles, then swing the parachute is getting stronger, we create a storm/fire. Then we gradually reduce the waves/fire, saying that the wind/fire has become weaker, the waves/sparks are subsiding/extinguishing, and the sea is calm.

You can replace words with music. Loud or fast music – strong waves/fire. Quiet or slow music – weak waves/fire.

“Left, right!”

Age: 4-6 years.

Target: development of arbitrariness of mental processes, spatial representations.

Game description:

With our left hand we raise parachute, lower the right one.

“Three steps, jump!”

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: development of arbitrariness of mental processes, coordination of movements, the ability to listen to instructions from an adult, navigate in space, helps relieve neuropsychic stress, and improves mood.

Game description:

Take three steps to the right, jump, the parachute is inflating.

"Magic Bubble"

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: emotional release.

Game description:

Dome parachute("bubble") inflate as much as possible (we raise our hands up, with the word "bang!" (screaming loudly)- blown away.


Age: 3-7 years.

Target: interaction of children with each other, development of coordination of movements, emancipation.

Game description:

The presenter throws on the raised parachute several soft balls. The children's task is to prevent them from falling to the floor.

"A breeze for... (child's name)»

Age: 2-7 years.

Target: liberation of children, development of coordination of movement, attention, development of a sense of rhythm, relieving neuropsychic tension.

Game description:

The presenter calls the name of the child, who is placed in the center parachute, sitting, lying down, as he likes. Children blow on it, making waves.

"Space trip"

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: liberation of children, unity of the group, development of coordination of movement, attention, development of a sense of rhythm, relieving neuropsychic tension.

Game description:

The presenter introduces the children to two characters who need to be launched on a rocket into space.

Parachute down, children are waiting for the adult’s command. “3-2-1-launch!” (loudly, we all say the command together). We raise the dome sharply upward - the hero flies into space! This game causes a strong surge of emotions in children.

"Cat and Mouse"

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: development of the ability to cooperate with each other, mutual understanding, the ability to perceive and follow the rules of the game.

Game description:

The parachute lies on the floor, children hold hands (their task is to confuse the cat). One participant is a cat, he runs along the canvas of the dome, the other participant - a mouse - hides under a colored cloth.


Age: 37 years.

Target: team building, congratulating the birthday person on his birthday.

Game description:

The birthday boy is located in the center parachute, the rest of the children say, “We baked a loaf of bread on Olya’s name day. ,

Loaf-loaf, choose whoever you want!”

"Who's missing?"

Age: 4 -7 years.

Target: development of attention.

Game description:

All children stand in a circle, holding onto parachute(With eyes closed, the presenter hides one child under parachute. The children's task is to find the one who is hiding.

"Dance with by parachute»

Age: 5 -7 years.

Target: development of voluntariness.

Description of the dance:

Approximate dance drawing: grabbed the handle parachute, 3 jumps to the right, put parachute, clapping "Tee-ta-ta-ta", circled, took the dome, etc. You can come up with your own dance pattern.


Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of the ability to cooperate with each other, mutual understanding and trust between children, group cohesion.

Game description:

Guys, hold hands parachute, pull an even circle. The circle is a symbol of unity, strength, friendship.

Now I suggest you complete a number of tasks that need to be completed simultaneously so that the integrity of the circle is not broken.

Before completing the task, you have a few seconds to try to negotiate without words.

Everyone sit down and then stand up.

Lower one hand and make a circle clockwise.

Make wave-like movements.

A game "Empty place"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of reaction speed, agility, speed, attention.

Game description:

Children standing around parachute, choose the driver with a counting rhyme.

Example of a counting rhyme:

One two three four five.

And life is hard without a friend,

Get out of the circle quickly!

Children holding the edge with their right hand parachute, move clockwise, and the driver goes to the opposite side with words:

I walk around the house

And I look out the window,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly


All the children stop. The child, near whom the driver stopped, asks: Who's come?". The driver calls the child's name and continues:

You have your back to me,

Let's run, just like you and me.

Which one of us is young?

Will he run home faster?

The driver and the child are running around parachute in opposite directions. The winner is the one who takes the empty space first. parachute.

A game "Funny Ball"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, emotional responsiveness of children.

Game description:

Option #1.

The guys stand in a circle, holding each other with both hands. parachute parachute medium sized rubber ball.

Children raising and lowering different sectors parachute, try to roll the ball, saying words:

You roll, funny ball,

The parachute will not let you fall.

Who has a funny ball?

Try to convey!

Option No. 2

The guys stand in a circle, holding with both hands parachute over the edge. Instructor physical culture throws on sectors parachute medium sized rubber ball. Children raising and lowering different sectors parachute, try to roll the ball so that it does not fall on the floor. At the beginning of the game, children say words:

One two Three,

Hit the target!

A game "Carousel"

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: formation of the ability to navigate in space, move at different paces; development of the emotional sphere and a sense of belonging to a common cause.

Game description:

Preschoolers, together with a physical education instructor, spread parachute on the floor, stretch it around the entire circumference. Each child grabs the middle of the colored sector with one hand. Children, together with a physical education instructor, move in a circle and say words:

Barely, barely

The carousel started spinning.

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two -

The child turned around.

Children move slowly at first, then the pace increases and turns into a run. Children gradually stop, make a turn and take hold of the parachute. The direction of movement changes.

After several repetitions (3-4) at the end the words are spoken "The game is over", and the game ends.

A game "Train"

Age: 2-7 years.

Target: combining movement with words and music.

Game description:

Children holding on to left hand parachute, move in a circle, make circular rotational movements with their right hand and speak words:

The train is flying at full speed

(Raise and lower parachute)

Wow, wow, wow!”

(Repeat the same movements, only in the other direction, changing hands)

The diesel locomotive hummed: “Uh-oh!

I took the kids home.

“Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo!”

I’ll get everyone there in no time!”

Game exercise"Gold fish"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of flexibility, coordination of movements, endurance of children.

Game description:

Children lie on their stomachs parachute this way, so that everyone gets a sector of a certain color, and keep parachute with both hands on the edges. Arms extended forward, legs together. The instructor says words: “The sea is agitated once, the sea is agitated twice, the sea is agitated three times - the goldfish swims!” Preschoolers simultaneously raise straight arms and legs, performing wave-like movements by parachute. Then rest for a few seconds and the exercise is repeated.

A game "Firework"

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: development of reaction speed, activation of motor skills, development of the ability to act in a team in a coordinated manner.

Game description:

Children collect as many balls as possible from a dry pool and place them on parachute. Then take the edges with both hands parachute and slowly raise it, saying the words "one two Three!". After the word "three!" throw the balls up. Then they run and collect the balls and put them back on parachute, and the game repeats again.

A game "Rainbow"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: consolidation of knowledge of color, ability to respond to a signal; development of attention, imagination, speed of movements.

Game description:

Children holding two-handed parachute standing around parachute this way that everyone gets a sector of a certain color. Raising and lowering parachute, pronounce words:

One two Three,

Rainbow take off!

The physical education instructor selects two colors that are not adjacent and names them. The guys suddenly raised their hands and parachute up, forming a dome, and the children standing at the sector of the named color quickly run under it. This is what the physical education instructor calls all the colors. The main thing is to listen carefully and respond quickly!

A game “Sparrows, go home!”

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: consolidation of the ability to jump on two legs in a given direction, development of speed.

Game description:

Children are divided into two groups. One group of children lifts and lowers parachute, and below them the children of the second subgroup - sparrows - are jumping on two legs, flapping their wings. When the command sounds "fly out quickly", all the children run out from under parachute, and then on command "sparrows, go home", everyone flies back, trying not to hit or drop anyone while running.

A game "Who is faster"

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: development of children's speed, hand motor skills.

Game description:

Put parachute on the floor. Divide into two groups. One group rolls up parachute on one side to the center, the other on the other. Who will complete their part faster?

A game "Changing Places"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of orientation in space and coordination abilities children.

Game description:

Children stand in a circle, facing parachute, hands gripping the color sector.

Children pronounce words: It’s boring, it’s boring, we should stand, isn’t it time to go for a run, we should change places. One two Three.

The instructor continues and calls any color sector - RED RUN!

Children standing under this color run under by parachute and change places with other children.

A game "Fungus"

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: development of attention, cultivation of the ability to act in a team in a coordinated manner.

Game description:

Everybody's holding hands parachute, and smoothly lift it three times, and on the third time everyone, without releasing the handle, goes inside parachute, and he smoothly falls on top of everyone.

Skok - skok - skok,

Let's all hide under the fungus!

A game "Duck - Goose"

Age: 5-7 years.


Game description:

In this game parachute acts as an even circle around which everything players squat. The driver walks clockwise and strokes the person next to him on the head, sentencing:

"Duck! Duck! Duck! Goose!"

Once he has chosen a goose, he must run away from the chosen one player around the parachute. The Goose should jump up and run after the driver, and try to get rid of him before the driver runs and sits in the Goose’s place.

If the goose catches up with the driver, he leads again. If the driver managed to run and take the place of the goose, then he becomes the new driver, and now he chooses a goose for himself.

A game "Hunting"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of attention, reaction speed.

Game description:

Put under parachute throwing bags, jump ropes, balls, etc. Count the participants by numbers. At the beginning of the game, all participants take up parachute grab it from above with both hands and lift it high. Then the presenter calls the participant’s number and some item. The participant with this number rushes under parachute, grabs the desired item and returns before it comes out from under the parachute will release air.

A game "It flies - it doesn't fly"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of attention, reaction speed.

Game description:

All players hold on to the edge of the parachute and walk in a circle. The instructor names flying objects, such as an airplane, a bird, a butterfly, a beetle, etc., and the players raise their hands up, inflating parachute overhead. In other cases, you should not raise your hands.

A game "Who's under by parachute

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of attention, reaction speed.

Game description:

Children walk in a circle, saying words, the leader in the center, under by parachute, recognizes the one who called.

« (child's name) You are now in the forest, we call you - AU!

(child's name) Don’t yawn, find out who called you!”

A game "An apple on a saucer"

Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

Game description:

For this game you need parachute and a large light ball.

Children pull parachute, then they begin to shake smoothly parachute, trying on one side to help the ball roll along parachute along the edge, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from parachute. While the music is playing, the children roll the ball around the edge parachute, as soon as the music stops, the ball rolls into a certain sector parachute. Children from this sector answer any questions. Or they finish a sentence.

A game "Three Bears"

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: development of attention, reaction speed.

Game description:

3 bears were walking home (children go with parachute in a circle)

Dad was big, big (parachute raised)

Mom with him is shorter (hands with parachute at chest level)

And my son is just a little baby (squat, lowering parachute)

He was very small

Walked with rattles (parachute rise and fall rhythmically)

Ding - ding!

A game "Spring"

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: development of attention, reaction speed.

Game description:

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden Bottom (they walk in a circle, carry parachute)

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out

A stream ran in the garden (run in a circle, holding parachute)

A hundred rooks have flown (raising, lowering parachute)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting (slow squat)

And the branches grow (go up parachute)

Irina Parshikova

“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the organization of physical education in kindergarten and family...”

N. M. Amosov

Dear Colleagues! I work as a physical education instructor, so I try to introduce elements of novelty into the educational process on physical development and, with the help of bright, non-standard equipment, arouse children’s interest in physical education. I really like giving children various surprises and gifts. One of these gifts for the children of our kindergarten was the production of a bright manual “Happy Parachute”, which helped me give the children a lot of positive emotions.

The “fun parachute” that I sewed for our kindergarten students has a diameter of 3 meters. A play parachute - consists of several colored sectors of bright fabric, it has handles located in a circle. It can be used by any kindergarten specialist (psychologist, music director, teacher) to organize activities, games, entertainment, and as a mathematical aid for reinforcing colors or counting.

The parachute allows shy, insecure children to gradually join in the game. After all, in these games you don’t have to give your hand to other children, like in a round dance. Games with a parachute allow you to teach children to interact with each other, follow the rules of the game, wait for their turn in the game, feel the movements of other players, develop coordination, attention, and develop imagination.

I would like to bring to your attention several games with "Happy Parachute".

Giants are dwarfs. (3-4 years)

Target: practice the ability to alternate between walking with wide and short steps at the teacher’s signal; develop attention and endurance.

Progress of the game: children walk in a circle, holding a parachute; at the teacher’s signal, the “giants” throw the parachute up and rise on their toes; at the teacher’s signal, the “dwarfs” sit down.

"Ball" (4-5 years)

Target: develop coordination and coordination of movements.

For this game you need a parachute and a light ball.

Progress of the game:

Children unite, pull the parachute, read a poem and then, according to the words, begin to smoothly swing the parachute, trying on the one hand to help the ball roll along the parachute along the edge, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from the parachute. On the last lines they throw the ball up.

My ball is flying

Flies towards you

Look, don't miss it!

Catch him, hold him

And throw it to me again.

Cheerful friend, my ball!

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me!

One two three four five,

It's good for me to play with him!

“Day and Night” (6-7 years)

Target: develop the ability to interact with each other, follow the rules of the game, and wait for their turn in the game.

Progress of the game:

Keeps the sun all day

(Children hold a parachute and move slowly in a circle.)

Relentlessly WHITE DAY,

But as soon as he gets tired,

The shadow in the grass will move.

(They begin to slowly throw the parachute up)

And without anyone's orders

The sunset colors will bloom.

(They throw the parachute up strongly)

The day is tired. Don't mind sleeping.

Who will replace him? (NIGHT)

(The teacher says: “All Tanya and Maxim,” or “All children whose name begins with a letter. "hiding under a parachute).

The game repeats itself.

Children must have time to hide under the parachute at the moment when it is at the top.

In the future, children themselves must monitor the movement of the parachute and run up when it is at the top.

“Dandelions” (4–7 years)

Target: develop the ability to coordinate movements and words, develop attention.

Progress of the game:

From fluffy balls

(Children walk in a circle holding on to the parachute)

Over a colorful summer meadow

(They stop and throw the parachute up)

Parachutists are flying

After each other.

(Children run easily on their toes)

As soon as they touch the ground -

(Slow down and stop)

They will fall asleep as if on a sofa.

(Sit down)

And in the spring they will wake up.

And there will be dandelions!

(They throw up a parachute)

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Didactic manual"Parachute"

Material: The parachute is sewn from bright light fabric in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 3 meters; a small circle is cut out in the center to allow air to escape when the parachute is raised up. The color combination of the parachute may vary.
The parachute is used in physical education classes, entertainment, holidays, and games.
Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to quickly navigate the surrounding space, develop dexterity, speed of reaction, eye, speed; develop the ability to act cooperatively in a team.
Usage: Game "Basketball".
Children hold on to the handles of the parachute, there are several people in each sector, a large inflatable ball is placed on top of the parachute and the game begins. Each sector tries to score a ball into the middle of the parachute; whoever scores the most balls wins.
Didactic manual "Parachute" can be used in all age groups, V junior groups as a guide for building in a circle.

Material: a wooden stick 50 centimeters long, at the ends of the stick there are rings from pyramids in the amount of 3-5 pieces. depending on age. The weight of the bar should not exceed 200 grams.
Target: prevention of poor posture, development of the shoulder girdle, back, strength and proper breathing.
Usage: during morning exercises, in games “Who can do the most lying-downs,” etc.

Material: plastic children's champagne bottles filled with water - 300 grams, aesthetically designed.
Target: are used as reference points and are set in different options, develop strength, shoulder torso, coordination of movements.
Usage: during morning exercises while performing general developmental exercises, physical education classes.

Material: plastic cases made from chocolate eggs, held together with fishing line; used felt-tip pens are attached instead of pens.
Target: massage of all parts of the body, to strengthen and develop the muscles of the back, legs, shoulder girdle, to form correct posture.
Usage: massage has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children, reduces the incidence of illness, and also enriches the experience of children with exercises for independent practice in order to relieve fatigue and irritation.

Material: plastic bottle with a hole in the lid. Small circles are poured inside from the hole punch, and a tube is inserted.
Target: teach proper breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).
Usage: the child holds the bottle with his hand, holds the tube with the other hand, inhales, exhales into the tube and raises paper circles with air (it turns out to be a snowstorm). Used in all age groups.

Parachute. Game props. Bright, beautiful, versatile!

Helps liberate modest children calm down naughty, contributes to the formation teams, develops feeling rhythm and has a good effect on physical development child.

Most exercises involve using the shoulder and forearm muscles in an up and down motion. Running around the parachute and passing under it is also a significant part of the fun with this projectile. One of the most important features of parachute games is that participating in them does not require any special skills or coordination of movements.

The parachute is so attractive in itself that it usually doesn’t take long to persuade children - they themselves drop what they’re doing and rush towards it as fast as they can.

Even very shy children who have difficulty playing general games and are usually in no hurry to join group games; they like to play with a parachute.

For quiet and shy children, the parachute provides many opportunities to gradually join the group of children. After all, in these games no one requires you to immediately give your hand to other people, as in a round dance, or immediately enter the circle. Each child can choose their own speed and level of activity.

Parachute games are not competitive; they teach coordination of actions and the ability to feel the movements of other players. It is very important for children to feel through their movements that they can be part of a team. Even the smallest players can feel it when playing with a parachute!

A parachute gives a child a rich range of new sensations: a bright visual image, a strong wind, the sound of a stretched parachute, and the feeling of soft fabric hugging a child sitting under a parachute.

As in other outdoor games, children learn to follow the rules of the game, wait their turn, and interact with each other.

Now there are many offers from prop workshops. I sewed my first parachute myself from bright lining fabric. Then I bought a large parachute from professionals. You can buy it on Ali Express - quite decent quality.

If you plan to sew it yourself, then you will need 4 pieces of lining fabric (or raincoat fabric) 1.5 meters wide (the diameter of the parachute will be 3 meters). The cut length is calculated using the formula: cut length = (2*3.14*1.5)/8. It turns out 1.17. One meter of each color (yellow, red, blue, green). When finished, the parachute is a “flat umbrella” with eight sectors.

How to use?

Before you start the game, you should tell the rules:

  • The game will only work if everyone is friendly and obedient.
  • If one plays around or does something wrong, he ruins the game for everyone. We remove such a person from the game. He will have to sit on the sidelines and watch others play.
  • We are training: we were raised up at the command of the leader. They lowered it. And so several times: up and down. Inhale - exhale.
  • When the participants do everything synchronously, the game can begin.

Parachute Games


We turn into insects, box butterflies, etc. And around there is a storm, a hurricane, wind and rain. And we are small and defenseless. Where should we hide? Only under a parachute, like under a mushroom. When I say, “Come on, kids, go under the fungus,” you quickly hide.

We play: it’s blowing, the breeze is blowing. Come on, kids, let's go to hell. A little faster the second time. On the third:
The breeze blows, blows... blows... blows... and suddenly suddenly: Blows! — usually children jump under a parachute by inertia. This causes laughter, and the presenter asks to be more attentive.


You are no longer bugs. You are sparrows now. He raises his parachute, preparing a nest for himself and we say - chik-chirp. When I say: “sparrows go home,” we all hide under the parachute and listen to the task. I’ll say: “the sparrows are out for a walk,” and we’ll go out.

When children hide under a parachute, I give them a task. For example: “Sleep!” They snore loudly. We peck the grains. Children: “Yum-yum-yum.”


Two people hold the parachute by the edges, and the rest run inside. The task of the drivers is to catch more players in the “net”. The players' task is to avoid getting caught in the net


Here you will need musical accompaniment. Children chaotically shake the parachute to the music, and when the music stops and the bell rings, they quickly hide inside.


We place the birthday boy in the center of the parachute. At the leader’s command, he smoothly raises the edges and lowers them. Synchronously. It turns out very beautiful. In the photo it looks like a flower. The feeling inside is simply magical. You can make wishes.

Sea and waves

This game is suitable for any age, it helps to both activate the group and calm it down.

We start with small waves, then swing the parachute more and more, create a storm, then gradually reduce the waves, saying that the wind has become weaker, the waves are calming down, and the sea is calm.

You can put the kids in the middle on a parachute - and make waves around them


Parents and older children grab the handles of the parachute and smoothly lower it, then lift it high and let the parachute fill with air. At this moment, the children run into the house and sit there.

This game is suitable for little ones, from one and a half to two years old.

You can invite not all children to the house, but one at a time, it will work out good game for acquaintance. Moreover, if there is more than one Vanya in the group, then we will immediately see all the children with the same names.

We open the little house,

Vanya, Vanya, come in!

And look out the windows.

Now get out

And invite Andryusha!

You can use the same movements to play the fairy tale “Teremok” or Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”.

Good night

You can use the space under the parachute for relaxation - children go under the parachute and go to sleep there - and adults gently wave the parachute over them, and speak quietly and calmly.

Come into the house, go to bed,

May you have good dreams,

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes.

And now it’s night, everyone is sleeping.

So the morning has come,

The sun has already risen,

Get up,

Wake up!

Get up, do some exercises,

Wash your face and go for a walk!


You can play many games with a parachute round dance games with movement in a circle, with deceleration and acceleration, for example, in a carousel.

Barely, barely

The carousel started spinning.

And then, then, then

All run-run-run!

Wait, don't rush,

Stop the carousel!

An apple on a saucer

For this game you need a parachute and a large light ball.

The team unites, pulls the parachute, then begins to gently swing the parachute, trying on the one hand to help the ball roll along the parachute along the edge, on the other hand, making sure that the ball does not fall from the parachute. This game is designed for older preschoolers and schoolchildren; it requires a lot of teamwork and active interaction.

Funny balls

This game requires a lot of small foam balls that can bounce on a parachute. All players hold the parachute by the edge, stretch it, and then create waves so that the balls bounce over the parachute. At the same time, we try not to drop the balls from the parachute, and ask the children to bring the scattering balls and throw them back onto the parachute. This game causes great delight even among one and a half year old children. It is important when playing with children to keep the parachute low enough so that children can see the bouncing balls.


One student is chosen as a “shark”, all other players create waves. The shark chases in search of its victims under the surface of the water (parachute).

If a shark grabs someone's leg, the victim is sent under a parachute and also becomes a shark. Players swinging the parachute cannot release the parachute until they are caught, nor can they press the parachute to the ground to block the sharks' path. The game ends when there are too many sharks and too few people left!


Holding the edges of the parachute, fill it with air. While still holding the edge of the parachute, walk under it to the center and then back. You can also gather everyone in the center and release the parachute so that it smoothly descends, hiding all the players under it.


Before the game starts, each participant must take hold of a sector of a parachute of a certain color (this is only possible if your parachute is multi-colored). In this game, each player will have his own color (for example, green, blue, red, etc.) The rules of the game are the same as in “Takeoff and Gliding”, while at the moment of the maximum rise of the parachute, the leader loudly calls any color. So, if the leader shouts “red,” everyone who is holding on to the red sector of the parachute must release the parachute and, after running under it, change places with one of the players on the opposite side. It doesn't matter whether the player ends up in exactly the same place where his partner was standing, as long as he runs under the parachute to the opposite side. While some of the players are under the parachute, the rest are slowly pulling the parachute down, trying to catch the game participants running under the parachute. If you managed to catch someone, help this player get out and let him find a new place near the parachute.


Grab the edge of the parachute with both hands using an overhand grip and lift the parachute above your head. Take a few steps towards the center, filling the parachute with air. Free one hand. With your other hand, pull the parachute down over your head and behind your back. Sit on the ground, keeping the edge of the parachute close to the ground. Stay inside the parachute until air begins to escape from underneath it. After a while, raise the parachute, stand up and dive out from under the parachute.


Place throwing bags, jump ropes, balls, etc. under the parachute. Count the participants by numbers. At the beginning of the game, all participants grab the parachute with both hands using an overhand grip and lift it high. Then the presenter calls the participant’s number and some item. The participant with this number rushes under the parachute, grabs the desired object and returns back before the air comes out from under the parachute.


Additional equipment -Big ball

At the beginning of the game, place a large rubber ball on the parachute. The ball is the “planet”, the parachute is the “solar system”, and the center of the parachute is the “Sun”. Ask participants if they can make a planet orbit near the edge solar system and at the same time did not fly beyond its limits (fell from a parachute).


Additional equipment – ​​Big ball

Place a rubber ball in the center of the parachute. By raising and lowering the parachute, you can throw and catch the ball. Once the players have mastered the task, try adding a second ball.


Additional equipment – ​​Lots of small balls

With the parachute on the ground, pour 100 (or more) small balls onto it. Then, at the leader’s signal, all participants must stand by the parachute, lift it and “slam” the parachute (make a quick up and down movement) so that the balls rise into the air. (Warning: Do not allow the group to pull on the parachute - it may break). Continue “cooking the popcorn” until all the balls pop out.

Games with a children's play parachute

MBDOU d/s No. 21 “Golden Key”


Age: 5-7 years.

Target: development of the ability to cooperate, mutual understanding and trust between children, cohesion.


Guys, grab the handles of the parachute, pull it straight circle . A circle is a symbol of unity, strength, friendship. Now I suggest you do a series of tasks , which must be completed simultaneously and so that the integrity of the circle is not broken.

Before completing the task, you have a few seconds to try to negotiate without words.

  • Everyone sit down and then stand up.
  • Lower one hand and make a circle clockwise.
  • Make wave-like movements.

Pass it on to someone else

All children hold on to the parachute. Now you need to try to transfer the “wing” to another, moving the fabric with your hands.

Three Bears

Age: 3-5 years

Target: development of coordination of movements in accordance with the text, training of actions in a team.
3 bears were going home (children are walking in a circle with a parachute)
Dad was big, big (the parachute is up)
Mom is with him - shorter (hands with a parachute at chest level)
And my son is just a little baby (they crouch, lowering the parachute)
He was very small
Walked with rattles (the parachute is rhythmically raised and lowered)
Ding - ding!

Magic bubble

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: emotional release.

Inflate the parachute canopy (“bubble”) as much as possible (we raise our arms up), with the word “bang!” (we scream loudly) - they blew it away.

Rolling the ball

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of interaction, consistency and coordination of movements

Children hold the parachute with both hands. The teacher places a ball on the parachute. The size of the ball depends on the task and the children’s level of parachute skills. Children gradually raise or lower the parachute so that the ball begins to move in the desired direction: in a circle, in colors, from one half to the other. The number of balls also depends on the task.

Dwarfs and giants

Age:3-6 years

Target: development of attention and endurance

Progress of the game: children walk in a circle, holding a parachute; at the teacher’s signal, the “giants” throw the parachute up and rise on their toes; at the teacher’s signal, the “dwarfs” sit down.

Game "One, two, three, freeze"

Age: 3-5 years

Target : development of visual perception, consolidation of ideas about primary colors, ability to select objects of a given color.

The parachute lies on the floor, the teacher invites the children to move along the parachute while counting (to music). To the words: “One, two, three! Freeze! children stop, each in a certain sector. Then they select objects of the corresponding color: yellow lemon, dandelion, green grass, cucumber, etc. The one who named the most objects of the corresponding color wins.


Age: 5-7 years

Target: development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, ability to navigate in space.

One driver (“artist”) is selected. The remaining players stand in a circle, choosing the colored sector of the parachute. Players, holding the parachute loops, walk in a circle, saying the words:

“We are colored markers,

All the guys are daring

Yellow, red, blue,

Choose any one for yourself!”

After these words, the guys stop, and the driver (the artist) names the color sector. All players who stand under the named sector begin to run around the parachute to the music along with the driver.

When given a signal (turning off the music or blowing a whistle), players try to occupy an empty space in a certain color sector as quickly as possible. If the driver (“artist”) takes up an empty seat faster, he becomes a player, and the eliminated Irok becomes the driver (“artist”).

Rules of the game : There must be 1 more players than color sectors. If there are very few players, you can exclude one or two sectors.


Age: 4-7 years

Target: creation of a favorable psycho-emotional state, development of coordination of movements, interaction of children with each other, development of coordination of movements, activation of children.
Additional equipment - many small balls and balls.
With the parachute on the ground, pour out small balls. Then, at the leader’s signal, all participants must stand by the parachute, lift it and “slam” the parachute (make a quick up and down movement) so that the balls rise into the air. Continue “cooking the popcorn” until all the balls pop out.


The presenter throws several soft balls (“apples”) onto the raised parachute. The children's task is to prevent them from falling to the floor.

Who's quicker to their color

Age: 3-5 years

Target: development of observation, auditory attention, sensory orientation.

The parachute is on the floor. Children choose ribbons (flags) of the colors that are on the sectors of the parachute. At a signal (music, tambourine), children move around the hall. As soon as the instructor calls: “One, two, three - find your color!”, the children stand on the sectors corresponding to the color of the ribbon (flag).

Game "Finish the sentence"

Age: 4-6 years

Target: Development of auditory and visual perception, attention.

You and I will play the “Finish the sentence” game, but we will answer not verbally, but with movements. Each answer has its own color. (For each answer you must go to a specific color)

  • The chamomile is white, and the cornflower...(blue)
  • The cucumber is green, and the tomato... (red)
  • The grass is green, and the sun...(yellow), etc.

Space trip

Age: 3-7 years.


The presenter introduces the children to the characters who need to be launched into space in a rocket. The parachute is lowered, the children are waiting for the adult’s command. “3-2-1-launch!” (loudly, we all pronounce the command together). We raise the dome sharply upward - the hero flies into space!

This game causes a strong surge of emotions in children.

Cat and mouse

Age: 4-7 years.

Target: development of the ability to cooperate, mutual understanding, the ability to perceive and follow the rules of the game.

The parachute lies on the floor, the children take the handles (their task is to confuse the cat). One participant is a cat, he runs along the canvas of the dome, the other participant - a mouse - hides under a colored cloth.

Who's missing?

Age: 4 -7 years.

Target: development of attention

All children stand in a circle, hold on to the parachute (with their eyes closed), the leader hides one child under the parachute. The children's task is to find the one who is hiding.


Age: 4 -7 years.

Target: development of dexterity, attention, coordination of movements, ingenuity, interaction.

The presenter selects 3 players (they are near the parachute). Other children inflate the canopy as much as possible, the task of 3 players is to run while the parachute descends. If the dome touches them, the participant is eliminated from the game.

Option: Change of seats

Age: 5-7 years

Target: development of orientation in space and coordination abilities, auditory attention, arbitrariness.

Children stand in a circle, facing the parachute, with their hands grasping the color sector. The children say the words: “It’s boring, it’s boring, we should stand, isn’t it time to go for a run, we should change places.” One two Three!"

The adult continues and calls any color sector - “RED RUN!” Children standing under this color run under a parachute and change places with other children.

Option: Red in, blue out

The parachute is great for active outdoor games with simple rules. For example, you can announce that children can only enter through the red sector, and exit opposite, through the blue, and run back from outside the parachute, so that there are no collisions inside. Adults raise and lower the parachute, and children run in from the red entrance, and run out where the blue exit is, if they were not touched by the parachute. If the parachute has already dropped, then the children stop and wait for a new signal.

Who is faster

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of dexterity, coordination of movements, interaction.

Place the parachute on the floor. Divide into two groups. One group rolls the parachute from one side to the center, the other from the other. Who will complete their part faster?

duck goose

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of volition, speed of reaction, attention

In this game, the parachute acts as a smooth circle around which all players squat. The driver walks clockwise and strokes the person next to him on the head, saying:
"Duck! Duck! Duck! Goose!"
Once he has chosen the goose, he must run away from the selected player around the parachute. The Goose should jump up and run after the driver, and try to get rid of him before the driver runs and sits in the Goose’s place.
If the goose catches up with the driver, he leads again. If the driver managed to run and take the place of the goose, then he becomes the new driver, and now he chooses a goose for himself.


Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of attention, reaction speed, activation of children

Place various objects under the parachute: cubes, balls, etc. Count the participants by numbers. At the beginning of the game, all participants grab the parachute with both hands using an overhand grip and lift it high. Then the presenter calls the participant’s number and some item. The participant with this number rushes under the parachute, grabs the desired object and returns back before the air comes out from under the parachute.

Flies or doesn't fly

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of attention, arbitrariness

All players hold onto the edge of the parachute and walk in a circle. The instructor names flying objects, such as an airplane, a bird, a butterfly, a beetle, etc., and the players raise their arms up, inflating the parachute above their heads. In other cases, you should not raise your hands.

Who called?

Age: 3-7 years

Target: development of auditory attention

Children walk in a circle, saying words; the leader in the center, under a parachute, recognizes the one who called.

“... you are now in the forest, we call you - AU!

... don’t yawn, find out who called you!”


Age: 3-4 years

Target: development of movement coordination

Children stand in a circle, grab the parachute with one hand, walk in a circle with the words: “Barely, barely, barely, the carousel is spinning, and then, then, then, everyone runs, runs, runs, quietly, quietly, don’t rush, carousel stop, one-two, one-two, the game is over!” We act according to the words, for the last phrase you need to jump to change sides, grab the parachute with the other hand. The game repeats itself.


Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of voluntariness

Children are divided into two teams. Children playing the role of a mousetrap take the parachute with both hands, raise it above their heads and say the words: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything, watch out, cheaters, we’ll get to you, we’ll set up mousetraps, catch them all at once! " Children playing the role of mice run under a parachute in different sides, on the last phrase the parachute lowers, the caught mice crouch, then stand in a circle. After two games, we change places and the game is repeated two more times. Rules: mice do not collide, play fairly, run across before the end of the poem


Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of movements, activation of children

Raise the parachute high, high above your head. Select a child, say his/her name. Now the baby must run (jump, jump, crawl) under the parachute before it falls to the ground.

Take your place

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of auditory attention, reaction speed

The parachute is on the floor. Each player occupies his own sector. While the music is playing, the children run in a circle, while the adult removes one sector (puts it under other sectors). As soon as the music stops, players need to quickly take any available seat. The one who does not have enough space is eliminated from the game.


Age: 2-3 years

The parachute is raised and all the children are running and jumping outside the parachute. After the command “Sparrows, go home!”, they must “fly” into the house, i.e. be under a parachute. The parachute can be lowered: night has come and the sparrows have gone to bed. Then the game starts again.

Option: Fungus

Age: 3-4 years

Everyone holds on to the handles of the parachute and smoothly lifts it three times, and on the third time everyone, without releasing the handle, goes inside the parachute, and it smoothly falls on top of everyone.
The breeze is blowing,
Come under the fungus!

Hot pancake

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of voluntariness

All players hold the parachute with their right hand and move in the same direction to the music; as soon as the leader says the word “hot pancake”, you need to change hands and running direction

Shark in the sea

Age: 4-7 years

Target: relieving anxiety, psycho-emotional stress

One student is chosen as a “shark”, all other players create waves. The shark chases in search of its victims under the surface of the water (parachute). If a shark grabs someone's leg, the victim is sent under a parachute and also becomes a shark. Players swinging the parachute cannot release the parachute until they are caught, nor can they press the parachute to the ground to block the sharks' path. The game ends when there are too many sharks and too few people left!

Breeze for ... (child's name)

Age: 2-7 years.

Target: liberation of children, unity of the group, development of coordination of movements, development of attention, sense of rhythm, relieving neuropsychic tension.

The presenter calls the name of the child, who is placed in the center of the parachute, sitting, lying down, as he likes. Children blow on it, making waves.


Age: 2-6 years.

Target: relaxation, psychological study.

"chamomile". The parachute rises. At the moment the dome lands, the “bug” children move their legs and arms chaotically.

GOOG night kids!

Age: 2 -7 years.

Goal: relaxation.

Adults 3-4 people inflate the parachute, children lie down at this time

"chamomile". The adult invites the children to feel like a feather, to feel the breeze.

Rainbow Country

Age: 4-7 years

Target: development of imagination, coherent speech

We spread the parachute on the floor and offer to accommodate the “tenants” (small toys, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters of different characters, expressing different emotions). Participants are invited to tell why the toys were placed this way and come up with a story about them. Those. When working with color, its psychological characteristics are necessarily clarified.


Age: 4-7 years

Goal: relaxation

This game is relaxing, good after other active activities. Half of the group of children lies on the ground, with their heads towards the center of the parachute. The rest, holding on to the parachute, lift it high and lower it down. Those who lie down are blown by a pleasant breeze.

Under the parachute

Another “finishing” game. When everyone has already run around and is tired, sit under the dome in a circle and tell a fairy tale or story.
