Characters from the game assassin. The main characters of Assassin's Creed I. The newest history of the world and the game series


Desmond Miles

Desmond Miles

Desmond miles
Gaming series Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed
Scoring Nolan North
Alexander Gavrilin
Face prototype Francisco Randes
Additional Information
Place of Birth USA
Relatives Altair ibn La-Ahad (distant ancestor)
Maria Thorpe (distant ancestor)
Sef ibn La-Ahad (distant ancestor)
Umar ibn La-Ahad (distant ancestor)
Ilario Auditore (distant ancestor)
Domenico Auditore (distant ancestor)
Giovanni Auditore (distant ancestor)
Maria Auditore (Mozzi) (distant ancestor)
Ezio Auditore da Firenze (distant ancestor)
Sofia Sartor (distant ancestor)
Flavia Auditore (distant ancestor)
Edward Canway (distant ancestor)
Haytham Canway (distant ancestor)
Gadzijio (distant ancestor)
Connor Kenway (distant ancestor)
William Miles (father)
Occupation Bartender,
The weight
Aliases Object 17

At first, Dr. Warren Vidic tried to wrest information from Desmond's mind, but failed. Desmond claimed to be a simple bartender, however Vidic said that he knew about his past, thereby forcing him to accept that he was an assassin. Lucy and Vidic told Desmond that they were trying to access a certain area of ​​memory, but his subconscious overwhelmed their attempts. Vidic warned Desmond that if he refused to help them, they would put him in a coma, continue working and, upon completion of the work, leave him for dead. Without thinking twice, Desmond agrees to help them.

With the help of the computer, Desmond learns a lot about Abstergo, as well as about its predecessor - Object 16, which suffered from the "oozing effect" due to its long stay in the Animus. Ultimately, with Lucy's help, the Assassins learned of Desmond's abduction and tried to rescue him.

The rescue attempt failed. Vidic was glad of this and boasted that they were the last inhabitants of the village from which Desmond had fled. After Vidic left the room, Lucy reassured Desmond by saying that his parents "probably survived" and hinted that she was also an assassin.

In the end, Desmond achieved Vidic's goal of finding out the whereabouts of the Pieces of Eden. The Abstergo leadership ordered the assassin to be killed, but Lucy rescued him, saying that his memories might still be needed. After that, Desmond discovers the "Eagle Sight" ability, obtained from his ancestor Altair using the "bleed effect", and sees that Lucy is indeed an assassin. In addition, he notices encrypted bloody messages left by Object 16 throughout the laboratory.

A few minutes after Desmond sees the picture, Lucy comes running in blood and demands that Desmond climb into the Animus before Abstergo finds them. Desmond, not understanding what is happening, agrees and synchronizes in the Animus with the genetic coincidence between him and Object 16, which remains recorded in the memory of the Animus. Inside, he experienced the birth of his other ancestor, Ezio Auditore. Suddenly he was "thrown" out of the car and both of them began to escape.

The guards spotted them almost immediately, but Lucy reacted quickly and closed the door to prevent the guards from reaching them. Unfortunately, on the way, they stumbled upon two more guards, whom Lucy quickly stunned, which greatly surprised Desmond and allowed them to pass on unnoticed. Together, they soon reached an elevator, which took them to a huge room with a bunch of office blocks and many Animus.

Passing narrow corridors and bypassing the guards, they reached the end of the room. Lucy tried to open code door, but she didn't succeed. Then Desmond, using the Eagle Vision skill, opens the code door on the third attempt, seeing fingerprints on the key numbers. Security was still waiting for them in the underground parking, but they dealt with them and successfully left the building in Lucy's car.

Arriving at one of the hideouts, Desmond meets two other assassins - Rebecca Crane and Sean Hastings, with whom Lucy had previously worked. Lucy told Desmond that she wanted him to learn the skills of an assassin, which could be achieved in a matter of days thanks to the "trickle-down effect." For this, it was required to relive the memories of an ancestor with whom Desmond had already synchronized earlier - with Ezio Auditore. Desmond agreed almost immediately, which pleasantly surprised Lucy. He was quickly hooked up to Animus 2.0 and began reliving Ezio's memories.

After spending a long time in the Animus, he goes to training. Desmond has learned all of Ezio's skills, but he is haunted by hallucinations in the form of pictures from the past. A few days later, Desmond is found by Abstergo. It is noteworthy that Abstergo did not use their resources. firearms against Desmond, so they still need him alive.

The team arrived at present-day Monteriggioni and set up camp there, but there, Desmond was again haunted by hallucinations. Now Desmond uses the Animus to find out where Ezio hid the Apple of Eden. Upon learning that the artifact is located in Rome under the Colosseum, the team headed there. As soon as Desmond takes the Apple of Eden in his hands, everyone around them froze, and the Apple began to rule Desmond. Meanwhile, Desmond stabbed Lucy Stillman in the heart with his hidden blade, causing them both to fall to the ground.

Desmond is taken by two strangers, who once again plunge him into the Animus. After the passage of "The Da Vinci Disappearance", a dialogue will take place between the two people (in which it is revealed that one of them is named William) and from which it became clear that Desmond fell into a coma.

While in a coma, he is still in the Animus and gets from the "White Room" (there were downloads in the entire series of games) into the "Black Room" (Desmond-Safe Animus Mode).

In the black room, Desmond meets Object 16. According to the 16th, his body has long been eaten by worms, and his mind is forever imprisoned in the Animus. In order to get out of the coma and avoid the fate of 16, Desmond needs to find "synchronyxus", that is, to find a stronger connection with his ancestors. To do this, he needs to see the continuation and finish the stories of Ezio and Altair.

In 1511 Ezio went to Constantinople for the keys of the Masiaf library. On each key are written the memories of Altair, which just played into Desmond's hands.

After finding Ezio 5 of the seal, the black room collapses as the Animus mistook Desmond for malware that needs to be removed. 16 saves Desmond from being removed, but for this he had to sacrifice himself.

Desmond sees Ezio's memory in the already open library of Altair, where his ancestor speaks to him using the 2nd apple of Eden, and also sends him a message from the gods, which he found back in 1499.

Desmond begins a conversation with Jupiter. He tells him about the first civilization, about its death. Jupiter asks Desmond to go to their temple for further instructions.

Desmond comes out of his coma. He is met by Rebecca, Sean and his father William. Desmond tells the team and his father that he knows what to do. They come to the place where they used to be Great temple The first civilization. At the end of Assassin's creed 3 he sacrificed himself to save the world from the end of the world.

William "Bill" Miles

William Miles- the leader of the Assassins in the present tense. He is also a liaison in The Fall comic. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood sent a message to Lucy, with information about the assassins in the world who perform tasks. Sent two messages to Desmond after recovering his memory and completing The Disappearance of Leonardo. These messages only come when the player has not completed the storyline. Also at the end storyline connected Desmond to Animus 2.03 to save him from losing his mind. He is Desmond's father.

Sean Hastings

Sean Hastings- agent of the assassins. Is their coherent. The first meeting takes place in AC II. Historian, clever, sarcastic. Throughout the game, provides information about the people and sights of Italy. Prior to the events of the game, he was an employee of Abstergo. Having learned about their plans, he decided to spoil the company's reputation. He was found by the Assassins and recruited into their ranks. Together with the team, he leaves the shelter and goes with them to Italy. After discovering a particle of Eden, he goes with Lucy, Desmond and Rebeca to Rome. Is a witness to the murder of Lucy. In ACR, he meets Desmond as he emerges from his coma. Possibly in love with Rebekah. His ancestors were Vikings.

Rebeca Crane

Rebeca Crane- agent of the assassins. Created Animus 2.0. Computer genius, former athlete, vegetarian. The first meeting takes place at AC II. At the end of the game, together with the team, he leaves the shelter and goes with them to Italy. After discovering a particle of Eden, he goes with Lucy, Desmond and Sean to Rome. Is a witness to the murder of Lucy. In AC: R is following Desmond. Meets him when he comes out of a coma. Remembers that her ancestor was a Prussian mercenary.

Object 16 (Clay Kaczmarek)

Object 16 (real name Clay Kaczmarek) was the man who was kidnapped by the Abstergo facility and forced into the Animus before Desmond. His ancestor, Ezio Clay, was associated with Desmond himself. He also said that his ancestor was a warrior who participated in the Battle of Gittesberg, a senator of the Roman forum and Queen Isabella.

It is only known for certain that Object 16 was captured by the enemies of the Assassins, the Templars who were hiding in Abstergo Industries in 2012 to test the Reminder of Memory genetic program. The head of the Abstergo laboratory has always been Warren Vidic, 16 was connected to the Animus for a life-threatening time. This resulted in 16 suffering from a serious illness known as the Oozing Effect.

Due to the "Oozing" effect, 16 saw ancestral memories without the help of the Animus, however, the inability to control these visions by the object 16 drove him insane, ultimately culminating in his suicide.

Before dying, Subject 16 was forced to study the memories of an ancestor named Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who fought the Templars from Italy. 16 never relived the memories of his ancestor visiting Italy. Merging with Ezio, he drew cryptic messages on the floors and walls of Abstergo with his blood, 16 committed suicide in order to prevent the Templars from reaching their goal. In Revelations, he helps Desmond out of his coma and finally dies while helping Desmond escape from being removed by the Animus as malware.

Hannah Müller

Hannah is an American assassin of our day. Helps Daniel. Appears in the comic The Fall. She was friends with Rebbeka Crane. Mentioned Assassin 's Creed iii... Killed by Daniel Cross.

Paul Bellamy

Floor- the leader of the American Assassins in the present tense. Helps Daniel. Appears in the comic The Fall.

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

Altaïr Ibn-La "Ahad
الطائر ابن لا أحد
Gaming series Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed
Additional Information
Date of Birth January 11, 1165
Age 25-26 years old (at the time of the game "Assassin's Creed")
24, 26, 63, 82, 92 (at the time of the game "Assassin's Creed: Revelations")
Place of Birth Syria
Formation Order of the Assassins

Altair ibn La Ahad (son of Umar)- an ancient assassin, an elite warrior of the Brotherhood of Assassins, who violated the Creed because of his self-confidence. Carrying out a responsible task in the temple of Solomon, Altair killed an innocent old man, and later, hoping for his strength, betrayed himself, at the cost of the death of the young assassin Kadar and depriving his friend Malik, brother of Kadar, of the hand. But worst of all, the Brotherhood was attacked by the Templars. After that Altair was deprived of his high rank and started all over again. After he became a student again, he began to listen to the words of the victims, and he soon found out that Al-Mualim had betrayed the clan, because of the Apple of Eden, a powerful artifact capable of suppressing the will of people. The protagonist of Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles, Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines and Assassin's Creed: Revelations (partially).


Umar- Altair's father. Mentioned in Assassins Creed Revelations.

We give

We give- Altair's eldest son, shot from a crossbow Genghis Khan who fell from a horse, appears in Assassin's Creed: Revelations and in the book Assassin's Creed: The secret Crusade. Apparently, he is the ancestor of "Object 16", or Clay Kaczmarek, as they have common facial features. ...


Sef- Altair's son, Desmond's ancestor, mentioned in Assassin's Creed Revelations and appearing in The Secret Crusade. He was executed by Abbas to force Altair to give up the Apple of Eden.


Aquilas- Assassin of the times of the Roman Empire. Appears in the Assassin's Creed Vol. 2: Aquilus, Desmond's ancestor from the comic book. Not mentioned in the game.


Axipiter- cousin of Aquilas.


Lucius- the father of Aquilas.

Nikolay Orlov

Nikolay Orlov- Russian assassin of the 19th century, the ancestor of Daniel. Appears only in the Assassin's Creed: The Fall comic.

Alexander Orlov

Alexander Orlov- assassin, father of Nikolai Orlov

Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Ezio auditore da firenze

Ezio in AC2
Gaming series Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Additional Information
Date of Birth July 28, 1459
Age 17-40 years old (AC2)
40-47 years old (ACB)
17, 19, 26, 38 (in flashbacks of Christina)
51-53 years old (ACR)
65 years old (AC Embers)
Place of Birth Florence, Florentine Republic
Relatives Desmond Miles (distant descendant)
Giovanni Auditore (father)
Maria (Mozzi) Auditore (mother)
Hilario Auditore (grandfather)
Federico Auditore (older brother)
Petruchio Auditore (younger brother)
Claudia Auditore (younger sister)
Mario Auditore (uncle)
Domenico Auditore (great-great grandfather)
Marcello Auditore (son)
Flavia Auditore (daughter)

Ezio Auditore da Firenze- Italian Assassin of the Renaissance (Renaissance), the protagonist of Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed II: Discovery, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Date of birth: 1459 His father and brothers were killed in a conspiracy. In the second part, his sister works for Uncle Mario, and his mother cries for her youngest son, Petruchio, in the Brotherhood of Blood they run a brothel in Rome. Ezio avenged his father and brothers, killed all the conspirators, except for his main goal - Rodrigo Borgia. In the Brotherhood of Blood he went to Rome to destroy the son of Rodrigo - Cesare, to return the Apple of Eden and avenge Uncle Mario. In Revelations, he went to Masiaf, Altair's homeland, to gain the knowledge Altair acquired during his exploration of the Apple. But Masiaf was captured by the Templars. To open the door to Altair's library, Ezio needs 5 seals, which are in Constantinople. One of the seals has already fallen into the hands of the Templars. As a result, after getting 5 seals, Ezio opened a secret library in Masyaf.

Domenico Auditore

Domenico Auditore- Great-great-grandfather Ezio, an assassin. He sailed to Italy, founded Monteriggioni and built the Villa Auditore there.

Giovanni Auditore

Giovanni Auditore- Ezio's father, an assassin. Executed.

Mario Auditore

Mario Auditore- Uncle Ezio, condottiere, assassin. Taught by Ezio how to fight, died in the Battle of Monteriggioni at the hands of Cesare Borgia in the Brotherhood of Blood.

Claudia Auditore

Claudia Auditore- Sister Ezio. She was in charge of finances at Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni. After Monteriggioni was destroyed, she followed Ezio to Rome, where she was the manager of the Rose Blossom brothel. A little later she became an assassin.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli
philosopher, politician, writer
Date of Birth:
Date of death:

Niccolo Machiavelli- Ezio's friend, mentor and mentor of the Assassins (later transferred powers to Ezio), philosopher. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, La Volpe thought Machiavelli was a traitor and wanted to kill him, but Ezio manages to stop Volpe after learning that the traitor is one of their thieves.

Weapon - Serrated Cinqueda, Common Sword

Bartolomeo d'Alviano

Bartolomeo d'Alviano- Ezio's friend, mercenary, assassin, husband of Pantasilea Ballione. Calls his sword Bianca. He is the head of the mercenary guild.

Yusuf Tazim

Yusuf Tazim- Ezio's friend, will give Ezio a new weapon "Knife-hook", the head of the Assassins in Constantinople. Killed from a blow in the back with a blade, protecting his beloved Ezio.

Fahiim HaSaif

Fahiim HaSaif- Assassin, father of Malik and Kadar

Malik Ha-Saif

Malik Ha-Saif- Altair's friend, loses his hand and brother in the fight for the Apple of Eden. Angry on Altair before a certain moment, head of the Jerusalem Office. He was killed, in his death, as is known from Assassin's Creed Revelations, Abbas was involved.

Kadar Ha-Saif

Kadar Ha-Saif- brother Malik, died due to Altair's mistake in the Temple of Solomon.

Tazim Ha-Saif

Tazim Ha-Saif- Assassin, son of Malik.


Rafik- Head of the Bureau in Damascus.

Ahmad Sophian

Ahmad Sophian- Assassin, father of Abbas. According to Altair's confirmation, when he was 10 years old, Ahmad came to him and, mortally wounded, on his knees begged to forgive him, because the Saracens captured him and tortured him. Ahmad could not stand it and told everything, exposing Altair's family under attack.

Abbas Sofian

Abbas Sofian- Assassin, Altair's rival for the title of Master of the Order, was killed by a hidden pistol.

With you

With you- Assassin, "right hand" of Abbas. He helped him arrange a coup in order to seize power in the Order. Swami killed Sef (Altair's youngest son). Malik was blamed for Sef's death. Altair found out the truth and tried to force Swami to kill himself with a blade with the help of the Apple of Eden, but Maria (Altair's wife) prevented him. Pulling himself together, Swami kills Maria with a blade. Altair responds by killing him with a hidden blade in his throat.


Kulan-Gal- Mongol assassin, shot Genghis Khan's horse with a bow. His tomb is in the Rocca de Ravaldino fortress in Forlì.


Darius- Persian assassin, killed King Xerxes with a hidden blade (this was the first known case of using a hidden blade). His tomb is in the Church of Santa Maria de Novella in Florence.

Wei Yu

Wei Yu- Chinese assassin, killed with a spear the first emperor of China - Qin Shi Huang. His tomb is in the Torre Grossa tower in Tuscany.


Amunet- Egyptian assassin, with the help of a snake she killed Queen Cleopatra. Her tomb is in St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice.


Iltani- Babylonian assassin, poisoned Alexander the Great. Her tomb is in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence.


Leonius- an ancient Roman assassin, stabbed the Roman emperor Caligula with a dagger. His tomb is located under the Church of Santa Maria della Visitation in Venice.

Francesco Vecellio

Francesco Vecellio- Italian assassin, student of Ezio Auditore.

Tessa Varzi

Tessa Varzi- Italian assassin, student of Ezio Auditore.

Cipriano Enu

Cipriano Enu- Italian assassin, emigrant from Africa, student of Ezio Auditore.

Rinaldo Vitturi

Rinaldo Vitturi- Italian assassin, keeper of the Cloak of Eden.

Perotto Calderon

Perotto Calderon - Italian assassin, father of Giovanni Borgia, killed for betraying the brotherhood. Perroto trained in the Brotherhood from an early age to become one of the Assassins in the future. In the future, he became one of the best assassins and was assigned to him as a student of the young Francesco Vecellio, who became him like a son. Although he found the student rather fragile and too strong a perfectionist, he considered him wise beyond his years and thanks. By 1498, Perotto was working as a courier for Alexander IV and thus spied on his correspondence with Lucrezia and overheard conversations between Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia, captain-general of the Papal army. He was able to prevent many conspiracies against the Assassins. During his service, he also followed Lucrezia, who at that time lived in the San Sisto Monastery. Seeing her tears caused by the letters that her brother and father wrote to her, as well as hearing that Rodrigo spoke about Lucretia's wedding as if she was a simple thing, he felt pity for her, and ended up falling in love. To win the heart of Lucrezia, Perotto began to give her expensive gifts, with which Julia, Lucrezia's maid, helped her. Over time, they began to walk together in the garden of the monastery and Perotto told her invented stories about the adventures of the courier. Despite their growing affection for each other, they were forced to keep their distance so that no one would find out about their relationship. However, in the end, the lovers became so close that after one of the nights they spent together, Lucretia became pregnant. When the boy was born, the doctor, Julia's brother, said that the child would only live for a few days. However, it was impossible to keep the child in secret and Cesare, upon learning of this, threw Perotto in prison, but with the assistance of Julia he managed to escape from prison and kidnap his son. However, Rodrigo quickly learned of the assassin's escape and sent his men to find him. They managed to overtake Perotto near Florence, but he was ready to attack and with the help of a bow dealt with his pursuers. After that, Perotto went to Agnadello, knowing that the only thing that can heal his son is one of the Pieces of Eden - the Shroud, which his brothers kept. However, when he arrived in the village, he was saddened that his own assassin brothers, drawing their swords, did not allow him to reach the artifact and he had to kill or neutralize them. Having reached the house of his friend and guardian of the Shroud, Rinaldo Vitturi, there he found an artifact and healed his son, returned the Shroud to its place and left Rinaldo's house. The Brotherhood could not turn a blind eye to Perotto's violations and sent a group of hunters (among whom was a student of Perotto) to kill the intruder. They, with the help of the villagers, quickly found the traitor's camp, but he was again ready to attack. He managed to kill several assassins before Francesco wounded him and the other assassins finished off.

Rafael Sanchez

Rafael Sanchez- Treasurer of Queen Isabella I and a member of the Spanish Guild of Assassins.


Erudito- assassin-hacker, tried to betray Abstergo's secrets. Also hacked Project Legacy.

Object 15

Object 15- female assassin, she had problems with the Animus (1.28) because she was pregnant and her memories and the memories of the fetus were fighting each other. Mentioned in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

Shao Jun

Shao Jun- Chinese assassin. Assassin's Creed: Embers movie character.

Marcello Auditore

Marcello Auditore- son of Ezio

Flavia Auditore

Flavia Auditore- Ezio's daughter, Desmond's ancestor

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla- assassin, was familiar with Nikolai Orlov, found only in the comic The Fall, as well as in the passage of Truth in AC II

Connor Kenway

Connor Canway

Connor kenway
Ratohnhaké: ton
Gaming series Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed III
Additional Information
Date of Birth May 9, 1755
Age 5-28 years old
Place of Birth USA
Formation Order of the Assassins

Connor Kenway, born Radunhageydu(eng. Connor kenway, eng. Ratohnhaké: ton) - the main character of the video game "Assassin's Creed III". Desmond Miles' ancestor who dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom, equality and justice.


Connor Kenway (Radunhageidu) - American assassin during the American Revolution. Born on May 9, 1755, in the Mohawk tribe, he was a typical descendant of an interracial marriage of that time: his father was an English Templar Haytham Kenway, his mother was Gajidzio, a Native American woman.

When the hero was still young, he suffered greatly due to the attacks of white colonists in his village. Connor Kenway devoted his own life to the struggle for justice and equality - in this he was helped by the Brotherhood of Assassins and other colorful personalities (George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere and others), whom the hero met later. Connor learns about the assassins from a vision, and memorizes their sign, by which he is guided further. He finds Achilles Davenport, who later becomes his mentor. In Assassin's creed II, Ezio Auditore avenged his family, and Connor Kenway saves his homeland, helps people, participates in the war against the British, simultaneously dealing with the Templars. Connor is a calm, quiet assassin, but reacts warily to touch, ponders every word. Also, Connor is very similar to a predator: he easily jumps from tree to tree, runs fast like a wolf. After the death of Achilles, he stayed on his estate.

After the destruction of his village, he received a message from Juno and hid the key in the grave of Connor Davenport (son of Achilles) for Desmond to find it.

Interesting Facts:


  • Hidden blade- reinforced in a special mechanism on the wrist and extends if necessary along the palm. Unlike previous games, it can be rotated and used like a dagger.
  • Gun double, effective at medium range.
  • Tomahawk- weapons of the ancients Indians... Has a blade with the shape of the emblem of the Order of the Assassins. It is quite effective in close combat.
  • Onion and arrows effective at long range
  • Shengbiao- a dart on a rope that allows you to hang enemies.

Collector's Edition exclusive

Some weapons are only available to players who have purchased Collector's Edition and passed one of the missions:

  • Flintlock Musket- to get it you need to complete the mission "A Dangerous Secret"
  • Captain Kidd's Saber- after completing the mission "Lost Mayan Ruins"
  • Pontiac's War Club- the player must complete the mission "Ghost Of War"



The predatory instincts, honed by years of hunting, allow you to stalk and kill your target in complete silence. In open combat, he can fight with weapons in both hands.

Aveline de Grandpre

Aveline de Grandpre- The new heroine of the video game Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. Aveline is a New Orleans assassin, a quiet calm girl, she will also fight with Connor as a partner. Her mother is a French born, and her father is American. Aveline has a friend who will make her hidden daggers She will also join the Brotherhood of Blood and George Washington Ezio and Altair are not the ancestors of Aveline.


Agate- Leader of the Order of the Assassins in New Orleans. Avelina's mentor.

Jose Castro

Jose- Assassin of Spain in 1559. Hero of La Venganza Del Imperio. A nobleman, ran away from home, after rescuing one of the assassins, he joined the brotherhood. Became a thunderstorm in Spain. He went to Germany to kill the German prince Barthold (Templar) and married Giselle. After the murder of the prince, he retired temporarily. He settled in the family estate. After a year of rest, he received an assignment from the head of the brotherhood about a new murder.

Achilles Davenport

Achilles Davenport(1710-1783) - Former assassin, mentor of Connor.

Allies of the Assassins

Federico Auditore

Federico Auditore- Ezio's older brother. He is not far behind in character from his brother - an inveterate "womanizer", a lover to drink and spend all the money. According to the archive, Federico worked as a banker, but he was fired because a significant amount of money disappeared from the bank. Executed along with his father and younger brother. According to Ezio, he was an assassin.

Petruchio Auditore

Petruchio Auditore- Ezio's younger brother. As befits many children, he has a hobby, namely collecting feathers. I went to school, but the illness canceled out going to school, after which Petruchio began to study at home. Executed.

Maria Auditore

Maria Auditore- Ezio's mother, writer. After Monteriggioni was destroyed, she and her daughter followed Ezio to Rome, where she was an assistant to Claudia's daughter in the Rose Blossom brothel. Gives out courtesan assignments for Ezio in Brotherhood.

Lorenzo de Medici

Lorenzo de Medici- Italian statesman and de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic during the Italian Renaissance.

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci- a good friend of Ezio. Scientist and artist, helps Ezio on his adventures. In particular, in the second part of the game, he decrypts the pages of the codex and allows him to “use” the flying machine. In the Brotherhood of Blood, he created various machines for the Borgia (being their hostage), after destroying these machines, he gives Ezio a parachute.

Caterina Sforza

Caterina Sforza- the ruler of Forli, the second beloved of Ezio Auditore; meets with him in the second part of the game, when her children were taken hostage by Ludovico and Cheko Orsi. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, she was captured by the Knights Templar during the siege of Monteriggioni. Ezio frees her, makes big plans for her. But Catherine leaves for Forli, captured by the Templars, in order to regain power. In the same year, he dies of pneumonia.

La Volpe

La Volpe(it. Lis) - Ezio's friend, a professional thief, the head of the thieves guild, taught Ezio to move quickly on roofs.

Christina Vespucci

Christina Vespucci- Ezio's first beloved. She was killed by the people of Savonarola because of the wealth of her family.

Pantasilea Baglioni

Pantasilea Baglioni- Bartolomeo's wife. Unlike her husband, she is used to acting strategically. Rescued by Ezio during one of the missions, where Octavian de Valois takes her prisoner, who later dies at the hands of Ezio.

Pietro Rossi

Pietro Rossi- actor, lover of Lucrezia Borgia. He was poisoned as a result of a conspiracy organized by Micheletto Corella and Cesare Borgia. Saved by Ezio Auditore from death.


Salai- student and assistant to Leonardo da Vinci. Appears in add-on The disappearance of da Vinci.

Sofia Sartor

Sofia Sartor- Ezio's beloved, works in a bookstore, appears in Revelations. She became the wife of Ezio, having given birth to him a son - Marcello and a daughter - Flavia. For a long time she lived in Constantinople, then moved to Rhodes and returned again, this time to Istanbul.

Prince suleiman

Prince suleiman- a 17-year-old boy. Meets Ezio on the ship to Constantinople. Son of Sultan Selim and nephew of Prince Ahmet. A man soon to become a sultan known as Suleiman the Magnificent.

Francesco Troque

Francesco Troque- Cameralian and Secretary of the Pope. Killed by Mikkeleto Corella for betraying the Borgia.

Egidio Troque

Egidio Troque- Senator. Assisted Ezio in identifying Juan Borgia. Frequent visitor to the brothel.

Fabio Orsini

Fabio Orsini- Condottiere of the Roman army, cousin of Bartolomeo d'Alviano. Provided the assassins with refuge in Rome.

Giovanni Borgia

Giovanni Borgia- illegitimate son of Perotto Calderon and Lucrezia Borgia. Giovanni studied fencing with Cesare and Micheletto. Like Ezio, he has eagle vision. Rodrigo Borgia let him play with the Apple of Eden. Later, Francesco Vecellio lured him to the side of the Assassins. Giovanni found the crystal skull of Eden from the Aztecs and gave it to Bombastus to study. In his book, Giovanni Borgia found a recipe for the philosopher's stone.


Bombastus- scientist, friend of Giovanni Borgia.

Maria Amiel

Maria Amiel- Assistant to Bombastus, girlfriend of Giovanni Borgia.

Benjamin Talmadge

Benjamin Talmadge- Head of Intelligence of the Continental Army.

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams- a lawyer, politician, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse

Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse- Admiral of the French Navy.

Paul Revere

Paul Revere is an American artisan.

Gilbert Lafayette

Gilbert Lafayette- French politician.


Warren Vidic

Warren Vidic- Scientist, works for Abstergo Industries, antagonist. According to Lucy's stories, he trains the Abstergo killers. Owns a crystal skull of the Aztecs. Appears in the first and second parts of the series as well as in the multiplayer cutscenes AC Revelations, in the third part he dies from the Apple of Eden (Desmond, with the help of Apple, directed the weapon of Abstergo's guard at Vidic and killed him.

Alan Rikkin

Alan Rikkin- CEO of Abstergo Industries.

Lucy Stillman

Born on May 1, 1985 (27 years old), weight - 73 kg, height - 178.
Lucy Stillman- Desmond's girlfriend. She worked for Abstergo. Escapes from Abstergo with Desmond. I checked Desmond what he learned from the Assassins, together with Desmond, Sean and Rebbeka, they left for Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni. At the end of Brotherhood, the Apple (Particle) of Eden, taking possession of Desmond's body, caused him to stab Lucy in the stomach. In Assassin's Creed: Revelations, it is reported that the wound was fatal and Lucy was buried in an old cemetery in the suburbs of Rome. According to Ubisoft, she was a Templar and everything was rigged, such as the escape from Abstergo. This is also indicated by the events taking place in the Lost Archive DLC for Revelations. Perhaps she was in love with Desmond.

Daniel Cross

Daniel Cross- Object 4. Is the main character of the comic "Assassin`s Creed: The Fall" and "Assassins`s Creed: The Chain". Also found in Abstergo files. During the events of the comic, he suffers from hallucinations, in which he relives the memories of his great-grandfather Nikolai Orlov, a Russian assassin of the 19th century. After hallucinations, he is extremely aggressive. Together with the assassin, Hannah goes in search of a mentor. He was kidnapped and brought to Dubai, where he met with the head of the order. Daniel's Mentor for Merit to the Order gives him his Hidden Blade. During the fitting at Object 4, a subconscious program is activated, which the Templars loaded into it as a child. It turns out that everything that happened to Daniel was thought out by the Templars. As a result, Cross kills the Assassins' mentor by slitting his throat. Escapes and returns to Abstergo. Returning to Abstergo, he asks to put him in the Animus, as he believes that only there is his "true" family in the person of Nikolai Orlov's family. Becomes the main agent of the Templars. Killed by Desmond Miles in 2012.

James Morse

James Morse- Secretary, based in Washington, DC, Abstergo Industries office, his login password “PFRDVJ5aLLg” can be entered at

Caroline Gray

Caroline Gray is a security analyst at Abstergo Industries.

Nancy Nylop

Nancy Neilop- An employee of Abstergo Industries who knew Leila Marino.

Erica Nichols

Erica Nichols- employee of Abstergo Industries, works in the media.

Jason Kent

Jason Kent

Carson Cairns

Carson Cairns- Abstergo Industries employee in the delivery department.

Leonard Wong

Leonard Wong- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Jansen Mart

Jansen Mart- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Cool Milton

Cool Milton- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Robert Klein

Robert Klein- an employee of Abstergo Industries, was engaged in interrogation, is now engaged in a secret project.

Harland Hammerstein

Harland Hammerstein- employee of Abstergo Industries.


WITH.- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Audrey Jacobs

Audrey Jacobs- Employee of Abstergo Industries, assistant to Alan Rikkin.

Jane Bircam

Jane Bircam- Employee of Abstergo Industries, friend of Warren Vidic.

Henry Lyman

Henry Lyman- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Anson Peak

Anson Peak 1999-2002 - an employee of Abstergo Industries, a liaison of recruits to the "Heritage" project.


Richard- Employee of Abstergo Industries.

Leila Marino

Leila Marino- a deceased employee of Abstergo Industries.

Letitia England

Letitia England- Manager of Abstergo Industries, member of the Inner Sanctuary.

Mitsuko Nakomuro

Mitsuko Nakomuro- a department worker in the Animus project, a member of the Inner Sanctuary.

Alvaro Gramatika

Alvaro Gramatika

Isabelle Ardant

Isabelle Ardant- Member of the Historical Research Department, member of the Inner Sanctuary.

Otto Schmidt

Otto Schmidt- Worker of the Hereditary Information Department, member of the Inner Sanctuary.

Jubair al-Hakim

Jubair al-Hakim- a scientist from Damascus, an ardent fighter against education.


Sibrand- Fleet commander of the Teutonic Order.

Maria Torpe

Maria Torpe- Templar, Altair's beloved. Soon, Altair's wife was killed by Swami, Abbas's right hand. Altair later killed those responsible for her death. In the early days of Assassins Creed Bloodlines, they were at odds. Pra<…>Desmond's great-grandmother.

Armand Bouchard

Armand Bouchard- Master of the Knights Templar in Cyprus. At the end of Assassin's Creed Bloodlines entrusted the apple of Eden to Altair.


Moloch- a religious fanatic and a member of the Knights Templar. Father of two twin brothers.

Frederic the Red

Frederic the Red- the leader of the Knight of the Order of the Templars. Altair's first target.


Shalim-the twin brother of Shahar, the son of Moloch, a member of the Templar Order.


Shahar- twin brother of Shalim, son of Moloch, member of the Templar Order.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan- the Templar, the owner of the Mass of Eden, was killed by Darim (Altair's eldest son) from a bow.


Osman- a member of the Knights Templar, although he was, in fact, a secret member of the resistance in Cyprus. He told Altair that he needed to kill a man named Frederic the Red in order to weaken the Templars.

Vieri Pazzi

Vieri Pazzi- a young nobleman, the youngest son of Francesco Pazzi. Vieri is prone to waste and cruelty. Tried to harm Ezio's family many times. Even his father speaks of his son as a rebellious and aggressive person. It was he who gave Ezio the scar at the beginning of Assassins Creed II.

Francesco Pazzi

Francesco Pazzi- banker, representative of the Florentine Pazzi family. Ezio is killed.

Bernardo Baroncelli

Bernardo Baroncelli- a banker, an accomplice of the Templars.

Antonio Maffei

Antonio Maffei- Priest, participant in the conspiracy against Lorenzo Medici. Ezio is killed.

Stefano da Bagnone

Stefano da Bagnone- Priest, Counselor to Jacopo Pazzi.

Francesco Salviati

Francesco Salviati- Archbishop of Pisa, dreamed of taking the same position in Florence, but the Medici did not allow him to do this, so Salviati joined the Templars. Ezio is killed.

Jacopo Pazzi

Jacopo Pazzi- Head of the Pazzi family and the family bank. Ezio Auditore was killed.

Emilio Barbarigo

Emilio Barbarigo- the head of the guild of merchants, "bag of money", an influential man in Venice. Almost single-handedly financed the Venetian city guards, established a monopoly on the market, which allowed him to quickly move up the career ladder.

Marco Barbarigo

Marco Barbarigo- a nobleman, participant in a conspiracy against Giovanni Mocenigo. Has a personal bodyguard Dante Moro, married to his ex-wife Girdzhitsso Laurenti.

Dante Moro

Dante Moro- bodyguard Marco Barbarigo, former captain of the Venetian city guard. After the assassination attempt, rigged by Marco, his brain was damaged, which allowed Barbarigo to force Moreau to become his bodyguard.

Silvio Barbarigo il Roso

Silvio Barbarigo il Roso- Member of the Supreme Tribunal of Venice, prosecutor.

Girolamo Riario

Girolamo Riario- Count Forli and husband of Catherine Sforza. Girolamo joined the Knights Templar and was assigned to create a map of all the pages of the Codex scattered throughout Italy.

Micheletto Corella

Micheletto Corella- professional assassin, associate of Cesare Borgia.

Lucrezia Borgia

Lucrezia Borgia- daughter of Rodrigo Borgia and sister of Cesare Borgia.

Juan Borgia Sr.

Juan Borgia- nephew of Rodrigo Borgia. Cardinal, Cesare's personal financier

Joffre Borgia

Joffre Borgia- the youngest son of Rodrigo Borgia, participated in the attack on the villa, took Auditore's cloak as a trophy. Later, the valet stole it and presented it to the Assassins in honor of the restoration of Rome.

Jacques de Molay

Jacques de Molay- Medieval Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

Manuel Palaeologus

Manuel Palaeologus- the emperor, in a conspiracy.

Shah Kulu

Shah Kulu- Templar, Turkmen origin


Akhmet- the legitimate heir to the Ottoman Empire.


Leander- Captain of the Templars with an injured face and metal armor. Killed by Ezio in the first ACR sequence.


Jiaozin- Templar, killed the mentor for whom Shao Jun worked.

Daniel Cross

Daniel Cross- one of Abstergo's killers, a multiplayer character in Assassin's creed: Revelations, appointed to the position of Templar by Warren Vidik. Worked in the Technologies of the Future. Killed by Desmond.

David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller- one of the accomplices of the Templars, pushed the United States in the middle of the twentieth century to the Second World War, for the sake of chasing the particles of Eden.

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill- one of the accomplices of the Templars, launched the Second World War in the middle of the twentieth century, for the sake of chasing the particles of Eden.

Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt- one of the accomplices of the Templars, launched the Second World War in the middle of the twentieth century for the sake of chasing the particles of Eden.

John Locke

John Locke

Baruch de Spinoza

Baruch de Spinoza- the Templar, the thinker who created a new model of society, is mentioned in the fifteenth file of Abstergo.

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon- the Templar, the thinker who created a new model of society, is mentioned in the fifteenth file of Abstergo.

Philip Aurelius Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim

John Sacrobosco de Sfera

John Sacrobosco de Sfera- Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's thirteenth file.


Kircher- Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's thirteenth file.

Sylvester II

Sylvester II

Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII- Former Grand Master of the Knights Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's second file.

Xerxes I

Xerxes I- Former Grand Master of the Knights Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's second file.

Bernard de Clairvaux

Bernard de Clairvaux- Former Grand Master of the Knights Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's second file.

Hugo de Payne

Hugo de Payne- Former Grand Master of the Knights Templar, mentioned in Abstergo's second file.

Haytham Kenway

Haytham Kenway- Grandmaster of the Order of the Knights Templar at the end of the 18th century, Connor's father. Killed by his own son.

Charles Lee

Charles Lee is a general. Burned down Connor's village when he was young. He led the Knights Templar in North America after the death of Haytham. Killed by Connor.

Nicholas Biddle

Nicholas Biddle- Templar, Captain of the Continental Fleet. Killed by Connor.

Benjamin Church

Benjamin Church- Templar, doctor, head of the medical unit of the Continental Army. Killed by Connor.

Rodrigo Borgia. Ezio is killed.

Cecco Orsi

Cecco Orsi- professional killer, brother of Ludovico Orsi. By order of Rodrigo, Borgia attacked Forli. Killed by Ezio

Ludovico Orsi

Ludovico Orsi- professional killer, brother of Cecco Orsi. Together with Cecco, he attacked Forli on the orders of Rodrigo Borgia. Stole the children of Caterina Sforza. Ezio was killed

Carlo Grimaldi

Carlo Grimaldi- member of the Council of Ten, ally of the Templars, nobleman. He knew how to keep secrets well. Poisoned by the Doge Giovanni Mocenigo while helping the Templars. Ezio is killed.

Octavian de Valois

Octavian de Valois- Baron, French commander. Colluded with Cesare Borgia. He took Pantasilea Baglioni hostage, as a result of which Ezio Auditore was killed.

Not conspiring

Salah ad-Din

Salah ad-Din- Sultan of Egypt and Syria, a talented military leader, Muslim leader of the XII century. In Assassin's Creed, street heralds mention the name of Salah ad-Din. Also known as Saladin.

Shihab ad-Din

Shihab ad-Din- the son of Salah ad-Din and the second in the command of the Saracens Salah ad-Din. Shihab ad-Din was present at the siege of Masyaf by the Saracens.

Giovanni Mocenigo

Giovanni Mocenigo- Doge of Venice. Carlo Grimaldi was poisoned

Girolamo Savonarola

Girolamo Savonarola- Dominican monk, did not conspire with Rodrigo Borgia. After Savonarola finds a Piece of Eden, he seizes power in Florence with this ancient artifact.

Ercole Massimo

Ercole Massimo- the leader of the Hermeticists. Found in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood as the antagonist of The Disappearance of Da Vinci.

Tariq Barleti

Tariq Barleti- Captain of the Janissaries. He was suspected of conspiring with the Templars and was mistakenly killed by Ezio Auditore.

Duccio Lucca

Duccio Lucca- Italian, wooed Claudia Auditore and 6 more girls at the same time, then tried to charm Sophia Sartor. (Assasins Creed Revelations has the achievement "Bully" (Beat Duccio)

Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold- Major General, participant in the US War of Independence. Betrayed the patriots and fled.



Minerva- a representative of the race "Those Who Came Before" appears in Assassin's Creed II after Ezio's victory over Rodrigo Borgia, in the endings of Revelations and Assassin's Creed III.


Juno- a representative of the race "Those Who Came Before" appears in the future in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood when Desmond entered the secret room under the Colosseum, at the end of Revelations and in Assassin's Creed III. Betrayed her people for her own benefit, and at the end Assassin's Creed III convinced Desmond to touch the eye, freed herself and went to enslave the world.

Media Characters (edit)

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Desmond Miles

Descendant of Altair, captured by the modern Templars in 2012. As it turned out, he was taken prisoner by the powerful corporation Abstergo. Supervised by two company employees, Desmond must delve into the memories of his ancient ancestor to reveal where the Piece of Eden is.
In appearance, Desmond is indistinguishable from Altair, the same eyes, nose, even a scar on his lip, accidentally obtained under unknown circumstances. Miles, unknowingly, is an assassin. Before he was captured, he worked as a bartender.

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

An elite warrior of the Clan of Assassins who violated the Creed because of his narcissism and arrogance. Fulfilling a responsible task in the temple of Solomon, Altair killed an innocent old man, and later, hoping for his own strength, betrayed himself, at the cost of the death of a young assassin and deprivation of his friend's hand. Worst of all, the Brotherhood came under attack from the Templars. After that Altair was stripped of his high rank and started all over again.
Altair is attractive in appearance. A scar on the lip, beautiful eyes complement the image of the mysterious Assassin. The cold-blooded nature and restraint of emotions make his victims tremble with fear at the hearing of the man in the white hood. Altair masterfully uses a crowd of people for his own purposes, and it is almost impossible to find him on a crowded street.
Altair is smart, able to learn from his own mistakes. After he became a student again, he began to listen to the words of the victims, and he soon found out that Al Mualim had betrayed the Clan because of the Apple of Paradise, a powerful artifact capable of destroying all life. Then Altair returned to Masiaf and overthrew the mad old man by force.

Malik al-Sauf

Altair's best friend, who envied him in everything, so he constantly criticized him. Due to the mistake of the "friend", he lost his brother and his left hand, after which he hated Altair even more. The chance to become an Assassin was gone, and he was transferred to the Bureau of Assassins in Jerusalem. When Altair came to the Bureau, Malik did not miss an opportunity to play snide. After another completed assignment, the Assassin apologized to Malik. It turned out that the Head of the Bureau had been tormented by his conscience for a long time, but he did not have the courage to apologize first. After Altair's repentance, he forgave him and asked for forgiveness himself. Trust and understanding returned to them.

Lucy Stillman

A young Abstergo employee who is responsible for keeping an eye on Desmond, as well as watching the Animus, a machine that immerses in the memories of ancestors, during her work.
Before Abstergo, Lucy worked on her own project, but the professors and scientists made her understand that she had no prospects, and refused to sponsor. When Lucy was offered a job at Abstergo, she accepted without hesitation. Later, the girl realized that the reason for her failures lay in the company where she works. "Abstergo" deliberately set up the situation so that Lucy would be in their hands.

Warren Vidic

An employee of the Abstergo Corporation, whose duties include ensuring that Desmond completes the memories of his ancestors by the due date. Out of habit, Desmond got out of sync, and now he needs to go through all over again, and Vidic must watch him. Vidik sometimes loses his memory - he often loses the password from his computer. The man is not young, he already has gray hair, but nevertheless, he does his job well.

Thank you very much to the Witcher for the material provided!

Who are the Assassins? The history of the Assassins begins at the end of the 11th century, when a man named Hasan ibn Sabbah founded the Nizari - Ismaili order in Persia and Syria. These were the same notorious assassins who captured many mountain fortresses and posed a serious threat to the Sunni Seljuk dynasty. The Brotherhood of Assassins is widely known and renowned for its methods of eliminating opponents through highly professional assassinations. The very word "assassin", derived from the name of the order - "hashshashins" (hashshashins), has become a household word and acquired the meaning of a cold-blooded professional - a murderer.
Despite the fact that there are many stories telling about the activities of the order, it is now quite difficult to separate fact from fiction. Firstly, most of our information about the Assassins comes either from European sources or from people who are hostile to this order, the same Templars. For example, according to one of the stories that the Italian traveler Marco Polo heard in the east, Hassan used drugs, in particular hashish, in order to lead his followers "to heaven." When these same followers came to their senses again, Hassan, allegedly, inspired them that he was the only one who had the means that would allow them to return "to paradise." Thus, the members of the order were completely devoted to Hassan and carried out his every will. However, there are a number of inconsistencies associated with this story, pardon the pun. The fact is that the term hashshishi (hashish) was first used by the Caliph Al-Amir of the Fatimid dynasty in 1122 as an offensive name for the Syrian Nizari. Instead of its literal meaning (that these people smoke hashish), the word was used rather figuratively and had the meaning of "outcasts" or "rabble". The term was then applied to the Persian and Syrian Ismailis by chroniclers hostile to this Shiite branch and eventually spread throughout Europe thanks to the Crusaders.

Assassin kills Nizamal-Mulk. Source - Wikipedia

Not least thanks to these historians and chroniclers, the Assassins have earned a reputation for cold-blooded killers during their existence. No, the individuals killed by the assassins in broad daylight did exist. Perhaps one of their most famous victims is Konrad Montferrat, the de facto king of Jerusalem in the late 12th century. According to the story, Konrad was killed during one of the walks accompanied by armored knights in one of Tyr's courtyards. Two assassins disguised as Christian monks marched into the center of the courtyard, stabbed Conrad twice and killed him. Historians have not yet been able to answer the question of who hired these assassins, but there is a generally accepted opinion that Richard is responsible for this. Lion Heart and Heinrich Champagne.

The most impressive achievement of the Assassins, even more impressive than their courage and audacity, is probably their ability to use the methods of "psychological warfare". For, instilling fear in the enemy, they managed to conquer their mind and will, without risking their own lives. The great Muslim leader, Salah ad-Din (Saladdin, Salaaddin), for example, survived two assassin assassination attempts on his life. Despite the fact that he survived the assassination attempts, he was haunted by fear and paranoia, fear of new assassination attempts and fear for his life. According to legend, one night during the conquest of Masyaf in Syria, Saladdin woke up and saw someone coming out of his tent. Near his bed were hot buns and a note on a poisoned dagger. The note said that he would be killed if he did not withdraw his troops. It seems that it is not surprising that in the end Salah ad-Din decided to conclude a truce with the assassins.

Despite all the scandalous fame, skill, audacity and dexterity of the assassins, their order was destroyed by the Mongols who invaded Khorezm. In 1256, their fortress, once considered impregnable, fell to the Mongols. Although the Assassins managed to retake and even hold Alamut for several months in 1275, they were ultimately defeated anyway. From the point of view of historians, the Mongol-Tatar conquest of Alamut is a very significant event, since the sources that could present the history of the order from the point of view of the assassins themselves were completely destroyed. As a result, we are left with only rather strongly romanticized ideas about the notorious brotherhood of assassins. This is best seen in the famous and cult game "Assassin's Creed".
Are there assassins in our time in real life, is not known for certain. Here, as they say, to each his own. He who wants to believe believes.

The good, the bad, and the boring.

Throughout the passage of the entire series of the game, we managed to get acquainted with a huge number of these hooded assassins, from pirates to revolutionaries. Some of them have memorable features, while others are simple mannequins dressed in well-designed and thoughtful costumes.

Just in time for the release of the great game Assassin's Creed Origins, we prepared a list of the main characters (excluding the characters in the DLC, otherwise we would have had to write a memoir). Starting with the bad ones and ending with the good ones.

The game: Assassin's Creed III

Voiced: Noah Watts

This guy could be one of the most interesting goodies in the game. He was the son of a Native American woman and a British man. He was born in the midst of the struggle between these two cultures. He had to take an active part in the American Revolution. But the writers forgot to endow him with individuality, personal qualities. Connor (simplified pseudonym) is an incredibly boring and serious person who takes offense, sulks and always complains that he is not playing into the hands of the popularity of the game.

The game: Assassin's Creed Unity

Voiced: Dan Ginnott

Another revolutionary, only French. Arnault was born into a wealthy Versailles family, but became an assassin after serving time in the Bastille, known for its severity of a Parisian prison. As in the previous story, Arno has an interesting life story. I love how he differs from other characters in the series. He has a simpler attitude towards all these codes and rules of brotherhood. At the beginning of the game, he appears to be a confident and charismatic character, but after he puts on the hood, it all goes nowhere.

The game: Assassin's Creed

Voiced: Philip Shahbaz

A true assassin, the originator of history. But, unfortunately, one of the boring characters in this very story. Altair looks cool, but does not shine with wit. Reviews talked about how boring it was, which made the Ubisoft developers add more characters to the second installment. We'll talk about him later. Of course, Altair has a huge impact on the history of the entire game, but what prevents him from cracking at least one joke from time to time?

The game: Assassin's Creed Origins

Voiced: Alix Wilton Regan

Small spoilers for Assassin's Creed Origins

Aya is the second available playable character, despite her husband Bayek appearing on screen more often. She is strong and lively, with a naive belief that Cleopatra will be able to revive Egypt. But due to the fact that she did not appear on the screen so often, her identity remained undisclosed. I love the way her devotion to Cleopatra divides her from her own husband.

The game: Assassin's Creed Rogue

Voiced: Stephen Piovesan

Shay is an interesting specimen in the heroic pantheon of the game, because he is not an assassin at all, but a Templar. Yet even though he works for the bad guys (I personally prefer the Templars over the moralizing Assassins), his past life as an assassin haunts him. He is cruel and merciless, but refuses to kill the weak, thereby demonstrating mercy. There are many nuances and imperfections in his character. These are the characters that we lack in the game.

The game: Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Voiced: Victoria Atkin

Evie is more professional and decent than her brother Jacob. She doesn't make the same mistakes as Connor and Altair. Her devotion to the brotherhood did not change her personal orientation. Despite the formidable appearance, glimmers of humor and humanity are noticed in her character. She genuinely worries about her brother, scolding him from time to time for his recklessness. Capable, smart and loyal. She is one of best characters series.

The game: Assassin's Creed III: Libeartion

Voiced: Amber Goldfarb

Her childhood in New Orleans was spent in wealth and privilege. Avelina from a young age witnessed a hypocritical and unfair attitude towards slaves. It was these events that shaped her character and became the reason for joining the order. She is directly related to the spin-off of Assassin's Creed III, which makes her character richer and more interesting compared to the old and boring Connor. Guilt in front of friends who could not escape slavery tempered her character.

The game: Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Voiced: Paul Amos

Jacob is cocky, rebellious, witty and slightly asshole. That is why he is one of the best characters in the game. It's really fun with him. Brass knuckle fights on the cobbled streets of London amuse him the most. In addition, he is an ardent defender of the oppressed, which makes him follow his father and join the fraternity, despite the fact that this was the last thing he thought about.

The game: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Voiced: Mike Antonakos

Odyssey is different in that it gives you the ability to play as both male and female characters. The dialogue is the same, but the presentation of each performer is very different. Alexios is well played, but too straightforward, and he sounds like a dozen other raucous videogame heroes. It has always been difficult for him to fight in a series already filled with serious bearded men, and this only once again emphasizes how much better and more charismatic his female colleague is.

The game: Assassin's Creed Origins

Voiced: Abubakar Salim

One of the newest and best characters in the game. The game takes place in the dark days of Ancient Egypt, when Greek and Roman cultures began to penetrate its original territory. But Bayek is an old school soldier. Although he honors the traditions and beliefs of his ancestors, at the same time he can be fun. Children in danger are his Achilles' heel. This is due to the fact that he once lost his son. This event makes his dark past even darker. But his innate kindness and innate instinct to help the weak speaks louder for all his past actions.

The game: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Voiced: Matt Ryan

This charismatic Welsh pirate craves fame, gold and triumph, but not the fulfillment of the law of brotherhood. At least that's how it seemed at the beginning of the game. It is this attitude, along with a vulgar sense of humor, that makes his character memorable. His personality grows and develops as he travels through the Caribbean, forcing him to abandon the old way of life and join the Assassins. But he remained faithful in his love of the sea.

The game: Assassin's Creed III

Voiced: Adrian Hogue

This is probably one of the most controversial characters in the game. After a while, playing as Haytham in the 3rd part of the game, you begin to realize how complex this personality is. More of his villainous nature was his devotion to the Templars. There is undoubtedly good in him, but this is not visible behind the work that he needs to do. It's a pleasure to play as such a charming and merciless character. Connor later appears and ruins everything.

The game: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Voiced: Melissanti Mayu

Despite having the same roles as Alexios, Kassandra sounds like she's enjoying her quest a lot more. She is fiery and charismatic, tough and charming, and one of the best heroes series to date. As a mercenary from Sparta, she finds herself connected with a sinister sect and trying to track down her biological parents. The voice of actress Melissanti Mayu gives her a bit of Ezio's mischievous charm.

The game: Assassin's Creed II

Voiced: Roger Craig Smith

It was predictable. Ezio has become a fan favorite since his first appearance. His character was revealed in several full-fledged parts of the game. It may not be fair, but even in the second part, he was a breath of fresh air. Witty, charming and daring. Always ready to stir up the hype, from the fights on the streets of Florence at a young age to the final scenes in Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

Heroes of our time

Desmond Miles- a young man of about 25 years old, a modest bartender. He was kidnapped by the mysterious Abstergo Industries corporation. The fact is that Desmond is a descendant of an ancient family of assassins, skilled assassins, which is so interesting to the kidnappers. And with the help of the Animus machine, scientists intend to read a man's genetic memory in order to get to the memories they need. Having no other choice, Desmond agrees, dipping into the memory of his ancient ancestor Altair.

Warren Vidic- the scientist doctor in charge of the Animus experiment. Helps the subject to become familiar with the unique machine and educates him in matters of genetics and history. Has a rather nasty character, does not really care about Desmond. Often he ponders meaningfully, because of what he can steal a pen and enjoy secret information.

Lucy Stillman- a doctor's assistant, but unlike others to Desmond, she is condescending and good-natured. She tells him stories that she was forced into the corporation under threat of life. Lucy is the only person with whom Desmond can talk normally in the laboratory, tell her about his childhood and personal experiences. By the end of the game, it turns out that the girl is actually one of the followers of modern assassins and at the end helps Desmond escape.

Heroes of the past

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahadthe main character games, Desmond's ancestor, a skilled assassin in the Brotherhood of Assassins.

Altair is laconic and serious. Arrogant and proud, but a sense of justice and nobility is not alien to him.

On one of the missions to find an ancient artifact, because of his pride and fervor, he fails an important task, and two of his partners find themselves in a trap. Altair returns to his native Masiaf with nothing, soon helps the Brotherhood to defend themselves from the attack of the Templar Order. But the wrath of the lord Al Mualim falls inexorably on the head of the would-be disciple. Altair violated three cherished rules - he killed an innocent, showed pride and revealed himself, and, most importantly, put his own Brotherhood under attack. For this, death was due, but Al Mualim decided to do otherwise. Altair lost his respect and was demoted. To regain his former honor and status, he must track down and eliminate several important persons in three great cities.

And so the game begins. Altair tracks down his victims and deals with them. But after each subsequent death, he begins to doubt the correctness of his actions. All nine people, before their death, tell the assassin part of the Templar plan. When the logical chain was put together, Altair understands who the real enemy and traitor is, and rushes to Masiaf to end him once and for all.

Al-Mualim- the head of the order of the assassins, the teacher of Altair.

Calm and cunning old man, calculating leader. He often conflicts with Altair because of his wayward and freedom-loving character, but appreciates his fighting skills. Other assassins respect and adore the master, unquestioningly carrying out all his orders. Al-Mualim is a skillful orator and cunning philosopher, skillfully hiding his insidious plans, hiding behind the desire for peace in their native land. With the help of the great relic, the "Piece of Eden" plans to subjugate all the lands, but Altair intervenes, intending to end the traitor.

Malik Ha-Saif- one of the Brotherhood's assassins. Was with Altair on the first mission in the tomb. Because of his fervor, he lost his brother and his left hand, for which he became very angry with the main character. In the future, Malik becomes the head of the Bureau of Assassins in Jerusalem and distributes assignments to Altair. He does this with mockery and derision, while still angry with him. But with each subsequent task, he is imbued with trust and respect for Altair. Towards the end of the game, Malik with other assassins comes to the aid of the hero in Masyaf, the presence of one hand does not prevent him from skillfully dealing with opponents.

Robert de Sable- Master of the Knights Templar, the worst enemy of the Assassins. At the beginning of the game, Altair could not cope with him, which is why he failed the task. Later, Robert unsuccessfully attacked the Brotherhood of Assassins, but was forced to retreat. He is the ninth victim to be killed by Altair. Their final duel takes place in front of Richard the Lionheart. The English king decided not to fool around with the question of who is telling the truth - an assassin or a Templar, so he offered a simple solution - a fight. Whoever wins is right.

Maria Thorpe- a woman templar. She deceived Altair by dressing up in the clothes of Robert de Sable, whom he was hunting. However, having received the necessary information, the assassin does not kill the girl, stating that she is not his victim, and lets go. And for good reason. This lady will play an important role in his life.

Altair's victims- in total he needed to eliminate nine influential personalities: Tamir, Talal, Garnier de Napluz, Abu al-Nukvod, Majd-Addin, William de Montferrat, Jubair al-Hakim, Sibrand, Robert de Sable. And at the end - Al-Mualim.
