The first bit is 5 cards. Rules of the card game fool. Playing the fool without a trick. Card games fool transferable and flip-up. Japanese fool rules the game. Rules for playing the fool with a joker

Card games are fun for gambling people who like to develop their intelligence and try their luck.

Types of games: throwing and transfer fool

Card game playing the fool has several types:

  • Translated.
  • Flip-up.
  • With shoulder straps.

The classic game implies compliance with all the rules without reservations. Another name is the tossed fool.

Players are dealt 6 cards, the deck is placed in the middle of the circle. The dealer randomly takes a trump card from the deck and places it down, revealing the symbol. The entire course of the game depends on the suit.

The first player's move determines whether he has the smallest trump card. The next games of the game are opened by the one to the left of the loser.

The player throws a card that needs to be returned. The remaining participants make their moves in turn, in a circle. The player repels all moves of his opponents or accepts them, losing the possibility of a move.

The loser deals the next hand. The number of losses of each participant is taken into account. In some circles it is customary to play for money. Casinos banned in Russia offered a variety of games and high bets.

Interesting fact! Many older people have fun by playing a fool.

And to add to the excitement, they put money on the line: rubles or kopecks. A loss will not cost too much, but a win of 10-20 rubles will seem like real luck.

The transferable fool assumes the existence of all the rules with one exception. A player can change the opponent's turn by placing a card of equal value on the table, regardless of its suit. The next player will have to cover it.

Playing a fool with shoulder straps is no different from playing a fool, but there is one nuance. All players begin to collect cards of a certain value in the amount of two pieces.

They are needed so that if you win the game, you can hang them on the shoulders of the loser, like shoulder straps. At first the epaulettes are sixes, but each epaulette increases in value. The next ones are sevens.

When the opponent has been given all the stripes from the deck, down to the aces, he is officially a loser.

Shoulder straps on your hands can be a big nuisance during the game, since the number of cards is limited to 6, and shoulder straps cannot be used for defense or attack. The excitement of this type of game is off the charts.

Secrets of the game or how not to lose

Each type of game requires a deck. When playing the fool, a deck of 36 signs is used. The experience gained while studying the game will help in other similar competitions.

For a gambling person who wants to master the skill of a win-win card battle, our advice will be indispensable.

Three tricks for a win-win game of foolishness:

Description of the method Addition
1 Tagged cards Deception, like any tricks and tricks, but effective. Study the deck, remember all the cracks and bends with reverse side, to know which card is in the opponent’s hands
2 Studying your opponent's facial expressions to recognize a bluff An additional method will help in the decisive battle. Remember the facial expressions of each player in different situations, study the facial signs of a good and bad situation
3 Memorizing moves Using mnemonics, associate each card with a specific vivid image in order to remember which ones came out of the deck and which ones are in your hands. This will allow you to calculate options for the development of events

This will take time, but the result will not be long in coming: you will be able to play for serious amounts, earning money from this, or simply surprise your friends with your abilities.

Important! Luck is a combination of circumstances that is beneficial to a certain person. Take it into your own hands and organize these favorable circumstances for yourself.

The first option from the list is only suitable for certain circumstances: when they are playing with your deck, and the players do not ask why you are looking at other people's cards.

5 ways to learn to remember cards when playing the fool:

  • Lay out cards in rows, according to seniority, put a certain picture on each of them: a magazine clipping or a sticker.
  • Come up with a story associated with the suits, so that in the subconscious they become associated with feelings and emotions.
  • Bind each symbol to a specific character from the film in your imagination. Choose your favorite movie that you have watched a hundred times.
  • Divide on the suit. Let one suit be tied to smells, another to delicious dishes, and a third to familiar people, friends and colleagues.

    Tie the fourth to certain events, dates, facts.

To associate, you need to use one of the proposed methods.

Scheme for linking the card to taste buds:

  1. Arranges all heart suits in order.
  2. Let's start with the smallest one - six. We take it in our hands and imagine the smallest edible dish. Cracker or bagel. We taste it and remember it.
  3. Seven is like a goose, imagine it as an infected dish with apples around the edges.
  4. Eight - a birthday cake for March 8th.
  5. Nine is an orange.
  6. Ten - an empty plate and a fork nearby.
  7. Valet is a young man who ordered sushi for dinner with a gorgeous girl.
  8. Lady - A middle-aged woman preparing borscht in the kitchen.
  9. The king is shrimp.
  10. Ace - imagine your favorite dish.

Remember this order and it will be easier for you during the game. It is easier to remember that a lady with borscht and an orange came out of the deck than a specific card.

Enjoy the game, develop your skills, and win! Using the principle of memorizing cards, you will learn not to forget other important things. It trains your memory.

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Let me say that the card game of playing the fool is so common and has long been familiar to all of us that only a fool has never played it. sorry, or a person who is not familiar with cards at all. And who hasn't played the fool while stripping? well, or by desire, for example? Who didn't cheat? Yes, no one, believe me, we can say with confidence that a fool is folk game. Perhaps the rules of the game of fool are familiar to many, these are not the rules of the game of poker. What's there to worry about? But for those who, for some reason, forgot or did not know for sure, I will now tell you about them, about the rules.

Rules of a simple Russian card fool

To play a simple Russian fool you will need a deck of 36 cards. First, a trump is drawn (a card whose suit will later be considered trump) and placed under the deck with the remaining cards. All players are dealt 6 cards. The first to start is the player who has the smallest trump card, or the player who has this trump card, and if no one gets a trump card in the hand, which happens rarely, but it does happen, then you should take one card at a time from the deck until someone - no luck. You need to walk clockwise and get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. The player who does not return the card accepts it and misses the turn. Whoever is left with cards at the end of the game is a fool.

Rules of the throwing fool

You can move any number of cards of the same value. The player being followed can cover the cards. or maybe accept. The walking player has the right to “throw” cards that match the value of any card on the table, including those that were used and those that were played. If more than two players are involved in the game, then the player who walked has the right to have the first word, but when he has finished walking, the remaining players have the right to throw in their cards according to the same rules. You can also flip cards. when a player decides to accept the cards and not continue to fight back, this is called “chasing.” You can't toss more cards, what remains for the fighting back player, that is, if a player has three cards, they put one to him, and he decided not to cover it, then he can only add two after him.

Also, you cannot throw more than six cards in total (along with the card that was played), even if the player has more cards in his hands. At the first “all-out”, you cannot even throw more than 5 cards to the batter player (along with the card that was played). There is also such a thing as “epaulets”. When at the end of the game there are two people left, and one of them has only two cards, and both sixes, then he has won. What is called “hung the shoulder straps” on the loser, now the loser will be “a fool in the shoulder straps.”

Translation Fool Rules

Translation fool rules. in fact, the same as in the thrown fool. but with one addition, which can be called a complication: if the player being played has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the card already lying and “transfer” both cards to the next player. The first game cannot be transferred. You can transfer again if the next player also has a card of the same value. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in his hand. When cards are transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the counter player, and must cover everything, or accept. And in the transferable fool there is such a feature as a “travel card”: a trump card of the same value that they resembled you, but unlike a simple card, you don’t have to throw it, you just need to show it, as in public transport they usually show their travel tickets , though next time it won’t be possible to use it in the same way, because you won’t have to show it, but throw it into the game. This is the tricky fool game.

Varieties of playing the fool

The game of fooling around is so widespread in our country and abroad that the fact that it has many types is not surprising. But even I did not expect that there were so many of these species. Such types of playing the fool are known. like: a sneaky fool. transferable fool. ostentatious fool, peak fool, mad, Chinese and Albanian fool, Armenian fool, no-trump fool, big fool, two-trump fool, boring fool, royal fool, Magadan fool and so on, you can list as many more. Some of the most famous species are the transfer and throw-in fool.

Well, it seems like that’s all about the fool for now. I think it will be possible to write about other types of this game a little later. By the way, here New Year not far off, and with it a feast in cheerful company, well, when everyone fills their bellies, they will want entertainment and that’s right, so along with champagne and red caviar, I recommend purchasing a deck of cards. and all because after a few glasses of strong drinks there will definitely be a person at the festive table whom you want to beat the fool to undress or for whom you want to undress, with all the ensuing consequences). Agree, this is better than playing spider solitaire alone. So practice and good luck!

The game uses a deck of 36 cards (card values ​​in order of seniority: from Ace to Six) and involves from 2 to 6 players. Each player is dealt 6 cards, the next card is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game. The rest of the deck is placed on top (closed side), so that the trump card is visible to everyone.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards. The last player who does not get rid of cards is left in the “fool”.

In the first deal, the player with the lowest trump moves first (attacks); in further hands they play “like a fool” (player on the left).

The move is always made to the left, and consists of laying out one or more cards, and an attempt by the player being played to cover them either with the highest card of the same suit, or with a card of the trump suit, if the covering card is not itself a trump card - in which case it can be covered only the senior trump card. If the player who was being followed has fought back, then the next turn goes to him, but first all players get up to 6 cards, starting with the player who went first and ending with the player who fought back. If the player was unable to fight back, then he accepts all the cards, and the next move is for the player on the left.

With the participation of four or six players, a 2x2 or 3x3 game is possible, when the players sitting next to one are partners and do not move under each other.

The main varieties of the card game of fool: simple, toss and transfer.

Simple Fool

You can move with one card, or with two cards of the same value. Regardless of whether the card (or cards) are covered, cards cannot be added and the turn ends.

Throwing Fool

You can move any number of cards of the same value. The player being followed (the one fighting back) can cover the cards, or he can accept. The attacking player has the right to throw in cards that match in value with any card on the table (which was played and/or played).

If there are more than two players in the game, then the player who walked has the right to the first word, but when he has finished walking, the remaining players have the right to throw their cards according to the same rules.

You can also throw cards when the player decides to accept the cards and not continue to fight back (after).

Restrictions when throwing cards:

  • you cannot attack with more cards than the opponent has (if a player has three cards, he was given one, and he decided to accept it, then he can only be added two after him)
  • you cannot throw more than five cards, even if the player has more cards in his hands, that is, the total number of cards to clear is six
  • During the first rebound, you cannot throw more than four cards to the batter.

Transferable Fool

The rules are the same as in the flip game, but with one complication: if the player being played has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the card already lying down and “transfer” both cards to the next player. The first game cannot be transferred. You can transfer again if the next player also has a card of the same value. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in his hand. When cards are transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the counter player, and must cover everything or accept. Further, the game completely coincides with the throwing fool.

In addition, there is the concept of a “travel card”, a special transfer rule applies when transferring with a trump card, for this it is not necessary to put it on the table, just show it. This rule applies only once during the game. If the player who used the travel card was transferred a second time during the game, then to re-transfer the trump card must be placed on the table.

When playing fool 2x2 or 3x3, the rules are the same. At the same time, when one of the players ends the game, the direction of the transfer does not change, that is, when playing clockwise, the transfer is carried out strictly to the player on the left. If the player on the left no longer has cards, the transfer is made to the next player of the opposing team on the left. Similarly, if a player from any team ends the game with a kick, the player of the same team, next clockwise, has a turn.

Rules of the game

The rules of the game are quite simple:

The game uses a deck of 36 cards. The smallest card is a six, the highest is an ace. An invariable condition of the game is the choice of a trump card, which can beat any non-trump card, but in its suit has strength only in ascending order;

The game can be played by two to six people. Everyone is dealt 6 cards face down, the next card is opened and placed on the table, its suit determines the trump card of the current game, the rest of the deck is placed on the trump card, without covering it from the participants in the game.

The right to make the first move in the first game belongs to the player with the lowest trump card. In subsequent games of the same game, the move belongs to the player who won the previous game. The move is always made to the left.

You can move either from one card of any value, or from several cards of the same value. Player. the person sitting to the left of the person entering must beat (cover with the highest card in the suit or a trump card) all the cards. with which the move was made.

The number of cards used to make a move should not be greater than the number of cards in the hands of the player under whom this move was made.

If he cannot cover at least one card. he must take (accept) all the cards. with which the move was made.

The right to move passes to the next player clockwise. If the player has covered all the cards. then you cannot throw in new cards and all cards from the table are discarded. You can't look at the lights out until the end of the game.

The missing player gets the right to move. After each turn, players draw cards from the deck, missing up to six. The player who went first draws cards. the one who fights back takes last.

During the game, the entire deck is disassembled, including the open trump card.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Last player. Those who do not get rid of the cards are considered a loser, provided that the cards in the deck have run out.

A draw (draw) is also possible in the game - when the player. who makes a move, walks latest cards, and the one who fights back with the last cards fights off, while there are no more cards either in the deck or in the hands of other players, that is, as a result, at the end of the game no one has any cards left.


The difference from a simple fool is that:

The walking player has the right to throw cards. matching in value with any card on the table, including those that were played and those that were played. If the game involves more than two players, then the player. who walked has the right to act first, but when he has finished walking, the rest of the players have the right to throw in their cards according to the same rules.

You can also flip cards. when a player decides to accept the cards and not continue fighting back. However, you cannot throw more cards than the fighting player has left - that is, if the player has three cards. he was given one, and he decided to accept it, then he can only be given two. The player who is walking throws the cards. If he has nothing to throw, then the players begin tossing clockwise.

The player who is walking can throw again when it is his turn in the circle again. Also, you cannot throw more than five cards, even if the player has more cards in his hands, that is, the total number of cards to clear is six.

But this rule applies as long as there are cards in the deck. when all the cards are in the back and in your hands, you can throw as many cards as there are cards in the hands of the player. During the first rebound, you cannot throw more than four cards(the total number of cards is five), but if the player does not fight back, then you can throw in the 6th card.


The rules are the same as in the flip game, but with one complication: if the player. under which they walk has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the already lying card and pass both cards to the next player for beating - “transfer”. The first hand cannot be transferred if the participants are playing the first game.

The next player can transfer again if he has a card of the same value. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in his hands, or if there is a card of the trump suit on the table.

When cards are transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the counter player, and must cover everything or accept. Further, the game completely coincides with the throwing fool.

This is a knockout competition between a large number of players for the total prize fund formed by all participants in the games. That is, at the end of the entire set of games that make up the tournament, a single player will be determined. who, according to the terms of the game, will become the winner of the tournament. This competition is multi-stage.


The game "fool" is one of the few card games in which it is possible to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the “fool” leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess.

The game strategy is based on memorizing cards, probability theory and game psychology. The more cards a player can remember, the greater his advantage over his opponent. You also need to take advantage of paired cards.

From the beginning of the game, it is advisable to get rid of cards of the lowest suit.

Card games help you spend your leisure time both at home and while traveling. One of popular games in the cards is "fool". Literally everyone has played it, but not everyone knows about its various variations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

The minimum number of players is two, the maximum is six. The players are dealt cards, six each. The rest of the deck is placed face down, one card is taken out and serves as a trump card. The goal is to discard your cards the fastest. To do this, you need to beat the cards thrown by your opponents with a card higher than a similar suit, or with a trump card. The player who ultimately did not manage to lose all his cards turns into a “fool”.

Rules for ending the game fool

The cards “repelled” by the player go to the end. You can beat cards by covering your opponent's card with a card higher than the same suit or with a trump card. If the opponent plays a trump card, you must also fight back with a trump card, the highest card. If the player manages to fight back, the beaten cards are put aside, each player can pick up cards so that there are six of them again. The one who couldn’t fight back takes everything for himself.

Rules for playing the fool 36 cards

For 36 cards, 2-6 players are enough. Each player is dealt six cards, a trump card is determined, and the remaining cards are turned face down and set aside. The one with the lowest trump goes first, the one sitting on the left goes next, etc. A turn consists of laying out cards to the player on the left. You can play one card, or two if they have the same value. The one to whom the move is made must recapture the card, covering it with the highest card. You cannot add a card. The player who has escaped gets a turn, and he goes to the player to his left. If it is not possible to fight back, the player must pick up the cards and skip the turn. The opponent on the left plays next.

Rules for playing the fool 54 cards

When playing with 54 cards maximum amount players increases to eight people. The rules are the same as with 36 cards.

Rules for playing the fool for two

It is best to choose a standard game. Alternatively, you can draw a trump card, memorize it, return it to the deck and shuffle it. Then distribute all the cards equally into your hands and play until you win.

Rules for playing the fool in threes

Here it's every man for himself, the rules of the game are similar to the standard ones.

Rules for playing the fool couple by couple

Four people play. The rules are like the game of trick-or-treating. The bottom line is that only the player from the pair can toss cards.

Rules for playing tricky fool

The move is carried out without limiting the number of cards of the same value. The one on whom the move was made has the right to fight back, or can take it back if he understands that it will not be possible to fight back. The attacker can throw in the cards if they match in value with those on the table. Other players can also throw cards. There are restrictions on throwing: you cannot attack with more than the batter has on hand; You cannot throw more than five cards; At the first rebound, the player cannot throw more than four cards.

Rules for playing transferable fool cards

The rules are similar to the throw-in, but a little more complicated. If the opponent has a card of the same value, he has the right to put his card next to him and transfer the move to the next one. You can't transfer the first game. If the next player also has a card of the same value, you can transfer again. It is prohibited to transfer more cards than the player has in his hands. Anyone who cannot move the cards further is forced to beat them off or accept them.

Rules for playing the fool with a joker

The rules of the game are the same, only a joker is introduced into the deck, it can beat any card.

Rules for playing the fool with shoulder straps

Option 1. The game continues as if it were an ordinary fool's game until only one person remains with the cards. All players count the “epaulets” - paired cards that they laid out in the game at one time. The one with the fewest paired cards loses.

Option 2. You need to play the tricky fool. At the time when the player makes his last move, he needs to throw paired cards to his opponent. There may be two or more. At the end, these cards are placed on the shoulders of the loser, simulating shoulder straps. If after the last approach this paired combination is repulsed, the “epaulets” are not hung.

Japanese fool game rules

In this variant, the special suit is spades. This suit must be covered by cards of a similar suit (trump card is not suitable). Trumps cannot be spades, and spades cannot beat cards of other suits. If the trump card is a spade, the game is played without trump cards. The Queen of Spades beats any card of the suit of spades.

Chinese fool game rules

All cards are dealt out in full; if the number of players is odd, then it may not be equal to everyone. The trump card is unchanged - spades. Clubs can only be hit with a similar suit. Ten is higher in seniority than the king. Cards go to the counter if their number is equal to the number of players, for example, the fourth card to beat in a game with four players. The course of the game is as follows: the first player moves, the second hits a card and both cards go to the third player. The third player must only beat the second player's card, i.e. Only the last (top) card is beaten. If it is not possible to beat, the player takes one card from below, the move and unbeaten cards move on to the next one. If a player has no cards, he leaves the game. Accordingly, the rebound will be reduced by one card.

Czech fool game rules

On the first move, any card is laid out. The next moves are made by laying out cards of the same suit or value as on the table. If there is nothing to play with, cards are taken until the one you need comes across. You can draw cards from the deck as long as you have less than three available cards for a move. If you play with an ace, the next player skips a move, with a six, he pulls out one card and skips his turn, with a seven, he takes a pair of cards and skips his move, with the king of hearts, he draws five cards and skips one move. You can go with any queen to any card, and then reorder the suit, the next player will enter from it. When one player runs out of cards, the others count the points of the cards remaining in their hands. Ace has 11 points, king has 4, jack has 2, queen has 3. The rest of the cards are according to their face value. If only a queen is left in your hands – 20 points. The first one to score a hundred points loses. The player with the minimum number of points wins.

At the beginning of the game, decide on the number of players, the type of game of “fool” and the rules. To count points, prepare a piece of paper and a pen in advance. And remember that the game is a pleasant leisure time, and not a reason for quarrels and worries.


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