Is it bad to play the world of tank. World of Tanks and cheating on the part of the system. In addition to all this, the audience will grow more and more, because not so long ago, the developers released a mobile version of the application for greater user convenience.

According to the survey, the vast majority of players believe that the game is rolling down.

More than 4 thousand people took part in the survey conducted in our public. The results did not surprise me:

Thus, the absolute majority (almost 60%) believe that the game is just in the process of losing its former glory.

The second most popular answer is that the game has already lost its audience.

Is it really?

Unfortunately, access to reliable data about online or new registrations is not possible. However, there are a number of indirect factors that can be used to collect a single, fairly accurate picture.

1) All my friends have stopped playing WOT

Not only that, ordinary players no longer go into tanks, even by communicating with the administrators of the largest publics and sites, you will find out that none of them have entered the tanks for a long time, or they do it occasionally out of habit or in order to get a free gift ( like what they promise).

Many people call the reason for leaving the game simply - tired. Personally, I see my reason - there is no fan. The game, first of all, should bring pleasure, which has not been in tanks for a long time. Let's analyze.

  • With the growing popularity of player statistics (which you will not find in almost any other game), tankers became angry, each defeat for them can be compared with a personal tragedy, hence the continuous negative, both in the behavior of the players and in their communication, as in the game itself, and beyond.
  • Constant rebalancing of equipment, there is no certainty about stability gameplay... Who said we needed the perfect balance in terms of outstanding tanks? Personally, I want to see a variety of gameplay, I want imba. Is there any point in making 8 branches of tanks and adjusting each of the more than 300 vehicles to the average winrate? Why such a diverse number of identical tanks?
  • Young people have been developing the game, judging by scraps of information, for several years, and old-school, Orthodox developers, well-known "stars" of wargaming have moved away from this occupation, devoting themselves to more important matters of big bosses. From here we have a bunch of unnecessary updates, modes and others.
  • The introduction of Serbogold shells that completely destroyed the role of armor in the game. What is the point of shooting with ordinary ones, if the costs of gold blanks can be compensated for with a pair of rollers on almost any premium tank?
  • , the person who invented World of Tanks, the original concept of the game was lost, which led to what we see now - a broken balance.

This list can be continued endlessly, but I consider these reasons to be the most basic. If you have something to add - write in the comments.

2) Interest in the topic

To analyze this metric, you need to refer to two rather authoritative sources.

  • Early December 2014 - 4 010 304
  • Early December 2015 - 3 863 897 (-146 407)

If we round up, then +/- 150k players for a project like WOT is negligible. But again, there is a negative trend.


The results of the poll in our public have been fully confirmed by statistics collected from various sources. The game World of Tanks has now entered the crisis stage with both feet, and the creators themselves, who have lost the pulse of the project, brought it there. No matter how Victor has to sell a skyscraper in Cyprus, with such and such a growth dynamics.

If you have anything to add - you are welcome in the comments.

Doesn't start World game of Tanks - the "play" button does not work.

One of the common problems entering the World of Tanks is associated with the "Play" button in the launcher. It is this button that must be pressed every time you start the game. But what if it doesn't work. You press and nothing happens - World of Tanks won't start? To answer this question, we have collected the most common errors when entering WOT and described solutions for each of the problems. Let's consider each in order, starting with the inoperability of the launcher.

If, upon entering the game, you cannot enter World of Tanks, you need to open the launcher, click "play" and see what happens. With a long wait, often the problem with logging into WOT is hidden behind the inability to connect to the Wargaming servers serving the cluster of your choice. In this case, you should check for the problem on your PC, namely:

Is your firewall blocked the port on which data is exchanged between client World of Tanks and the server?

If yes, you need to add an exception to the firewall. If this is an ordinary Windows firewall, just go to the control panel, select "Firewall" and add the worldoftanks.exe file and the wotlauncher.exe launcher executable file to the list of exclusions. This can be done by double-clicking on the "Firewall" icon and going to the "Exceptions" tab, then adding the above files with the .exe extension from the folder with the World of Tanks game.

Setting up work Launcher World of Tanks

Is the application (game) blocked by your antivirus?

If you have installed antivirus software and did not configure it properly, by default all connections of the programs you installed earlier, including the World of Tanks game, will be blocked. To unblock it, add an exception in the control shell of your anti-virus (Kaspersky, Dr.Web, Nod32, Eset and others) according to the principle described for the Windows firewall (above).

Mods for World of Tanks are used

Very often, mods can cause the "Play" button to be disabled in the World of Tanks launcher. Usually, even the best and most time-tested mod fails, especially after its update, which was released immediately before the release of the next patch for WOT. Often, mod developers are in a hurry to release a release that supports a new update for World of Tanks, creating a patch for a mod based on test version games. Using this "quick" update to popular fashion leads to problems with entering the game both after the release of the next version of the World of Tanks, and after the release of micropatches, 1-2 weeks after the main release.

I press the "play" button and do not enter World of Tanks

To check if the use of modifications interferes with entering the game, disable them for a while. To do this, just rename the res_mods folder and restart your PC before trying to log in.

Doesn't enter World of Tanks: I press "Play" and doesn't enter

Among the problems with the "Play" button, the second place is occupied by errors related to the Internet connection. Check out this category of errors entering the game according to our instructions:

Find out which IP address is used when connecting your PC to the Internet, static or dynamic?

  1. With a static ip-address, you are allocated the same address every time you connect to the Internet, and it is read out when you log into World of Tanks. If your static ip-address is banned in tanks, every time you try to click on the "play" button in the launcher, you will not be able to connect. To solve this problem, contact your ISP with a request to replace the static IP address allocated to you with another one. Some providers charge this service, others free. Occasionally, a specialist may need to visit your home to replace the IP address. Even more rarely, this service is not provided at all.
  2. In the case of a dynamic ip-address, there are also problems when the launcher does not enter wot when the wedge is about the "play" button. This happens when you are assigned an ip-address banned by Wargaming when you connect to the Internet. This does not mean that you were banned, someone else playing under this dynamic address in World of Tanks was banned by ip. To solve this problem, simply reconnect to the Internet (disconnect and reconnect).

Solving the problem with the "play" button in World of Tanks

Not included in World of Tanks

In addition to the problems described above related to connecting to the network or to the Internet, as well as with the settings of your PC, there is a category of problems related to the game itself. Consider these errors when entering World of Tanks:

You updated the game and some files were not updated. Update failed.

If after updating you cannot enter the game, and after clicking "play" the launcher hangs for a long time, then the World of Tanks update was unsuccessful. The game will not always tell you about this. However, when connecting, the server will make sure to check if the hash of the client files installed on your PC matches the current game update. If at least one file differs even by 1 byte or is missing, the server will not allow you to enter the "World of Tanks" and will send a command to the launcher to try to update again.

Solving the problem with the inoperability of the game

The launcher will again not be able to update, and the game will freeze when you click on "play" and here's why: some directory or a separate file (rarely many files) in the game folder are not available for recording by the current Windows user. That is, the user under which you logged into Windows to play World of Tanks cannot overwrite old files for some reason. And there may be several reasons:

  • the user does not have enough rights to control the computer;
  • the user's rights have been restricted by another user;
  • the user himself has limited the rights to the World of Tanks game files intentionally or not;
  • antivirus manages files as it sees fit on your PC.

Each of these points must be checked separately and find out if the update causes an error when starting World of Tanks through the launcher.

What to do if World of Tanks does not work

The easiest solution to the problem when it does not enter the game may be to reinstall World of Tanks. Feel free to erase all files to make sure they are not interfering with entering the tanks. Client WOT version that you install on your PC does not contain any personal data that may be lost when removing World of Tanks, except for files with your replays and mods you installed earlier. We have already found out about mods - it is better not to dwell on them if you want to solve a problem with the game. Feel free to reinstall the game, it usually takes about half an hour.

If reinstalling does not help, chances are high that the problem with the "play" button is connected to the network or the Internet (solution above).

World of Tanks freezes when entering the game

Particular attention should be paid to the drivers used for the video card and the availability of an operating system license. The error I press on the play button and does not enter may be caused by the lack of a license for Windows, as well as outdated drivers for your video card. To solve these problems, start by updating the "firewood" for the video adapter by going to the manufacturer's website, downloading from there and installing the latest driver version corresponding to your operating system and its bit depth (32 or 64 bit). To solve problems with Windows, it is recommended to purchase a license (at your discretion). This will save you from most potential problems with entering World of Tanks and the launcher.

Many faced the problem when, in the middle of the battle, right behind the wheel of a tank, the game simply crashed, ruining the mood of both the player and the team members. To prevent this from happening, you need to know why the world of tanks is being thrown out of the game.

The reasons, as well as the nature of departures, can be different. From a simple disconnection from the server, to a complete termination of the game. Let's start in order.

Server disconnections most often occur due to server overload or packet sending error

And if in the first case, the player will not be able to change the situation in any way, then in the second case, purchasing a stable and high-speed Internet will be an excellent solution. If the player is on Wi-Fi, then you should make sure that there is no one else on Wi-Fi except him.

Another option for the development of the event may be a simple shutdown of the game and the player who plays in bewilderment will contemplate the desktop, in most cases this is due to outdated drivers. To prevent this outcome, a simple driver update to latest version.

Another cause of trouble is the lack or exhaustion of free space and, as a result, crash. The translation of the antivirus into Game Mode, or even better - shutdown.

In version 9.16, the client itself was raw and crashed due to a flaw.

Well, perhaps the most common reason is weak iron. Very often owners weak computers foolishly wondering why the world of tanks is thrown out of the game, or it does not start at all. If the PC turns off the BT not all the time, but from time to time, then most likely this means that the game makes it overload and for emergency load shedding, it stops the work of the most demanding process. There is an option to alleviate the suffering - download the so-called fixes. An archive of textures that will replace standard and beautiful models with less attractive and less demanding ones.

Errors during installation sometimes cause inconvenience to players

The absence of any code in the executable file, the absence of a file necessary for the game, and God knows what else. Because of this, the game does not have a link between one action and another, and the system turns it off.

Viruses can significantly affect the gameplay, throwing the player out for no reason. They can also lead to fatal consequences, due to which not only the WTO, but the entire system can be irreparably hit. Although the option of disabling the antivirus for the sake of the game was mentioned above, after the end it should be immediately returned to working condition. If the virus finally infected game files, then you should completely reinstall the game.

Some of these problems are fairly easy to solve, while others are not very easy to solve, but it usually works.


From update to update, World of Tanks is becoming more interesting and versatile. We wish you successful battles, and also remind you that with any game questions or difficulties you may have, you can contact the User Support Center (CSC) or the official group of the VKontakte project, whose employees work around the clock and are ready to provide qualified assistance in any situation.

Below we will consider the most frequently asked questions related to the release of updates, and possible solutions.

Performance. Falling FPS

In order to get the most out of the available computer power and get comfortable gaming performance, it is very important to optimally tune the client configuration. To do this, it is recommended to use the autodetection of graphics settings. Open the tab in the game client Menu > Settings > Graphics, press the button Recommended, wait for the settings to complete and press Apply... The system will automatically select the most acceptable graphics quality for the game, based on the parameters of your computer.

If you feel uncomfortable playing with the current FPS, change the graphics quality settings to lower ones.

If the game client stops launching, including if the graphics settings are set too high, try resetting the game client settings in the launcher:

  • Launch the launcher
  • Click on the arrow next to the "Play" button
  • Select "Start the game with a reset of graphics settings"

In many cases, you can fix problems with graphics in the game by updating the video card drivers. On the website of the CPP you will find detailed instructions How to do it for Nvidia and Radeon graphics cards.

Read more:

For correct and stable operation of the game client, we strongly recommend updating the video card drivers to the latest versions. To download drivers, use the search on the manufacturer's website:

  • Nvidia.
  • AMD.
  • Intel.

The articles on the User Support Center website will help you to correctly install the drivers:

If the game client stops launching, including due to too high graphics settings, try resetting the game client settings in the launcher:

  • Start the launcher.
  • Click on the arrow next to the "Play" button.
  • Select "Launch the game with a graphic reset."

If you are faced with technical problems after updating the game to the latest version, send a new application toCustomer Support Center... Read how to do this inspecial instructions ... In the application, describe in detail the problem you encountered and list the actions that you have already taken to solve it. And also, if the game client has been successfully updated to the current version, but there are difficulties with its launch or during the game, attach the report of the WGCheck program to the application, which will help to solve the problem as soon as possible. Before creating a ticket, make sure that the problem is reproducible on the game client without modifications.

Launcher problems

We remind you that the game client can be updated automatically - you just need to enable the corresponding option in the launcher settings. All the details .

Occasionally, there may be problems downloading or installing an update. here the article will help:

  • Solving problems with an alternative installer (launcher).

Game Center issues

Problems with mods

Many people play World of Tanks using various client modifications. We remind you that they are not created by Wargaming, but by third-party developers and users. Therefore, when the official World updates of Tanks is possible incorrect work game client with modified files: fps drop, client "freezing" and "crashes", lack of textures in sniper mode as well as a number of other problems.

In most cases, such problems are solved by removing the modification of the game, sometimes this requires a complete reinstallation of the client. More questions related to modifications, as well as ways to solve problems are considered.

World of tanks Is one of the most popular games in the CIS countries. The game really breaks all records for both registered players and simultaneously playing users. It's because WOT really cool game, whatever competitors say. Wonderful physics, great sounds, advanced pumping systems, minimal donation. Donate, although it costs money, and without it it is difficult to collect experience and silver, but it costs relatively little, unlike other games. Literally everyone can afford a premium account.

But back to the question why I abandoned the tanks. Immediately I want to make a reservation that this is purely my opinion, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, or that blog readers also quit playing tanks or any other game. I quite often talked with other players, and when I touched on this topic, I came across a furious misunderstanding and deliberately incorrect arguments, which I will give below. I also want to say right away that I will not argue in the comments and prove something to someone. Any action is your choice, and you have to move on with this choice. Someone follows the path of self-development, and someone follows the path of degradation.

How I played World of Tanks or the background

I started playing tanik back in 2011. I don’t remember exactly. As usual, it happens, I started playing on the recommendation of a good friend, who just praised physics and was very cheap donation... I didn't play a lot, mostly on weekends or a couple of hours in the evening. In total, over this long period, I have accumulated only 8000 battles. Which, in principle, is not so much. It got to the point that all conversations with a friend who advised me this game were about tanks, updates or interesting cases in battle, which even not strong players accumulate in plenty. Did I have gambling addiction? Probably not. But it was quite difficult for me to distract myself from the game. It even got to the point that on one of the birthdays I was presented with a premium LOWE tank, which at that time, in principle, as now, brings a good amount of silver both with and without prem.

The girl with whom I live most often tried to pull me away from the game. Therefore, when she is not there and my "sticking to the monitor" in the world does not bother her, I played tanks. Also played when she was at home, but cleaned or cooked food. One spring day, the girl went to her parents in another city to help with something, but I stayed on my own, for the whole Sunday and another 5 working days. As the reader probably understood, the first thing I did after getting her into the taxi was to open my laptop and start the tanks. I lost until the evening, until 20:00, after which I turned off the game and decided to watch some videos on CarambaTV, simultaneously planning the upcoming working day. At that moment, 12 hours separated me from the removal of the tanks.

How much time is spent on World of Tanks

So that we speak the same language with you, let's calculate how much time we spent on WOT? After all, the lyrics are lyrics, and the numbers can no longer be challenged, no matter how much you want.

Take the average player like this for example: me with 8000 fights. You can safely take your data and let's count together. If you drive into how long the fight lasts in wot, then we find out that the average fight lasts 6 minutes. Depends on many parameters, from the speed of the vehicle you ride, to the map and the team. If you ride a Mouse and a Turtle, then naturally the battle will last a long time, and if you ride a T50 or a Christmas tree, then a couple of minutes will be enough for you. But on average, each player's fight lasts 6 minutes. Let's take my number of fights and multiply it by 6 minutes.

8000 * 6 = 48000 minutes spent in battle. But do not forget that before each battle there is a delay of 30 seconds for loading the map and planning the battle. We count.

8000 fights * 0.5 minutes of waiting = 4000 minutes. Plus, do not forget that for some time we sit in the hangar, read forums, watch guides on technology or KTTS, funny moments in WOT, etc. It also takes a lot of time. But we will not count it, because now we focus only on bare numbers, something that is provable and cannot be disputed.

So, in battle and in anticipation of battle, I spent 52,000 minutes. Or 867 hours. Taking into account the fact that the average person's working day is 8 hours, then we divide 867/8 = 108 working days, or 3.5 months. That is, we can say that we took a vacation for 3.5 months ... and just lost these three and a half months in tanks! Yes, yes, I know, we usually play tanks on weekends and in the evenings when we are physically unable to work. But more on that below and a little later.

Why did I quit playing WOT

Lying on the couch and watching some kind of distracting video, I thought that I did not have enough time to watch the training course on EMPO, which is designed for 2 months online learning, there is not enough time to watch Torvald's videos on the correct worldview, etc. And then I realized that the time that I spent on playing tanks can be easily converted into the time that is so necessary to achieve this or that goal. But the reader, like me, smartly begins to prove to himself. You can't work all the time! It is necessary to rest sometimes! While playing tanks I have a rest, so everything is fine. Here are some of them relaxing watching TV, and here I am in the tanks. You can't always work, you burn out and that's it. We must act gradually. But if you really want to understand yourself and look deeply, very deeply at the root, then for each argument we find an answer that we tried to hide from ourselves, or simply did not think ...

Argument: I get tired at work and cannot do tasks that require mental strain in the evening or on weekends. Also, I cannot study, because the brain at the end of the working day cannot perceive anything, and instead of delving into the information, I just superficially listen to it, without drawing any conclusions.

Answer: Yes, it is, after a hard day's work or a hard working week, the body does not perceive anything. But if we want to work, then we can do intellectual work during the day, and leave mechanical work for the evening. For example, for me it is to sort out keywords in AdWords, put up lots for auction, edit prices, reply to comments on a blog, clean houses, and much more can be done in the evening.

Argument: You need to rest, you can't always work.

Answer: Oh sure. You need to rest. A good rest is the first point if I want to work well and productively. You often burn out without rest. But are tanks resting? No. Tanks won't help you rest. It happened that I played all weekend, with breaks, of course, for a normal full sleep, food, and watching a couple of films. After losing the weekend, waking up on Monday, I didn't feel refreshed. Well, not at all. For myself, I concluded that the whole point is that the brain does not rest during the game, it continues to work hard, processing momentary information that is constantly changing.

I have a sedentary job, therefore, as established many decades ago, best view rest is a change of activity. But as far as tanks are concerned, everything is quite the opposite. After sitting at work at the computer, I continue to do the same at home. It is natural that I cannot rest properly. Instead of playing, I'd rather go for a walk, walk the dog, do yoga, wrestling, learn to play the guitar. I will get much more pleasure and relaxation from this. If you are reluctant to go anywhere, then you can, for example, learn how to repair a bicycle. I always wanted to, because it is very difficult to find a worthwhile service that will make repairs at a high level.

Argument: Tanks relieve stress. I came after work, shot, and relieved the stress of going to bed.

Answer: No, this is not at all true. It is enough to look only at the player's pose: it is extremely tense. And it is not uncommon for a player to start swearing terribly at VBR, his team, which consists of some schoolchildren and noobs, which undoubtedly does not relieve stress in any way, but on the contrary adds it. There are several ways to relieve stress, both active and sedentary / at home. For example yoga, martial arts, hot bath, meditation, walking.

Argument: From a developmental point of view, reading an entertaining book is the same as playing.

Answer: The fact is that playing tanks is one and the same repetitive action. And the book is new every time. If tanks do not bring anything new, then the book brings something new every time. New plot, new heroes, new character, new events.

So why did I quit playing tanks

Playing tanks I spend the most important thing: what I have and what no one will ever return. Time. If you can earn money, you can see the world, go on vacation, then no matter what I do, time spent on unimportant and not useful things cannot be returned.

I understood for myself. The path to inner harmony is ...

do the best you can at every moment of time!

No, do not work, as many of you thought, but just do the best from what I can. Just ask a question: I am now doing the best that I can or can do something else? What's more important / better? Asking yourself the question: really in this moment time, the best I can do is play World of Tanks? Not spending time with your family, not spending time with your girlfriend, mom or dad, not going to the dacha, or just taking a walk? Or read a book after all? Are tanks really the best thing I can do?

If the answer to this question is: “Yes, tanks are the best I can do,” then I have nothing against it, moreover, no one can have anything against it. This is your choice. Your actions, and the responsibility for them also lies with you. I'd rather devote time to things that matter to me. Family, girlfriend, walks, active leisure.

Many girls and wives complain that their man sat in tanks and does not want to get out of there. There are a lot of such threads on the forum. If this is your case, then I want to draw your attention - sooner or later you will get tired of the game. And with your family you will live your whole life. Make time for the most important thing you have - your family, not a soulless computer.

Other related materials

After writing the article, I started surfing the Internet, and came across several videos on the topic, which I also recommend watching. In the first video, the author also counted the time we spend on tanks and thought about where we could spend this time and what to buy.

In the second video, the author talks about what we get by playing tanks. Not what the game leads to, but what we get in return for our time spent on the game.

I want to remind you that I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. My thoughts may be wrong and wrong. In this article, I expressed my experience, which I hope will be useful for both WOT players and girls / wives who want to get a loved one out of virtual reality... But I draw your attention to the fact that in life you always have to change something for something. Health for money, time for money, money for goods, time and money for a good figure, and so on. In the case of tanks, you change your time to best tank in the hangar. Is it worth it?
