Why are there no viewing circles in the world of tanks? Camouflage in World of Tanks: mechanics and features of work. Constant and dynamic camouflage changes

Detection and camouflage - essential elements game mechanics. The knowledge gained from this article will help you understand how to act correctly in order to be the first to detect the enemy and hide from him more effectively. Both are extremely important in order to seize the initiative in battle and have the right to the first shot.

Review and discovery

Review of each combat vehicle is calculated in meters and indicated in the performance characteristics of each vehicle. The review value is indicated for a crew with 100% of the main specialty.

Visibility range in game

It is important to understand that on the battlefield the player sees not only those opponents that his tank discovered, but also those that his allies discovered. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: detection range and visibility range.

Detection range- this is the maximum distance at which the tank can detect the enemy. The game mechanics determine that it cannot exceed 445 meters. If, taking into account the equipment, equipment and skills of the crew, the viewing range of the tank exceeds 445 meters, then the extra meters are counted as a bonus, making it easier to detect camouflaged opponents. Visibility range- this is the maximum distance at which tanks, both allies and enemies, can be visible when detected by them. The game mechanics limit the visibility range to a radius 565 meters around the tank.

Basic ways to increase the detection range of enemies

Increased visibility range


Disguise- this is the property of a technique to be invisible to the enemy. If there were no camouflage in the game, then opponents would always notice each other at their viewing distance (but no further than 445 meters), provided there is direct visibility. However, there are many nuances in the game that affect the detection of equipment, in addition to the review itself.

Aspects affecting camouflage

Equipment dimensions

Each combat vehicle has a stealth coefficient, the value of which depends on its sizes. For large tanks such as Maus or Jagdpanzer E 100, the coefficient will be minimal, and for compact vehicles with a low silhouette such as AMX ELC bis, Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger - maximum.

Class Bonus

  • Light tanks from level 4 (except for the AMX 40 and Valentine) are equally invisible both while moving and when stationary, that is, movement does not affect their stealth. Some low-level tanks also have this bonus.
Actions Vegetation
  • Forests, bushes, trees, tall grass give a bonus to camouflage.
  • The vehicle must be completely hidden from the enemy, namely its overall points. If at least one is not hidden, the tank is unmasked. Therefore, caterpillars or a gun muzzle sticking out of a bush (building) will not affect your visibility in any way - there are no marker points on them.
  • At a distance of up to 15 meters, a bush (or other vegetation) becomes “transparent” to someone hiding behind it. That is, the tank itself can see through the bush, but its opponents cannot.
    • If there is less than 15 meters to the base (closest point) of a fallen tree, then the tree is in sniper scope will be transparent, and if the distance to the center of the tree is more than 15 meters, then the tree will still be transparent in the sniper scope, but for observation rays this tree is opaque
  • At the moment of the shot, all vegetation within a radius of up to 15 meters loses most of its camouflage properties, that is, the shot unmasks the tank.
  • At a distance of 50 meters, opponents can see each other in any case. Even if there is a building between them.

How to improve the camouflage of a combat vehicle

And besides, with pumped Disguise:

  • Upgrade the skill of all crew members The Brotherhood of War.
  • Install equipment Improved ventilation.
  • Use equipment that gives +10% to all crew parameters for one battle Additional ration, Chocolate, Cola box, Strong coffee, Improved diet, Pudding with tea, Onigiri, Bays.

IN WoT game tank review is perhaps the most important. But there are also many characteristics of equipment that are responsible for its combat characteristics.

Many novice players believe that the main indicators of the usefulness of a tank on the battlefield are the armor of the combat vehicle. Its firepower is armor penetration, one-time damage and damage per minute. But, as practice shows, visibility and camouflage are often the decisive indicators.

In the hands of experienced players, machines with good review have an advantage over vehicles with excellent firepower and poor visibility.

It is not uncommon that on an open map in a duel between a LT and a TT8 (which has poor visibility), the victory goes to the LT, which “highlights” the enemy’s heavy tank. After which he drives out of his field of vision and shoots the enemy, while remaining unnoticed.

Because of this, most experienced players try to “pump up” the crew and the vehicle itself in the direction of increasing the maximum detection distance. Neglecting the increase in damage per minute or other indicators.

The largest overview of a tank in wot

The game mechanics limit the maximum view to 445 m, so the most great review a tank in WoT cannot exceed this circle. But it is worth understanding that if a player has a vision indicator for vehicles greater than 445 m, then the mechanics of the review are as follows. Detection of enemy tanks occurs at the same distance, but at the same time, every meter of visibility exceeding 445 m reduces the enemy’s camouflage.

For example, when two tanks meet on the battlefield, one of which has a visibility of 445m, and the other has more than 445m, the second player will detect the enemy tank earlier. This mechanic allows you to better use tanks on the battlefield and highlight similar enemy vehicles, even if they are standing in the bushes.

Review of Swedish tanks wot

Not long ago, a new tank nation appeared in the game. Many players have not yet had time to learn what review of Swedish WoT tanks. Branch heavy tanks cannot boast of adequate review indicators. Up to level 8, the visibility indicators of these vehicles leave much to be desired. And even players who have pumped out all the perks for visibility, installed ventilation and optics on their tank will not be able to achieve the coveted numbers of 445 m. This makes it quite easy to fight these tanks on the battlefield. It’s enough just to break the distance, after which you can shoot them with impunity from an “invis” gun.

Review of tank destroyers

As for the tank destroyer branch, everything is much more complicated. Although these machines do not have excellent review, but at the same time they have such high camouflage. Often they can only be illuminated using x-rays. Players also often bet on these combat vehicles a stereo tube, which makes them good fireflies. Do not also forget that starting from level 8, these machines can move around their axis. Without losing the effect of the camouflage net and stereo tube.

Review is an important indicator for premium equipment. Because credits can be earned not only by destroying cars or causing damage to them. But also by transmitting intelligence data to the allies, according to which they can destroy enemy equipment. The game features a scorpion tank, a wot review of which leaves much to be desired. Here it is worth understanding that this moment The game features two tank destroyers that have the word scorpion in their name. These are the German tank destroyer Rheinmetall Skorpion G and the American M56 Scorpion.

Like all tank destroyers, both of them have poor visibility, so many players install a stereo tube on these tanks to compensate for their disadvantage. It is also worth pumping out “camouflage” for the entire crew in order to somehow complicate the process of detection of these vehicles by enemy tanks. Unlike its American counterpart, the German scorpion has a rather mediocre camouflage. This is compensated by excellent firepower, but when playing on it you should remember that this is a “red” line tank and you should not hope to hide its hull behind a bush.

Previously, it was quite problematic to find out an overview of your tank with the modules and crew member perks installed on it. Not long ago, the developers introduced functionality that makes it easy to find out not only the current visibility of a combat vehicle, but also to see how it changes depending on the skills of the crew and modules, even if they are not yet installed on the vehicle.

To do this, just select the tank the player is interested in, right-click on it and select “Add to comparison.” In the comparison window, the player will have the opportunity to both view an overview of the tank in WOT, and in real time view trends in changes in indicators depending on the selected crew and modules.

Tanks with the best wot review

Throughout the entire existence of the game, tanks with best review WoT were light cars. This is how the developers compensated for the complete lack of armor and weak firepower. But with the release of new combat vehicles into the arena tank battles such medium vehicles as Patton and Czech ST lvl 9-10 came out, whose basic visibility is much higher than that of light tanks, while these vehicles have simply amazing firepower and if we talk about TVP T 50/51, then this tank is capable of 6 seconds to overexpose and send any of the existing light vehicles to the hangar.

Currently, tank review calculations work as follows:

  1. Each tank has a maximum viewing range. For example, the viewing range of tank A is 300 m (the value is written in the technical characteristics, and is visible in the garage). This value corresponds to the maximum enemy detection distance of tank A, but this does not mean that for tank A all enemies within a radius of 300 m will be visible.
  2. Each tank has a stealth rating, which prevents the enemy from detecting the tank. This indicator is not displayed in the garage.
  3. When tank B enters the enemy's field of view of tank A, the system calculates whether tank B will be detected by tank A. With radio communication established between team members, information about all visible enemy tanks becomes common.
  4. Detection distance = maximum viewing range - (maximum viewing range - minimum detection distance) * stealth coefficients. Where:
  • Minimum detection distance = 50 m (see point 8 below)
  • The stealth of a stationary tank and a moving tank are different (this is one of the coefficients). Under normal conditions, the stealth of a stationary tank is much higher (a stationary tank is more difficult to detect).
  • Stealth is also affected by the presence of a combat vehicle in vegetation, elements of equipment, camouflage, fire and other factors, both positively and negatively (these are also coefficients).
  • The viewing range is affected by all weather phenomena: sand, snow storms and others. All weather conditions significantly reduce viewing range.
  • The stealth indicator of the enemy tank is also a coefficient.
  1. The review is calculated by the system once per second.
  2. Another visibility factor is viewing direction. The viewing range of the tank from the rear is significantly less.
    Special conditions:
  3. Blocking the view: some landscape elements, buildings, walls, other vehicles and other objects block the tank from view.
  4. Forced discovery: When two tanks are at a distance of 50 m from each other, stealth indicators do not affect detection. Tanks will see each other.
  5. If the enemy, due to his actions, becomes visible, then this visibility is maintained with a cooldown of 6 seconds.


Maximum viewing range of a combat vehicle Su-100 306 m (performance characteristics in the garage), enemy - tank T-34-85:

Characteristics of the Su-100

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless in the grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 133 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, but is not covered by grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 251 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, but is not covered by grass, it is raining.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 155 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, covered with grass, and it is raining.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 86 m.

The T-34-85 tank is moving, but is not covered by grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 278 m.

The World of Tanks is filled with various equipment and dynamic battles over a vast territory. Of course, in this situation, it is necessary to control the entire battlefield and not allow enemy equipment to reach the rear or, for example, not catch a shell from a suddenly appearing adversary.

Since, according to the plan, the game is monitored by the commander, he cannot see it completely; for this there is a so-called “radio communication”

According to the idea of ​​the game, the allies transmit to us the coordinates of the location of enemy tanks, and they appear in our field of vision, but neither the first nor the second has an unlimited distance. In the first case, this is usually called “Detection Range”, and in the second – “Visual Range”.

Detection range is the distance at which the player’s tank can detect enemy vehicles through its own efforts. For each vehicle they are purely individual, but the maximum visibility in the world of tanks game is limited to 445 meters and exceeding the limit, instead of additional meters, will add to the bonus of detecting camouflaged opponents.

There are several parameters that affect this characteristic

Tower. To improve, you should install a tower with maximum visibility. Spin rate or defense may suffer because of this, and you may have to sacrifice the other to gain one.

Equipment. The equipment that the crew takes into battle can also increase the detection range.

Crew skills. Some skills provide an increase in detection range, but this aspect is most strongly influenced by the commander's skills.

Disguise. You should slow down and take a closer look. Camouflage allows you to hide a tank from enemy sight, for example, by hiding it in the bushes. In this case, the system will count the bonus to camouflage from bushes only if the tank is completely immersed in foliage, or rather its overall points. Small tanks have a greater camouflage bonus due to their compact size, while large and bulky ones are more visible to opponents.

Movement reduces the stealth level by approximately 50%, and shooting by approximately 90%. The higher the enemy's maximum vision limit is exceeded, the more difficult it is for an ally to hide from his sight.

As mentioned above, “visual range” allows you to see enemies spotted by allies. They will be displayed on the mini map, but the maximum view in the world of tanks game allows you to see them directly if they are further than 565 meters.

Principles of camouflage in the WoT game on video:

Tank camouflage is one of the key mechanics Games World of tanks, someone uses it successfully, almost everyone criticizes it, and only a few understand how it works. We decided to fill this gap and tell the whole truth about camouflage, the features of its work, its correct use and some interesting facts.

Camouflage, its role and significance in the game

Camouflage is the ability of a tank to remain invisible to the enemy team’s equipment. However, disguise does not exist on its own, but is integral part game mechanics "observation-camouflage". The eternal struggle between vision and camouflage is one of the fundamentals of gameplay, which has the greatest impact on the player’s actions and often determines the outcome of the battle. Knowledge and skillful use of camouflage and vision is a prerequisite successful game and increasing your win percentage.

Basic concepts of camouflage

Before talking about how camouflage works, you should understand the basic terms.

Camouflage coefficient (stealth coefficient). This is a value that shows the ability of a technique to be invisible. It is calculated based on the base camouflage coefficient and other coefficients - from a shot, when moving, in the presence of camouflage and camouflage net, from the presence of bushes/trees, from the degree of proficiency of the crew in the “Camouflage” skill.

Basic camouflage coefficient (invisibility). The degree of stealth of a tank without taking into account additional factors. This coefficient is unique for each tank in the game, and its exact value is not disclosed by the developers. However, thanks to the work of enthusiasts, we know more or less accurate basic stealth coefficients, which allows us to make calculations.

"X-ray" or minimum detection range. A constant value equal to 50 meters, at which a tank is necessarily detected, regardless of the presence of obstacles and bushes.

Detection range. The distance at which that particular tank can detect an enemy tank. The maximum detection range is 445 meters. The detection range and visibility of a tank should not be confused: visibility is the distance over which the “sight rays” extend from the tank; detection range is the distance at which “exposure” can occur; to calculate this distance, the tank’s visibility and camouflage coefficient are used, taking into account all additional factors.

Visibility range- this is the maximum distance at which tanks, both allies and enemies, can be visible when detected by them. The game mechanics limit the visibility range to a radius 564 meters around the tank.

Viewpoints. Points on the tank from which conditional “vision rays” emanate. Each tank has two viewing points: one at the base of the barrel (on the gun mantlet), the second above the geometric center of the tank, on a plane resting on the highest point of the tank. The first observation point is dynamic, it rotates along with the turret (in turretless vehicles, of course, it is almost motionless), the second point is always in its place.

Dimensional points. Points on the tank to which the distance from observation points of enemy tanks is calculated. Dimensional points are located in the geometric centers of the planes of a conventional parallelepiped into which the tank is inscribed without taking into account the gun. Another additional dimensional point is located at the base of the trunk and coincides with the observation point located there. Tanks have a complex configuration, so the dimensional points most often do not lie on the tank itself, but seem to float in the air. On the one hand, this greatly simplifies the calculations (since for the program all tanks are simply parallelepipeds), and on the other hand, it introduces some confusion and confusion, since players under the “overall points” mistakenly take the extreme points on the hull and gun of the tank, which completely untrue.

Now, armed with the necessary knowledge, you can understand how camouflage works.

Mechanics of camouflage and vision

The mechanics of camouflage and vision generally boil down to the following. For each tank, “vision rays” emerge from observation points with a certain periodicity, directed in all directions. If the “vision rays” reach the overall points of the enemy tank, the detection process starts - the program, based on the current camouflage coefficient, calculates the detection range of the tank, and if it lies within the range of vision, then “lighting” occurs. If the detection range less review, then the enemy tank remains invisible.

Detection checks are carried out at intervals that depend on the distance to the intended targets:

  • “X-ray” up to 50 meters – 10 times per second
  • Up to 150 meters – 2 times per second;
  • Up to 270 meters – once every 1 second;
  • Up to 445 meters – once every 2 seconds.

Moreover, when checking, “view rays” are not sent by two viewing points at once, but in turn. “View rays” do not pass through obstacles (except in the case of “X-rays”; tanks are also “transparent”), therefore, to “expose” one should move the point of view from behind the obstacle, that is, briefly drive out from behind it.

The combination of these factors often creates confusion in the game, especially for tanks whose vantage points are separated by a significant distance (usually tank destroyers). When driving out from behind an obstacle, you can detect an enemy tank with a vantage point at the base of the barrel, but the next time you drive out, the point above the tank will work and the enemy will not be detected.

When detected once, the tank remains visible for 5 - 10 seconds, this time is determined randomly. If the crew of the illuminated tank has leveled up the “Venedictive” and “Ultimate Strength” skills, then the duration of the exposure increases by 2 seconds.

This is how camouflage works in the general case, but in game conditions several additional factors intervene in this mechanics, which can completely change the whole picture. But before we consider all the camouflage factors in detail, we should understand how detection testing occurs.

How camouflage and detection are calculated

The basis of everything is the stealth coefficient, unique for each tank, it is used in the formula for calculating the detection distance (range):

Here RO is the detection distance, “Overview” is the overview of the observer tank (50 is the minimum detection distance), kn is the final camouflage coefficient, which takes into account all factors and bonuses (camouflage, crew skill, optional equipment etc.).

Using this formula, we can calculate that the Soviet heavy tank IS-3 with a basic visibility of 330 meters will be able to see the German tank destroyer E 25 (camouflage coefficient 25% without camouflage and other bonuses) at a distance of 260 meters, and the E 25 with a basic visibility of 360 meters will be noticed by the IS-3 (camouflage coefficient is slightly less than 7%) at a distance of 338 meters - this is more than the basic overview of the heavy beam! Now it’s clear why these small fleas bite so painfully and don’t light up.

However, this is how things are in an open field, without bushes, camouflages and the skills of crew members. In reality, everything is a little more complicated.

Constant and dynamic camouflage changes

Conditionally permanent changes in camouflage (bonuses) include those that do not change in any way during one battle. Among them:

  • The presence of camouflage - an increase in the stealth coefficient for tank destroyers and self-propelled guns - 2%, for light tanks and tank destroyers - 3%, for tank destroyers - 4%. This bonus also works when the tank is moving;
  • Turret type – some tanks have stock and top-end turrets with different camouflage coefficients, but there are not too many of these vehicles;
  • The presence of the crew perk “Camouflage” - depending on the number of crew members who have this skill and the level of proficiency in the skill, increases the overall stealth coefficient of the vehicle by 1.79 ... 1.98 times (that is, acts as a multiplier). It is interesting that this skill remains even if the crew members who possess it are shell-shocked.

Dynamic changes include those that change during one battle:

  • Movement - when moving, the stealth coefficient drops, and different classes techniques are not the same: for LT levels I and II - up to 75% of the base value, for LT levels III and above - does not decrease. That is, all light tanks above level II are equally invisible while standing and on the move. For ST - up to 75% of the base value, for tank destroyers - up to 60%, for tank destroyers and self-propelled guns - up to 50%. By the way, movement is considered not only to change the coordinates of the tank over time, but also to two special cases - the rotation of the tracks when the tank hits an obstacle, and the jolts of a stationary tank to allied vehicles;
  • The moment of the shot - gives the maximum reduction in the stealth coefficient, the drop in stealth is individual for each weapon and averages 3 - 5 times;
  • Vegetation on the line of sight between tanks - bushes and trees - gives an increase to the tank's stealth coefficient from 8% (some trees) to 50% (large bushes). Moreover, fallen and standing trees provide the same percentage of camouflage;
  • The presence of a camouflage network - an increase in the coefficient for TT and self-propelled guns - 5%, for tank destroyers and tank destroyers - 10%, for tank destroyers - 15%. This bonus is reset when the tank moves and starts working 3 seconds after stopping.

It is necessary to say more about the vegetation, since there are several interesting points here.

Firstly, camouflage is provided only by those bushes and trees that are located on the line of sight between the observed tank and the observer tank (more precisely, here we are talking about the line of sight between the observation and overall points of the tank).

Secondly, when fired, all bushes at a distance of 15 meters, located along the line of sight to the observer tank, lose camouflage depending on the gun coefficient. Moreover, unmasking occurs only in relation to the tank that fired; if there are other vehicles standing nearby and not shooting, for them the camouflage remains unchanged. Bushes located further than 15 meters retain their properties - experienced players take advantage of this fact.

Finally, thirdly, to successfully camouflage a tank, you don’t need to hide it all in the bushes - it’s enough to make the overall points invisible. The camouflage is not at all affected by a protruding gun or a roller of one track - there are no clearance points here, and this tank remains invisible to the observer.

Now we can look in more detail at the example of a meeting between the IS-3 and E 25. Let our anti-tank unit have camouflage and a crew with the 100% “Camouflage” perk, and stand in a large bush with 50% camouflage - in this case, the enemy is on the IS- 3 will detect it from a distance of only 50 meters (in fact, the heavy beam can only X-ray the “flea”!), when fired, this distance increases to 250 meters. And if the E 25 stands 15 meters from the bush, then it will be able to shoot with impunity from a distance of 150 meters!

So all the factors that most players do not pay enough attention to play a very important role in the game and can affect the outcome of the battle. But we will talk about measures to increase camouflage in another article.

Myths and famous bugs about camouflage

In conclusion, let's remember a few bugs and common myths related to camouflage and detection.

A bug (although the developers look at this as a feature) with late rendering of a detected tank. Often the tank is drawn with a delay of 1 - 2 seconds after detection, which can have disastrous results for the observer tank. The delay is due to the time it took to check the detection of the tank, as well as some unknown problems. The developers promised to fix this bug, but things are not moving yet.

A bug (although this is definitely a feature) with the disappearance of tanks in an open field. The mechanics of camouflage and exposure are so designed that some tanks can disappear in an open field; to do this, they just need to stop and not shoot. They have been talking about this problem for a long time, the developers promise to fix everything, but for now everything remains as it is.

The myth about the different camouflage coefficients of fallen and standing trees. In reality, each tree has its own specific camouflage coefficient, and it does not depend on the position of the tree. Burnt and bare trees have a zero coefficient (that is, they have no effect on camouflage).

The myth (or rather, players’ ignorance of camouflage mechanics) about the unmasking barrel and tracks - we have already discussed this issue in our conversation about dimensional points.

A lot of work is currently being done to refine the game mechanics, so in the future disguise will (at least we hope so) work without problems. But myths are unlikely to disappear - they, like any beliefs, live for a long time and it is almost useless to fight them.
