Why does FPS jump? Solution for fps drop in World of Tanks. To play on low graphics settings, you need

I love to solve the problems-mysteries that life throws up in IT. This time trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become a nerd extra. The game has long been causing complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multi-threading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying Thank you game developers that in the latest patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only added new sounds to the game, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase a little, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but fps drop in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that extend the standard game client in Python. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as “fps lowerers”:

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, olemeter)
  • mod Horizontal angles (UGN)
  • a mod that reflects latency to Wargaming.net servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from a famous professional player and the author of modpack ProTanki - , I knew about the serious impact of poor Internet (high latency when delivering network packets) on FPS. Many people do not understand how it can be connected net And video card. The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames into the buffer for you and imagine a situation where, due to long delays, information comes from the server that your tank or tanks of allies/enemies are now not at this point, but at another, the so-called “teleportation effect”. The video card is “forced” to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that poor Internet adds to its workload.

But logically, bad Internet not-at-my-home should keep low fps throughout the entire battle. And the problem with enviable consistency looked like a drop in fps after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are dynamic in nature. I won’t bore you, the setting is called dynamic change 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a satisfactory 95%, which allowed small details to disappear and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will make the work of the video card easier. That's it! Drops from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared as horrible dream. Stay random, VasiliscCom is going into battle!

Beginners and experienced tankers come to play world of tanks to enjoy the game, relax and unwind, and eventually switch to a combat environment. But many tankers periodically encounter such a problem as a drop in FPS in the game, as a result of which they cannot play or relax, let alone have fun, and this begs the question.

To answer this question, you need to find out what it is and what affects this FPS.

FPS stands for Frame Per Second, and in Russian, the number of frames per second, or the frame rate that a computer can display. In other words, FPS is a parameter that shows at what frequency frames will be displayed on the monitor, and the larger this parameter, the smoother the picture will be. And accordingly, the smaller this parameter, the more jerky the picture in the game will be and the slower the game itself will be. The minimum value in tanks that you can play with is 30 FPS per second.

With this it is clear now what affects the frame rate during the game. This parameter is influenced by many factors, but we will now look at one of the most important.

The first thing you should pay attention to when answering the question of why the FPS dropped in world of tanks is the recommended game parameters presented on the official website. The fact is that if the parameters of your computer are less than the recommended specifications, then this will be the reason for the drop in FPS in the game.

Here is one solution to this problem

First, see if your computer matches minimum requirements games, all on the same official website. If yes, and the game still stutters, then you need to open the video settings in world of tanks and reduce or remove the visual effects of the game, such as explosions, smoke, fire. This also includes animation of various effects. Don't forget about the quality of textures and the display range of the world, which require a lot of resources to render in the game.

This will help a weak computer focus all its resources on game performance, sacrificing the beauty of some effects. It is difficult to recommend how and how much to tighten specific settings, because it depends on each specific computer configuration. Play with the settings and choose for yourself optimal values For comfortable game without lags or brakes.

If these actions did not produce the desired effect, then boldly continue the research to find solutions to eliminate this problem.

Why does FPS drop in world of tanks?

Unfortunately, the reasons affecting FPS cannot be divided into main and secondary reasons. And therefore, for some, one of the listed reasons will be the main one, and for others, another, and so we will continue.

One of them is the discrepancy between the computer's characteristics and the requirements of the game.

Overheating of both the video card and the entire computer.

These are not all the reasons for frame rate drops, but they are the most common.

To determine the full scale of the problem and understand why FPS drops in world of tanks, let’s try to look at each of the reasons separately

If your computer does not reach the minimum game parameters, then the most obvious solution is to increase the machine's performance. To do this, you need to replace those components that do not meet the requirements of the game. And if you decide to upgrade gaming computer, then it is advisable to first look at the system requirements for a comfortable game in world of tanks, and only then purchase the best components.

Because tank players often advise in such cases to change the video card to a more powerful one, but this is completely useless if the processor has less than the required characteristics or the RAM is weak. The same applies to other combinations of parts. Having bought the most productive processor, the FPS in the game will not increase if you do not have the required amount of RAM.

To avoid senseless spending, you need to read about system requirements Games World of Tanks on the official website. And only then will you buy exactly those parts that you need for a comfortable game.

Overheating can also be a real problem. You can install a program that measures and displays the temperature of computer parts. If the FPS depends on the work of all the parts in the computer, then a slowdown in this work as a result of overheating can affect the display of the image in the game. This also includes dust in the computer, which interferes with cooling and contributes to heating of parts. Overheating can be treated by cleaning it from dust and installing, if necessary, programs for overclocking coolers. If you play on a laptop, you can use a special stand with additional cooling. It is also worth noting that constant overheating of the car can lead to extraordinary repairs costing a tidy sum. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to overheating not only because of the drop in FPS.

By changing the video settings in the game or modifying the configuration of the gaming station, you can ensure that the FPS in the game does not drop. But everyone who plays the popular tank project is faced with another equally significant problem.

Why does FPS jump in world of tanks?

All tankers have different FPS levels in the game, but regardless of this, a sharp change in frames per second occurs in almost all players and negatively affects the combat performance of individual players and entire clans.

For some, the FPS starts to jump when you switch to sniper mode, for others, when a lot of tanks or vegetation come into view. For others, this happens during dynamic scenes. When you are driving fast in a light or medium tank, and the computer does not have time to cope with drawing the image and the FPS begins to jump. There is a problem and something needs to be done about it.

We continue to understand the reasons for the sharp change in frame rate in order to answer the question why FPS jumps in world of tanks

A common phenomenon among many tankers that affects performance is when, while playing tanks, there are many processes running on the computer that consume resources and can affect FPS spikes.

If you are running torrents that download or distribute files. Updates to all kinds of programs are downloaded automatically. The antivirus is scanning or updating, clients for social networks, players and other applications are running. Then all these processes consume system resources. To prevent FPS drops and jumps, it is recommended to disable such processes, or wait for them to end, and only then enter the game. The fact is that, for example, your FPS in tanks is good and stable, but then during a battle, according to the schedule, one of the above processes is turned on, and as a result, the FPS sags.

No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to check for updated drivers for all components, which, by the way, are few. This will allow you to use all the resources of your computer and avoid annoying incompatibility with the game, which also affects the performance and stability of the FPS.

There is another influencing factor that cannot be ignored.

A new “raw” patch that reduces the FPS of the entire game for all players, regardless of the machine configuration and game settings. Here, any of our efforts are useless, we need to be patient and wait either for micro patches, in response to numerous complaints in the game chat, or for a full-fledged patch.

And sadly, one of the reasons for the FPS jumps was and is the optimization of the game itself. The game has a bigword engine, and for those who don’t know, this is not the best option for a project of this scale.

It's time to consider a couple more reasons for the sudden change in frame rate, and answer the burning question.

Why does FPS fluctuate in world of tanks?

There is another not very popular, but effective means of combating tank surges - optimizing the operating system and registry. By setting up Windows correctly, you can free up the necessary resources, which will solve the problem of FPS spikes in the game.

Firstly, you need to remove from startup everything that is unnecessary for the game and disable operating system services that will not be needed during gameplay. This can be done using popular computer optimization utilities or manually for experienced users.

The next step is to select the item in the computer properties that provides the best system performance. This will allow you to direct all the machine's resources to the game. Just leave the font smoothing on, this will allow you to read the in-game text.

Also, a common answer to the question why FPS jumps in world of tanks is the installation of mods

For many fashion players, this is manna from heaven, which helps them play and even win in hopeless situations. But many mods require significant resources, and therefore load the system. As a solution to combat horse racing, you need to disable mods, and this will help level out the FPS.

We’ll talk about a modification that is designed to increase the FPS in the game by turning off various effects. There is no way to disable them through the game’s standard graphics settings. In fact, there are many such mods for tanks, but the most popular WoT Tweaker, it is free, Russified and working.

They can disable various effects.
Explosions of shells, destruction and hits of objects, hits and destruction of tanks, movement of trees, display of clouds;
You can also turn off the smoke when firing, which is very useful in sniper mode;
Smoke from damaged tanks, and smoke from the tank's exhaust pipe.

Due to the fact that some effects are very resource-intensive, you choose what to remove and what to leave. It is important to remember, download mods only from trusted resources. And before installing, it’s better to see if there is permission to use them on the game’s website.

The solution to the problem of falling and jumping FPS is individual, because it depends on many factors. Therefore, you need to determine what is the reason for the drop in FPS and eliminate it.

And by applying the little tricks that have been discussed, you can achieve a more stable FPS value and enjoy playing tanks, forgetting about FPS drawdowns like a bad dream.

  • Update date: 14 Jul 2015
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For World of Tanks, the value of FPS (fps - frames per second), "refresh rate" is, without exaggeration, one of the most important factors that creates victory and defeat. Very often the outcome of a battle depends not on the thickness of the armor, not on the speed, or damage and penetration of the gun, but on a timely reaction to the game situation. Shoot first, dodge the projectile, expose a thicker section of armor, etc. None of these tactics will not work if World of Tanks is slow on your computer.

How to increase FPS in WoT if you still encounter such a problem? The first obvious and intuitive remedy is to adjust the graphics settings in the game. To do this you need:

  1. go to the game client
  2. open the main menu in the upper left corner of the screen
  3. go to “Settings”
  4. open the “Graphics” tab

World of Tanks has a built-in performance diagnostic feature, so to get started, click "Auto-detect". The game client will conduct an express check of your hardware and select the appropriate settings. Try to skate a few fights with them. If the problem with FPS has been resolved, congratulations, you can safely play. For the time being - until Wargaming rolls out the next update, which will add graphic beauty to the maps and tank models.

If problems with FPS have decreased, but are still noticeable, try setting all parameters in the same graphics settings menu to the lowest possible values, as was done in the screenshot above. If this does not help you, do not despair, you will still be able to play, but you will have to adjust the graphics using.

Let's start, oddly enough, not with the mods themselves, but with . The image in the game can “jump” not only due to weak computer, but also because the server takes too long to respond to your computer. The symptoms are easy to confuse, so you need to use help to select the server with the lowest ping value. If you used to play on “some” server and now switch to the fastest one, the difference in gameplay can be astounding.

The next step, if choosing the optimal server did not help, is .

Each tank in the game is covered with a texture - a graphic image of the surface of the tank hull. In fact, this is a completely ordinary picture, which can have a very significant size. As you play, the texture (or " ") is loaded into your computer's memory. If there is not enough memory, operating system begins to use the much slower computer hard drive to store information from memory, which leads to a drop in FPS to the “slide show” state. To eliminate this problem, enthusiastic modders created . Textures can be compressed from 50% to 3% of their original size, significantly reducing the load on your computer and increasing the game's display speed, which means improving your performance.

When the game already looks like an arcade game from the late 90s, and the frame rate is still not encouraging, you can use one more trick - .

In addition to the fact that this mod reduces the load on the computer, it also, according to the game developers, gives an advantage in battle to players who use it, so its use is officially prohibited. The decision is controversial, because the display of leaves does not affect the camouflage, and you can target along the contour if you know these places. However, Wargaming does not have a reliable way to determine whether you have a prohibited mod, unless you yourself tell about its use by posting a screenshot on the official forum or telling, for example.

The last and most radical means of increasing FPS is.

This program disables effects such as shell explosions or gun shots. If you turn off all the effects, the game speeds up noticeably, but it starts to look blind - you stop seeing parts of the game. game events. For example, there is the sound of a shot, but the shot itself is not visible. It's quite confusing at first, but you can get used to it. We recommend using this program only when other methods of increasing FPS have failed.

If no manipulations with mods and programs have led to an increase in FPS to a playable level, accept it, it’s time to update your computer hardware in order to play World of Tanks.
