Why successful adults start playing video games. All life is a game! Why do adults love to play? What game does a computer play better than a human?

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Hello, my name is Katya, I’m 34 years old, and for the last 10 years I’ve been killing radioactive cockroaches in Vault 101, shooting headcrabs, running from zombies, and also flying to different space stations. There's nothing wrong with me: I just adore computer games.

Moreover, my whole family is passionate about various shooting games and real-time strategies: my two sons and husband enjoy playing different games. Welcome to our gaming gang.

And I, taking advantage of the opportunity given to me website, decided to figure out how video games affect us, gamers. And at the same time, dispel a couple of myths about the harmful effects of these same games on the younger generation. Hi Mom, I know you're reading this.

In our free time from games, we are quite ourselves ordinary life: we go to visit, to work, to the cinema and even play sports. Despite all this, grandparents, friends and casual acquaintances tell me that computer games are evil. No, not like that - EVIL. According to my mother’s predictions, we will definitely go wild, and the children’s eyesight will deteriorate and bad tendencies will appear.

Warning: This post does not promote computer addiction. The author understands the importance of raising children and does not shift this responsible function to 3D game manufacturers. In addition, games have a number of medical contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

1. 3D games improve cognitive abilities and increase memory capacity

Most scientists who study the influence of games on young people argue that the time spent on the computer is growing year by year. American cyberpsychologists conducted an experiment to find the connection between frequent play playing video games and obesity, depression, and even lower grades in school and college. But the results showed that such a connection does not exist, despite the fact that 10% of respondents spent at least 35 hours a week playing games.

Many of us grew up playing computer games. This is something that cannot be compared to any other form of entertainment. Be it a gripping thriller or a beautifully crafted game, we've played it all. And there is more than one reason why people enjoy video games.

We have said many times that online games are not suitable for us, they damage our eyes, and besides, they do not help us develop our skills. But what if all this is empty talk and what if they really bring us benefit and allow us to develop further. Sounds absurd, doesn't it? However, this article lists reasons that will make you change your mind. Video games help us develop certain qualities and make us fall in love with them. So what are these reasons?

10. Help with socialization

We all know how much gamers love to escape into themselves. They are usually uncommunicative and unsocial, but online games help them socialize. They feel like they are part of a group of people. There are many online games where everyone can chat while playing. In addition, events are held every year where all gamers have the opportunity to meet and communicate. In general, gamers spend many hours playing games. And apart from the entertainment factor, there are many prizes that gamers can win by participating in various competitions.

9. Pause and resume

This is an underrated benefit of video games. You can manage your own schedule. This way you can play games and still have time for other things. For many gamers whose source of income is playing video games, this The best way Earn Money. And in this case, it’s a favorite pastime. Thanks to the music and the gameplay itself, this feature of video games provides an amazing opportunity to make money.

8. Difficulties

In general, there are few people in the world who can live without problems. And games provide you with the adrenaline that you need when solving problems. You face many problems during the game and when you come to a solution, it becomes a personal achievement. Although the biggest challenge is to finish the whole game and win. There are many games that provide riddles to be solved that will further help you understand the game and play it better. However, problem solving depends on people, meaning what may be a problem for one may not be a problem for another. That is why games are divided by difficulty levels. And in the end, there is always a feeling of pride that you overcome difficulties yourself!

7. Gambling addiction

Okay, this may not be such a positive reason for those who like to play video games. But still, this is the reason. Gamers are so addicted to games that they seem to find themselves in virtual world and begin to believe that their lives depend on it. As a result, this leads to the development of health problems and even death. This addiction can also develop due to mobile games. Therefore, you need to play in moderation so as not to become addicted.

6. Allows you to be who you want to be

For many people it is not easy to be who they would like to be real life. The reason for this may be social pressure or certain circumstances. Games provide a good opportunity to express yourself. They allow you to choose any character you want to be. Everyone would like to be a hero who saves a woman from a robber or someone who is not afraid to speak out against some immoral incident in society. In games, a person can live the life he wants. It can also help people feel satisfied.

5. Music and soundtracks

The visual data in the game is complemented by sounds or soundtracks. This can make a tense game even more tense and exciting. Plus, music is a big part of the entire game. Try to play without music someday, and you will lose all desire to play for a while. When it comes to soundtracks, the game "Transistor" is considered to be the best example for this. Her background music is a delight to the ears and also plays a big role in the game.

4. Graphics

No one can refuse a game with good graphics. You can create a good pixel game or a 3D game, and they will both become successful in people's eyes. Visually good game attracts every gamer. An aesthetically pleasing gaming environment with good texture and graphics never fails to impress. Some of the best examples of good graphic games– Uncharted, God of War and Final fantasy. You'll be left staring at the stunning visual effects of video games.

3. Plots

Games are often designed with stories that you unlock as you progress to new levels. And these stories are a serious reason that makes a person spend hours playing the game. If you play a game with good graphics but a bad story, you will get bored in no time. Gamers love this feature of video games and that's why they love to play them.

2. Improve your skills

This sounds absurd, doesn't it? However, it is not. That is why this reason is on the second line of our Top. If you play games like World of Warcraft and Assassin, you'll study history. There are many games that can also teach geography, English language and many other things, so those who don’t want to don’t have to study all this at universities. Moreover, it will also improve your eye coordination and help you make decisions faster. Multiplayer games will help you become a better team player. The player can develop his consciousness, improve his knowledge by playing video games. It also helps you think outside the box. And all these are not just phrases, but scientifically proven facts.

1. It's fun

It's too obvious. We all start playing games for this reason alone. It's worth noting that fun is the foundation of video games. But we need to understand that this fun should not turn into an addiction. And who doesn't love stunning graphics, special effects and exciting music? And when all these components are in one game, it's not such a bad combination, is it?

Video games: good or bad? Why does everyone love to play them so much? Watch the answers in this video and share your opinion on this matter!

Games have long turned into one of the types of modern art. They are able to tell a story on the level of films and books, or present a serious challenge to the player and provide a real adrenaline rush. By income game industry has already surpassed all other entertainment, and the release of the new part cult game discussed no less than the US presidential election. And this does not take into account e-sports, which over the past years has turned into a separate and large-scale discipline with an audience of millions. tells why it’s time to take up the joystick and how to do it if you really want to, but it’s not very clear yet.

If you are still ignoring games, you are missing out on a lot. And that's why.

It doesn’t matter who you are - an established top manager or a young student, an adventurous traveler or an exemplary family man - everyone can find something to their liking. Balancing work, personal life and play is not only easy, but also fun.

Previously, games could easily be compared to “modern art is not for everyone.” But a lot has changed over the past ten years. Games have become something accessible, massive and multifaceted, and the budgets of individual franchises even exceed those of the largest film studios in the world. The development of technology has allowed developers to realize the most daring ideas.

Games have ceased to be something isolated and have gone to the masses. Today they are discussed in the central media, their advertising is shown on major media platforms along with cinema, and children educational games in schools and at home they learn about the world. In a word - mainstream!

A kopeck saves the ruble

The main obstacle to starting to play is the stereotype about the high price of this pleasure. Indeed, even if we consider buying an average computer designed to run modern games at relatively high settings, this undertaking can cost a hefty sum.

The way out of this vicious circle is quite simple - purchase a game console. Consoles are specially created to make playing easier and more convenient. Yes, you can assemble a computer yourself, order its assembly in a store, or buy a ready-made solution. However, each of these options is definitely more expensive than a set-top box.

The current generation of consoles, thanks to the strengthening of the ruble, is relatively inexpensive (about 20 thousand rubles) and a computer assembled for the same amount will only be able to run “Kosynka” or “Sapper”. To buy a real computer gaming machine you will need an amount exceeding the price of the console by three or even four times. And if you want to do everything wisely and beautifully, then even thinking about the price of the system unit and accessories becomes scary.

Some might argue that the biggest waste of console owners is games. Yes, for a long time it was like that. Now the prices for computer games are gradually leveling out. Previously, a top computer game could be bought for 600 rubles, but now everything has changed. Today, few people will be surprised if a new hit on PC starts with a price tag of 2,000 rubles, which is comparable to the cost of the main console exclusives during the discount period. Simpler (but no less exciting) games for inexperienced users sometimes cost even less on consoles.

Anytime and anywhere

Another advantage of the console is that there are no problems with setup, connection and direct use. Buy and play.

After the purchase, PC users inevitably begin to have difficulties with drivers, installing the necessary software, antiviruses, and the need to carefully read the system requirements every game and don’t forget to “upgrade” from time to time. The computer less often allows you to lounge on the sofa, and if there is only one in the family and someone needs to work, then the desired rest is postponed. At the same time, people are watching TV less and less, and it is increasingly sitting idle. So why not find this big screen Is HDMI a better use?

In the case of a console, the entire range of difficulties is limited solely to its purchase, so it often turns out to be the preferable option. Especially among those whose only computer is a laptop.

Of course, some people get incredible pleasure from smearing thermal paste, laying out wires, and installing drivers. But most people value their time and want immediate gratification from the game. And the console gives them this opportunity - just plug in two wires and press a button on the gamepad.

The advantage of consoles is the absence of “surprises” inherent in PC gaming: “it doesn’t work even at minimum settings”, “you need to reinstall the system” or “it’s time to change the video card” - there is no trace of these problems here. Nothing distracts the user from the game until the moment when he wants to switch to the “new generation” for more advanced games, and this happens only once every few years. PlayStation 3 came out in 2006, and PlayStation 4 only in 2013. How many times have you updated your computer during this time?

The approach to the game process itself is also different. Lounging on the sofa in front of a huge TV is much easier to relax than hunched over in an office chair. And having a console becomes an excellent reason to get together big company and spend the evening playing games. Unlike computers, consoles allow two, three, or even four players to play without any problems. And if that’s not enough, network multiplayer has not been canceled either.

Games for every taste

You don't have to be a fanatical gamer to enjoy the console. Many games (also called “casual”) are created with the widest audience in mind. You can easily get used to it even if you have never held a gamepad in your hands.

A separate argument is exclusive projects. Some major developers release their games for only one platform. As a rule, these are flagship games that attract the attention of all fans of virtual entertainment and make those who choose another platform think seriously.

Image: Sony

The fact is that when a project is developed for several platforms at once, there is often no time left for detailed work, because it has to be spent on adaptation to different hardware and internal system architecture. As a result, the games come with their own technical flaws. In the case of exclusives, developers concentrate on one platform (which they have been working with for many years). They know its features, potential, and they have enough resources to work out the project to the smallest detail. Such an exclusive becomes a small masterpiece, a living classic that leaves unforgettable emotions and is a must-play. The last part of the cult Uncharted or the new Horizon Zero Dawn The visual design and staging of the scenes are simply amazing. This is the case when it is better to see everything yourself than to learn from someone.

If we compare the number of high-quality exclusives, then the clear championship in the current generation of consoles is held by the PlayStation 4. This situation motivates not only gamers who prefer this console, but also developers who feel its demand and prefer to “tailor” their projects specifically for this platform. If you want to fully know what a “game blockbuster” is, then this is definitely the place for you.

Full immersion

In fact, PlayStation 4 is not only a game console, but also the most accessible portal to the world virtual reality for today. The PS VR helmet, which appeared at the end of 2016, unexpectedly became a bestseller for many. Not everyone will decide to buy one for themselves, but it's a great opportunity to try the technology of the future in action... and it's really fun.

A fair number of interesting projects have already been released under virtual reality for every taste and color, from puzzles like SUPERHYPERCUBE to quite “adult” projects Battlezone and RIGS. One of the main reasons to touch VR technologies has become Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. All the horror of frightening horror in virtual reality is felt much more strongly. This is literally new experience and in places extremely impressive and convincing. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard VR is an important step for both avid gamers and casual players who want to while away the evening. This is the first sign of major projects for new technologies, which means there is a lot of interesting things ahead. There are already several on the way powerful games a variety of genres. The further you go, the deeper the immersion into virtual reality.

Unobvious and incredible

Even if you devote only a couple of hours a week to games and are not so interested in exclusives (and don’t even know that they exist), then even in this case the advantage is on the side of consoles. The already mentioned multi-platform projects on consoles turn out frankly better, because they are developed primarily for them. Many games come to the computer in the form of ported versions, which can be made carelessly by third-party studios. A few years ago there was an indicative incident. Came out large and famous game, which worked great on consoles, turned out to be so unoptimized on computers that the publisher had to remove it from the store and send it back for revision. She returned to PC only six months later.

It also happens that publishers generally first release a product on consoles and only after some time prepare a version for computers. And while your friends are already playing cool games with all their might, and the Internet is filled with spoilers, you can only wait patiently and believe that the version for your system will be released soon.

Multiplayer deserves special attention. On consoles it often turns out to be more stable, because users do not buy the game for a couple of evenings. Strong console sales also ensure a stable online experience. By the beginning of 2017, Sony had sold more than 52 million consoles latest generation. And all these users love to play popular games, which means you will always find company and it will be almost impossible to face a long search for a game or an empty lobby.

When choosing a platform, you cannot kill two birds with one stone. A personal computer is primarily necessary for work. And it performs this task perfectly, significantly losing to consoles in terms of games. If you choose between consoles, then the PlayStation 4 system is the best choice so far. It has many advantages over other consoles. She's more popular, she gets more money cool games and exclusives, and with the upgraded version of PS4 Pro, these games can also be played in 4K resolution with HDR support!

PlayStation 4 was created solely for gaming and entertainment. Add to this support for the most affordable and convenient virtual reality helmet PS VR, small dimensions (PS4 weighs only two kilograms, which is lighter than some laptops, not to mention large desktop computers that can “pull at maximum speed”), affordable price and constant discounts on popular games in the company store.

The result is a convenient and easy-to-use gaming system that does not require any special skills and is an ideal solution among the devices on the market. And if you think that you won’t be able to handle the gamepad after for long years on a mouse and keyboard, then we hasten to reassure you - the gamepad for PS4 is so convenient that after a couple of hours you will simply forget about it and completely focus on relaxation and fun. But this is why everyone plays games...

It is addressed to everyone who is interested in online and offline games, and even those who do not game at all, but are interested in new ways of thinking and solving problems.

The main question is included in the subtitle: “Why games make us better and how they can change the world.” The author shows that game process- not just entertainment, but a 21st-century way of working together, which can be aimed at solving real problems - from hunger and poverty to climate change and global conflicts.


In April 2009, Halo 3 players celebrated a very exciting collective milestone - 10 billion dead in the war against their virtual enemy, the Covenant. To reach the milestone, Halo 3 players spent 565 days fighting in the fictional Great War, defending Earth from an alliance of evil alien races bent on destroying humanity. During this time, Halo 3 players formed the largest army on Earth, albeit a virtual one. More than 15 million people fought on behalf of the United Nations Space Command in this sci-fi game. This is approximately half the total number of active personnel of the twenty-five largest armies in the real world combined.

Achieving such a figure as 10 billion killed was not an accident, thoughtlessly provided by the broad gaming masses. Halo players have taken a coordinated effort to achieve this. They took 10 billion dead as a symbol that their community was capable of great things, and they wanted it to be something greater than anything any other gaming community had achieved. So everyone worked hard to make sure everyone was playing Halo the best they could. Gamers exchanged recommendations and strategies, and organized round-the-clock joint promotion of campaigns.

Halo players eventually achieved their goal and flooded online forums to congratulate each other and talk about their contributions to the cause.

What's the point?

You may now be thinking, “So what? What's the point? There is no covenant. It's just a game. What did the players do that was special and worth celebrating?”

On the one hand, nothing. Destroying the Covenants has no value, no matter how many there are - one, ten or even a hundred billion. Even the most dedicated Halo fans know that saving the human race from a fictional alien invasion has no meaning. There is no prevention of a real threat. There is no saving the lives of real people.

On the other hand, although destroying in-game enemies has no value, this does not mean that it is meaningless.

Meaning is the awareness of involvement in a large, common, and not personal matter. It gives us the conviction that our actions matter beyond our own lives. What is meaningful is important not only to ourselves or our friends and family, but also to a much larger group: a community, an organization, or even the entire human race. We are all searching for deeper meaning, trying to find more ways to improve the overall picture of the world, more ways to leave a mark on it.

We cannot have meaning outside of a larger social context.

That's what teamwork is all about in Halo 3. It's not about whether there's value in destroying the Covenant, it's about the satisfaction of achieving a big goal with millions of like-minded people. This activity is full of meaning. When players dedicate themselves to a vision such as the destruction of 10 billion Covenant, they become part of a great cause and make a significant contribution to it.

To find real meaning, we don't need to do something of real value, we just need the opportunity to contribute.

Need a way to connect with people who are interested in the same global goal, as we do, no matter how conditional it may be. And we need a reason to reflect on the truly epic scale of our joint actions.

Epic and awe-inspiring

Compared to games, reality is ordinary. Games make us part of something bigger and give our actions an epic meaning. Epicness is one of the most important ideas in modern gaming culture. Gamers use this word to describe their most memorable and satisfying gaming experiences.

According to a very apt definition, epic is something that significantly exceeds the ordinary in meaning, scale and intensity. Gamers love epic games, and there's a reason for that. It's not just that bigger is better, but that something bigger is more awe-inspiring.

Awe is a unique feeling. According to many positive psychology experts, this is the most overwhelming and pleasant positive feeling a person can experience. Neuropsychologists call it “the pinnacle of positive emotions.” We experience awe when we realize that we are close to something greater than ourselves.

Without a doubt, this is the feeling Halo 3 players get when they say the game gives them goosebumps. This sensation is a typical physical symptom of awe, along with chills, goose bumps, and a lump in the throat. The ability to experience awe serves as a kind of emotional radar for identifying meaningful activities. At the same time, each time we understand that we have found a probable source of meaning, a real opportunity to be useful, to unite, to contribute to the achievement of an important goal. In other words, awe doesn't just make us feel good, it inspires us to do good deeds.

Game developers know better than anyone how to get people to do their best and how to reward hard work. They know how to enable interaction and collaboration on once unimaginable scales. In addition, they are constantly inventing new ways to motivate players to complete increasingly difficult tasks.

Do you want to become an expert in modern games, gain new ways of thinking and learn how the virtual can change reality for the better?

Prepared based on materials from the book “Reality in Question”.
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Different games