Soil map of the world by content. The concept of a soil map and its types. Types and map of soils in Russia

Contribution of V.A. Kovdy in soil cartography

Made a significant contribution to soil cartography V.A. Kovda. He, just like I.P. Gerasimov and many other soil scientists, visited many countries for scientific purposes, published a large number of articles on soils in certain regions of the globe. On his initiative, a project was adopted to create a “World Soil Map”, based on the cooperation of scientists and specialists from 65 countries. In 1975 V.A. Kovda and E.V. Lobova and her co-authors compiled a world soil map on a scale of 1:10 million. The legend for it is built on a genetic-geochemical principle.

The development of the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World at a scale of 1:5 million was undertaken on the recommendation of the International Society of Soil Sciences (IOS) at its Seventh Congress in Madison (USA, 1960). Work began in 1961 / /.

The first version of the Soil Map of the World was presented to the IX Congress of the INP in Adelaide (Australia) in 1968, which approved the legend scheme, definitions of soil units and the proposed nomenclature. The first sheets of the Map relating to South America were published already in 1971, the last two sheets out of a total of nineteen sheets were published in 1981, i.e. this work was carried out over a twenty-year period. More than 300 soil scientists from different parts of the world took part in its preparation.

This work, the product of international collaboration, filled a gap in knowledge about the world's soil resources. Widespread use has facilitated the comparison and correlation of soils, the understanding of soil conditions and their potential, and provided a useful tool for planning agricultural and economic development.

When compiling the Soil Map of the World, the following tasks were set:

Provide the first assessment of the world's soil resources;

Provide scientific grounds for transferring experience between areas with the same natural conditions;

Promote the introduction of generally acceptable soil classification and nomenclature;

Establish a general basis for more detailed research in developing areas;

Create a fundamental document for activities in the field of education, science and development;

Strengthen international contacts in the field of soil science.

A global inventory of the world's soil resources has been especially valuable in an era when countries have become increasingly interconnected in obtaining food and other agricultural products. International concern has emerged about the problems of land degradation, the disproportion between production potential and the carrying capacity of the land in relation to population. The Soil Map of the World was the basis for determining development policies and optimizing land use on a global scale through the development of the World Map of Desertification (FAO/UNESCO/WMO, 1977), the methodology for assessing soil degradation (FAO/UNEP/Unesco, 1979) and the study of the potential bearing capacity of land in population in the developing world (G. Higgins et al., 1982). The Soil Map of the World made it possible to identify global zones of agro-ecological equivalence, determining the suitability of different areas for the production of various agricultural products. This study laid the scientific foundation for the transfer of experience between areas with similar natural conditions and for establishing complementarity(complementary structures fit together like a key to a lock) territories with different production potentials.

Control questions

1. Why is soil cartography considered a “drive belt” between theoretical soil science and the practice of using soils in the national economy?

2. What was the continuity between K.D. Glinka and L.I. Prasolov in soil science?

3. What soil maps were compiled by L.I. Prasolov and under his leadership?

4. On what basis did L.I. Did Prasolov calculate the land resources of the USSR and the world?

5. What new subtype of chernozem was established by L.I. Prasolov?

6. In what work did L.I. Prasolov formulated a definition of soil type?

7. L.I. is considered the founder of what stage in the development of genetic soil science? Prasolova?

8. Which three-volume book edited by L.I. Prasolov was published in 1939 and what is it dedicated to?

9. Describe the research and organizational activities of L.I. Prasolova.

10. How is the contribution of L.I. assessed? Prasolova in soil science?

11. In what areas of soil science, besides soil cartography, did I.P. make a major contribution? Gerasimov?

12. What soil-cartographic works of Gerasimov were published in 1964 in the physical-geographical atlas of the world?

13. What is the essence of Gerasimov’s teaching on soil-climatic facies? How many soil-climatic facies did he identify on the territory of the USSR?

14. What new things were established by Gerasimov in the doctrine of vertical zoning of Dokuchaev?

15. What method was used by Gerasimov to estimate the age of soils?

16. Describe the research, teaching and organizational activities of I.P. Gerasimova.

17. How is the contribution of I.P. assessed? Gerasimov into science?

18. What is the contribution of V.A. Advances in soil cartography?

19. When did the development of the Soil Map of the World begin?

20. How many sheets of the Soil Map of the World were published and for what period?

21. What tasks were set when drawing up the Soil Map of the World?

22. What opportunities did this Map give to the world community?

Soils, complex bio-inert systems, are subject to geographic laws in their distribution and perform diverse and numerous functions. In addition to the purpose of soil, known since ancient times, as the basis for the existence of plants, i.e. source of food, more general, global functions of soil and soil cover began to be identified starting from the mid-twentieth century. Soils are key to maintaining the stability of ecosystems and ensuring their sustainable development. Their ecological functions in this regard are diverse and differentiated in space. Soils ensure the preservation of biological diversity and the gene pool, the redistribution of matter and energy in cycles of different levels, the preservation of objects of material culture, they “remember” events of the past and respond to current environmental changes; for example, immobilization and/or detoxification of man-made pollutants or pathogens dangerous to humans and animals is carried out. Different soils - components of the soil cover - perform these functions to a greater or lesser extent and at different speeds.

The soil map in the Atlas is compiled in the traditions of the Russian soil-cartographic school, which were first implemented on soil maps of the early twentieth century compiled by the outstanding natural scientist V.V. and his students. The immediate predecessor of this map was compiled by E.N. Rudneva “Soil map of the USSR” scale 1:16,000,000 in the Atlas of the USSR (1984). Over the past 20 years, new ideas have emerged about the origin and properties of Russian soils, the composition and pattern of the soil cover.

An essential feature of the Atlas soil map is that it is compiled taking into account the new soil classification of Russia in 1997, built on substantive-genetic principles and including all soils of the country, including those transformed by humans. Soil diagnostics are based solely on the structural features of the profile, and not on landscape indicators. The transition to substantive-genetic principles brought the classification of Russian soils closer to foreign classifications. Names of soils in new system reflect the properties of soils to a greater extent than the conditions of their formation. The substantive-genetic ideology of the new classification is the reason for the abandonment of many previous landscape names for soils - “taiga” and their replacement with names reflecting the genetic characteristics of the soils.

The soil cover of Russia is characterized by extremely high diversity, which consists of a wide range of its components - from barren primitive rocky soils and thick peat bogs to the most fertile in the world. The general nature of the soil cover is determined by significant territorial differences, which manifest themselves in the form of a system of sublatitudinal zones and subzones, clearly visible in, less clearly in West Siberian and very weakly in Far East. Along with climate, important factors in the formation of the country's soil cover are the composition of loose sediments and dense rocks, the presence of eternal and the nature of the relief, which control the presence of altitudinal and exposure zones, the degree of drainage of the territory, limit or contribute to the development of climate-related soil processes and phenomena.

With the help of this soil map of the Moscow region, you can see with great accuracy what type of soil is in your chosen location. For example, when choosing a place to buy a summer house, you can check whether there are peat bogs nearby, which are a constant source of peat fires and smoke, how fertile the soil is on the potential site, and whether it will require additional investments to improve it. An explanatory note is attached to the map.

The map was compiled in 1985. Scale 1:300000. Responsible map editor: Satalkin Anatoly Ivanovich. Special content for the soil map was compiled and developed by S.V. Mitkova and N.V. Litvinov under the leadership of A.V. Tsyganova and A.K. Oglezneva (Central State Design Institute for Land Management) with the participation of N.V. Loshakova (Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Editorial board of the series of bast soil maps: A.Z. Rodin - Chairman of the Editorial Board, M.I. Andryunova - executive secretary, A.A. Zhirov, N.V. Komov, E.P. Kulikov, V.P. Sotnikov, Yu.V. Fedorin, I.N. Stepanov, L.L. Shishov.

State Agro-Industrial Committee of the RSFSR, All-Russian Production Design Association for the Use of Land Resources, Central State Design Institute for Land Management. The map was prepared for publication by the Cartography Production Association in 1988 and published in 1989. Editor N.P. Fetisova. Technical editors N.P. Belova and S.N. Zubko. The card's circulation was 1000 copies, price 1 rub. Administrative division given for 1987.

The soil map of the Moscow region is one of eleven maps of the Central District, compiled using a single technology and published by PKO "Cartography (Moscow Region) and the Minsk Cartography Factory of the Main Directorate for Geodesy and Cartography under the Soviet Ministry of the USSR during 1987-1990. Also similar maps are known: Bryansk region 1:200000 1988, Vladimir region 1:200000 1987, Ivanovo region 1:200000 1988, Kaluga region 1:200000 1989, Kostroma region 1:300000 1990, Ryazan region 1:200000 1988, skoy 1:200000 1989, Tverskoy 1: 400,000 1990, Tula 1:200,000 1987 and Yaroslavl region 1:300,000 1991.

After preparing and linking this map for display on the site, the responsible editor of this and other maps in this series contacted us: Anatoly Ivanovich, and this is what he briefly said: " For this soil map and the maps listed in the information for it, of which I am also the executive editor, cartographic bases in a certain trapezoid (Equiangular Gauss-Kruger) were previously produced by state order map factories. Special cartographic information was applied to them, with which the same factories then worked again. Back then these were very lengthy processes, both routine and production. Special information was created over two decades in the regime of planned government survey work. And these maps were compiled by soil scientists who participated in this work. The compilation and publication of maps was also carried out in accordance with scientific, methodological and regulatory documentation approved at the federal level for use in survey and cartographic work. This map was created at the state level.".

The soil content of the maps was developed by soil scientists working and living on the territory of the listed administrative regions based on materials of a larger scale (1:50000 and 1:10000) as of 1985-1986. Under the strict regime conditions of that time, the cartographic basis was greatly unloaded. Modern published topographic maps of the listed territories at a scale of 1:200000 and even more so 1:100000 were then not even possible to be presented in the open press.

The compilers used a little trick. Lines obtained by transforming isohypses on closed areas were used as the boundaries of soil sections. topographic maps scale 1:100000 (One centimeter equals 1 km.) The terrain plan was used, proposed by Professor I.S. Stepanov's "Morphoisograph" is a line of zero curvature separating all rises and falls in the direction along the thalwegs (rivers, etc.). To identify boundaries in the perpendicular direction, the traditional division of the territory by isohypses into watershed spaces, slopes and their parts, above-floodplain terraces, floodplains and their parts was used.

We must pay tribute to the direct compilers named on the published maps for their enormous, noble work in “shovelling” all large-scale maps throughout the regions, including forest and peat funds. If you transform the scale of soil maps in accordance with published topographic maps, you can ensure their very close “reference”.

We can say with confidence: it will not be possible to compile similar maps with the same detail of soil information in the next 30-50 years, because in the perestroika 90s not only the service of regular continuous soil surveys was destroyed in the system of the Ministry of Agriculture, and subsequently of the State Agricultural Industry, Roskomzem, Rosreestr, Rosstroy , but also most of the primary soil survey materials. At the time of publication, the soil maps differed favorably in their detail and information content even from fragments of maps for similar territories, which caused the displeasure of some colleagues holding power in science - luminaries who were not on this “train”.


Soil map is a reduced and generalized image of the soil cover on a plane (topographic basis) at a given scale, constructed according to mathematical laws, in a certain system of symbols.

A soil map is a cartographic basis with the contours of soil-taxonomic units plotted on it.

Depending on the practical tasks of soil-geographical research, soil maps can be carried out at different scales.

Scale maps - the degree of reduction of distances and areas on the map in relation to the horizontal projections of these distances and areas on the ground.

The numerical scale (1: 1000, 1: 500,000) is expressed as a fraction: the numerator is one, the denominator is a number that shows how many times the distance on the ground is reduced when it is displayed on the map. The smaller the scale denominator, the larger the image on the map.

Soil maps have a generally accepted scale, but their division into groups differs from the division adopted in other geographical sciences. By scale, soil maps are divided into overview, small-scale, medium-scale, large-scale, and detailed (Fig. 10.2; Table 10.1).

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Table 10.1

Characteristics of soil maps at various scales





Survey 1: 2,500,000 and smaller

For continents, states, large natural regions

Types, subtypes

To identify patterns of spatial distribution of soils

Small scale

1: 1 000 000 - 1: 500 000

For large regions - republics, territories, regions

Types, subtypes, sometimes genera

For zoning of territory (natural, agricultural), state land registration



Soil taxonomic units displayed on maps



Medium scale 1: 300,000 - 1: 100,000

administrative regions or districts

Types, subtypes, genera, species, varieties

For planning agricultural activities and reclamation work

Large scale 1:50,000 - 1:10,000

For agricultural organizations of various types

For on-farm land management, soil assessment, planning of reclamation activities


For the territories of experimental stations, research university hospitals, etc.

All taxonomic units that can be distinguished with the existing classification

To select sites for experimental work, design drainage and irrigation, etc.

The scale of the maps determines the minimum size of the soil area that can be displayed on the map. For example, with a map scale of 1:10,000, the area of ​​the minimum contour will be 20-25 mm 2, which corresponds to a soil area of ​​20-25 m 2.

According to the selected scale, the soil map displays certain levels of soil cover organization.

The lowest level of soil cover is the elementary soil area (ESA). These are soil areas that belong to any one classification unit of the lowest rank. The following levels of soil cover organization are formed by naturally repeating ESAs in space, which form the micro-, meso- and macrostructures of the soil cover (see also Chapter 8, paragraph 8.2).

The areas of individual EPAs are highlighted on detailed soil maps. Large-scale maps make it possible to convey on the map the areas of heterogeneous contours - microstructures and small-contour mesostructures.

These maps are informative and allow one to judge the genesis of soils, their relationships in the landscape, and identify and substantiate the structure of the soil cover. Basic materials for construction large scale maps are materials from aerial photography, space photography, and field research.

Medium-scale soil maps display various combinations of soils according to mesorelief elements. These maps show the soil cover of large areas in general terms, recording the location of the dominant soils that are associated with meso- and macrorelief. The boundaries of soil contours are more schematized than on large-scale maps.

Fine-scale maps show the distribution of the dominant soil and sometimes one of the accompanying soils according to their distribution. The content of small-scale soil maps is significantly generalized and schematic. These maps are created by generalizing maps on a larger scale, often using route-key studies.

Let's consider typification of soil maps according to purpose. Soil maps can be divided into the following groups: general (basic) and special.

Are common soil maps display the distribution of genetic varieties of soils (types, subtypes, etc.).

For various practical purposes they are created special(thematic) soil maps, among which the following groups can be distinguished.

  • 1. Soil reclamation maps.
  • 2. Maps of soil properties: a) agrochemical (humus, pH, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.) (Fig. 10.3); b) salinity maps (total content of water-soluble salts, toxic salts and individual ions); c) environmental (gross and mobile forms of microelements, pesticides and other pollutants); d) soil-erosion.
  • 3. Rating cards: a) quantitative-evaluative (bonitet); b) qualitative-evaluative (agro-industrial, reclamation, etc.).
  • 4. Educational and general education cards.

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Soil property maps are varied. They depict one or more properties that are given in quantitative terms or in the form of a ranked series.

Assessment maps provide a complete picture of the quality of land, the nature of its current use and recommendations for future use.

Educational and general educational maps are designed for a wide range of readers and are made on a small or medium scale, are contained in textbooks, atlases, and are often accompanied by drawings that depict morphological profiles of soils.

Ways to display information on soil maps. The soil cover represents a continuous (continuum) formation. When mapping it, the main task is to identify contours of the same type - soil areas, the area of ​​which can be displayed on a map of a given scale.

Soil classification makes it possible to distinguish different homogeneous areas in space according to classification criteria and to identify patterns of soil distribution within a given territory.

The distribution of soils on soil maps is shown by the area method (Fig. 10.4).

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Background colors are used to indicate the areas of various genetic units (types, subtypes, etc.). Soils with similar genetic properties are shown on the map with similar shades and tones. Certain soil groups are assigned certain colors:

  • soils of the tundra zone - shades of grayish-bluish color;
  • podzolic soils are pink;
  • forest grays - gray or lilac-gray;
  • chernozems and chestnut soils - various shades and tones of brown;
  • soils of semi-deserts and deserts are grayish-yellow;
  • swamp soils - bright blue tones;
  • alluvial, meadow soils - green;
  • solonetzes and solonchaks - purple.

Each soil contour has a specific soil index or index system showing the composition of soil complexes and combinations (Dk - soddy-carbonate soils, K + C - chestnut and solonetze soils).

Various types of shading are used to show the granulometric composition of soils; areas of stony soils and rocks are highlighted with special icons.

Urbanization and human production activities in Moscow are becoming dominant over the natural factors of soil formation, forming specific groups of soils and complex soil cover in new environmental conditions. This process is also aggravated by the significantly dissected topography of the territory of Moscow, which creates differences in drainage conditions and the nature of moisture in individual areas of the city. The complexity of the soil cover is also determined by the difference in the age of the territories - from the ancient city center with the formation of soils on a thick cultural layer to new areas of residential construction, where soil formation develops on fresh bulk or mixed soils. The contrast and heterogeneity of the soil cover is also due to the complex history of the city’s development, the mixing of buried historical soils of different ages and cultural layers.

Some of the most characteristic features of the structure of the city’s soil cover, in contrast to the soil cover of the outskirts of Moscow, are:

  • mosaic, horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of soil cover as a result of local anthropogenic impacts in the process of city formation;
  • fragmentary distribution of soil cover, its discontinuity (discreteness); in Moscow, as in any big city, there is a spatial change of soils, soil-like bodies and soils with building foundations, communications, quarries and sealed soils under roads and asphalt-concrete pavements;
  • artificial boundaries between soil contours and geometric rectangular shape of soil contours; The boundaries of the contours are largely determined by the location of roads and buildings.

In Moscow, the natural soil cover in most of the city has been destroyed. Soddy-podzolic soils are preserved only in islands in urban forests (Losiny Ostrov, Fili-Kuntsevo, etc.). In parks and forest parks, bog and podzolic-marsh soils, alluvial floodplain soils have been preserved to varying degrees, disturbed. Modified variants of the listed soils (urbo-soils) combine undisturbed middle and lower parts of the profile and anthropogenically disturbed upper layers. Soils differ in the nature of formation (bulk, mixed), in humus and gley content, in the degree of disturbed profile, in the number and composition of inclusions (concrete, glass, toxic waste etc.) and other indicators.

Most urban soils (urbanozems) are characterized by the absence of genetic soil horizons; Soil profiles combine layers of artificial origin of different color and thickness, as evidenced by sharp transitions between them. In a large city, the degree of openness of the territory depends not only on the degree of urbanization, that is, on the age and intensity of urban construction, but also on the method of land use. The sealing process becomes one of the factors that further complicates the structure of the soil cover in the city. The area of ​​open, unsealed plots varies greatly in different areas of the city - from 3-5% in the center to 70-80% on its outskirts - and depending on the type of economic use. The smallest open surface areas are in industrial areas (80-90% of the area is sealed). The lands of the natural complex and agricultural zone are sealed by 10-20%. An intermediate position is occupied by land under residential development, which, in turn, can vary in degree of sealing from 20 to 75%.

When compiling the map, the modern classification of urban soils and the national classification of natural soils were used. The map shows four large soil groups in color: the soil cover of a hilly, gently sloping watershed; soil cover of an ancient flat fluvio-glacial plain; soil cover of the floodplain slope terraces of the river. Moscow and the soil cover of the river floodplain. Moscow and its tributaries.

In addition, on the map in each of the four groups, contours show modifications of the soil cover depending on the functional use of the urban area. For example, differences in the soil cover of a hilly, gently sloping watershed, which is formed on moraine and cover loams, partially covered by a sandy cultural layer. In the residential zone, humus, low- and medium-dense urbanozems are common, and up to 30-40% of its area is occupied by sealed soils (ekranozems). In industrial zones, the soils are represented by chemically contaminated industrial soils on bulk and imported soils, urban soils are partially preserved, peat-bog soils are common in depressions, and significant areas are occupied by sealed soils. Intruzems are fragmented in small areas (around some gas stations), and in areas of new buildings there are soil-like bodies (replantozems). The most preserved soil cover is represented in urban forests and forest parks, where sod-podzolic and sod-urbo-podzolic soils on moraine and cover loams are common, and in depressions there are peat-bog and sod-podzolic gleyed and gley soils.

I. The soil cover (SC) of the hilly, gently sloping watershed is formed on moraine and cover loams, partially covered by a sandy cultural layer, and occupies about 24% of the city’s territory. This PP is distributed in the southern, southwestern and partly in the northern parts of the city.

In the residential zone (14%) urban soils with low and medium humus and low to medium thickness are common. In the central part of the city, urban soils are formed on the cultural layer, large areas are occupied by sealed soils - ekranozems.

In the industrial zone (5%) the soils are represented by chemically contaminated industrial soils on bulk and imported soils, urban soils are partially preserved, and peat-bog soils are common in depressions. Intruzems are fragmented in small areas (around some gas stations), and in areas of new buildings - replantozems.

The best-preserved soil cover is represented in urban forests and forest parks (5%), where sod-podzolic and sod-urbo-podzolic soils on moraine and cover loams are common, and in depressions there are peat-bog and sod-podzolic gleyed and gley soils.

II. The soil cover of the ancient flat water-glacial plain, composed of sandy-sandy loam and light loamy deposits, occupies about 27% of the city's territory. This PP is distributed in small areas in both the northern and southern parts of the city.

In the residential zone (17%), low- and medium-humused medium-to-thick urbanozems are formed on fluvioglacial sands and sandy loams, as well as on bulk, imported and mixed soils. In the city center, urban soils develop on a sandy cultural layer. Ekranozems are widely represented. Replantozems are formed on the territory of new buildings, and intruzems are formed near some gas stations.

In the industrial zone (6%), complexes of industrial soils and urban soils are common, depending on the degree of chemical contamination of the soil. With the deterioration of natural drainage in small flat closed depressions on flat leveled areas, the level of soil-groundwater increases and soil flooding occurs; semi-hydromorphic soils are common: gley varieties of urban soils and peat-bog soils.

Natural sod-podzolic and disturbed sod-urbo-podzolic soils (4%) are confined to urban forests (for example, Losiny Ostrov) and forest parks.

III. Soil cover of the floodplain slope terraces of the river. Moscow is formed on sandy-sandy loam deposits, in some places covered by cover loams, and occupies a significant part of the city (32%). The relief, and accordingly the soil cover of the terraces above the floodplain, has been greatly changed: the territory has been leveled, and most of the gully-beam network has been filled up. With the terrain dissected by beams and ravines, it is in this part of the city that landslide processes intensify and soil erosion develops. As a result of cutting and filling slopes and unregulated runoff of rain and melt water, the area of ​​eroded soils has increased in the last decade.

In the residential development zone (20%), low- and medium-humused, medium- and high-thick urban soils are common. In areas of new buildings, replantozems and thin urbanozems are formed. In the city center, ekranozems are widely represented in the cultural layer.

In the area of ​​industrial enterprises (7%), highly chemically contaminated soils are common - industrial soils and intruzems in combination with urban soils; sealing of the day surface of the territory is also practiced here.

In this part of the city, territories of a natural complex with natural soils (5%) under forest parks (Vorobyovy Gory, Neskuchny Garden, Filevsky, etc.) have been preserved. These are sod-podzolic and to varying degrees disturbed sod-urbo-podzolic soils, partially washed away and old arable. Natural soil combinations have been preserved in the natural complex: combinations of automorphic sod-podzolic soils of watersheds, semi-hydromorphic sod-podzolic gley soils of gentle slopes and hydromorphic swamp soils of depressions and depressions.

IV. Soil cover of the river floodplain Moscow and its tributaries (7% of the area) have undergone significant changes due to a radical restructuring of the relief. Here, gullies and gullies were mostly filled in, opening into the valley of the river and its tributaries, and part of the floodplain was either flooded by the waters of the overlying reservoirs, or raised above the water level by adding soil by 3-4 meters. A special soil cover is formed here, unfortunately poorly studied.

Most of the floodplain (about 4% of the city’s territory) is built up; urban soils and replantozems are formed on bulk and imported soils, often gleyed and swampy.

Significant areas are still preserved under industrial zones with developed gley and swampy industrial soils and replantozems, as well as under landfills, wastelands and filtration fields.

Alluvial turf and meadow soils of the valleys have been preserved mainly on the periphery of the city, since the soil cover of the valleys of small rivers is quickly subject to destruction and fragmentation, especially in places surrounded by built-up areas.

Airfield soils.

Necrozems (soils included in the complex of city cemeteries).

Agricultural arable soils are confined to the slopes and bottoms of small rivers, tributaries of the Moscow and Yauza rivers (Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, Botanical Gardens, Dolgoprudnenskaya Agrochemical Experimental Station, arable lands of state farms within the city, private farms, etc.). In total, on the territory of Moscow, about 5% of developed and cultivated arable soils, including agro-urban soils (culturozems), are distributed on different elements of the relief.
