Detailed quest for baum in pictures. Detailed quest for Baium in pictures Passage of the quest for Baium in Interlude

Epic raid boss Baium is located on the 14th floor (Tower of Insolence), how to get to it is described in detail on the link above. The quest must be completed on the passage to Baium, the quest inventory must contain at least one red rag (Blooded Fabric).

The entrance to Baium is through the Angelic Vortex, each time you pass through the vortex, one red rag is taken from you. On many servers, the vortex is removed from the 14th floor and moved to the 13th floor, and the stairs on the sides are generally closed from the passage, explaining that there they close the holes in the geodata. And by this they deprive the players of the opportunity to prick Baium through the door without going inside.

On Baium, the CA crystal is charged from 10 to 11 or from 11 to 12 levels, for this you must take a quest, in your inventory there must be one CA 10 or 11 level. Crystal pumping type - everyone in the party.

Resp Baium 5 days plus from 0 to 8 hours, that is, after the end of the farm, Baium will definitely not appear for five days, and then the same fork comes at eight hours, during which he can respawn. But here, too, there are nuances to different servers, some admins make a fork not only +8 hours, but also -8, that is, they can have RB on their servers starting from five days minus eight hours. In general, you always need to clarify how the rep is configured on your specific server.

Drop of Baium's ring 100%.

HP 790857 P. Atk 6559 M. Atk 4378 P. Def 6282 M. Def 4601

Minions: none

Sleeping Baumka:

It is interesting that on many servers I see the fight for Baium only at the vortex and on the 13th floor, as soon as the RB resurfaced, the clan that is in this moment took the floor, well, the Saboviks.
But what about strategy, tactics and everything else? Where are Bai's many hours of healing, wars inside the RB zone?
I remember that we dressed in different clothes to look like Saboviks, took a dagger, very similar to an eyedropper, into the hands of NG, went inside, changed abruptly and carried out the clan of losers, which, in anticipation of the farm, were already rubbing their hands.
I remember how they dragged Zarich to Bai, who in a few minutes baked everyone who interfered with us.
In a few bisheks, Bai was healed for almost a day and killed each other, until our DDs waited for the moment when the bishes of another clan could not stand it. In general, there are many tactics, and the war for the epic ring does not end at the vortex, remember this.

The screenshot below shows that when Bai has half his HP left, he begins to attack with massive magical attacks. Very beautiful. (In fact, he uses this skill on angels, but since the skill is AoE, it goes to everyone / thanks to nulina from the server for the amendment

An Arrogant Search
Restrictions: You must have a level of at least 60 but not higher than 75
The description of the quest is relevant for all updates from Interlude before High five .

1. The quest for Baium begins in the Town of Aden

u Hanellin (Hanellin)

in the Dark Elf Guild.

2. Do not even ask why, but she urgently needs the Titan's Powerstone (Machine of the Giants), which can only be obtained in
The Giant "s Cave

killing Lesser Giant Mage

and Lesser Giant Elder (Tetrarch of Lesser Giants).

!!! Due to the change in the level of monsters in The Giant's Cave in the Gracia Epilogue update, Hanellin will ask you to bring the Shell of Monsters (Demon's Shell), which can only be obtained by killing Yintzu (Eye of Chaos)

and Paliote (Paliot)

in Forsaken Plains

3. When the necessary item is received, you need to return to Hanellin and give it. The elfie, in turn, as a real doctor-therapist, will give out 3 some pieces of paper that will need to be entered, respectively, to 3 unknown citizens.

The first will be Claudia Athebalt (Claudia Athebalt)

she will receive Hanellin's 2nd Letter, and can be found by going out through
north gate of the Town of Aden.

Now you have to head northeast The Cemetery

where you need to find one very noticeable chest Holy Ark of Secrecy 2 (II Holy Ark)

Attempting to "dialogue" the chest will summon a slightly disgruntled Ark Guardian Elberoth

after killing which, you can get the 2nd Key of Ark (Key to the Ark), with which you can actually open this very chest and finally get what the Book of Saint actually came here for.

Next in line is the addressee of Hanellin's 3rd Letter, someone Martien

and it is located in the Town of Giran (City of Giran)

Now you need to get to Tanor Canyon (Tanor Canyon)

where in exactly the same trivial way as in the previous time the necessary item Bough of Saint will be obtained, namely - we "speak" with Holy Ark of Secrecy 3

(III Sacred Ark), a slightly angry Ark Guardian Shadowfang appears

destroy it, get the 3rd Key of Ark, open the chest, leave.

Harne (Harn)

in Dark Elven Village

the last addressee of the last of the pieces of paper is Hanellin's 1st Letter.

The last chest is located south of Dark Elven Village, almost right next to the mountain

If you can't find it, just walk along the mountain to the west or east and sooner or later you will see
Holy Ark of Secrecy 1 (I Sacred Ark)

and next to it is the Ark Guardian's Corpse (Corpse of the Guardian of the Ark)

which actually need to be examined first. Angel Killer, the most angry of all keymaster monsters, will appear

beat him until he falls into oblivion and the 1st Key of Ark (Key to the Ark) can be obtained by searching the body of the guard one more time. Get Blood of Saint from chest.

4. With all the items obtained from the chests, return to Hanellin. She will ask for an absolutely ridiculous favor - to buy Lesser Healing Potion and 5 pieces of Antidote in the nearest store and give it to her.

5. Bring 2 options for continuing the quest:
option 1:"Meet with Emperor" is a one-shot variant of the quest. Will be given one White Fabric.
option 2:"Want money" is a reusable version of the quest for nine passes. After painting the first rag, 9 more will be given.

6. In both cases, in any case, you will first need to paint the rag in
Tower of Insolence on the 7th floor

killing the Platinum Tribe Shaman

and Platinum Tribe Overlord

The mobs can be taken into the corridor, there they can be rutted or paralyzed and beaten with their fists in his disgusting face until the rag is painted. In general, of course, it is not necessary to do this with fists, you can just kill, because the chance to paint it works with every blow, and does not depend on killing monsters, it's just that it's easier to tinker with one tackle than locomotive across the floor of the room. After the rag is painted, in no case speak to Hanellin, otherwise she will take the rag and the quest will need to be done again.

7. If option 2 was chosen, after the first rag is painted, you will need to talk to Hanellin, she will not take the already painted rag and will give another 9 clean ones for painting, 2 resources, and a piece for B top-grade weapons. You need to paint these rags on the angels that are found on the 10-11th floor of the Tower of Insolence, and in this case, you need to kill the angels, and not just beat them like on the 7th floor.

Quest for Baium
The quest is called: An arrogant search- Arrogant search
Reward: Bloody fabric- bloody rag
Level to complete: 60

Quest for Baium (Baium) - this is one of the required epic quests. Baium is a level 75 rb epic. He lives in the Tower of Insolence (tp from Aden) on the 13th floor. On the chronicles before Interlude to complete the quest for the sub-class, you need to get to Baiumu so it is so popular. Another 1 reason, perhaps the most important, is Baium's ring(Ring of Baium), which drops from Bai with a 100% chance and very good stat increases in Lineage 2. The standard respawn of this epic is 5 days +/- 8 hours.

The passage of this quest is different on some servers. For L2 server Interlude in the first stage, you will need to kill other monsters on the servers Epilogue and High five others.
1. The quest is taken in the guild of dark elves in Aden from the master Hanellin.

Passage of the quest for Baium in Interlude:

Take the quest and fly to from Aden to the Giant Cave, run deep, look for Lesser Giant Mage and Lesser Giant Elder, hit until the Titan's Powerstone item gets in. After getting the item, go to Hanellin again and talk 2 times.

Quest walkthrough on Epilogu and High Five:

After we took the quest, we go (fly) to Forsaken Plains and jump into the pit, we find Yintzu - 56 lvl and Paliote - 57 lvl. They are located side by side.

We kill them until we get the Shell of Monster item, give it to the master Hanellin and talk 2 times.

3. From Aden we fly to FG (seal of shillen) and go to where the raid boss Cabrio is. How to find the Holy Ark of Secrecy 2 chest, talk to him, when the angel appears, knock out the key from him, then talk to the chest again and get the Book of Saint

4. We fly to Giran, find NPC Martien, talk.

5. TP to Dion, from there to Tanor Canyon, on the mountain we see another chest - Holy Ark of Secrecy 3. After the conversation, Archer will come out, you need to kill him and get the key. Then we talk to the chest and get the Bough of Saint

6. Then we go to the Dark Elven Village, look for the temple of the dark elves, find Harne, talk to her.

7. From the GC we fly to Swampland, we run to the corpse of the angel - Ark Guardian’s Corpse, when we search the demon will come out, you need to kill him, then we talk with the corpse again, we get the key.

8. Below there is a chest Holy Ark of Secrecy 1, open it and get the Blood of Saint

9. Buy Healing Potion and 5 Antidote from the store. Go to Aden to Hanellin, she will ask some questions. Answer how you want and you will receive White Fabrik, and when she asks the last question there will be 2 answers:
1. I want to meet the empreror
2. I want to make some money
Choose 2 options, then you can get 10 more White Fabric to paint on the passage to Baium!

11. Now you need to fly to the 7th floor in TOI, where you can farm the Platinum Tribe Shaman and Platinum Tribe Overlord mobs. If you are noble, you can TP directly to the floor, or TP from praest during the 7 seals, or on foot.

The quest for Baium is called An Arrogant Search.

Passage of the quest:
Quest starts at Town of Aden... Go to Dark elf guild and talk to Hanellin.

She needs to get an item Titan's Powerstone.
We spoil in Fosaken Plains and run to The Giant "s Cave.
There, at the very bottom, in the rooms we kill Lesser Giant Mage or Lesser Giant Elder (Tetrarch of Lesser Giants) until we knock out the item.
With the Gracia Epilogue update, Hanellin asks to bring her Shell of Monsters, which can be knocked out by hunting Yintzu (Eye of Chaos) or Paliote v Forsaken Plains.

We return to Dark elf guild v Aden, we run to Hanellin and we get 3 letters from her: Hanellin 's 1st Letter (Letter 1 Hanellin), Hanellin 's 2nd Letter (Letter 2 Hanellin) and Hanellin 's 3rd Letter (Letter 3 Hanellin).

We talk with Claudia Athebalt (Claudia Athebalt), which stands not far from the northern exit from Adena.

We spoil in Seal of Shilen and run to The Cemetery.
Find a chest in the cemetery Holy ark of secrecy2 We talk with the chest.
A mob will appear Ark Guardian Elberoth.
We kill him and get the key 2nd Key of Ark.
Then we talk to the chest again.

We teleport to Town of giran... Find Martien at the northern exit near the bridge and talk to him.

We mess with Dione v Tanor Canyon.
We run along the map up the mountain to the very top. There we find another chest Holy ark of secrecy3.
We talk with the chest. A mob will appear Ark Guardian Shadowfang.
We kill him and get 3rd Key of Ark and again we speak with the chest.

Go to Dark elven village... In the temple we talk with Magister Harne (Harn).

Now you can either run straight from Dark elven village, or spoil with Dark elven village v Swampland and run from there to the mountains along the map (see figure).
In the mountains you will find a dead angel Ark Guardian's Corpse and chest Holy Ark of Secrecy1 (I Sacred Ark).
First we talk with the corpse of the angel. A mob will appear Angel Killer... You need to beat him until he disappears.
Talk to the corpse of an angel again and get 1st Key of Ark.
Then we are looking for a chest not far in the stones and talk, open it.

Return to Town of Aden, and talk to Hanellin.
She will give the task to buy in the store 1 Lesser Healing Potion and 5 Antidote.
After purchase, we return to Hanellin and talk.

When will you return to Hanellin, she will ask you a couple of questions:
Option 1: "Meet with Emperor" - get White Fabric(one-time variant of the quest).
Option 2: "Want money" - get White Fabric... If you do a quest using this option, then after painting this rag Hanellin will give 9 more and the quest will not have to start over (reusable option).
Choosing option 2!

We go to the 7th floor to hunt Platinum Tribe Shaman and Platinum Tribe Overlord... You need to beat these mobs with your fists until your white rag dyes. It is not necessary to kill them, to beat them for a long time (you can throw paralysis on the mob). For 5 minutes to 50+ minutes of continuous hitting (if you hit the mob for 40 minutes, and the effect is zero, this is normal).

If we are doing a quest for 1 option, then when you get it, do not talk to Hanellin otherwise she will take the Blooded Fabric and you will have to start the quest over.

If we do a quest according to option 2, we return to Hanellin, once again select "I want money" from her. She will leave you your red rag and give you 9 more white rags, 2 resources and 1 piece for the top B-puff. By painting these rags on the angel mobs Guardian Archangel(10-11 floor Tower of insolence), you can go to baumu 10 times. Angels must be killed. The rag is painted after the mob is killed.

Now with a dyed rag through the crystal Angelic vortex you can get to Baiumu from the 14th floor Tower of Insolence.

One thousand