Outdoor game day night senior group. Outdoor game “Day, Night” lesson plan (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor game "Day-Night" in kindergarten has been known to several generations, but interest in it does not fade. A simple plot and unusual tasks will allow kids to frolic with virtually no restrictions. Children of primary preschool and school age show interest in the game.

The benefits of the children's game "Day-Night"

Boys and girls need a release of emotions so that they do not bubble up inside and then burst out in a bad mood or resentment. The outdoor game “Day-Night” in kindergarten unites the team with a common idea and activity. Everyone is having fun, joking, jumping and running. Such frivolous actions relax children and relieve tension from tense muscles.

How to prepare for the Day-Night game

There are no difficult moments in preparing the Day-Night game in kindergarten. Any open area, clearing, even a playroom will do. No suits or comfortable sportswear needed. You just need to establish a good creative mood in a group of kids and start the game with a smile on your face.

What precautions should be taken into account

Remind children not to push, push, or offend participants in the Day-Night game in kindergarten. It is better to select a site with a smooth and safe surface. It should be spacious.

Rules of the children's game "Day-Night"

A driver is selected from the circle of participants. The rest are distributed around the site and prepare to listen to the tasks. Kids alternately hear the words, “day”, then “night”, and behave accordingly. They play, have fun, if the daylight hours are called, and freeze, as if they were sleeping at night. The driver, having called the word “night,” begins to walk along the rows and observes whether everyone is “sleeping.” And if anyone moved or laughed, he lost. According to the rules, the Day-Night game in kindergarten requires that the loser become the driver. And so the whole action happens in a circle. It’s interesting to watch kids when “day” reigns. They dance, imitate the behavior of adults, and simply make faces. And how difficult it is for them to freeze when they hear the word “night”.

Result and award in the children's game “Day-Night”

The outdoor game “Day-Night” in kindergarten will give children moments of freedom and enjoyment of movement. A close-knit team of kids will have fun to their heart's content. And the game “Day-Night” does not require any special rewards; the release of emotions will give boys and girls a good mood. You can also make a promise to preschoolers that we will play often if the kids in the group become obedient and kind.

Place. Venue, hall...

Preparation. In the middle of the site two are drawn parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another, and on both sides of them, 10-20 m parallel to them, are the lines of “houses”. The players are divided into 2 equal teams, which stand at their middle lines and turn to face their houses. Thus, they stand with their backs to each other. The players can be lined up sideways to each other (facing the leader).

By lot, one team is “Day”, the other is “Night”.

Description of the game. The leader stands on the side of the court near the middle lines and suddenly says: “Day!” The players of the “Night” team run into the house, and the “Day” team catches up with them and spots them. The disgraced players are counted (their number is recorded) and released to their own. Then the teams again stand at the middle lines with their backs to them. The leader gives a signal with an exclamation, trying to make it unexpected for the players (strict alternation is undesirable). You can use a circle board in the game, white on one side and black on the other. In this case, the leader throws the circle and, depending on which side it falls (black or white), commands: “Night!” or “Day!” This option is convenient for children to play with.

Before the signal, the leader, in order to divert the attention of the players, can invite them to do various exercises (for example, raise their arms forward, up, lower down, sit down, stand up, rise on their toes, etc.). At an unexpected moment, the leader says: “Day!” or “Night!” Exercises can be performed with musical accompaniment. Each time those caught are counted and released.

The game is played several times, after which those caught in each team for the same number of catches are counted. Let’s say “Day” was called 4 times, and “Night” - 3 times. Those caught are counted for the first 3 times of the game. The team that catches the most players wins.

Rules. 1. It is forbidden to run into your home before the leader shouts: “Day!” or “Night!” 2. You can catch or bait only up to the house line. 3. After counting, the caught players again participate in the game along with others.

“Hunters and Ducks”

Location, equipment. Venue, hall. Volleyball or basketball.

Preparation. The largest possible circle is drawn on the floor (ground). If the game is played in a narrow hall, then it is recommended to draw two lines in the middle across the hall at a distance of 7-10 m from one another. This way you will get a rectangle, two sides of which are the walls of the hall and two sides are drawn lines.

The players are divided into two teams - “hunters” and “ducks”. The hunters stand in a circle outside it or behind the drawn lines, dividing in half. The ducks randomly stand in the middle of a circle or in the middle of a rectangle. One of the hunters has a ball in his hands.

Description of the game. At the leader’s signal, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions without entering the circle (or rectangle), try to hit (“shoot”) the ducks with it. A duck hit by the ball (shot) leaves the game. The ducks, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. The hunters, throwing the ball, suddenly throw it at the ducks. Every duck shot is out of the game. When all the ducks have been shot, the leader notes how long it took the hunters to kill all the ducks. The players change roles (hunters become ducks, and ducks become hunters), and the game continues.

After two games, it is noted which team of hunters shot all the ducks faster.

You can play the game for a while: for example, 3 minutes. Only hunters shoot, then 3 minutes. - other. It is noted who shot the most ducks during this time.

Rules. 1. When throwing the ball at ducks, hunters should not cross the circle line. Players who cross the line are not hit. 2. Ducks that have been touched by the ball to any part of the body except the head are considered to be stung. 3. If a duck is hit by a ball that bounced off the ground or another player, then it is not considered touched. 4. If a duck, dodging the ball, runs out of the circle, it is considered greasy. 5. Shot ducks do not participate in the game until the teams change.

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, and two cities are marked on both sides of it, 20-30 steps away. The players are divided into two equal groups: one of them is night, the other is day. Stand at a distance of 1 m from the center line, 2 steps apart. Opposite each group is the enemy's house.

When everyone has taken their place, the leader casts lots - a board painted black on one side. If the white side of the board falls, the presenter shouts loudly: “Day!” Players from the day group turn and, running between the night players, quickly run to their home. They run after them and try to tarnish them. The stained ones move into the group of the night.

The leader casts lots again and the game continues. The group with the most successful players wins.

Game "Day and Night"


2. You cannot kill players outside the city limits.

3. It is not allowed to turn back when players are running to their city.

4. You can catch up with those running away only when they all run past the opponents.

5. When repeating the game, all players stand at the center line.

Based on materials from Maria Litvinova’s collection “Russian folk outdoor games”
Artists E. N. Rudko, I. S. Slutsner

Gayane Luzina
GCD in middle group"Day, night - a day away"

Strengthen the idea of ​​temporary relationships: day Night, morning - evening, designate them schematically;

Improve your understanding of spatial relationships: above - below, right - left;

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes;

Learn to see patterns in the arrangement of objects and reproduce them;

Develop thinking, visual perception, consolidate colors.

Progress of the lesson.

The toy Bi-Ba-Bo Karkusha flies in.

Kar - Kar, hello guys!

I am a funny toy, and my name is Karkusha!

I am very glad that I came to visit you!

Today we will play and talk about the parts of the day.

What parts of the day do you know?

Children's answers - morning, day, evening, night.

Karkusha: Well done! Now I will tell you riddles and show you how the parts of the day are indicated on my magic clock.


This time is familiar to us

It's time to rise

Get ready to exercise

Wash your face, don’t be lazy.

Sit down and have a clean breakfast! (morning)

On my watch, morning is indicated in red, because the sun has just woken up.

It's time for lunch.

So it's time for us to go to the table

The conversation stops

Game stops!

They ask Vanechka and Masha:

- “Give us some soup and porridge!”

This day. After all, we have lunch during the day. The sun is already high in the sky, it’s heating up so much that it’s getting hot - that’s why day marked in yellow on the clock.

This is the time we have been given

For a fun movie!

The whole family sits down at the table.

Mom is calling me for dinner!

The evening comes, the sun sets, it no longer shines so brightly, the sky becomes gloomy, so the evening is indicated in blue.

This time is sleep time

A pine tree sleeps outside the windows

Our Vanyusha is sleeping in the crib

His toy sleeps nearby.

The night has come, the sky became dark, the stars lit up in the sky, just marvel. Therefore on the clock night indicated in purple.

Karkusha: Kar-Kar, attention guys, now let's play a game « Day and night» .

P/I « Day and night» .

Tambourine, rattles and other small play equipment.

The teacher says the word « Day» , children, to the sound of a tambourine, collect toys scattered throughout the hall. After the word « Night» , the sounds of the tambourine stop, children must quickly lie down on specially prepared rugs.

During the day we played happily

All the toys were scattered

We need to collect them quickly,

To rest at night.

Educator: Karkusha, do you want to play a game with the children?

DI “When does this happen?”.

Children have cards of different colors on their tables (morning - red, day - yellow, evening is blue, night – purple).We give cards to Karkusha too.

I will read out a short story, and you will use a card to show part of the day.

We try it on one example, then the children independently show and correct Karkusha, if necessary.

The sun woke up, and with it a small Christmas tree (morning).

When the stars and the moon appeared in the sky, our Christmas tree was already fast asleep (night) .

When the sun rose high, the Christmas tree played with flowers high (day) .

When the sun set, our Christmas tree was getting ready for bed. (evening).

Karkusha: Wow! Well done guys, very attentive! Everyone completed the task.

On the children's tables there are large and small geometric figures: squares, circles, triangles, ovals of the same color.

Karkusha: What is this thing lying on your tables that is so beautiful?

Children: Circle, oval, triangle, square, geometric figures.

Children and a teacher look at the shapes by color, shape and size. The teacher gives different tasks:

Place all the large pieces on the right.

Place all the small geometric shapes on the left.

Place all the ovals in the middle...

Pattern search task.

"Beads for Karkusha"(square, oval - alternating figures according to one characteristic, then the task becomes more complicated - alternating figures according to two characteristics - color and shape).

Karkusha: Simply beautiful! How many beads you made and all for me. Thank you.

Reads a poem.

Morning, day, evening, night -

Flew away a day away.

Not a minute has passed

Morning again, again day,

Night after evening like a shadow.

So they walk in an eternal circle,

Like days - one after another.

Karkusha: I'm playing with you guys, it's time for me to fly home. Lunch is coming soon, mom will be waiting. And for goodbye I leave you my magic watch "Parts of the Day".

Goodbye Karkar! Until next time.

Liliya Seyvach

Didactic game« Day Night» for use with younger children preschool age, which introduces children to time concepts day Night. Develops logical thinking and observation skills. Encourages preschoolers to recognize parts days: DAY, NIGHT, MORNING, EVENING according to the signs and actions of the time period. Builds friendships during play. Forms skills of accuracy in actions with objects. With the help of this game, the child develops a culture of logical thinking: a game promotes the development of memory, attention, creative imagination, observation, consistency of reasoning.

During the game, thanks to one’s own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech is improved, fine motor skills of the hands develop, and the development of the most important skills is stimulated. mental processes necessary for successful schooling.

The advantage of this game is that it is a universal material for the development of temporal, logical, associative thinking in children, and this is the basis intellectual development and an indicator of the child’s readiness for school.

Efficiency didactic The game is confirmed by the following knowledge of children by the end of the year: clear distinction between temporal concepts DAY, NIGHT, MORNING, EVENING according to the signs and actions of the time period. Children are liberated, free, not afraid to think, express their assumptions, and try to find a way out of difficult situations; learned to help each other and empathize

Publications on the topic:

Abstract game program"Journey with Klepa in the morning, afternoon, evening and night." /cheerful music sounds, Klepa the clown appears/ Goals: Consolidate.

Didactic game: “Ladybug's Birthday” The goal of the game is to develop fine motor skills, sensory standards, and interest in mathematics.

Goal: purposeful action with objects and the formation of a positive emotional attitude towards the game. Objectives: 1. consolidate knowledge.

Didactic game “For Piglet’s birthday”“For Pyatochka’s birthday” Purpose: To develop in children the ability to measure the length of an object and compare the result, draw a conclusion based on the result.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, develop speech, consolidate the concepts of yesterday, today, tomorrow. For the manufacture of.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group
