An outdoor game on the theme of mushrooms and berries. Outdoor game “Mushroom-mushroom. Low mobility game: “Imagine the dishes”

Tatyana Bezmenova
Outdoor game “Tasty berry”

Children like play outdoor games. They develop the child, make his life more fun and interesting, and give the teacher an excellent opportunity to achieve his goals in a relaxed atmosphere.

Goals. Engage children in play. Continue to introduce children to berries, develop attention. Increase motor activity, improve the ability to correctly perform game actions.

Progress of the GAME

The teacher tells the children that she saw many different things in the clearing. berries, collected them in a basket and decided to bring them to the children.

The teacher shows the children berries, while pronouncing the name (raspberries, currants, strawberries) and checks with the children whether she names them correctly. Then the teacher suggests going to the clearing and collecting berries. But only everyone will collect their own berry. Hands out cards to children with drawings berries and explains what you need to find and run to exactly the same berry.

The teacher says words: “One, two, don’t yawn, your pick a berry.

Children run away each to their own berry, and the teacher checks the correctness of the children’s choice and asks each child for which he came running to the berry. The winner is the one who runs to his first berry and named it correctly.

You can give two children the same pictures, and they have to run to one berry.

Similar to this game, you can play the game with fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms.

Maria Shalyakina
Outdoor game "Mushroom-mushroom"

Outdoor game– one of the important means of comprehensive education of children preschool age. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of its effect on the body and on all aspects of the child’s personality. nka: the game simultaneously provides physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Outdoor game« Mushroom"

Target:consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about mushrooms, activate attention and memory, develop physical quality: strength, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, ability to navigate in space.

The driver is selected - "forester", he stands in the middle of the site. The rest of the children - « mushrooms» , they stand in a circle around the driver. Walking in a circle with words:

« Mushroom

Hide under a leaf.

The forester is rushing to us

He wants to put you in the soup"

After finishing the words, the child who finds himself opposite the forester must name himself (name mushroom, If edible mushroom, That "forester" runs after the child - mushroom, if it catches up, then the child - mushroom sits in a box(on the bench, if not, "Forester" And « Mushroom» change places. A game repeated 2-3 times.

Publications on the topic:

A child’s developed brain and undeveloped hand are a completely natural phenomenon of modern reality, which should not cause panic.

Outdoor game “Butterflies in the meadow” Author's outdoor game “Butterflies in the Meadow” for the second youngest and middle group kindergarten. Purpose of the game: to develop children's ability to perform.

What is play (outdoor play) and what is its role in the physical development of children? 1. What is a game, an outdoor game? According to P.F. Lesgaft’s definition, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares.

The didactic game “Find a mushroom for the hedgehog” is aimed at developing a child’s visual color perception, auditory perception, and logical perception.

Musical and outdoor game “Snowman”“Snowman” Musical and outdoor game for children of senior preschool age. Goal: To develop the emotionality and imagination of senior preschool children.

Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff" Goal: teach to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space. How to play: Zhmurka is selected using a counting rhyme. They tie him up.

Outdoor game "Kolobok" The game came to mind spontaneously, during an ordinary private music lesson GCD. This game is more suitable for toddlers.


Game exercises

1) “Mushroom pickers”: the teacher says: “Now one of you will be a mushroom picker, and the rest will be mushrooms. Each mushroom will find a place for itself in the forest, and the mushroom picker will look carefully and remember. After this, the mushroom picker and the mushrooms dance, when the music ends, the mushroom picker turns away, and the mushrooms take their place. Then the mushroom picker will check whether the mushrooms are seated correctly.

2) Competition game: “Who can pick mushrooms (berries) the fastest.”

3) Game: “Hunters and Mushrooms.”

Outdoor game

1. “Mushroom, tree, berry” - children run into the loose, when the leader says “Mushroom” - the children squat, “Tree” - raise their hands up, “Berry” - lock their hands.
2. “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

3. “Catch up with your date.”
Goals: - perform movements at the teacher’s signal;
- clearly navigate when finding your match.
"Don't get caught."
Goals: - practice running in different directions;
- develop slow and fast running, spatial orientation.


1. Raking snow with a shovel, cleaning with a shovel - learn how to use a shovel correctly.

2. Collecting toys, clearing them of snow - teach to treat toys with care, collect them together after games.

3. Shoveling up snow in places where tree roots are exposed (to keep them warm) - teach them to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts.

4.Shoveling snow to a specific location.

Target:teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's area garden

5. Shoveling snow, clearing paths.

Lots of snow, no place to run.

There is also snow on the path.

Here are the shovels for you guys,

We will work for everyone.

Target:teach how to use shovels, shoveling snow in a certain direction place.



Musical game "Mushroom"

For this game you will need a mushroom. Participants in the game dance to the music and at the same time pass the fungus to each other. The presenter turns off the music from time to time. The one who has a mushroom in his hands at that moment is eliminated. The last player to dance wins and is rewarded with a mushroom.

Low mobility outdoor game “And we walked through the forest”

And we walked through the forest,

Found fungi under a bush

Boletuses, moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms



· “Mushroom Glade” (drawing)

· “How a squirrel dried mushrooms for winter” (see Volchkova p. 96)

· Mushrooms


"Mushroom Basket"

“We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus” (see Volchkova p. 96)

"Treat for the Hedgehog"

“Mushrooms on a stump” (see Lykova p. 46)

Origami "Mushrooms"



“Mushroom Glade” (see Lykova p. 48)

Creative works

"Basket with mushrooms"

Making the model “Autumn Forest”

Working with parents :

· Mobile folder: “What a child should know about mushrooms and berries.”

· Weekend route: “Family hike in the forest.”

· Collaborative drawing competition: “Our trip to the forest”

· Creating a sliding folder “Edible and inedible mushrooms”

· Project: Acting out the fairy tale “Under the Fungus” for kids (making costumes)

· Competition of joint works of children and parents “Gifts of Autumn” - crafts with children from mushrooms and natural materials.


"Wind and Yellow Leaves" ( Kirillova)

According to the counting rhyme, a leader is chosen, he will represent the “wind”, the rest of the children will represent “yellow leaves”. “Wind” flies, waving its arms:

October is frowning

There are no more flowers.

The wind swirls in the park

Yellow leaves.

The wind swirls the leaves

In a golden whirlwind.

Autumn in a yellow dress

Wanders outside the window.

At the teacher’s signal “One, two, three, run!” children - “yellow leaves” scatter around the playground, and “Wind” tries to catch them (touch them with his hand).

"Autumn Bouquet"(Kirillova)

Children are divided into teams. With the words of the poem, each team begins its round dance:

Dressed in autumn -

Motley, painted:

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf!

It either picks you up or throws it down

The wind is mischievous

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf!

Let's collect a bouquet for glory,

Lush and big:

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf!

One two Three,

Collect the bouquet quickly!(All children collect autumn leaves)

One two Three,

Find your circle!(children of each team run to their place and put the collected leaves into a bouquet)

The teacher and the children evaluate each bouquet.

"Rain"(physical minute) (Nishcheva)

To us on a long thin leg

The rain is bouncing along the path. (Jumping on one leg in a circle.)

In a puddle - look, look! -

He blows bubbles. (Children stand facing in a circle, rhythmic squats)

The bushes became wet, (Hands up, shaking hands)

The flowers became wet. (Tilt, hands to the floor, shaking hands)

Wet gray sparrow

Dries the feathers quickly. (stand up, arms along the body, shaking hands.)

"The Cranes Are Flying Away"(Kirillova)

Cranes fly away

Far beyond the ends of the earth, (They run in a circle, smoothly waving their arms.)

For fields and meadows,

For the high haystacks. (Jump from foot to foot)

In a bright gold dress

Autumn wanders over the stream. (They walk one after another, in a circle in the opposite direction.)

Leaves are flying in the wind,

They want to catch up with the cranes. (Stop, tilt left and right.)

Cranes fly away

Far beyond the ends of the earth. (Cross their arms above their head several times.)



We dug the earth ourselves, (tilts down)

They filled the bed themselves, the bed. (shaking movements with hands)

We planted, we planted turnips.

We threw the grains ourselves, (“spring”)

The seedlings themselves were watered. (turns left and right)

We grew, we grew turnips. (jumping from foot to foot in a circle)

Now the turnip has ripened, now it has ripened, (swing their arms above their head)

It became juicy, became sweet, strong. (bump their fists against each other)

It became tasty, the turnip became tasty. (jumping on two legs in a circle)

We invite everyone to visit, (lean forward, arms to the sides)

We treat you to sweet turnips and turnips. (clap hands)

We treat, we treat with turnips.

"Edible - inedible"(Kirillova)

Children form a circle. In the center is the leader, he has the ball in his hands.

It can be difficult to guess

What you can eat and what you can’t.

There's a lot you need to know

Trust me, friends!

About vegetables and fruits

Your assignments are ready.

You have to figure everything out for yourself.

Are you all ready? Attention!

The presenter throws the ball to the children, calling “edible” on the topic “Vegetables” - the child catches the ball, and “inedible” - the child hits the ball away from him.


One evening in the garden (children walk in a circle, holding hands, in the center is a blindfolded driver)

Turnips, beets, radishes, onions

We decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle.

Calculated clearly right there: (they stop and turn the driver)

One two three four five.

Better hide, hide deeper,

Well, go look. (they run up, crouch, the driver looks)


Let's go to the garden (walk in a circle holding hands)

We'll reap the harvest.

We'll drag carrots (“drag”)

And we'll dig up some potatoes, ("digging")

We'll cut a head of cabbage (“cut off”)

Round, juicy, very tasty, (show a circle with hands)

Let's pick a little sorrel (“tear”)

And let's go back along the path. (walk in a circle holding hands)


In the fall, my mother and I go to the market, (they walk in a circle one after another)

We carry a basket and bags with us.

You need to buy different vegetables, (jumping from foot to foot)

Then put it in the basket and bags.

We bought beets and sweet peas, (stop, “spring”)

And the garlic wasn’t bad!

Green cucumber, don't yawn, (tilt down, arms back)

Hurry up and get your carrots into the basket!

We carry the basket and bags home - (squats)

We will stock all the vegetables for the winter!

We salt and dry the vegetables and chop them. (moves hands up and down)

Let's store vegetables in jars.

We’ll invite you and your mother to visit in winter, (turns left and right)

We will treat you to a delicious lunch!

We'll bake pies with cabbage! (“bake”)

We will feed our guests hot borscht! (clap hands)


According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - “grandfather”. He stands in the center, blindfolded. The rest of the children are “vegetables”, disperse around the playground and each take their place.

Vegetables sit in the beds:

And carrots and sweet peppers,

And cabbage and onion,

And rosy zucchini.

From the gate to the garden

An old grandfather walks with a bucket,

To collect vegetables.

But he can't see them.

The old grandfather sees poorly,

This grandfather is a hundred years old!

Grandfather, come to us quickly

Find us in the garden beds!

Let's hide now

Try to find us!

"Grandfather" goes in search of "vegetables"



Katya walked, walked, walked, (children are walking)

Katya found an apple. (bend down, “raise the apple”)

I sat down, ate, (squats)

I went again. (walking)

"Fruit Picking"(Nikitina)

We are going to the orchard. (marching in place)

Inhale the aroma of apples. (breathing exercise)

We want to pick apples from the tree. (rise on tiptoes, stretch arms)

Maybe we can jump to them? (jumping)

We need to put up a ladder. (imitate climbing stairs)

We pick the apples and put them in the basket. (imitate picking apples)

We've collected the apples, now let's rest. (sit down)

"Apples, Pears and Plums"(Kirillova)

A driver – “gardener” – is selected and stands in the center of the site. The rest of the children are “fruits”. They are randomly divided into threes (“apples”, “pears”, “plums”) and stand around the “gardener”.

The gardener has a lot of worries in the fall,

A gardener has a lot of work in the fall:

We need to pick all the fruits from the trees,

Remove apples, pears and plums.

The “gardener” walks inside the circle and says:

I'll take the basket

And I'll pick fruit!

The “fruit” children answer:

We don't want to go to the basket

We will run away from you!

The teacher pronounces one of the names of the fruits, for example “Apples!” Children - “apples” run away, the “gardener” catches them. The player who is caught becomes the driver.



Golden between the pines, (raise their hands and shake them)

Yellow maples are standing.

What a wonderful outfit for them

Autumn gave it!

How I decorated the rowan berries, (spin around slowly in place)

Throwing with a generous hand

Between patterned foliage

Bright rubies!

And the birches sway (raise their hands and shake them)

In multi-colored lace.

"Find your tree"(Kirillova)

Children on the site look at the trees: birch, maple, oak, etc.

Autumn gilded the trees with colors.

Here comes the fun for the kids!

Can we have fun playing with the leaves -

Collect fallen leaves from trees.

The players scatter around the site. Each child collects leaves from one tree.

One two Three,

Run to the tree!

The children run up to the tree whose leaves they collected.

"Name the tree"(Kirillova)

Children stand in a circle, holding a leaf of a tree in their hands, leading in the center. Players walk hand in hand in a circle:

And we are walking through the forest

And we will recognize the trees!

It's fun to walk together

And recognize the trees!

The driver approaches any child with the words:

Friend, friend, give way to the circle!

The player answers the driver:

Take your time, everything is in order.

Guess me the riddle!

The player shows a leaf, and the driver must name the tree from which this leaf comes. If the driver guesses, then he stands in a circle, and the player becomes the driver.



Legs, legs, where have you been? (stomping feet)

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

What have you guys been working on? (clap hands)

We collected mushrooms.

And you, little eyes, helped? (close and open eyes)

We searched and looked - (torso turns left and right)

They looked at all the stumps.

"Hedgehog in the Forest"(Kirillova)

A “hedgehog” driver is selected and stands in the middle of the platform. The rest of the children are “mushrooms”; they stand in a circle around the leader. They walk in a circle saying:

Spiny mushroom mushroom

Walking in the dense forest.

One fungus, two fungi,

Here's a whole box!

And I'm walking through the forest,

I take mushrooms into the box.

One, two, don't yawn,

Run away from me!

The “mushrooms” scatter, and the “hedgehog” tries to catch them.

"Pick mushrooms"(Kirillova)

In the autumn, you and I will come to the forest, (walk in place)

We will collect a whole basket of mushrooms in the forest! (squats)

Cobwebs fly and leaves fall, (shaking hands above head)

The withered grass rustles under the boots. (“rustling” feet)

We will cross the stream along a thin bridge, (walk on tiptoes)

You and I will find a family of red foxes in the moss. (tilts down)

Let's spread the grass with a stick and suddenly we'll see - (crossing movements of straight arms)

Colored russula scattered around. (spinning around in place)

And in the clearing there are strong boletus mushrooms. (“spring”)

They hid under the paws of the Christmas trees, they don’t want to go into the basket. (put your hands in a Christmas tree above your head)

Honey mushrooms, we found milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps with you, (turns left and right)

We brought a whole basket of mushrooms home! (clap hands)


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. A cone is placed in the center of the circle - this is a fly agaric.

There is a forest in front of us,

And in the forest there is a fly agaric.

The fly agaric stands

He looks at the children.

Who will collect the fly agaric?

He will leave the circle.

Children begin to move around the fly agaric, and each player tries to pull their neighbors towards the fly agaric so that they touch it. Whoever moves or drops the fly agaric leaves the circle.


"Raspberry Berry"(Nishcheva)

For raspberries in let's go to the forest, let's go to the forest. (they walk in a round dance, holding hands)

Let's pick up some ripe berries. (picking imaginary berries)

The sun is high, and there is a path in the forest. (stand with your face in a circle, stretch your arms up)

You are my sweet, raspberry. (run in a circle holding hands)


How about cherry baby (walk in a circle)

They know everything firsthand.

They love this berry (stop and stroke their belly)

Both girls and boys.

You will start picking cherries, (stand on tiptoes)

Fill the box with cherries -

And there will be palms too (show palms)

Reminds me of cherry blossoms.


To this tiny girl (squat down)

It's not boring to live on the edge of the forest

With spiders and bugs, (run quietly)


And sometimes behind the grass (stop, raise their hands up)

With dear Mother Earth.

You can retire here (squats)

And shares secrets. (whispering to each other)


"It's me" ( Nishcheva)

These are the eyes. Here. Here ( show first the left eye, then the right eye)

These are ears. Here. Here. ( first take the left ear, then the right)

This is the nose. This is the mouth. (with your left hand you show your mouth, with your right hand you show your nose)

There's a backrest. There's a belly here. (the left palm is placed on the back, the right palm is placed on the stomach)

These are pens. Clap. Clap. ( extend both arms forward and clap)

These are the legs. Top. Top. ( put their palms on their hips, stomp)

Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow. (run the right palm across the forehead)

"Hands need care" ( Nikitina)

Hands need care, ( arms stretched out in front of you)

After all, they have a lot of work:

It's hard to write all day long, ( imitate writing movements)

And sculpt and draw. ( clap their hands)

We reached up, then ( raise their hands up)

Let's spread our arms wider. ( spread their arms to the sides)

That's all. End of charging.

Sit down at the table again, guys.

The players stand in a circle. Leader - in a circle:

To be strong, strong,

With physical education and sports

It is very important for us to be friends!

Children begin to move in a circle. At the signal “Stop!” stop and accept

leader's pose.


"Cat and Mice"(Fadeeva)

The game involves "mice" and "cat"

Hush, mouse, hush, mouse,

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Hush, mouse, watch out!

And don't get caught by the cat!


Painters carry lime, ( walk in a circle, holding imaginary buckets in their hands)

The walls are brushed with vitriol. (turned face in a circle, movements with an imaginary brush)

Slowly spread the chalk. (bent over, stirring with an imaginary brush in the bucket)

I could do it too. (“paint”)


It's not hail, it's not thunder - ( represent blows with a hammer)

Roofer on the roof.

He hits loudly with a hammer -

The whole neighborhood hears. ( cover ears with hands)

He covers the house with iron, ( represent blows with a hammer)

To keep it dry. ( bend down, take out socks with hands)

"Who Builds a House"(Kirillova)

If you build a new house, (jumping)

For people to live in it,

You need to have knowledge ( walking in place)

And master the profession.

An architect builds a house ( raise and lower hands)

At the computer desk...

Excavator operator stubbornly ( downward tilts)

He digs a hole under the foundation.

The bulldozer driver needs it on time ( with stamping steps they move into the circle)

Level the area cleanly.

Here is the mason at work - ( arms bent at the elbows, hands on top of each other)

He lays bricks skillfully.

Crane operator at work (squats)

I've been used to the heights for a long time.

Roofers are covering a house (make a “house” over your head with your hands)

Metal sheet.

Plasterers with skill ( cross movements of arms above head)

They plaster the walls deftly.

If you need to paint something, ( raise your arms up and down)

The painters will work together.

Windows are carpenters' care, ( turns left and right)

Doors are also their work.

The new house is almost ready – ( clap their hands)

He is looking forward to the residents.

FINGER GAMES + ACTIVE GAMES FOR CHILDREN + RIDDLES + POEMS theme "MUSHROOMS" FINGER GAMES One, two, three, four, five. (counting fingers) The fingers went out for a walk. (“walking” on the table) This finger found a mushroom. I began to clean this finger. This one cut. This one ate. Well, this one just looked! (extend one finger at a time) *** As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus, a russula, a boletus. And a green moss. And a red fox, but not a fluffy one. (bend your fingers) *** Massage - Right hand: Climb out on a hummock (little finger) Small mushrooms: (ring finger) Milk mushrooms and pigs, (middle finger) Saffron milk caps, mushrooms. (index finger) Even a small stump (thumb) Left hand: I couldn’t hide my surprise. (rubbing the thumb) Honey mushrooms have grown, (index finger) Slippery butterflies, (middle finger) Pale toadstools, (ring finger) Standing in a clearing. (little finger) Mushrooms There is a fat man in the clearing. (The right hand is clenched into a fist and raised in front of you.) Porcini mushroom - boletus. (The palm of the left hand covers the fist of the right.) And under it, trembling a little, (The left hand remains, we remove the right.) The snail raised its horns. (The index and middle fingers of the right hand are raised, the thumb holds the rest, you can slightly rotate the hand.) ACTIVITY GAMES FOR CHILDREN “MUSHROOMS” Berries, mushrooms, nuts Let's imagine that we went to the forest. It's so nice and cool here! You can also pick raspberries, mushrooms and nuts here. True, to pick nuts, you need to raise your arms and stretch upward; to pick mushrooms, you need to sit down, but you can pick raspberries while standing. So, the driver will quickly say what we have encountered, and we will quickly change our body position: Berries (hands up)! Mushrooms (sit down)! Nuts (stand up and stretch)! Berries! Nuts! Nuts! Mushrooms! Nuts! Berries! Mushrooms Guess the riddle. I stand on a thick leg, I stand on a smooth leg, Under a brown hat with a velvet lining. (Mushroom.) That's right, it's a mushroom. Tell me only those mushrooms that have brown caps. (Boletus, boletus, white, moss mushrooms, bitter mushrooms.) And now we will read this poem again and depict it with our hands. One hand will be the stem of the mushroom, and the other the cap. Mushroom pickers Now one of you will be a “mushroom picker”, and the rest will be “mushroom pickers”. This is a forest. (The teacher points to the carpet.) Each “mushroom” will find a place in the forest, and the “mushroom picker” will look carefully and remember who is sitting where. After this, the “mushroom picker” and the “mushrooms” will dance. When the music stops, the mushroom picker will turn away, and each mushroom will take its place. At the teacher’s signal, the “mushroom picker” will turn around and check whether everyone has sat down in the same place, or whether something has changed. There should be no more than six to seven mushrooms. The teacher intentionally changes the children's places after the melody stops. Near the bear in the forest At one end of the site, a “home” line is drawn. At the opposite end of the site a circle is drawn - a “den”. They choose a bear that is in a den. The players are at home. And the players leave their houses, pretend to pick berries, move towards the den and say: There are mushrooms from the bear in the forest, I take berries. And the bear lies and growls at us. The bear runs out of the den, catches up with those playing, and takes those caught to its den. They choose a new bear. RIDDLES ABOUT MUSHROOMS He grew up in a birch forest. Wears a hat on his foot. The leaf stuck to it on top. Did you find out? This... (mushroom) Located under a pine tree This mushroom is like the king of the forest. Glad to find his mushroom picker. This is a white one... (boletus) Little brothers are sitting on a stump. All with freckles, like boys. These friendly guys are called... (honey mushrooms) This cute little fungus has chosen a quiet corner. You can cut it with a knife, because it’s edible... (russula) If they are found in the forest, they will immediately remember about the fox. The reddish sisters are called... (chanterelles) He lives under the fir trees, Hidden by their needles. He has a lot of brothers. The red mushroom is called... (red mushroom) Guess what, guys: His hat is furry. A mushroom like a pink ear. What's his name? (Volnushka) In a little white hat on a leg, a mushroom grew by the path. And now let the edible one lie in the basket... (milk) There is a ball in the clearing, As soon as you step, smoke pours out. Round mushroom mix master. This is grandfather's... (tobacco) No one is friendly with him in the forest, And he is not needed in the basket. The flies will say: “This is pestilence!” In a red hat... (fly agaric) The mushroom is not cooked or eaten. His outfit is speckled. Below there is a lace pattern. This is a red... (fly agaric) White dots on red - Poisonous mushroom, dangerous. There's no point in talking about it - Don't pick it... (fly agaric) She's angry at the mushrooms And she's poisonous from anger. Here is a forest hooligan! This is a pale... (toadstool) Some are taller, some are lower - There are red people on the stump. Thirty-three cheerful brothers. What are their names? (Honey mushrooms) You will find this mushroom in the spring At the edge of the forest. An old man covered in wrinkles with a funny name... (morel) In the soft grass at the edge There are red ears everywhere. Golden sisters are called... (chanterelles) POEMS FOR CHILDREN ABOUT MUSHROOMS by L. Sashina After warm rain - six chanterelles, three milk mushrooms, two trumpets, eight white ones! What should a squirrel do with mushrooms? Those are to be dried, these ones are to be put in a barrel! The mushrooms will be nice! A. Eroshin Getting ready on the doorstep Sunday morning. I put my feet into boots and take my backpack with me. All the paths, all the paths I will go around in the dense forest, I will take all the mushrooms in my basket from the forest! Mushrooms don’t grow in the garden, But they play hide and seek in the grass. Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! I'm already going to look! V. Sibirtsev A friendly family sat down next to the house under a bench: The mushrooms are good Sons and daughters, Mom and Dad Everyone has a hat! G. Stupnikov There is a tubercle among the grass, and a fungus grows under it. Tiny little thing, right in the clearing. Warm rain came to the forest and found a little tubercle. He gently watered it from the sky, and the mushroom became an adult. V. Oleynikova Counting about mushrooms One - honey fungus, Two - oil can, Three - a handsome boletus. Here is a wave on the edge, a champignon and a raincoat. Here is a small chanterelle, a boletus mushroom, here is a morel, and a line, and another boletus. Here is a truffle standing without a leg, a breast and a golden saffron milk cap. I'm not used to returning home with an empty basket! A. Mokhorev Collects boletus with Nat’s mother in the clearing. “I found,” shouts Olezhka, “a russula with a red cap.” Arkhip showed everyone: - Look, white mushroom. “There’s a fly agaric growing under a pine tree,” said Yegor. A row of white dots is visible. This mushroom contains poison. N. Soboleva Once upon a time in a clearing there lived three beautiful toadstools, five large boletuses, six chanterelles, seven morels, twelve butter mushrooms, and fifteen honey mushrooms. Mushroom pickers came running to the clearing early in the morning. They take out baskets and take out knives. - Look, here are the butter! - And chanterelles! - And morels! - Oh, honey mushrooms! - Well, here are boletus mushrooms! They made some noise, shouted, and the mushroom pickers rushed off. And they remained in the clearing. There were only stumps from the mushrooms. However, no - not all stumps: There are fungi on the side. They talk to each other and are surprised: - Why does it happen like this? This is the umpteenth time that everyone was taken away except us. Maybe our legs are thin or our hats are too big? Why don’t mushroom pickers take us into their baskets? O. Ashto At one forest edge Three waves were worried: - Again they don’t come to collect us with honey mushrooms! The sad milk mushroom said to the morel: - I’m always on the alert... The boletus mushrooms are waiting: - What if they see it and pick it up? The boletus furrowed its brow: “The mushroom picker won’t notice us... Without rain, we haven’t grown an inch from the ground.” Here on the hats: Knock-knock-knock, - Suddenly there was a timid knock. - Who's there? - Rain! - Rain! Hooray! Water us until the morning! You know, in the rain we grow very quickly! PHYSICAL MINUTE "MUSHROOMS" In the morning the children went to the forest. In the morning, the children went into the forest (steps with high legs raised) And in the forest they found mushrooms (measured squatting), They bent over, collected (bending forward), On the way they got lost (rhythmic spreading of arms to the sides). For mushrooms All the little animals are at the edge of the forest (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) They are looking for milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms. The squirrels were jumping, (They were jumping in a squat position, the saffron milk caps were picking. They were picking “mushrooms.”) The fox was running, (They were running, collecting “mushrooms.”) She was collecting chanterelles. The little bunnies were jumping, (They were jumping, picking “mushrooms”) They were looking for honey mushrooms. The bear passed by, (They waddled, crushed the fly agaric, stomped with their right foot.) Grisha the mushroom walked, walked, walked, (walking in place) Found a porcini mushroom. One - fungus, Two - fungus, Three - fungus, (body tilts forward) Put them in the box
