Outdoor games for a walk, 2nd junior group. Card file of outdoor games and play exercises during walks in the second junior group. The teacher says slowly

Babich Anna Petrovna
Methodological development “Games and play exercises during a walk in the second junior group in the fall”


In its historical development, the human body was formed under conditions of physical activity. Every day, primitive man had to run and walk tens of kilometers in search of food, constantly escape from someone, or attack. Millions of years of movement were the main condition for human existence - those who mastered them better survived.

Children's activity is expressed primarily in movements. The child’s first idea of ​​the world and things comes through movements. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the child’s brain. The development of movements is one of the indicators of correct nervous mental development. Movement is the first source of a child’s courage, endurance, and determination.

Movable games and play exercises are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of children junior preschool age. Although an outdoor game is a complex emotional motor activity, determined by clearly established rules that make it possible to identify a quantitative result or a qualitative result -

increasing physical activity through outdoor games (especially on fresh air) provides a healing, restorative effect.

Careful planning and use of outdoor games and game exercises aimed at increasing the motor activity of children in the future will allow:

avoid physical inactivity,

enrich children with knowledge about the diversity of physical exercises and outdoor games,

form a habit of healthy image life.

In order for children to maintain a vigorous, cheerful mood, so that they are provided with favorable conditions for successfully solving physical, mental and moral development, it is advisable to alternate game exercises, consolidating one or the other motor skills; wisely distribute them over time each walks.

First offered game exercises and games in walking and running, since these are the types of movements that are available to children junior preschool age. Then the moving ones are given games and exercises in jumping, throwing, climbing, balance.

All games included in the complexes taking into account the gradual increase in motor load, diversity and variability of all game tasks.

At the end of each complex there are given games middle and low mobility.

Maintaining the joyful mood of the players, the teacher carefully monitors each child: encourages one to more energetic movements, restricts the other, removing excessive excitement.

In this manual, the following didactic materials were used in the selection of material: principles:

The principle of accessibility and gradualism, compliance age characteristics children, the amount of knowledge should be small, and the content should be understandable.

Principle repetition, multiple repetition movements helps successful physical development, memorization.

The principle of clarity, visual aids are a means for creating new and reproducing existing images in the minds of children.

The principle of consciousness and activity, children reproduce the knowledge, skills and abilities that are related to the new. Only on the basis of what is known can one learn something new. A conscious attitude presupposes, first of all, the formation of cognitive interests.

The principle of complexity and integrativeness is the solution of health-improving tasks in the system of the entire educational process and all types of activities.

The principle of targeting and continuity is maintaining connections between age categories, taking into account the different levels of development and health status of children.

The teacher can use the entire proposed complex game exercises and outdoor games or its individual parts, taking into account our own experience of working with children of this different age groups.


Program tasks:

Continue to teach how to walk and run after each other.

Exercise in jumping on two legs in place; in a helter-skelter run; walking like a snake between the cubes

Develop motor activity and dexterity.

Equipment: ball, 5-6 cubes.

1. Guys, let's go on a trip with you. Stand next to each other. You will be the carriages, and I will be the locomotive. On signal "The train is speeding up"- running in a column one at a time, at the signal - "the train is slowing down"- walking in a column one at a time.

I don't want to stand still.

Sit down quickly, I'll give you a ride.

Here we are. Look how beautiful the ball is, how well it bounces. Let's jump around like balls. All the guys spun around and turned into balls.

2. P/I "My cheerful ringing ball»

To words:

"My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you start galloping?

Red, yellow, blue - children jump in place on two legs

Can't keep up with you. - the children run to the opposite side of the playground, the teacher catches up with them.

Well done! Following exercise"Walk in, don't touch me"- walking in a column one at a time between the cubes.

Listen to the riddle:

“Jumps deftly, gnaws carrots”

That's right, bunny.

A game "Little Bunnies"

Children stand scattered throughout the playground and perform jumps on two legs in place with words:

“The bunnies gallop, hop, hop, hop.

On the green on the meadow

Skok, skok, skok.

Skok, skok, skok.

To the green meadow.

The bunnies are tired, let's rest.

A game "The gray bunny is sitting"

The gray bunny is sitting - children are squatting

And he wiggles his ears. – place your hands to your head

Like this, like this

And he wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

You need to warm your paws - rub your hands together

Like this, like this

We need to warm our little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to dance. – hands on the belt, place the foot on the heel

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to dance.

Well we played. Now get into the trailers, let's go home.

“Chug - chug, chug - chug, puff, puff,

I don't want to stand still.

Chug - chug, chug - chug, puff, puff,

Now I'll rock you home.

Program tasks:

Continue to teach walking and running between objects.

Strengthen the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Exercise in the ability to throw the ball and catch it with both hands, hit the ball on the ground and catch it after the rebound.

Develop auditory attention.

Cultivate a desire to engage in physical activity.

Material: 10 cubes, balls according to the number of children. Wolf mask. Bandage.

1. Game exercise"Don't touch me"- walking one after another. On signal "Let's go for a walk"- children walk scattered across the playground between the cubes, at the signal "Let's run"- children run scattered between objects.

2. Game exercise"Who is faster" Children stand in a circle, with a toy in the center. On signal "Take it quickly"- children jump on two legs towards the toy, whoever jumps first lifts the toy up, and walks back.

3. P/I "Hares and the Wolf"

On a forest lawn - children run scattered around the playground

The bunnies ran away.

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are hoppers.

The bunnies sat in a circle - the children form a circle and squat down

They are looking for the spine with their paw

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are hoppers.

Here the top runs - the children run away "wolf" catches up with them.

Gray barrel.

Looking for where the bunnies are,

Bouncing bunnies.

4. Game exercise with a ball. Children are located throughout site:

A) throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands.

B) throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands.

Children stand in a circle, with a blindfolded driver in the center. Children with words walk along circle:

“We all gathered in a circle,

Listen to us, my friend,

At the direction of the teacher, one of the children speaks: "It's me, recognize me", the driver must find out who called him and say the child’s name.

Program tasks:

Develop your imagination by doing gaming imitative movements.

Continue to develop interest in outdoor games.

Material: hoops according to the number of children, wolf mask.

1. Game exercise"By bus"- children stand in a column one at a time.

Gather together, friends,

It's time to hit the road.

Take the bus ahead

Mischievous people are riding - walking and running with changes in direction.

2. Game exercise"Cheerful Teddy Bears"

We are cheerful guys - walking in a column one at a time.

Our name is bear cubs.

We love to run and play - running in a column one at a time.

We love to jump and gallop.

The bear walked through the forest, walking with his knees raised high.

On the way I wandered into the distance.

Raises his paws higher

So as not to break the bushes.

The bear walked, walked, walked - walking with a turn in the opposite direction.

I came to a quiet river.

Made a complete turn

I forded across the river.

The bear swam, swam, swam - imitation of swimming.

And swam to the shore.

The bear walked, walked, walked,

I came to the lawn.

He jumped on the lawn. – jumping on two legs.

Quickly, deftly like a bunny.

3. P/I "Cheerful bunnies"

Hoops are laid out on the playground according to the number of children - these are bunnies' houses. “Mom is a hare and a teacher.

There are small houses in the dense forest. - children squat.

Little gray bunnies sitting in houses with their hands on their heads.

Mama the hare ran through the forest,

I knocked on everyone's window with my paw. – the teacher imitates knocking on the window.

“Knock, knock, knock, little bunnies, let's go for a walk - the children are running around the playground.

If a wolf appears, let's hide again - it appears "wolf"- the children run away.

4. Low mobility game "Little Bunnies"

Children form a circle, hold hands and walk in a circle with words: Like little bunnies

During the day we walked along the lawn.

Suddenly someone's shadow flashed,

The bunnies hid behind a stump. The children dance in a circle in the other direction.

Maybe it's a gray wolf?

He clicks his teeth and clicks!

Suddenly he sits behind a bush,

Gray wolf with a big tail?

The wolf bunnies were scared

Jump - they galloped out of the forest. After the last phrase, the children put their hands on their belts, jump on two legs to the center of the circle, stop, squat, show their ears (put their palms perpendicular to the top of the head, move them back and forth.

Program tasks:

Continue to teach walking and running in a column, one at a time.

Exercise in jumping in place and running while dodging.

Develop visual attention, perform demonstration movements.

Material: Balls for each child, a cap for Parsley.

All the guys love it very much

Play with balls

With colorful balls

Exercises to perform!

Different balls -

Green and red

Strong, new,

Loud, cheerful - walking and running with balls in a circle.

1. Exercises with balls.

1."Higher the ball"

I. p. legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, look, drop, say "down" (4-5 r.)

2. "Here he is"

I. p. legs apart, ball forward with chest. Lean forward, ball forward, say "here he is" (4-5 rub.)

3. "Funny Ball"

I. p. legs slightly apart, ball in front of feet, hands behind back.

Sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, stop and quickly straighten up. (4-5 rub.)

4. "Bouncing"

I. p. legs slightly apart, ball on the ground, hands on the belt. Jumping around the ball (3 rubles alternating with walking)

5. "Up and Down"

I.p. the same, the ball is lowered. Ball towards you, nose - inhale. Lower the ball while exhaling, say "in-and-out" (3-4 rubles)

2. Game exercise"Ride - Catch"

Children are arranged in two lines, one opposite the other, divided into pairs, and roll the ball to each other.

3. P/n "Naughty ball"

Children with a teacher stand on opposite side sites.

Multi-colored fast ball

He jumps and jumps along the path. The teacher hits the ball on the ground.

The ball is funny and big,

We'll jump with you! Children jump on two legs in place.

Jump, jump more fun,

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

Stop! The children stop and hold the ball in their hands.

And now - one, two, three! Children run to the opposite side of the playground

We are running, you can catch up! The teacher rolls the ball after the children.

4. Low mobility game "Parsley"

The children form a circle, the teacher stands in the center and speaks: “I am Petrushka, I came to play with you!” children hold hands and walk in a circle. The teacher moves in the opposite direction and says text:

I'm a fun toy

And my name is Petrushka!

I have a bright cap

And a smart frock coat.

Make all the moves

Follow me without delay.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Repeat the exercise!

5. Respiratory exercise:

My children, my children, the children are squatting

My kids are fast asleep. - eyes closed, palms under cheeks

My children, my children,

They sniffle quietly. - inhale - exhale

Sun is up! Stop sleeping!

It's time to get up. – stand on toes, arms up

Program tasks:

Strengthen the skills of walking and running with high knees.

Exercise in rolling the ball in a straight direction.

Continue learning to throw a sandbag at a distance.

Foster a desire to play outdoor games games.

Material: Balls for each child, sandbags for each child, 5-6 skittles, cubes for each child.

1. Game exercise"Merry sparrows and horses"- walking in a column, one at a time. On signal "sparrows"- the children stop and wave their hands. On signal "horses"- running, raising your knees high.

2. Game "Frogs"- a circle is laid out from colored cubes according to the number of children. Children pretend to be frogs, the teacher is a merman. Each child stands in front of the cube, hands behind his back. In the center there is a water one. The little frog, approached by the merman, quickly crouches down and puts his hands on the cube, protecting his mound.

3. Game exercise"Ride and Hit". Children stand in a line with a ball in their hands. There are pins at a distance of 2 meters. At the signal, children roll the balls, trying to knock down the pin.

The players return to their starting position. Each person has a bag of sand in their hands. On signal "abandoned"- children throw a bag at a distance.

5. P/I "Cat and Mice".

On one side of the platform there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm - this is the house of mice. At some distance from the house of mice there is a cat. On words:

“The cat was guarding the mice and pretended to be asleep.”- children - mice crawl under the rope and run in all directions.

To words:

“Quiet the mouse, don’t make noise and don’t wake the cat”- cat - child "wakes up" and catches mice. Children - mice run home, crawling under the rope.

6. Handles - legs

Children stand scattered around the hall. The teacher pronounces the words of the test and shows the movements. The children do it.

Everyone clapped their hands

More friendly, more fun!

(clap their hands.)

Our feet began to knock

Louder and faster!

(kick their feet.)

Let's hit you on the knees

Hush, hush, hush!

(slaps on knees.)

Handles, hands up

Higher, higher, higher!

(raise their hands slowly.)

Our hands are spinning

(turn the hands to the right - left,

They went down again.

Spun around, spin around

And they stopped

(hands down).

Program tasks:

Continue to learn how to perform movements corresponding to the text, develop auditory attention.

Exercise in the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area, jumping up on two legs, touching an object suspended above the child’s raised hand.

1. Game exercise"Come along with us!"

The children stand scattered. The teacher pronounces the text together with the children and shows the movements.

Come with us

(raise their arms to the sides)

Let's stamp our feet

(stomp their feet while standing still,

Let's clap our hands

(clap hands).

Today is a good day!

(raise straight arms up to the sides.)

2. Outdoor switchgear complex "Friendly family"

A. I. p. feet in a path, hands behind your back, clap in front of you on words:

Dad, mom, brother and me

Together, a friendly family - put your hands behind your back.

b. I. p. legs apart, hands on the belt. Bend forward, palms on knees, look forward.

Let's all bend down together

Let's do physical exercise!

V. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down.

Dad is big

And I am small

Let me be small

But he’s remote.

g. I. p. feet in a path, hands behind the back.

Jumping alternating with walking.

We jump together

This is very necessary!

Who will jump higher?

Mom or Misha?

d. I. p. The same, hands down.

Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose; And. p. – exhale through the mouth.

We breathe air through our nose,

We exhale air through our mouth.

We are not afraid of colds,

We don't need to see doctors!

3. Game exercise"Through the Stream" Two parallel paths are laid out from the cords. Educator speaks: “Beautiful flowers grow on this bank of the river (multi-colored scraps are scattered on the playground, let’s collect them,” the teacher addresses the children. “But first we will walk along the bridge.” Children, one after another, cross to the other side of the river (stream, collect flowers ( squat, bend over, then return to their seats. Exercise are performed 2-3 times. The teacher makes sure that the kids walk along the board carefully, without bumping into each other. friend: "Be careful. Don't fall into the river".

Children walk one after another, freely balancing with their hands to maintain balance.

4. Game exercise"Catch a mosquito" A rope is attached to the end of a small stick, and a mosquito cut out of paper is attached to it. Children stand in a circle, and the teacher rotates a stick with a mosquito over their heads. Children jump on two legs, trying to catch a mosquito.

5. Low mobility game "My palms"

Show them quickly - the children show their palms

Clap, clap more cheerfully!

Clap - clap, clap - clap - clap and pronounce words

With these palms they walk along the site and clap their hands

Let's clap a little.

Let's clap a little.

Clap - clap, clap - clap!

Hid your palms! - stop, clench your palms into fists

Open your fist quickly, - they show their palms and clap

Show your palms!

Let’s clap these palms a little”

Clap - clap, clap - clap!

Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, and to perform movements on a signal.

Material: umbrella, rope, small toy - frog.

1. Game exercise"On walk" Children walk around the hall in different directions. On signal " Walk"Each of them finds a pair and everyone goes through the gate formed by the jumping stands; they make arbitrary movements in pairs. Hearing the words “It’s raining!”, the children run scattered to the teacher under an umbrella. Pupils can also turn into different animals that go out to walk and hide from the rain.

2. P/I "Aircraft"

A plane flies by, point your finger up

I got ready to fly with him.

Move the right wing away - move the right hand to the side,

Left wing moved - left hand to the side,

I start the engine - rotational movements with my hands in front of me

And I'm watching closely

I rise to the heights - I fly-oo-oo-oo - rise on my toes, spread my arms to the sides and run

I'm about to land,

I want to land. land on one knee, lower your arms

3. Logorhythmic exercise“The herons went hunting”

The herons went hunting

Wandering importantly through the swamp (they walk slowly, raising their knees high).

They are looking for frogs around,

Look here and look there (turns to the sides).

To the right frogs, to the left frogs (tilts).

The herons' eyes widened,

They were left without frogs (spread arms to the sides, walk in place).

4. P/I "Heron and Frogs" in the middle of the site a circle of cord is laid out - this is a swamp. Children squat in a circle - frogs, one child - a heron, stands far from the circle.

On signal "little frogs"- children jump out of the circle and jump on the playground not far from it. On signal "heron"- the children must quickly jump into the circle, and the heron walks with its knees high and looks for frogs.

5. Sedentary game "Find the frog"

The teacher shows the children a small toy - a frog - and asks them to close their eyes. Children close their eyes, the teacher hides the toy. On signal "Opened our eyes", children open their eyes and begin to look for a toy.

Program tasks:

Continue to develop visual and auditory attention. Exercise in rolling the ball in a straight direction. Continue learning to respond to a signal.

Material: cubes, skittles, rings - according to the number of children, large balls according to the number of children, two leaves for each child, hoops according to the number of children.

1. "Form into a column" Children are divided into three subgroups with an equal number of participants. Each child one subgroups one of the same is given items(pin, cube, ring). At the beginning of the task, participants take their place on the site marked with the same subject, which is in their hands. At the first signal, children scatter around the playground, making voluntary movements with subject; By second After the signal, they return to their place and line up in a column.

2. Game exercise"Ride and catch up" Children stand in one line. Each person has one large diameter ball. On signal "Let's go" children roll the ball in a straight direction and catch up with it.

3. P/I "Birds in Nests" On one side of the platform there are hoops laid out - these are nests. Children - birds fly out of hoops and run, imitating the flight of birds. On signal "Birds in their nests"- children run into their hoops.

4. Game exercise"Leaf Fall"- The children each have a piece of paper in their hands.

Leaves, leaves - running in a circle on your toes, waving your arms

They fly with the wind.

Under the kids' feet

They rustle quietly.

And swaying smoothly - swaying smoothly from side to side

They lead a round dance. – hands raised up

And wind autumn

Sings a song to them.

Now to the right, now to the left - running in all directions, waving your arms

The leaves are flying.

Says goodbye to us

Our autumn garden.

Leaves swaying

They lead a round dance. - sway from side to side, arms up

And the wind autumn

Sings a song to them.

Program tasks:

Continue learning to perform movements on cue.

Exercise jumping on two legs between objects.

Material: small toys, two large hoops.

1. Game exercise"Complete the task" Walking in a column one at a time. On signal "horses"- walking, raising your knees high, at the signal "frogs"- sit down, hand on knees; to the signal "grasshoppers" perform movements in accordance with the text.

Here are the grasshoppers walking - walking one after another

One, two, one, two.

And now they take off - jumping on two legs with advancement

One, two, one, two.

running in all directions across the entire site.

2. Game exercise"Nimble Bunnies" There are 5-6 cubes along the platform. Children pretend to be rabbits and jump on two legs between the cubes.

3. P/I "Move objects"

On one side of the hall various objects are laid out. Children take one object at a time and move it to the other side of the hall, girls - to one hoop, boys - to the other.

4. P/I "Hares and the Wolf" On one side of the site there is a house of hares, on the other - a wolf. On words:

Hares are jumping,

Skok - skok - skok,

On the green - on the meadow.

They pinch the grass and eat it.

Listen carefully

Is there a wolf coming?

On signal "wolf", the children run to their house, "wolf" catches up with them.

5. Low mobility game "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands - clapping and stomping at the same time

Friendly, more fun.

Our feet began to knock

Louder and faster.

Let's hit the knees - they slap the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles, handles - slowly raise your hands up

We raise

Higher, higher, higher

Our arms are spinning, turning our hands to the right and left

They went down again.

They circled, circled, and circled in place.

And they stopped.

Develop in children the ability to maintain the required direction while walking and running and change it depending on the current situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Material: balls according to the number of children, hoops according to the number of children

1. Game exercise"Even Circle". Children holding hands walk in a circle. Walking and running in a circle is carried out to the right and left, then running in all directions.

2. P/I "Catch the ball" The teacher shows the children a basket with balls and invites them to stand next to him along one side of the room or playground. "Catch the ball"- says the teacher and throws out the balls (by number of children) from the basket, trying to get them to roll into different sides as far as possible. Children run after the balls, take them (each one ball, take them to the teacher and put them in the basket. Game repeats itself.

3. P/I "Birds in Nests" On one side of the playground or room, hoops are laid out freely according to the number of children. Each child stands in his own hoop - this is a nest, a bird lives in it. At a signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter throughout the area. The teacher feeds first at one end, then at the other sites: children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - they peck at the food. “The birds have flown to their nests!”- says the teacher, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. A game repeats itself.

4. Low mobility game "We Stomp Our Feet" The players stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text.

We stomp our feet - stomp our feet, hands on the belt

We clap our hands - clap our hands

We shake our heads. – "spring", hands on belt, nod head

We raise our hands, through the sides of our hands up

We lower our hands - through the sides, hands down

We shake hands - join hands, forming a circle

And we run and run, - run in circles at a slow pace

And we run around.

Program tasks: Exercise in walking in pairs scattered, in running in scattering. Learn to find your color based on a signal.

Material: cubes according to the number of children, flags of two colors according to the number of children.

1. Game exercise"Find a Pair"

Children calmly walk around the hall in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “One!” They unclasp their hands and run in different directions throughout the hall, make arbitrary dance movements, and at the teacher’s signal, “Couples!” Children quickly find their mate, meet each other with their palms, backs, and knees.

2. Game exercise"Take the cube" There are cubes laid out in a circle on the site. Walking and running in a circle, at the signal you need to take the cube.

3. P/I "Find your color" One half of the players have blue flags, the other half have red flags. The children are running all over the place. H signal "find your color"- children with flags of the same color become pairs.

4. Verbal games with movements. "We'll go with you..."

We will go with you to the right - 1, 2, 3

And then let's go left - 1, 2, 3

And then we turn around - 1, 2, 3

And let's clap our hands - 1, 2, 3

Hands to heels and ears

On your knees and shoulders

Hands to the sides, on the waist, up.

And now a cheerful laugh.

All the girls - ha ha ha

All the boys - ho-ho-ho


Program tasks:

Continue learning to walk and run in circles.

Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Exercise in throwing the ball with two hands.

Develop agility and evasiveness.

Material: Cubes, ball, rattles for each child, dog mask.

1. Game exercise"Even Circle". A circle is laid out from the cubes. Walking and running in a circle without touching the cubes while changing direction.

2. Playing with rattles.

There are funny toys

Their name is rattles,

Bom - bom - bom, bom - bom - bom!

Children love to play in them

Jump and gallop with them"

Children walk in a circle with rattles

The children took the rattles and ran with jumps

They walked after each other.

They began to run and jump,

Play with rattles.

Now we need to stand in a circle, turn to face the circle

Show rattles. - rattles forward

Raise the rattles, raise the rattles up

And then lower them. – lower the rattles down

The children began to squat, - the children squatted

Knock on rattles.

Knock - knock - knock - knock,

That's a funny sound.

And now we're all running - running in circles

We make rattles.

3. Game exercise"Throw it - catch it". Children stand in a circle, with the teacher in the center. The teacher throws the ball to the child, the child to the teacher.

4. P/I "Shaggy Dog". One child is assigned to be a dog, which sits on a chair at the end of the playground as if sleeping. All children go to the dog from the opposite side of the playground and They say:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's get closer to him

And we will hear him breathing.

After these words, the dog catches up with the children, the children run away.

5. Low mobility game "Find the Rattle".

The rattle is hidden in advance on the site. Children form a circle, holding hands and walking in a circle with words:

We'll go for a walk with you,

We'll find the rattle.

One two three four five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find the rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle! Children walk around the playground looking for a rattle. Whoever finds it brings it to the teacher.

"Find the flag"
Children sit on chairs in different places of the room (playground). At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and in the meantime the teacher hides the flags (according to the number of children).
“It’s time to look for the flag,” says the teacher, the children open their eyes and go look for the flags.
The one who finds the flag sits down in his place. When all the children have found the flags, they walk along the sides of the playground, holding the flag in their hand. The one who first found the flag goes ahead of the column.
At the signal “Get to your places!” the children sit on chairs and the game begins again.
The teacher must ensure that the children take one flag.
It’s good to play this game in a clearing in the forest: you can hide flags in the grass, in the bushes, behind the trees. Find your house
Children sit along one side of the playground or room. At the teacher’s signal “Let’s go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground (room) in groups or alone, wherever they want. When the teacher says “home,” everyone runs back and takes up any free space. Then the game repeats.
Game option
Instead of an individual “house” - a chair, you can invite children to set up collective houses in different corners of the room and gather 4-6 people there. In each house, the teacher puts up a colored flag (red, blue, yellow). When the children have mastered the game well, the teacher invites them to close their eyes while walking and rearranges the flags.
At the word “home”, children open their eyes, find a flag of their color and gather near it.

"Mice and Cat"
The “mice” children sit in “holes” - on chairs or on benches placed along the walls of the room or on the sides of the playground.
In one of the corners of the playground sits a “cat”, whose role is played by the teacher.
The cat falls asleep, and only then the mice scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, meows, and begins to catch mice, which run into their holes and take their places on the chairs. (The teacher only pretends that he wants to catch someone.) After all the mice return to their holes, the cat walks around the room again, and then returns to its place, falls asleep and the game is repeated.
The teacher can use a toy cat in the game, put on his hand.

Children line up in a column along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”.
The teacher blows the horn and the children begin to move forward (without clutch); at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (when moving slowly, children can pronounce the sound “chu-chu-chu”).
“The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher blows the whistle again, and the train moves again.
The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the children's movement. At first, the teacher himself leads the column of children, and then puts the more active child in front. Game option. After the train stops, the children go for a walk. Hearing the beep, the children run to the appointed place (to the wall) and line up in a column. At first, you can allow children to line up in any order, and by the end of the year they should be taught to remember their place in the column - to find their “car”.

Children stand close together in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say:
Blow up, bubble, blow up big, stay like that, don't burst.
By reciting poems, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says “the bubble burst,” all the children lower their hands, say “pop” in unison and squat down.
The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children stand up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes. Game option
After the words “Don’t burst,” the children do not sit down, but the teacher says: “The bubbles are flying.” The children run wherever they want (within the playground), and the teacher says: “Let's fly, fly, fly!..”
In this version, the game can be repeated 3-4 times.

"The Sparrows and the Cat"

Children stand along the walls of the room on benches, on large blocks or in hoops placed on the floor. These are “sparrows on the roof” or in “nests”. A “cat” sits at a distance, the role of which is played by one of the children. “The sparrows have flown,” says the teacher. The sparrows jump from the roof or jump out of the nest and, spreading their wings, that is, with their arms extended to the sides, run scattered throughout the room. Meanwhile the cat is sleeping. But then she wakes up, says “meow-meow” and runs to catch up with the sparrows, who must hide from her on the roof or in the nests, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her “house”.
Kittens and guys.
A subgroup of children depict kittens, the rest represent their owners (each has 1-2 kittens). Kittens on the fence - on the second or third rungs of the ladder. The owners are sitting on the bench. “Milk, who needs milk,” says the teacher, approaches the owners and pretends to pour milk into their mugs (bowls, rings, circles). Kittens meow - they ask for milk. The owners go out onto the site (beyond the line) and call: “Kiss-kiss-kiss!” The kittens climb off the fence and run to drink milk. The guys who are the owners say: “He’s furry, he’s got a mustache, he’s going to eat, he’s singing songs.” With the last word, the kittens run away and their owners catch them. Whoever caught the kitten changes roles with it.
Rules: when given a signal, get on and off in any way; - run away after the word “sings”; You can only fish up to the line (at a distance of two steps from the fence).

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"
Children pretend to be “chickens”, and the teacher is a “mother hen”.
On one side of the site, a “house” place is fenced with a rope, where the chickens and the hen are placed (the rope is stretched between trees or two posts at a height of 40-50 cm).
The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. After a while she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk around the area with her.
When the teacher says “big bird,” all the chickens run home.
The teacher says “big bird” only after all the children have crawled under the rope and run around the playground a little.

In the middle of the site, draw a large circle or place a thick cord in the shape of a circle. A group of children is located along the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the area. Together with the children sitting on chairs, the teacher says the following verses:
Here are the frogs along the path
They jump with their legs stretched out,
Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,
They jump with their legs stretched out.
Children standing in a circle jump up, pretending to be “frogs.” At the end of the poem, children sitting on chairs clap their hands (scare the frogs); frogs jump in the “swamp” - jump over the line - and quietly squat down.
As the game repeats, the roles change.
Rules: stop the ball with your hands, without allowing your feet to touch; Do not delay for a long time, try to immediately roll it back to someone else.

"Get in the Gate"

Children, with the help of a teacher, are distributed in pairs and stand at a distance of 4-6 steps from one another. Between each pair in the middle there are collars - made of cubes, pins or twigs. Each pair receives one ball and rolls it to each other through the goal.
Rules: roll the ball without hitting the goal; push away vigorously with one or two hands (as directed by the teacher).

"Who's Next"
throws the bag. 5-6 children stand on one side of the playground behind a drawn line or a placed rope. Each person has four balls or sandbags. At the teacher’s signal, the children throw 2 times with their right and left hands, then run to the balls, pick them up and return back.
Rules: Be sure to throw with one and the other hand; run for the bags only when given a signal.

"Get in the circle"

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from a large hoop or circle (made of rope or drawn on the ground) with a diameter of 1-1.5 m lying in the center. Children hold bags of sand or other objects for throwing in their hands. At a signal, they throw objects into the circle with their right and left hands, and at another signal, they take them from the circle. The teacher marks those who managed to get in.
Rules: throw and take only on a signal; try to get into the hoop; throw with one hand, repeating with the other hand.

"Throw it higher"

The teacher gives the children balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm and invites them to play with them, throwing them up and trying to catch them after throwing.
Rules: throw low at first in order to be able to catch; catch the ball with your hands, without pressing it to your chest; if the ball falls, you can pick it up and continue the exercise.

"Hit the Target"
The teacher sets or hangs 2-3 vertical targets - this can be a hoop with a cardboard circle in the middle, a target shield, a snow figure with an object convenient for throwing (a fox with a kolobok, a hare with a basket). In front of the targets, at a distance of 1.5-2 m, a strip 40 cm wide is designated. On it, opposite each target, there are buckets with balls, cones, and bags of sand. 2-3 children stand up to the buckets, take objects and throw them at the target with one and the other hand. They collect thrown objects into buckets, and other players come out.
Rules: throw on a signal with the hand indicated by the teacher; collect objects after everyone has thrown; throw without leaving the lane.

"Through the Swamp"
On a platform made of bricks (flat plywood measuring 15X20 cm), 2-3 paths 3 m long are laid out. The distance between the bricks is 10-15 cm. 2-3 children stand at the first bricks and, at a signal, walk along the paths.
Rules: stand only on the bricks, without touching the floor: walk to the end of the path.

"The Hen and the Chicks"

Children sit behind a rope suspended at a height of 25 cm. The mother hen teacher calls the chickens to go for a walk. They step over the rope and run around the site. At the signal “big bird” they run away. At this time, the teacher lowers the rope down.
Rules: step after the signal without pushing, maintaining balance on one leg; run away after the signal.

"The bear is walking on the bridge"

Boards are placed on the ground (width 25 cm, length 2-2.5 m). Behind them, at the height of the child’s raised hand, ribbons are hung on a rope. According to the number of boards, children are called, they get on all fours and, at a signal, crawl to the end of the board. They get off the board, jump up, take off one ribbon at a time, and the bears take out raspberries. When all the children have crawled, the teacher offers to run around the playground with ribbons. At the signal, everyone gathers, the teacher hangs the ribbons on the rope. The game repeats itself.
Rules: walk along the bench on all fours (on your feet and palms); reach the end of the board.

"Spin around - don't fall!"

In the walking games “We're Having Fun”, “Couples for a Walk”, “Sunshine and Rain”, short-term slow circling in place is introduced.

"Walk wider"
On the site, hoops (plastic or flat plywood with a diameter of 60 cm) are laid out in 2-3 rows, with 5-6 hoops in each row. 2-3 children step from hoop to hoop at a signal. Having reached the end, they jump up, clap their hands and return.
Rules: walk with an intermediate step in the hoop, but without going beyond its edges, do not touch the hoops.

"Sun and Rain"

Children stand in a circle.-
“The sun looks out the window, They walk in a circle.
It shines into our little room.”
“We will clap our hands, They clap while standing still.
We are very happy about the sun.
Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stamp on
Top-top-top-top! place.
Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically,
At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run away. The teacher says “The sun is shining”, The game is repeated.

"Couples for a walk"
On one side of the platform, cords (chairs, posts) form a gate. Children, holding hands, stand in pairs (at random, whoever wants with whom), the teacher helps them with this. At the signal “let’s go for a walk,” children go through the gate in pairs and then disperse around the playground. Here they can jump, sit down - “picking berries, flowers.” At the signal “let’s go home,” the kids again stand in pairs and walk through the gate.
Rules: walk in pairs holding hands; coordinate your movements, keep up and not get ahead; give way when passing a gate.
Complication: make another gate and offer to go through the gate that will be closer at the signal “let’s go home”

"Find your house"
Children sit along the side of the playground or room. At the teacher’s signal, “Let’s go for a walk,” the children scatter around the playground wherever they want. When the teacher says “home,” everyone runs back and takes up any free space. Then the game repeats.

"Mice and Cat"

The “mice” children sit in “holes” - on chairs or a bench placed along the walls of the room, or on the sides of the playground, in one of the corners of the playground sits a “cat”, whose role is played by the teacher. The cat falls asleep and only then the mice scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, meows and begins to catch the little mice, who run into their holes and take their places on the chairs. After all the mice have returned to their places, the cat walks around the room again, and then returns to its place, falls asleep and the game repeats.
The teacher can use a toy cat in the game.


Children stand in a column, one at a time, along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”. The teacher blows the whistle and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (while moving slowly they can make the sound “chu-chu-chu”).” “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.
The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the children's movement.
At first, the teacher himself leads the column, and then puts the more active child in front. "Birds in Nests"
At different ends of the site or sides of the room, 3-4 “nests” are installed (chairs are placed or large circles are drawn). The “bird” children are placed in nests. At the teacher’s signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter throughout the entire area. The teacher feeds the birds on one side or the other side of the site. Children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips (pecking at food). After the teacher says “birds to the nest,” the children run to their places.

"Shaggy Dog"

One of the children portrays a “dog”; he lies down on the mat on his stomach, resting his head on his outstretched arms. The rest of the children quietly approach him while the teacher reads poetry:
Here lies a shaggy dog,
With your nose buried in your paws.
Quietly, quietly he lies,
He's either dozing or sleeping.
Let's go to him and wake him up
And we'll see something happens.
The dog jumps up and starts barking. The children run away. The dog is chasing them. When all the children run away and hide, the dog lies down on the mat again. The game is repeated with a new driver.

"Sparrows and the cat"

Children stand along the walls on benches on large cubes or in hoops placed on the floor. These are “sparrows on the roof” or “in nests.” A “cat” sits at a distance, the role of which is played by one of the children. “The sparrows have flown,” says the teacher. Sparrows jump from the roof or jump out of the nest and, spreading their wings, that is, with their arms extended to the sides, run scattered around the room. Meanwhile the cat is sleeping. But then she wakes up, says “meow-meow” and runs to catch up with the sparrows, who must hide from her on the roof or nests, taking their places. Having caught the sparrows, the cat takes them to her house.

A large circle is drawn in the middle of the site or a cord is placed in the shape of a circle. A group of children is located along the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the area. Together with the children sitting on the chairs, the teacher says the following words:
Here are the frogs along the path
They jump with their legs stretched out,
Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,
They jump with their legs stretched out.
Children standing in a circle jump up and down, pretending to be frogs. At the end of the poem, those sitting on the chairs clap their hands (scare the frogs); frogs jump in the swamp, jump over the line - and quietly squat down.

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

Children pretend to be "chickens". And the teacher is a “mother hen”. On one side of the area, fenced with a rope, there is a place - “house”, where the chickens with a hen are placed (the rope is stretched between trees or two posts at a height of 40-50 cm). The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. After a while she calls the chickens: “ko-ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk around the area with her. When the teacher says “big bird,” all the chickens run home.
The teacher says “big bird” only after all the children have crawled under the rope and run around a little.

"Take care of the object"

The players form a circle. One of the players is in the middle of the circle (leading), the rest stand with their legs slightly apart and holding their hands behind their backs (ip). Each child has a cube (or other object) at their feet. The driver tries to take this cube. Wanting to protect it, the player crouches down, covers the cubes with his hands and does not allow anyone to touch him. As soon as the driver leaves, the player gets up.

At one end of the playground there is a “trap” teacher, at the other there are children. Children approach the trap by jumping on two legs to the sentence pronounced by the teacher:
Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end:
There's a mouse living there
He'll bite your tail off.
At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, and the trap catches them.

"Find your color"
Children receive flags of 3-4 colors: one is red, others are blue, others are yellow, and are grouped in groups of 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each corner, the teacher places a colored flag (red, blue, yellow) on a stand.
At the teacher’s signal “let’s go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground in groups or alone. At the teacher’s signal “find your color,” children run to the flag of the corresponding color. "Find yourself a mate"
For the game you need to prepare flags according to the number of children. Half the flags are one color, the rest are another. Children receive one flag each. At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter around the playground. At another signal, children who have the same flags find a pair.
The game must accept an uneven number of children so that one of the players is left without a pair. Addressing the one left without a partner, all the players say in chorus:
Vanya, Vanya, don’t hesitate, choose a mate for yourself.
Then, when the tambourine strikes, the children scatter again and the game is repeated.

Children stand along the wall of the room or side of the platform in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hand they hold a cord, the ends of which are tied (one is held with the right hand, the other with the left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand - yellow, red, green. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run and the tram moves. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if green is raised, the movement continues; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for the green color to appear so that they can move again

"Catch me"
Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room or along the side of the playground. “Catch up with me,” the teacher suggests and runs to the opposite side of the site. Children run after the teacher. Trying to catch him. Then the teacher says again: “Catch up with me,” and runs in the opposite direction. And the children catch up with him again. After two runs, the children sit on chairs and relax. Then the game resumes.
The game is best played with a small number of children.


Children become pairs. In a pair, one is the “horse”. The other is the “carrier”. Reins are used, or children hold each other by the belt. The teacher says:
Let's go, let's go, with nuts, with nuts
A turnip for a baby, a boy for a boy,
sweetly, sweetly.
With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm while the teacher pronounces: “Gop, gop.” I run until the teacher says: “Whoa.” "By the Bear in the Forest"
A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. beyond the line, at a distance of 3-2 steps from it, a place for the bear is outlined. On the opposite side, the “children’s house” is indicated by a line. The teacher chooses a bear. The teacher says let's go for a walk. Children go and say the words:
The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I run for berries,
But the bear doesn’t sleep, he keeps growling at us.
The bear must sit in its place. When the players say the last “growls,” the bear gets up with a growl and catches up with the children, who are running to their “home.” Once caught, the bear leads him to himself.
After the bear catches the 3-2, a new bear is chosen.


A group of children stands at one edge of the playground. The teacher gives everyone a stick 50-60 cm long. Children sit astride the stick and gallop to the opposite side of the playground, pretending to be horsemen, trying not to bump into each other and not to touch objects or equipment located on the playground.
During the game, the teacher can invite children to move faster or slower in different directions. When children learn to run fast, you can organize competitions.


Children stand inside a large hoop (1m in diameter), holding it in their lowered hands: one at one side of the rim. the other is on the opposite side, one after the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. After a while they change roles.
2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the space allows, then more. When children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to run in different directions and make stops. You can mark the stop location with a flag. At the stop, passengers change, one gets out of the taxi, the other gets in.

"Hares and the Wolf"
Children-hares hide behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf behind a bush to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming,” the hares run away and hide behind bushes and under trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. You can use a small test in the game:
Stutterers jump hop hop
on the green on the meadow.
They pinch the grass and eat it.
listen carefully
Is there a wolf coming?
Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.
A child playing the role of a wolf. Should be away from bushes where children are hiding. "Rabbits"
On one side of the room there are chairs arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house. In the middle there is a lawn where the rabbits are allowed to roam. Children stand at the back of the chairs; at the teacher’s direction, they squat down; the rabbits sit in cages. The caretaker teacher approaches the cage and releases the rabbits onto the lawn: one after another, the children crawl out from under the chairs, and then jump moving forward across the entire lawn. At the teacher’s signal “Run to the cages!” the rabbits return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.
The teacher must ensure that children, crawling under chairs, try not to touch them with their backs. Instead of chairs, you can use arches for climbing or sticks and slats placed on the seats of chairs.

"Where the bell rings"
Children sit or stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks them to turn to the wall and not turn around. At this time, the nanny with the bell hides from them, for example, behind a closet. The teacher suggests listening to the sound where the bell rings and finding it. The children turn and follow the sound, find it, then gather around the teacher. Meanwhile, the nanny moves to another place - and the game repeats.
Children should not look where the nanny is hiding. To do this, the teacher gathers him around him and diverts their attention. Ring the bell first quietly, then louder.

"Do not be late"
The teacher lays out cubes on the floor. Children stand near the cubes. At the teacher’s signal, they scatter throughout the room, at the signal “Don’t be late!” run to the cubes. Initially, children can run up to any free object; gradually they get used to taking their place. When repeating the game, you can ask the children to run like horses.
During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children run further away from the cubes, do not bump into each other, and help each other find their cube when the signal sounds.

"Chickens in the garden"

In the middle of the site there is a large space - a vegetable garden. On one side is his watchman's house, on the other is a chicken coop, with chickens and children in it. The role of the guard is performed by the teacher or one of the children. At the signal “chickens are walking,” children crawl under the cords and walk in the garden, look for food, and run. The watchman notices the chickens in the garden and chases them away - he claps his hands, saying “shoo-shoo.” The chickens run away, crawl under the cord and hide in the house. The watchman goes around the garden and also returns home.
Each child chooses a house for himself. It could be a flat hoop…. At the signal, children choose the playground and run in different directions. At the “find your house” signal, houses are occupied.
Children should run easily, in different directions, without bumping into each other; do not run up to the house before the signal “Hurry up in the circle”
On the site they draw a circle with a diameter of 4 meters in the middle - a smaller circle with a diameter of 2 meters. children follow each other in a large circle. The teacher walks between the large and small circles. At the signal, the children try to run into a small circle, the teacher catches them, and those caught stop in place. Then they stand in a circle again.
Complication: The teacher chooses an assistant.

“The guys have a strict order”
At the first signal, the players scatter from the ranks and pronounce a chant6 “The guys have a strict order, they know all their places, well, blow the trumpet more cheerfully: tra-ta ta, tra-ta ta.” At the second signal, everyone quickly forms a line.
At first you can take empty seats, but by the end of the year you will find your place. "My funny ringing ball"
Children stand in a circle with a teacher with a basket of small balls in the center. We all say the words together:
My funny ringing ball
Where did you run off to?
Red, yellow, blue
Can't keep up with you
At the end of the words, the teacher throws the balls up so that they scatter in different directions. Children must quickly collect them back into the basket.

"In an even circle"

Children holding hands walk rhythmically in a circle and say:
"In an even circle one after another
We are going step by step, stay still!
Together, do this!”
At the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movements that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over. You need to walk rhythmically in a circle, maintaining the interval; don't go into the circle.


Children walk scattered around the hall. The teacher says the following words:
“Silence by the pond, the water does not sway
The reeds don’t make noise and the baby falls asleep.”
As soon as the teacher has finished speaking the words, the children lie down on the floor and imitate sleep.
The teacher walks between the children and notes who is fast asleep.

"Leaf Fall"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the color and size of autumn leaves; teach children to move around the playground, following the instructions given in game form; to specify the concept of leaf fall.

Material: autumn leaves.

Progress of the game

The teacher says: “Guys! You will all be leaves, choose the leaf you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small.” Each child shows and names which sheet he chose by color and size.

The teacher says: “The leaves are light, they fly slowly through the air. (Children run and wave their arms.)

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

Yellow leaves are flying!

Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Children perform actions with yellow leaves.)

Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Children perform actions with red leaves.)

They all circled around and sat down on the ground. (Children crouch.) Sit down! They sat down and froze. (The children do not move.)

A light breeze came and blew.” (An adult blows, followed by children.)

The teacher continues: “The leaves rose and scattered in different directions. (Children scatter around the playground.) Spinning, spinning, spinning!

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

Leaves are flying in the wind.

The breeze has died down, and yellow and red leaves slowly fall to the ground again.”

The teacher reads the poem “Falling Leaves” by V. Mirovich.

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

“Weave a wreath!”

Target: teach children how to dance in a round dance.

Material: wreaths with flowers and ribbons.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to play and distributes wreaths to everyone. Each child, choosing a wreath headband, names the flower and its color, and the teacher and other children help those who have difficulty naming it.

The teacher says that beautiful flowers have grown in the clearing (points to the children).

Everyone together selects flowers by name: “This is a chamomile, here is another chamomile and this is also a chamomile. And this is a cornflower and this is a cornflower. Come here, cornflowers!”

The teacher says: “A breeze blew, the flowers began to play pranks and scattered across the clearing. (The children run away.) The girl Dashenka came and said: “Weave a wreath!” Curl, wreath!" (An adult helps the children form a circle.) What a beautiful multi-colored wreath we have! Curl, wreath! Curl!"

Together with the teacher, the kids dance in a circle and sing any funny song in chorus.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"On a narrow path"

Target: teach children to step from circle to circle (drawn with a stick on the sand, with chalk on the asphalt).

Progress of the game

The teacher draws circles on the ground (there should be more circles than children playing), then explains that you can cross the stream “on pebbles” - circles, otherwise you will get your feet wet.

The teacher pronounces words and shows actions:

Along a narrow path

Our feet are walking!

All children follow the teacher and approach the “pebbles”. An adult shows how to step from circle to circle. Children imitate his actions.

Over the pebbles.

Over the pebbles

Over the pebbles!

Suddenly the teacher unexpectedly says: “And into the hole - bang!”, jumps out of the circle, crouches, and all the children follow him.

The game repeats itself.

"Run to what I call"

Target: remind children the names of objects; teach to run in a “flock”; practice local orientation.

Rules: be able to listen to an adult.

Progress of the game

Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. The teacher explains: “Where I tell you, you will run there and wait for me.” Then he says: “One, two, three. Run to the sandbox!”

Children run in a flock to the sandbox. The teacher follows them, does not rush, gives them time to rest. He praises that everyone ran correctly and says:

One two Three,

Run to the veranda!

Then the game is repeated: children run to the swing, to the table, to the slide, etc.

"Shaggy Dog"

Target: teach children to listen to an adult, move around the playground, following the instructions given in a playful way.

Material: large toy dog.

Progress of the game

The teacher places a bright toy dog ​​near the veranda and explains to the children: “The dog is sleeping, let’s try to wake it up.”

The teacher reads the poem, inviting the children to perform the appropriate actions with a gesture:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And we'll see if something happens.

Children sneak up to the dog, quietly calling: “Dog, doggy, play with us!” The dog "barks". Children, at the command of an adult, run to the veranda, behind the veranda, and hide in the “house” (drawn circle).

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


(pair dance)


Progress of the game

The adult takes the willing child by the hands and sings slowly, giving the child the opportunity to repeat the movements:

Ay-yes! (For each syllable of the song, the adult and child slowly roll from one leg to the other. Repeat 4 times.)

Our feet stomped

The children danced merrily! (They stomp at a fast pace and smile.

Repeat 2 times.)

Ay-yes! (Clap their hands and laugh.)

"Our hands"

Target: learn to act in accordance with the words of the poem.

Progress of the game

An adult hums a song. Wishing children imitate his actions:

Where is it, where is it

Our hands?

We don't have our pens. (Hands behind your back, slightly sway your body from side to side. Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our hands,

Here are our pens!

They dance, they dance

Our hands

Our hands are dancing! (Arms above your head or in front of you, circular movements with your hands.)

Where is it, where is it

Our legs?

Our legs are gone! (They squat and clasp their knees with their hands,

Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our legs,

Here are our legs!

They dance, they dance

Our legs

Our feet are dancing! (They get up and stomp their feet merrily.)

Where is it, where is it

Our eyes?

Our eyes are gone! (They cover their eyes with their palms.

Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our eyes,

Here are our eyes!

They look, they look

Our eyes.

Our eyes are watching! (Remove their palms from their faces, jump, squat.)

"By the Bear in the Forest"

Target: teach children to understand the meaning of the text and act according to the words.

Material: large soft toy - bear.

Progress of the game

The teacher plants the bear under a bush and tells the children that in the fall they can go to the forest and pick mushrooms and berries; asks which of the children went mushroom picking with their parents: “Did you bring a lot of mushrooms? Have you found raspberries in the forest? Who loves raspberries? Of course, a bear! He comes to feast on sweet berries, but when he sees someone, he immediately growls, drives everyone away, and wants to pick the berries alone. Look what a bear with a sweet tooth! Let’s go into the forest too!”

The teacher slowly reads the poem:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is looking

And he growls at us:


While listening to the text, the children slowly approach the bear (soft toy).

As soon as the bear growls, everyone runs away in different directions.

Then the teacher asks: “Who wants to be a bear? Are you, Misha? Will you growl? Then sit next to me. We will have two bears."

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 3-4 times, the bear children can change and run after the children if desired.

“Inflate, my balloon!”

Target: teach children to perform various movements, forming a circle; practice pronouncing the sound “sh”.

Progress of the game

The teacher says: “Let’s, guys, let’s inflate balloon. Let’s inflate it so that it becomes big and big and doesn’t burst.”

Everyone stands in a circle close to each other, holds hands, and blows actively. Then the adult slowly, melodiously pronounces the words, stepping back:

Inflate, my balloon!

Blow up, big...

Imitating an adult, everyone stops, holding hands and forming a large circle. The teacher continues:

Stay like this

And don't burst!

The adult clarifies: “Look what a big balloon we inflated!” And suddenly everyone follows the adult together: “Sh-sh-sh-sh”! Without letting go of their hands, everyone runs to the middle.

“Our balloon is deflated! - states the teacher. - Let's cheat again! - and repeats the words of the game.

The third time, the children, holding hands, disperse, forming the widest circle possible.

The teacher commands: “Clap!” Children unclasp their hands and run in different directions: “The balloon has burst!”

"Let's go to the forest"

Target: practice using substitute objects; clarify the names of plants, develop orientation in space.

Material: little mushrooms, flowers made of corrugated paper or nylon ribbons, two cords, 5-6 baskets.

Progress of the game

The teacher, together with the children, decorates the clearing with flowers, places mushrooms near the trees, and pulls two cords on the playground (indicating a bridge across the river).

The teacher hums, imitating a steam locomotive: “U-oo-oo-oo!” Children - carriages are driving, honking: “Oooh!” Here's the stop. “Shhhhh!” - the children repeat after the teacher.

“Where are we going?” - asks the teacher. If the kids find it difficult to answer, it helps: “The train brought everyone to a clearing where flowers grow.” Children pick flowers.

All the flowers are collected in baskets, the locomotive gives a long whistle. The train travels across a bridge into the “forest”, where children collect mushrooms together, and then run from tree to tree, hiding behind them.

Again the long whistle of the locomotive - everyone is leaving for home.

In the “forest”, the teacher can ask if the children know the names of trees such as fir-tree, birch, and if they can show them.

"Birds and Rain"

Target: teach children to act on an adult’s command, practice pronouncing sounds.

Material: bird emblems.

Progress of the game

The teacher distributes bird emblems to the children, clarifies who has which, and explains: “Everyone must listen to the words as the game progresses and perform the named actions.”

The teacher begins: “The birds fly (children run around the playground), peck grains (children sit down, “peck”), fly away again.

Suddenly an angry autumn wind blew in, howled and made noise. ("Vvv!" - say the children.) Frequent rain started dripping and pounding on the roof.”

“Knock! Knock! Knock! - the children repeat.

“Hide, birds! “Otherwise all the feathers will become wet,” the adult calls. - All the birds hid: some under a bush, some under a leaf (the children sit down).

The rain passed, and again the birds flew, sang a cheerful song, and were happy” (children imitate the voices of familiar birds).

Game continues. You can complicate the plot by the appearance of a dog or a car on the site. Each time the bird children fly away in different directions.

“The children went to kindergarten”

(based on a poem by A. Kondratenko)

Progress of the game

The teacher reads a poem:

The children went out into the green garden

Dance, dance.

La-la! La-la-la! (Children move freely and dance.)

The geese became surprised

Cackle, cackle... (Children shout: “Ha-ha-ha!”)

The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“Igo-go! Igo-go! (Children repeat: “Igo-go! Igo-go!”)

Why do you need to spin?

For what, for what? (All the children are spinning.)

And the cow was surprised:

"Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo!" (Children repeat: “Moo-moo-moo!”)

Why are you so happy?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand!

The teacher pretends to gore everyone. The children run away.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor games in the second junior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 5 "DEWDROP"



(2 junior group)

Instructor physical education Taul M. N.

Vilyuchinsk, 2016

Outdoor game"Sparrows and the car"

Target: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Description. Children - "sparrows" sit on the bench - "nests". The teacher pretends "automobile". After the words teacher: "Let's fly, sparrows, onto the path"- children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms - "wings". On signal teacher: “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - "automobile" leaves from "garage", "sparrows" fly to "nests" (sit on benches). "Automobile" returns to "garage".

Outdoor game"My funny ringing ball"

Target: teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, with a teacher next to them with a ball in their hands. It shows how easily and high the ball bounces when you hit it with your hand, accompanying the action words:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he speaks: “I’ll catch up now!” The children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the children’s heads, as if hitting balls.

Outdoor game"It is snowing"

Target: teach how to correlate your own actions with the actions of participants games; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves.

The teacher reads a poem:

White fluffy snow swirls in the air,

And quietly falls to the ground, lies down.

Children run in circles, spinning.

Outdoor game"Sun and Rain"

Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

Description. Children squat down behind the line designated by the teacher. Educator speaks: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk". Children are running around the playground. On signal: “Rain! Hurry home!- run behind the marked line and squat down. The teacher again speaks: "Sun! Go for a walk", and the game repeats itself.

Outdoor game"Aircraft"

Target: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for "flight", having previously shown how "start up" motor and how "fly". Educator speaks: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!- children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest and say sound: "R-r-r". After the signal teacher: "Let's fly!"- children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) And "fly"- scatter in different directions. On signal teacher: “Landing!”- children sit on the bench.

Outdoor game"Snowflakes and the Wind"

Target: development of children’s imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; practice running, doing turns around yourself, and squatting.

The teacher says words:

And now I'll look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost?

Educator – "wind" imitates the wind blowing, and children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down when the teacher stops blowing.

Outdoor game"Train"

Target: teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, stop at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, and to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one by one (not holding each other). First - "locomotive", the rest - "cars". The teacher blows the whistle, and "train" begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally the children start running. After the teacher's words "The train is pulling into the station" The children gradually slow down and the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers and berries in an imaginary clearing. At the signal, the children gather in a column again - and the train begins to move.

Outdoor game"By the Bear in the Forest"

Target: development in children of the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, development of attention; exercise children in running.

Of all the participants games choose one driver who is appointed "bear". On the site for games outline two circles. The first circle is a den "bear", the second is home, for all other participants games. The game begins and the children leave the house with words:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and "bear" catches him, then he himself becomes "bear".

Outdoor game"By flat path»

Target: develop coordination of the movements of arms and legs in children; teach them to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop a sense of balance and spatial orientation.

Description. Children, free grouping, go with the teacher. The teacher pronounces the following text at a certain pace, the children perform movements according to text:

On a level path, walk at a pace.

On a flat path

Our feet are walking:

One - two, one - two.

Over the pebbles, over the pebbles, Jump on two legs with

moving forward.

By pebbles, by pebbles...

In the hole - bang! To squat.

Get up.

Poem repeats again. After several repetitions the teacher says another text:

On a smooth path, on a smooth path

Our legs are tired, our legs are tired,

This is our house - this is where we live.

At the end of the text, the children run to "house"- a predetermined place behind a bush, under a tree, etc.

Outdoor game"Chicken - Corydalis"

Target: train children to quickly respond to the teacher’s signal; exercise children in walking.

A hen came out - a crested chicken, with yellow chicks, the teacher depicts "chicken", children - "chicks". One child (older)"cat". "Cat" sits on a chair to the side. "Hen" And "chickens" walk around the site. Educator speaks:

The chicken clucks: "Ko-ko, don't go far".

Approaching "cat", teacher speaks:

A cat lay down on a bench by the path and dozed...

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

"Cat" opens his eyes, meows and runs after "chickens", which run to a certain corner of the site - "house"- to the mother hen. Educator ( "chicken") protects "chicks", spreading his arms to the sides, and speaks at this: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!” At repeat game role"cats" entrusted to another child.

Outdoor game"Find your color"

Target: teach children to quickly act on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity.

Description. The teacher places hoops on different sides of the playground (made from cardboard) and puts one pin of a different color in them. One group Children stand around red pins, another yellow, and a third blue. On signal teacher: "For a walk!"- children disperse or scatter throughout the playground in different directions. On second signal: "Find your color!"- children run to their seats, trying to find a pin of their color. A game repeats itself.

Outdoor game"Round dance"

Target: teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice squats.

The children pronounce the words behind the teacher. Holding hands, they walk in a circle.

Around the rose bushes, among the herbs and flowers

We circle and circle the round dance, oh, we are merry people!

We were so dizzy that we fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, perform squats.

Outdoor game"Carousel"

Target: to develop children's balance in movement, running skills, and increase emotional tone.

Description. The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. Holding a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with colorful ribbons tied to it. Children take hold of the ribbons, the teacher moves with the hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. Educator speaks:

Barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, and then everything runs, runs, runs!

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,

One and two, one and two, the game is over!

The children stop.

Outdoor game"The little white bunny is sitting"

Target: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

Description. Children - "bunnies" sitting on a bench. The teacher offers to run out "bunnies" to the middle of the site ( "clearing"). Children go to the middle of the playground, stand near the teacher and squat down. The teacher says text:

Little white bunny sits Children move their hands

And he wiggles his ears. hands, raising them to the head,

Like this, like this, imitating bunny ears.

He wiggles his ears.

It’s cold for the bunny to sit, they clap their hands.

I need to warm my paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, they bounce on both

The bunny needs to jump. feet in place.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

(Toy name) scared the bunny, Specifically indicated,

who scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away. (the teacher shows


The children run to their places.

Outdoor game"Jack Frost"

Target: development of the ability to perform characteristic movements; exercise children in running.

Description. The teacher stands in front of the children at a distance of 5 meters and says words:

I am Frost Red Nose. Full of beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest. Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies! Girls and boys!

(Children go to meet the teacher halfway.)

I'll freeze it! I'll freeze it!

The teacher is trying to catch the children - "hares". Children run away

Outdoor game"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

Target: teach children to crawl under the rope without touching it, to dodge the driver, to be careful and attentive; teach them to act on cues, not push other children, and help them.

Description. Children pretending to be chickens, together with the teacher - "mother hen"- are located behind a rope stretched between the chairs at a height of 35-40 cm – "home". On the opposite side of the platform sits a large "bird". "Hen" comes out of "Houses" and goes in search of food, she calls "chicks": "Ko-ko-ko-ko". At her call "chickens" crawl under the rope, run to "mother hen" and they walk with her, looking for food. By signal: "Big Bird!" - "chickens" quickly run into the house. Role "mother hens" at first it is performed by the teacher, and then this role can be given to children, first at their request, and then as directed by the teacher. When "chickens" return to "house" escaping from the big one "birds", the teacher can raise the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.

Outdoor game"Mice in the Pantry"

Target: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal; Exercise children in climbing, running and squatting.

Description. Children - "mice" are on one side of the site. On the opposite side there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm from ground level - this is "pantry". To the side of the players is "cat" (her role is played by the teacher). "Cat" falls asleep and "mice" slowly running into "pantry". Penetrating into "pantry", they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they sit down and it’s as if "gnaw" crackers. "Cat" wakes up, meows and runs after "mice". They quickly run away into their burrows. The game resumes. In the future, as you master the rules games role"cats" can be performed by any of the children.

Outdoor game"Mice and Cat"

Target: teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the teacher’s signal.

Description. Children sitting on benches are "mice in holes". Sitting on the opposite side of the platform "cat", whose role is played by the teacher. "Cat" falls asleep (closes eyes, and "mice" scatter around the site. But here "cat" wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching "mice". "Mice" quickly run away and hide in "minks" (take their seats). Caught "mice" "cat" takes him to himself. When the others "mice" hide in "minks", "cat" walks around the site one more time, then returns to his place and falls asleep. "Mice" can run out of "mink" then when "cat" closes his eyes and falls asleep, and returns to "minks"- When "cat" wakes up and meows. The teacher makes sure that everything "mice" ran out and scattered as far as possible from "mink". "Minks", in addition to benches, arches for climbing can serve, and then children - "mice"- crawl out of their "mink".

Outdoor game"Geese - geese"

Target: development in children of coordination of movements, speed of reaction, ability to play in a team.

Description. The children stand against one wall of the room. Driver (adult) in the middle.

The presenter speaks: "Geese, geese".

Children: "Ha, ha, ha".

Leading: “Do you want something to eat?”

Children: "Yes Yes Yes".

Leading: “Well, fly if you want, just take care of your wings”.

The children run to the opposite wall (their house is there), and the leader must have time to make as many children as possible.

Outdoor game"The Crows and the Little Dog"

Target: teach children to imitate the movements and sounds of birds, to move without interfering with each other.

Description. Selected "dog", the rest of the children - "crows".

Children are jumping near the green Christmas tree,

Crows are jumping and cawing: “Kar! Kar! Kar!, depicting a crow.

Then the dog came running. The children are running away from

And the raven scattered everyone: “Aw! Aw! Aw!” "doggies".

A game repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor game"Taxi"

Target: to teach children to move together, to balance movements with each other, to change the direction of movements, to be attentive to play partners.

Description. Children stand inside a small hoop, hold it down hands: one - at one side, the other behind the other. First child - "driver" Taxi, second -"passenger". Children running around the playground (track). After a while they change roles. 2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the space allows, then more. When children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to move in different directions and make stops. You can mark the stop location with a flag or a taxi rank sign. At the bus stop "passengers" they change, one gets out of the taxi, the other gets in.

Outdoor games for walks

"The snow is spinning"

Goal: To learn to correlate one’s own actions with the actions of the participants in the game To develop auditory attention and motor activity To cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Progress of the game: Teacher: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” - the children are spinning.

“We all gathered in a circle, spinning like a snowball” - the children approach the teacher.

“Snowflakes and white fluffs have gone to bed” - children crouch

“A cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered.” - the children scatter around the playground.

"The Crow and the Dog"

cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Progress of the game: Educator:

« Near the green Christmas tree

Crows are jumping and cawing:

Kar! Kar, Kar” - the children jump and make onomatopoeic sounds.

“Then the dog came running

And the raven scattered everyone:

Aw! Aw! Aw! - the children run away in different directions.

"On a level path."

Get used to walking freely in a column one at a time

Develop a sense of balance, spatial orientation, coordination of the movements of arms and legs

Cultivate positive relationships

On a flat path

By pebbles, by pebbles...

“Birds, one! Birds, two!

Goals: to train children in jumping, to familiarize them with the habits of birds

develop attention and motor activity

Move: Birds, one! (put one leg forward)

Two birds! (extend the other leg)

Skok-skok-skok! (jumping)

Birds, one! (raise wing)

Birds, two! (raise the second one)

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Birds, one! (close one eye)

Birds, two! (close the second one)

The birds have flown (running, flapping their wings, chirping)

"Shaggy Dog"

Goal: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, develop auditory attention, speed, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

Progress: One child is chosen as a dog, he sits on the other side of the playground. The children come up to him, and the teacher says the words:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see: “What will happen?”

After the last words, the children run away, and the dog catches them.

"Cat and Mice"

Goal: learn to run without bumping. develop self-control, spatial orientation, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

Procedure: children sit on one side of the playground - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side the teacher is a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up, starts meowing and catching mice. The children run to their places.

"Catch me"

Goals: to teach how to quickly navigate in space;

Develop agility

Cultivate a desire to play with the teacher

"The snow is spinning"

Goal: Learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. Develop auditory attention and motor activity. Cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Purpose: to practice throwing, develop arm strength, cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises

" Father Frost"

Goals: learn to perform characteristic movements, develop running, speed,

develop a caring attitude towards peers

I am Frost, Red Nose

Overgrown with a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out quickly!

Come out bunnies!

Children are jumping.

I'll freeze it! (run away)

Then the teacher names different animals, and the children imitate the movements

"Birds in Nests"

Goals: learn to run without bumping, develop memory, attention, speed of movements, spatial orientation, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

Procedure: Draw several circles on the ground - these are nests.
The adult says the words:
Here the birds were flying, small birds.
Everyone was flying, everyone was flying - flapping their wings.
They sat down on the path and ate some grains.
Kluk-kluk-kluk-kluk, how I love grains.
Let's clean the feathers to make them cleaner.
Like this, like this, so that they are cleaner!
We jump on branches to make the children stronger.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches. - At the signal: “Fly home to your nests!” children return to their "nests"

"Sparrows and the car"

Target. to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place. develop speed, attention, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers.

Procedure: Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in nests. The teacher stands on the opposite side. It depicts a car. After the teacher’s words “Let’s fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

At the teacher’s signal, “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into their nests (sit on chairs). The car returns to the garage.

"To the Christmas tree"

Goals: learn to imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention and motor activity. cultivate an emotional response to the game, a desire to play again

Progress: Come on, Christmas tree, lighten up, sparkle with lights!

We invited guests. Have fun with us.

Along paths, through snow, through forest lawns

The Long-Eared Bunny came galloping to our holiday. (jumping)

And behind him, everyone, look, there is a red fox.

The fox also wanted

Have fun with us (run quietly)


Clubfoot bear,

He brings honey and a big pine cone as a gift (they waddle)

"Find your tree."

Goals: to teach children to run easily without bumping into each other; act quickly on a signal from the teacher, consolidate the names of trees, develop spatial orientation, attention, speed

cultivate the need for physical activity.

"Get in the circle."

Goals: improve the ability to operate with different objects, learn to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands, develop the eye, coordination of movement, dexterity, cultivate the need for physical activity


Goals: learn to run in one direction, learn to act on a signal

develop attention, motor activity, cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Progress: The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight.” Start the engines! Let's fly! Children run around the playground in one direction. After the signal “Landing!” children land on their knee.

"White Bunny"

Goals: to teach you to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, practice jumping, develop motor skills, cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

Progress: The little white bunny is sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump,

Skok, skok, skok, skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped... and galloped away.

"On a level path."

Goals: to teach people to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop coordination of the movements of arms and legs, a sense of balance, orientation in space, cultivate friendly relationships

Progress: Along a level path, children walk one after another

On a flat path

Our feet walk once, twice, once, twice

Jumping on pebbles, jumping on pebbles, moving forward

By pebbles, by pebbles...

Thump into the pit! They squat down.
