Hiking games in nature. Tourist game for younger schoolchildren "We're on a hike." Relay races with Lesovichok

Besides the hiking and nature walks for children occupy an equally important place games. They help to unite teams, relieve tension in a tourist group, cheer up children and just have a great time.

All outdoor camping games for children can be classified by season or by active and developing. Today we bring to your attention the best and proven games.

Winter Games

Active game "Snowballs"

These traditionally include “Snowballs”. Exciting game with the construction of fortresses and the laying of stocks of “bombs” will become exciting activity for children of any age.

Snowballs You can play in teams or alone. Boys like this game the most. They enthusiastically not only prepare for it, setting up ambushes and preparing “enemy raids,” but also stocking up on the lion’s share of snow shells.

The girls also do not lag behind and often take either the role of partisans and reconnaissance, or stand up for operational replenishment of snow shells.

Sleigh race

A team game (2-3 people), in which one of them gets into a “harness”, someone sits in a sleigh. The task is to be the first to complete the course to the finish line without losing the team players.

Angry Birds

Winter shells can be replaced by snowballs. The principle of the game is the same as in the original version of the game: knock down an entire structure with a minimum number of hits. You can play in turns or as a team, discussing and trying on the flight path and creating a unique snow projectile (you can insert twigs into it, make it heavier, or, conversely, make the projectile minimal in size).

Summer Games

Summer game options are no less interesting than winter ones. In the summer, yes in autumn Taking into account the minimum amount of clothing and the ability to additionally use water, you can play a huge number of games. Primary games or older schools become more diverse and more fun.

Trap for a bear

This game requires minimal preparation:

  • A bag filled with leaves and straw;
  • A rope, the length of which should be sufficient to stretch it between the trees;
  • Sticks of 20-30 cm, which you first collect in the forest.

The preparation for the game is to stretch a rope between the trees and hang a bag filled with leaves on the rope in the middle. They put 20 sticks under the bag.

The task is that the presenter pushes the bag away with his hand, and the player must certain time collect from under the bag maximum amount chopsticks Victory goes to the one with the most branches. This game can be included in the general relay race for children on a hike in nature.

"Camp Builder"

In this game, two teams assemble a camp at speed. For this they will need: a tent, sleeping bags, an awning, ropes, pegs, a pot.

The task is to set up a camp in 30 minutes. 4-10 people play. If there are a lot of children, then there should be more tasks for setting up the camp, let them collect firewood, bring water and prepare a fire pit, for example.

The winner is the team that builds the highest quality camp in the shortest time.


Classic game for all times, capable of teaching anyone to use a compass and map. The only addition is that you can improve the game by equipping the “intermediate points” with technical innovations, so the information received from the teams passing the “points” will be the most accurate. You can also add elements quest: set at each point additional task, the passage of which will indicate that “the height is taken” or “the point is captured.” The winner is the team that arrives first at the last task.

Hiking songs for children

What would a trip be without songs. They allow the whole team to relax in the evening around the fire, creating a warm and favorable environment. TO classical songs, accompanying more than a single generation tourists include:

  • Bulat Okudzhava “Pass”;
  • Oleg Mityaev “The bend of a yellow guitar”;
  • Vladimir Vysotsky “Cliff Climber”, “Song about a Friend”;
  • Songs from the film "Mary Poppins": "Wind of Change", "Half a Year of Bad Weather";
  • Songs from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”: “A Ray of Golden Sun”, “There is Nothing Better in the World”.

Competitions for children on a hike

Except games and songs for children of course, all sorts of things will be interesting competitions. You definitely need to prepare for them in advance. As options you can do:

  • Riddles competition;
  • Poetry competition. Children emotionally and visually tell poems about the time of year, for example, to which you went. They can walk around a makeshift stage and show the breadth of the forest, the beauty of the trees, and so on.
  • Fairy tale competition. Each participant comes up with a fairy tale himself and tells it from an improvised stage.
  • Drawing competition. Prepare albums and paints with water in advance. You can divide the participants into groups or everyone will act for themselves. Drawing from life will not only be interesting, but also educational. Even those who do not hold a brush very well will notice amazing nuances in objects of inanimate and living nature.

Alevtina Dmitrivna, labor teacher, 18 years of experience

If you think that children change over time, as an experienced teacher, I can definitely say no. After all, it is not the children who change, but the world in which they live and our relationships and expectations from children. If you look at them and see in them only snarling kids who know nothing about life, they will grow up like that, and if you treat them as a true teacher and friend, then they will open their souls to you and become real people!

Ekaterina, daughter Arina (10 years old), son Alexey (15 years old)

From the very first year in kindergarten, I have been a member of the children’s parent committees. Now I’m on my daughter’s committee. This is a completely conscious decision. I do not have a pedagogical education, but I am happy to help teachers and accompany our students everywhere. children. On trips to theaters, museums, exhibitions and nature. We help teachers arrange competitions and conduct “Zarnitsa”. I see how children (mine and their friends) grow up, I see that these kind of people bring them together and make their lives brighter and more comfortable. After all, no one has canceled the transitional age, but if at this time the child does not have a friendly environment at school, then this period will be the most acute. Therefore, I am always ready to help and take a direct part.


About that Let's keep the kids busy on a hike Many manuals and scientific papers have been written. Your task is to make it not only an outing into nature, but also an interesting and exciting activity that can distract children from boring memorization of lessons at school. Such trips should stimulate the desire to explore the world around us and distract children from gadgets and computer games. Through proper preparation forest hike scenarios for children you will be able to achieve some success. Your children will remember these wonderful days with joy and warmth.

Photos and videos: free Internet sources

May 28, 2017

Children's imagination really has no limits, and therefore games and competitions in nature should be special for them. Any adult can envy their inventions. Children can come up with a game out of nothing, but it won’t necessarily be safe. To avoid this, you should prepare in advance and select several interesting activities that your child will enjoy and will be safe.

1. Sports equipment. When going outdoors, don’t forget to take along with skewers a ball, a jump rope, a Frisbee plate, a shuttlecock and badminton rackets or something else.
2. Clothes and shoes. In nature, almost all games are active, and therefore flip-flops and flip-flops are definitely not suitable, because it will simply be uncomfortable to run around in them. And clothes should be loose and comfortable. It is best to give preference to a sporty style.
3. Headdress. The first warmth is very deceptive: it seems that it is not very hot outside, but it can easily heat your head.
4. Play with children. Some children are quite difficult to get up, so to motivate them, start playing with them. And when the child is fully involved in the process, you can safely go about your business.
5. Competition. If there are a lot of kids, then organize relay races for them. Children love competitive fun. Just don’t forget that any competition involves prizes, which should be taken care of in advance.

Which games and competitions should we focus on?

"Smart Thief"

To play you will need: a ball, a rope, 15-20 small objects (coins, pebbles, shells, small children's toys, candies, nuts...).

The rope is tied to a tree branch so that it hangs down evenly. A ball is tied to the rope below. This must be done so that there is no more than 2 centimeters between the ball and the ground. All small objects are randomly placed under the ball on the ground. This completes the preparatory stage.

Next, one of the players approaches the ball, takes it in his hands, steps back 2-3 steps, lifts it high above his head and pushes it forward with all his strength. While the ball is swinging, you need to collect all the wealth laid out on the ground as quickly as possible. And, of course, the ball should not touch the player. After which the total number of collected items is calculated. Then the items are returned to their places and all players go through this procedure. In count collected items the winner is determined.

Important: if the ball still touches the player during the theft, then his entire score is reset to zero.

"Twist the rope"

For the competition you will need an unusual set: a ball, a rope, a net.
We put the ball in a net, tie a rope to the net, and tie the rope around a tree. Next, we unite the children into two teams, each of which is placed on different sides of this tree.

The essence of the game is to kick the ball hard and wrap a rope around a tree. Each team takes turns striking: the first - in a clockwise direction, the second - counter-clockwise. It is logical that the stronger the blows, the more revolutions are obtained.

There are no restrictions on the number of hits, which means the game continues until one of the teams winds the entire rope around the tree in this way.

"Hot Ember"

For this game you will need a ball. He can be anything. The number of participants is at least four. But the more people involved, the better.

Everyone stands in a circle. One of them is appointed as the driver and placed in a circle, blindfolded. He will have to give commands to the others. He begins by declaring: “Keep the potatoes from the fire, take care of your palms.” After that, the rest of the players quickly throw the sports equipment to each other in a circle, as if they had grabbed a really hot potato. And when the driver unexpectedly says: “Stop!”, the one who still has the ball in his hands is “burned,” that is, he lost and leaves the game. And so on until only one of the most persistent remains. The winner becomes the driver.

"Pigs Don't Dance"

This game can be called entertaining and intellectual. She will also need a ball and a good vocabulary.

All participants stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. This can be done either in a circle or in random order. The difficulty lies in the fact that the first player must name any noun, the second - an adjective that would fit the meaning of the first word, and the third - a verb, so that it also fits logically into the sentence. If, for example, at the end you get the phrase “The big pig is dancing,” then the player who said the word “dancing” is eliminated, because this does not happen. It is important to pronounce the words quickly - a maximum of 3 seconds is given for the answer. While the participant is thinking, others are counting out loud. The most resourceful one wins.


This game is a little similar to the previous one, but there are significant differences. Firstly, there is a driver who stands in a circle of other participants. Secondly, there is no need to form phrases here.

At the beginning of the game, the driver says: “We came to the zoo and saw what is here...” Then he throws the ball to one of the participants, saying “beast.” The participant must quickly name some animal and return the ball to the driver. Next, the driver throws the ball to another player and says “bird,” and he quickly says the name of a bird and returns the ball. The third player gets the word “fish”. The words “beast”, “bird” and “fish” can be named in any order and even several times in a row. The one who answered incorrectly, hesitated, or named the animal that another player named is eliminated from the game.

The competition continues until one player remains. He then becomes the next driver.


The game can be quite traumatic, so it should only be played in the presence of an adult. Children stand in a circle, and one child with a ball stands in the center of the circle. This ring should be as tight as possible: the distance between the participants should be 15-20 cm. The task of the central player is to break through the defense, that is, push the ball outside the circle. You can push the ball only with the help of your legs, knocking it out only at ground level. That is, aiming at the heads or stomach is strictly prohibited - the ball must roll on the ground.

The remaining players do their best to prevent the central one from making a breakthrough. But they can only act with their feet. At the same time, closing the circle into a narrower ring is prohibited. The one who misses the ball takes the place of the driver. There is no one winner here. But if you want to create a competitive moment, then you can keep track of losses. Whoever has the fewest is the winner.

"Tail of the Dragon"

This kind of entertainment is perfect when you don’t have any equipment at hand. Unite the children into two teams and line them up in two lines. These will be two dragons. Determine where the dragons have their heads and where their tails are. Place the ranks opposite each other so that the “heads” are face to face at a distance of 1 meter. Next, you announce that there will now be a competition in which the fastest and most dexterous dragon will win. And in order to find out, each dragon must, at a signal, catch the tail of another dragon, but not get caught himself. Only the dragon's head can catch.

All children place their hands on each other's shoulders and, at a signal, begin to move. The team whose tail is caught loses. And two of the team are eliminated - the “tail” and the “head”. The game continues until only one player remains on one of the teams. If this happens, then this dragon is recognized as the weakest.

"Until the thunder struck"

To play, you will again need a ball. Only you don’t have to tie it down. The number of players here is unlimited, but not less than three.

To begin with, a driver is selected and the ball is handed to him. Everyone else stands around him. The ball in the hands of the driver is “thunder”. While it is in the hands, everyone must stand still. As soon as the ball is in the air or on the ground, everyone runs to different sides(the further the better). At the very beginning, the driver throws the ball above him, and until it falls into his hands again, the players scatter. When the driver catches the ball, he loudly shouts “Thunder struck” and everyone stops. Then the driver throws it at one of the players. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and at this time everyone scatters again. If he hits, he changes places with the one who was shot and the game starts again.

"Black Mark"

In this game, all participants, except one, stand in one row facing forward. One (the driver) stands a little further away (2-3 meters from the others) with his back to everyone. At this time, one of the players throws a ball at his back. You just need to throw it lightly so that the driver doesn’t get hurt. The driver then turns to face the players and tries to guess who sent him the “black mark”.

If the driver guesses correctly, he changes places with the thrower. If he doesn’t guess, he turns away and everything repeats all over again.

"The fussy artist"

No additional equipment is needed. To begin with, a driver is selected, who moves away to a distance of 6-7 meters and turns his back to the others. Participants are arranged randomly according to playing field, the size and boundaries of which should be discussed in advance.

Next, the driver, who is also an artist, turns sharply and shouts the name of a color. For example, "Red". Then the players must touch the named color on their clothes. This will protect them from the picky artist. If you don't have the right color on your clothes, you need to run as fast as you can so as not to get caught.

If the artist still catches the player, then he takes his place. The main thing is not to forget that the other players at this time count to 60. If during this time no one is caught, then the artist returns to the starting position and everything starts all over again.

Important: one artist cannot name the same color - they must be different.

Of course, kids will appreciate relay races and traditional games such as football, volleyball and badminton.

Games and competitions while camping are a very important part of children's recreation. They provide a large portion of motor activity, so necessary for normal development, give a good mood and charge with energy. Children experience real joy from their small sports victories and achievements.

Bear trap:
A crossbar is fixed between two trees, and a bag filled with dry leaves or straw is suspended from a rope. Wooden blocks are placed on the ground. And the bear must push the bag away and simultaneously grab the maximum number of logs before the bag returns to its original position. Each trophy is worth one point. Well, the winner is the one who, with an equal number of attempts, scores the most points.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get:
Any number of participants can participate in this fun: First of all, the driver is selected, he stands with his back to the players. A few meters away (about ten ty), a line is drawn along which all participants stand. The driver says the words: “More quietly, you will continue to drive” and turns around sharply, trying to notice the one who has moved forward. The task of all players is to move forward before the driver turns around. If the driver notices movement, he sends the player back over the line. The ultimate goal of all players is to touch the driver’s shoulder.

Back to back:
This game is a real pair competition. All players are divided into pairs and stand with their backs to each other, holding hands, and on the command “march”, they run, back to back to the finish line and then return back. It turns out that each player runs normally in one direction, and backs away in the other direction.

Get the stone:
To play you need a 2-3 meter rope and two small stones. Two players participate in the competition. They take hold of different ends of the rope and move apart, pulling it tight. Next, a small stone is placed at the same distance from each, and at a signal, each player tries to pull the opponent and reach his own stone.

A spear:
For this game you will need a small ring, rubber or metal, you can make a spear from scrap materials, about one meter long, the spear should easily fit into the ring. Next, the ring is hung on a tree on a thread about half a meter long. The participants’ task is to walk quickly near the ring and pierce it with a spear on the first try. Those who miss leave the game, and those who pierce the target repeat everything until the most accurate player is identified among them.

Markings similar to hopscotch are made with chalk on the asphalt or a stick on the ground. The markings can be of any shape, but the interline spaces should not exceed the length of the step. Participants first look at the markings and memorize them, and then go through them blindfolded, without stepping on the lines. You can practice beforehand and go through the markings a couple of times with with open eyes. If the participants are adults, you can complicate the game by dragging threads or ropes between the trees and hanging bells on them, which will signal the bending participants about their mistakes.

Burden for two:
In this game, participants are divided into pairs. Each pair of participants receives a small board with a flag attached to it, and two meter-long slats. The task of all pairs, moving synchronously, is to carry the board to the finish line on outstretched sticks.

The competition requires several teams of 3 participants. Each team gets, for example, carrots. Every first participant must peel the vegetable, every second must grate, and every third must eat. You need to do everything faster than your opponents, because the fastest and most accurate team will receive a prize.

Rainbow of nature

The competition is simple in terms of conditions, but not so easy in execution. The guys are divided into teams with an equal number of participants. At the “start” command, guests go in search of all the colors of the rainbow (stones, flowers, leaves, pieces of glass, sticks - in a word - everything that can be found in the lap of nature). The team that is the first to “build” a rainbow from the found objects (an object of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) will be the winner.

Fights according to the rules

For each participant, the facilitator must prepare balloon, a plastic plate and a push pin. Players inflate balloons and tie them around their waists. Next, the contestants are located throughout the clearing. The presenter blows the referee's whistle loudly, after which the battle begins. Participants must use buttons, like swords, to pierce each other’s balls, while protecting their balls with a plastic plate - this is a shield. The one who has the only intact ball left will win.

Natural resources

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants. At the “start” command, each team must collect as many natural resources as possible, showing their ingenuity and imagination, for example, find a piece of glass - it contains sand, collect a handful of earth, find wood, water, any piece of iron - iron ore, gold jewelry with to remove yourself is gold and so on. The team that collects the most natural resources in 5 minutes will win and receive a prize.

Kebab presentation

You need to relax not only actively and satisfyingly, but also beautifully. Long live creativity. So, each participant receives a skewer and the right to use all products (in small quantities, of course) from the table. Each guest must show their imagination and make the most beautiful and best kebab skewer, which must also be given a name. And based on the voting results, the coolest kebab skewer will be determined, whose author will be awarded a prize.


Picnic guests are divided into teams of approximately 5 people. The leader gives the command “up” and the participants of each team must rise up, that is, hang in the air - get off the ground (climb a tree, stand on a stone, hang on a branch, climb a fence, and so on). Once the entire team gets off the ground and does it faster than the rest, they will be the winner.

Such different insects

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people, about 5 people each. At the command “start,” team members scatter in search of insects. The team that collects the most insects in their jar in 5 minutes will be the winner.

Merry moles

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair of “moles” receives a tool - a digging stick. At the command “start”, each pair begins to dig their own hole. The couple that can dig the deepest and widest hole with sticks in 5 minutes will win. And, if the picnic takes place near a body of water, you can add a second stage of the competition - fill the hole with water. Accordingly, the one whose hole is filled to the brim with water the fastest wins.


Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people - approximately 5-7 participants. Each team receives a task: to build a fortress out of stones. At the command “start”, the members of each team begin to look for stones and build their own fortress-slide, but this must be done barefoot (without using hands). The team that can build the tallest hill fortress in 5 minutes will win.

Bus games:

1. Sailor

The bus interior is divided into two teams. "A competition is being announced for best crew ship. For this we need to know a lot of songs. Whichever team sings them the most will be the winner! But the main thing is that the song contains words about the sea, sailors, sea ​​ships" This game is very variable and its conditions depend on your imagination. These could be songs about Moscow, there could be songs in which numbers appear: “a million, a million, a million scarlet roses”; “...the girl from apartment 45”; “...one word, two words...”

More difficult option This game will be a Question and Answer game, where the team takes turns taking a question from one song and an answer from another.

“Why are you standing there, swaying?..”

“...The sea wave is rocking and rocking.”

It is possible for one team to ask a question in song form, and the second, again from the lyrics of the songs, selects an answer.

2. Outside the window

The counselor names any letter of the alphabet, and the children take turns listing the objects with that letter that they see outside the window. Two rows compete. The counselor raises his hand to indicate whose turn it is to answer. If after seconds he does not receive an answer, then the row that last said the word gets a point. Several rounds of the game can be played.

3. Song rehash

A competition between a team of guys sitting in the first half of the bus and in the second. The counselor names any letter of the alphabet, and the teams take turns singing songs starting with that letter. If a team fails to sing a song within 10 seconds, the team that sang the song last gets a point.

4. Pass the fruit

Divide the two rows into two teams. Place an orange in one row and an apple in the second; whichever team returns the fruit faster gets one point.

Further you can use more large item, you can pass from one row to another, through the last seat, but count a point to those who are the first to hand over someone else’s item. It is interesting to pass a small match or a pea, or pass it only with your left hand.

You can also pass from one person to the second, according to this principle: the first passes to a neighbor, the latter passes to the second row, then in the second row the child passes to the neighbor, and so on.

Another option is for the counselor to walk through the salon from beginning to end, the point being that the item should already be at the end when the counselor gets there. You can walk slowly or, on the contrary, run and set your own conditions due to this.

5. Ear - nose

Now let's grab your nose with your right hand and your right ear with your left, try clapping your hands quickly, and then grab your nose with your left hand and your left ear with your right. Try doing this several times in a row.

Outdoor games:

For younger age:

1. 12 sticks

For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this swing. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart. The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game. Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the swing unnoticed by the driver and break the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.

2. Proteins, nuts, cones

All the guys stand up, holding hands, three at a time, forming a squirrel’s nest. They agree among themselves who will be the squirrel, who will be the nut, and who will be the cone. The driver is alone, he does not have a nest. There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: squirrels, cones, nuts. If he said squirrels, then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes an empty space in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader. If the leader says: nuts, then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut. The driver and presenter can be different people, or both functions can be performed by one person. The presenter can be given the command: squirrels-cones-nuts, and then everything changes places at once.

3. Crows and sparrows

At a distance of 1-1.5 meters two parallel lines. Another 4-5 meters are measured from them, and another line is drawn. The first two lines are the starting lines, the second are the houses. Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is called sparrows, and the second is called crows. The presenter stands between the teams and names the words: sparrows or crows. If the leader said: crows, then the crows catch up with the sparrows, which are trying to escape behind the second line, i.e. hide in the house. All caught sparrows become crows. If the leader says sparrows, then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left on one team. Or the game is played a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.

4. Chicken and kite

The first in the chain is the “mother hen”, the rest are “chickens”. The driver, the “kite,” is trying to carry away the last chicken (to grease). The task of the hen and chickens is to prevent this. When the kite kills the last chicken, he himself becomes the end of the chain, and the chicken becomes the kite.

5. Fisherman

A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the ground - an “island”. The driver - the “fisherman” - stands on the “island”. The rest of the players (“fish”) run around the island and shout: “Fisherman, fisherman! Hook us." After the “fish” repeat this phrase three times, the “fisherman” runs out of the island and catches one of the “fish”. The player who is caught becomes the new fisherman, and the old fisherman becomes the fish. If the “fisherman” fails to catch anyone for a long time, he returns to his “island” and the game is repeated from the beginning.

For teenagers:

1. In a cap

The driver is selected. The driver's task is to make the player wearing the cap look bad. However, the other players constantly pass the cap to each other. If a player is handed a cap, he must stop and put it on. Running while holding a cap in your hand is prohibited. If the driver manages to make fun of the player wearing the cap, they change roles. The roles of the driver and the player who dropped his cap on the ground or forgot to put the cap on his head also change roles.

2. Higher feet from the ground

A driver is selected from among the participants (for example, using a counting rhyme). After this, the rest of the players run away from the driver, and he tries to insult someone. However, the driver does not have the right to salt a player whose feet do not touch the ground. If the driver still manages to insult the player, he becomes the new driver.

Examples and additional material. To prevent the player’s feet from touching the ground, he can hang on the horizontal bar, stand on a bench, lie on the ground and raise his feet, etc.

3. Ball in a circle

The players form a circle. The driver with the ball is in the center of the circle. The driver tries to kick the ball out of the circle. And the players prevent him from doing this by hitting the ball. If the driver still manages to knock the ball out of the circle, the player who missed the ball becomes the new driver, and the previous driver takes his place.

Recommendations. Players in a circle must stand at least an arm's length apart from each other. In order to unambiguously determine which player missed the ball, it is necessary, if possible, to draw a circle into the areas of responsibility of each player.

For the game you can choose not one, but two or three drivers. In this case, the game can be played with either one or two balls.

4. Everyone drives

Players must remember two rules: 1. Each team member is a driver. 2. When a player is hit, he freezes.

5. Aram-shim-shim

The driver stands in the center of the circle with eyes closed and arm extended forward. All the players run in a circle with the words: Aram-shim-shim, Aram-shim-shim, Aramia-Dulsia, Point to me. At the last words, the circle stops, and the players look at whom the leader’s hand is pointing at. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in unison: “One, two, three.” On the count of “three,” those standing in the center simultaneously turn their heads. If they turn their heads in one direction, then they are performing some task for the children - singing, dancing, reading, etc. After this, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turn their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game from the beginning. When older kids play this game, they sometimes introduce this rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in the same direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

Walking games:

1. Around the column

A group of children walks along the road, lining up in a column, one at a time or in pairs. The driver leaves the column and walks to the side. At the leader’s signal, the game begins: the driver approaches one of the guys in the column and touches him, and then runs around the moving column in any direction. The upset player runs into the opposite side and also runs around the column. Both are eager to take the vacant seat. The one who succeeds will remain in service. The latecomer drives.

2. Eye gauge

During the walk, the leader stops the group for a short time, points to a tree, house or other object and asks them to guess how many steps there are to it. To check the answers, one (the tallest) of the guys is chosen, he goes to the tree and counts the steps.


Summer is the time of year that comes after spring.

What clothes, shoes and hats are worn in the summer? What are you wearing now?

How do you relax in the summer? (swim in the river, relax on the sea, sunbathe...)

What ripens in forests, fields, orchards, orchards? (berries and fruits ripen)

What berries and fruits do you love most?

What happens in the summer in the lives of animals and birds? (birds hatch chicks, animals have babies)

What's the weather like outside now?

4. Through the stream.

This game can be played by one child or several. When going for a walk, take chalk with you.

Draw a “stream” on the ground - two lines at a distance of 20-25 cm. Invite the child to jump over the stream, pushing off with both legs at once. Tell him that the stream is deep, so you should definitely try to jump over it. Gradually increase the distance between the lines to 40 cm.

When the child learns to jump over a stream, you can draw several streams, one wider than the other. Let the child jump first over a narrow stream, then over a wider one, and finally over the widest one.

5. Uphill and downhill.

Having gathered in a crowd, the children, at a signal from an adult, run up the slide (in small steps, stepping on the front of the foot), and then run down it with sweeping, wide steps.

Camping games:

1. Buddy, borrow an oak tree

A clearing with trees around its circumference is required. The participants in the game are squirrels. Each one stands by its own tree. The player playing the role of driver does not have a tree. He walks around the clearing, chooses a tree of any squirrel and says: “My friend, borrow an oak tree.” After this, the squirrel runs around the clearing to the right, and the leader runs to the left. Having made a circle, they both strive to occupy the vacated tree. The one who did not have time becomes the driver

2. Basket

A basket is hung from a tree branch on a rope 1 m long and swung.

Participants in the game throw various fruits collected during a walk into the basket from a distance of 3-4 m: one participant pine cones, another acorns, the third chestnuts, etc. They throw until the basket stops swinging. Then the number of items is counted.

The winner is the one who scored the most while the basket was swinging.

3. Run - sit - run!

When the children run across the clearing in a crowd, the adult suddenly gives the command: “Sit down!”, and everyone must sit down immediately. Then the adult exclaims: “Run!”, the children quickly get up and run further. Signals can be given not only at regular intervals, but also quickly one after another, before everyone has completed the previous task.

4. Meadow triathlon.

Children must complete the following tasks:

starting from a sitting position, take a run and jump over a low bump or ditch;

run to the arc (a willow rod bent and stuck into the ground at both ends, or two rods placed crosswise), crawl under it on all fours;

5. Forest tags.

Children play tag with the following conditions: you cannot tag a player whose back is against a tree; you cannot salt two players if they hold hands and surround a tree; You cannot salt those who can wrap their arms around a tree or hang on it.

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