Play with the elf. A hundred years is just a moment: games about elves. The Elder Scrolls series

From time immemorial, elves have been one of the standard races in most RPGs, but this does not mean that they are the same in all worlds. We've compiled a list of elf games on PC so you can check it out.

The father of modern fantasy, J. R. R. Tolkien, said that a smart elf will give advice, say “yes” and then “no”. Really, modern culture gave us a variety of representatives of this mythical race. In literature, cinema and, of course, games, we have already seen wise and immortal, aggressive and arrogant, conservative and condescending representatives of the elven people.

There was also a division of the race into separate branches - at least in every fifth game with elves there is always a division into light and dark. A little less common are forest ones, ice ones, and some completely strange ones. The only things that remain unchanged are sharp ears, a rich memory, an unusual culture, skill with a bow, a blade and, of course, a very, very long life.


1. The Elder Scrolls series

The legendary RPG series can give odds to all other games on our list combined in terms of the number of subspecies of elves.

Here you will find the usual high elves (Altmer) with enormous height (more than 2 meters), even greater conceit and excellent abilities in magic, and dark elves (Dunmer) with ashen skin, red eyes and interesting hobbies like ritual murders, and forest elves (Bosmers) with a cult of worship of vegetation and a purely meat diet, and even green elves (Orosimers) - here they are also classified as tribes of the elven people, all according to the Professor.

2. The Witcher series

The eternal debate about whether man descended from apes or was created has been resolved in the Witcher universe in an original way. Local elves are sure that they themselves were created, but people evolved from animals.

The beautiful appearance, knowledge of magic and the long lifespan of the elves would seem to confirm this theory, but people are not ready to put up with the arrogance of the eared handsome men. All this results in numerous interracial conflicts, which we have to solve in the trilogy of The Witcher games.

Of course, elves do not live alone The Witcher, but still, without the eared people, these world would have lost a bit of its charm.

3. Dilogy of Divinity: Original Sin

Elves in this RPG with turn-based battles inhabit the game world along with people, gnomes, lizards, and the undead. Representatives of this race, of course, prefer to live in the forests of Rivellon, but they can also be found in cities. The elves proved themselves to be skilled warriors, hunters and artisans.

Recently there has been a tendency for the genre to return role playing games to the origins, and the Divinity duology: Original Sin I also distinguished myself by my zeal for the good old D&D rules. So those who miss board games will definitely appreciate these games.

4.WarCraft III

Before the release of the first addition, there was only one type of elves in this classic - Night Elves, mysterious and wise creatures who lived for many millennia in a completely isolated world.

However, the invasion of the Burning Legion destroyed their world and forced them to seek salvation in other worlds. In the addon The Frozen Throne, the Blood Elves broke away from them, who, due to constant conflicts with people, mastered more strong magic, became angrier and eventually defected to the Horde.

5. Neverwinter Nights duology

The types of elves in this turn-based RPG are completely consistent with the universe - which means that here you will find wise and powerful sun elves, restless moon elves, nature-loving forest elves and, of course, cruel and treacherous dark elves (drow) - although, of course, no one will prevent you from playing a drow who has regained his sight and has fallen in love with goodness, or a sun elf who has gone crazy out of hatred for people.

In addition to elves, there are also plenty of other fantasy nations - here you have gnomes and dwarves (yes, yes, these are different races, the first are beardless and live on the surface, the second are bearded and live underground), and orcs, and halflings, and a bunch of interracial hybrids, including half-angels and half-demons.

6. Icewind Dale duology

Like NwN, events Icewind Dale develop in the universe of “dragons,” which means the elves are the same here. But the plot here will be completely different, and the graphics, although similar to those in NwN, are noticeably older. In addition, you will immediately start playing as a party of 6 characters, and not as one character, as in Neverwinter.

Otherwise, both game series follow the rules of their respective D&D editions, which means that most of them game mechanic very similar. So if you find a good Dungeon Master in your city - a big problem, but you've always wanted to explore the world of D&D, then you should definitely try one of these games.

7. Pillars of Eternity duology

At the same time, unlike the masterpieces of the nineties, which took place in a ready-made setting, the world of “Pillars of Eternity” was developed from scratch. There was also a place in it for elves of as many as two subspecies - forest elves are traditionally strong in magic, running, etc., but their white counterparts are known only for their mystery, because it is almost impossible to meet them.


This fantasy steampunk game tells the story of a world where the final battles between Magic and Technology are being fought. By following one of these paths, you can forget about the second - a magic wand in the hands of an engineer is just a piece of wood, but a pistol in the hands of a wizard shoots anywhere, but not at the target.

In such harsh world Magic-dependent elves are more of an amusing relic of the past than a powerful force. After all, the times when the Council of Elven Magicians decided the fate of the planet are long gone, and now you can only meet elves in a forgotten village in a remote forest.

In addition to the original setting and the depressing fate of the elves, this classic turn-based RPG will delight you with tons of signature humor, a rich plot, excellent quests, an original system that sometimes makes you literally rummage through trash bins and a huge variety of opportunities (you can talk to the same NPC to get information, steal, bribe, intimidate or even kill and talk to his spirit, would be skills).

9. Age of Wonders Series

Elves in this series turn-based strategies with the now obligatory RPG elements - only one (more precisely, two, there are also Dark Elves) of the 12 available races, along with people, dwarves, undead, orcs and other lizards. At the same time, along with the usual division into good-natured people and neutrals, there is a complex system of relationships between the races, which must be taken into account when planning your actions.

Battles take place on hexes global map, while not only the unit that initiated it (which can include a hero and up to 8 units), but also units from all neighboring hexagons participate in the battle. In addition, the outcome of a battle often depends not on the number of troops, but on their abilities and level of pumping.

10. Lord of the Rings: War in the North

11. Games based on the WARHAMMER 40,000 universe

Local elves travel across the vastness of Space, use super-futuristic technologies, wear closed helmets and are even called “Eldar”, but do not be fooled - the same ears stick out under the helmets, and the Seers carry the same artistic nonsense as typical fantasy elves. It is enough just to read books on game world to be sure of this.

After all, only elves could indulge in decadence and revelry so much as to give birth to their own sexually horny Chaos deity. And only the elves could then think of either fleeing forever from divine wrath (here’s the Light subspecies for you), or seeking leniency through bloody sacrifices (hello to the Dark Eldar). Whether you will help the Eldar restore justice, give their souls to Chaos, or simply burn them in the name of the Emperor is up to you.

12. Elven Legacy

Despite the name, the root cause of most of the events in the plot of this game was the long-standing conflict between humans and orcs. Once upon a time, people took away a rather large piece of land from the greenskins, and now, after many years, the orcs are going to return the favor and sharpen their axes together. Meanwhile, elves, gnomes and undead are also trying to take away their conquests from people. At the same time, people here are the losers by default, because you can only play as orcs or elves.

The game is a typical one with battles on a map divided into hexes. The campaign consists of missions, in each of which you need to complete some task (kill a crowd of enemies or capture their city).


1. World of Warcraft

2. The Elder Scrolls Online

Setting The Elder Scrolls Online Compared to the single-player version, little has changed, which means that you will again experience the arrogance of the Almeters, the cunning of the Dunmer, the aggressiveness of the Orosimers and the eco-friendliness (and ability to shoot from ambushes) of the Bosmers. Even the Dwemer do not change their traditions and still died out a long time ago.

Of course, in addition to the elves, in this MMORPG you will also find the rest of the features of the single-player series of games, including a system for leveling up skills as you use them and a well-thought-out setting.

3. Lord of the Rings Online

The elves in this MMORPG are, of course, the same as in Tolkien. After all, not everyone buys the rights to a universe only to ruin it. Interesting feature This game has a unique system.

Of the classic battles between players, only training duels are available, which do not bring any bonuses. But the game has the concept of PvMP - this is when some players take control of mobs and receive a reward for each character killed by this mob.

4. Neverwinter Online

The elves in the online version are the same as in the single-player series of games, except that the Dark subspecies split into the classic drow and the renegades of Menzoberranzan - especially for those who want to play one of the thousands of Drizzt-do-Urden.

In addition to the rich variety of big-eared games, this MMORPG will delight you with its original combat, which manages to combine the drive of classic online RPGs with unique D&D skills, as well as the unique The Foundry system, thanks to which each player can write a couple of their own quests for the game.

5. Lineage 2

There are exactly two types of elves in the “Ruler” - Light, who worship the goddess of water Eva, and Dark, who worship the goddess of death Shillen. At the same time, the light variety ancient people usually faster and more agile, and the dark subspecies is characterized by more measured actions and very high damage.


Games and books are my way of living several lives in one. My childhood occurred at a time when projects that had already become immortal classics saw the light of day: Heroes of Might and Magic, Diablo, Warcraft and others. Since then, interest in the industry has appeared, which is unlikely to ever fade away.

Elves are creatures who live a very long time (much longer than you and I). For such a long time, the elves manage to pass on many legends to the future generation, and even acquire them themselves, which cannot but serve as the basis for many exciting games. The whole variety of fairy tales, legends and adventures is ready to be revealed to you right now. How? Everything ingenious is simple: just open games about elves, and the bright world of games, full of discoveries, will open its doors for interactive learning!

§ How do we know about elves?

The fairy people called elves can be traced in a number of countries of the Northern Tradition, such as Germany, England, Sweden and Norway. Elves, according to the beliefs of the indigenous peoples of these countries, were creatures endowed with considerable magical power, capable of both healing people and destroying them, including they could bring people generous gifts in exchange for cooperation with them and curse them for violating the ancient Law. The elves also saw many things that were inaccessible to the human eye.

§ Games Elves - appearance

Despite the fact that the elves had many main features, different variants folklore gave rise to differences in abilities and appearance the latter. In some countries, elves were helpers and givers, serving in the forest as a kind of balancing force capable of turning the latter into a “zone of Light.” Others believed that elves could be either natural or underground; in this variation of the underground variety, all the negative traits inherent in evil, negative characters were given off.

All this could not help but be reflected in stories and games about elves. Some try to portray underground elves as similar to gnomes: living in special, richly decorated houses, while other sources prefer the image of orcs, bloodthirsty and merciless creatures disfigured by a long stay underground. This is precisely the reason why the underground elves appear before us either as tall, slender creatures with dark hair and dark skin, or as more reminiscent of stocky, muscular dwarfs.

§ Are you ready for Elf games? Forward!

Elves are frequent heroes of works of art and computer games. And this is no coincidence: all the charm, multiplied by the powers of these mythical creatures, shrouded in a light flair of legends, gives rise to hundreds of both online and offline games. A fairy tale in the browser, the game is ready to become a part of your life. To do this, just make a couple of clicks on the window with the game that matches your preferences.

§ Elves are waiting for you in the games!

Elves have long been a part of our gaming and reenactment fantasies. They are the heroes of fairy tales, capable of coloring our gray everyday life. All you have to do is enter a game about elves, and your world will no longer be boring and dull: after all, all these flash games capable of giving a sea of ​​positive emotions!

Experience cool online game dollar maker “Create Elf” - for girls this is not just a way to have fun, but also a chance to create your own character with absolute freedom of creativity!

The main difference between the dollar maker game and dress up is the very extensive character creation editor. There is an incredible number of tools here:

  • “Face & Body”: section of the elf’s face and body: in addition to the usual details of the transformation, you will see very interesting types of pointed ears, fancy skin decorations and unusual makeup for a magical fairy;
  • “Hairstyles”: hairstyles with individual details - bangs, extensions, chignons, buns and elf-style curls;
  • “Clothes”: sets with clothes of the most incredible types and shapes; in the third set, maker doll allows you to set the “pregnant tummy” setting;
  • “Wings”: 9 types of wings of butterflies, angels, dragonflies;
  • “Accessories”: a variety of accessories - jewelry, stockings, boots, flexible sling and lacing;
  • “Drag’n’Drop”: overlay details - sparkles, polka dots, curls, flowers - they can be rotated to the desired angle and dragged to any area of ​​the maker;
  • “Background”: 17 types of background pictures from the elves’ favorite places: night forest, flower garden, magic meadow.

Each group of dollar maker tools uses composite recolors (from 2 to 4 palettes at a time), which means creating an elf will not be limited to simply matching ready-made elements, as in a dress-up game. You can do a gradient repainting of clothes or hair with a smooth flow of any shades.

How to play dollar maker

There are countless elves in the fairy-tale world: garden and forest, dark and light, friendly and angry. To create another, special one, use the left mouse button. Click on the palette buttons to select primary and additional shades and on the arrow in the lower corner to switch tools. All tools of the dollar maker game are available for change at any time.
