Pokemon go symbols in the game. Playing Pokemon Go: rules and tips. Pokemon go problems: the egg is missing or does not hatch for a long time

Gyms in Pokemon Go (presses, gyms, gyms, towers, towers or training halls) in Pokemon Go are an extremely important part of the game, so it is very important to know how to capture and create a gym in Pokemon Go, and how to defend a tower in Pokemon Go. The success of your team and your character personally in Pokemon Go will depend on how diligently you approach this issue.

Guide to Gym in Pokemon Go

  1. What does the color of a gym mean in Pokemon Go?

When approaching a gym or tower in Pokemon Go, you can see that it is marked in white. This means that no local team has yet taken over this hall. In this case, you need to immediately capture the gym in Pokemon Go. Don't hesitate to do this, as white Gym is quite rare. They are all usually busy, so when you find a free gym, take it immediately.

How to Capture a Gym in Pokemon Go? To do this, it is enough to have one free Pokemon available. Place him on the Gym and the job is done - the Gym is captured. This Pokemon will take on the responsibility of defending the Gym from Pokemon of other teams. If a player beats your Pokemon and captures a press in Pokemon Go, the Pokemon you left behind will be returned to the collection. Please note that this method is only relevant for free (white gyms). Read below to learn how to capture a busy Gym in Pokemon Go.

2. Determining the level of the training hall in Pokemon Go

When deciding to grab a bench press in Pokemon Go, you need to evaluate your efforts and chances of winning the fight. Please note that the main advantage is for those whose Pokemon have more . In this case, the level of the trainer himself is of secondary importance. You also need to take into account the properties of the Pokemon. Water will win over fire, and fire over grass, and so on.

How to capture your opponent's towers in Pokemon Go

We have already decided that finding a free gym in Pokemon Go is very difficult (almost impossible), so we are faced with the question of how to capture towers in Pokemon Go occupied by another team.

To do this, you need to choose a Pokemon that will perform a press attack (choose those with higher CP). Then use two basic techniques:

  1. Quick tap – used to perform basic attacks.
  2. Long tap – use to perform special attacks.

The correct combination of these two techniques will help you quickly overcome your opponent. The main thing is to correctly assess the capabilities of your Pokemon and the enemy Pokemon. When you successfully capture a Gym in Pokemon Go, each Pokemon receives 10 and 500.

How to Defend a Gym in Pokemon Go

Made a successful attack and captured the gym from your opponents? Great. The most important thing now is to keep this gym. To do this you need to know how to defend a gym in Pokemon Go.

The more friends you have in the jim, the greater the chances of success when defending. When collectively defending Jim, your Pokémon put up for defense will receive damage, therefore, it will need to be groomed after the battle is over.

Successfully defending Gym will increase his rating, which will ultimately lead to new spots in the Gym. This way you can increase the number of Pokemon on defense. The game will also reward you with bonuses and an abundance of experience points. By holding the tower for 21 hours, you receive Pokecoins and Stardust for each Pokemon in the Pokedesk.

How to create a gym in Pokemon Go

To find out how to create a gym in Pokemon Go near your home or anywhere else, read the article about. At the end of it there is detailed instructions When creating a Pokestop, gyms are created in the same way.

The Best Pokemon to Defend a Training Gym in Pokemon Go

This table contains the Pokemon with the best stats to protect your Jim.

Aug 22, 2016 Game guides

The unit of Pokemon power in Pokemon GO is CP -Combat Power. The higher the CP, the better pokemon, the game tells you. The system is actually a bit more complex - CP is a combination of metrics that you won't be able to see directly in the game. These indicators are the basic characteristics of the Pokemon and their modifiers, IV (Individual Values), and the level of the Pokemon.

IVs, as mentioned above, are modifiers to a Pokemon's base stats. These parameters are Attack, Defense and Stamina, and each of them is different for each Pokemon. IV ranges from 1 to 15 and modifies the basic parameters. A simple example would be dog breeds: imagine a hound and a bulldog standing next to each other. The average hound is faster than the average bulldog - but some hounds can run worse than some bulldogs. In such cases, it is customary to talk about genes - a weak hound has bad genes, and a strong bulldog has good genes. IV is just an analogue of such “genes” that affect the basic characteristics of Pokemon. Blastois may overall have higher defense than Charizard, but a Charizard with 15 IV in defense will end up having higher defense than Blastois with 1 IV in defense. Thus, the best option is type IVs of 15/15/15 for each Pokemon's base stat.

A Pokemon's level can be compared to its experience and training. By upgrading your Pokemon using the Power Up button and using Stardust, you increase its level and health - and along with it, CP increases. A Pokemon's level cannot be higher than yours + 1.5; those. A level 10 trainer can upgrade a Pokemon to a maximum of level 11.5. The level of a Pokemon can be roughly assessed by the arc above it - if the mark is at the beginning of the arc, then most likely you have a low-level Pokemon with you (minimum - 1), and if at the end - then a high one (maximum - your level + 1.5).

Thus, Pokemon with more CP are not necessarily better than Pokemon with less - Pokemon high level will almost certainly have more CP than a lower level Pokemon, but a lower level Pokemon can have higher IV values ​​and become much more useful than its opponent once leveled up.

How do you still find and properly upgrade powerful Pokemon?

Finding Pokemon with high IV values ​​- and especially those with values ​​of 15/15/15 - is quite difficult, especially since the game does not allow you to look at the base stats and their modifiers of the caught Pokemon.

Of course, given the characteristics of the Pokemon described above, you can count on catching the perfect Rattata with 15/15/15 IV, but keep in mind that the base stats of Rattata (or other weak common Pokemon, like Pidgey) are usually low and are much inferior to strong Pokemon even with lower IVs . First, try to find a Pokemon with really high base stats: available on this moment the strongest pokemon areDragonite, Snorlax, Lapras, Arcanine, Blastoise, Exeggutor, Vaporeon, Gyarados, Slowbro And Venusaur (note: the listed Pokemon have lower forms in evolution that can be used for leveling up, for example Blastoise evolves from Squirtle ). These Pokemon have the highest base stats and, with high IV values, are able to achieve maximum efficiency when leveling up. Of course, all of the above rules can be applied to any Pokemon, and you can make a very strong monster from among the others - but these will not be the most powerful Pokemon.

One way or another, having found or selected a strong Pokemon from the available ones, first of all check its IV. To do this, use this handy calculatorby clicking on the “IV RATER” button on the page that opens. Select your Pokemon, check your level and the Pokemon's level, check the amount of CP and HP and click on the “RATE” button. You will see the IV values ​​for this Pokemon and can decide whether you should level up this Pokemon.

Then, having found the most suitable one, first of all evolve it (if it is, which is most likely, a lower form of the desired Pokemon)! When evolving, a Pokemon's skills are chosen randomly and you may not get the ones you want. Needless to say, it’s quite a shame to spend a lot of time and effort on leveling up a Pokemon, and after evolution get useless skills? Therefore, it is better to immediately carry out the evolution and, if the skills turn out to be unnecessary, find another Pokemon with high IVs and upgrade it (again, if the evolution brings him the necessary skills).

Having received the evolved form of a Pokemon with the necessary skills, start leveling up - look for the same Pokemon and feed your favorite one all Candy and Stardust. It is also advisable to check the caught Pokemon on a calculator - if you find another Pokemon with high IVs, you can have two or more maximum powerful Pokemon at once. At the same time, do not forget to level up your character, because the most powerful Pokemon can only be at level 40 (the level of the Pokemon will be 41.5).

As a result, you will receive a Pokemon with maximum level and maximum basic characteristics, which means - maximum number CP. With such a Pokemon it will be easier for you to fight in the gyms, increase your own level and get pokecoins!

Good luck with your leveling!

Pokémon GO, Nintendo's mobile game, was released last week. In 4.5 hours she reached the top App Store, and Nintendo shares rose 25% within five days of its release. In the US, the game was installed on 5% of all Android smartphones, which is more than smartphones with the Tinder app. On July 8, players spent an average of 43 minutes on Pokémon GO, more than WhatsApp and Instagram. So far the game is officially available only in three countries - the USA, Australia and New Zealand. However, unofficially it can be played in Russia.

Pokémon GO was made with the participation of Niantic studio, which develops mobile game Ingress. In it, people with smartphones must move around the city to capture points and recapture them from the enemy team. Pokémon GO has similar mechanics. The game tells you that a Pokémon has been found nearby, you walk a few blocks to it (or further), point the camera, watch it stand in the middle of a familiar street, and throw a virtual Pokeball. Caught Pokemon are trained and pitted against other players' Pokemon. Game process completely tied to the map: some Pokemon live near water, others in parks, and others only in Australia.

To play, you need to constantly walk and visit locations unknown to you before. This leads to curious and tragic cases: in the early days, people found Pokemon in hospitals, in cemeteries , in a crowd of police And other places; one player was so carried away by the search that he fell into a ditch, another was looking for a water Pokemon and found a corpse by the river. In St. Louis, criminals came up with the idea of ​​robbing people at pokespots.

In Russia, the game sometimes works with errors: it asks you to log in, loses your location. There aren’t very many people, you can’t buy anything, but it’s fun to play. Pokémon GO fits into your life in such a way that you simply won't be able to ignore the Jigglypuff on the next street. The Village explains how to install the game in Russia.

How to install Pokémon GO on iOS

Go to your iPhone or iPad settings, Find the “iTunes Store and App Store” item, click on your Apple ID and sign out.

Return to settings, go to “General”, and then to “Language and Region” and select the USA (you can also select Australia or New Zealand).

Find Pokémon GO in the App Store. This can be done through a search in the store, but it is better to follow the link.

When you try to download the game, The App Store will prompt you to create a new Apple ID account. Register it for a second email address that you have not used before in the App Store.

Enter USA as your country of residence, as well as an address in some American city (for example, Oakland, 482 25th Street, but it does not have to be real) and a real zip code (for example, 94612). And refuse to provide data bank card.

After installation, you can sign out of your new Apple ID and go into the old one. But the game will not be updated this way, so sometimes you will have to log out of your Apple ID and log into a new one. If you do not have a US bank card, you will not be able to purchase anything within the game.

When will the game officially be released in Russia?, you may have to reinstall it, but from the old Apple ID. Achievements in the game will most likely be saved.

How to install Pokémon GO on Android

To run the game on an Android smartphone, you need to install its ARK file.

Before doing this, go to settings, select Screen lock and security. In it, allow the installation of applications not only from Google Play(item “Unknown sources”).

Download the latest game installation file. Many media outlets recommend taking it from the APK Mirror website (at the time of publication of the note, version 0.29.0 was there).

Click on the downloaded file in the notification center and wait for the installation to complete.

Then check if the game has access to the camera, memory and GPS on your smartphone. To do this, go to the settings, then go to the “Applications” item, find Pokémon GO there and select “Permissions” in its settings. If the game doesn't have permissions, give them.

The game will most likely not be updated automatically, so new versions will have to be downloaded from APK Mirror and installed manually.

In this guide we will give complete instructions in RussianPokemon Go About, how to start the game so that problems do not arise in the future, you do not regret what you did.

We will analyze everything from downloading to considering some of the initial nuances that most uninformed users of the game encounter.

How to play Pokemon Go step-by-step instruction

Start of the game in Pokemon Go It doesn’t start with launching it on a smartphone or tablet (sometimes on a computer, and read about that).The first thing you need to know abouthow to start the game Pokemon Go in Russia , this is where to download it. After all, it has not yet been officially released in our country, but the owners iPhone at all a big problem, because the toy has a regional lock. But everything can be bypassed and let's start with something simpler, with Android.

All you need to do if you own the device on Android, go to the website and download the installation file APK. Also there you will find the complete installationinstructions for the game Pokemon Go .

How to start playing Pokemon Go on iOS

In order to download or update the game you will need to change the binding account iTunes from Russian to USA. You can also play with Russian. I won’t go into detail about how to create a new account, others have written about this a thousand times, so just Google it.

After the toy appears on your smartphone, you should turn on GPS before launching it for the first time. Next, launch and create a Pokemon trainer account. This can be done by logging in through Google Play (iTunes) or by creating an in-game account, which is more practical if you suddenly play directly under different devices(Android and Apple). One more thing, the GPS signal reception in the building may not be very good, so it’s better to go outside. After loading the game you will see detailedinstructions on how to playPokemon Go from a Pokemon professor who will tell you what to do (the problem so far is that it is in English). Next, three starting Pokemon appear in front of you (Chermander, Bulbasaurus and Squirtle), in addition, at this moment you can catch the rarest Pikachu, and read about how to do this. In order to catch one of the Pokemon, simply tap on it and its capture will begin. A screen with a Pokemon and a Pokeball will open. Your task is to swipe at the Pokemon and get into the active circle as accurately as possible. You need to calculate your throw, but with
With time you will be able to get used to it and will catch them like seeds. The pokemonster, in turn, will hit the pokeball, jump up and otherwise interfere with your capture, but you will also figure this out with experience. So you catch your first pokemonstreak and now you know how to start playingPokemon Go Right. But you may encounter a problem that there will be a red bar at the top with the inscription GPS not found and no matter how much you poke at the Pokemon, the capture will not start. There are several ways to solve it. The first is to find a clearer signal and restart the game. If this does not help, then the second option is to change your phone, because the application does not support yours. If you don’t want to spend money, then trading is just waiting for updates and optimization for your smart phone.

Thanks to this game, Nintendo shares rose by 70% in a matter of days, jumping in price by a quarter in just the first day. People spend almost an hour a day on Pokemon, which is even more time spent on Twitter and Instagram. We tell you why the general craze for Pokemon GO is justified

A toy based on a cartoon from the 90s has been reincarnated for the third time these days. The first two “tests of the pen” happened in 1996, and both games were Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue were created for the Game Boy pocket console from Nintendo, an interest in which, however, continues today (some enthusiasts even write music on it). The current game, which has captured a completely different audience - from fashion magazine editors to office clerks, is, in the spirit of the times, available as an application for iPhone and Android. Also in keeping with the times, the game is designed using augmented reality functionality. This is the whole point and the reason for the increased interest of the audience. We literally search for Pokemon everywhere and train them just like the hero does on the smartphone screen. That is, not the hero, but you yourself.

The concept of augmented reality has seemingly ceased to frighten ordinary people - it is not found anywhere today. But in the case of Pokemon Go, there are questions. Remember how crazy everyone went when Tamagotchis came out? And what about the scandals surrounding the children who suffered en masse in Japan and around the world as a result of the hours-long telethon in honor of Pokemon? That's it, we remember. But let’s not forget that everything new is often scary. So far, all that can be said about the new gaming product is that it is spreading alarmingly quickly in completely different sectors of society in America, New Zealand and Australia, where Pokemon Go first appeared for download, but in a few days the game will officially reach us. Such popularity cannot but surprise, so we will try to figure out what is so attractive about Pokemon Go and why playing it is not at all a shame.

1. The game forces you not to sit still. Since the point of Pokemon Go is to “collect them all,” you have to collect monsters from all the nooks and crannies of the city. Meeting a pocket monster at home is possible, but difficult, so the law of life works even in the game: if you want profit, get off the stove and go on a trip. Walk in the park, meet friends, go to museums and cafes.

2. Pokemon Go allows you to practice your wit. There is already a whole community on Instagram of those who, without holding back, tease themselves and tease enthusiastic players with various tricks. Place the Pokemon fish in your own frying pan or in the restroom? Why not. There can never be too many memes on the Internet.

3. The game introduces people to each other. Yes, the geek community is still a party, but the good thing about Pokemon Go is that it is played by completely different people. Sometimes these opposites and interesting characters from all possible spheres get together in groups to “pump up” their Pokemon in virtual training centers, which can end up anywhere: at a rave, in a city park or a newfangled cafe on Patrick Street.