Poker stars language settings. How to change the language in PokerStars (Poker Stars). We get the history of played hands and tournaments

​Each poker player has every right to set his own settings. In the room client, the user can configure the bet slider, preferred seat at the gaming table, the ability to auto-buy, tournament filters, table design, cards, and much more.

Sometimes it happens that over time a player realizes that the settings already set are not suitable for him, and in order to change them, it is necessary to spend a lot of time. Nobody wants to waste time, so more and more often the following queries appear in Google search: “how to quickly reset pokerstars settings” and “where is the file with user settings.”

If you are also interested in such information, you will find answers to your questions in this article.

Where are PokerStars user settings stored?

On computers running the Windows operating system, the path to the settings file is as follows: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\PokerStars

AppData is a hidden folder. To see it, you need to open "Folder Options" → “View” and set “Show hidden files, folders and drives”.

We are interested in the file " user» , which stores your settings. In Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating systems, this file may have a different name: user.ini

How to reset PokerStars settings

Resetting the settings is very simple - delete the file " user» and restart your computer. After re-entry in the PokerStars client, all settings will be reset to default.

Often, novice poker players need step-by-step guides to their actions when setting up the PokerStars software. We offer detailed instructions for installation and configuration official client on your personal computer.

Making your choice

By clicking the button, you will immediately be taken to the PokerStars page, designed for Russian-speaking online poker players. Directly on the website you can read about the additional advantages of the poker room, various events, promotions offered for participation and confirm your choice.

Attention! Download the Russian PokerStars client only from the official website.

Brief installation instructions

  1. Go to the official website using the button above
  2. Select the appropriate client (Windows, Mac or mobile)
  3. Click the "Download Client" button
  4. Run the installer and install
  5. Create a new account
  6. Verify your account

Download and Install

In the upper right corner of the official website, below the menu, you see a large “Play Poker” button, the name of which periodically changes to “Click Here”. Click on it, which will cause a sign to appear containing a proposal to install a poker game. software Pokerstars.

Run the installation file and select “ Quick installation" If you are an advanced user of a personal computer, you can select “Custom installation”. You will need to select a language, in our case Russian, and also indicate the installation path: select a disk, folder.

Uncheck any unnecessary checkboxes if you do not want the poker program shortcut to be on the Quick Launch panel. Accept the terms of the license agreement by checking the box and clicking “Install”. The message “Installation in progress” appears - this is what happens, accompanied by visual accompaniment of the process.

The icon will appear on the desktop. With its help you will now launch the PokerStars software, but after the first installation it will launch automatically. You can also launch PokerStars from the Start menu.

Creating a PokerStars account

The window that you will see after launching the PokerStars client is called the “Lobby”. Select and click: “ Account»=> “Create an account” and fill out the registration form in the new dialog box.

The username must consist of letters and numbers, be unique and not repeat existing names. If the entered nickname is already available on PokerStars, the client will inform you about this and offer to select options for available names close to the one entered by the player.

You must enter your password below. To the right of the field there is a password complexity indicator, which changes color from red to yellow and green, depending on its strength. You must also repeat the entered password to avoid typing errors. Be sure to save the password you create in a safe place.

Please enter the correct email address below to which the verification code will be sent. The mailbox will also be used for correspondence with the player with the PokerStars support service, messages about completed deposits and withdrawals from the security service, notifications about new promotions and bonuses, etc.

Below you should note how you found PokerStars. This information is very important for receiving a bonus and participating in free freerolls held by our site. You need to enter marketing code PSP13242.

At the very bottom of the dialog box you need to check the read box User Agreement and confirm your age of majority. Next, click the “Create Account” button.

Important information about creating a PokerStars account

The player cannot change his username (nickname) and it will belong to the user throughout his entire gaming life in the poker room. Since multiple accounts are prohibited on the site, creating a new account is strictly prohibited.

To receive a no deposit bonus of $20, a first deposit bonus of $600 and take part in weekly freerolls held by our site with a guaranteed prize pool of $7000 - enter the marketing code PSP13242, as indicated in the image.

The mailbox is used to verify the player’s account; an activation letter will be sent to it. Until the player confirms activation, he will not be able to use the poker client services, even when playing for play money. To pass verification, you must select “Verify email address” in the “Account” menu and enter the verification code that will come in the letter.

Let's start playing poker

If you were able to complete all the previous steps, then you can be congratulated on being accepted into the PokerStars family, and you can immediately start playing poker online. The instructions, which we hope have helped poker fans, are intended not only for beginner poker players, but also for personal computer users who are accustomed to following recommendations.

Now carefully examine the PokerStars Poker Room Lobby, which you will become familiar with over time. All games are located here in the Lobby. These are online poker tournaments, including Freerolls, as well as cash games and free online poker. Everything in the poker program menu is extremely simple and clear. For example, in order to start playing poker online with play chips, you just need to press the button with the appropriate name and in a few minutes you will already be taking part in the game. Limits that are attractive to you can be found and selected in exactly the same way.


It often happens that after installing the PokerStars software, players are faced with one small problem: PokerStars language turns out to be English, and a number of users simply do not know or do not know this language well. Then the “attacks” on search engines begin with queries like “ how to change language in PokerStars" or " how to change PokerStars language". In fact, this is quite simple to do. The PokerStars interface is available in more than 25 different languages. To select the desired language, select the item in the menu on the right "Settings" then expand the menu item Global and select menu item Language. A list of available languages ​​will open on the right. Select your desired language and enjoy the game.

Please note that some languages ​​are only available as beta software, so some messages may still appear in English language.

How to receive emails from PokerStars in the language of your choice?

Occasionally it happens that letters arrive in English and not everyone understands their content. You can change the language of letters yourself in the lobby of the poker room. To do this, run PokerStars program and login. After that, in the “Language” menu, open the “E-mail language” submenu and select the language in which you want to receive messages. It's simple


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And running the table is not enough for successful game. Using the poker room software to the maximum, you can improve your performance and significantly simplify your poker life. These 12 features will be useful for beginners, but regular players may not know everything about their favorite Star.

1. Getting ready to reboot the servers

The last week, and one might say, Last year, the PokerStars ship is stormy as if in the open ocean. The client does not always work properly and players do not always receive a message during the game about the servers restarting. To be prepared in advance and not set up Napoleonic plans for yourself (play for 10 hours, win the Sunday Million, tribute to Misha Shalamov and run away), you can subscribe to a useful newsletter.

Go to "Service". Select Star Code(By the way, ). And enter in the field " serverrestart" Next – “Send”.

After this, you will receive an email telling you exactly when the room’s programmers will start “server” work.

2. Write quickly to support

I, and I think I’m not the only one, still go to the post office in the old fashioned way and write letters to the uncle PokerStars, who is far from me. But you can also send a letter through the room client during the game.

Click Help and Contact Support. Everything else is intuitive.

3. Find what you need

Starzy is a fairly large project with complex software. To simplify work with the client, programmers have set a large pool of hot keys. This allows knowledgeable players to interact with the software faster.

Commonly used keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + F – search by player nickname
Ctrl +P – finds PokerStars Pro
Ctrl + T – find tournament by number
Ctrl + R – will find tournaments for which you registered

4. Hiding from those who are looking for what they need

If you don't want to be found, you can disable this feature. This can be done in two ways.

  • 1) Go to the “Account” panel on the right and check the “Hide from search” checkbox under your avatar.
  • 2) Go to “Settings”, “General”, “Privacy” and check the box next to the inscription at the top “Do not show me in player searches”.

5. We follow the best games

Pokerstars makes available a recording of the final within 4-5 days after the end of a major tournament. With open cards! Would you like to see what the Sunday Million winner played with? Or what cards does this aggressive Brazilian constantly 3-bet and 4-bet with?

Click on the “Tournaments” section and enter “ replay" A list of tournaments that are currently available for viewing will appear. Please note that the recording is looped, so if you want to watch from the very beginning, you will have to wait until the recording ends. 2-3 minutes after the end, the final table will be recorded from the first hand.

6. Open the second board

Run it Twice function allows you to see the board twice after going all-in. There is an opinion in the community that this helps smooth out the variance.

“Settings” => “During the game” => “Open a second board”. Next, we choose when we need the second board to open.

You can read more about this useful feature in the PokerStars client itself.

7. We transfer money to players

PokerStars is not only a room, but also an intermediary in monetary transactions between players. Anyone can transfer the required amount to another player, and PokerStars will not charge a commission for this. For example, the commission for internal transfers in the most popular payment system Skrill is 1.9%.

“Service” => “Transfers and other operations” => “Transfer to another player.”

We indicate the amount and the recipient's nickname. Be sure to pay attention to the correct spelling of your nickname. Also, if possible, find out what is shown on the player’s avatar. This will help you avoid making mistakes.

If you have earned $0 in rake, you will not be able to transfer money.

8. We block games, limits and poker in general

If the game is unsuccessful, especially when you are tilting, you can go play not according to your bankroll or in non-core disciplines. If you know that you are capable of this, and you can break loose and half-dominate at any moment, it is better to block access.

“Service” => “Responsible Gaming” => “Set table limit” or “Set buy-in limit”.

You can also completely block poker for yourself, from 12 hours to 180 days.

9. Let's buy more

Beginner players often do not know that when entering a cash game with a starting stack, you can set up an automatic repurchase when the stack drops below the original one.

With this function, you will never lower your stack below the given rules, or you will make rebuys and add-ons in tournaments, according to the set conditions.

10. We reset the loss, do not show the winnings

Experienced professionals almost 100% do not show their hand after a hand. They don't want to give extra Additional information other players, as they can use it against them.

“Settings” => “During the game” => “Show/discard cards” and check the required checkboxes.

11. Disable unnecessary information

PokerStars itself writes about it this way:

“From time to time you will receive messages with useful useless information, such as announcements about upcoming tournaments or your awards..."

All this can be done at a time convenient for you, and not when you are thinking about a 4-bet bluff, and they write to you “about a super profitable Razz tournament.”

“Settings” => “ Appearance table" => "Ads".

There you can turn off not only messages at the table, but also chat, which can also distract from the game.

12. We get the history of played hands and tournaments

You can always request the history of hands and then analyze them, as well as the results of tournaments. This will help you understand your mistakes and weak spots, as well as analyze the game of opponents.

“Settings” => “Game history” => “Hand history” or “Tournament results”.

In the same tabs, you can check the “Save data about my tournaments” or “Save my hands” checkbox and specify the path for saving.

That's all. If you also have valuable functions/chips that you use when working with PokerStars - let me know in the comments!

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