Full description of the old game millionaire. Board economic game "classic millionaire". Branches of enterprises: description

Rules of the board game Millionaire Classic and received the best answer

Reply from Cogito[active]
I'm writing from memory, so I could be slightly wrong. Actually, it wouldn't hurt to take a look at these cards.
But, in general, something like this: there should be two points on the card: 1) something like “cost of construction”; 2) something like “rental price”. So, the first player to enter the field with an enterprise can only buy an “empty plot” by paying the “construction price” (it must be the highest). After this, other players who enter the cell must pay the owner of the cell (enterprise) the “rental price” (it must be lower than the purchase price).
The situation with branches is as follows. Enterprises should be divided into groups (for example, there are 3 enterprises in a group). And when one player buys all the “empty plots” of enterprises of one group, he can begin construction. This is done as follows: when a player gets to his “empty plot”, he can first build a “building”, the next time he hits an “enterprise”, then “first branch” - “second branch” - “third branch”. The cost of construction should also be indicated on the card. The rental fee taken from the player who enters your enterprise is taken at the cost of the last built building (indicated on the card). By the way, players cannot build anything on someone else’s cell (empty area).
Also, if my memory serves me correctly, there is a rule: if you have buildings of the same type erected in all enterprises of one group, then the rent doubles (or somehow increases).

Answer from Irina Nemchenko[newbie]
tell me that in the game millionaire is the central industry

Answer from Enesmee Cullen[newbie]
Game contents:
1. Rules of the game - 1 pc. ;
2. Playing field - 1 pc. ;
3. Branches - 24 pcs. ;
4. Enterprises - 12 pcs. ;
5. Cubes - 2 pcs. ;
6. Player chips - 6 pcs. ;
7. Cards: CHANCE - 20 pcs. , MOVEMENT - 20 pcs. , AREAS - 24 pcs. ;
8. Banknotes worth: 1 phant - 48 pcs. , 5 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 10 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 20 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 50 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 100 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 500 forfeits - 48 pcs. ;
9. Box - 1 pc.
Is it easy to be a modern businessman? Open up the colorful field of the game “MILLIONAIRE” classic, and you will meet the exciting rules of “honest” and “shady” business, the strict laws of survival in competition. “MILLIONAIRE” classic is the traditions of “Monopoly” and “Manager” plus modernity. This is a game for millionaires of the third millennium.
OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: Become a monopolist and ruin the rest of the players.
The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from the corner START cell clockwise. The numbering of the sides (from the first to the fourth) is also done clockwise. Along the perimeter playing field There are 8 colored INDUSTRIES, each of which consists of 3 sections that have their own names. The cell of each plot of the playing field indicating the cost of the plot, the rent for the plot and the price of the building corresponds to a PLOT card with similar information.
- SITE cards (24 pieces) are laid out according to their industries on the corresponding sections of the playing field;
- Decks of cards CHANCE (20 pcs.) and MOVE (20 pcs.) are placed face down on specially designated cells of the playing field. Spare cards (20 pcs.) are set aside;
- A banker is selected from among the players, who gives all players 2,000 forfeits of the initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits in the “Jackpot” cash desk. ;
- Players place their pieces on the START square. ;
- The order of moves is determined by lot.
Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and moving their chips by the number of spaces corresponding to the sum of the points rolled. If on the next move the player rolls a double (two identical numbers on the dice), then he makes another move. If three doubles are rolled in a row, the player is sent to the TAX INSPECTION.

It's time to try on your monocle and top hat - you're on your way to becoming a millionaire! However, take your time in the confusing and tricky world financial transactions can either fly to the very top or remain inconsolable bankrupt. In order not to be left without pants, you will need all your prudence, logic, forethought and, of course, luck. So, if you are ready to fight for the right to be the richest businessman within a single room and do something profitable, then the hunting season for hard cash is declared open!

Rules of the game Millionaire Classic are as simple as the rules of the legendary Monopoly: buy plots of land, develop businesses in various industries and try your luck as you move around the playing field. Ruthlessly shake off money from unwary competitors who come to your site, avoid dark connections with “black” businesses, rely on lucky card“Chance” and don’t pass by slot machines - gambling can bring you extra easy money! The goal of the game is the goal of life of any prudent monopolist - to leave all competitors with their noses and remain the only owner of factories, newspapers, and ships on the field.

If you feel an entrepreneurial streak, if you are not afraid of insidious competitors, the tax police and possible bankruptcy, and if your love for finance is as great as your love for board games, then you will definitely appreciate Millionaire Classic.

"Millionaire" is an economic board game that can be played by people of any age. Both adults and children love her. In addition, such board games bring the family together and allow you to spend fun evenings with a friendly company, teach people basic concepts about business, entrepreneurship, and provide knowledge about economic relations.

This board game develops logical thinking, attentiveness, and the ability to quickly find correct solution, way out of a difficult situation, calculate moves in advance. In the Millionaire board game, the rules of the game may seem complex and confusing at first, but those who have already dealt with other board economic games will quickly get up to speed. If this is your first time encountering such a game, don’t worry, you will very quickly understand how to act.

In the article we will explain to readers in detail what is included in the set of the board game "Millionaire", we will tell the rules of this game, and we will consider reviews from other players.

Types of "Millionaire"

There are these types of games:

  1. "Millionaire Classic".
  2. "Millionaire De-Lux".
  3. "Millionaire Junior" (for children).
  4. "Millionaire Elite"

The goal of the game is to become a millionaire and ruin the other participants in the competition, but each has differences, which we will gradually consider in the article. Let's start with the first - basic option.


The main goal that players pursue is to reach the top of the ranking, ruin the rest of the players and become the owner of more plots. In the board game "Millionaire" you need to become a monopolist. The one who ruined the others and ended up on top becomes the wealthiest player and is the winner. You can still play for a while. Then the goal of the players will be to become the owner of the largest fortune at the end of the game.

How to play?

According to the rules of the game, at least two people take part in the board game “Millionaire”. A maximum of six players can play. Each player has his own role:

  • banker- manages funds, monitors financial flows, transactions, makes payments, controls banking operations so that everything goes correctly and without violations;
  • broker- works on the stock exchange, conducts and controls all transactions with securities, shares, etc.;
  • insurance agent- supervises the issuance of insurance policies, manages the repayment of insurance in crisis situations.

The box with the game contains a square-shaped playing field with 9 sectors marked out on it. These are sectors of the economy. The first 8 industries are represented in the game by 2-3 enterprises. They are located close to each other. The last, 9th branch, is considered the most valuable. It consists of 4 companies, which are located at central points on each side of the playing field.

The game begins with each player being given his initial capital. With this money, the player buys shares and insurance.

Beginning of the game

In the board game "Millionaire", the plot cards are initially laid out according to the branches of the line drawn out. There are 24 of them in the set. There are also packs of “Chance” cards in the amount of 20 pieces, as well as “Movement” cards - also 20 pieces. They are laid out with the inscriptions facing down, the extra ones are put aside for now. First, a player is chosen to be the banker. He distributes seed capital for each person. This is 2000 forfeits, but another 200 is put into the cash register. The board game "Millionaire" begins according to the rules of the game with a square labeled "Start". The order of the move is decided by lot.

Player Actions

The game begins with throwing a pair of dice, chips move from the “Start” cell clockwise, counting the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the numbers on the dice.

If a double is rolled, the player makes another move. But there is one “but”. If you get a double three times in a row, the player is sent to the “Tax Police”. Moving across the field, players' pieces land on enterprise cells. Each one has the cost of the enterprise and the rental rate written on it. Data is also provided on how much taxes you need to pay for this enterprise.

If, after the next roll of the dice, the chip lands on an empty plot, then you can buy it for your use. On this cell is written the value that must be deposited into the general bank. After payment, the card is removed from the cage and the player leaves it in his pack.

If you do not want to buy the plot, then it can be put up for sale. The starting price is chosen at your own discretion. All players can take part in the auction. The player who gave a large amount of money takes the plot.

Stopping at another player's site

If, after the next move, the chips stop on a cell with a plot belonging to another player, then you will have to pay rent for being on someone else's territory. The price is written on this cell. If you own all the existing enterprises in an industry, then you are considered a monopolist. If, as a result of the move, the chip lands on the cell of the monopolist’s enterprise, then the rent will be increased by 2 times. When a player makes moves full circle and passes the “Start” cell again, then he is paid 200 forfeits of circular income.

Surprises along the way

In the board game "Millionaire", according to the rules of the game, there are special cells, upon entering which the player has to perform the action written on the card lying face down. The player does not know in advance what awaits him. This is the main surprise. After all, it can be either pleasant or not very pleasant. Let us consider in detail the meaning of such cells:

  1. "Tax Inspectorate". If you land on such a square, you will have to pay a tax.
  2. "Tax police". Here the player needs to roll the dice three times, waiting for a double to appear. If you don't get a double, you'll have to pay a fine, otherwise you won't leave the police station.
  3. "Jackpot". The player who lands on this cell has the right to play the slot machine. First, a bet is placed. According to the rules of the game, a player in the board game "Millionaire" rolls only one die, but 3 times. After each throw, the chip moves from bottom to top along the column of the slot machine as much as it was dropped. If all the numbers shown match the winning combination, the player receives a bonus. A cash bonus is transferred to him from the bank. But if the numbers do not match, then the bet remains in the cash register.
  4. "Moving". If, as a result of throwing the dice, the card lands on the “Move” cell, then the player turns over the card and reads the task on which cell he needs to move the chips to. If this is the “Start” cell, then the player does not receive circular income.
  5. "Charity Foundation". If, as a result of moving the card according to the instructions of the “Move” cell, the chip lands on a cell with the inscription “White Business” or “Charitable Fund”, then the player is paid money from the bank from this fund.
  6. There is also a cell called "Black business". When landing on this square, the player flies from it to the “Charity Fund” square, and he will also have to pay a fine of 50 forfeits.
  7. "Chance". If the chip lands on this cell, then the card is turned over. The instructions written on it must be followed by the player. Then the card is hidden at the bottom of the pack. If a player cannot this moment follow the instructions, then the card remains with him until he completes the task.

Branches of enterprises: description

Board game"Millionaire" offers players who have a monopoly in any industry to build enterprises and branches on the plots. Their cost is written on the squares of the field, and their price is indicated on the players’ cards.

Purchased extensions are placed on areas of the field that are being built up systematically. First, one branch at a time, then second ones are added, and only then third ones. If a player has built three branches of an enterprise in each industry, then he is already given permission to build the enterprises themselves. In terms of price, the branch and the enterprise are equivalent. But to start construction, all branches must be free. If at least one is pledged to the bank, then the industry is not considered complete. The player ceases to be a monopolist and can no longer build plots in this sector of the economy.

If a player has financial difficulties and wants to sell his buildings to the bank, he must act systematically. You can sell one plot from each industry, then the second, etc. But you should know that the bank buys plots from the player only at half the price of the full cost.

"Millionaire Junior"

How to play the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic")? The rules are described in detail above. Now let's see how the children's version of the game called "Junior" differs. The set includes a playing field in the shape of a square. This is an amusement park. There are 20 “adventure” cards, money of different denominations - 121 banknotes, ticket kiosks - 56 pieces, a die for throwing out numbers, chips - 4 pieces, a description of the rules of the game.

A board game for children has different rules. Let's take a closer look at them.

The goal of the game is to get rich by buying attractions. Money is made by selling entrance tickets. First, let's look at how a player can buy an attraction. Each cell is divided into two equal parts. If, after throwing the dice, your chip lands on one of the halves of the cell, and it is free, no one has bought it yet, then you have the right to purchase it, you just need to pay 10 forfeits to the bank. If the player is able to make a purchase, then he (without looking at the card) pulls out any of his ticket booths and must cover half of the attraction. If the player does not have the funds for such a purchase, then he returns to the “Start” square, and the other player gets a chance. From any part of the playing field, he returns to this square and becomes its owner for free. The board game for children is brightly decorated and fun for younger children to play. school age. The children learn economic skills that will be useful to them in later life.

"Millionaire Elite"

This is a game for adult players. It differs from the classic version of the game in the following features:

  1. Promotions have been added, you can purchase insurance for all occasions. In this game, you can get rich not only by buying and selling land, but also through the securities market. In "Elite" the luck factor is of great importance.
  2. A surprise card "Fortune" appeared. There is step-by-step instruction, which the players must complete. This can affect the course of the game as a whole.
  3. If, when throwing the dice, a chip lands on the “Exchange” cell, you will find out the price of your shares. They may rise, or they may fall to a minimum.
  4. Insurance policies can protect the player. This applies to rent, taxes or auctions. There are short-term and long-term policies. The first ones are valid until one lap is completed. If the player crosses the "Start" cell, the policy ends. But the effect of the latter continues until the occurrence of the insured event.

Origami NI Millionaire classic.

Is it easy to be a modern businessman? Open up the colorful field of the Millionaire Classic game in front of you, and you will encounter the exciting rules of honest and “shadow” business, the strict laws of survival in competition. Millionaire Classic is the tradition of Monopoly and Manager plus modernity. This is a game for millionaires of the third millennium.

Purpose of the game- become a monopolist and ruin the rest of the players.
The game can involve from 2 to 6 players. The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from the corner START cell clockwise. The numbering of sides, from the first to the fourth, is also done clockwise.
Along the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 colored INDUSTRIES, each of which consists of 3 sections that have their own names. The cell of each plot of the playing field indicating the cost of the plot, the rent for the plot and the price of the building corresponds to a PLOT card with similar information.

Preparing for the game.
24 SITE cards are laid out according to their industries on the corresponding sections of the playing field. Decks of cards CHANCE 20 pieces and MOVE 20 pieces are placed face down on specially marked cells of the playing field. 20 spare cards are set aside. A banker is selected from among the players, who gives all players 2000 forfeits of the initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits in the Jackpot cash register. Players place their pieces on the START square. The order of moves is determined by lot.

Progress of the game.
Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and moving their chips by the number of spaces corresponding to the sum of the points rolled. If on the next move the player rolls a double, two identical numbers on the dice, then he makes another move. If three doubles are rolled in a row, the player is sent to the TAX INSPECTION.

  • Stop in a free area.
    If, as a result of the next move, a player stops on a plot that does not belong to any of the players, then he has the right to buy the plot into his own possession. To do this, the player must pay the BANK the amount indicated on the cell of this site, after which he removes the card of this site from the field and keeps it for himself.

    In case of refusal to purchase the plot, the plot is put up for auction. Any player, including those who previously refused the purchase, can take part in the auction. The starting price of the offered plot is arbitrary. The plot goes to the person who offers the highest price for it.

  • Stopping at someone else's site.
    If, as a result of the next move, a player stops on a site owned by someone else, he must pay the owner of the site the rent indicated on the corresponding cell of the playing field. If the site is in monopoly ownership, that is, all sites of one industry belong to one owner, then the rent is doubled.
  • Circular income.
    Each time a player passes the START cell in his next move, he is paid a circular income of 200 forfeits.

    Surprise cells .

  • Moving.
    If a player's token lands on the MOVE square, its owner removes the top card from the MOVE deck and moves his token from the MOVE square to the end square indicated on the card. If there is a START cell between these cells, then the circular income is not paid.
  • Charitable foundation, white business.
    If, as indicated by the MOVE, CHANCE cards, or as a result of the next move, the player lands on the WHITE BUSINESS or CHARITABLE FUND cells, then he takes all the money there from the CHARITABLE FUND BANK.
  • Chance.
    If a player's chip lands on the CHANCE square, its owner removes the top card from the CHANCE deck and follows the instructions indicated on it, after which he places the card at the bottom of the deck. If the instruction cannot be carried out immediately, the player keeps the card until the right moment arrives.
  • Tax Inspectorate. If a player lands on the TAX INSPECTION square, he can leave it by paying a fine of 50 forfeits or rolling a double on the dice in one of the three subsequent moves. If the player does not throw a double the third time, then he can leave the TAX INSPECTION OFFICE in only one way: by paying a fine of 50 forfeits.
  • Black business.
    Once on one of the “BLACK” BUSINESS cells, the player must go to the CHARITABLE FUND cell and pay a fine of 50 forfeits to the CHARITABLE FUND BANK.
  • Jackpot.
    The player who lands on the JACKPOT cell can play the slot machine. To do this, he places a bet in the JACKPOT cashier and rolls the dice three times - once for each column of the slot machine - and then moves the chip from bottom to top along the column by as many symbols as the number of points that appear on the dice. If the combination drawn on the slot machine matches winning combination the player receives the winning amount from the BANK. If the player loses, the bet remains in the JACKPOT box.
  • Tax police.
    A player who lands on the TAX POLICE cell is sent to the TAX INSPECTION, and no circular income is paid. Branches and enterprises. A player who has a monopoly on the entire industry can build branches and enterprises on the plots. Their price is indicated on the field cells and on the plot cards. The player places the acquired branches and/or enterprises in the appropriate areas of the field.

    In this case, the plots are built up sequentially: one branch on each, then a second branch, then a third. If three branches are built in all areas of the industry, the player receives the right to build enterprises. The cost of the enterprise is equal to the cost of the branch. However, if there is at least one mortgaged plot in an industry, the industry is considered incomplete, its owner ceases to be a monopolist, and development of undeveloped plots of this industry is prohibited. If, experiencing financial difficulties, the player decides to sell his buildings to the BANK, he must remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each plot. In this case, the BANK buys buildings from the player for half of their nominal price.

  • Pledge rules.
    If a player needs money, he can mortgage a plot (or several), but before that he must sell all buildings from these plots to the BANK for half the price. After which the BANK pays the owner half the cost of the mortgaged plot. At any point in the game, but only before his turn, the player has the right to buy out the pledged plot. To do this, he must return to the BANK half the cost of the mortgaged plot plus 10% of its original cost.
    Players visiting the mortgaged site will not be charged any rent. The mortgaged plot cannot be sold or exchanged until the complete bankruptcy of its owner.
  • Property trade.
    Undeveloped plots can become the subject of purchase, sale and exchange between their owners. The terms of these transactions are regulated by the property owners themselves on the basis of mutual benefit. Players can enter into any transactions and contractual relations with each other. However, no plot can be sold, mortgaged or exchanged if there is at least one building on it.

    Game over.
    If a player owes the BANK or other players more than he is able to pay, he gives all the money he has, after which he is declared bankrupt and leaves the game. At the same time, the BANK pays its creditors the remaining part of the debt. Branches and enterprises of the bankrupt are returned to the BANK.

    SITE cards are placed on the field in their corresponding cells.
    The game continues until all players are completely bankrupt, except one, who is declared the winner - a millionaire. You can also play for a while, then the winner is the wealthiest participant at the end of the game: plots, branches and enterprises are converted into money at the purchase price.


  • banknotes worth 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 forfeits, 48 ​​pieces each
  • chips - 6 pieces
  • cubes - 2 pieces
  • rule of the game
  • playing field
  • branches - 24 pieces
  • enterprises - 12 pieces
  • Chance cards - 20 pieces
  • Move cards - 20 pieces
  • Site cards - 24 pieces.
  • The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from the corner START cell clockwise. The numbering of the sides (from the first to the fourth) is also done clockwise.
    Along the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 colored INDUSTRIES, each of which consists of 3 sections that have their own names.
    The cell of each plot of the playing field indicating the cost of the plot, the rent for the plot and the price of the building corresponds to a PLOT card with similar information.

    Preparing for the game.
    SITE cards (24 pieces) are laid out according to their industries on the corresponding sections of the playing field.
    Decks of cards CHANCE (20 pieces) and MOVE (20 pieces) are placed face down on specially designated cells of the playing field. Spare cards (20 pieces) are put aside.
    A banker is selected from among the players, who gives all the players 2000 forfeits of the initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits in the “Jackpot” cash register. Players place their pieces on the START square. The order of moves is determined by lot.

    Progress of the game.
    Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and moving their chips by the number of spaces corresponding to the sum of the points rolled.
    If on the next move the player rolls a double (two identical numbers on the dice), then he makes another move. If three doubles are rolled in a row, the player is sent to the TAX INSPECTION.
    Stop at a “free” area.
    If, as a result of the next move, a player stops on a plot that does not belong to any of the players, then he has the right to buy the plot into his own possession. To do this, the player must pay the BANK the amount indicated on the cell of this site, after which he removes the card of this site from the field and keeps it for himself.
    In case of refusal to purchase the plot, the plot is put up for auction. Any player (including those who previously refused to purchase) can take part in the auction. The starting price of the offered plot is arbitrary. The plot goes to the person who offers the highest price for it.

    Stopping at a “foreign” site.
    If, as a result of the next move, a player stops on a site owned by someone else, he must pay the owner of the site the rent indicated on the corresponding cell of the playing field.
    If the site is in monopoly ownership, that is, all sites of one industry belong to one owner, then the rent is doubled.

    Circular income.
    Each time a player passes the START cell in his next move, he is paid a circular income of 200 forfeits.

    "Surprise" cells.
    If a player's token lands on the MOVE square, its owner removes the top card from the MOVE deck and moves his token from the MOVE square to the end square indicated on the card. If there is a START cell between these cells, then the circular income is not paid.
    Charitable foundation, “white” business.
    If, as indicated by the MOVE, CHANCE cards, or as a result of the next move, the player lands on the “WHITE” BUSINESS or CHARITABLE FUND cells, then he takes all the money there from the CHARITABLE FUND BANK.
    If a player's chip lands on the CHANCE square, its owner removes the top card from the CHANCE deck and follows the instructions indicated on it, after which he places the card at the bottom of the deck.
    If the instruction cannot be carried out immediately, the player keeps the card until the right moment arrives.
    Tax Inspectorate.
    If a player lands on the TAX INSPECTION square, he can leave it by paying a fine of 50 forfeits or rolling a double on the dice in one of the three subsequent moves.
    If the player does not throw a double the third time, then he can leave the TAX INSPECTION OFFICE in only one way: by paying a fine of 50 forfeits.
    "Black" business.
    Once on one of the “BLACK” BUSINESS cells, the player must go to the CHARITABLE FUND cell and pay a fine of 50 forfeits to the CHARITABLE FUND BANK.
    The player who lands on the JACKPOT cell can play the slot machine. To do this, he places a bet in the JACKPOT cash register and rolls the dice three times - once for each “column” of the slot machine - and then moves the chip from bottom to top along the “column” by as many symbols as the number of points rolled on the dice. If the combination drawn on the slot machine matches the winning combination, the player receives the winning amount from the BANK. If the player loses, the bet remains in the JACKPOT box.
    Tax police.
    A player who lands on the TAX POLICE cell is sent to the TAX INSPECTION, and no circular income is paid.
    Branches and enterprises.
    A player who has a monopoly on the entire industry can build branches and enterprises on the plots. Their price is indicated on the field cells and on the plot cards. The player places the acquired branches and/or enterprises in the appropriate areas of the field.
    In this case, the plots are built up sequentially: one branch on each, then a second branch, then a third. If three branches are built in all areas of the industry, the player receives the right to build enterprises. The cost of the enterprise is equal to the cost of the branch.
    However, if there is at least one mortgaged plot in an industry, the industry is considered incomplete, its owner ceases to be a monopolist, and development of undeveloped plots of this industry is prohibited.
    If, experiencing financial difficulties, the player decides to sell his buildings to the BANK, he must remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each plot. In this case, the BANK buys buildings from the player for half of their nominal price.

    Pledge rules.
    If a player needs money, he can mortgage a plot (or several), but before that he must sell all buildings from these plots to the BANK for half the price. After which the BANK pays the owner half the cost of the mortgaged plot.
    At any point in the game, but only before his turn, the player has the right to buy out the pledged plot. To do this, he must return to the BANK half the cost of the mortgaged plot plus 10% of its original cost.
    Players visiting the mortgaged site will not be charged any rent. The mortgaged plot cannot be sold or exchanged until the complete bankruptcy of its owner.

    Property trade.
    Undeveloped plots can become the subject of purchase, sale and exchange between their owners. The terms of these transactions are regulated by the property owners themselves on the basis of mutual benefit. Players can enter into any transactions and contractual relations with each other.
    However, no plot can be sold, mortgaged or exchanged if there is at least one building on it.

    Game over.
    If a player owes the BANK or other players more than he is able to pay, he gives all the money he has, after which he is declared bankrupt and leaves the game. At the same time, the BANK pays its creditors the remaining part of the debt. Branches and enterprises of the bankrupt are returned to the BANK.
    SITE cards are placed on the field in their corresponding cells.
    The game continues until all players are completely bankrupt, except one, who is declared the winner - a millionaire.
    You can also play for a while, then the winner is the wealthiest participant at the end of the game (sites, branches and enterprises are converted into money at the purchase price).

    Hello. Please answer, are the board game “classic millionaire” and “millionaire-elite” the same game, only the packaging is different or the games are different in content? We don’t know which game to decide on. Thank you.

    Good afternoon The difference between the games is in the outer packaging and partly in the rules. More detailed descriptions games added to product pages:

    The game is interesting. this set contains a thin cardboard box
