Complete walkthrough of the game Batman Arkham Origin. Batman: Arkham Origins: Walkthrough. The search for Bane in the walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Let's watch the video. From it we learn that it is Christmas Eve outside the window. Suddenly they say that the suspect, Black Mask, has been identified. Commissar Loeb is captured. Next, Bruce Wayne puts on his suit and flies to prison, despite Alfred's reminder about Christmas. Heroes don't have days off.

Having landed, we go into a dilapidated building and walk along the corridor. We hear a dialogue between the head of the prisons and the mafia. We threateningly approach the enemy from behind and force him to shit his pants after he saw a shadow on the wall. The enemy attacks, we make a counterattack and he lies down. The warden also tries to confront the unknown, but Bates takes a piece of pipe from him and lets him go. We find out the whereabouts of Commissar Loeb and Black Mask from the boss.
Let's move on. We find ourselves in prison block A. We go down the stairs and find ourselves in the “arena”. We fight back a couple of enemies and after interrogating one of them we learn that Black Mask is going with Loeb to the execution chamber. Now let’s give the mafia a rest by stunning him.

We go through the next door and come across a drone. We remove the next group around the corner. Desperate guys, because they don’t know who is in front of them. The grille is locked. We pull ourselves up onto the ledge from above with the Batclaw and move to the other side. We pass the door and go along the corridor. The stunned guards lie leaning on the walls. Let's look at the insert. And now we see Killer Croc in action. An armored villain stands in our way. Regular blows will not work with him; you must first stun him by pressing [MBM], and only then deliver a series of powerful blows. Again we cling to the ledge with our claw and rise. We go into the room and turn on “Detective Mode”. You need to open the door to punish the next bandits. We launch the Batarang at the button that activates the door and slide under the door. We show the next group of enemies who Batman is here and again turning on the “detective mode” we find the elevator start button.
Let's look at the insert. We open the ventilation grille and make our way into the death row cells. This is how we deal with another bunch of criminals. What do we see? On one side there is a door, on the other there is a bandit behind bars who will definitely not open it for us. As it turns out, the door is closed. We turn on “detective mode” and see a wall that can be blown up with gel. That's what we do. We go into the Calendar Man’s cell, this is clear judging by the calendars hung everywhere, and break the ventilation grill. We go further and spray the gel on the wall. We undermine the wall and along with it the criminal.

We go through the door and the next door by throwing 2 batarangs at the buttons. We go through some procedure room to the ventilation room. Looking into the gap we see Black Mask and his accomplices. We get out of the ventilation and watch the insert of Loeb being put in the gas chamber. We break the glass and break into the execution chamber. Loeb is dead. We eliminate the thugs who ran into the room. We go out into the corridor, at the end there are two paths: left and right, where should we go? Right.

There we take the memory card. It can only be decrypted in the Batcave. Let's go upstairs. We watch a video where a battle ensues between Bats and Croc. Now quickly press dodge to avoid being hit and stun the reptile by pressing [MBR] so you can now unleash a series of strikes. At the right moment, dodge the attack again when Croc recovers. Next, to blow up the fuel container in his hands, launch a quick batarang. Then stun him again, only now the thugs will interfere. Personally, they didn’t bother me; I beat Croc and at the same time managed to counterattack the villains. Carry out a series of blows over him a couple more times, avoiding the evil jaws, and he is defeated. We watch a video where Batman interrogates Croc and he tells him that a hunt is open for Bats. Gordon appears and our hero hides in his “Bat” into the cave.

Penguin Hunt

We arrive at the place. Let's watch a video of how the transaction is carried out. Did you finish watching? Now we finish off the guys and interrogate “Santa”. He turned out to be evil and did not bring a gift to Batman, for which he was hung on a gargoyle. When he woke up after being stunned and realized where he was, his tongue immediately loosened, but it was too late...

To hack a SIM card, you need to disable the tower that blocks the signal from Batman's equipment. We fly towards it, a couple of guys with bats are wielding it on the roof. Let's get them to work quickly. Next, we launch the controlled batarang through the electric field and send it to the fuse box. Now the door is open. We calmly enter and open the next door. And behind it...yes, behind the door is a jammer that needs to be hacked. Now you can read the information from the SIM card that Bates took from the arms dealer (the same “Santa”). We aim at a bright yellow spot and scan. To locate Piguin, you need to find 2 portable stations where you can find SIM cards and scan them.

We go to the first one, where we knock out the next group of Cobblepot's followers and scan the map. To accurately locate the Penguin, you need to find another station with a map. Be careful, some of the enemies on it are armed, but I think this won't be a problem. By scanning the SIM card we find out that the Penguin is hiding on the Final Offer liner. Well, it's time to fly.

Liner Final Offer

We arrive on the liner. Snipers are preventing us from getting inside. We throw one off the tower, you can jump onto the other from above. Let's go inside.
According to Bats, Penguin is organizing a fighting tournament. And something tells me that they will let us show ourselves. Having passed through the door, we move along the corridor and reach the next door, where the thugs are waiting for us. We try to score a record series of blows, if it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t matter, they will still lie flat. We enter the next corridor, we go to the right... and again there is a door, how many doors there are.
We find ourselves on Deck 1. We run along the corridor, jump over the sewer, a little more and reach the destroyed building. There was clearly some kind of accident here. We jump onto the pipe and move along it to the other side. Next we have enemies. We remove the one standing with his back to us in flight and begin the batch. Now you need to get to the other side. But there is a barrier - water. We pull the raft towards us with the batclaw and, standing on it, cling to the ring on the wall, thus we pull ourselves up and swim across to the desired side. Having climbed the ledge, we go up the stairs and go through the door. We're in the boiler room. All that remains is to enter the arena. Let's watch the video.

A sexy blonde invites you to a fight with some type of electricity. The villain refused to say where Black Mask was. Well, let's go. Wow what happened? The show-off man missed the first blow and was knocked out. Strongly. Well, if he couldn’t, maybe the guys will give us some fun? At the end of the battle, we interrogate the surrendered criminal. Let's find out where Cobblepot is. We enter the door marked Exit.

We go up the stairs and go straight into the next door. We find ourselves in a corridor and follow a linear route, overcoming obstacles. We slip through the gap and land near the ice wall, which we subsequently destroy with exploding gel. Let's listen to the criminals' dialogue about Penguin's new ship. Quite funny. We move to the other side and find ourselves at the wall on which you need to jump to find the hook points. We go up the circle of the turret and climb onto the final one, where the nice guys are having a dialogue. Then the guys are no longer only cute, but also calm...lying with their faces to the floor. Let's go straight. There are a few guys waiting for us outside the door. Now you need to find the Penguin's assistant - Tracy. After passing the door, you need to turn on “detective mode” to see a place in the ceiling that can be broken. Next, we break the panel using a controlled batarang and electricity, which we saw at the entrance above the door. Having opened the passage to the ventilation, we find ourselves in a bar, where we see the door to the casino, where we need to go. There are 3 thugs inside, one is armed and walking around the area. The other 2 are standing with their backs and looking at something. We quietly knock out the criminal with the machine gun and the other two. We fight off the running support.

Now our task is to infiltrate Penguin's office. We turn on the detective mode, we see the ventilation grille, there is a door opening panel that needs to be hacked. We deal with the bandits who came out and go inside, into the elevator. There we put Tracy in a cage and hack the security system. Now all doors are open. We go into the door of the theater, having previously repelled another attack by the attackers. Not a frail bunch of people are waiting for us there either. Having dealt with her, we enter the office where Penguin and Kinzie are interrogating Alberto Falcone. Now it's time for Batman to interrogate the Penguin.

He asks where Black Mask is hiding, who has placed a bounty on the Bat's head. But then Deathstroke appears and drags Bat to the battlefield. In fact, the fight made me sweat 3 times, but I still completed it. The most important thing is to press the counter-attack button in time. And in no case earlier than expected. Then we leave the building.

Crime at Lacey Towers

Now you can leave the ship and go to the crime scene to collect evidence. A signal was received, allegedly the victim is Black Mask. We arrive at the scene and connect to the police frequency. Now we can hear their conversations. Having found two police officers on the balcony, we go there, there is the entrance to Lacey Towers. Having gone inside, we follow to the right. Behind the door is a crime scene. The police blame Penguin for the murder of Black Mask. You need to turn on Detective Mode and scan the place and restore the picture of the murder.

First, we scan the body of the murdered man, then the body of Black Mask’s friend, suspended from the chandelier. There are remains of a Molotov cocktail on the floor. We reproduce the picture and understand that the room was set on fire in order to cover their tracks. We study the bullet mark on the body of the dead man. We re-scan the body of Black Mask's friend. We study the Penguin's fingerprints on the wall next to the body. We scan the marks on the floor in detail. We study the mark on the floor under the body on the chandelier. We rewind to find the fabric of clothing on the window frame of the balcony. We scan the trace on the counter. Slowly rewinding time, you can see that the girl’s phone flew off. The last message sent involves the Joker.

After investigating, Batman realizes that Penguin was here after the murder. It also turned out that there were a lot more people here than it seemed. A certain Joker appears on the list of people who have visited. We need the National Criminal Database to find out the identity. According to Alfred, she is at the police station. It wouldn't hurt to look into the cave first for some new equipment.

Police station

You need to get inside using the entrance from the roof. They are guarding her, she will have to fight. Inside we go down the stairs and use the gel to penetrate the elevator shaft. We need to find a server room, it won't be easy. But to find out what happened at Lacey Towers, Batman will do anything. We pass through the ventilation shaft, from the conversation of the police it can be understood that they must find Batman before the thugs. We reach the end and knock out one standing at the grate. We go into the next room and see several guys watching TV. For example, I pulled two of them down with a controlled claw and finished one off like that. The doors are locked and you can't break them with a sequinator. We look up and see the ventilation. Next you need to get past a bunch of cops discussing something below. To do this, we use a controlled claw and overcome the obstacle along the cable. But for fun, I tried to jump into their company, and after 20 seconds they killed me. But I think if you try harder, you can put them down. Well, let's get to the point. We jump down and pass by them, stunning the cop who was buying coffee from the machine. We go through the door. You need to beat the cops and go into the interrogation room, this door is on the right. Wow, this is our “Santa”, we deal with the cop and begin the interrogation. We learn that the destructor is in the evidence room, which opens electronic locks. We're knocking out our friend again.

Along the way we come across a rabble of police beating up civilians. Let's teach them a lesson. We go around the closed door, breaking the window sealed with boards. We get to the locker room. After listening to the cop’s problems, we neutralize him and climb into the ventilation; then there will be a ledge, which we climb onto and climb the stairs. You need to eliminate all the cops, and then calmly move on. We find ourselves at a shooting range. We hear from two guys that Branden made a deal with Black Mask to eliminate Batman. We pull them with a hook and stun them. New system security prevents the panel from being hacked to open the door. Bats remembered the destructor in the evidence room. Let's head there. We climb into the elevator shaft, breaking open the panel. Walking along the corridor, we find ourselves in prison cells. There will be a large group of enemies here. Use the detonator to make your life easier. We press the button and go to the Infirmary. On the left we undermine the flimsy wall and penetrate into the mine. We cling to the cable and rise. Next, stretch out Deathstroke’s hook and climb into the ventilation. Having taken the necessary weapon, we return back to the blocked door. We use the found device to turn off the plugs. Along the way there will be many criminals who have escaped from their cells. We watch the video, after which we leave through the ventilation. At the exit, we turn off the security and open the door. We go to the left. We go out to the elevator and go up. At the exit we come across Gordon. We throw a smoke grenade and knock out the attacking cops.


It is necessary to penetrate the sewer under police control. The entrance will be just below the marker. Open the hatch and jump. Inside we will meet martial artists, they are a little more difficult than ordinary enemies and can block attacks and counterattack. We destroy the fragile wall by applying liquid gel. Having risen to the very top, we press the button, grab the hatch with a hook and open it, redirecting the flow of steam. Now we stretch the cable and fly to the other side. There we hack the panel and fly to the enemy inside the tunnel. Next you need to glide into the elevator and activate it. Having gone upstairs, we deal with the thugs. Alfred reports that the wires we need are right under our noses. Let's see the analysis. It turns out Roman Sionis owns the Gotham Commercial Bank. The information found was enough to unravel the case at Lacey Towers. Let's look at the picture of the incident.

Gotham Commercial Bank

The entrance to the interior is on the roof. There is a wall next to the closed door that will succumb to the explosion. Inside, we turn off the alarm by shooting from the destructor. Oh my God, so many corpses! Going into the ventilation to the left of the entrance, we blow up the floor with gel and watch the video. And here comes the Joker. And with him is another crazy woman who laughs without calming down. Now you need to carefully kill the armed bandits who entered inside. One of them has a jammer. It would be wise to take him out first to keep track of the others' movements. The last living criminal surrenders. From the interrogation we learn that the Joker killed many of the Black Mask guys who refused to obey. Also, he took Sionis to the steel mill and can kill him. After all this, you can scan the woman’s body. As it turned out, she was not laughing, but was slowly dying. It was poison. The cops will be waiting at the exit of the building.

Steel Plant

There will be quite a few guards at the entrance to the plant. It is best to do everything in stealth, sneaking up on enemies from behind and knocking them out. Having gone inside, we give a lesson to unarmed clowns and go through the left door to the second floor to Sionis’s office. To avoid an ambush, it is better to go through the ventilation above the entrance. After the fight, we hack the computer in a cozy corner to find out the door access code.

We follow through the premises to the warehouse. Hmm...secret room. We need to get inside. But first, let's destroy the enemies. after that they will also run out and with them the Punisher - armored, like iron Man thug. You can win by removing his armor and then finishing him off with a large number of blows, like his smaller brothers. We press the button and move the crane with the beams closer to the wall. Then we grab the hooks on one side of the beams and, pulling them, break the wall. We enter the elevator. We scan the mafioso who arrived in it. He was poisoned. And the Joker is still having fun. Having gone down to those. room again we deal with the enemies and go to break down the door. There are quite a few enemies in the next room. Everything can be done quietly. We enter the office and find the “former king” hanging. Next, Batman asks him about the Joker and breaks a couple of his ribs. But the copperhead got in the way. As a result, Sionis goes into hiding.

Boss fight Copperhead

You have been poisoned. Go back. Everything around is green, Batman has begun to hallucinate - the victims whom he did not save are talking to him...

When you reach the circle, the battle will be based on the usual repelling attacks and inflicting your own. Another moment, you need to jump away from the blue rays from which the clones fly out. When the container with the antidote arrives, inject it and then calmly grab the Copperhead.

Gotham City Royal Hotel

We go to the Gotham Pioneer Bridge, where we catch a signal. Next, we look for the location using the electromagnetic wave sensor. The signal appears to be coming from Diamond County. A stun gun was lodged in the Gotham City Royal Hotel. They are not waiting for us at the entrance. very friendly cops. No problem though. We enter the park and, having finished off a few criminals, we hack the panel and turn it off electricity, which prevents you from getting to the top. Afterwards, we pull the cable from above and go up. We press the button that opens the gate to the elevators. Having risen, we go to the lobby. And it’s beautiful here, everything is decorated. Next, you should enter the security room. While exploring the premises through the cameras, Bats found the Joker. A short video follows.

We take away the electric gloves of the Stun Gun. Now it's time to get to the penthouse. we use the elevator, charging it with energy from the gloves. Someone forgot to close the window. We fly into it and we are already on the eastern tower. Getting to the Joker will be difficult, at least it can't be done by elevator. Well, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way. But the crazy psychopathic people waiting for us on the stairs have also not been canceled. We go and along the way we load the panel with gloves to lift the grille and the fun begins. New gloves with electricity put on an enchanting show. Next we go right. In the laundry room we climb through the ventilation into the elevator shaft. We charge the panel and go up. The Joker's unsuspecting thugs are there. We go further along the corridor. So, we found a bar. All that's left is to get to the other side. We hook the cable and fly from building to building. The grille is closed again. Well, let's try to charge the panel. BANG! There is a weapon near the wall that shoots if you get close. Let's turn it off with a destructor and calmly open the door. After beating the guys, we move on and climb to the very top of the ventilation shaft.

There we go out into the corridor through the laundry room. We go along the corridor and go into the door where the Joker has equipped a dance hall. We go down the shaft on the right to the very bottom. We deal with the guys and the gate opens with a fashionable clown above the entrance. Joker decided to have fun again? You need to hurry in order to save the thugs tied to the chair in time. First, throw 2 batarangs at the buttons, then stretch the rope and climb onto it, make your way further, blow up the boards with gel and hack the panel. Bravo, the Joker will repay us! Next, you need to stand on the button and throw a controlled batarang. Having flown out of one of the clown's eyes, charged with energy, it must be directed through the second eye to break the panel.

A passage has opened above us, we rise. There's another puzzle at the top. You need to hit four balls, but only in the order in which the masks light up. Try to make a mistake and the criminal will be shocked. Next, we plan to go to the arena and beat whoever we see. We fly up onto the balcony and activate the panel. We shoot the cable at the doll's head and go into the next room. The hostage says that they have more people and they need to be saved. We climb through the ventilation and neutralize the threat. Next, on the 28th floor in the room, we deactivate the bomb, after which the timer goes to 14 seconds. We jump out the window and cling to the helicopter. Having jumped off it, you will need to seriously tinker with the thugs. Next, we remove everyone from the building quietly. We take the elevator to the penthouse. Watch the video as Bane beats Batman. Then they let us hit the Joker a couple of times and...

...Boss fight Bane

At first you can just beat Bane. When he turns on the toxin, we do this: when he wants to hit, a red indicator will appear above him, we jump behind his back and deal three stun hits and then do a combo. Having torn out his green veins, he will throw Bets out the window.

Bane now attacks with a running attack. Dodge. Then three stun hits [SKM+SKM+SKM], we do a combo (many times [LMB]), the decisive blow [E] + [LMB+RMB] to turn on the electric gloves. It is advisable to kill crawling enemies if you want to successfully perform a combo. Next comes a long and beautiful video.

Playing as the Joker, just hit the enemies and then just move forward. Playing as Batman, take a new gadget in the cave and go back to Gotham.

Scan the corpse in the police morgue

Having arrived at the place, repel the attack of the cops and go down into the sewer. Use a glue grenade to stop the steam and move on. Having reached the place, you will need to hack the panel and climb up the stairs. Now you need to examine the body using the evidence scanner. Having finished work, we return. Bane's beacon went off.

Bane's Hideout

There is a guard at the entrance. We knock them out and, having knocked out the source of interference at the door, we go inside. Along the way, you will meet Bane's henchmen, among them there will be a guy with a Venom. Next, break the wall and create a raft using a glue grenade. Grabbing and pulling ourselves up by the rings, we reach the other “shore”. There the enemies push us out before we can get inside. Bane found the beacon and left it on the table. He also knows about Batman's secret. We must hurry to the cave. Innocents may be harmed. We return to the surface.

Gotham Pioneer Bridge

Along the way, we are informed about hostages on the bridge. Let's hack Firefly's channel to hear conversations. Arriving at the bridge, we watch the video. Firefly has filled the bridge with bombs and if the cops get in the way, the bridge will be blown up. We must warn Captain Gordon about the bombs. Having informed, we break the elevator panel and climb up. Along the way, we break the grate and charge the panel with gloves to move the elevator. Now we throw 3 glue grenades into the pipes and after passing we jump onto the beam. Once you enter the door, you will have to deal with the guards. The last one will surrender, and we interrogate him. It turns out that we have 4 bombs in total. The first one can be neutralized right here. We remove the cover and break the system. Need for certain time enter 3 passwords. The bomb has been defused. Three more.

The second bomb will be at the train station. We remove the guards and go to the control room to lower the carriage and release the hostages. We defuse the bomb and move on to the next one. We are under the bridge. Climbing through the rubble we reach a solid surface. We neutralize the snipers. A bunch of enemies are waiting for us inside, guarding explosives. But they were easier than I expected. We press the button to turn off the electricity and break the bomb. The last one remained at the other end of the bridge. Return to the place where you saved the people in the carriage. We bring down the guards and go through the fire door. There's the last bomb.

Firefly boss fight

First phase
Because he flies, you need to hit him with ranged attacks. First we throw a glue grenade, then we throw batarangs and finally we pull him towards us with the batclaw. Then we run until we slip under the truck, dodging the Firefly’s beam.

Second phase
Now you will have to dodge the beam many times, and then everything will be the same as in the first phase.

Third phase
The firefly will light up the battlefield. Pull yourself towards it [F]. Press [RMB] a couple of times when necessary. After a long struggle in the air, the enemy will be defeated.

Bane snuck out of Bats' lair. Upon arrival, you need to find Alfred. Fix the computer, use Detective Mode to find Alfred. We rescue him from the rubble and resurrect him with electric shocks from his gloves.

Joker Escape

The police frequency is reporting that the Joker has escaped from his cell in Blackgate and organized a riot, there are numerous casualties. Having landed in Blackgate, we will kill the criminals in the yard. Batman will order the cops to guard the exit so that no one escapes. Now it's time to go down into the sewer. Having passed further, blow up the floor and go down. Fly over the destroyed bridge, you can also use the rope to cross. But to get across electricity, you can’t do without a rope. Having blown up the fragile wall, we go to the other side and smash the panel. When the electricity runs out, we cross to the other side using a raft.
We go to the room on the left. Having turned on the button, we throw the controlled batarang out the window and pass it through the electric field opposite and direct it into the panel. Now we’ll make a raft with glue grenades and blow up the wall.

Once inside, we seal the pipes with grenades. Having built the next vessel and glue, you need to swim, sealing the pipes that impede progress. At the end of the path we close up 3 pipes on the wall so that after the explosion we can fly into the opening. We fight with the guys in robes and go up the elevator shaft. We knock out all the thugs in the next room and save the girl. Next we go along the prison corridors and kill all the enemies who fell under the “shock” hand of Bets.

Fight with Bane in the mental hospital

Bane put on a cardiometer and now every heartbeat will charge the electric chair. Either Batman will kill Bane, or he will die at Bane's hand.

First phase
Scheme with him.

Second phase
When Bane injects himself with TN1, he will turn into a huge monster. You need to throw a glue grenade, then a smoke grenade and go behind Bane’s back and stick him into a wall or electrical grid. But it happened to me only occasionally. I was hiding behind the bars and as Bane approached I made the decisive blow. Or you can sneak up quietly behind him and also make the decisive blow. After watching the video, you will need to double-click the mouse at a certain moment.

Let's move on and help Gordon cope with the criminals. Our ever-smiling friend is very close. Having reached the bell tower, all that remains is to beat up the Joker. We watch the video and credits. GAME OVER!

Steelworks, Boss: Copperhead.
Gotham City Royal Hotel, Boss: Bane.
Blackgate Prison.
Bane's Search.
Pioneer Bridge, Boss: Firefly.
Blackgate Prison, Boss: Bane, Boss: Joker

Passing levels:

Gotham City Royal Hotel
Batman: Arkham Origins. Walkthrough

Objective: Obtain the electromagnetic signature of the Stun Gun

We move to the very center of the Gotham Pioneer Bridge. Here we detect the signal of the Electrocutioner.

Objective: Track the electromagnetic signature

We do not see the exact location of the stun gun, only the distance sensor to it. We go in the direction where the distance decreases, as a result we come to the Diamond District quarter in the large eastern building.

Mission: Infiltrate the Gotham City Royal Hotel

We enter the building through the southern door. At the entrance we destroy the bandits and police. We find ourselves in the hotel's underground parking lot. We destroy all the bandits.

We break open the closed door. Inside, we use a betang to press the button where the electricity converges, then we stretch the cable at the top and climb onto it. In the upper room, press the button to open the lattice door below. We enter the large elevator and go up.

Objective: Infiltrate the security room

Hotel lobby. We silently destroy the bandits.

We enter the security room. Using the CCTV camera we watch the meeting of the assassins and the Joker. Before our eyes, the Joker throws the Stun Gun out of the window. We approach the fallen enemy, take away his new weapon - shock gloves. Now all that remains is to climb up.

Objective: Infiltrate the penthouse

There is an overhead elevator next to the fallen chandelier and the Electrocutioner. We climb into it and charge it with energy. Using the hook, we climb even higher into the open window of the building.

East tower – 10th floor. Using gloves, we charge the panel on the wall, this will cause the grate in front to rise, we slide under it. We kill bandits. Gloves can also be used during battle if you press LMB+RMB.

We enter the laundry room, from there through the ventilation into the non-working elevator shaft. We get on the second elevator, charge it and go up.

East tower – 19th floor. We climb onto the open floor and deal with the bandits. A rescued hotel employee asks to save the rest of his colleagues. Let's move on to open window. We stretch the cable to the opposite building and roll there along the cable.

West Tower – 19th floor. Around the corner we see a machine gun installation. We neutralize it using a destructor. Then we charge the panel on the wall and deal with the bandits.

We enter the room Ventilation shaft. We climb up the ledges, stretch the cable, turn off the fan on the control panel, climb even higher - into the open ventilation.

Ahead, open the large valve using the Batclaw to redirect the steam.

On the 25th floor we find ourselves in the Dance Hall. We fight a small gang, and then enter the Joker's testing room.

Ahead we see four bandits in electric chairs, everything on the floor is filled with water. You have 1:30 seconds to complete. We take batarangs and throw them to the left and right button at the top until the wooden panels turn to the side. Behind the shields we see the attachment points, stretch the cable between them and climb onto it. From the cable we plan to a wooden balcony on the opposite wall. On the balcony we blow up the wooden wall using gel. Inside we hack the control panel. The test has passed.

We go down to the flooded floor and go through the room.

We go up the stairs and find ourselves inside a large clown mask. We stand on the green button, launch a controlled batarang through the eye window, fly through the electricity, fly into the second eye of the mask, and crash into the fuse panel. A hatch has opened at the top, we go up.

By railway We reach the next test. We look at the sequence in which the balls flash, then in the same sequence we burst them with the help of a betarang. The first time the combination is 1, 3, 4, 2 (counting balls from left to right). Second combination: 4, 3, 1, 2.

We go further along the railway. We jump down to the lower path, and from there into the arena with bandits. After winning, we jump onto the nearest balcony, there we press the button, from which a clown appears from the box. We stretch a cable between the clown’s nose and the wall, and along the cable we exit the amusement park.

On the way, on the 25th floor we rescue another hotel employee.

Overview Bar. We approach a round structure suspended between the hotel towers. There is a closed lattice door ahead, so we climb into the hatch on the floor.

We crawl through the pipe into the bar room, get out and destroy the enemies. We pass further, blow up the thin wall on the left, and get out into the street to the facade of the building. We cling to the statue with the Batclaw, and then to the open window.

East Tower – 28th floor. We enter a room with a large timer. We hack the control panel to stop the bomb timer. But after hacking, there are 24 seconds left before the explosion. Quickly jump out of the window (W key, spacebar, spacebar). We hook ourselves onto the journalists' helicopter and then jump onto the upper terrace of the hotel. On the terrace we alternately destroy two groups of bandits. We enter the building again.

East tower – 40th floor. We enter a large room with a swimming pool. Here you need to kill all of Bane's mercenaries. After the victory, we go down under the pool, in the central part of the room we enter the elevator.

Boss: Bane

At the top we are immediately met by Bane and taken to the Joker. After the next Joker show, we are left alone with Bane. The boss attacks with ramming attacks and simple blows. We dodge rams (in any direction + space, space), carry out counterattacks (RMB) for normal attacks, then do an ultra stun (SKM, SKM, SKM). After stunning, we perform a combo and press “E” to snatch another hose with Venom from Bane.

In the middle of the battle, we fly out the window and continue the battle on the hotel terrace. Here the boss is constantly helped by several ordinary fighters, but we do not pay attention to them. It’s just better not to start an ultra stun, Bane will interrupt him with his blows. You need to wait until he delivers a regular blow and then counterattack. After landing the combo, Bane turns on the Venom boost.

When the boss is under the influence of Venom, we dodge his ram attacks three times, once we dodge his jump with an earthquake wave, after that we approach him, do an ultra stun, finish him off and pull out the hose. After tearing out five hoses from the device on Bane’s back, we defeat him.

Police helicopters arrive and engage the bandits. Bane escapes in his helicopter and blows up the Joker. Batman rushes down after the Joker serving and saves him from death. Below, the Joker falls into the hands of the police, and Batman escapes the police encirclement in time.

Blackgate Prison

In prison, the Joker was sent for psychiatric treatment. The Joker is treated by a girl, Dr. Harvey Queen. As the Joker, we participate in his nightmares. We fight with the audience in a comedy theater.

In the next nightmare, we find ourselves at a chemical plant, where bandits put a red cap on the Joker and threw him onto a conveyor belt. All along the way we hear the dialogue between the Joker and the doctor.

We also see Batman’s nightmares in which I kill his parents.

Search for Bane
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Objective: Take the glue grenade

We continue to play as Batman. We find ourselves in a secret cave, talking with Alfred. In the south of the cave on the workbench we take a new weapon - glue grenade.

Objective: Scan a corpse in the Gotham City Police Department morgue

We move to the Burnley area. We enter the sewer room opposite the police station. Inside we beat the police, then we go down into the sewer hatch.

In the underground tunnel we use a glue grenade (key “5”) to seal the open valves of the steam pipes. We jump down to the water. Throw a glue grenade into the water to create an ice floe. We stand on the ice floe and use the batclaw to pull ourselves towards the rings on the wall.

We go outside.

Objective: Find out the location of Bane's beacon

We are moving to the Parkovaya Street area. We enter a building on the west coast. Through the ventilation shaft we get into the sewer.

We approach the water, create a raft from a glue bomb, and ride it to the other shore. We destroy the enemies and go into the closed sewer area.

Entrance to Bane's field headquarters. We enter the room on the right. We study the screen, take the audio recording about Bane.

On the way out we inspect the couch. We enter Bane's headquarters. He's not here, but on the screens we see that Bane knows the main secret: Batman is Bruce Wayne. We quickly get to the surface.

Pioneer Bridge
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Objective: Warn Gordon about the bombs

Let's go to the Pioneer Bridge. We neutralize four special forces who are about to storm the bridge. We enter the door with the red wheel. In the technical room, from behind the boxes, we communicate with Captain Gordon.

Mission: Find Firefly's bombs

The police are retreating, you can climb into the bridge. We hack the elevator and enter it.

Secret: at an average height near the generator, we look up and see a block behind the bars. We turn on detective vision and see that a wire goes to the left. We launch the controlled batarang up to the left, behind the wall we crash into the switch, the grate will open. We go up the platforms to a higher floor, and use our claw to pull in data block 11-7.

Secret: Freight elevator shaft. Having climbed onto the roof of the elevator, we go to the dark corner on the left. There we look up, and use the batclaw to attract data block 11-8.

Secret: Charge the generator, seal the steam on opposite side. We jump over there, then climb along the ledges around the elevator shaft. Almost at the very top we seal another valve with steam, a little lower we open the ventilation grill, there we find data block 11-9.

We go upstairs, through the ventilation we go out into the boiler room.

Here you need to destroy all enemies and interrogate the last one. The gargoyle statues in the center contain explosives; you don't need to cling to them to avoid raising the alarm. We learn from the interrogated person that there are four bombs in total on the bridge. Let's go clear the nearest mine.

Objective: Defuse the bomb in the boiler room

We approach the panel in front of the bomb, hack it as usual, only you will need to guess 3 codes in 30 seconds.

Objective: Defuse a bomb at a train station

We take the elevator up. We approach the charger, turn it on and raise the elevator a little higher. We blow up the door above the elevator. We defeat the enemies, unleash Special Forces Lieutenant Howard Brandon, and then stun him.

We climb up the stairs and find ourselves at the train station. We silently eliminate enemies. After the victory, we go into the control room opposite the carriage with the hostages. On the second floor of the room, press the button, this will cause the car to go down.

We approach the open bomb and break it open.

Objective: Defuse the bomb at the southern support

We enter a room with many bandits and electric walls. The electricity doesn't hit enemies, but we don't need to touch the walls. After the victory, press the button, enter the doors and defuse the third bomb.

Objective: Defuse the bomb at the northern support

We return to the railway station, and from there we go to the northern part of the bridge. After opening the fire damper, go through the large door on the left.

We jump onto the fragment in front, follow it to the end, the side view will turn on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the cornice. We move further forward along the ledge, and then go out into the arena in the center of the bridge, where the bandits are crowded. We beat the bandits, after which the Firefly flies in.

Boss: Firefly

We dodge the boss’s fiery attacks (press in any direction + space, space). First, we throw sticky bombs at Firefly (press “5”, “5”), when he is glued together, we throw three batarangs at him (press “1”, “1”, “1”, “1”). Then we repeat again: glue it together, throw shells at it. When the Firefly is stunned, we attract it to ourselves using the batclaw (press “2”, “2”).

After the second pull with the batclaw, Firefly will get angry, set everything on fire and find a bomb detonator. After that, we run forward, escaping from the fire. We go around the cars and jump down. We climb back up along the rubble. After climbing the bridge, we run to the right, jump onto the blue hanging truck, then roll under the large truck.

Having reached a dead end, we again begin to fight with Firefly using the same method: we glue him together and throw batarangs at him. When the boss has his last bar of health left, we cling to him with a hook (F key) and finish him off in the air.

Mission: Find Alfred

We approach the main control panel and resume the work of detective vision. We are looking for Alfred, we find him far below, on the slope of the cave under the rubble. We clear the rubble and revive Alfred. We approach the control panel and find out that the Joker has captured the prison in which he was imprisoned.

Blackgate Prison
Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins

Mission: Stop the Joker

We disembark right next to the prison. We go and destroy the prisoners gathered at the front entrance. We release three policemen.

Objective: Infiltrate Blackgate Prison through the sewers

We go down the hatch in front of the right burning window. We break through the floor in the tunnel and go along the lower floor. We find ourselves in a room where the water on the floor is under electricity. We create a path for ourselves by stretching cables between the attachment points. We climb higher, break through the wall, soar to the opposite bank, and there we turn off the shorted electrical panel. After this, we use a sticky grenade to create a raft on the water and swim forward through the tunnel.

We climb to the top. We go into the control room on the left, press the button there and quickly launch the controlled betarang through the electricity that appears, after which we crash into the panel with traffic jams to the left of the electricity. This will fill the lock with water. We create a raft in the water, pull ourselves up to another wall and blow up a thin spot in it.

Next we actively use sticky grenades. We seal all the steam valves, create a raft, float on it with the current, and seal three more valves along the way. At the end we see three screws in the water, to escape from them, we shoot at the three valves from above, the pipe will explode from the pressure, after which we climb onto the upper ledge.

Mission: Stop the Joker

We enter the central room of the prison called Transition. Here you need to silently neutralize 10 prisoners. After the victory, we save a couple of guards and Dr. Harleen Quinzel.

We enter prison block B. We defeat the crowd of enemies. On the second floor in one of the cells we find Deathstroke doing push-ups, whom the Joker was afraid to let out. We go further and go down to the first floor, where you need to fight with a whole crowd of prisoners of 20 people, and then a huge brute will come out. You can't do without a dozen combat improvements.

After the victory, we go into the corridor leading to the round compartment. There is another difficult battle with the crowd ahead. We go into the round compartment itself. Here the Joker put on another show.

Boss: Bane

Bane enters the ring, a cardiometer is installed on him, counting his heartbeats. Upstairs, the bandits are holding the prison warden hostage. The Joker is seated in an electric chair, which will go off if Bane's heart beats for more than a few minutes. One of the two villains will definitely die, which Batman cannot allow.

The tactics of fighting Bane are the same: we dodge his three rams, dodge his jump, then do an ultra stun (SKM, SKM, SKM keys), a finishing move, and at the end we tear out the hose from his back. The only difference is that there are a lot of ordinary enemies around, you will have to constantly dodge them as well.

Having finished off Bane a couple of times, we activate the electric gloves to achieve Bane’s clinical death. We finish him off three more times. The battle is won.

The Joker leaves the scene, being chased by the prison warden and the arriving Captain Gordon. Batman stays behind and revives Bane with a blast of electricity. Bane immediately continues the fight and injects himself with an excessive dose of Venom. The fight continues in the prison sewer.

Bane walks in circles around the cells. Now Bane cannot be damaged by direct attacks, you need to attack him suddenly. We can hide either in underground trays or in ventilation shafts. We wait for Bane to pass by, then we attack from behind, sit on his neck and hit him against the wall or electric bars. We repeat this several times.

At the end, the almost finished Bane throws Batman and breaks through the wall with him. In time we hook his hands with cables to the attachment points. Now Bane is definitely immobilized.

We enter the control room, and from there into the death chamber. We find the wounded prison warden. The freed Killer Croc also comes here, but the sniper bandit scares off the mutant with his shot. Captain Gordon stuns the sniper and helps us in the battle.

Boss: Joker

We enter the room to the place of execution, then into the Cathedral. Here we meet a lonely Joker lying in front of the altar. We begin to beat the Joker for all his atrocities. He only sometimes fights back, but mostly he even enjoys Batman’s rage. In the end, we knock him unconscious and hand him over to Captain Gordon.

The whole game is completed!

During the end credits, we first listen to a crazy song performed by the Joker; then a television broadcast talking about the imminent opening of Arkham Asylum due to the insufficient security of Blackgate Prison. After the credits, we see a video where Amanda Waller comes to the imprisoned Deathstroke and offers to join the Suicide Squad.

Completing the game unlocks the “ A new game+” (playing through the game one more time, but with all the unlocked items, primaries and improvements), as well as the ability to change the costume of the main character.

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Twice, with the last battle divided into two stages. The first time we meet this pumped-up assassin is at the Gotham City Royal Hotel. He will be waiting for us at the highest tower in the penthouse. He will also meet there, who, after a short show, will leave and leave the “bat” alone with Bane.

This boss will attack us with regular blows, as well as impenetrable ramming attacks. To defeat Bane in Batman: Arkham Origins you need to dodge rams (A or D + press the spacebar twice), and parry simple blows using counterattacks (RMB), and then perform a super stun on the enemy (click the middle mouse button three times). Next, aim the mouse at the enemy and press the “E” key to tear off the hose with the Venom stimulator from Bane.

In the middle of the battle, we are thrown out through the window, and we find ourselves on the hotel terrace, where we continue the fight with our Latin thug. Now Bane will be helped by his followers, but we advise you not to pay any attention to them and let the boss scatter his “helpers” himself. Doing a super stun when regular fighters are standing nearby is not recommended. After performing a combo attack Bane will include the Venom boost.

While under this stimulant, the boss will attack you three times with a ramming attack, and then cause a local earthquake by hitting his hands on the floor. After this blow, you need to get close to him and do a super stun. Then we perform a combo and pull out the hose from it. A similar combo must be done five times, tearing out five hoses from Bane's back.

After this, the battle ends as police helicopters fly up to the roof of the hotel and attack the bandits. Bane escapes in his own helicopter and manages to shoot the Joker with a rocket launcher, blowing up the platform on which his fake employer stood. Batman saves the clown and escapes from the police in a timely manner.

The second time we meet Bane is in Blackgate Prison, where the Joker staged a massive riot. There we will have to fight again with a pumped-up mercenary, but this time someone must die in battle. The fact is that Bane has installed a cardiometer on himself, which reads the beats of his heart. If it doesn't stop within a few minutes, the electric chair the Joker is sitting on will go off. However, we cannot allow anyone to die.

The tactics of fighting this boss are the same as before: first we dodge his ramming attacks, then we try to dodge the jump, and then we do a super stun and a finishing blow, snatching the Venom hose from the enemy’s back. This fight will differ from the last fight only in the large number of ordinary bandits in the ring. However, Bane himself will scatter them, and therefore you do not have to waste your time on them.

Having pulled out several hoses, we activate our electric gloves and try to achieve the clinical death of Bane. We finish off the boss three more times and win the battle.

The Joker runs away, believing that the "bat" has finally committed murder. Police Captain Gordon and the prison warden rush after him. Batman uses his electric gloves to revive Bane. The mercenary attacks the dark knight and injects himself with a completely new type of “Venom”, because of which Bane becomes even bigger and stronger, but at the same time becomes stupider by an order of magnitude. The battle moves into the prison sewers.

In direct combat, Batman cannot defeat the boss, so he must hide from him in ventilation and underground chutes, and then suddenly attack Bane when he gets very close. We repeat this several times until a cutscene appears in which Bane throws the main character against the wall and breaks through it. Here we need to have time to tie the boss with cables and attach them to the columns. That's it, now the mercenary is completely defeated.

If the game about Batman doesn’t grab your attention, then try your hand at racing online. , 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Batman: Arkham Origins, the harsh superhero everyday life of the Dark Knight is extremely varied and intense. Within just a couple of days, Batman manages to cleanse the criminal faces of all sorts of criminal elements of the city of Gotham, and restore the infrastructure of his native streets, and conduct a dozen detective investigations - with the collection of evidence, forensic examination and extracting testimony from suspects. It’s not difficult to get confused in all this turmoil - and that’s when we come to the rescue.

In this material you will find the most important tips for passing Batman: Arkham Origins, solutions to the most difficult problems, as well as a useful video that will allow you to complete the game 100%. With this guide, you can easily deal with all the troubles of Gotham - so that Bruce Wayne can finally have a human rest for Christmas.

First, there are a few simple, but very important points to understand about Batman: Arkham Origins that you should know. Follow these tips and your The Dark Knight will not leave the villains a single chance.

Respond to requests for help as often as possible. As you move around Gotham, you will now and then receive operational information about the riots going on right now. Since such troubles usually occur in close proximity to your current position, it is better not to ignore them. As a rule, you are required to appear at the scene of a crime and beat all opponents - the work is dust-free, fast and profitable. On the one hand, you will receive experience for every help, and on the other hand, such encounters will quickly teach you how to fight effectively in Arkham Origins. The benefits of the latter can hardly be overestimated.

Not everything you see can be immediately acquired. All kinds of trophies, secrets and alternative paths that you encounter during the game will not necessarily be available to you at that very moment. Very often, in order to receive a particular reward, you will be required to have one or another gadget or ability that is unlocked during the course of the story campaign. This means that the most best time to collect, for example, Enigma data blocks - after completing the story part of the game, when you have collected the entire arsenal of the Dark Knight.

Stealthy passage gives much more experience than confronting opponents head-on. If possible, try to stun enemies without being noticed - after a little practice, you will certainly be able to do this easily and naturally. The secretive Dark Knight will gain experience much faster, and as a result, new abilities.

Stealth is good, but strong armor- better. To make your life easier, first of all upgrade Batman's armor. First for close combat, and then - ballistic. This way you will ensure yourself early in the game better survival and save yourself a lot of nerves in battles. No matter how skilled you are at stealth, Arkham Origins will often force you to fight dozens of bandits in open combat - it's best to be prepared for this.

It's important for Batman to fight well. Based on the results of each skirmish with enemies, you will be given a certain amount of experience. The battle rating is influenced by the following points: the maximum length of the chain of hits (or combo multiplier), the amount of damage received (it is better to minimize it), the variety of gadgets used in battle. In other words, you will gain the most experience if you do not “miss” blows, while using your entire arsenal in the fight.

Don't hesitate to complete side quests. Capturing villains and destroying their plans is generously rewarded with a large amount of experience, as well as new abilities for Batman. Side quests will not only help extend the fun of Batman: Arkham Origins, but will also allow you to come face to face with the most famous characters of the DC Universe.

Complete the Dark Knight System Challenges whenever possible. The achievements built into the game itself, on the one hand, will help you better understand certain aspects game mechanics(for example, you can practice moving around Gotham or stealth), and on the other hand, they will give you a lot of experience upon completion.


During the course of Batman: Arkham Origins you will meet many villains of varying degrees of lousiness. Some of them can cause a lot of problems for a novice player. Read below about where the main difficulties may arise.

How to defeat Deathstroke

Deathstroke, one of the first bosses in Batman: Arkham Origins, is a good test of your reactions. The main difficulty in the battle with him is to hit and counterattack in a timely manner. It is very important to take your time and press the counterstrike key only when the corresponding indicator lights up above Deathstroke's head. If he counters too early or too late, Batman will receive a rousing slap from one of the most skilled melee fighters in the DC Universe.

How to defeat Bane

We will meet Bane in battle twice. During the first battle, the player is required to dodge Bane's strongest blows and respond in a timely manner with lightning-fast series. In general, your first meeting with him should not cause you much trouble if you have successfully beaten ordinary opponents before.

During the second encounter, the battle will be divided into two parts. If the first one goes through exactly the same scenario as described above, then the second part will make you tinker a little. Under the influence of Venom, Bane cannot be attacked head-on - Batman is forced to attack him covertly, using ventilation, floor gratings and electrical circuits. Please note that Bane will not fall for the same trick twice, so you will have to be as creative as possible. You can watch the successful battle with the pumped-up Bane in the video attached below.

How to defeat the Mad Hatter

The entire boss fight takes place in the Hatter's world of illusions: in order to defeat the villain, you just need to reach the end of the stage using your gadgets and wits. But this is easier said than done - several insidious traps and non-obvious scenes can very well become a problem for the player. How to overcome all this - again, in the video.

How to defeat Firefly

One of the final bosses of Batman: Arkham Origins. However, the battle is quite simple - if you know which gadgets to use at one time or another in the battle.

How to open costumes

Batman: Arkham Origins features a wide selection of Batman costumes - each one not only changes your appearance, but also provides certain advantages. Costumes are unlocked for certain actions and achievements in the game, and you can change your armor in the appropriate section of the Batcave. Here's what you need to do to unlock costumes for all occasions.

Batman- given at the beginning of the game.

Batman One Million Skin- register in the WBID service.

New 52 Graphic- Capture all the villains on the Most Wanted list.

Dark Knight- pass all the tests.

Noel- find all Enigma data blocks.

Injustice- get all the medals in the challenges.

Blackest Night- get a level in multiplayer.

Enigma caches

To complete Batman: Arkham Origins, you will need to collect all the Enigma data blocks that the villain has hidden well throughout Gotham. Interrogating Enigma agents will help you find out their location (they are marked on the city map), and this series of videos will help you figure out how to get to them.
