Help your brother Help A Brother Out. Help your brother Help A Brother Out Vacations in the Caribbean

Achievement "Help Your Brother" Brother Out) in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is unlocked after completing any part of the "Templar Hunt" mission. Assassin missions involve obtaining Templar keys from a cage containing Templar armor in . The first Templar key will be obtained in the story after the murder of Julien Ducasse in. The remaining four will have to be obtained independently while exploring the Caribbean islands. The Templar Hunt missions are marked on the map with a round icon with a stylized letter A and consist of 4 subquests in which Edward Kenway helps the Assassins from Tulum overcome difficulties and punish the Templar minions. You can hunt Templars with keys both during the main plot and after completing the game.

Templar Keys

The Templar armor cage in AC4 is opened by five keys, which are kept by Templars in different parts of the Caribbean and are automatically inserted into keyholes when interacted with. Templar armor has increased resistance to enemy attacks.

Templar Hunt: Opia Apito

  • Taino Assassin(Cayman Bay): mining maximum amount hutiya skins, we secure victory in the competition by killing a white jaguar.
  • Templar ships(Grand Cayman): in the western part of the location we find Alvin with eagle vision, eavesdrop on the conversation and steal the ledger from the victim’s pocket.
  • Right hand(Grand Cayman): we pursue Vargas, board the enemy ship and kill the fugitive.
  • Lucia Marquez's trail(Pinos Island): we pursue the Spanish soldier, at the meeting place we deal with enemy troops, we catch up and kill Lucia. From the body we select the second Templar key to the cage with armor.

Templar Hunt: Rhone

  • The office is under attack(Havana): we help the girl fight off the attacks of Spanish soldiers, we use barrels of gunpowder, firearms and bladed weapons.
  • Thief in the market(Havana): in the market we track down a pickpocket with eagle vision, catch the fugitive by double pressing the [E] key and select the letter.
  • Arms race(Havana): We destroy three barrels of gunpowder from pistols in protected areas in different parts of the city.
  • Death of Flint(Havana): we kill Flint on the pier, on the victim’s body we find the third Templar key to the cage with armor in the Vault on Great Inagua.

Templar Hunt: Anto

  • Maroon Assassin(Kingston): we eavesdrop on the conversations of the guards, catch one guard and get the necessary information.
  • Recruitment of the Maroons(Kingston): We free three groups of Maroon slaves in different parts of the city.
  • Defense(Kingston): we protect the assassins’ office from attack by British soldiers.
  • Commander's Trick(Kingston): follow the guards, find the real target on the farms, kill the captain and get the fourth key to the cage with the Templar armor on Great Inagua.
  • Upton's grief(Nassau): we pick up a drunken Upton from a tavern, protect him from pirates and guards, pay off the dancers and escort him to a safe place.
  • The Pirate Queen and the King of Fools(Nassau): we find Vance and Jing Lan in a military camp in the swamps in the western part of the location, kill both traitors and take the fifth key to the cage with Templar armor in the Vault.
  • The deeper into the sea, as is known, the thicker the assassins. There is only a month before the release of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, and Ubisoft has already dumped so much information on us about it - we have seen shark hunting, murder contracts, naval battles, exploration of a small island, and even an assault on a fort, - that now we can only guess: what else is there?! If there is. I wouldn’t like to think that the developers revealed every single card in advance, it wouldn’t be that interesting. Therefore, “Gaming Mania” collected into one material everything that we managed to dig up: details, trifles and hypotheses - let’s take a look at it one more time.

    The Assassin’s Creed series often wants to be abused, remembering with a kindly quiet word Bobby Kotick, who in his Activision has serialized everything that is possible and impossible, and complaining about its outright conveyor belt. It seems to us that the script invented in 2008 was not designed for such an avalanche of sequels and the authors are already making up the story on the go, as if in the later episodes of the odious TV series “Lost.”

    However, recent news has put everything in its place: the end of Assassin’s Creed is visible, or rather, already written, and only the path to it can change. The trick is how many parts can be crammed in on the way to that most epic finale, and whether the quality of the product will survive along the way.

    Jaws 2.0

    The fourth part with subtitle Black Flag generally keeps to himself. It may not fit into the already shaky logic of the general narrative, but one cannot dare say anything bad about it. We think that the rollicking pirate setting is the best thing the epic has done since the first part, and the types of the main characters and the filibuster spirit are ideal for the pseudo-historical plot. Broken beauties, desperate thugs, frigates that can be stolen like a car from GTA... The authors have collected here all the delicious things that can be pulled out of a crazy idea about pirates and assassins.

    And even sharks are hunted here right from a tiny boat! In fact, the press first wanted to show a whale hunt - but all kinds of animal protection organizations would probably immediately rear up, so Ubisoft “made concessions” and showed us a harpoon hunt for a white shark - and that, by the way, is an endangered species. Well, apparently a little less endangered. From a killed shark, in addition to a sense of superiority over nature, other, completely natural, trophies are obtained. Black Flag looked at Far Cry 3 and I decided to allow myself to sew new bags for equipment from the skins of killed animals.

    One Western website tried to make a selection of disgusting horror films about sharks. At the beginning of the presentation, the editor apologized to the readers, saying that he had little time to select candidates, and he missed many important works... Therefore, there are only forty films in the top.

    Remember the episode on the lake from Resident Evil 4 : the hero stands on the bow of the boat, boldly looks at the water and holds a harpoon tied to the stern at the ready? Here's something similar. If you hit a shark, the shark will try to swim away, dragging the boat with it. At this point, Edward must pelt the wounded animal with spare harpoons (and their number is limited, so aim better). Sooner or later, the fish will unhook and try to turn the boat over or bite off some part of the hunter’s body that, in its opinion, is unnecessary. As you can easily guess, the problem is solved simply - take a harpoon and... Lovers of classical literature will probably shed a tear at this episode, noticing the perhaps unintentional, but still a reference to Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea.”

    By the way, you can try to defeat the shark in a fair fight, fortunately Black Flag has an underwater combat system- we have already talked about it in previous issues. But this is for Very great adherents of the sports spirit and one-on-one combat.

    Serf labor

    There is one more innovation in Assassin’s Creed 4, but the developers hardly talk about it - are they embarrassed, or what? Imagine, hardcore stealth is coming back to us! Firstly, there will be a Crouch button, and secondly, many missions, especially assassination side contracts, will reward you quite significantly for being quiet or non-aggressive on missions. Let's cross our fingers that this time we will have reasons to use the entire gigantic arsenal of the hero, and not just run around with a bundle of pistols and swords.

    Side quests can begin in one place and end in a completely different place: the target can be found on a neighboring island, or even get destroyed on a ship. Thanks to a seamless world and the ability to board a ship and sail off into the blue-green distance without having to stare at a loading screen first, chases in Black Flag will turn out to be GTA-style - with the only difference being that instead of the first taxi that comes along, the heroes will jump onto their own ship with a horde sailors.

    Soft continues to delight us with surreal technology of the future in historical settings.

    Sea battles have been thoroughly refined. Let's say that enemy ships now differ from each other, and not according to the principle “higher the mast, more guns.” Some of them will immediately try to get closer and ram your ship, others will start pouring fire from mortars from afar.

    Some tasks will not be available until you destroy the fort protecting the territory. The sea fortresses here are an analogue of the towers from the previous parts: built at key points on the map, they will block the passage and fire at your ship with cannons. Destroying a fort is not an easy task, but by destroying the outer walls, the cunning Edward will be able to swim into its very heart, climb up and, having killed the commander, force the fortress to lower the flag. Captured forts will fire at all your enemies (can be used as a strategic advantage), will give access to a full pack of tasks in the region, and in addition, we will get something else pleasant from them - the developers have not yet admitted what exactly, but they hint at the importance and importance.

    Once upon a time there lived a poor captain

    What is very surprising is that we know about the fate of Edward Kenway even before the game was released. Even the circumstances under which he died are known to us. No, we won’t spoil your fun, but we’ll tell you how the hero got to the fun sea life.

    Edward, of course, was not a pirate from a young age. We would call him a typical victim of circumstances. He grew up in poverty, but he never lost heart, except that he liked to pawn his collar. Over time, the Kenway family moved to the southwest of England, to Bristol, where they settled. A few years later, Edward even got a wife and daughter.

    However, the worthy Mrs. Kenway did not agree to tolerate her husband’s antics and was terribly unhappy that there was no stability in their family well-being. Edward has the wind in his head, he cannot find a decent job, you see, he is attracted by the romance of the sea and is drawn to perform grandiose feats, and not sit in boring Bristol and carry boxes in the port, acquiring arthritis and rheumatism.

    Nassau, the base for Bahamian pirates, is impossible to describe. Chaotic buildings, dense jungle, no one has ever heard of order.

    The future storm of the seas escaped from the marital yoke and signed up as a privateer, after which she went to Jamaica - to serve the British crown and with great pleasure sink Spanish brigs and galleons. But he was not able to sail as much as he could, because the Treaty of Utrecht came into force, ruining the entire sea life for the hired captains. Now finding a job has become devilishly difficult. But the dream came true: Kenway became a pirate, sending ships to the bottom and looking for treasure. He has obvious talent for this matter and a fair amount of luck, because by the beginning of the events of Assassin’s Creed 4 he had already had two years of violent piracy behind him and had not yet been hanged. During a pirate raid, he obviously learns about the assassins and, due to certain circumstances, becomes one of them. By the way, what we are most interested in now is how he was brought into the ancient order. It's probably all about hatred of the Templars, but why did they annoy him so much?

    A game about a game about assassins

    But for the first time in the history of the series, the developers are willing to tell us about the second storyline a game set in the future - perhaps because this time there's actually a story to tell. You probably already know that the "real" main character will be the nameless employee gaming company AbstergoEntertainment, whose holy of holies is located in a skyscraper in Montreal, Canada. The developers, apparently, are projecting dreams of a new office.

    It will be possible to control the “hero of the future” only from the first person - for greater immersion in the character. He is a new employee of the studio, which, based on Animus, is developing... a popular game console. Naturally, in parallel, the Templars are looking for another ancient artifact that should help Abstergo finally conquer the whole world - but the cover, you see, is original. At the beginning of the game, the hero is unaware of the cunning plans of his superiors, and only later begins to guess that the matter is unclean. Or maybe he is a sent assassin, who knows.

    This is your workplace. The figures on the left are awarded for all sorts of achievements in the historical part, collecting them all is something akin to receiving the title “Employee of the month”. Not only is it useless, but your colleagues are also jealous.

    Instead of the Animus, you will get your own mini-office - a fenced-in desk with a laptop and a place for collectible figurines. Figures are awarded for achievements in the historical part, and you can collect everything only by working hard for the benefit of the company. However, the world will not converge on the desktop; the hero will be able to walk relatively freely around the Abstergo Entertainment office, chat with colleagues and try to get at least a glimpse of the secrets of the Templars.

    Each new employee is given a tablet computer and a number. It is by number that characters will address your hero, but do not rely on Watch_Dogs, see other players in your story campaign. You will be in splendid isolation when conducting business correspondence, eavesdropping, spying and doing rudimentary computer hacking. But in certain moment You will be able to climb to the upper floors, from where you will have an impressive view of Montreal. This is how Ubisoft employees do it. Envy!

    Direct connection

    By abandoning Desmond, the writers remove the layer between the player and the character, as was already the case in Assassin's Creed: Liberation. This allows you to break the fourth wall in an interesting way. We emphasize that you are playing as an assassin. Watch story scenes, complete various tasks... But since the software was made by the Templars, events are distorted, and far from in favor of the murderers! There is still a way to find out the truth: there are “mistakes” in memories. “Anomalous” residents appear on the map, and when they are killed, you are shown some already familiar plot scene, but supplemented or with changed lines.

    Moreover, the very idea of ​​testing a console from Abstergo can be played out in different ways. What if Ubisoft takes and partially transfers the idea from Watch_Dogs, only it will be offline! Imagine that other users, including Templars, will connect to the same simulation. Civilians in cities can suddenly become deadly enemies, and space becomes distorted due to internal system failures.

    However, in adventures outside of the Abstergo device, interactivity and impact on the world will be negligible. But, on the other hand, both Templars and assassins will definitely contact the employee, and at some point we will even be able to go against Abstergo and start leaking important information. I wonder how choosing sides will affect Edward's adventure?..

    We think that the creators were right to get rid of Desmond and his friends and move on to an unnamed character. You can no longer bother yourself with ancient prophecies and focus on exploring the world. It is possible that the action of the next parts of the series will move to exotic places, but will there be main character whether or not he has anything to do with Desmond doesn't really matter. The other assassin characters you can play for don't fit into the pedigree of the ever-memorable bartender.

    The developers have already planned several additions, and the main character in them will not be Edward at all. The first chain of missions will be available only to owners of PS3 and PS4 and will show us several episodes from the life of Aveline de Grandpré. Second story DLC will talk about Adewale, the captain's first mate.

    Liberation writer Jill Murray is writing Aveline's story. Let us remember that Assassin’s Creed: Liberation was a remarkable game - all the male characters there were either completely negative or had various unpleasant traits, but the women, on the contrary, were all strong-willed, decisive and courageous. It even got to the point where the main villain (spoiler alert!) turned out to be the main character’s stepmother. I wonder how the story about Aveline will fit into the plot of Assassin’s Creed 4? The time period is quite solid, if we introduce familiar faces there, then most likely Connor once again.

    Filibuster technologies

    We haven’t forgotten about the transition to the next generation of consoles. To bring the graphics up to the next-gen level, ready-made files and assets are taken, their resolution is increased, and then so-called parallax mapping is used, thanks to which the textures look more realistic and voluminous. Even the smallest details are important: the physics engine processes every blade of grass, every flower - and all for the sake of making us believe in local nature.

    Havana is a bit like Florence from Assassin's Creed 2: there's plenty of room to climb, and it's a pleasure to maneuver and hide.

    Ubisoft generally takes the attention to details incredibly seriously; for Watch_Dogs, for example, air flows are calculated separately. You’re unlikely to notice it right away, but these are the things that make up virtual world. The console versions of Assassin's Creed 4 promise unprecedented work with lighting and bugs crawling on tree bark. And the bushes in which Kenway can hide, they say, turned out almost like real ones.

    Unfortunately, there will be no new game for the PlayStation Vita this year: Black Flag has taken over everything. However, the portable console can be connected to the PS4 and board ships without leaving the bathroom.

    On personal computers, Black Flag will support DX 11. Sylvain Trottier, one of the producers, said that it is most convenient to test the game on a computer. They say that it is always one step ahead of consoles, and it is on the PC that they conduct technological experiments there. So their tools for nextgen are based precisely on the results of working with the PC version.

    The more we learn about Black Flag, the more questions come to mind, overtaking each other. If the player is an Abstergo employee, will the story cutscenes be cut to make Edward and the Assassins look bad, as in Assassin's Creed: Liberation?.. And will it be possible to open the “correct” ones later? full versions memories?.. What happened to the assassins and Desmond after Assassin's Creed 3?..

    We are ready to bet that we will receive all the answers only in November, and a new batch of questions will be added to the load.

    Will wait?

    In Assassin's Creed 4, Ubisoft teases animal lovers with hunts for whales and sharks, and fellow developers and players with views from their office.

    Readiness percentage: 90%


    How does a multiplayer game work?

    Several studios are working on the multiplayer part, including those from Bucharest, Kyiv and Shanghai. Alas, even such a cohort could not make a large-scale naval battle involving several people a reality. According to creative director Ashraf Ismail, there will be no multiplayer naval battles in the game, but there is a good chance that they will appear in the next part, provided that the mechanics are appreciated. By the way, such a regime was originally planned, but due to some reasons it was canceled.

    On the other hand, they thoroughly worked on already finished things and even supplemented the Wolfpack mode. It appeared in the third part, but is now divided into two - Discovery and Unleashed. The idea is simple: you, together with three other players, complete tasks that are given in random order. Discovery is a piece of a game with a coherent story, intended for several players, in fact - a training before Unleashed, and was made specifically so that even those who do not care about multiplayer games realize how fun it is to hunt someone in a pleasant company. And besides, Wolfpack in the third part had an indecently high barrier to entry, so training is simply necessary here.

    Cooperative play in Black Flag it goes like this: you are assigned a task and given a strict deadline for completion. The assignments are varied and are not limited to murders. For example, you may be asked to protect chests while bots distract the team in every possible way and resort to cunning tricks. There is a task that brings to mind... Pacman: invulnerable guards are running after the players, and in order to defeat them, you need to find a special object, and then deal with the ghost... opponents within a short time.

    The usual “masquerade” mode has been supplemented with a new feature called Gamelab. You are now free to customize the rules of the game as you please - you have about two hundred variables at your disposal that can be edited. Do you want to allow the use of only firearms or cancel the double characters (hiding will immediately become more difficult).

    The game is transformed at the same time. Do you want a merciless deathmatch with muskets? Please! Are you tired of the conventions of the usual network mode, do you consider something unsportsmanlike and unbalanced? Tweak a dozen or two settings to your liking, and then share the idea with your friends.

    Here Ubisoft does about the same trick with the ears as in Splinter Cell: Blacklist. All attention is paid to the gameplay, and the player must first of all entertain himself and enjoy interesting mechanics. But the developers are taking a big risk: are the multiplayer mechanics really so great that they can change them along, across and obliquely?

    Vacations in the Caribbean

    Things to do in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

    Assassin's Creed is becoming anything but a game about stealth assassins. Silent killings in new games are given less and less attention - even the dovecotes in which assassins received tasks have disappeared from the third part.

    This man must die. But here's some good news for you: Kenway receives side contracts for murders in the dovecotes. Unlike other games in the series, Black Flag does not seek to limit the main character, does not create virtual walls and does not require finishing off the target exactly as the game designers intended. You can calmly stalk the victim and attack at any moment.

    Rescue sailors. Surprisingly, Edward doesn't just take lives. The team, seeing a survivor clinging to the floating debris, shouts at the top of their lungs: “Man overboard!” If you save the poor fellow, he will join you. Or perhaps there will be supplies nearby, and a grateful sailor will happily show you where to sail.

    Vulture. The British and Spaniards passionately dislike each other and prefer to express their dislike in naval battle. You can, of course, rush into the battle as a useful third, sink both ships and, cackling like a city madman, pocket all the supplies - but it’s not interesting. The cunning pirate Edward will act differently: he will see which side is unlucky and whose trough is slowly engulfed in fire, and he will go on board the doomed ship, grab something valuable and make his legs before the ship reaches its end.

    Bar brawls. Nothing is true, everything is permitted - that is why Kenway goes to take his soul to the nearest tavern, where he can tastefully punch someone in the face. It is quite possible that after such an act, several sailors will join the crew, and the rest of the visitors will respect the lively pirate so much that they will happily share valuable information.

    Rob the loot. During his underwater adventures, Edward may find cleverly hidden caves where other pirates store their wealth. Since the main character is almost defenseless while diving (don’t you think that swimming in the clothes of an assassin is still a big stupidity?), you must deal with unsuspecting opponents quietly. This is how a secret passage is gradually imposed on us, but, to the credit of the creators, it remains within the framework of logic.

    Love firearms with all your heart. One musket or even two muskets is undignified, so Kenway carries four at once. Firearms in Assassin’s Creed it seems like an unsportsmanlike thing: it’s guaranteed to blow your mind, hits accurately and far. And since Edward has so many trunks, then he should be given appropriate resistance! Besides, in new game They promise to change the control scheme and make it so that you can freely aim the muskets, as if in some kind of third-person action game. True, we don’t yet understand what’s so breakthrough about this system, because in Assassin’s Creed 3 it was also possible to shoot without auto-aim.

    Forget about home. In one scene, the captain's first mate reasons that even if he had a lot of gold, there's no way in hell he could settle down anywhere. Black people are not only disliked, but simply despised, so the only “country” of which he would like to become a citizen is a ship. Here everyone knows each other like crazy and, although they don’t always get along peacefully, they will certainly try to stay afloat. So far, no one knows whether Kenway will have a pirate base or a refuge, but we are almost sure that no quests for organizing the economy (like in the third part) will fall on us.

    Hidden treasures! The world of Assassin's Creed 4 is huge, and in order to sail from one edge of the map to the other, you will have to raise all the sails and cut at full speed for half an hour of real time. Not only three main cities are open for exploration, but also fifty islands, and on each there is something to do: look for treasures, rescue prisoners...

    Therefore, the fourth part could not lag behind its predecessors and pleased fans with Templar armor. The uniqueness of things is expressed by increased characteristics, features and appearance: they are stronger, more reliable and more beautiful than all the others, they are partially resistant to attacks and reduce damage received. Templar armor in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag kept in a cage, unlocked with five keys, in the hill estate on the island Great Inagua, where Edward Kenway is lucky enough to set up a pirate lair and become a caring master for a while, as was the case in AC3, when Connor rushed around the Frontier, fulfilling numerous requests. But this time the matter will be limited only to the improvement of the bay and the restoration of some buildings; other fun, like running after pigs or calming down brawling friends, will sink into oblivion.

    Great Inagua- this is the hideout of Julien Ducasse, a Templar and the main supplier of weapons for the Order. The island will go to the pirates in Chapter 4, when Blackbeard proposes to hijack the Spanish galleon “La Arca del Maestro” for the defense of Nassau, then it will be possible to find the first golden key, tearing it off the neck of the defeated enemy, the sworn enemy of the Assassins, and see it in a cage object of desire. The remaining four Templar keys in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag you will need to look in different parts of the Caribbean. No, they are not hidden, like, everything is much simpler. Places to start the search are indicated on the map with black round icons with a stylized letter “A” (see legend - key) and lead straight to the assassins, who give out four tasks each. You can hunt Templars with keys both during the main plot and after completing the game. You can change the Templar armor, which has increased resistance to enemy attacks, for any other suit in the captain's cabin on the Jackdaw by going to the rack with clothes and pressing the [E] key.

    Templar Key Locations in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag:

    • Hunting the Templars: Opia Apito

      • Taino Assassin(Caiman Bay): we talk with Opia Apito, accept the challenge, collect as many hutiya skins as possible, and at the end of the competition we kill the white jaguar to earn the trust of the master assassin.
      • Templar ships(Grand Cayman): we find Alvin using eagle vision in the western part of the island, eavesdrop on the conversation, avoid visual contact, steal the ledger from the victim (hold the [E] key at close range) and return to Opia Apito.
      • Right hand(Grand Cayman): we talk with the girl, inform her about Marquez, pursue the target to the pier, take the helm of the Jackdaw, carefully fire at the enemy ship with cannons and kill the fugitive.
      • Lucia Marquez's trail(Pinos Island): on the shore we talk with Opia Apito, carefully move after the soldier, deal with two armed detachments, catch up with Lucia, kill her and take the second Templar key to the cage with armor.
    • Hunting the Templars: Rona

      • The office is under attack(Havana): we find a girl in the southern part of the city, we help her protect her office from an attack by Spanish soldiers, using barrels of gunpowder and edged weapons.
      • Thief in the market(Havana): we run to the market, track down the pickpocket using eagle vision (key [V]), catch it by pressing the [E] key twice while running at a close distance from him. We take the letter and return back to the girl in the office.
      • Arms race(Havana): we destroy three marked warehouses with gunpowder in different parts of the city, we return back to the Rhone.
      • Death of Flint(Havana): we find the girl in the city center, follow her to the pier, kill Flint in any convenient way and take the third Templar key to the armor cage.
    • Hunting the Templars: Anto

      • Maroon Assassin(Kingston): we find Anto in the southern part of the city, move towards the guards marked with a yellow marker, eavesdrop on their conversation without receiving information, move towards the second group of guards, catch up with one of them and while running press the [E] key twice to catch . Having obtained the information, we return back to the master assassin.
      • Recruitment of the Maroons(Kingston): we free three groups of prisoners, using hired drunken pirates in battles, and send the former prisoners to the office.
      • Defense(Kingston): we return to Anto, help him protect the assassins’ office from the attack of soldiers.
      • Commander's Trick(Kingston): we meet with the master assassin in the city center, follow on the heels of the guards, reach the farm, check the three marked zones with eagle vision, find the real captain, kill him in any convenient way and take the fourth Templar key to the armor cage.
    • Hunting the Templars: Vance

      • Eh, brother...(Nassau): we find Vance in the city center, quietly follow two workers, eavesdrop on their conversation, and attack the target in the courtyard of the house.
      • Second brother(Nassau): We meet with Upton, follow him and Vance at a distance, and during surveillance we get rid of several thieves without attracting attention. We listen to the end of the conversation, in a minute we find the last thief in the marked area with the help of eagle vision and kill him.
      • Upton's grief(Nassau): we meet Upton in the tavern, defeat everyone in a fist fight, escort him to a safe place, periodically pushing him in the back, save him from the guards and part ways.
      • The Pirate Queen and the King of Fools(Nassau): meet Upton in the city center, find Vance behind the swamps, kill him, and then his girlfriend. We take from her the fifth Templar key to the cage with armor. We return to Great Inagua for a well-deserved reward.

    A game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a continuation of the famous action series, telling about the ongoing struggle between two secret organizations- The Order of the Templars and the Assassins, which lasted throughout human history. This time, players will have to visit the Caribbean Sea at the beginning of the eighteenth century - a time when this region was almost completely ruled by pirates, who organized their own republic there.

    IN Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag knowledge base all users can get acquainted with valuable information about the game.

    Tips for passing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

    Don't lower your wanted level

    To upgrade your “Jackdaw” you need not only money, but also resources. They are obtained by capturing a ship through boarding, but to do this you need to increase your fame. So don't lower your wanted level. Then on your way you will come across pirate hunters with red sails, which will serve as a good source of prey. Then you will be asked to lower your wanted level. Should not be doing that. Even if you are drowned, the metals and resources obtained in this way will remain with you.

    Don't forget to sink ships

    Everyone wants to progress through the story faster. But with a weak ship this will be more difficult or even impossible. Therefore, spend time on piracy and collecting loot when the ship is sunk or looting during boarding. Use the loot to improve the Jackdaw.

    While fighting multiple opponents, board and repair your ship

    Fighting two opponents is already a feat. But evidence of true mastery is boarding one of the opponents, plundering a captured ship and repairing your own. And when you are new, you can finish off the ship of another enemy. In addition, during boarding, other ships stop attacking.

    Winners are not judged - use guns and smoke grenades

    The battles in Black Flag have reached new level, compared to previous games. Therefore, no one can cancel honesty and valor, but dirty tricks can also be used. When you board and your health drops to a critical level, throw smoke bomb. It will help kill 2-3 enemies at once, even strong ones. Sounds like cheating? Guys, we are pirates, we can.

    Reduce the enemy team when boarding

    The fewer crew left on the enemy ship, the better for boarding. Before throwing cats, use the swivel gun, it will thin out the enemy team.

    While stealth, tag as many enemies as possible

    Stealth in Black Flag just got better. Mark enemy patrols so you can see them through walls. Edward can mark a large number of people, and whenever you enter unknown territory, remember to use Eagle Vision. Then you can have a lot of fun with the victims.

    Pay attention to additional tasks in missions

    Additional tasks in missions are not just bonuses, but subtle tips for completing the game. If in additional task they write: “Kill a few guards around the corner,” - take note that in the task there will be many corners behind which you can hide.

    “Stay undetected” means that the mission can be completed in stealth mode.

    Collect as many sea songs as possible

    Collecting shanti, or sea songs, is the most interesting and fun thing to come out of Black Flag. Find a new song and have the team sing it while working on the Jackdaw. To make the game even more interesting, find out which of the sailors will sing what, who has good hearing and voice, and who is shamelessly out of tune.

    Don't spend too much on upgrading your pirate hideout

    Once Edward gains access to the Priat shelter, it will be possible to improve it. Don't spend too much money - the improvements are mostly cosmetic. There are places to spend money in the game. When you have significantly improved your income, then spend your honest loot as you please.

    Sell ​​rum and sugar

    Rum and sugar are the most useless goods for your leveling. Sell ​​the rum and sugar you get and spend your earnings wisely. Don't forget to sell sugar and rum. There are two materials in the game that you won't need for anything other than selling. In the early stages of the game, do not forget to sell the extracted sugar and rum.

    Buy a black privateer's robe

    At the beginning of your journey, a standard blue and white suit will do, but when you earn a little extra money, buy a black privateer's robe.

    They will ask for about 5,000 R, but it’s worth it.

    Upgrade your arsenal

    To do this, get the skins of the desired animals or buy them in the store. Larger bags for ammo and other essentials will help keep you from restocking longer.

    Mortars - good weapon against a serious opponent

    Mortars will become available early in the game. They are powerful and quite accurate. Use them against opponents stronger than you. You need to replenish your supply of shells at the docks. You won't get them at sea.

    Find treasure and maps to it

    What's a pirate without treasure? Find maps and treasures using them. The island where you find the map and the island where you find the treasure on the map are, most often, different islands.

    Drawings will help you upgrade your "Jackdaw"

    To improve the maneuverability, strength and combat qualities of the Jackdaw, blueprints are needed. The good news is that they are often found in treasure chests.

    Pay attention to the tasks “Hunting the Templars”

    As you go through the game, mark, write down or remember the location of these missions, then you will not find them on the map.

    By assigning the number “4” to the new part of the “assassin” series, publishing house Ubisoft did not do the game a great favor. Players will expect much more from a full-fledged fourth part than from, say, an addition to the third, so the developers will have to try hard to surprise us again.

    Fortunately, all the conditions for creating exciting gameplay are there: pirate themes are one of the most favorite themes of adventure story authors. The setting, judging by, promises to be very exciting: Edward will have muskets, knives, sabers and, of course, new tricks at his disposal, thanks to which he will be able to lay down soldiers of the British Royal Fleet in batches.

    But Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag would not have the right to be called “pirate” if it did not include treasure hunting - the activity of real pirates. On the islands where the action of the fourth part will take place, a lot of treasures are hidden. Caches are also expected under water - in one of the screenshots, Edward dives underwater in order to get the contents of the treasured chest. How many treasures will be scattered around the map and what will be hidden in them - gold or useful items- not yet known.

    It’s worth mentioning that these screenshots were most likely taken from the Wii U version of the game, judging by the general “roughness” of the graphics.
