Recommend a good first-person shooter. The best first person shooters

Good day, dear readers!
Now the time has come to draw a line under the next material from the “TOP 10: Your Choice” series, the topic of which was the best first-person shooters. If anyone missed the beginning, let us remind you that the selection of the dozen was done exclusively by our users, who first proposed their options on the forum, and then voted for the very best of them. Our task now is to talk about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. That's what we'll do.
So, let’s meet the ten best first-person shooters according to our users!

Unenviable for the sequel F.E.A.R. fate - some people clapped employees Monolith Productions on the shoulder and praised for its shimmering Alma and walking on heavy furs. Others quite expressively spat in the direction of the game and loudly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the enemy special forces had completely dumbed down, the levels were eaten alive by a terrible beast called “copy-paste”, and Michael Beckett– no match for the nameless fighter against paranormal phenomena.

The fan camp was divided into two parts. But the warring parties still agreed on one thing - from what many call a “failure” F.E.A.R. 2 separated not only by a pair of buildings, but by several flights of stairs. The sequel, by and large, retained everything bright and beautiful from the original game, with slow-motion shooting, pitch darkness and constantly malfunctioning light bulbs. It makes no sense to blame the second part for all mortal sins. Yes, it's not a milestone in the shooter genre, but that doesn't make shooting monsters jumping around corners boring.

But it’s hard to say what will happen to him. New studio, new approach, old heroes. Will it work? Time will show.

Since my birth Bioshock attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of players. Not so much because Ken Levine not without pride uttered the phrase "spiritual heir", because of the sea, there are so many opportunities to go through different sections of the game, using in one case hacked bots. In the other - an enraged splicer or "Big Daddy", which can be set against each other using plasmids. And in bad times - successfully using the environment and frying the crazed residents of Rapchur in time.

There really were a ton of options. For this, not only the people, but also the press en masse carried and sang songs of praise to Ken Levine. Even despite the obvious linearity, the game captivated with its variety and atmosphere. An underwater city, a fallen utopia, and water pouring out of cracks in glass quickly insisted that people listen to the necessary radio wave.

Well, where would we be without the winged one? "Would you kindly...". Bioshock honestly deserved a dozen “Best Game of the Year” titles.

Advent Doom 3 people waited for a very long time - it took almost ten years id Software, in order to cook up a full-fledged continuation of “the one that gave birth to the FPS genre.” But the game was worth the candle.

id Software headed by John Carmack, which for so long teased the audience with simply divine graphics, managed to very successfully combine the light arcade shooting of its ancestors with a very dark, cold and frightening environment. Only one play of light and shadow on the bodies of chubby zombies seemed like some kind of “Hello” from the future. If not for , which also made me blush and puff modern computers, That Doom 3 I could easily take over the title of the most technologically advanced project for a couple of years.

And it’s even hard to imagine what it will look like Doom 4, which has been locked up for more than two years now id Software. One thing is clear - the developers will certainly try to get the most out of the current hardware.

WITH Left 4 Dead 2 a funny situation happened - immediately after the announcement, the masses began to actively write petitions and organize groups opposing the release L4D2. After all, by that time Valve Software managed to buzz everyone's ears about how she was going to stuff the original game with free DLC for a long time. And then bam - and a knife in the back from the developers along with the announcement Left 4 Dead 2.

Gabe Newell and marketing department Valve it took a lot of effort to convince people that no one would forget about L4D. Like, both games will coexist perfectly. And so it happened - zombies die at the speed of light in both the first and second parts L4D to this day. Over time, all former opponents L4D2 they appreciated all the changes and quietly ran under the roof of the sequel - after all, new weapons, campaigns, packs of unique “infected” and the opportunity to properly fight off the undead with a bat or chainsaw were waiting for them. And this is a true paradise for those who understand.

Employees Crytek started developing Crysis already in the status of well-known developers, and not people from the street, as it was in the days Far Cry . So the public had time to form certain expectations even before the very first demonstration of the game - its technological base should not just be exemplary, but truly revolutionary, setting a new standard for all future projects.

The Germans did not disappoint expectations. became a kind of guest from the future, who laughed heartily at powerful computers and, with grief, produced 15-25 frames per second at the highest settings. The level of detail and elaboration of the wide-open world was truly grandiose. And freedom, coupled with a nanosuit that made it possible to destroy flimsy houses and grab Koreans by the scruff of the neck, helped to write the name Crysis in the long chronicle of history gaming industry. What is there! Even three years after its release, Crysis continues to remain a kind of GOST, with which people never stop comparing the external data of new games.

It’s easy to notice that two games from Ukraine are in the top. Apparently, in the entire post-Soviet space they are the only ones who can make high-quality shooters. "Metro 2033" just from this category of games.

Post-apocalyptic Moscow and gloomy subway tunnels with mutants, as it turned out, were perfect as a backdrop for the game. And the absence of a huge HUD-hotbed on the screen and a total shortage of ammunition gave it a certain charm, originality, which is not so common in the game. And that's not counting the excellent engine forged in the walls 4A Games and showing a more than modern picture.

The atmosphere is spot on, the plot keeps players in constant suspense - what else is needed for happiness? Well, maybe "Metro 2034", the development of which is already in full swing.

At the studio DICE quite a long track record, stretching from the very end of the 80s of the last century. But real fame and recognition in the world development arena came to her already in this century with the release Battlefield 1942 in 2002. So what about the series? Battlefield The Swedes have a special one. After all, there wouldn't be Battlefield- there wouldn’t be that one either DICE, which we all love for its multiplayer delights.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 The honor of the series was not disgraced. Nobody argues that the single-player campaign in the game, to put it mildly, turned out to be not the most successful, interesting and not worth the time spent. But who nowadays buys shooters just for some paranoid plots with a political aftertaste? The multiplayer mode is the holy of holies, in which fans spend tens and hundreds of hours.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 patched up all the holes, sewed up all the holes in the torn pants of the first part and presented truly exciting online battles to the warriors. WITH large maps, destructibility and real team play, where everything is decided by the coordinated work of a squad of four fighters. What can I say, DICE managed to make Bad Company 2 a truly worthy sequel.

Without Valve Software nowhere. In 1998, they created a science fiction tale about a scientist with glasses, with a higher education and an ordinary name. Proud Freeman, which fights the invasion of alien organisms. The game quickly gained cult status, everyone was waiting for a sequel, but what they got was a couple of add-ons and several years of agonizing waiting.

But in 2004, “he” returned. In six years, Gordon managed to gain polygonal weight, learn the basics of physics, and even acquire a gravity gun, which is still the favorite weapon of many veterans who have gone through all the circles of hell. Engine Source even if it didn’t look like “technological perfection,” but who will start to find fault when the emotions of the characters are not just reflected in their voices, but also in their movements, on their faces - the animation of the characters in the second part was performed at a divine level.

As, indeed, everything else - Valve Software rarely disappoints players. We hope and believe that the winning streak will not be interrupted. For now, bronze.

Silver goes to another Ukrainian studio. And another project in which people like to wear gas masks and wander around all sorts of abandoned basements. The only thing is that the setting is no longer Moscow, but the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a huge “zone” stretching for many kilometers.

It was not for his beautiful eyes that he won the love of the public. Recreated with documentary accuracy, the Zone literally lures people into its net, offering to take part in the hunt for untold riches. And so slipping a great adventure under his nose in small world stalkers, divided into factions, greedy for loot, vodka, sausage and rare artifacts. Here, willy-nilly, you want to take part in this little celebration of life, maneuvering between different sides of the conflict and trying to get hold of expensive junk.

What's in store for us? We'll probably find out very soon. After all, the “Zone” does not like to wait for adventurers.

First place, victorious fanfare and a familiar name to the multimillion-dollar audience that grew along with the series Call of Duty. It all started small - the Second World War, with its landing in Normandy and the battle for. And it continued with a “modern war”, complete with a fashionable terrorist theme, simplified shooting at virtual blanks and such a production that Hollywood action films had never even dreamed of.

Well, and most importantly - multiplayer, where would we be without it. Millions of people continue to fight on virtual battlefields, despite the fact that store shelves are gradually filled with more and more new games. It's all about simplicity - the system of perks and gaining experience points is understandable even to kids, and nine-on-nine battles are captivating with their arcade nature and the speed with which people send each other to the next world.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- this is, in fact, a formula for success, which Infinity Ward hatched for six years. And it will be all the more interesting to look at the next project IW, and at the same time for a new brainchild Respawn Entertainment, organized by the very mathematicians who gave birth Call of Duty.

Well, that’s all for today regarding texts, but there is still excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. All we can do is say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until October 1st. I was with you today Evgeniy “Mumby” Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the next material from the series “TOP-10: Your choice” began, in which you can take part. The theme was best games, published before 2000.

The gaming industry pleases us with new games every year, and dozens of shooters are released every year, but only a few of them become classics and are remembered forever.

And in this article, only the best first-person shooters will be presented to your attention. Go!

10. Half Life 2

The first part of the game took place in a mysterious research center Black Mesa.

An experiment on some anomalous material led to an unexpected effect that opened a portal into the parallel dimension of Zen, through which hordes of creatures inhabiting it, as well as the forces of a hostile alien civilization, poured into our world.

The second part, which truly became cult game, tells the story of an alien-occupied Earth, where you have to constantly hide, enter into secret contact with rebels and aliens. Playing as Gordan Freeman, you need to save your home world.

9. Home Front

Events take the player to San Francisco, occupied by the new Korea.

No matter how funny it may sound, according to the plot of the game, the US economy is completely destroyed, thanks to the power of the new Korea. A nuclear missile was dropped over the United States, breaking the troops but not the people. Those who remained did not give up and began to wage a guerrilla war. Their goal is to raise San Francisco, occupied by the new Korea.

You will play as a pilot who becomes a rebel. You have to shoot a lot, as well as control tanks and planes in order to get closer to the victorious end.

8. Wolfenstein: The New Order

This is a game that can be described literally in one word - meat grinder. The main action takes place in 1960, when our main character will come to his senses after a 14-year coma.

The scriptwriters rudely misrepresented world history, and our hero discovers that the Second World War is lost, and the whole world is groaning under the fascist yoke. Nuclear bombs were dropped on America, and Moscow was simply burned out.

The main character must sweep away the Nazi war machine that has conquered all of Europe. With the help of a handful of surviving resistance fighters, you must infiltrate the most secret objects Reich, fight legions of fascist combat robots, take control of a superweapon that has conquered the entire Earth.

Despite the complete plot nonsense, Wolfenstein plays quite cheerfully. The weapon, although fantastic, feels very good. But the hand-to-hand combat is worthy of a lot of praise. The animation is absolutely gorgeous. And besides, taking out fascists and all sorts of robots in batches is quite fun.


In this game you have complete freedom to move around the world and along the storyline, limited only by the desires and capabilities of the player.

The game Stalker is unique, first of all, for its post-Soviet style, as well as realistically drawn objects of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. This is a city of power engineers - Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and much more.

The game is also memorable for the atmosphere of constant danger, the system of weather effects, the change of day and night, as well as constant wars with various groups, mutants and anomalies.

The atmosphere in the game deserves a special mention - it literally makes the player believe in what is happening on the screen and completely immerse himself in the plot. Research dangerous world zones are a pleasure. Chernobyl places are inhabited by various bandits and monsters, as well as deadly anomalies. All this adds variety and makes the player understand that there is no safe place in the zone. The Stalker series of games is truly amazing and rightfully takes its place in the TOP of the best shooters on PC.

6. BioShock Infinite

In this mystical futuristic story, the main role is played by a former resident of the Pinkerton agency, who was sent to the high-tech city of Columbia to find a certain Elizabeth, for whom the city of the future has become a flying prison.

The detective will have to establish contact with the girl and use her extraordinary abilities to escape.

After all, in order to get out of Colombia, you will have to kill an entire army guarding the city from uninvited guests, and this is not so easy.

5. Metro: Last Light

There was a nuclear war in the world, cities were destroyed. The remnants of humanity, who managed to hide in the Moscow metro and survive nuclear strikes, are trying to survive in it.

Stations suitable for life turned into separate states with their own political regimes. Communists, fascists and traders appeared.

The rest of the metro is inhabited by mutants, ghosts and anomalies, or is simply uninhabitable due to a large dose of radiation.

4. Crysis 3

According to the plot of this game, the cities were completely destroyed after the war with aliens and became like jungles.

The military organization CELL has seized dominance on the planet, and many areas are still inhabited by aliens who survived the war - aka cephs. We, with our nanosuit, will have to help the rebels free themselves from the dominance of the CELL organization.

You have to save the planet from the next invasion of aliens, simultaneously destroying these same aliens in batches.

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The action takes place several years after the events of the first part of the game.

You will have to take part in combat operations in various parts of the globe - in the steppes of Kazakhstan and in the slums of Brazil, in the mountains of Afghanistan and even in Russia. A special forces detachment under the command of Captain John MacTavish will help you.

In exciting shootouts with terrorists, special forces soldiers use newest weapons, equipment and technology.

2. Far Cry 3

An ordinary city guy, Jason Brody, and his friends go on vacation to the island, and immediately after landing, he and all his friends are captured by the bandits running it. Jason will miraculously escape from captivity, but his brother will die in the process.

After escaping, he will end up with the island's rebels, who will believe that he is a great warrior and should help them deal with the bandits. This is where the path of an ordinary city guy who has never killed or shot begins.

On top of that, there is a good stable multiplayer and co-op, so you can happily race around the tropical island with your friends, shooting various pirates.

1.BattleField 4

Despite the fact that the game's plot is based on the conflict between Russia, the USA and China, a single company is still not of particular interest. But in terms of multiplayer battles, Battle is beyond competition.

The player is given a huge selection of weapons to choose from, from the simplest pistols to futuristic guns that can tear apart any military equipment, of which, by the way, there is also a lot here.

The game is also notable for its huge variety different cards, many released additions and of course beautiful graphics. It's hard to argue with such a set of advantages.

Another advantage of the game is the cooperative missions - they are interesting, but their disadvantage is that there are really few of them. As for the other disadvantages of the game, it is a story-driven company. The characters here regularly get on your nerves. And even though there are big messes happening in companies, this doesn’t save her. The only thing worth buying Battle for is the cool multiplayer and a lot of positive emotions that you will get while playing it.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. The gaming industry pleases us with new games every year, which makes me and other gamers happy. And every year dozens of shooters are released and released, but only a few of them become classics and are remembered forever. Here are the best shooters of all time that have received the largest number of positive votes on gaming sites. So, I present to your attention a list of the best first-person shooters.

Bioshock 1.2 Infinite

The third part of the game is even more best graphics compared to the first one. A more improved and developed combat and game system. High-quality gameplay. A departure from linearity, unlike the first games, and much more. In the plot of the game, the cities are completely destroyed after the war with aliens, and have become like a jungle. The military organization CELL has seized dominance on the planet. And in many areas the aliens who survived the war, also known as Cephs, still live.

A group of rebels is trying to free themselves from the dominance of the CELL organization, which our superhero with his suit must help with, as well as save the planet from another alien invasion and the mass destruction of cities from superweapons.

Metro 2033. Metro: Last Light

Metro 2033 a very epic post-apocalyptic shooter from our developers, the creators of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. The game has many shortcomings. Weak artificial intelligence enemies, a flaw in the stealth mode and many more shortcomings, and all this is covered by the plot and atmosphere of the game.

Happened in the world nuclear war. Cities are destroyed. The remnants of humanity who managed to hide in the Moscow metro and survive nuclear strikes are trying to figure out how they can survive in it. Stations suitable for life turned into separate states with their own political regimes. Communists, fascists, and merchants appeared. The rest of the metro is inhabited by mutants, ghosts and anomalies, or simply unsuitable for life due to a large dose of radiation. Few people go to the surface, and only with gas masks and a large number of weapons, since at the top you can encounter anything.

Strange black creatures will be coming from the surface to one of the stations. And Artyom, a simple guy, will try to save his station from them. The world of Metro will immerse you in amazing world. To creepy places filled with mysticism and danger. In an incredibly interesting storyline. IN new world unknown world.

Doom 3

One of the very, very old shooters, the first game was released back in 1993. It can be said that with Doom and the epic of third-person shooters began. The game has become so popular that one or another version of the game can be seen on all consoles, mobile phones and other devices.

Of course, I recommend starting to play with Doom 3. Many players note this part as the best. Dark corridors, creepy places, pitch darkness, hanging corpses on the way, splattered blood, a bunch of monsters and a huge amount of action are guaranteed to you.

First-person shooter with horror and horror elements. The game was banned in Australia due to the abundance of violence in the game and detailed picture dead bodies, but soon the release of this game in the country was given the go-ahead.

In the game we have to contact Alma. Alma is the restless spirit of a dead girl who had paranormal abilities during her life, but was violently killed. And now she is taking revenge on everyone. Fight for Michael Beckett, a member of the elite Delta squad. And of course, defeat all enemies. The third part was recently released, but I can say for sure that it did not bypass the second part.

Half-Life 2

And finally, a shooter that almost every player knows and has played Half-Life 2. The game received many reviews and awards and even became a cult for many gamers. You can look on YouTube how many different videos have been made on this game. I even remember seeing a short film based on Half-Life.

In the game you will meet Gordom Freeman, a familiar hero from the first part, in which a portal was opened on earth through which an invasion of extraterrestrial civilization took place. In this part of the game you have to fight against a powerful union - the Alliance, which seized power and created totalitarianism in the country.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

The events of the game take place in an alternative universe, in which the second world war Nazi Germany won and took over the world. Captain William Joseph "BJ" Blaskowitz, an officer of the 1st Ranger Battalion, suffers a severe head injury during the assault on the fortress of German General Wilhelm "Skull" Strasse in 1946. After spending 14 years in a vegetative state, the hero comes to his senses in 1960. The Nazi regime lives all over the world.

The game received extremely positive reviews. Only some British politicians were dissatisfied, accusing the creators of the shooter of Nazism. Despite this, the shooter became the most purchased game in the first month of sales and remained so for a long time.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a single-player and quite brutal first-person shooter. The player in it shoots and slaughters the fascists, as well as everything that they developed, produced or raised. You can play, as in the classical style - ahead, leaving mountains of bodies and remains everywhere, and in stealth mode- quietly killing enemies. The player is waiting epic bosses, optional tasks and some kind of plot branching, where you are destined to make a difficult moral choice. There will also be leveling up of the hero using so-called “perks” and health figurines.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is a first-person shooter with RPG elements, developed by Ukrainian guys and which has won an army of fans not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but all over the world, which is rare for domestic games. The idea of ​​the game is based on the fact that in the place where there was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, an “exclusion zone” was formed (the city of Pripyat is recreated in the game based on real prototypes) in which creatures mutated, anomalies formed and in general the place became very dangerous, stalkers and other brave men and madmen walk to the zone in order to profit from something in it.

Large nonlinear game world, consisting of many locations, the average size of each of which is one kilometer per kilometer. Several types of anomalous zones, artifacts, game characters and mutants. The player can perform either story missions, and perform additional ones. The player can change his equipment and weapons to better ones, look for artifacts and add them to his equipment, each artifact gives bonuses. Accumulate first aid kit cartridges in the backpack that he can use, and so on.

In addition to mutant enemies, there are bandits in the game, there is a confrontation between several factions that can be both enemies and allies for you.. But the war of factions has been removed from the game, as was the case in the previous part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. who can be both enemies and allies for you.

Left 4 Dead 1 and 2

Left 4 Dead 2 - computer game, a cooperative first-person shooter with elements survival horror one of . America has been captured scary virus, infected most people turning them into zombies and terrible monsters. A group of four survivors is trying to survive and evacuate from the contaminated area.

The game is team and multiplayer, if one of the monsters grabs you, then you will not be able to free yourself until someone from your team helps you. If you play alone, then the remaining three characters are replaced by the computer. Several missions with different maps. A lot of action and meat in the form of ordinary zombies and monsters falling on you from all sides. Constant drive and mutual assistance. It's difficult to describe this game. You just have to play it once and then you will understand everything yourself.

Titanfall 1 and 2

Titanfall is a competitive multiplayer sci-fi first-person shooter where you can control, jump on, and fight custom robot titans. In case of breakage, leave the titanium. The pilots for whom the players play have special backpacks with which they can jump high, run along walls, jump on enemy titans, destroy or, on the contrary, capture. The game is included in the list.

The game is online, and if my memory serves me correctly, there is no single company. In general, the game Titanfall is a fast-paced war of the future - military technologies of the future give complete freedom and allow you to control both elite assault “Pilots” and maneuverable seven-meter titans clad in armor. Lots of action and drive.

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 a unique, hand-drawn graphical first-person shooter with RPG elements, as you already understood, the continuation of the first part. but this part is the best. The player can choose one of four characters (with additions from six), each of which has a unique skill and affinity for a particular type of weapon.

An endless variety of weapons, artifacts, 3 branches of skills, class modifiers and online game for four players. Gameplay innovations include an expanded and customizable weapon system, redesigned four-seater vehicles and their physics, and a dynamic mission system. To distant lands. Take an expedition into the unexplored areas of Pandora, which will surprise you with a variety of landscapes and landscapes. Frosty tundra, lush, green meadows await you, full of dangers, and mysterious underground caves.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike, probably everyone knows the famous CS, and you, my friend, I think are no exception. Team first-person shooter with many maps and modes. Yes, perhaps the game is already outdated, but let’s not forget about the one released in 2012. Global Offensive. which became the best version of all CS and is also loved by many players.

CS:GO includes new maps, characters and weapons, as well as an improved version of the classic CS component. In addition, CS: GO contains new game modes, match management system, lists best players and much more. Over the past decade, it is still one of the world's most popular games, often appearing at gaming competitions and selling over 25 million copies worldwide.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Team tactical first person shooter. The project is based on the confrontation between a detachment of special forces and terrorists, who, depending on the location and scenario, must perform various tactical tasks. The new shooter combines many features from previous installments, and also brings game process partial destructibility and team interaction of each member.

In the game, each location has its own scenario, for example, on one map, special forces must free captured hostages, and on the next, protect the object from a bomb or destroy terrorists. Available in game big choice modern firearms, which repeats the characteristics of combat prototypes. From key features The game is worth noting a large selection of special gadgets, wide tactical capabilities, as well as dynamic firefights in tight spaces.

DOOM 2016

Reboot of an old-school shooter in a sci-fi setting. The plot of the game will tell about the events that happened on Mars. As a result of an experiment in energy extraction, humanity opened a portal to Hell. Almost the entire staff was destroyed by demonic creatures that escaped from their palaces. The player plays the role of the Soldier of Doom - an ancient warrior who has awakened to fight back the evil that has emerged.

The gameplay is a classic corridor first-person shooter in which the player must destroy a variety of advancing enemies. There are many types of weapons in the game. The player will be able to deal with the enemy using a sawn-off shotgun, a machine gun, a grenade launcher, as well as several types of melee weapons. During the passage, the hero will encounter various types of enemies and especially strong bosses.


Cooperative tactical shooter, robbery simulator. The plot of the game tells about a team of robbers who must rob banks, jewelry stores and other places that contain valuables. Each contract has its own scenario, and passage is possible in different ways.

The game is divided into five classes, which differ in different skills and tactics of use. For example, the Stormtrooper class specializes in melee weapons, can distribute ammo and has a disc cutter for opening safes, while the hero Ghost is able to move silently, take hostages and quietly eliminate guards. The gameplay is designed in such a way that a team of robbers will be able to complete the level without firing a single shot or raising the alarm.


A realistic multiplayer tactical first-person shooter. The project is a simulator of combat operations using infantry and military equipment. The game involves two teams that must perform various missions and tactical tasks depending on the scenario and location.

The game features huge open locations that support up to one hundred players simultaneously. To move to targets, you can use a wide selection of military equipment such as jeeps, tanks and helicopters. The project also contains a large arsenal of modern weapons that are actually used by military forces. The best Squad experience can be had when playing with friends using voice communication.

Killing Floor 1 and 2

Cooperative FPS, survival horror. A corporation specializing in cloning has received a large government order to create an ideal army of clones who will not feel pain or fear. But something went wrong, and the created army got out of control, destroying all living things. Players take on the role of the last survivors who must destroy the clones and defeat the final boss.

The project implemented class system, which determines the game tactics of the entire team. For example, the Medic character heals his allies, but himself has a low health reserve, while the Berserker fights with melee weapons, but has good defense. For each mutant killed, money is given, since the game has a store where you can buy various weapons, grenades and body armor. Killing Floor has several difficulty levels, a large selection of maps, as well as several game modes.

Battlefield 1

Multiplayer team shooter in a historical setting. The game's plot will take the gamer through the main battles of the First World War. Players will be able to fight in multiplayer mode on the side of Britain, France, Germany, the USA and other participating countries, or get acquainted with the story of one fighter in a story-driven campaign. The game was released in 2016 and immediately became the best shooter, the best multiplayer game according to many gaming magazines.

Battlefield 1 is a logical continuation of the line online shooters With large selection historical weapons, as well as many game modes. The project has a division into classes that differ in their skills and weapons. There are also many types of armored vehicles and aircraft that actually fought. The gameplay takes place on scale maps, which support up to 64 players.

Arma 3

Tactical role-playing first-person shooter, military simulator. The events of the game will tell about an alternative future in which modern armies from Russia and the NATO bloc came together in a military confrontation between each other for control of territories and resources.

The game is designed as a realistic FPS in which players fight on the side of two teams. The main task is to complete the mission or destroy the enemy. The project has many modes and a script editor available, which allows you to create own tasks and companies. Among the key features of Arma 3, it is worth highlighting: huge maps, a realistic damage model (fighters die from one or two hits), a large selection of equipment, many types of modern weapons with realistic behavior, as well as division into classes and units.


A realistic team-based multiplayer first-person shooter set in the First World War. The game will tell about the large-scale battles that took place from 1914 to 1918. Players will be able to visit the wet trenches, fight at the Battle of Verdun, and also be at the forefront of the attack in the last battles of the great war.

The gameplay is based on the tactical interaction of individual groups of fighters. Players are given orders and must try to carry them out by attacking and defending positions. The project contains realistic weapons that have the same characteristics as real prototypes. It is worth noting the high realism and hardcore nature of the game; any fighter can be killed with one precise hit to the body.

Point Blank

Point Blank a free multiplayer first-person shooter in which we take the side of the Rebels or the Peacekeepers. tactical multiplayer shooter, similar in gameplay to CS, the gameplay of which is based on fast battles and tactical missions. In battles, experience points are awarded and medals are given, for which you can rise in rank, learn skills and gain access to new weapons.

Play right now!!!

On this moment Point Blank has 8 game modes and 3 types of matches, more than 30 maps and 140 types of weapons are available, you can choose 7 profession specializations and 13 types of characters. More than 8 million players are registered in the Russian version of the game. Role-playing mechanisms for character development, real prototypes weapons, a powerful clan system and much more await players.
