"Superiority": breakthrough or mistake? What does superiority mode give in wot?

On general test Update 9.8 everyone could try the new “Supremacy” mode, which has been exciting the minds of players for a couple of weeks now. Allegedly by accident (but in fact very competently and on time), the screenshots of the new mode leaked from the supertest became a real sensation and made us look forward to the start of testing. Finally, this long-awaited event happened, and we could not ignore it.

What it is?

“Superiority” is the implementation of those “garage” battles that the developers have been talking about for quite some time. This is a special mode that has a strong fun orientation and does not in any way affect game statistics– a kind of amusement park with fun without consequences.

Pool of equipment

Three tanks have been prepared specifically for the regime - Object 140 (P), T110T5 (P) and AMX 50B (P). The index “(P)” seems to hint that they are intended specifically for “Superiority”. But at the same time, the performance characteristics of the tanks did not change - these are the same vehicles that we are rolling out to random.

To start playing, tanks must be equipped - load ammunition, install consumables and modules. Only when all three tanks are ready can you safely press the “Battle” button.

Something about shells and consumables

During the test, only their main shells and high-explosive fragmentation shells are available for all tanks. There is no gold, however, as the developers say, when the mode is released, all types of projectiles will become available. This is probably not the best solution, but it’s not for us to decide.

With BC and consumables in very interesting situation: each time a tank is brought into battle, its ammunition and equipment are completely restored; spent first aid kits and repair kits are also returned in the repair area. All of this has economic consequences, so you should be careful with the use of equipment (and it is not yet known what the situation with payment for equipment will be at the release of the mode).

Introduction, legend and mode rules

As in regular battles, in “Supremacy” two teams of 10 or 15 cars (depending on the map) fight, and their main goal is to win by the number of points. Everything is as simple as shelling pears and clear without further ado!

The battle lasts 10 minutes or up to 150 points - the team that scores these 150 points ahead of schedule or leads the score after 10 minutes will win. Points are awarded for destroying enemy vehicles and successfully moving the flag to the specified point:

  • For each destroyed enemy vehicle - 1 point;
  • For each delivered flag - 10, 15, 25 or 50 points.

The highest number of points for a flag is given on the most difficult maps - for example, on the map " Sandy River 50 points are given for the flag. But I assure you – these are very complex, bloody glasses! And on the “Karelia” map, which is quite simple to play, the team receives 15 points for each flag.

In total, seven maps have been prepared for the new mode - “Mines”, “Karelia”, “Himmelsdorf”, “ Lost City", "Cliff" and "Sand River", as well as a specially designed map "Supremacy". Unfortunately, the balancer in the new mode works exactly the same as in normal game, so getting on one map several times and never getting on another is usually the case.

There are two modes prepared for “Supremacy”:

  • With two flags and two bases - an analogue of the “Standard battle”;
  • With one flag and two bases - an analogue of the “Encounter Battle”.

The gameplay in each mode has its own characteristics, and at the same time is radically different from the gameplay in random.

How is the fight going?

The rules of the game “Superiority” are extremely simple. At the beginning of the battle, one or two flags appear on the map (depending on the mode), which must be grabbed and carried to the specified points (bases). To pick up a flag, you just need to get close enough to it. The player who took the flag sees two arrows on his mini-map pointing to destination points. All other players see a moving flag on their mini-map and its color - green if it is taken by an ally, or red if it is in the hands of the enemy.

The players' task is to protect the ally carrying the flag and escort him to his destination. Or, if the flag bearer is destroyed, quickly pick up the flag and continue on your way. If the enemy has the flag, then the task is obvious - to destroy this enemy and take the flag from him. When the flag bearer is destroyed, the flag becomes ownerless for some time, and any player can pick it up, but if this does not happen within 15 seconds, the flag returns to its original position.

If the flag is successfully brought to its destination, the team is awarded victory points, and after 5–10 seconds a new flag appears at its original position. And everything starts all over again.

The current number of points is displayed on a special panel at the top of the screen. Everything here is familiar and understandable. The player’s personal contribution to the victory is also displayed nearby, that is, the number of victory points he earned.

Repair and replacement of equipment during the battle

Here comes the most interesting part. When receiving damage, the tank can be repaired in special zones - there are only four of them on the map, they are displayed with a characteristic icon with a crossed hammer and key. To repair, you should drive into the circle with this icon, and after 5 seconds the tank will be completely restored - the player will again have a full set of strength points, a healthy crew, and restored modules. All spent equipment and shells will also be restored.

If the tank takes damage while in the repair zone, the timer will stop and start again at the 5 second mark. So a tank in this zone can be destroyed just as easily as anywhere else on the map.

But if the tank is destroyed, then a window for selecting another tank opens - you can take any of the two remaining vehicles. You have 12 seconds to choose, after which new tank goes into battle, while the previous car explodes and disappears from the map. So the map is not littered with corpses, although this would be very interesting, including from a gameplay point of view.

If the player does not make a choice himself, then at the end of 12 seconds he goes into battle on the tank that was selected automatically (and the choice occurs simply in order of priority). When a new tank appears, it is immediately charged, so the drummer does not have to wait almost a minute for charging to complete - you can immediately start shooting.

The choice of tanks is an endless conveyor belt without restrictions. The player can die and “resurrect” as many times as he can within 10 minutes or until he reaches 150 victory points. And this is precisely where the whole fan of the new regime is seen.

Post-battle statistics

At the end of the battle, one statistic is displayed for all three tanks - it shows the total damage, the total number of shots, the total damage repulsed, etc. The post-battle statistics numbers are simply amazing, and tens of thousands of points damage caused– this is usually the case for “Excellence”!

Impressions and comments

So, will players like the new mode? This is a big question. A lot of players are disappointed with Supremacy, as it turns out to be more difficult to understand and not so fun. On the contrary, this mode causes more negative emotions than regular random. And the reasons for this are easy to understand.

A newcomer who finds himself in “Superiority” for the first time does not understand anything at all. Nothing! There are some flags here, red and green roundels, everyone is rushing somewhere, shells are flying from everywhere, and during the battle there are as many opponents left as at the beginning. There is a dump and confusion on the map, and the player is in panic and hysteria!

But with each subsequent battle, the essence of the game becomes more and more clear, players begin to build tactics and strategies (everyone quickly comes to understand that in the mode the primary role is played by team game), and quickly come to victory. But the most interesting thing in all this is that the mode quickly tires and gets boring, and many players do not express the desire to go into battle after the first defeat.

And a funny observation: sometimes after destroying a tank, your hand, out of habit, pulls to press the Esc button and leave the battle. This automatic, polished action is sometimes performed so quickly that the player leaves the battle before the menu for selecting the next tank appears! So over time, the number of players may decrease, which can only be beneficial for opponents.

In general, “Supremacy” still evokes conflicting feelings, and its future is seen as very vague. Of course, players who once played tank football for many hours, raced Chaffee Sport, or remembered their childhood on eight-bit maps may like this mode. But this will not be all WoT players.

That is why the developers prudently called “Supremacy” an event, that is, a temporary mode that is introduced only for a certain period. In case of failure, it can be easily removed, and if “Superiority” goes well and is popular, then, at the request of the players, it can be transferred to a full-fledged mode.

Time will tell how everything will actually turn out. In the meantime, we are waiting for several more tests of the new mode, during which it will be honed and brought to perfection.

Our game has not seen such drastic additions and changes for a long time as those that occurred in the 9.8 update package. World of Tanks has a new game mode – “Supremacy” mode. What does this game mode represent, is there any point in playing in it? You will find out the answer to many other questions from this article.

“The battle for “Superiority” has begun” - this is the phrase the developers used to mark the start of a new game mode However, this is symbolic. This innovation has already received many positive reviews, and even from those VOD makers and players who have not seen it recently bright sides in changing the game. “Wargaming did it!” - it is this phrase that has become popular among tankers who come to play “Superiority”. What did the developers manage to do? Let's watch.

What is “Superiority” and what is it used with?

The essence of the new mode is capture the flag. The sides bring a draw flag to a certain place and earn points. The main feature is what the World of Tanks players have been asking for for so long - the introduction of garage battles! After destroying his tank, the player does not have to wait for the end of the battle, or leave the battle - after death, transfer to another tank and go into battle!

The goal of the battle is to be the first to earn 150 points, or to gain the maximum number of points before the end of the battle. For the delivery of one flag you are given 10/15/35/50/ - depending on the map on which the battle takes place. For a frag, one point is given to the team, so delivering the flag is more effective.

So far, only three special tanks for “Superiority” are available to players in the mode: the AMX 50 B (P), “Object 140 (P),” and T110E5 (P). These cars are similar to their counterparts from the upgrade branches, so playing in the new mode will also be beneficial for those who are wondering whether to upgrade this or that car. AMX 50 B (P), “Object 140 (P)”, T110E5 (P) are awarded to the hangars of players who entered/will enter during the period when the new mode will work, and vehicles appear with 100 percent crew and three slots in the hangar . True, after the mode with slots and tanks disappears, the crew who will be on the tanks will be retrained for free on the AMX 50 B, Object 140, T110E5 - do not miss the opportunity to upgrade the tankers.

Battle Format.

The game event “Supremacy” will take place in two stages. Moreover, the first and second stages will differ from each other in sets of cards and format.

The first stage will follow the format:

  • “Mines” (two teams of 10 players).
  • “Sandy River” (two teams of 15 players).

Second phase:

  • “The Lost City” (two teams of 10 players).
  • Himmelsdorf (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Karelia" (two teams of 15 players each).
  • "Monte Rosa" (two teams of 15 players).

The second stage differs from the first in the set of cards and the concept of the game - now instead of one flag, four appear on the battlefield, which makes the battles even more unpredictable.

Why did the new regime evoke positive emotions?

The game has been waiting for new modes. Modes that will truly engage players, that will be balanced and interesting. The developers admitted that the historical modes and the “battle of nations” mode were failures, they abandoned them and decided to remake the concept of the formats, without even saying when to expect them. So the players are missing new products. The developers understood the importance of “Superiority”, so introducing it in a hurry was not the main task, but it was more important to work out even the little things. And they succeeded.

The regime became successful because...

Firstly, success lies in the fact that there is balance in the regime! The feature of the new format is the absence of “imbs”, and most importantly, artillery! Yes, this also entails a minus - there are only three vehicles in the mode so far, AMX 50 B (P), Object 140 (P), T110E5 (P), which were included in the mode, but this is a “double-edged sword” " For most players, these three units are enough and the main thing for them is that there is no “art”! Of course, the developers promise in the future to add equipment to the mode that is on the nation branches, but this will take time and setup.

Secondly, there is no need to fire “gold” shells! What is already so boring in “random” battles is implemented here again! No, of course you can fill your tank with premium shells, but it doesn’t make sense - making a frag in battles is not as important as in regular battles. As a result, players will again fully feel the importance of armor, “tanking” on the T110E5 (P), and sometimes on the “Object 140 (P)”. The Frenchman can be included in this list, but with a stretch, since he is a more “cardboard” machine than the previous ones, but this is not his main calling, because he has a drum.

Third, maps on which battles take place were developed and developed for the mode. Especially for “Superiority”, the cardmakers made two maps from 0, and a number of others were optimized for this mode, considering the aspect ratios and making the “maps” symmetrical, thereby reducing the “burning” of the players from the dissatisfaction of the party during the “setup” of the teams, and also removing any advantage from each team.

Fourth, this is uniqueness. Yes, it is the uniqueness that makes players play this format. Never before, in normal battles, have there been such opportunities as here - to stop by for repairs, speed up your reloading, replenish ammunition, deliver a flag! All these are new sensations that give a new impetus to the influx of players who are already bored with the usual battles on World maps of Tanks.

Fifthly, this is what players have been waiting for for so long - “garage battles”. There is nothing better than, after your death on the battlefield, recovering in another car and going back into the thick of all the action! Choose another car, wait 12 seconds, and you are ready to win again, make frags and help your team.


To sum it up, let’s say it boldly, without being afraid of this phrase – the new “Supremacy” mode was a great success! In “Supremacy”, players can simply relax, feel the need for armor, do “damage” and “frags”, or if you’re tired of this, snatch the flag from the clutches of your opponents and take it to Right place! The most important thing is that at this stage of “Supremacy” there are no statistics in it and players do not have to worry about their percentages, because this format does not affect the main profile. Plus, you can still farm here without spending premium shells, but by shooting only “BB guns”.

To test new format, feel a new breath of air, see the game from a completely different perspective - go to World of Tanks, choose one of three vehicles - AMX 50 B (P), "Object 140 (P)", T110E5 (P), and go into battle, to victories! Also, don’t forget to visit our official fan resource Games World of Tanks, because here you will not only find a lot of information, but also get the opportunity to replenish your treasury with gold, with the help of our promotions and sweepstakes! Good luck on the battlefields of the “World of Tanks” and see you in the new mode!

Pressing the button To battle! on vehicles of level V and above, the player has a 50% chance of getting into battle in the “Superiority” format.

Here, as in a counter battle, the fight takes place between two teams of 7 players. The battle time is 7 minutes.

The main difference is the new victory conditions, because instead of one neutral base, Supremacy has three or four (depending on the map) key points.

Victory Conditions


The main victory condition remained unchanged. Destroy all your opponents' equipment before they do it to you. In general, you can follow this proven method and win in the same way as in an oncoming battle.

By points

There is another way to win in the new mode. Earn superiority points together with your allies and fill up the overall scale. The first team to score 1000 points immediately wins. Read more about points, scales and how to fill them out below.

By time

If the time allotted for the battle has expired, the server will again turn to the points earned. In this case, victory is awarded to the team with more points by the end of the battle. It is almost impossible to play a draw under such conditions!

Victory Points

Instead of one neutral base, most maps have three points: A, B and C (some also have a fourth D), and two point scales have appeared at the top of the screen. At the beginning of the battle, each team receives 300 victory points.

Capture points

To capture any point, you need to drive into a circle with a flag and stay inside it for 15 seconds. The following rules apply:

  • When leaving the circle or receiving damage (including damage to modules), the grip is completely lost.
  • The capture also stops if there are players from different teams in the circle at the same time.
  • And, conversely, the capture is accelerated if an ally captures the point together with you.
  • If one of the allied tanks leaves the point, its contribution to the current capture is lost.
  • After completely capturing the point, you can safely leave.

After a successful capture, the point begins to bring 3–5 victory points every 2 seconds, depending on the map. Thus, a team that simultaneously owns several points will receive victory points faster.

If there are 3 points on the map, they bring 5 victory points every 2 seconds. Exceptions: “Mines” and “Castilla”, where points are worth 4 points every 2 seconds.

The Himmelsdorf and Canal maps are special. There are 4 dots on them, which give 3 points every 2 seconds.

If an enemy tank enters a point captured by your team, it stops bringing victory points, and after 15 seconds it will completely come under the control of the opponent and begin earning points for the enemy team.

To make it easier to coordinate actions in the new mode, the panel has been expanded quick commands. Instead of the command “Capture the base!” Added capture/defense commands for each point.

Destruction of equipment

For destroying the enemy car, your team will receive from 30 to 40 victory points, and the opposing team will lose the same amount. Exactly how many points will be transferred from one team to another depends on the level of the destroyed equipment: for the tank of the highest level in the battle - 40 points, for all other equipment - 30.

For example: if Tier VII–VIII vehicles are fighting in battle, then for knocking out a tank VII level You can get 30 points, and for a Tier VIII car - 40.

Experience Bonus

The points earned not only bring your team closer to victory, but also turn into additional experience based on the results of the battle. On average, in “Superiority” you can gain more experience than in oncoming battles, if you not only destroy enemy equipment, but also capture points. This bonus (team bonus) will be reflected in post-battle statistics.

Questions and answers

Q: How likely am I to get into battle in this mode?
A: 50 to 50. If you choose a Tier V or higher vehicle and go into battle, you are equally likely to end up in one of two combat modes.

Q: Is the new mode available in training rooms?
A: In version 3.0, only “Encounter Battle” will remain in the training rooms. In the future, we plan to add a new mode to training rooms.

Q: Is it possible to disable the “Supremacy” mode?
A: If you don’t like the new mode, you can disable it in the settings, on the “Other” tab.

Q: Can I play Domination mode with a platoon?
A: Yes, you can. At the same time, if you want to play with a friend only in the “Encounter Battle” mode, you both need to disable the “Superiority” mode in the settings. If at least one member of the platoon has it turned on, you will be able to get into the "Supremacy" mode in WoT.

Q: Will there be medals for the new battle mode?
A: There will be no additional medals in version 3.0 of the game. In addition, battles in Supremacy do not affect the following awards: Defender, Invader, Raider, Lavrinenko Medal and Leclerc Medal. There may be new medals for this mode in the future.

Q: What happens if a team scores 1000 points, and after that all its equipment is destroyed?
A: The first team to complete any winning condition wins. In this example, the one with 1000 points will win.

Note! Correct operation of the “Superiority” game event is guaranteed only on a “pure” client, without any user modifications.

The game event “Superiority” will take place in two stages. The battles of the first stage will take place on four maps:

  • “The Lost City” (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Mines" (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Sand River" (two teams of 15 players).
  • "Monte Rosa" ( two teams of 15 players).

You can familiarize yourself with the location and description of the main elements of the game event “Superiority” using the example of the “Mines” map:

During the second stage, battles will take place on the following maps:

  • "The Lost City" (two teams of 10 players).
  • Himmelsdorf (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Karelia" (two teams of 1-5 players).
  • "Monte Rosa" (two teams of 1 5 players).

The second stage differs from the first not only in the set of cards, but also in the format. The fight will be waged not for one, but for four flags, which will make the battles even more intense and unpredictable.

We will inform you separately about the exact timing of the “Superiority” game event and the start of the second stage.


The battle takes place between two teams in a 15v15 or 10v10 format, depending on the map. The duration of the battle is 10 minutes. Game mechanics- standard. Playing in platoons and companies is allowed.

The main task is to score more victory points at the end of the battle than the opposing team. If one of the teams reaches a certain maximum victory points before the end of the battle, then the victory is counted early.

Victory points are awarded for moving the flag into the delivery zone and destroying enemy tanks. Delivering a flag to a special zone brings your team 10/15/35/50 points depending on the map, destroying an opponent earns 1 point.

Three tanks will be available to participate in the battle: AMX 50 B (P), “Object 140 (P)”, T110E5 (P). The tactical and technical characteristics of these vehicles completely coincide with the analogues already existing in the game.

War vehicles are credited free of charge during the start of a game event. To go into battle, you will need to prepare all three vehicles and press the button To battle!. It will also be possible to install equipment, equipment and transfer the crew already in the Hangar.

Experience and credits in game event will be awarded for active actions in battle: detecting the enemy, causing damage, capturing and surrendering the flag. The amount of experience that is awarded based on the results of the battle for combat vehicles, will be determined based on separate statistics for each tank.

Capturing the flag is the main path to victory. To capture, you need to approach the flag a short distance and then move it to the delivery area. After this, the flag returns to its original position.

The game event “Superiority” takes place in two stages:

  • In the battles of the first stage, the flag capture point is in the center of the map. All players of both teams can capture the flag.
  • In the second stage battles, there are four capture the flag points on the map. All players on both teams can capture flags.

Besides Capture the Flag, one of the most significant features of Supremacy is the ability to enter the same battle multiple times after destroying a tank - so-called "garage battles". After destruction, a context menu will be available to you to select the next combat vehicle. At the same time, you are given only 10 seconds to choose a new tank. A destroyed vehicle cannot be selected for 30 seconds.

You can be reborn an unlimited number of times during the battle. After revival, the tank appears with full health and ammunition, as well as equipment, the composition of which depends on the player’s choice in the Hangar.

Within the map there are several points for repairing equipment and replenishing equipment. To activate these points, the player must drive inside the yellow circle, marked on the mini-map with the corresponding icon, and wait 5 seconds without receiving any damage or leaving the circle. If the tank takes damage, the timer starts again.

After activating a repair and replenishment point, 1 minute must pass, after which this point again becomes available to this player. The inactivity time of a repair point is individual for each player, i.e. several combat vehicles, both enemy and allied, can simultaneously await repair inside it.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What will happen to the crew after the end of the game event “Supremacy”?

The crew will end up in the Barracks, regardless of the number of available places. Tankers will be retrained for pumpable analogues of vehicles for the game event (Object 140, T110E5, AMX 50 B).

Is it possible to transfer your tankers to assigned tanks? Will there be penalties?

Yes, you can. Penalties for mastery of the main specialty will apply, as in the case of researchable equipment.

What happens to the experience earned from battles in a game event?

All earned experience will be transferred to Tier I tanks of the corresponding nations (MC-1, T1, Renault FT).

Attention! If the “Accelerated crew training” checkbox is enabled on these tanks, then the experience earned in battle will also be applied to the tanks.

Will tanks be awarded along with slots? What will happen to them after the end of the game event?

Yes, tanks are awarded along with slots. After completing Supremacy, the slots will be decommissioned along with the special tanks.

What happens to gear and equipment after the vehicles are written off?

The gear and equipment will be in the Warehouse. Complex equipment will be removed from tanks free of charge.

Is it possible to apply camouflage and inscriptions to these tanks?

Camouflage and inscriptions cannot be applied to tanks intended for the event.

Will it be possible to use premium shells?

Yes, you can. The cost of premium shells will correspond to the price of “golden” ammunition from pumped-up analogues. At the same time, the price of basic shells will be slightly lower than that of basic shells of linear analogues.

How will credits for repairs and use of shells in combat be written off?

Credits will be written off only for those shells that were in the ammunition load before the start of the battle.

Example: the tank's ammunition load contained 32 basic and 6 premium shells. Over several revivals during the battle, the player fired 65 shots with basic and 14 with premium shells. At the end of the battle, the cost of 32 basic and 6 premium shells will be debited from the player’s account.

When a vehicle is destroyed, the player pays the cost of a full repair, but no more than once for each tank.

Example: during the battle, “Object 140 (P)” was destroyed three times, T110E5 - four times. At the end of the battle, the player will pay for one repair for each vehicle.

Are game statistics taken into account in battles?

No, statistics from battles during the “Supremacy” event are not taken into account.

Will there be new medals/achievements available related to Supremacy?

For a winning battle within a game event, the winners are awarded the “Hero of Excellence” award. The medal is awarded once upon the first victory.

Note! Correct operation of the “Superiority” game event is guaranteed only on a “pure” client, without any user modifications.

The game event “Superiority” will take place in two stages. The battles of the first stage will take place on four maps:

  • “The Lost City” (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Mines" (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Sand River" (two teams of 15 players).
  • "Monte Rosa" ( two teams of 15 players).

The fight between the teams will be for the flag, which needs to be captured and delivered to their base. Read more about this in the Capture the Flag section.

You can familiarize yourself with the location and description of the main elements of the game event “Superiority” using the example of the “Mines” map:

During the second stage, battles will take place on the following maps:

  • "The Lost City" (two teams of 10 players).
  • Himmelsdorf (two teams of 10 players).
  • "Karelia" (two teams of 1-5 players).
  • "Monte Rosa" (two teams of 1 5 players).

The second stage differs from the first not only in the set of cards, but also in the format. The fight will be waged not for one, but for four flags, which will make the battles even more intense and unpredictable.

We will inform you separately about the exact timing of the “Superiority” game event and the start of the second stage.


The battle takes place between two teams in a 15v15 or 10v10 format, depending on the map. The duration of the battle is 10 minutes. Game mechanics are standard. Playing in platoons and companies is allowed.

The main task is to score more victory points at the end of the battle than the opposing team. If one of the teams reaches a certain maximum victory points before the end of the battle, then the victory is counted early.

Victory points are awarded for moving the flag into the delivery zone and destroying enemy tanks. Delivering a flag to a special zone brings your team 10/15/35/50 points depending on the map, destroying an opponent - 1 point.

Three tanks will be available to participate in the battle: AMX 50 B (P), “Object 140 (P)”, T110E5 (P). The tactical and technical characteristics of these vehicles completely coincide with the analogues already existing in the game.

War vehicles are credited free of charge during the start of a game event. To go into battle, you will need to prepare all three vehicles and press the button To battle!. It will also be possible to install equipment, equipment and transfer the crew already in the Hangar.

Experience and credits in the game event will be awarded for active actions in battle: detecting the enemy, causing damage to the enemy, capturing and surrendering the flag. The amount of experience that is awarded to combat vehicles based on the results of the battle will be determined based on separate statistics for each tank based on the results of the battle.

Capture the Flag

Capturing the flag is the main path to victory. To capture, the player must approach the flag a short distance and then move it to the delivery zone. After this, the flag returns to its original position.

The game event “Superiority” takes place in two stages:

  • In the battles of the first stage, the flag capture point is in the center of the map. All players of both teams can capture the flag.
  • In the second stage battles, there are four capture the flag points on the map. All players on both teams can capture flags.
Revival in battle

Besides Capture the Flag, one of the most significant features of Supremacy is the ability to respawn multiple times after destroying a tank during a single battle - so-called "garage battles". After destruction, a context menu will be available to you to select the next combat vehicle. At the same time, you are given only 10 seconds to choose a new tank. A destroyed vehicle cannot be selected for 30 seconds.

You can be reborn an unlimited number of times during the battle. After revival, the tank appears with full health and ammunition, as well as equipment, the composition of which depends on the player’s choice in the Hangar.

Repair and replenishment points

Within the map there are several points for repairing equipment and replenishing equipment. To activate these points, the player must drive inside the yellow circle, marked on the mini-map with the corresponding icon, and wait 5 seconds without receiving any damage or leaving the circle. If the tank takes damage, the timer starts again.

After activating a repair and replenishment point, 1 minute must pass, after which this point again becomes available to this player. The inactivity time of a repair point is individual for each player, i.e. several combat vehicles, both enemy and allied, can simultaneously await repair inside it.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What will happen to the crew after the end of the game event “Supremacy”?

The crew will end up in the barracks, regardless of the number of available places. Tankers will be retrained for pumpable analogues of vehicles for the game event (Object 140, T110E5, AMX 50 B).

Is it possible to transfer your tankers to assigned tanks? Will there be penalties?

Yes, you can. Penalties for mastery of the main specialty will apply, as in the case of researchable equipment.

What happens to the experience earned from battles in a game event?

All earned experience will be transferred to Tier I tanks of the corresponding nations (MC-1, T1, Renault FT).

Attention! If the “Accelerated crew training” checkbox is enabled on these tanks, then the experience will be directed towards crew training.

Will tanks be awarded along with slots? What will happen to them after the end of the game event?

Yes, tanks are awarded along with slots. After completing Supremacy, the slots will be decommissioned along with the special tanks.

What happens to gear and equipment after the vehicles are written off?

The gear and equipment will be in the Warehouse. Complex equipment will be removed from tanks free of charge.

Is it possible to apply camouflage and inscriptions to these tanks?

Camouflage and inscriptions cannot be applied to tanks intended for the event.

Will it be possible to use premium shells?

Yes, you can. The cost of premium shells will correspond to the price of “golden” ammunition from pumped-up analogues. At the same time, the price of basic shells will be slightly lower than that of basic shells of linear analogues.

How will credits for repairs and use of shells in combat be written off?

Credits will be written off only for those shells that were in the ammunition load before the start of the battle.

Example: the tank's ammunition load contained 32 basic and 6 premium shells. Over several revivals during the battle, the player fired 65 shots with basic and 14 with premium shells. At the end of the battle, the cost of 32 basic and 6 premium shells will be debited from the player’s account.

When a vehicle is destroyed, the player pays the cost of a full repair, but no more than once for each tank.

Example: during the battle, “Object 140 (P)” was destroyed three times, T110E5 - four times. At the end of the battle, the player will pay for one repair for each vehicle.

Are game statistics taken into account in battles?

No, statistics from battles during the “Supremacy” event are not taken into account.

Will there be new medals/achievements available related to Supremacy?

For a winning battle within a game event, the winners are awarded the “Hero of Excellence” award. The medal is awarded once upon the first victory.
