Hello San Paro! First steps. Apb-Reloaded: For Beginners (how and what to do and where to start!) Apb reloaded what to do with the track

Character creation
Choose a faction - security officer or criminal.
In the future, you will not be able to change the selected faction of this character (unless you create a new one).


Customize your character
Then you can change the appearance of your character as you wish, but you will not be able to change the gender.
Initially, you will be in the Quick Options menu, where you can select your preferred skin color, body type, and age. Click Random to randomly generate a character.


You can zoom in while customizing in the top right corner of the screen. You can also pause or resume the animation appearance Persian
Click Customization to perform detailed customization.
Drag your palm inside the frame to adjust various customization options.
Dragging outside the frame while holding down the left mouse button will turn your character around.
Click Next to complete the customization. You will have to choose the world in which your character will play. This character will only be able to play in the world that you choose for him. Name your character and click Finish and Play
Selecting an area

General District - Only in the General District you can customize your character and cars, buy new cars, use the music studio and sell goods on the market.
Currently, there are two action districts - Business and Port. Here you can complete missions/cause panic. To develop in San Paro, we suggest you start with financial district organizations.

Choosing a respawn location - there are several respawn points. You will first respawn at the location of your first contact. It is preferable to respawn there in order to immediately swear allegiance to the “connector”, although this can be done through the map, being anywhere.


Contacts, commitments and missions
There are 4 playable factions - two cops and two creams. Contacts are NPCs from these factions to whom you commit to completing missions

Go to the first contact you appear next to.


Click "F" to talk to the contact and then tap Collaborate to complete that contact's tasks. The point of collaborating on your own is that the higher the level with the contact, the better rewards you will receive from him; in the future, the contact will tell you about his other “brothers”. You can also swear an oath through a card if you go to the contact. Press "M" and select the person with whom you want to cooperate, double-click on his name.
List of contacts (connected) and what they open
By pressing the button "TO" you will change your status to READY, this means that the mission will now begin, or you will join the events already taking place on the streets of San Paro. The mission objective will be written in the top right corner of your screen.


Please note that there is a time limit. If you don't complete the mission within this time, consider yourself to have failed.
Collecting packages, drawing graffiti, and setting cars on fire are examples of missions you'll need to do. Some missions have multiple objectives, and some have two objectives at the same time. Choose what you want to do first, and then you can always move on to completing the second goal. Once you complete a mission, you will receive a reward for it, possibly access to new contacts and, most importantly, money. Each contact maximum level, which you can achieve with him, after that, he will no longer give you missions, and you will need to pledge allegiance to the next contact in the hierarchy. For each level of your contact you will receive different rewards.

Character information is called up "J", there you can see general information, progress in organizations and with contacts, roles, achievements and awards.


Called by pressing "I"
In the top line is the amount of cash, the current level and active perks, which are activated by keys 1-4.
The second line contains, in order, the main weapon, the secondary weapon and the secondary weapon. All of it can be changed with the Change button (however, changes can only be made at a machine with cartridges, a liaison...).
The main weapon can have 3 slots. To the right of the weapon are slots for perks.
The third line contains upgrades that reduce the duration of your special skills.
The last line contains personal graffiti; set of clothes that you are wearing this moment, you can create 9 sets in total and change them at any time; car.
The machine can have 4 slots. To the right of the car are slots for perks.


APB Reloaded Ranking Table:


Transferring items to friends in the game

You can receive/send items/logos/clothes near these machines by pressing the button "F"
However, you cannot send money this way.


Game Settings
You can call the general menu by pressing the "Esc" key while in any of the areas.


You can buy weapons, upgrades, and vehicles from any of the “contacts” available to you.
You can replenish your ammunition at these machine guns


Call your car to the parking spot. This can be done at such terminals

Default control buttons:

Movement: W, A, S, D

Look left: Q

Look to the right:E

Sprint: Shift

Bounce: Space

Crouch: WITH

Walking and running: X


Changing weapons: V or mouse wheel

Recruit ammo/call a car: T

Map: M

Witnessing a crime: G

Music player: P

Continue/stop music playback: Right Ctrl

Next track: .

Previous track: ,

Fire: Mouse button 1

Approximation: Mouse button 2

Reloading weapons: R

Grenade: Left Ctrl


Breaking into: L

Character information:J


Quick replay: Backspace

Take a screenshot: Pause

Hide interface: End

Zoom camera: +

Zoom out the camera: -

Look back: Z

4. Technical section.

1. My game lags a lot... It doesn’t even let me aim. Why?

A: This may have to do with the characteristics of your computer or your Internet connection. Try disabling Voip in options, try resetting the game settings. If it doesn’t help, then increase the speed of your Internet connection or upgrade your computer. However, the server itself may also have lags. Then when choosing a region, choose Russian and wait for new updates.

2 . B: I have a problem starting the game/registering an account.

A:Welcome to technical section in games. Or write to tech. support

3. B: What are the minimum system requirements for this game?

A: Minimum system requirements:
Core 2 Duo 2 GHz processor
RAM: 2 GB (3 GB for Vista / Windows 7)
Video card: nVidia GeForce 7800 256 MB
Free hard disk space: 20 GB

4. Q: Which server is better to play Obeya or Patriot?

O: The servers are the same. But according to the statistics of VKontakte responses, more Russians play on Patriot.

5. Q: What is Realtag?

A: This is a nickname.

3. Game specifics

1. B: Can you kill everyone in the game?

A: In the game, you can kill everyone only if you reach renown level 5. If your renown level is lower, then you can only kill quest opponents.

2. B: Can I play as a team?

A: The game was originally designed for team playthroughs. If you confirm automatic squad recruitment, then your squad will be formed automatically.

3. Q: Where can I get quests?

A: Quests are issued to squad leaders. They decide to take it or not. If the squad leader agrees to carry it out, then the whole team begins to carry it out. However, the team of the opposite group (bandits or security forces) is given a task to prevent the execution. That is, if you win, someone will lose.

4. B: How does the system throw quests and select opponents?

A: Quests are issued automatically, but sometimes quests appear in response to the actions of characters:

1) Players can ask for help if they can’t cope on their own.

2) Let's just say that you can “create” the quest yourself. Let me explain. If a cop sees a bandit robbing a store or stealing a car, he can inform on the criminal and then all the cops who are not currently on assignment will be asked to arrest this criminal.

As for levels, the system itself determines how good this player plays and sends it to a player either of the same skill level, or 2, 3, but with a weaker skill level.

5 . Q: Is there a car parking challenge in the game?

A: Yes, there is.

6. B:Can I show my car to the public.

A: Yes, you can show it by racing around the Acton area or put it on display in the Social area.

7 . B: Can I make a police uniform, a police car?

A: If your arms are straight, then you can do whatever your heart desires. Don't forget that some things can be made from standard shapes.

8. Q: What is fame/prestige?

A: Fame is your rating of how cool you are in the game. Enforcers have their own - serving the law, criminals have their own - violating the law. Fame is measured by stars from 1 to 5. Only if the first 4 can be obtained without completing quests, then the 5th level is earned only by quests.

9. B: What currency is there in the game?

A: There are 2 game currencies in the game. The first is APB$. They are given out for quests and can be obtained at the auction. The second is RTW points. They can only be obtained at auctions or by paying real money.

10. B: Which button can you knock on criminals?

A: If you haven’t changed anything in the controls, then by default this button is G.

11. Q: Are there clans in the game and are they needed there?

A: Yes, there are clans in the game. As in any network game, playing in clans is easier and more interesting. This game has a predisposition towards clans:

12.B: I heard you can make your own radio in the game?

A: Yes, there is such an opportunity when you travel with a car. The game can play music from your computer or music from your account in last.fm. So don’t be surprised if you hear chanson or pop music. =)

13. How do I find out where the machines with customization and weapons are located?

A: Watch the video, in the "San Paro survival guide" item 6 .So you will have to understand the map, but here everything is clear and simple. The video is in the chapter 1.Introduction to the game.

2. APB: Reloaded what's new?

1. B: Is this game paid? With a subscription fee?

ABOUT: No the game will be free the subscription will be removed, presumably there will be a donation. It is not yet known what the donation will consist of.

2 . B:When will the game be released?

A: Early next year.

3. B: When will the beta test be?

A: The beta test will be at the end of February. To get there you need
1) www.gamersfirst.com/apb/ follow this link - enter your e-mail here. (preferably.com);
2) Create a GamersFirst account. When registering this account, it is advisable to write the same e-mail (only .com is accepted there). www.gamersfirst.com- the address at which you need to register. Look for Sign Up at the top of the page, and it’s not difficult to figure it out.
After that wait. In the first week of February, you should receive a letter containing a unique link confirming your invitation to the beta test. There you will have to send your DxDiag file (data from your computer) and answer some questions, which will let the developers know what you think about yourself and whether they should take you on for a beta test. The beta test will last about 2 weeks, during which time employees need to test a lot of things, game bugs, server loads, intercontinental ping. Therefore, people from all countries will be invited, and as many as possible. It is also quite possible that there will be an Open Beta, but little is known about it yet.

4 B:What will change in the game?

A: According to the head of the company, the developers are fixing bugs and adjusting the balance in the game. APB: Reloaded will be similar to its predecessor, let's hope that it is similar in the best way and not with lags O_o

5 . Q: Will there be donations at the location in the game?

ABOUT: Most likely no, Maybe donate for clothes, for a car.

6 . B: Is it possible to earn real money in this game?

A: Because the payment regime has been revised, most likely it will be impossible to earn money, but cunning people will always cheat you on what to sell :)

1. General questions

. Q: What is APB?

A: APB is online game new generation. The game takes place in areas of the fictional city of San Paro, where clashes between security forces and bandits occur. You are given the choice of one of these two factions to fight either on " bright side", or on "dark".

2 . In it new part GTA?

A: No, this is not new GTA, Produced by a completely different studio. True, the person behind the development of GTA took part in the development of the game.

. B: How many districts are there in the game?

A: So far there are 3 districts. 2 Action districts and one Social.

4 . Q: What is an Action District? What is a Social District?

A: An action area is a combat area. Players here complete quests, or just ride around the city =) Social district is a social district. Here players communicate, customize their clothes and cars, create their own music, and sell clothes/cars/music at auctions.

5 . B: Will the game develop?

A: Yes, new areas will be added to the game soon. All DLC for the game will be free. Words from the developers: “If players want to crush zombies, we will add this area there, if they want racing, we will arrange racing areas for them, if they want parkour, we will arrange a parkour area.”

6.San Paro Survival Guide.

1. Introduction to the game.

I welcome you once again to the vastness of my FAQ. If you had the patience to read to this part, then you are lucky. Now the fun begins! To begin with, if you have never seen this game, let me show you 3 gameplay videos, which most clearly show life in San Paro. (Video from dukeimg.) The video is very detailed, taken from the game itself, there are locations in both the Action and Social areas. The Social area shows the location of all customization machines. I assure you it's better to see you once better than reviewing hundreds of screenshots.




2. Main types of weapons in the game:




Shotguns/sniper rifles


Weapon cartridges/grenades.

Pay attention:

1) Where the lightning is drawn, this is a weapon that shoots electrical charges.
2) Some types of weapons are given as a reward, But they can be bought at auctions.
3) Dart gun "TG-8" is used to apprehend criminals.

3.Types of cars in the game:

Cars highlighted in blue

are currently the fastest.

Balkan Ravan:

Charge Sentinel

Dolton Broadwing

Dolton Fresno

Han Cellante

Han Veo

Macchina Cosenza

Packer Ceresco

Sungyemun Moirai

Balkan Varzuga

Bishada GX 8800

Patriot V20 Jericho

Seiyo Espacio

Dolton Montane

Nomad-Outland Kurai

Patriot T-25

Charge Cisco

Charge Micro

Nulander Pioneer

Packer Vaquero

4. Customization

This game is different from many others Action games at least because you can become famous here not as a shooter, but as a designer. I offer you the initial steps in mastering this business:

Car tuning :

The video shows car tuning. Don't try to do something of your own at first. Try to do what is in the video. The first time you need to get used to the controls, see the standard figures.

Character Customization

The video shows the character customization options. Use these opportunities to the fullest. Get everything out of the editor that you have.

5. 11 tips for surviving in the “concrete jungle”.

1. Never let strangers check out your fluff!!!
2. When playing as bandits, make sure that the cops are not following you.
3. When playing as enforcers, stay in a group.
4. If you haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, run with the team and don’t be a hero.
5. It’s usually easier to get $ for crims.
6. More Russians play on Patriote, which means it will be easier to find a clan.
7. When choosing a clan, first look at how many people there are, etc. Typically, professional clans do not invite large numbers of people to join them. Good shooters are accepted into a good clan - remember this.
8. If someone annoys you, you can ignore him.
9. At the initial stages, if there is no clan, it is better to allow automatic squad recruitment.
10. The more famous you are, the more money you will earn.
11. There is always the opportunity to escape and fight to the end.

6. Conclusion.
As for quests, then they are all the same type. Bring it, take it away. protect, hack, etc. And there was no point in explaining each of them in this guide. On my own behalf, I want to say that the first month will be difficult at first to get used to with 20 hours of Action. Therefore, to purchase a game you need to add the purchase of a card for a month free game, those 400 RTW or 300 rubles. After this, an ordinary player will invest in this game no need to do it. Over the next month of playing, you will gain a lot of RTW if you devote at least an hour or two hours a day to the game. Interested? Ours will help you.


1 . Q:Where can I download the music track that plays when the game starts and what is it called?

A: Title: Audio Bullys - Gimme That Punk. He is lying down.

2. Q:Can I shoot video/take screenshots in the game?

A: Yes, this possibility exists.

3. Q: Let’s say the game interests me. Where can I buy it?

A: You can buy through an online store or in a store in your city, the city closest to you.

4. Q: Is there a free pirate server for APB?

A: At the moment it is known that one development team is working on pirate server Actiondistrict. The APB-emu.com project is closed.

FAQ made by gta_san.

I want to play! What to do, where to get the game, how to register an account?

It's simple. To register, you need to go to the website http://www.gamersfirst.com/ and click Join now!. Let's register :)

We return to the main page. Now press the adjacent button - Download free games. Download the installer LIVE! and install. Launch, select ARV, download. After installing the ARV, we use the account and password that we registered on gamersfirst.com to enter the game.

I registered, activated everything I needed, but I can’t log in - error 10010. It says the password is incorrect. But he's definitely right!

Check how long your password is. If it is longer than 12 characters, then you need to enter the game by entering the first 12 characters of the password.

First you need to create a character and choose the world to which he will be attached. So far there are 4 worlds. You need to choose Obey or Patriot, because... These servers are European and it will be best to play on them. Immediately after character creation, you will be taken to the tutorial area. Welcome to San Paro!

To start training, you need to press the English button K (or Y, when the offer to become ready is displayed). This will put you in Ready mode (this will appear on the left). Ready mode means you will receive missions. Once the mission is started, follow the markers on the map and complete the tasks, most of them are completed by pressing the F button.

I completed training and play as a Gopnik in sweatpants, this is not cool. How can I change my appearance, buy a normal car, make my own drawings?

All customizations in ARV take place in the General Area. You need to select a general district (Safe, or Social District) from the list and go there. Now it's time to get acquainted with the social life of ARV :)

In the general area you can find many different interactive things. The basis is made up of booths of different colors.

Orange is used to change the character's appearance. Here you can grow a beard, change your skin color, get tattoos and all that.

Purple - wardrobe. Clothes are bought here, tried on and changed here. To start changing clothes, you must first buy them.

Red - garage. Here you can buy a car, paint it, put new bumpers, wheels, etc. on it.

Green - auction. Serves for selling and buying things between players. Well, everything is simple here, the main thing is not to forget about the 20% tax. If you bought an item for 80k and put it up for sale for 90k, you will remain in the red.

Blue - album. Here you can create your own designs, which can then be used for clothing, cars or graffiti.

Belaya is a music editor. You can create your own track and play it to other players through the speakers.

I'm trying to dye my clothes but I'm running out of layers. Three layers is nonsense, too little!

You need to learn how to use the editor correctly. There are two options:

1) Try looking at the album first. Create the symbol that you want to see on your clothes and save it. Here you are limited to 25 layers. Go to the clothing editor and apply the symbol. As you can see, only 1 layer is filled, and it’s easier to operate with such a symbol.

2) If this was not enough, you will have to fork out more. A premium account will give you additional layers and symbols.

Both tips apply to cars as well.

In the game they throw grenades at me, where can I get them? Opponents crouch, peek around corners, and in general, in my opinion, they are cheaters.

The player receives grenades immediately after completing the tutorial. Look at the mail (inside the game there are mailboxes) and find a letter with a paperclip icon. Open the letter and click on the paperclip to get the contents. Then open your inventory (you need to be near the Joker Ammo box or contact) and equip the grenades.

Crouching, running, peeking around corners and many other useful features can be found by opening the control options. Try it, it's not difficult.

There are too many opponents on the mission! I am one, there are four of them!

Playing alone is not a good idea. But the game provides a button to call for help - English B. Press it and wait, as soon as the matchmaking finds suitable allies, they will be added to the mission and the game will become easier. Add players you liked playing with as friends - create a permanent squad and the game will take on a new meaning.

I’m running out of ammo very quickly, and for some reason there are no grenades at all, although I used them before, what should I do?

Use the cartridge box and don't forget to buy more ammunition. The cartridge box, like the grenades, came to you by mail after training. Equip the box into the perk slot through your inventory. In battle, it can be used on the 5 button. All squad members will be able to replenish their ammo by pressing the T button.

You need to buy ammunition in the red Joker Ammo box by pressing F. It is important to have a supply of ammunition and grenades so as not to be useless in the middle of the battle.

Why are there different contacts (connections) in the game? I upgraded one to the maximum, why take another?

Many things in the game are locked from the very beginning. For example, most weapons. To discover all the delights, you need to upgrade your relationships with contacts. More and more contacts will be opened, and as the final bosses of two organizations. Slots for perks on the character, slots for equipment, new missions and opportunities will open.

But where can I get money for everything? They don't give you much for missions.

Money can be received in different ways. The main way is, of course, completing missions. The remaining methods differ for criminals and enforcers.

Criminals can commit crimes in the open world - rob stores, steal cars, run over pedestrians. (Tip: save up for your own van, as it won't be stolen once you stock it with various goods).

Enforcers can catch criminals committing crimes and take their money.

We'll talk more about the examination system later, try it in the game and find out everything :)

You can also make good money at an auction by selling and buying various goods.

I bought myself a cool car, I’ve already upgraded a lot of contacts, but the parts for the car still haven’t opened.

That's right. Progression now unlocks only a small part of the details. The rest can be obtained in two ways:

1) A new messenger will appear in the game - Ophelia. A full-fledged racing based on checkpoints will be added. Depending on the type of car you are racing in, the racing style is selected. For example, Vegas is about drag racing, while micro racing puts the emphasis on control rather than speed. Winning such races will unlock parts for cars.

2) If you don’t have the time or desire to complete races, you can unlock body kits for G1 credits through the Armas subway.

Researchers from John Holland University's Zeno Labs have found that the life expectancy of newcomers to San Paro is approximately twice as long as the time spent in the city. This means that if you spent 10 minutes in the city, you there is a good chance of being killed in the next 10 minutes.
To help you avoid becoming one of these statistics, researchers have partnered with the San Paro police to give you some tips on how to increase your life expectancy.

Safety tips for San Paro:
...if you're in a city for 10 minutes, you have a good chance of getting killed in the next 10 minutes.

Be carefull
Punishers try to protect you, but vigilance is still the main factor in your safety. While confrontations in the past were limited to Enforcers and Criminals, innocent spectators were run over every day. Always be aware of oncoming traffic. And remember, in San Paro there is no difference between a launcher and a parking lot.

Equipment and consumables
All new residents of San Paro receive a “welcome pack” from the city hall. It includes initial firepower and transport. You can always purchase higher quality weapons and vehicles at your own expense.

Get a job
Many organizations in this city offer employment. They also provide support when needed. Please do not rely on SPPD to respond to requests for assistance from non-SPPD agents.

You are from Nasumi Clinic
Check out our Social District by pressing Escape and selecting "district select" from the menu. We offer a wide range of cosmetic services, including tattoo application and removal. To view the options, simply select the customization category and the appearance part you want to change.

Wardrobe by Effigy
If you have the ideal physique, show off all its advantages using a custom wardrobe. Press F10 in the SocialDistrict and you can find the perfect items to complement your look. If you want to blend in with the crowd, simply choose pieces from the Off-the-Shelf collection. For a unique look, select Create Your Own collection after clicking Add New Item.
To change an item from your wardrobe, select it from the list and click the Customize button. After this, you can change the color of independent clothing items. You will also be able to add logos and emblems as you wish.

The City Hall of San Paro encourages all newcomers to purchase new cars.
Punishers have the right to requisition transport as needed. To steal a car, approach it and press F. You will show the driver your ID, and you can help the driver get out of the car to take his place. If you have requisitioned a car, you can use the San Paro Valet Service, which will take you to any parking lot. Simply enter the name of the lot and press T to request delivery of your car. To drive, use W (forward), A (turn left), S (reverse), D (turn right). Use the spacebar as a brake. You can purchase vehicles in the Garage (press F11 in SocialDistrict.). After purchasing a new car, you can paint it, add logos and a license plate by selecting them from the Garage contents and clicking the Edit button.

Your Welcome to San Paro Kit should include the standard base and sub weapons. You can purchase new weapons in the Arsenal (F6). Each weapon has its own class, and can only be used by those who have the necessary skills. Collectors can purchase weapons even if they have exceeded the required level, but cannot use them.
To use a purchased weapon, you need to equip it. Press I to open the deployment window. Select the weapon category you would like to use by double-clicking on the bar at the top of the window. (It will be empty if you are not currently using a weapon or will contain the name of the current weapon.) Double tapping will open your inventory where you can select an item to equip. Don't forget to load the ammo (Pressing T or the ReloadAll button) before closing the window.

All newcomers to San Paro are encouraged to contact one of the Punisher groups. Representatives from the Praetorians and Prentiss Tigers are also present as part of a new outreach and recruitment programme.
The mayor's office recently reported that criminal organizations such as the Blood Roses and the G-Kings use similar techniques.
New hires will only be able to work with junior agents. Senior agents work with experienced Punishers who have shown loyalty to the organization and completed tasks.
When you contact an agent, he will offer you a task that matches your level. For each completed task you will receive money and influence. Those who participate in crime-related missions will gain fame, helping them to more easily identify criminal activities.

The San Paro Postal Service has suspended delivery of messages until the Punishers can ensure the safety of its personnel and vehicles on the streets.
As a temporary measure, all messages will be delivered to San Pero through a network of special mail stations. For security reasons, they were stationed close to the officially registered agents. To receive your email, simply log in by pressing F.
