Programs for creating marks on a city map. Services for creating interactive maps. Map view and traffic overlay

Long gone are the days when it was enough to indicate your address and phone number on the contact page. Today, any company that values ​​its customers must place a location map next to the address. This is very convenient, including from a UX point of view. Create simple map You can get directions using the Yandex.Maps or Google Map constructor. But sometimes you need something more complex - for example, a map may be needed for a presentation or to create infographics. In this case, you can use special online tools to create custom cards. Some of these tools allow you to create interactive maps that can present information in a user-friendly way. FreelanceToday brings you 10 free map making tools.

Animaps service expands functionality Google Maps, allowing you to create maps with animated markers. Markers move around the map, showing, for example, the route of movement. A very useful service for creating interactive infographics. Using Animaps, you can create a whole story about an event, accompanying it with text blocks and illustrations.

Easy to use, Scribble Maps has a variety of tools to create almost any kind of map. You can make a regular route map, but at the same time, the service can be useful for designers who would like to create colorful infographics. Scribble Maps allows you to add text, images, draw and color various geometric figures, place markers and much more. If you need infographics based on a map, you can’t think of a better tool. The finished map can be posted on a website, on a blog, or sent to a client by saving it in PDF format.

The creators of the MapTiler service made sure that user-created maps are displayed on any device. MapTiler is one of the most convenient applications for preparing tiles using the Google Maps API. Unfortunately, the free version of the program has very limited functionality, with which you can create only the simplest maps.

HeatmapTool is the best online tool for creating highly accurate heat maps. With this map you can quickly visualize data using different colors. The service allows you to control the radius, scaling and opacity of heat spots. Information can be updated in real time. Why was this service created? Primarily for visual display of any statistical data in a pre-selected region. You can make quite complex maps, for example, using the service you can show cellular network coverage, population density in the country and much more. The service is very powerful; it can be used to quickly process even very large volumes of statistical data.

After purchasing Nokia, Microsoft significantly improved its mapping service Bing Maps. Nokia maps have always been highly detailed and have good coverage, so you don't have to worry about accuracy. The functionality of the service cannot boast of variety, but there are quite enough tracks, markers and geometric shapes to create a fairly informative map. It is also possible to add images and text comments. After finishing the work, you need to save the result, after which Bing Maps will generate a link and code for embedding the map on the site.

The friendly user interface of the Click2Map service will help you quickly and easily create interactive maps of any level of complexity. The powerful functionality of the service will allow you to create professional maps in the shortest possible time. Using a large set of icons, you can personalize the map if you need to talk about a specific area of ​​activity. Thematic markers will allow users to easily navigate the map. Markers can also be used to determine the location of a specific point. The marker supports various types of content - text, images, HTML code. To gain access to all the features of the service, you will have to sign up for a paid subscription, but if you register a free account, you can create maps with a limited number of markers, a maximum of 10.

The ZeeMaps mapping service makes it easy to create, publish and share interactive maps. The service is based on Google Map and with its help you can create even very complex map with a lot of data. Statistics can be imported from Excel, Access, MS Outlook and other programs. There are no restrictions on the number of markers; information can be changed at any time according to the user's wishes. You can add pictures, text, audio files, and videos from YouTube to markers.

The UMapper application allows you to create embedded flash maps. UMapper's visual editor is intuitive and allows you to add markers, draw shapes, and add interactive elements to your map. The service takes cartographic data from Microsoft Virtual Earth, Google, Yahoo, OpenStreet, which makes it truly universal. You can even make money using the application - if the created card receives 50 thousand views in a month, the service will transfer $12.50 to the user’s account. The disadvantages of UMapper include a watermark that appears on the map when using free version and displaying embedded advertisements on the map.

GmapGis is a simple online application for drawing on Google maps. You can place markers, measure the distance between two points on the map, draw lines and geometric shapes. All functionality is presented at the top of the page, so there will be no problems using the service - everything is very clear. The result can be saved as a file or as a link. While using GmapGIS, a problem may occur - the user cannot draw a line or draw a figure. In this case, the developers recommend closing and opening the browser again. After this, you will have full access to all functionality.

Yandex.Maps is a mapping service that can be used to search for specific objects and obtain information about them. Any owner of an organization can register in Yandex.Directory and indicate the location of his company or office on Yandex.Map. Yandex Map Constructor is a service with which you can create a driving map or a list of stores to embed on your website.

On Yandex.Maps, any of your clients can then find your organization and get directions to it from their current location.

When searching in Yandex or directly on Maps, the user is shown the companies closest to him based on his request. This helps to attract customers who are near you.

This is our Russian analogue Google Maps, which in some cases is more convenient than the Western service. First of all, when it comes to domestic companies: Yandex. Maps update relevant information for Russia faster.

Why do you need a Yandex map on a website?

We have previously written about the factors that Yandex takes into account when ranking commercial sites. One of them is the full address, including a map (preferably interactive) on the contact page.

But this is only one of the reasons why you need a map on a web resource.

It is also needed for other purposes:

  • To show the client where you are, in what area of ​​the city. For many people, it’s easier to navigate using a map rather than an address.
  • Using the map, the client will be able to get directions or a route on how to get from their current location to your store, cafe or office. Moreover, if the site has an interactive map, it will not need to leave your site.
  • If you have several points of sale or offices, you can indicate them all on the map. The client will choose where to get to closer, more conveniently and faster.

Those companies that only talk about their offer through the website and complete the transaction take place offline cannot do without a card. These are workshops, shops, beauty salons, various industries, pharmacies and hospitals. Let's figure out how to use the Yandex map designer to create a driving map or a list of addresses for installation on a website.

To embed a Yandex map, you need:

  • Create a map in the constructor;
  • Get the card code;
  • Paste the code into the site (it is suitable for sites on any CMS).

There is a special service for creating maps - Yandex Map Constructor.

If you have mail on Yandex, you can go to the service and immediately start creating a map. Click the "Create Map" button.

You will see a work field where you can create your own map. All maps you create will be saved in the map list.

Let's try to create a map. Let's consider an example: your office is located 10 minutes walk from the metro. You want to indicate on the map the route from the metro to your office.

First of all, we name and set a description of our card (not necessary; but it will be more convenient, especially if there are several cards).

Then you start editing the map. On the map you can:

  • Place tags;
  • Draw lines and polygons;
  • Provide information about traffic jams (it will be pulled up automatically, Yandex itself will take care of this);
  • Create layers.

Let's go back to the example. We need to indicate the path from the metro station to our office. We find the desired station on the map, then select the “Lines” tool and simply draw the path with the mouse. Then we can adjust the appearance of the line: thickness, transparency, color. As you can see, the designer immediately calculated how many meters needed to be walked.

Then I propose to also put a mark indicating the office. Select the “Marks” tool and place a mark by simply clicking the mouse in the desired place. Then we customize the label: write a description, select a color and type.

  • Interactive – you can zoom in, zoom out, and fully interact with the map;
  • Static – will appear on the website in the form of a simple picture. Suitable if you know that your target audience mostly has a slow connection.

It is better, of course, to use an interactive map.

Let's try to create a map for the case if you have two stores or two offices in the same area.

We create in the same way new map, name it and write a description. Then select the “Marks” tool. We put a mark in the right place and configure it.

This will be an indication of the first office (store, salon, branch). Now you need to specify the second one. We do everything exactly the same, only I choose a different color for this label - to differentiate. Let it be green.

That's it, the map is ready. You can save and embed on the site. Even if for some reason you cannot do this now, you will always find ready-made cards in the list of cards:

As I wrote above, after creating a map you need to copy the code and embed it on the site.

After you have created the card, click “Get card code”. You will see a piece of code that needs to be embedded into the site.

Usually a map is posted on the website:

  • On the "Contacts" page;
  • In the footer of the site;
  • Less often - on home page or the “Delivery and Payment” page (mainly when it comes to pickup).

Having a ready-made map code, it’s easy to insert it into the site. I will tell you several ways, primarily for WordPress site owners. You can even make the settings yourself.

Let's look at how to insert a map on a WordPress website on the Contact page. We already have our address and phone number written on this page, and below all the content there will be a map.

We go to the administrative panel of the site. Go to the “Pages” section:

Then we find our “Contacts” page there and select “Edit”. Switch the editor from “Visual” to “Text” mode. In the map designer, select the iframe code and copy it:

At the very bottom, after the text, insert this code and update the page.

Here is our map now on the website:

You can edit the width and height directly in the code provided by Yandex (tags width, height - set the desired numerical value in quotes).

Another option for placing a map, which is often used on landing pages, is to insert the map into the footer (footer) of the site. To do this, you will need to edit the HTML code of the page by inserting the code suggested by the designer.

On WordPress, you can edit the footer through the admin panel. Come in Appearance– Editor – Footer:

To edit a file, you need to have at least basic knowledge of HTML. If everything is not so good with this, it is better to entrust the work to a web developer (you can even find a craftsman as a freelancer).

Yandex.Maps plugins

For different CMSs, you can use official map plugins, or modules that allow for quick integration.

For example:

  • For 1C Bitrix: “Your network of offices on the map” and “Yandex.Map of information block objects”;
  • For Drupal: “Geofield Yandex Maps”;
  • For WordPress: “Yandex Maps API”;
  • For Joomla!: “Yandex.Maps for Joomla” and others.

You can see the full list of plugins in Yandex Help.

As you can see, making and embedding a Yandex map on a website is not that difficult, and with basic knowledge of HTML you can do it yourself.

Take care of your customers and help them find your store, restaurant, beauty salon or office faster. Create a map and place it on your website.

(good stuff), today we will again talk about the service from Yandex and again about cards, but not about plastic or playing cards, but about area maps. Let's consider the map designer from Yandex, with which you can create, for example, a map of the route to your office and hang it on the website. The article provides detailed instructions on setting up the Yandex Maps service for the contact page of a personal website.

Opportunity to help clients get to Right place- this is a significant contribution to business development; the more people reach the right place, the higher the income and profit will be. So, if your business is somehow tied to objects on the ground, then insert good map It’s a must to visit the site.

Why do you need an interactive map?
  • Convenient for the client - it’s easy to plan a route taking into account all current changes, since Yandex quickly enters data on repairs and new buildings on its maps.
  • It’s convenient for the site owner - all adjustments are made to the map automatically; you just need to insert the map once into the site, then the updates are downloaded from the Yandex database themselves.
  • Raises the authority and level of trust in the organization. Although any caricature-montage office can make such a gadget, on a subconscious level a site with an interactive map is perceived better.
  • In the old days, office addresses, access and travel routes, various interesting objects, etc. marked on pictures depicting the map and posted on the website as a regular jpg or png file. The problem was that they could not take into account temporary repairs, traffic jams or other changes in the terrain, and were not able to suggest individual routes from different directions.

    With the development of Internet services such as Yandex Maps and Google Maps, it became possible to make maps alive - interactive. These can be turned into different sides, change the scale, set routes from different points, plan your movement taking into account traffic jams and much more.

    The presence of a convenient directions on the contact page is now a rule of good form for any company.

    And in order to help you make your web resource more welcoming to people, I will tell you how to add a Yandex map to your site; this is done very easily using a special constructor (no more difficult than).

    Yandex map designer

    If you do not have an account in Yandex, then you will need to create one, since without this you will not be able to construct anything; the service will ask you to log in or register. There is no need to be scared, registration means creating a mailbox on Yandex. Even if you don’t need it to work with email, it will be useful for other search engine services, for example, Yandex Metrica or Yandex Webmaster.

    The procedure begins from this page –

    Since you are reading this article, it means that you are logging in for the first time and you do not have any previously saved cards, all you have to do is select the left yellow button “Create a new card”. From this moment, the formation of individual map settings for the desired area begins.

    The trick is that you can insert not just a Yandex map with an exact address, but a map with any number of objects highlighted with different markers and colors - objects, points, routes.

    All settings are made in the visual designer, no codes will have to be edited, the adaptation work differs little from the usual use of Yandex maps by the user. Let's start by adding objects.

    Adding objects

    The first tool will be the search form, which is located at the top of the map. With its help, we can find the desired point by address, coordinates or name. Enter the request data in the field, example with the address “Moscow, Red Square”:

    After clicking on the find button, a point will appear on the terrain corresponding to the location of the specified object. You can insert many objects. Example with the Kremlin:

    Each point can be configured so that it differs from other objects and is easily distinguishable on the map - the color and shape change, and you can also add a unique icon inside if you click on the “Content” drop-down menu. This is convenient if objects are on the map being created there are many and they can be classified into different groups.

    On the left is a list of all addresses marked on the map.

    Changing the scale and position

    Using the “+” and “-” keys located in the upper left part of the layout, the optimal scale is set. Full map Russia is not needed to navigate around the center of Moscow and, if you are specifying a point object in a city, it is better to adjust the scale to a level where the names of streets and surrounding houses are distinguishable.

    To move the card in different directions, you need to grab it by pressing the left mouse button and move it where you want.

    Object outlines (polygons) and lines

    If it is necessary to highlight the outlines of any element on maps, when indicating with a point is not enough, we use the “Polygons” tool. By placing one point after another, we get a perimeter filled inside with a certain color.

    There can be any number of points, therefore, the figure shaded on the map allows for any degree of complexity. You can complete the construction of the contour by clicking on the last set point or switching to any other button of the designer (for example, on a line). I highlighted the contours of the Moscow Kremlin along its wall:

    Lines are drawn using the “Lines” button. All actions are similar to the previous tool, only the space between the points is not painted over. Using lines on the Yandex map, you can draw traffic routes (passage, passage).

    In this way you can show the optimal route for sightseeing.

    We confirm the end point by clicking it again with the mouse, there will be a “Delete” / “Finish” menu. After selecting the end, a field opens for labeling the end point and setting line parameters (thickness, color, transparency).

    We complete the route by clicking on “Finish”.

    Map view and traffic overlay

    The final touch that allows you to give the card special properties– this is the application of traffic jams, there is a separate button for this. Honestly, I doubt that such an option will be often in demand for maps inserted into a website, since people more often use navigators to drive a car than built-in maps.

    But switching modes between circuit, satellite and hybrid can be useful.

    A satellite view gives the surrounding objects their real appearance and it is easier to recognize them on such a map than the schematic rectangles of a diagram.

    Title and description

    In order for us to be able to return to the created map in the future to correct it or to get the embed code again, we need to come up with a name and description for it, and then save it.

    Card code for inserting into the site

    Our map is already ready and now we need to get its code to insert it into the site. Yandex makes it possible to do:

    • interactive map (which I talked about from the very beginning);
    • static - an ordinary picture, only with a sophisticated code, you cannot move anything in it, in addition, the maximum number of objects is limited;
    • printed – high quality image file, not all countries are supported, mainly the CIS and Turkey, satellite and hybrid versions are not supported.

    The choice between them will be displayed immediately after saving.

    In the same menu you can set the final size in pixels. You can set it manually or by moving the corners of the frame around the selected area on the right. The “Stretch to width” checkbox causes the map to take up all the space on the site, resting against the edges of the block where it is displayed.

    At this stage, it is possible to return to editing the map; in the upper left part of the window there is a corresponding inscription with an arrow.

    The final code appears after clicking on the “Get card code” button, mine looks like this:

    When you select a printed map, a choice of file format will be added - png or jpg, and, accordingly, there will be no code - a download button will appear instead. Such a file can also be inserted onto the site, but you will need to upload it to the hosting and, if your site does not have a visual editor, you will need to write the image in HTML tags (src)

    How to insert a Yandex card on a website

    We have received the code, now we need to transfer it to our web resource. Any place is suitable for placement, as long as the dimensions fit. If you use designers or visual editors, do not forget to switch them to text (HTML) mode when inserting code. Like this:

    Map I made

    This is what I got after all the settings:

    This element is convenient for everyone - the necessary objects are highlighted and the scale is selected as expected. In addition, the Yandex service allows the user to determine his location (the arrow in the upper left corner) and create an individual route to the desired point.

    The map can be expanded to full screen using the button in the upper right corner in the form of two arrows diverging in different directions. Now about plugins.

    Plugins for WordPress and other CMS

    Previously, it was more difficult to make maps and many people used special plugins for these purposes, for example, for WordPress there was this one - Yandex Maps for WordPress. Now no APIs are needed and any user with minimal knowledge can figure out how to set everything up, so I don’t see the point in plugins. The plugin mentioned above is proof of this - it has not been updated for more than 2 years, apparently there is no demand.

    Among the relatively relevant ones, I found the Yandex Maps API (updated 4 months ago) and Oi Yandex.Maps for WordPress (5 months ago). If you want to play with plugins, you will find them in the WordPress repository by searching, and how to install plugins.

    You have seen for yourself that preparing a map and placing it on your resource is much faster than reading these instructions; now each of your resources will delight its visitors with such a convenient feature.

    The winter cold outside the window and drifts on the roads are not very pleasing to lovers of active recreation and tourism, but they provide enough time to finally sort out pictures, routes and impressions from past hikes. Therefore, now is the time best time to write reports about your adventures and develop routes for the future. Of course, all travelers know and actively use the excellent Google Maps service for these purposes. However, the list of map services does not end there, and in this article you will learn about worthy alternative tools for creating, publishing and analyzing custom maps.

    What sets Scribble Maps online service apart from many of its competitors is that this service is perfect for both beginners and cartography experts. Its simplicity and functionality make Scribble Maps one of the most popular mapping applications in education and science. The service offers users a wide range of capabilities, including marking maps, measuring distances, importing data in KML format, importing tabular data, applying custom labels, text, images and much more.

    Open Street Map

    Service Open Street Map(OSM) professes the same principles that formed the basis for the creation of the world famous Wikipedia. All the information here was collected through the efforts of tens of thousands of volunteers who provide the project with data from personal GPS trackers, aerial photography, video recordings, satellite images and street panoramas. While the accuracy of this data varies greatly by region, it is safe to say that OSM contains more detailed and up-to-date information than Google Maps for some areas.

    The map editing function is available to all registered users. You can export data from your GPS device, draw routes manually, place markers, mark interesting and memorable places, give descriptions and comments. It is possible to export maps in OpenStreetMap XML format or as an image (PNG, JPEG, SVG, PD), and you can also get HTML code for inserting into any website.


    Although Build-A-Map comes across as a little frivolous with its big, flashy icons, it's still a mature tool for creating maps and diagrams. The source of cartographic information here is Google Maps, on top of which the user can create his own layers and apply the necessary data to them.

    The Build-A-Map service allows you to add not only banal marks and tracks, but also text labels, circles, polygonal shapes, lightboxes with photographs, plot routes, and so on. To all this, you can add weather information, Google Places points, and pictures from the Panoramio photo hosting site. The map obtained in this way can be saved in the service storage and shown a link to it, or you can receive a code for embedding in a web page.


    The Tripline service is unlikely to be able to help in developing a route for serious travel, but it is simply ideal for creating a multimedia presentation about the roads traveled. In its work, the service combines three components: a track of your route, photos and musical accompaniment, best representing the spirit of your adventure.

    By combining all this together, the service will generate a spectacular story about your impressions, during which the viewer will move around the map along the route you took and see photographs linked to the shooting location. All this accompanied by wonderful music, of course. Having spent one effort after your trip on creating such an interactive report, you can paste it onto your page or blog, send it to all your relatives and publish it on social networks.


    ZeeMaps provides users with a fast and easy way to create and share interactive maps of the world. With its help, you can visualize tracks in KML, KMZ or GeoRSS formats on the map, add your marks and comments. Distinctive feature This service is able to work with tabular data. So, if you have a table with the coordinates of the necessary points or, for example, the residential addresses of your clients, then you can feed this data to ZeeMaps, and it will accurately plot them on the map.

    All cards are stored on the service’s servers and can be accessed at any time using a unique link. In addition, it is possible to print the map, save it as an image and receive an html code for embedding in a website or blog.


    This service is interesting because it allows you not only to plot a track on a map, but also to see what it will look like in reality. TripGeo uses data from Google Maps and Google Street View and combines them into one interface, allowing you to take a virtual trip along your chosen route.

    You will need to indicate the start and finish point, as well as the desired method of transportation (car, bicycle, foot). In addition, you should specify a few more parameters regarding rendering speed and image scale, after which TripGeo will select the optimal trajectory for you and immediately create a special widget in which the lower part will display the map, and the upper part will display the map. real view this place. All you have to do is click on the Play button and go on a journey.

    The TripGeo service can serve well not only when preparing a trip, allowing you to more accurately find out information about the area, but also if you need a detailed explanation, for example to city guests, of driving directions. Now you don’t have to explain over the phone the signs of the street you need to turn onto, you simply send a link to the route created in TripGeo, and the person will definitely get to their destination.

    The QuickMaps service lives up to its name: you can make a map here as quickly as possible. To do this, you don’t even need to register - just come up with a name for the card, short description and you can get down to business.

    Although at first glance it may seem that there are not so many tools here, in fact everything you need is present. You can mark tracks with straight lines or free-hand drawing, make text notes, import KML or GPX files from the Web and upload them from your computer. And in terms of various markers, QuickMaps can give a head start to much more serious services.

    Map constructor (Yandex)

    This service is part of the Yandex.Maps project and, of course, draws information from there. In many cases, especially when it comes to the territory of Ukraine or Russia, this data may be even more accurate and detailed than that of foreign competitors. The map constructor allows you to plot a route, measure distances, draw polygons, and place points on the map area you need. Markers here can only be of one type, but each can be accompanied by a number and a comment that will appear when you click on the point.

    You can save the finished map and immediately receive a code to insert into your website or blog. The service's capabilities are best suited for creating interactive maps, showing, for example, the location of your business or store, travel route or meeting point for a social event.


    As the creators of the service hint to us in its name, it is used to create animated maps. With its help, you can create a real multimedia presentation, where routes will be drawn according to the scenario you specify, markers will appear and disappear, and photographs and even videos will be shown at the right points. To evaluate the capabilities of the service, it is best to look at one of the maps created by it.

    The main feature of this service is that you can use it to fairly accurately display not only the events that happened to you along the way, but also the time dynamics of the trip. Thus, Animaps is probably the most suitable service for creating an interactive report, after viewing which everyone will receive comprehensive information about your trip.

    Bing Maps

    The Bing Maps mapping service has long been somewhat in the shadow of its main competitor. And it was completely in vain - after the beginning of the friendship between Microsoft and Nokia, this service began to use data from Nokia Maps, which has always been distinguished by good coverage and excellent detail.

    Within Bing Maps, the user receives only the minimum functions necessary to build a map, namely placing markers, drawing tracks and polygons with various types of lines, adding photos and comments.

    To demonstrate the finished map, you need to save it, after which you can receive a direct link to the map and a code for embedding into any web page.


    In this article, we looked at ten services designed for creating, editing and publishing custom maps. They all have their own features and different functionality, so choosing the best one greatly depends on the tasks you face. If you just need to make a driving map for the site, then the easiest and most convenient way is to use the Map Constructor from Yandex or QuickMaps. If you need to make an informative report about your trip, it is better to pay attention to Tripline and Animaps, which allow you not only to attach photos and videos to the track, but also wrap it all in an effective package. Well, for really serious work with maps, you should use Scribble Maps or Open Street Map, which have very rich functionality.

    I am writing a post so that, using 7 pictures, you can create maps of your travels around the Republic of Belarus, those points that you have already written about and that you will write about again. Both you and we need this :)
    It will help you (the authors) to structure your trips and write reports. It will help us (readers) to pave new routes and see the unprecedented!
    This post is especially dedicated to taborovtsova, victogan, azarkinm, whom I already advised to create cards :)
    And to many friends (including mutual ones) who constantly travel the country!
    So, 7 pictures:
    (you need an account with the Good Corporation, so if you still don’t have one, then it’s time to make up for it!)

    1. No explanation needed

    2. Explanations are unnecessary.

    3. Explanation is unnecessary

    4. We do it in the indicated order, guided by imagination and inspiration in writing the name :)

    So, an empty card with a name has already been created! Now all that's left to do is apply the dots!

    5. Explanations are unnecessary.

    6. Do it in the indicated order. Steps from 1st to 5th repeat n number of times (the more points, the happier the readers!). After finishing drawing the dots (or when it’s time to leave work:) click the “Finish” button. You can continue editing the map on the next business day.

    And 7! Share a link to your map or paste the code into a blog (subject to HTML editing)

    That's all. Now you see where you have been most and where you missed. Congratulations!

    See also:

    Indian Solitaire