Walkthrough of additional tasks of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Storyline of Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Payne where

DEMON GLASSES. The game has a hidden karma indicator. If you prefer to play aggressively, the shard in Snake's head will gradually grow, increasingly resembling a horn. Eventually you will reach the Demon Snake stage and Big Boss will be covered in indelible blood. The fastest way to gain demon points is to burn hostages, enemies and subordinates, finish off the wounded, deal critical damage to partners and develop nuclear weapons. Merciful acts like Fulton saving people and animals and destroying nuclear weapons take away demon points.

EASTER EGGS EVERYWHERE. In Africa, a recording from P.T., the famous interactive teaser for the canceled Silent Hills, can be heard on the radio. Also in the game you can upgrade an active “false target”, and then instead of a rubber Snake, it will take the form of Lisa from the same P.T.

CHICKEN HAT- one of the most easily accessible jokes. It is offered to be worn after three mission failures, but can be activated at any time in the settings. In this ridiculous hat, the player does not have to be afraid of detection: the enemy who notices Big Boss, instead of announcing the alarm, will begin to choke with laughter. But keep in mind that after the third discovery, the hat disappears until the next mission. Or attempts.

A GAME There are a lot of references to literature. For example, the pig's head on Eli's desk (and jacket) is a tribute to William Golding's Lord of the Flies. But it was George Orwell's 1984 that received the most attention.

REFLECTION in the helicopter window it shows not Big Boss, but the avatar that you created in the prologue of the game. To see it, zoom in on the camera from a certain angle. And think about what that might mean in the context of history.

OFTEN Hidden sound effects can be found. The running punch with the bionic arm references the movie The Six Million Dollar Man.

BIRTHDAY. If you return to the base on the day that you noted as your birthday in the prologue, you will see a cut-scene with congratulations from your subordinates. Snake will even receive a special gift.

SHOWER not only washes away the blood from Big Boss, it restores his strength and gets rid of dirt. If you don't wash for too long, Big Boss will start to stink - and enemies will notice his scent. Ultimately, the next time you return to base, you will be shown a video where Big Boss, covered in flies, comes out of a helicopter, his soldier turns away from the stench, and Ocelot pours a bucket of water on him.

TIKHONE got a lot of special cut scenes and hidden animations. In the helicopter, turning on the first person view, you can see how she tries to seduce Big Boss in different ways. And if you have won her full trust and take her with you on missions, then some of the videos will change. Let's say, the happy birthday scene will change, and instead of a bucket of water from Ocelot, you will get the opportunity to take a shower with Quiet.

QUIET not only hums Sins of the Father, but also listens to Snake Eater, the main theme of MGS 3, in his cell.

ELIMINATE the enemy can be attacked in a dozen non-obvious ways. Throw an empty machine gun magazine at his head, activate a decoy (inflatable Snake) near him, jump on him from a height, throw the body of another enemy (or hostage) at him, mark him as a landing point for supplies or transport. Even unnoticeably hang C-4 on his butt. Experiment!

IF YOU HAPPENED TO THE MISSION, in the helicopter, Wig Boss will have a catheter tube sticking out of his arm.

AIMING at the enemy point-blank, you will force him to surrender. He will put down his weapon and, on command, can lie down on the ground or tell you the necessary information - about hidden hostages, resources or routes of other soldiers (the same can be found out by capturing the enemy). Be careful: if you don't aim for a few seconds, enemies will jump up and draw their weapons. And some may immediately grab a knife to rush at Snake.

SENTINELS ADAPT to your tactics. As the game progresses, opponents will be better armed, planting inflatable decoys and mines. The more times you eliminate enemies with headshots, the more soldiers will appear with helmets that prevent one-shot kills and that send off paralyzing darts. If you prefer night, there will be more soldiers with infrared goggles. But by sending your soldiers on missions to destroy enemy supplies, you can reduce the number of equipped enemies to a minimum for several missions ahead.

KOJIMA loves to come up with explanations for game pieces. The phantom cigar speeds up time for a reason. but because it contains special psychoactive plants that affect the perception of time.

ENEMIES ARE PEOPLE TOO. In a sandstorm, soldiers cover their eyes with their hands; in rain, they try to find shelter. Shooting a tranquilizer dart will make them itch, and if you put a knocked-out enemy on a bed, other soldiers will not pay attention to him. If they see him in any other place, they can reprimand him for sleeping on duty. If a patrolman reports a suspicious box to headquarters, he will receive a scolding for stupidity. But another detail is especially interesting: sometimes a grenade thrown into a crowd can force one of the soldiers to cover it with his body in order to protect his comrades.

FULTON BALL You can burst with a shot. The enemies know this too - and will certainly prevent you from transporting their comrades to the base. Please also note that the Fulton does not work if there is an obstacle above the target (say, a roof), and bad weather reduces the likelihood that the target will reach the helicopter rather than crash. Also, enemies may notice the disappearance of a stationary weapon or a container with resources, but the disappearance of other patrols will not cause suspicion if you send them into the sky at least at a distance of thirty to forty meters.

EVACUATE QUICKLY You can also use Fulton, you just need to pump him up. When you can pick up vehicles and containers, you will be able to go into the sky with them - you just need to get used to it.

SOME SOLDIERS Snake has a special "badass" characteristic. Because of them, other fighters are sometimes sent to the medical bay.

SKILLS fighters give you access to new opportunities. For example, a recruited translator will allow you to interrogate enemies who speak a certain language, and a dog handler will help you design a combat suit for your dog. But there is also a special specialist - the legendary gunsmith. Once you have it in your army, you will be able to flexibly customize your weapon. To do this, you will need to perform a series of special side-ops. The remaining specialists can be identified by interrogating soldiers or upgrading binoculars, then when you point at a soldier, they will display his characteristics and possible skills.

IF EQUIPPED Snake has a silver shield, it will protect you from damage, even when resting on your back. Therefore, by climbing into the D-Walker with a shield, Snake becomes virtually invulnerable from any direction.

REINFORCEMENTS in alarm mode they come only if an enemy fighter contacts headquarters and requests help. To avoid this, you need to either have time to kill/put to sleep the soldier with the walkie-talkie, or destroy all communication dishes in the camp. To destroy plates quietly, without explosions and unnecessary attention, you will have to develop and take with you... a water pistol. If you eliminate the enemy when he managed to get in touch, but did not have time to report the situation, the nearest soldiers will be sent to search for him.

SPECIAL REWARDS The game gives out for fulfilling certain conditions. For example, you can develop a water pistol when you save the children in the 18th mission, completing side operation 143 will allow you to “develop” that same Boss bandana, and for capturing the legendary jackal you can create a Fulton portal: it cannot be interrupted, it will never fails and works even under the roof. Some rewards are unlocked for a specific play style - say, the Fulton's third upgrade will be available when you send 500 people into the sky with them.

Anyway, WATER GUN- a useless toy, which, however, can be successfully used on the battlefield. By approaching the enemy from behind with this “weapon,” you can force him to lie down on the ground. You can also use a water pistol to distract enemies - you simply spray water in a certain direction, the enemy hears the sound and goes to check what is happening there. With its help, you can put out fires, creating dark areas in which it is so easy to hide from clueless opponents. The water jet detonates the mines. Well, if you accurately spray it in the enemy’s face, the effect will be exactly the same as that of a stun grenade (the enemy will be disoriented for 3-4 seconds). And lastly, water destroys any electronics, so it is now possible to disable communication devices, radio transmitters and light switches without “noise and dust.” But this pistol is powerless against a fiery man.

IF DESTROYED communication dishes right before the C2W mission, it will end right after the opening credits.

LIKE THE FAMOUS BOSS The End from MGS 3. The quiet one can photosynthesize - and can fight a sniper duel with Snake as much as he likes. However, nothing prevents you from simply summoning a box of supplies on her head/

ADDITIONAL COSTUMES open as a reward option. Thus, Raiden's cyberninja suit will be available if you complete all main missions with an S rank. This condition does not apply to missions marked Extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth. The Raiden suit will make Snake much faster and allow him to jump much further. The Gray Fox costume will unlock after completing the main missions on increased difficulty (available after completing the game for the first time). Other costumes (silver and gold Naked Snake) are unlocked by completing additional missions, and a cool Diamond Dogs leather jacket for completing Secret Mission 46.

TRANSFER saving from the prologue of Ground Zeroes will give you access to the Solid Snake costume and the Big Boss costume from the prologue, and at the same time will allow you to replenish the base with new recruits. For example, Hideo Kojima, whose characteristics are turned to the maximum. It's a pity that he is assigned to a specific squad and cannot be played as him. By the way, if you didn't save Kojima in Ground Zeroes, you will have this opportunity in The Phantom Pain - in one of the additional missions.

FOR THE QUIET The game also has a special costume in store. If you defeat her in a duel in Expert mode, you can dress the girl in the costume of Sniper Wolf - the most charming boss of the first part Metal Gear Solid. Quiet's other costumes open by themselves, you just need to get her to agree.

YOU CAN PLAY NOT ONLY AS BIG BOSS. You are free to choose any fighter from the task force for any mission. Moreover, both men and women received voiceovers for interrogating opponents. But keep in mind, especially if you are storming another player's FOB, that only Snake has the ability to use the prosthetic dowser and that the insufficient skill level of the other fighter affects the gameplay for him. And only Snake will return from the mission alive in any case. An operative killed on a mission will die forever.

MANY OPPORTUNITIES You will have to figure out the controls yourself. For example, that some rocks have cracks that you can climb. Snake can also roll on the ground, pretend to be dead, and lower his head while sitting in a truck.

EVERY PARTNER brings its tactical benefits. The horse is the most secretive vehicle in the game, because Snake can slide onto its side so that enemies cannot see him. The dog is the best at marking surrounding enemies, can attack on command and help you out in close combat: if you take aim at an enemy and he pulls out a knife, the dog will not allow you to hit Snake and cause an alarm. D-Walker makes Snake faster and stronger without taking away his ability to sneak up on enemies. The quiet one marks enemies and can support with sniper fire: shoot at a selected enemy on command, take out a soldier who noticed you, and even shoot at a grenade thrown by Snake so that it detonates faster.

QUIET ORDERS CAN BE GIVEN via the iDroid menu. In the "partner support" section, you can send her to any sniper position in the area to reconnoiter the area or prepare for an attack.

TRUST OF PARTNERS increases if Snake takes them on main missions and uses them in battle. Increased trust allows them to develop new equipment and opens up new teams. For example, a horse can be trained to defecate on command - manure on the road will temporarily disable enemy vehicles, and the dog will learn to attack enemies and distract their attention by barking.

AUDIO CASSETTES are responsible for half of the game's plot. Only there can you find out that Ocelot’s nickname, Shalashaska, came from his two other nicknames - Shashka and Sharashka. You can listen to story recordings at any time. The game also has a player, and in order to add new songs to the playlist, you need to find them on tape recorders scattered throughout enemy camps. PC players are free to load any audio files from their hard drive into the player, be it a favorite song or a recording of a legendary scene from the movie “Blood and Concrete” - they just need to drop the files into the CustomSoundtrack folder located in the game folder.

FOR HELICOPTER you can develop a loudspeaker, after which the “put a track on a helicopter” function will appear in the player menu. Then the loudspeaker will constantly broadcast your chosen track (including custom ones) to the entire area. This will not affect the gameplay in any way, but will cheer you up.

Developing a loudspeaker for a helicopter (Droid > Mother Base > Development > Helicopter):

Turn on the music (iDroid > Missions > Cassette Tapes):

SOME AUDIO RECORDINGS ARE USEFUL. If you have at least 60% trust in Tikhoni, after completing any mission with her you will receive a cassette on which she sings the song Sins of the Father. As long as you play this tape, Snake's hands will not shake when aiming. In some places you can find a tape with the sounds of a soldier defecating (Johnny Sasaki's father?). If you lock yourself in the toilet and turn it on, enemies who notice you will stop searching (unless they are in alarm mode). African and Afghani music causes nearby opponents from their respective regions to go to sleep. You can also find tapes with the voices of soldiers - they can stop the alarm. All useful cassettes break over time, but can be found again.

CASSETTES WITH ANIMAL SOUND allow you not to scare away animals of the same species as in the recording. To get them, send an animal with a Fulton, and at the base on a special platform you can find the corresponding cassette. The animal platform is located separately and can only be accessed from a helicopter. In the menu for selecting a landing point at the base, you will need to press a special button that will appear on the screen. By the way, an audio recording of a bear roaring scares away enemy soldiers.

ANIMALS CAN BE USED IN BATTLE. You just need to develop a bait and use it near the enemy base. If she attracts aggressive beasts, they will occupy the soldiers for some time. Snake's pets are not far behind: the dog can be taught the "front" command, and the horse can be left in the middle of the road. At the sight of a horse, the enemy vehicle will stop, and the driver will try to drive the animal away.

BASED ON A LOT OF INTERESTING, but no one will lead you by the hand. For example, on the main platform you will eventually be able to find posters of Paz Ortega, drawn in an anime style, and use them as box stickers. Each platform has a side quest with a shooting gallery, and by exploring the base you can find diamonds and emblems to customize your own logo. The patrol officers can help you with this: interrogate them, they will tell you where they saw the good. Interrogation, like beating, will only increase the morale of your soldiers, because Big Boss himself blessed them with his attention!

MANY OPTIONAL SCENES appear on the base in random order. For example, a cutscene in which Ocelot teaches the fighters what Big Boss explained to him in Metal Gear Solid 3. But some episodes will have to be found. So, at the very top of the medical platform you will find a door with a blue lamp above it. Enter there and you'll be treated to one of the most powerful optional scenes in the game. If you have played previous games in the series, you will be impressed for a long time.

HIDDEN REPLICAS There's a lot in the game too. For example, when you save Kaz in the first mission, he will ask you to say the words he has been waiting for nine years. If you press the right button, the Boss will say his signature “Kept you waiting, huh?”, and if you shoot Ocelot with a tranquilizer at the base, he will mainly say that he is trained to resist its action, but sometimes he can react differently: for example, to name a few Japanese names, say “2+2=5” (a reference to Orwell’s “1984”) or the famous “La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo” - the code name for the Patriots.

SPECIAL HIDDEN CUT SCENE will only appear if all players in The Phantom Pain get rid of nuclear weapons. But this is such a utopian condition that it was found only in the game files.

FASTEST The way to move around the base and enemy camps is a box. To use it in the game, there are special transport platforms located at the very edge of the camps. But in order to get to the desired platform, you must first take the corresponding sticker from it. Then you can return to it from any other platform: just stand on it, put on the box and hold down the button that will appear on the screen. You can only move within the biome (it’s impossible to get to Afghanistan from Africa or from the base) and only if the alarm is not turned on at the base.

It’s a pity that the enemies in the fifth part have forgotten how to see traces of blood and prints of wet feet, but in general their level of intelligence has increased. If you activate the alarm, the soldiers will not finally calm down until the end of the shift

BOX- An indispensable tactical tool, master it as soon as possible. It will allow you to hide in plain sight and take aim at the enemy at the most convenient moment. If you are noticed from afar, turn your back to the enemy and jump: Snake will fly out of the box and will be able to crawl away. But keep in mind - you have a limited supply of boxes, and once you jump out of the box, you will not return back to it. And beware of the rain.

Volgin's rage, The Boss' influence on the world. photographs of little Hal Emmerich. the shadow of doom over Outer Heaven - many plot elements cannot be understood or experienced without knowledge of the previous parts of MGS

THE CLIMBEST TRICK. As you play, you will not only be able to develop boxes with different types camouflage, but also to sculpt posters on them. Posters with images of various soldiers and women are scattered throughout the game world. They can be stuck in the box selection inventory by pressing a special button. Stick it on, stand in a box facing the enemy, and he will mistake you for either a soldier or a woman. In the second case, he will come up and admire, becoming completely vulnerable to the crown CQC. Hit him in the jaw, grab him by the throat - he's all yours.

SOLDIER OF THE PAST ARMY Snake can be brought back to his senses. The first option is to get an audio cassette from the medical platform (yes, in that room) with a “special cover” of the song Love Deterrence straight from the MGS: Peace Walker soundtrack. Another way is to approach the fighter in the box. He will look at it for a long time until he recognizes you as Big Boss, after which he will salute.

CARDBOARD ALLOWS even roll down a hill. Just run up to the slope and jump. Are there things in the world that a box can't do?!

Metal Gear games have always had a lot of secrets and unusual tactics. The game talked about some of them in detail, in other cases you had to guess on your own. Since release Phantom Pain Enough time has passed, and we, like many of you, have managed to study the world of the game up and down.

It's time to go through it again, using tactical capabilities to the fullest! For the sake of convenience, the material will be divided into parts. First, twelve tips on secret passage and combat await you. Almost no spoilers!

Fist of fury

Let's start with the simplest. Even inattentive players noticed that Big Boss had a bionic arm. In addition to excellent knockout power and outstanding appearance, it is distinguished by the fact that it can make clicking noises, attracting the attention of enemies. The hearing radius is small, so the risk of alarming all enemies in the area is small. It is very convenient when you need to lure out a soldier sitting, say, on a tower.

Pump the box

Metal Gear Solid and the box are inseparable concepts. IN Phantom Pain On this truly irreplaceable thing you can stick images that distract enemies. A strange-looking box traveling around the base certainly attracts the enemy's attention.

But, if it depicts, say, a scorching beauty or a senior officer (don’t think we’re making a comparison), the enemy soldier will either stare and drool, or salute and move on. And if you suddenly manage to attract the enemy’s attention with suspicious behavior, do not forget that you can slip out of the box with lightning speed, leaving your opponents in the cold. The main thing is not to get under anyone’s feet.

And the soldiers react amazingly to the box!

Long short circuit

Any enemy base is literally crammed with equipment that prevents you from living in peace: from flashlights that treacherously illuminate you in the dark, and communication systems to an anti-aircraft radar that interferes with helicopter evacuation. For the success of any operation, all these things must be gotten rid of. It is better to do this with the help of remote-controlled explosives, so you can eliminate all objects at the same time, without making noise ahead of time.

There will be no problems finding the radar - the huge antenna is hard to miss. With the communication system, everything is somewhat more complicated. To cut communications, you need to destroy all three antennas located in different parts of the camp. But there is another option - instead of antennas, blow up a table with radio equipment. This may be a little more difficult (the table is indoors and surrounded by opponents), but in some cases it is much more convenient than running from one end of the base to the other.

Lay down to rest

If you decide to evacuate an enemy soldier to your base, do not delay. There is no need to stuff the poor guy with tranquilizers and leave him on the ground for the time being. He may come to his senses and get shot by you or your partner (or filled with lead yourself). But what to do if a soldier is not needed at the base, you don’t want to ruin your reputation by killing him, but you also can’t leave him lying around like that?

There is a simple method: run up to a sleeping enemy and kick him. He, of course, will wake up, and you grab him and knock him out. This way he will remain unconscious much longer than after a tranquilizer, and will not bother you. Another good way- point a weapon at the enemy and order him to lie down on the ground. The poor fellow will remain lying until one of his comrades rescues him, but by that time you will already be far away.


As the game progresses, things of not entirely obvious purpose will appear in Big Boss's arsenal. For example, a water pistol. We don't argue, it's pretty funny to poke it at your opponent and watch how scared he is, thinking that the weapon is real. But the gadget can also be used more usefully, namely, using it to disable enemy equipment. In normal cases, to permanently disable a generator or antenna, you have to use firearms or explosives, and this is very noisy. With a water pistol, the equipment is cut down as quietly as possible.

Riders on the storm

The success of any operation depends on your stealth skill. That is why it is better to sneak into the enemy camp at night. But even here there are obstacles in the form of towers with searchlights around the perimeter, soldiers with night vision devices and overly vigilant guards.

What to do in these cases? It's very simple - wait for the sandstorm to start (we're talking about Afghanistan now). During it, visibility drops to almost zero, and if you have planned a route for yourself in advance, you can easily rush right under the noses of your enemies. Just mark them in advance so you don’t come across them by accident.

Another useful tactic if you need to kidnap a soldier who is surrounded by other soldiers: wait until the storm begins and visibility drops, shoot the soldier in the body with a tranquilizer, and then rush towards him as fast as you can. By the time you get there, the enemy will have already switched off, and the storm will rage. You lift the poor fellow from the ground and, weaving between other soldiers, get away. Quickly, quietly, without casualties.


An attempt at a stealth invasion failed, and now opponents are combing the entire camp in search of your unlucky person? No problem. You can always hide in the toilet and sit there. But what to do if the soldiers are too suspicious and are about to open the door to your shelter?

The solution is simple: turn on a recording on your iDroid of a certain soldier shaking his stomach. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but it will save you from unnecessary attention. Anyone approaching the toilet will only shake their head sympathetically and move on. You can find the tape in the Da Shago Kallai location in Afghanistan next to the toilet in the enemy camp.

A package for you

You can knock out an enemy in different ways: with a tranquilizer, rubber bullets or CQC techniques. But there is another interesting way. As the game progresses, you will have the opportunity to order a container with ammunition to be dropped at any point in the location, including on the enemy’s head. The pleasure is not exactly cheap, but it knocks you out quietly and the first time.

And now a small spoiler: try this tactic in the battle with the Silent One!

Keep your eyes open

IN Phantom Pain you can play in different ways: mow down every living thing with a machine gun, put enemy soldiers to sleep, or avoid attention altogether. In all cases, your first step at the beginning of any mission should be reconnaissance of the area.

Snake's binoculars can do a very convenient thing - mark enemies. We do not recommend neglecting this. In the midst of a firefight or during a quiet retreat, the last thing you need is a previously unnoticed soldier standing behind you. In addition, in the later stages of the game, snipers are stationed at almost every enemy camp. When you approach the location, they may not notice you, but then they will definitely turn your life into hell. So don't be lazy and mark all enemies. This is where your wolf partner DD will help you.

Kept you waiting, huh?

And finally, a useful tactic. Develop an improved bait (a copy of Big Boss, constantly repeating: “Kept you waiting, huh?”) and a mine with sleeping gas. Place them near where enemies gather. They won’t shoot at the bait, but they will come up to check and step on a mine. This way you can kill quite a lot of enemy soldiers quite quickly. The main thing is to place the mines correctly and not step on them yourself!


We nod our heads and look up. Doc asks what our names are, we choose a name. We watch the video, select Snake's face.

We crawl to Ishmael, who is standing at the door. We move further, an explosion occurs. We run into the room and lie down. We follow the corridor, avoiding the spotlights. We run to Ishmael.

We hide behind one of the screens, closer to the enemy. The enemy is checking the bed next door, we quickly crawl there, so they won’t notice us.

We return to the corridor and freeze. The enemy leaves, we straighten the leg. We go back to the platform and go down. On the floor below we will see the steps on fire. We follow to Ishmael, and then we get a cannon. The room will catch fire. We take aim and shoot at the desired fire extinguisher. We kill the enemies and move on.

Ishmael will distract the enemy. We shoot him in the head, move along the balcony, but do not rise, and kill the remaining enemies. If we are noticed, the mission will become more difficult. We watch the video and run away from the enemy who caught fire, jump into the rubble. We run to the exit while the enemy is distracted.

We ride on horseback and shoot back from the enemy.

Chapter 1. Revenge

Login to iDroid. There is a settlement marked on the map - Gwandai Khar. Close the PDA and open the binoculars. Ocelot will help us, namely where to look. We increase the zoom and examine everything in detail. We request information about Vialo. We put a mark on this locality, namely Vialo.

Let's gallop straight to the village. Ocelot stops us before the post. Let's examine it. There are 2 guards here, they are not located close to each other. Let's deal with them. We capture the post in this way. We will receive a reward.

We are approaching Vialo. Ocelot suggests that we find a good observation point. We can go to the nearby hills and look at the village with binoculars. Using binoculars, we can mark the enemy, as well as vehicles and various objects.

We go into the main building of Vialo, where the flag is still flying. We find the gate that is open and go up, so we will go into this building. We examine the intelligence data on the table in order to find out where Kaz is hiding.

We set off on horseback to Gwandai. On the way we notice another post, we decide to capture it ourselves or pass by. We check the lock and mark the enemy. We need to move towards the yellow marker. We go into the building and on the 2nd floor we will find Kaz. We take Kaz and jump to the evacuation. Here zombies appear to us. We'll try not to let them notice us.


We approach Ocelot and listen to him. He gives us Fulton - the evacuation system. This device can instantly transport prisoners. We shoot at the arriving soldier, then we approach him and evacuate him with Fulton.

Open the PDA and select the personnel management item. We will see that the captured employee was thrown into the research center. We go back and transfer it to the development department. We select weapons and items. Let's try to make a box. We need to improve the skill of the research section. We close the iDroid, approach the next soldier and attack with close combat. Then he needs to be evacuated.

We hit the other one and come up. The percentages above the evacuation sign indicate the possibility of Fulton delivering the soldier to the base. Several factors come into play here. We evacuate him. Let's go back to development and create a box. We request its delivery near Snake. In seconds the package will arrive.

We can go to the next task, or we can come to Ocelot, we’ll test his melee skills. We grab the soldier and press this button a couple of times, he will lose consciousness. We interrogate the next soldier, neutralize him and evacuate him. Open i Droid and call the helicopter. We indicate the landing zone and climb into it.

From the turntable we can select the next task.

Open the PDA and go to “Tasks”.

Chapter 3. The Hero's Journey

We choose 1 of 2 landing sites. We choose a point east of Da Shago Kallai. From the very beginning, we immediately indicate the time, 6 am or 6 pm.

We need to eliminate the commander of the special forces squad. We jump off the turntable and ride a horse to the marked point. We examine the camp, use binoculars. The commander must leave the building. We recognize him by his red beret. We mark the enemies and begin to eliminate them. First, we deal with the enemy on the structure in front of the outpost, a little to the right. We find a tower at the end of the village, there is a military man standing there. There is also a tower on the left - we eliminate everyone.

Then we can eliminate the commander, or silence him, take him out of the room and evacuate him. Let's leave this place. When we are in the desert, the horse stops on its own and the mission will be completed. We call the helicopter to the landing point marked on the map. We climb into the helicopter and wait.

Chapter 4. Information war

We prepare for the mission and select a landing point. According to the mission objectives, it is necessary to find communication equipment. We move to the shown point. We will see the base. We climb to the top of the hill and inspect the base with binoculars. We must find 3 antennas. When we find it, part 1 of the mission is completed.

Please note that we can either destroy three antennas or find a radio transmitter. Equipment in a building with one antenna on the roof. This building is closest to us. Then we leave the hot spot.

Chapter 5. Behind the fence

The buildings of Vah Sind are decently protected, but there is a reliable way to get to the prisoner without loss. There are 2 entrances there. The 1st entrance is located in front of the tower with soldiers and searchlights. Behind this tower is the main path to the barracks. Another entrance is located on the opposite side, along the road with an obstacle.

Everything here is poorly protected. We capture information from the house with the guard, then move to the barracks.

We can go up to the guard station and, bending down, walk across the road to the watchtower. We go up the stairs and jump from the roof to the rock near us. We go around it on the right side, so we will find the prisoner who is sitting on the edge. We evacuate him using the Fulton.

Evacuating the captured engineer

After we go to the barracks along the path described above, we move deeper and turn left, to the ruins of the building. On the right side we will see this building. Let's find a staircase that leads down. In the first of the cells we will find a hostage - an engineer. We find him and free him. We don't leave the basement, we find a hole in the ceiling. Let's put the rescued one under the hole, then use the Fulton. This is how we will complete this task.

We evacuate the SUV

The SUV is located on the levels below the location that leads to Wah Sindh. If we manage to get past a dozen soldiers and secretly evacuate an SUV, then we could be awarded a medal. As an alternative, we sit behind the turret and shoot all the enemies.

Chapter 6 – Where is the sting hidden?

Capturing the "Sting" system

The closest landing site is quite far from the mission objective. We are getting ready to go for a run or ride a couple of kilometers. When we enter the fort area, we move to the back, where we will find a cave with candles. The tunnel will lead us down. As a result, we will find ourselves in a large hall. We go through the door on the left, get to the back room and find the “Sting”.

Destroy the Skulls and take the Sting system

As we leave the cave, we meet the Skulls. We use “Sting” against the Skulls. We shoot at the moment when they are close to each other. They will stand. We try to save at least one shell.

We evacuate the prisoner

It is located at the Mountain Relay Base, hidden in the car. He will be transported to the Smasei fortress. 3 soldiers accompany him to the room where the Sting was located.

Crash a helicopter

We will collide with a military helicopter, it will block our path. We use the “Sting” system to quickly complete the mission.

Chapter 7 – Blood Copper

We destroy or evacuate commanders

The commanders will meet in Vialo. You just need to clear the territory from enemy patrols. One of the commanders will be here first. We can kill him quickly. Or we take it out using Fulton. Next, we wait for the arrival of the 2 remaining bosses. We eliminate or evacuate them. We will be careful, as the commanders will be accompanied by soldiers. It is very important that we do not raise the alarm.

We evacuate the commander, as well as soldiers in transport

We look to notice the commander and friends in the car. He put on a red beret. We need to find a way to stop the machine without causing deaths. We can hit a car tire with a bullet. We run up and stun everyone we find. We evacuate the prisoners one by one.

We listen to the end of the conversation of 3 commanders

We wait until the 3 commanders are under the same tent and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Chapter 8 – Occupation Forces

The mission is composed of 2 parts. There is a colonel in Shahra Ye, he must be eliminated. We still need to find out about his plans. Next we will need to destroy all enemy tanks.

To complete one of the additional missions, we enter the first building and free the prisoner. We evacuate him.

In the middle of the locker on the 2nd floor of the building we will find intelligence data. Let's be careful, because if the alarm sounds, it will be impossible to complete this part of the mission. Open the map and see a red area behind the village. We are moving there so that the regiment can go to the fortress. We need to do everything we can, the armored vehicles have not arrived at their destination.

Using an airstrike is most effective; we order it through the CCP. We remember that an airstrike must be ordered to where tanks will arrive in 15-20 seconds. As soon as 2 tanks are eliminated, the task will end. We leave the hot spot by calling a helicopter.

Chapter 9 – Help and withdrawal

Destroy Soviet armored cars

We are improving the artillery shelling at the beginning of this task. All enemy vehicles are indicated on the map. We find the car and move towards it, trying not to get into trouble with the guard posts. They must be ignored because of the time. We destroy tanks as we see fit: with artillery fire, rocket launchers, mines, explosives, grenades.

We destroy the equipment quickly while it is still within this location. If the tanks leave, we will not be able to catch up with them. According to the mission, it is enough to destroy 1 unit. If we destroy 5 tanks, the task “Eliminate several combat vehicles” will be completed.

We seize weapons that are transported on a truck

A car with weapons will appear at the location. We are looking for her on the road, or at the Yahoo Obu base.

We evacuate 4 soldiers who were looking for a prisoner

We will find a soldier to the east of point "12". As a result, all the warriors split up in pairs. We use a pistol and a tranquilizer. We try to save time.

We evacuate 6 prisoners

The prisoners are located at the Yaho Obu base. Someone is in the enemy's vehicle, he will drive around the area. We examine the area with binoculars to find all the prisoners and free them.

Chapter 10 – Angel with Broken Wings

We go to the palace and clear the half-entire building. There are several hostages on the floors, but they are not our main target. We release 1 of them, evacuate, after which the mission will be updated. Ocelot reports that Malak has been taken to a new location.

We move to the top of the map to Yahoo Obu. We clear the area around the building. We go inside the fortress and search the rooms. One of the rooms has red doors. We go there and pull out the prisoner. We leave the base, call a helicopter, use the PDA, move to the evacuation point.

Now let's take extra. mission "Contact with Emmerich". We move to Yaho Obu (we disembark there). We climb up until we find ourselves in the ruins of Aabe Shifap.

Chapter 11 – Surrounded by Silence

A sniper is shooting at us. We can eliminate Silent, or we can simply reach another part of the loka and leave it. We pass to the end of the loka, the episode ends.

If we decide to destroy Quiet, we can attack with a rifle. As soon as she has few lives left, she moves to the middle of the map.

How to neutralize the Silent One without using lethal weapons

We look for its position with binoculars and mark it on the map. Now we call Snake's supplies to where it is located.

You can also wait until she starts jumping on the water. We run up and put her to sleep using a tranquilizer.

What to do with her?

We'll have to decide what to do with it. Kaz will say that it is necessary to kill, and Ocelot will say that she needs to stay alive. If we let her live, we have a couple of advantages. She becomes our companion, and we will also have access to a storyline that is connected with the girl.

Add. mission. Visit to Quiet

If we did not kill the girl, but took her into the squad, then a mission appears. Ocelot talks about meeting us next to Quiet's cell. Open the map and go to the medical center. compartment. We open the map in order to make a marker or call a spinner. This mission is additional. quests are marked in yellow.

Welcome to the medical. We leave the platform and find a staircase near it that leads to the basement. We go down and approach Ocelot. Let's listen to him. The mission will be completed.

Add. mission. Contact with Emmerich

This is extra. The task must be completed in order for the main storyline to continue.

We move to the shown Serac station. We need to secretly get to its end, where there is a red door. If they notice us, then we need to fight. As soon as we kill everyone, we can open the door.

Chapter 12 – Road to Hell

We pass to the large gate, kill 2 soldiers on the left side. We need to climb onto the metal platform on the right side of the gate and scan the documents. We are moving to the main base camp, which is located in Afghanistan.

Let's go back. We move towards the main base. Then the helicopter appears again. The enemy will also become more serious. We need to find where Emmerich is being held. We can go inside the shown hangar if there is no alarm or after all the enemies have been eliminated. To crash a helicopter you need to take the fur. robot Once we do this, we can go inside the hangar using one of the doors on the side.

There we will find Emmerich. We grab him and drag him to the evacuation zone. Initially, we call a turntable to the place. After the video, we run away and hide from the robot. Next we need to call a helicopter to another evacuation zone, a little further away. Then we jump to this point and jump as quickly as possible. We’ll find a machine gun on the right or left side and pull it out. We shoot at Sahelanthropus.

Chapter 13 – Impenetrable darkness

At the central base, we call the helicopter and sit in it. We choose another mission. Leaving Afghanistan for an adventure in Central Africa.

We must destroy the oil fields. We are moving to the base. At the oil base we will need to destroy the large tank and turn off the pumps. First, let's move to the nearest marker. Open the grill and you will see a large tank. We throw a grenade there or plant a bomb. We run back and follow the next yellow marker, rise higher and enter a room with a blue door. The console panel will be located here. We interact with it and turn off the pumps. After this, you need to get out of the danger zone.

Chapter 14 – Common Language

We select a mission in iDroid and jump to the shown point.

We need to help the Viscount. We move to the point shown on the map. We examine everything through binoculars and identify the translator. We follow the interpreter and do not raise the alarm. Only in this way will we be able to get to the hostages, there is also a Viscount there. It is best to evacuate both the translator and the Viscount. An interpreter for another military man enters the room. There will be no one there except them. The prisoner will be escorted here. We can go to the meeting in the northeast. We turn on the night vision device, so we will see the first soldier who is leading the Viscount. We deal with him and save the hostage. Next, we can go to the interpreter’s hut, neutralize him and take him outside. We'll evacuate him there.

Chapter 15 – Ghost Traces

Select the next task and move to the shown point. We start the task through the turntable.

We move towards the old village. We need to find and destroy four robots. We will try to make our way to the tents on the right side of the village. We'll find two robots there. There are 2 more targets located higher up. We can use them to eliminate soldiers and robots. Once we're done, we leave the hot spot.

Chapter 16 – Caravan of Traitors

We take the task and move to the shown point, begin the mission. We move to the guard post, which is marked on the map. We have a choice. Either we improve Fulton, so we can evacuate the cargo, or we deal with all the guards and take the truck with the necessary goods out of the hot zone.

We follow to the post and kill five or six guards. We can also make some noise. In one of the 2 tents we find data on the truck. We will see the marked trajectory on the map. We move from the end from which it will be closer to us. There is an airport in the middle of the route. Military equipment located on the territory. We raise the alarm and leave. The equipment begins to move along the trajectory. We get into the path of the cars and run up to the truck. Skulls jump out from there. We defeat the Skulls. We use a tank and armored personnel carrier. The skull remains alone, so it will be quite easy to deal with it. We defeat everyone, get into the truck and take it out of the hot spot.

Chapter 17 – Rescue of the Scouts

We follow the nearest marker into the forests. There's a hostage hiding here. Towards the middle of the loka we will find the “information” mark. We are studying the fallen radio of some reconnaissance officer. It is located nearby, in the same place, between the stones near the ground. We'll find him and evacuate him. We move to the next point, clear the lock. There is a yellow zone here where you need to find 2 scouts. Let's find 2 cells on the location. Not far from them there is a hole with boards; this is the roof. Let's go down and find the scout. We deliver it on horseback from outside the hot spot.

Episode 18 – Blood Ties

We move to the shown mark and begin the task. We have 6 goals. These prisoners need to be eliminated. First we move to the nearest location. At the end of it there is an ordinary military man whom we were told to kill. We kill him and move to a new place. We are moving towards the mountain opposite side, we destroy the enemy. We enter the mine, overcoming the grate, and look for the kids. Now we need to rescue the children to the evacuation point. One child was wounded and cannot walk, so we periodically pick him up and drag him. We kill the enemy in advance, and then we tell the kids to walk boldly.

Episode 19 – On the Trail

We call a helicopter at the central base and select the next mission. First we move to the checkpoint. We examine the base with binoculars. We need to find a close major, who with 2 military men are located in a tent, closer to us. We wait for the moment when the assistant comes out, then we scan him with binoculars.

We follow the assistant's car. At some point he changes to another car. Here we get to the place where the meeting will take place. We kill the major, as well as his close associate, or we will try to evacuate everyone. If the major's close associate notices us before he arrives at this place, then we will need to destroy the enemy helicopter.

Chapter 20 – Voices

We call the helicopter at the central base and select a mission. As soon as we disembark, we jump to the shown place. The checkpoint is located at a distance of over 1.5 kilometers.

We need to go through the station. There is a grille at the front. There is a door on the left. Let's pass. We move straight along the road, it is very close to the shown place. We pass through the next door, we will find ourselves in front of the ruins of the bridge. We turn right and get to a cliff with a waterfall, there we turn left. We get to a huge white building. On the left is open doors. Let's go through and find the boy. Let's watch the video.

Now we need to make the creature made of fire harmless. We quickly get out of the premises and run to the tunnel. The tunnel will collapse. Next, we enter the PDA and call a helicopter away from the current position. We follow the building, there are a couple of blue canisters with water. We throw a lemon or shoot these tanks, near which the fire monster will walk. So we will neutralize him. However, not for long. Since we called the turntable earlier, we must climb into it on time. Just in case there is a firefighter, we take out a turntable machine gun and shoot at huge containers on the street.

Chapter 21 – War Economy

We're heading to the airport. We are moving to the take-off site. In another part, at the top of the building there is a helicopter pad. A merchant lands there. We must follow the merchant, he will go, according to calculations, to the middle of the building, to the 2nd floor, where he meets the enemy we need. We kill him.

Chapter 22 – Freeing the Platform

We leave the room where research is being carried out on the robot. We call the turntable to the nearby platform and select a mission. We move left along the 2nd tier, to the check point. We go into the alley and go up to the top, destroy all the enemies. However, not all stairs go to the top of the platform.

Chapter 23 – White Mamba

We must find the boy and evacuate him. First, select a task. We'll be there later. We are moving towards the active zone. Horses cannot be used. White Mamba is the leader of the child bandits. They will attack us, but we cannot kill them. When we find ourselves at the required location, we will find a destroyed ship through binoculars. We move inside the ship.

In the back of it there is a hole through which you can sneak in unnoticed and through it we sneak secretly into the hold. We climb to the top and meet the leader of the youngsters. We run after him and counterattack. We repeat this a number of times. The boy will sometimes go down to the floor below. Let's watch the video. We call a helicopter to a nearby point, then we take the bandit there. The kids won't attack.

Chapter 24 – Close Encounter

We call the helicopter, take on the mission and select a landing point. We need to save 2 civilians. We run along the lighthouse. We pass through an outpost already familiar to us. We clear it and move to another. We look through binoculars and see the first hostage in the car. Auto via certain time goes back. We return to her and free the hostage. We go to the post again, a yellow marker points to it. We pass a little to the north and in the middle of the stones we will see a second hostage lying around. We evacuate him and get out of the hot spot.

Chapter 25 – The Faithful Hand of the Avenger

Once again, it is necessary to teach child soldiers a lesson. We must find and evacuate their commander, as well as the stolen chief of staff. We decide for ourselves who will be kidnapped first. After the abduction, each time we need to call a helicopter and go back in order to seat the boy or the wounded captive, they will not survive the flight with the help of the Fulton. We board the helicopter as soon as we have landed the 2 required characters. If possible, we move one character to the evacuation zone, then move to another. When the two are safe, we call a helicopter and land both of them. If we land 1, but send the helicopter home, call again and land another, then the task will not be completed.

Let’s open the PDA and go to the “Human Resources Management” section. Click on the tabs at the top where the red arrow points. Let's listen to the information. Now we can choose a new task.

Chapter 26 – Hunting

We need to destroy the slave trader. Open the map and see 2 marked areas. We move to the area of ​​​​the small circle. We will approach the old village. We rise higher, to the tent, there is an antenna on the left. Near the tent there is a table where we will scan the information.

If the alarm rings, we will scan the information when everyone is dead, or when the alarm is turned off. A route will appear on the map; this is the slave trader moving. We will try to eliminate him before he appears in the Kiziba camp. We move approximately to where the enemy’s trajectory goes to the right. We need to go to the bend. We kill everyone.

Chapter 27 – Root Cause

We have to save one soldier. We clear the 1st outpost indicated by the marker. Our fighter is not here. We move to another mark. As a result, we should be at the top, in the circle (on our map). There's a scout lying around here, tied up. We will find the scout in the north-west of the circle. We grab the guy and carry him to the turntable.

Chapter 28 – Code Talker

You need to find grandpa who lives in the mansion, you need to find out about the pathogen. We go straight until we reach the fog. We need to eliminate 4 Skulls with snipers. The enemy does not aim at everyone at the same time. Sometimes one jumps down. We turn to where the enemy will try to hit, and hit him at that moment.

Once we kill a couple of Skulls, we move a little further. We kill the 3rd and move on.

We move to the point and see the mansion. We go around it. In the back we will find the entrance to the 1st floor. We go down to the basement, there are barrels of wine. We move lower and lower, open the door, there is an old man there.

We grab the old man and get up. Then zombies begin to attack us. We can just throw them on the ground, then we pick up grandfather and run. Don't forget to call the turntable in advance.

Chapter 29 – Metallic Archaea

Select the next task. We stock up on the coolest weapons. We will have to engage in battle with 4 skulls. As soon as the Skull is covered in stone, we destroy this layer. Next we cut down the monster's lives. We focus on the 1st monster. If the monster has a machine gun, then we run. You can hide from monsters in the middle of buildings on the right or left side. Once we do this, we can take extra. weapon when the ammo runs out. If all 4 Skulls die, then we go to grandpa, pick him up and move him to the landing point. The pebbles will fly “homing” until they fly past us; it’s better to go through the field.

Chapter 30 – Skull

We go through a couple of locations. We move to the end of the map, enter a huge mine. There is an iron staircase in the right corner. We go to the very top, the Skull is waiting there. We follow the Skull, and when we find ourselves below, we get into the car. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 31 – Sahelanthropus

We go down the road and shoot back from Sahelanthropus. Below we will see a Katyusha and a tank. We use them and inflict good damage on the enemy. We shoot without interruption from the Katyusha. The robot can quickly run towards us, we leave immediately. We can drive between our legs. A single salvo from a flamethrower can destroy our vehicle. When the robot loses half its lives, the air will turn red. If we don’t hit the enemy now, he will destroy everything in the location. The machines will turn red and will no longer be usable. We take a machine gun and also a rocket launcher. If you have time to shoot at the robot at this moment, it will not damage the cars. When the robot's life is running out, it will begin to attack uncontrollably. The robot will jump to the hill and sit down. A container will appear on his shoulders. The robot will aim by indicating directions with two beams. We run behind the rock. Let's watch the final video.

Act 2. Race

Chapter 32. Too much knowledge

Select a helicopter mission. We arrive at the place, follow to the shown point. We capture a post along the way, made up of 6 mercenaries. We have a rendezvous with the 4th WalkerGear. We can kill them, or we can wait and they will leave us. The prisoner is lying near the rocks, in the grass. We evacuate him and return to base.

Add. exercise. Eli's Trial

Another mission from the additional ones in the plot. In the first of the tasks we stole the soldier Eli. After finishing the main story and completing the mission "Too Much Knowledge". We can use a hand with the stun skill as a weapon. We run up and hit the boy, he will soon be stunned.

Chapter 33. Information war

This episode is unlike anything like it, in that we are not given a chicken cap, but the tools and things are in place. Much support is not available here. The highest difficulty level. We need to do everything the same as before. Find the radio point and destroy it.

Chapter 34. Help and withdrawal

The difference is that we can't take the chicken's hat.

Add. mission. AI capsule evacuation

Let's go to the place. Either we kill everyone, or we carefully sneak towards the building. If they raise the alarm, you need to kill everyone in order to get inside the building. There we will find a computer with red lights. We activate the capsule. Now we can leave the hot spot.

Additional mission. Capturing the remains of a burning man

The mission is available after completing the previous additional mission. tasks. We need to find the remains of a burnt person. They are located in plain sight. It won't be easy to see them. We go to the base. On the right and left sides there are a couple of rooms that will not be useful to us. There is a platform in the center. In the right corner is the corpse of a smoldering man. We evacuate him.

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Walkthrough

Chapter 35. Damned inheritance

We move straight, passing the bridge, to the old man’s villa. Among the warriors there are well armored ones, it is not easy to destroy them. There is no point in killing this mass. We lure out 1 and interrogate him. He must know about the hidden containers.

In the house on the 1st floor there is information on the table. We sneak there secretly and study it. We find out the location of 2 containers. Let's move there. We try to behave secretly.

As soon as we send 1 container to the base, the countdown begins until the helicopters arrive. Next, we get out of the event area and fly away by helicopter. If a small wooden bridge between sections of the zone with containers is undermined, then we look for a bypass.

Chapter 36. Traces of ghosts (Invisible)

The task is similar to the plot one, but however: we must remain invisible. Silent, artil. shelling and use as before. Snake will have to remain invisible to enemies.

We can fire at the settlement air strikes. The girl will be able to analyze the village for the presence of enemies and robotic equipment.

Upon completion of this mission, Ocelot will say that the enemy has ordered new WalkerGear.

Add. mission (story). Search for runaway children 01

We complete at least 1 episode of the completed ones (repeating the plot, but with special conditions). For example, chapter 34. The next story mission will become available after this.

We board the helicopter and take on the task. We move towards the base. The mission is easy, provided you do everything correctly. We go down the rock. We climb over the fence near the building where the child is located. We can send Silent One on reconnaissance missions to find out the location of the enemies and the child. There are boxes with which we can get over the fence.

We go around the building on the right. We follow the helicopter in the air. We do not approach the door guarded by a soldier. We stand at another, passive door. We are waiting for the moment when two military men will come into the child’s room. Then we wait for the pinwheel to fly over Snake’s head, run to the door and stun the soldier. Then we go into the room and stun the other 2. We don’t relax, we run out into the street, pick up the first soldier and bring him into the room. Here we kill 3 silenced soldiers using a gun with a silencer. Then we grab the child and run away from the base. There is a car behind the building, closer to the exit. We can leave this place in a jeep.

Add. mission (story). Search for runaway children 02

We move to the Tolker Code villa. We must find the boy. We can interrogate several military men until 1 reveals the location of the child. Let's move there. We clean the house first. Fortunately, there are no well-armored warriors here. Then we pick him up and take him out of the hot spot.

Chapter 39. Behind the fence (Invisible)

You need to remain invisible. Shoot the entire area with a helicopter. We use artillery. Silent One also learns the location of all opponents and the priority target. Since we have already gone through a similar episode, we know that the captive engineer is hiding in the basement.

Chapter 40. Unusual phenomenon

We take the mission and find ourselves on the spot. We move to the fortress and clear it of the enemy. We can make some noise. Next comes the serious stage. Open the PDA and go to the “Tasks” section. On the right side there is a description of the current task. Below there is a list of targets, and even deeper - a photo is uploaded. The photo will be blurry at first. Ocelot reports that he corrected the photo. Open it again and see a good image. We need to go through the ruins of the fortress to their southern part. We came from the north, going to the end of the ruins. There are several small fallen columns here. On the side of one of the columns there is a container with film. We take him and leave the hot spot.

Add. mission (story). Search for runaway children 03

We find ourselves at the location where we met Silent. Now we MUST modify “Fulton” to the “Children” level. We reach level 24 in scientific research and level support departments. Difficult, but possible.

Add. mission (story). Search for runaway children 04

We move to the collapsed building and clear it. We will find a huge machine with a connection on the street near the building. We destroy the radar, and the opponents will not be able to take support. Next, we enter the building where the radar is located, and immediately climb the steps up 2 flights. We go to the opposite part of the premises. We will see a destroyed floor, we go around along narrow tiles. We move straight, we will soon find the boy. We can send Silent One into reconnaissance. Item “tasks”, select the line “Espionage”. We take the boy and go back without hysterics. We call the turntable and seat the boy.

Add. mission (story). Search for runaway children 05

Let's go on a mission. We will find ourselves in caves in the rock. The girl will scout the area and find zombies and a child. We need to go inside this cave and find a passage to where there is a small pond. There is a narrow tunnel here that leads up. Here we are looking for a boy. There is a room with an antenna near the rock on the right. Slightly above this antenna there are monsters, as well as a child. We evacuate the boy on a helicopter.

Chapter 40. Surrounded by silence

Since there are no other side story missions, we go through this mission again. Its difference is that we will not be able to use a chicken hat. And all the shots are fatal. We play during the day, since Silent One will be distracted by the rainbow.

Chapter 41. War by proxy

This task is available if you complete the task above. We must eliminate the enemy's army.

There shouldn't be any serious problems. We use artillery fire and a rocket launcher to eliminate enemy equipment. We don't have to hit her when she's on the move. We can wait for her to stop and shoot her. When we destroy everything, a combat helicopter arrives and needs to be destroyed. We can call a helicopter for support, or we can hide in a tent, run around the tent and shoot at the helicopter.

Chapter 43

We need to find out the truth about the disease. As soon as we land we move towards the point. Ocelot contacts us again. Loading in progress. We will find ourselves in an infected compartment. The atmosphere is somewhat reminiscent of DeadSpace, you will agree. Go through the corridors and go upstairs, we reach the door and open it. Let's watch the video.

We just remain invisible. Remember: in such missions artillery and Silent are used.

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The principles of completing a mission at S rank were described in. Below are some basic tips on how to rank, as well as video guides.


To get S rank, simply skip all the cutscenes. In a room with two enemies, shoot them in the head. When you reach a room with several enemies, turn around and fall into the hole, now crawl to the exit.

Mission 1

Complete this mission at least once before bothering with the S rank. This will allow you to change the helicopter's landing zone at the end of the mission, and you will be able to avoid the skulls. Hurry to the prisoner. It is better to approach the village from the east to let most of the guards through. Pick up the prisoner, put him on a horse, call a helicopter and complete the mission.

Mission 2

Mission 3

Very simple and short. Use your sniper rifle to eliminate your target from afar. Land east of the mission. The commander will always be near the building. He will be wearing a red cap. From the landing zone, climb into the mountains and shoot from there. After this, leave the area on horseback.

Mission 4

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If you are playing for the first time, then destroy the antennas with explosives. If the second time, then you will be able to destroy the radars directly from the helicopter machine gun, you won’t even have to land.

Mission 5

Mission 6

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. At the beginning of the video I choose new zone disembarkation to save a lot of time. When approaching an enemy base, destroy the radar with a machine gun. Get out of the helicopter and immediately run towards the main target. Skip the cutscenes and call your horse to get out of the fog faster.

Mission 7

You need to steal 3 commanders. Select the landing zone in the north. One commander will travel along the northern road. Another one is located in the mission area (village with enemies, inside a building). The third is driving along the southern road. You can reach them before they reach the village. Leave the horse outside and use the tranquilizer on the soldiers in the car. After this, fulton.

Mission 8

Don't try to get S rank on your first playthrough! Continue playing until you upgrade Fulton (this will allow you to Fulton tanks and other vehicles). Land at the western point. Head west, past the enemy outpost and follow the road until you see an empty house. As soon as you reach the house, the trigger will start and the transport equipment will start moving. Place your horse on the road and drive the equipment yourself. After this, quickly run out of the area on your horse.

Mission 9

This is one of the most difficult missions. Best advice: Ignore this until you beat the game.

You need an upgraded Fulton and durable vehicles (like a tank). Place a tank on the northern path to create a jam, and also place a horse. When the vehicle appears, go around behind it and attack.

Mission 10

When you go north on western road, then the trigger will go off, causing the convoy. Place your horse on the road to stop the convoy. Now deal with the guards in the jeep and destroy the tank (go up from behind and plant C4), then extract it with the Fulton. If you have an improved Fulton, you can remove the tank as well instead of destroying it.

Mission 11

There is one trick. Instead of fighting Silent, just throw supplies at her. One hit removes 50% of her health. Mark it with binoculars, and then drop off supplies. Repeat a couple of times and keep her alive.

Mission 12

This is the longest mission and you will always start at the same point. Start this mission at night. In the first camp, always stick to the left wall. Now use your horse to get through the next checkpoint undetected. Once you are in the central camp, take the right side and always stay in the shadows until you reach Emmerich. Go back along the same path. When Metal Gear attacks you, run between his legs, grab Emmerich and throw him onto his horse. Call a helicopter to the southern point. Stick to the left. Cross the road and keep to the right. By the time you reach the landing, Metal Gear will have lost sight of you. If he catches up, then boot from the checkpoint.

Mission 13

Mission 14

A very easy and short mission if you already know the Viscount's location. Choose daytime (06:00) because the Viscount is transported at night. Just go to the place shown in the video and hit the target.

Mission 15

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If not, then throw explosives at the radar. In your next playthrough, select a landing zone in the enemy camp and destroy targets with a machine gun.

Mission 16

It will be easy if you already know the location of the truck (mission goal). He always stands in the same place. Use the Fulton and leave the area on your horse.

Mission 17

It will be easy if you already know the location of the two Intel agents. Start with the agent in the north and fulton him. Now go to the camp in the south (go around it to avoid enemies), capture the agent and lead him to the helicopter (it cannot be hijacked).

Mission 18

I highly recommend upgrading the Fulton to a state where children can be removed. You must complete side quest 113 to upgrade Fulton (after 26 story mission). Eliminate the target in the first enemy camp, you will need a sniper with a silencer. After that, use the Fulton to extract the children and call the helicopter (if you destroyed the radar, you can call it directly in the mines).

Mission 19

I recommend using sleeping gas or stun grenades. Go straight to the commander. It is guarded by a group of soldiers. Throw a grenade to neutralize everyone at once and fulton the commander, then leave the area on horseback.

Mission 20

You will need explosives (C4 or a grenade launcher). Make your way through enemy camps as quickly as possible. The trick is that the boss fight will be at the end. Place C4 on the gas tanks by the pool and wait for it to pass between the tank and the pool, then explode. This action will drop the boss into the water and the battle will end. Run through the tunnel to complete the mission.

Mission 21

A very easy and short mission if you already know where your goal is. He is always in the same building. Kill him and then leave. You can speed up this mission to increase your chances of getting S rank.

Mission 22

Mission 2, 22 and 43 without ranks. Complete this mission as you please.

Mission 23

The trick to this mission is that you can avoid the boss fight by knocking him out before the fight begins. Keep to the right side of the camp and enter from the back of the ship. Now wait until Mamba turns his back to you and then shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer. Evacuate him using a helicopter.

Mission 24

Ride your horse into the camp and use it to get past the guards. After that, throw sleeping gas grenades to deal with the guards. Now fulton the prisoners and escape from the area on horseback.

Mission 25

Immediately run to the soldier's child. Put him to sleep and put him in the jeep. Now look at the second target in the center of the camp (under the roof). We also throw him into the jeep and evacuate both of them by helicopter.

Mission 26

The enemy is always at one point. Go there and snipe him, then run out of the area.

Mission 27

Use your horse to get to the goal as quickly as possible. He always ends up in the same place. Use the tranquilizer and place it on the horse or truck, then leave the area. You don't have to play stealthily, use rapid speed and kill enemies who block your escape route.

Mission 28

At the beginning of the mission, skip the fight with the skulls. Just run on a horse and that's it. Make your way to the target and evacuate it using the helicopter at the northern landing zone. Put the guards to sleep to get bonus points. Ignore the soldiers and just run towards the landing zone (it doesn't matter if they notice you or not).

Mission 29

For this mission you must acquire a machine gun. I recommend ALM 48. Also take explosives (C4, grenade launcher, grenades). There will be a silent one best choice as a partner for this mission. The trick here is to hide in the hangar at the beginning, but be sure to tag the Skulls when the fight starts. This way you will know their location and health status. Now you can shoot them from the machine gun through the hangar windows. You can also place a C4 at the front of the hangar and lure the skulls there. Avoid the spikes coming out of the ground as they will kill you instantly.

Additionally, you can use the D-Walkers' Gatling guns. It kills skulls pretty quickly.

Mission 30

You have only one goal - to reach the boss at the end of the enemy camp. It's best to go unnoticed and complete the mission as quickly as possible. Always stick to the right or left side of the camp. This allows you to miss most enemies. The enemies have helmets, so take a sniper with a silencer and during the rapid (if this happens) shoot the enemies in the eyes. Although, if you complete the mission without a single detection or shot, you can get 120,000 points.

Mission 31

Two things will be useful to you on this mission: a rocket launcher (GNOM-11) and a grenade launcher (Isado RGL-220). The essence of the mission will be a fight with the boss. Once you run out of ammo, supplies will drop automatically. So empty all the grenade launcher and then use the rocket launcher and grab the supplies as soon as they arrive. Repeat this tactic a couple of times and you'll defeat the boss fairly quickly. His weak point there will be a belly (when it glows) and 4 white canisters on the upper back.

Mission 32

Very easy and fast mission. Use your horse to get to the target (it's near the mountains) and kill him. If you do everything quickly enough, you won't run into enemies. Use your horse to leave the area.

Mission 33

It will be easier if you destroyed the enemy anti-radar from the air in a previous playthrough of this mission. If not, then destroy it. In the next playthrough, land on the enemy base and shoot the radars with a machine gun.

Mission 34

You will need a cargo fulton and a tank. Place a tank on the northern path to create a blockage and place a horse in front of the tank. When the vehicle approaches, go around behind it and rush over. If you remain undetected, it will be enough to extract 6 cars out of 11. If you do everything quickly, then there should be no problems. However, if you fail to extract, you can destroy all 11 cars. This will give you 160,000 points and a guaranteed S rank.

Mission 35

You must land in the south. Also bring decoys with you to distract heavily armored enemies. Go to the container in the jungle and fulton it. After that, go up the mountain and jump onto the container. Fulton the second container and you will leave the mission with it.

Mission 36

Take baits and C4 on the mission. Use a stealth suit and land at night. Approach the camp from the east and crawl to the targets guarded by the enemies. Drop decoys as a distraction and place C4 on the ground near the targets (one C4 per enemy). Leave the camp and detonate the charges, then run away on horseback.

Mission 37

It will be very easy if you already know the location of the truck (mission goal). She is always in the same place. Use the Fulton and then leave on your horse.

Mission 38

Your goal in this mission is to find the collectible. The item has 3 different spawn locations and the video shows these locations. Infiltrate at night using a stealth suit and night vision goggles. Using the glasses you will see the collectible.

Mission 39

There will be a crack in one of the rocks to the west. Go there and you will miss almost all the enemies. There will only be two enemies and a prisoner. Knock them out and kill them. After this, fulton the prisoner and get out of the area on horseback.

Mission 40

Unlike last time, you won't be able to defeat Quiet by dropping supplies. At the last second, she will jump away from the landing site. You should use sniper rifle. Stay on point (in video). From here you can always see the Silent One and defeat her. You have two seconds before she notices you and shoots.

Mission 41

Bring a rocket launcher for this mission. You will need it to shoot down the helicopter in the end. Land in the center and go west. All vehicles will pass through here. Disarm the guards (be sure to fulton, otherwise they will wake up later). The first car to arrive is from the north, the other two are from the south. They always stop at the outpost and you can take them down. For the 4th vehicle you will have to put a horse on the road to stop it. At the end, destroy the helicopter and that's it.

Mission 42

The skulls will have more health in this mission. The same as last time, but this time I advise you to take a powerful sniper rifle (Brennan LRS-46 or Serval AMR-7). Quiet would be the best choice as a partner for this mission. The trick here is to hide in the hangar at the beginning, but be sure to tag the Skulls when the fight starts. This way you will know their location and health status. Now you can shoot them from the machine gun through the hangar windows. You can also place a C4 at the front of the hangar and lure the skulls there. Avoid the spikes coming out of the ground as they will kill you instantly.

Additionally, you can use the D-Walkers' Gatling guns. It kills skulls pretty quickly. Try to stay away from their fog, as it can stop the D-Walker.

Mission 43

Mission 2, 22 and 43 without ranks. Complete this mission as you please.

Mission 44

Ignore all camps at the start of the mission. Just drive to the main objective and stay away from the outposts. After you turn off the pump in the center, run away from the camp and use the rocket launcher to destroy the target (you must leave the camp before destroying the target). Jump on the horse and run away from the area.

Mission 45

To gain access to this mission, you must raise your reputation with Silent to the maximum. After that, go through side mission 150 and this mission will unlock. Use the CGM 25 rocket launcher, which will destroy enemy tanks in two shots. If you don't have it, then use Killer Bee or FB MR. Always request supplies before you run out. When you have picked up supplies, immediately request the next delivery. You can place ATB and C4 mines to destroy the two vehicles. Always stay in cover (the rocks will help you with this). Alternatively, you can tank the tanks to complete one of the mission objectives, but there will be additional risk.

Mission 46

This mission will answer all your questions. Watch the final scene at the end of the video. You will find yourself back in the prologue and find out what really happened.

To unlock this mission you must:

  • Complete all other missions
  • Pass important (yellow) side quests
  • Improve the Base (build FOB online to speed up the process)

In this mission, S rank is easy to achieve. Just skip all the scenes and your rank is yours.

Mission 47

This is a very easy mission if you know where your target is. He will always be in the same building. You can use the broken fence on the west side of the airport and go there to get past most of the guards. There will be two guards in the building. Cut their throats, kill the target and escape from the area.

Mission 48

Take light tank for this mission. With its help, you will calmly drive past the 4 skulls at the beginning. Also take baits to distract the guards near the mansion. Enter the mansion, complete the objective and call the helicopter to the northern landing zone. Now run to the helicopter (you can ignore the enemies).

Mission 49

Land in the left (west) corner of the map. Head west past the outpost and follow the road until you reach an empty house. The trigger will start and a convoy of 3 cars will drive. Hide behind cover until the first tank is close, then run up to it and fulton. After this, repeat the same trick with another technique. Leave the area (by helicopter is faster).

Mission 50

Take the ZHUK-BR 3 light tank, Isado RGL-220 grenade launcher, CGM 25 rocket launcher for this mission. With this equipment you can easily achieve S rank. Use the tank until it is destroyed. Now aim for the gas canisters on the stomach and back when they glow. When the tank is destroyed, use the rocket launcher and order ammo. Now use the grenade launcher while supplies last. Always move and when the boss sends a wave across the ground, run away from it and shoot back.


  • Complete a mission without rapid speed (time slowdown)
  • While escaping with Ocelot, prevent the Burning Man from attacking us.

We a true legend! The greatest soldier in history, but for a number of reasons that can be learned from the game Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, we crashed and fell into a coma for 9 years! A Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain begins with our awakening.

3 days after waking up:

After a long cut-scene, the doctor begins to question us, when he asks us to look up, then [lean forward – LS (Left Stick)].

When he asks for your name, enter into the field the name you would like, as well as the month and year of birth.

2 weeks after waking up:

After a short cut-scene, we will be offered plastic surgery. We agree, because then our enemies will not recognize us. Select an avatar, customize facial features and click on the checkbox. ( don't be afraid - we'll play as the original one Big Boss)

Then we watch a rather long cut-scene, where we learn about what is happening during the time we spent lying in a coma. But before he has time to fully come to his senses, an armed squad bursts into the hospital, whose goal is clearly to kill Big Boss.

As soon as we are given control, we crawl after our savior - Ishmael. When we crawl to the elevator, an explosion will occur. But we don’t stop, we follow Ishmael into the room and lie down on the floor. We crawl to the exit, approach the wall and bend down [press A to do this], quickly turn right and stick to the wall, move on, avoiding the spotlight, and at the end we run to the exit [to use sprint, press LS].

We move on and, when we get into a room with chambers, we crawl under them, climb to the penultimate chamber and wait for the enemy to leave the next chamber and not go to the next one. We watch the cut-scene and leave the room.

The enemy is ahead and behind - there is no way out! We lie down and crawl after Ishmael to the corpses. Now we do nothing to avoid moving. After the next video, we straighten the leg [press Y to do this]. Now we go down the stairs, get our first pistol with a silencer and shoot at the fire extinguishers to put out the flames. Then we take cover behind the wall and kill two opponents [it is much easier to shoot from a weapon in first person, to switch to it, hold down LT and then press the RB button].

Having reached the hall, we are met by an enemy squad, Ishmael takes the initiative into his own hands and distracts them from you. We kill the enemy on the stairs, and then, bending down, we shoot the rest, or we go to the left, go down the hole and kill them from there. For a more comfortable passage of this episode, use first-person view, and also shoot in the head. After dealing with the enemy, we go to the exit, shorten ourselves from the rubble and run away from the burning Volgin into the street.

Soon we are met by our old friend - Revolver Ocelot. We climb on the horse and run away from Volgin, shooting at him when he begins to attack.

Episode 1: Revenge


  • Kazuhira Miller has been located
  • Kazuhira Miller evacuated
  • Commander evacuated from Wah Sindh barracks
  • The task was completed in secret from the "Skulls"
  • Rough diamonds captured from Spugmai fortress

Opening IDroid[click Start] and place a mark on the yellow area. Now open the binoculars , we inspect the nearest village and put a mark on it . Then we ride the horse [to spur it (accelerate it), press X]. As soon as we reach the outpost, Ocelot will warn us about this. We can either clear the outpost, just put all the enemies to sleep, but we can also bypass the outpost, but then we will not receive the reward.

As soon as we get to the first village, Revolver Ocelot will invite us to explore the area. We climb onto the nearest hill and mark the enemies. We need the largest building - the one next to the flag USSR. We go in and scan the documents lying on the table. Now we know where they are holding Kazuhiru Miller.

Once you reach Gwandai, climb onto the rocks and mark the enemies. If you want to complete this task quietly, then it is best to make your way along the right side through the alley. Kaz will be on the second floor. We free him and take him out of the village, as soon as you are sure that no one will notice you, we call the horse and gallop to the helicopter.

Once in the helicopter landing zone, fog appears and the helicopter cannot land. We'll have to get to the second site. We are waiting for " Skulls“They will go down the right passage from us and gallop across the bridge, so they will not notice us. We get to the helicopter and get into it with Kazuhira.

Episode 2: Dimond Dogs


  • Completed training on how to use the Fulton system
  • Thanks to the evacuation of personnel, the level of the research department has been increased
  • Cardboard box designed; The basic training course has been completed.
  • Capture training completed
  • Completed striking instruction

Here we are at " Mother Base" Talking to Ocelot and we get an evacuation system - “ Fulton" Now we will be able to evacuate people and animals from the battlefield directly to our base. We approach one of our soldiers, shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer and activate Fulton on him.

Now open IDroid and look at the window “ Personnel Management"In this window you can see where the newly arrived fighters are, and they can also be redistributed. Now let's go back and open " Developments" We're missing a few people for a box. We stun two more of our soldiers and evacuate them.

Attention! Before using the Fulton system, be sure to look at the evacuation success rate. The lower the number, the greater the likelihood of failure.

Open the development window again, explore “ box"and call for delivery. You can also do the same on a mission if you don’t have enough equipment, including cartridges with silencers.

Now let's open IDroid, go to the task tab, call the helicopter and select a landing site. When you are in the air control center (ACC), you have much more control over the base, including customization. But this is not available to us yet. We can listen to all available audio recordings (We highly recommend, they contain a huge layer of plot and without listening to them, you will not fully understand the plot of the game).

So, after you listened to the audio recordings or did not do so. Open IDroid, go to the task tab and select any mission available to us. Then we select the landing site, and also select the equipment and landing time. But be careful, during the day it is more difficult for you to remain invisible, and at night it is easier, but at the same time at night it is more difficult for you to find the enemy.

Episode 3: The Hero's Journey


  • Special forces commander eliminated
  • Special forces commander eliminated from a long distance (100 m or more)
  • Special forces commander evacuated
  • Collected catfish that grew in the desert between the village of Shago and the Spugmai fortress
  • Recycled materials captured from Shago village

Having reached the camp, we mark all opponents, our goal is the Special Forces Commander. It is located in a central two-story building.

First of all, eliminate the guards on the towers, then turn off the electricity (if it’s night in the game) and go to the second floor. Your goal will be there, you can either kill him or evacuate him - it’s up to you!

After completing the task, call a helicopter and return to “Mother Base”.

Episode 4: Information War


  • Eastern communications point equipment found
  • The equipment of the eastern communication point was destroyed
  • Rough diamonds seized near eastern communications point
  • The transmitter of the eastern communication point was destroyed
  • 2 prisoners were evacuated from the village of Vialo
  • A container with materials was removed from the eastern communication point

Let's get to " Eastern point communications"and inspect the location. We mark opponents, as well as satellite antennas. There are three of them in total, and we need to destroy them, preferably with the help C4.

There is also a second option in this task. Go into the building next to the anti-aircraft early warning system and destroy the radio stations on the table, then we run to the helicopter landing zone and fly to our base.

Episode 5: Behind the Fence


  • Captured engineer evacuated
  • An engineer is evacuated using a Fulton through a hole in the basement floor.
  • Prisoner who planned to escape from Wah Sindh barracks evacuated
  • An SUV that was patrolling between outposts was evacuated
  • Blueprints captured from Wah Sindh barracks

Having reached the USSR base, we go left towards the lonely enemy in the bunker. We move on, eliminating one enemy and climb onto the rock.

Episode 6: Where the Sting Hides

  • "Sting" system captured
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • Two snipers were evacuated from a mountain transit point

On the way to the fort we will have to pass the “Transit Point”, there will be two snipers standing on the bridge on the right side, we knock them out and go to the base.

  • Prisoner evacuated, unable to speak

As soon as you reach the fort, go into the cave, not forgetting to evacuate the prisoner that lies at the entrance. After its evacuation, you will know the exact location of the “Sting”.

  • "Sting" system captured
  • The "Sting" system was captured along with ammunition

We walk through the cave until we come across a pond. There we turn into the left tunnel, pick up the “Sting” rocket launcher and climb up.

  • "Skulls" eliminated

After the cutscene, “Skulls” will attack us, we wait until they are as close to each other as possible and shoot at them with the “Sting”; you can also use grenades.

  • Attack helicopter destroyed

As soon as we have dealt with the skulls, we call a helicopter and jump to the landing zone; along the way we will meet an enemy Assault Helicopter. You can either shoot him down with the Stinger or simply hide from him.

Episode 7: Bloody Copper

  • Three commanders evacuated
  • The company commander from the village of Vialo was eliminated
  • The platoon commander from the village of Shago was eliminated
  • Platoon commander from Wah Sind barracks eliminated

The main task:

We make our way to the village " Vialo", a meeting of three commanders will take place in the central one-story building. We wait for the meeting to begin and eliminate the commanders, you can either kill them or stun them and send them to the base.

The conversation between three commanders was listened to in full

We go into the building where the meeting is taking place, but before eliminating the commanders, we listen to their conversation.

The commander was evacuated along with his soldiers

Before reaching the village, we turn right and gallop along the road until we hear a car driving. We put the horse in the middle of the road, climb onto the rocks and wait for the car to stop. We shoot the soldiers with a tranquilizer and evacuate them. There should be four soldiers in total, as well as a commander, he can be identified by his red beret.

2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gwandai

In the village of Gavndai there is a cage with two prisoners, we open the cage, take out the prisoners and evacuate them to the base.

Episode 8: Occupation Forces

  • Deployment plans received
  • Colonel liquidated
  • All tanks destroyed
  • Colonel evacuated
  • The colonel and all his tanks were destroyed before arriving at the Smasei fortress
  • All tanks have been evacuated

The main task:

We have two goals. Elimination of the Colonel and destruction of equipment. You can either get scouted ones or simply find enemy troops yourself.

Once you discover the enemy, you will be faced with a choice. You can either kill the colonel or evacuate him; how you neutralize him is up to you!

So, after the liquidation of the colonel, we just have to deal with the equipment, here we have no choice - to this moment it can only be destroyed, since evacuation of equipment requires improvement " Fulton Cargoes 2", and at the initial stage it is not available. The equipment itself can be destroyed in different ways: shoot all enemy equipment from an armored personnel carrier (the location of the armored personnel carrier is indicated on the map), destroy it with improvised means (grenade launcher, C4), or you can even call an airstrike on the target.

Prisoner evacuated from Shahra Yeh village

In the village, in one of the first buildings, there will be a prisoner lying, we pull him out and evacuate him with the Fulton system.

Deployment plans received

Now we make our way to the second floor of the tallest building and scan the intelligence data. Now you know the exact location of the colonel and his equipment.

Episode 9: Help and Retreat

  • The armored vehicle was destroyed
  • Several combat vehicles or helicopters were eliminated
  • The armored vehicle was evacuated
  • 6 prisoners evacuated
  • 3 tanks evacuated

The main task:

Our task is to destroy enemy equipment in 15 minutes. To complete the mission, it is enough to destroy one armored personnel carrier, but then the reward will be small.

We ride a horse to the nearest enemy mark and destroy the equipment, they often ride in pairs. To destroy, we can use a grenade launcher and C4, as well as an airstrike, and in the middle of the mission we can take a rocket launcher with homing missiles. To complete the mission you need to destroy five armored personnel carriers.

All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support

To complete this additional task we will have to complete the mission without support. The easiest way to do this is to upgrade Fulton and evacuate all the equipment to your base.

Weapons transported on a truck seized

After some time, Kazuhira Miller will contact us and mark a truck with a rocket launcher on the map. With the help of this weapon, the passage will become much easier, since only one shot is enough to destroy the equipment.

The armored vehicle was evacuated

It's simple. You need to upgrade Fulton to “Cargo 2”, run up to the armored vehicles and evacuate them with the help of Fulton.

4 soldiers were evacuated while searching for an escaped prisoner

We are heading to the 12th mark on the map, there will be soldiers nearby looking for an escaped prisoner. We shoot them with a tranquilizer and send them to our base.

6 prisoners evacuated

We make our way to the USSR supply base, there are prisoners there who need to be freed. The prisoners are not in one place, so to quickly find them, we use binoculars or simply interrogate our opponents.

3 tanks evacuated

The same as with armored vehicles. We upgrade Fulton to “Cargo 2”, sneak up on the tank and use Fulton.

Episode 10: Angel with Broken Wings

  • Captured Mujahideen Malak evacuated
  • The escort armored vehicle was evacuated
  • 3 prisoners evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
  • The last conversation between the driver and Malak was overheard

The main task:

We get to the mark on the map, go into the destroyed building and evacuate three prisoners, one of them will tell us that Malak was transported to another place.

Once at the Supply Base, we eliminate the guards and go to the right side of the base, at the end of the corridor there will be a door behind which Malak is located. But we cannot evacuate him with Fulton’s help, so we call a helicopter and drag the prisoner in, and then we get into it ourselves.

2 prisoners evacuated from Yaho Ob supply base

In the same place where we found Malak, there is another prisoner. You can evacuate him with the help of Fulton, or by dragging him into a helicopter.

Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence

  • The Silent One has been eliminated
  • You have decided what to do with Quiet

The main task:

After completing the previous mission story missions will end. To advance further in the story, you need to run side quest « Contact With Emmerich" Once you reach the ruins, side mission will stop and start Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence.

The sniper “Silent” will attack us. We need to eliminate her, but it is not necessary to kill her; if we eliminate her non-lethally, then in the future a storyline with her participation will appear, and we can also take her with us as a partner. We strongly advise you not to kill her.

The Silent One was neutralized without the use of lethal weapons against her

In order to neutralize the sniper without killing her, we will need a sniper rifle with a modification for non-lethal cartridges. It is also best to take with you D-Dog so that it marks the location of the enemy.

So, we aim at the enemy and shoot in the head, after three hits she will fall asleep. We approach and, when Big Boss is aiming at Quiet, don’t press anything, after a while Snake will lower his weapon, and we can deliver her to our base.

The silent woman was neutralized without the use of firearms

In order to complete this additional task, you will have to cheat a little. We mark the Silent One or wait for her to be marked by DD, then we cause the equipment to be dropped right at the place where the sniper is located.

How to continue the storyline?

Returning to the base, we again launch the side task: “ Contact With Emmerich».

We move to the marker and sneak into the power plant. At the end of the location we break open the door and watch the cut-scene. After this, the task “ Episode 12: Road to Hell».

Episode 12: Road to Hell

  • Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated
  • 3 Walker Gear evacuated from central base
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated unharmed
  • A vertical poster with a fashion model was captured from the central base
  • Captured drawings from the central base

The main task:

In this task we need to capture one engineer named Huey Emmerich, who 9 years ago, most likely, betrayed us, and it was because of him that we lost our hand, as well as the “Main Base”.

As soon as you get to the Central Base of the USSR, a very difficult task- find and pull out the target. In order to find out the exact location of the doctor, you can interrogate one of the soldiers at the base.

And the difficulty lies not in finding it, but in getting to it. In this location, the opponents are much stronger than those we saw before. They are equipped with helmets, thermal imagers, and Gear Walkers. In addition, in order to get to the warehouse, we must enter it unnoticed without raising a combat alarm. The entrance itself is located on the right, it is guarded by two guards, but they can be easily eliminated with a tranquilizer.

After the cutscene, we get into the walker and pick up Emmerich. We exit through the back gate and make our way to the helicopter landing point on the right side. But having almost reached the helicopter, Metal Gear will attack us. We run from him until he leaves us. Then we get to the helicopter and sit down together with the dock. We shoot the missiles fired at us, and then destroy Metal Gear itself.

Episode 13: Impenetrable Darkness

  • Oil transfer pump is disabled
  • Oily water separator destroyed
  • 4 child soldiers trained in Masa village evacuated
  • Leaving the danger zone was completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field
  • An African long-eared vulture was caught after flying into a burnt village
  • 4 Walker Gear blocking Mfinda field evacuated

The main task:

In this mission it becomes available to us new location— Central Africa.

The goal of this mission is to destroy an oil production plant. We move forward until we reach the first village, as soon as we reach the barracks, child soldiers will come out of it. You can either bypass them, evacuate them, and complete an additional task.

Having reached the plant, we climb through the sewer and climb to the top floor, there we go through the blue door and activate the computer. Then we get out through the window and make our way to the next marker, go behind the fence, approach the red tank and install explosives. We retreat to a safe distance and detonate. The alarm is raised at the plant, we leave the plant territory and go to a safe zone. That's it, mission accomplished.

Episode 14: Common Language

  • Afrikaans translator found
  • Viscount Found
  • Viscount evacuated
  • According to intelligence data, the location of 4 prisoners has been established
  • 3 prisoners evacuated from Kiziba camp
  • A container with materials was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • All 4 prisoners were interrogated

The main task:

We make our way to the marker and mark the opponents, we need a translator. After we find him, we follow him. He will stop to interrogate prisoners. We wait for him to finish and continue moving, and we ourselves evacuate these prisoners and follow him. As a result, the translator and the guards will enter the tent. We can either wait until the prisoner is brought in, or simply evacuate the translator and find the Viscount using the marker. After evacuating the Viscount, we leave the territory.

Attention! After completing this task, a side mission will open for us (located in the “Side Missions” section and marked in gold), after which we can take a new partner on missions - Quiet.

Episode 15: Ghost Traces

  • All Walker Gear destroyed
  • 2 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
  • All Walker Gear evacuated
  • Foxglove (yellow) collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi
  • Truck evacuated from abandoned village of Ditadi

The main task:

We need to eliminate four Walker Gears. They can be most easily spotted from the mountain. There will be walkers on the left and right sides. If you are discovered, the mission will become significantly more difficult, since the walkers will be controlled by opponents. It’s best to go down the mountain and quietly put the soldiers to sleep, then use Fulton to evacuate four Walker Gears, but if you haven’t yet unlocked the upgrade for Fulton, you can simply plant explosives and blow up the walkers. After completing the task, we leave the danger zone.

Episode 16: Caravan of Traitors

  • Armored escort vehicle found
  • Truck found
  • The truck has been towed
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Truck driver evacuated
  • Based on intelligence data, an approximate escort route was established
  • All conversations between the truck driver and soldiers at outposts and guard posts were monitored.
  • 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers evacuated

We move towards the marker and find ourselves at the outpost. We eliminate the guards and go into the right tent, there we scan the intelligence data. Now we have a route. We put a marker on the airport and move there. There will be two armored vehicles there, as well as the required truck. To pass unnoticed, it is better to wait until they start driving. At the next outpost they will stop for a few minutes. During this stop, the truck is easiest to steal. We crawl towards the truck on the right side, and as soon as the distance with the truck is small, “Skulls” will jump out of it.

This is where the fun begins, we run up to the truck and evacuate it on Fultogne, then we get into the tank and shoot the Skull. Of course, we don’t have to kill them, but then we won’t get credit for completing the additional task.

Don't worry, killing Skulls does not count towards statistics, so feel free to kill them. After this, we leave the place by car, or by calling a helicopter, the landing zone will be very close.

Episode 17: Scout Rescue

  • Evacuated
  • A reconnaissance unit soldier was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • 2 C.F.A. employees were evacuated.
  • A prisoner was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • 4 search team reinforcement soldiers evacuated
  • Truck driver evacuated

The main task:

First, let's find the escaped prisoner. We cut down several soldiers in the forest, then we get close to the radio that lies on the stone and get intelligence data from it. Now we carefully climb the hill, and on the right there will be a soldier in heavy armor. We sneak up on him from behind and stun him; the prisoner we are looking for will lie nearby. We evacuate him and obtain information about the location of the second prisoner.

The second prisoner is in the camp, we carefully approach and knock out the guards. There will be a pit covered with boards, but on the right there is an entrance to this pit. We go down and put the prisoner on our shoulders, but since he was tortured a lot, the prisoner simply may not survive being evacuated by Fulton. Therefore, we pull him out of the danger zone on our shoulders or take him out by transport. Once our target is safe, the mission will be completed.

Episode 18: Blood Ties

  • Former Mbele Army rebel eliminated
  • 5 prisoners in the Kungenga mine eliminated
  • Captive child evacuated
  • Former Mbele Army rebel evacuated
  • The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 child soldiers
  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • 5 snipers were evacuated near the northeast and southwest guard posts of the Kungenga mine
  • 3 armored vehicles evacuated

The main task:

Our task is to eliminate all targets, but, of course, it is not necessary to kill them, because we can simply take them to our base.

First, we move to a small outpost, there we identify the required soldier and eliminate him. After this we move to the second marker. Now we need to get into the mine. We go around all the opponents, break open the doors to the mine and free the children from the cage. But one child is seriously injured; he will have to be carried on his shoulders.

We leave through the emergency exit and go left. It is advisable for now to have a non-lethal sniper rifle with a silencer. As soon as we discover the soldiers, we hide the wounded child, and give the rest of the children the order to wait. We eliminate the soldiers and move forward. Also, your partner, Silent, will greatly help in secretive passage. Just give her orders and she will eliminate the marked targets. As soon as you get to the helicopter, put all the children in the helicopter one by one, and then fly away yourself.

Episode 19: On the Trail

  • A subordinate of a PMC commander nicknamed “Major” was found
  • PMC commander nicknamed "Major" discovered
  • PMC commander nicknamed "Major" liquidated
  • PMC commander nicknamed "Major" evacuated
  • Major's subordinate evacuated
  • A prisoner was evacuated from the north-eastern guard post of the Munko Ya Nioka station
  • A conversation was overheard between a PMC commander nicknamed “Major” and his subordinate

The main task:

We get to the marker and mark the goal. But we don’t touch the marked target, but wait for her to get into the car. The main thing is to keep an eye on him and not discover yourself. As a result, a meeting will take place at the crossroads. As soon as the car stops, we go to the rear of the second car, put the two guards to sleep, then put the major himself to sleep, put him on our shoulders and evacuate him to our base. You can also kill him, but for the highest rating it is better not to kill anyone.

Episode 20: Voices

  • Shabani evacuated
  • Burning man attack repelled
  • According to intelligence data, the path to the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone has been established
  • A hyena-like dog was caught near the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone
  • Overheard talking about corpses at Munko Ya Nioka station

The main task:

We go to the marker until we reach the destroyed bridge. We jump down, the location is in the fog, so it will be very difficult to detect you, but it will also be more difficult for you to notice the enemy, two opponents will stand in front of the waterfall, the rest are baits. These soldiers can either be eliminated or simply crawl along a small river to a waterfall. Then we turn left, deal with two guards at the tent and go to the white building. There we go into the left door and move forward, through the bloody curtains.

After watching the cut-scene, the fiery Volgin attacks us. We run out of the building and run to the tunnel, but it collapses. You'll have to fight the boss. Don't even think about killing him the usual way. It absorbs explosives and bullets, and if it absorbs enough explosive energy, it can counterattack. To eliminate him, we lure him under the water tower, having previously installed explosives on it, as soon as the enemy is under the tower, we blow up the tower, and the enemy will temporarily disappear. We have a chance to evacuate, we request a helicopter to the upper left landing zone, while the helicopter is flying, we run up to another tower, put an explosive package and lure the enemy, as soon as he is under the tower, we detonate and run into the helicopter. After this the mission will end.

Episode 21: War Economy

  • Arms dealer discovered
  • C.F.A. employee discovered
  • C.F.A. employee liquidated
  • C.F.A. employee evacuated
  • Arms dealer evacuated
  • All conversations between the merchant and C.F.A. employees were listened to.
  • Blueprints captured from attack helicopter
  • A container with materials was evacuated from a hangar at Nova Braga airport

The main task:

We make our way to the airport territory and climb onto the roof of any building. Then we wait for the enemy helicopter to land the merchant we need. We mark it through binoculars, and then approach the target on the right side. Once you reach the control room, two targets will come out. We put them to sleep and evacuate them to the base. But now we get out of the territory and fly to our base.

Episode 22: Liberating the Platform

  • Enemy commander eliminated

The main task:

During the previous mission, our base was attacked. We go back and find ourselves on one of the platforms. We need to destroy the enemy commander, we can get close to him and put him to sleep, but this will be extremely difficult, and besides, we will not be given any bonuses for this. It’s easier to take a sniper rifle on a mission and wait until the desired target comes out onto the stairs, from which we can easily kill him. In this case, you don’t need to climb anywhere; all you need to do is cross the bridge and take a comfortable position.

Episode 23: White Mamba

  • White Mamba evacuated
  • Prisoner evacuated from Masa village
  • The White Mamba is evacuated, unable to resist.
  • Rough diamonds seized near Masa village
  • 20 child soldiers evacuated

The main task:

In this mission we need to find and evacuate the commander of the “child soldiers”. But it’s not so simple here, because since our opponents will be children, we, of course, won’t be able to kill them. Using lethal weapons will immediately result in mission failure. Therefore, for a more comfortable passage, we take Quiet as our partners and give her a sniper rifle with a tranquilizer.

As soon as we get to the desired village, we give Silent the order “Cover me,” so she will divert all attention to herself, and we can sneak onto the destroyed ship unnoticed. As soon as we are on the second deck, we will be greeted by the White Mamba. Here the battle will begin, the boy will attack, counterattack him [press R2]. After several successful counterattacks, we watch a cut-scene, and then fly away in a helicopter with the White Mamba.

Episode 24: Close Encounter

  • Male engineer evacuated
  • Female engineer evacuated
  • 6 Nubian goats evacuated near the south-west guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone
  • 2 SUVs evacuated
  • 4 containers were evacuated from the north-eastern guard post of the Munko Y Nioka station
  • African peach collected near Munko Ya Nioka station
  • A martial eagle was caught near Munko Ya Nioka station

The main task:

Approaching the marker, we take out binoculars and mark the enemies. We need to find one of the prisoners, he is in the car. But now we won’t have time to evacuate it; the car will go to the outpost that we met on the way here. We return to the outpost and evacuate the prisoner. Now we follow the second prisoner, a little to the right of the marker, the second engineer will lie behind the stones. We evacuate him and return to base.

Episode 25: The Avenger's True Hand

  • The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated
  • Commander of child soldiers evacuated
  • A prisoner who escaped from the north-eastern guard post of the Munko Ya Nioka station has been evacuated
  • 12 child soldiers evacuated
  • The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport
  • Foxglove (purple) collected at the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station

The main task:

Now our task is to evacuate two targets: the hostage and the child soldier commander. Both targets are located at the same outpost, first we knock out the commander and his guard, take the commander to the car, then we approach the prisoner and also put him in the car. After that, we call a helicopter, manually put the prisoners into the helicopter and return home.

Episode 26: The Hunt

  • Based on intelligence data, the escape route of the slave trader was determined
  • Slave trader liquidated
  • Slave trader eliminated before arriving at Kiziba camp
  • The slave trader was evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him
  • 4 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
  • Striped jackal caught near Kiziba camp

The main task:

We move to the first marker and scan the data from the table. Now we have the slave trader’s route of movement, we go to the end of the route, turn on the NVG and move forward. Somewhere in the middle of the route we will meet the desired target, but first we knock out the guards, and then the slave trader himself. Now you can evacuate him and take on a new task.

Episode 27: Root Cause

  • A reconnaissance squad member was evacuated
  • The reconnaissance squad member was evacuated before he could get hurt.
  • Danger zone abandoned by land

The main task:

Now we need to evacuate the scout. But he won’t be at the first outpost, we reach the second marker and rise to a hill, where our spy will lie. We put him on our shoulders and carry him into the helicopter, and then leave the mission area.

Episode 28: Code Talker

  • Contact with Code Talker took place
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • Code Talker evacuated unharmed
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • "Skulls" evacuated
  • An armored vehicle blocking the Lufwa Valley was evacuated

The main task:

As soon as you get to the mansion, we go around it on the left side and knock out the guard; there will be another one behind the door. Now we go down the stairs to the basement, watch the cut-scene and put the old man on our shoulders.

Having risen to the first floor, all the soldiers turn into a kind of “zombies”, we eliminate them with a pistol and move towards the helicopter, along the way we will meet squads consisting of these “zombies”. Silent One can help us in liquidation; we can also lower the old man to the ground and deal with the troops ourselves. After you evacuate the target, a cutscene will begin, after which you will be given the opportunity to change your equipment.

Episode 29: Metal Archaea

  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • Mission completed without being captured by a puppet soldier
  • "Skulls" evacuated

The main task:

In this episode we will not be given the opportunity to deal with the enemy “quietly”, so we take the most best weapon and armor.

We run away from the old man and begin to attack the opponents. First you need to remove their armor, only then their health bar will begin to decrease. But don’t even think about calling the equipment, it will be destroyed in a matter of moments. Also, if you get hard, run through the buildings and hide from the enemy, and while they are looking for you, you can restore your health. After defeating the enemy, we pick up the old man and evacuate him in a new helicopter.

Episode 30: Skull

  • Contact with the Skull took place
  • Information received from Skull
  • 4 Walker Gear evacuated
  • Audio cassette found in OKB "Zero"
  • 7 red containers were evacuated from OKB Zero
  • 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB “Zero”

The main task:

It is best to take Quiet for this task. We get to the Skull's base and give the order to the Silent One to attack. While all the enemy forces are occupied by your partner, take advantage of the moment and quietly sneak into the mine. Then we go up to the helipad and watch a very long cut-scene.

Episode 31: Sahelanthropus

  • Sahelanthropus destroyed
  • Sahelanthropus's head destroyed
  • Flying boy successfully attacked

The main task:

Here is the last episode in the First Chapter. We run away from Metal Gear down the road, not paying attention to the tank, because a little further there will be a much more interesting armored vehicle. And after a couple of turns there will be an armored personnel carrier with a missile system on board. We drive closer to Sakhalentrop and shoot missiles at him, try to hit him with all the ammunition. When the boss has a little less than half strength, he will release a cloud of archaea, which will destroy all equipment in the location. Now we run down from him and, as soon as he stops, we call an airstrike on him, we do the same when he jumps onto the mountain and starts shooting at you from the main caliber. It is also worth noting that if you get too close to the boss, he will try to crush you, at this moment Rapid turns on, at this time you need to shoot at the flying boy. After destroying the robot, watch a long final cut-scene.

It is also worth noting that after completing the episode, the development/disposal of nuclear weapons becomes available to us. But be careful, for its development you will be awarded demonic points, because of which your horn will increase, and your face will become covered with blood, and this blood can no longer be washed off. To return Big Boss to his original form, you need to dispose of a nuclear charge or perform a large number of good deeds.

Episode 32: Too Much Knowledge

  • CIA agent evacuated
  • CIA agent evacuated before search party arrives
  • 4 search team soldiers evacuated
  • The driver of the vehicle was evacuated
  • 2 prisoners evacuated from Shago village and Lamar Haate palace
  • A Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent was evacuated.

Having reached the mission area, we will meet fighters operating Walker Gear. We destroy them or wait for them to leave. Our target will be lying in the grass, we evacuate the hostage and return to the base.

Episode 35: Cursed Inheritance

  • 2 containers evacuated
  • The mission was completed by leaving the danger zone on a container evacuated using the Fulton system.
  • The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
  • According to intelligence information, the location of the soldier has been established
  • The commander of the Zero Risk Security detachment guarding the mansion was evacuated
  • Rough diamonds stolen by raven near northwest Lufwa Valley guard post found

To pass of this assignment we need the “Fulton Cargo” improvement, you can open it in the “Development/Weapons and Items/Items” section.

We make our way to the mansion and interrogate any soldier, after which we become aware of the location of the containers. As soon as we evacuate the first container, the timer will start until the XOF squad's helicopters arrive. We run to the second container, evacuate it and return to base.

Episode 40: Unusual Phenomenon

  • The film container is captured
  • Spugmai fortress captured
  • The container with the film was captured before reinforcements arrived
  • A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmay fortress
  • A griffon vulture caught near the ruins of Spugmai

We need to find a cache in the ruins of Spugmai. We bypass enemy fighters or eliminate them. Next, open iDroid and go to the Tasks section, in the lower right corner there will be a photo with the location of the goal. The cache is in the arch on the right side. We take him and return to base.

Episode 41: War by proxy

  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • 2 tanks destroyed
  • 2 armored vehicles destroyed
  • 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles were evacuated
  • The commander of the armored vehicle column was evacuated
  • Rough diamond found on column commander
  • Blueprints captured from attack helicopter

Attention! This episode becomes available after completing side quests that are marked in gold!

In this episode we need to destroy enemy equipment. We recommend taking a rocket launcher and C4 before starting the mission, it is also recommended to have the improvement [Fulton - Cargo]

We move towards the marked equipment and destroy it or evacuate it to our base. You can also wait until it stops and destroy it with artillery fire, but then you will have a rating no higher than A. After destroying the armored vehicles, an enemy helicopter will fly in, shoot it down with a rocket launcher or call a helicopter, and it will destroy it itself. After this we leave the action area.

Episode 43: The Everlasting Light

  • Message sender found
  • The infected have been eliminated

There is an epidemic again at Mother Base. We go to Quarantine, after the cut scene we climb to the very top until you reach the survivor. Now, with the help of glasses, we detect the infected. We go downstairs and kill everyone in the room, except for the one sitting against the wall. We lift him and drag him to the top floor to the exit, then after the conversation, examine the survivor, then kill him. He's infected. Now we go out through the doors and watch a very touching cut-scene)

Episode 46: The Truth: The Man Who Sold the World

  • The task was completed without using rapid
  • The task was completed in such a way that the burning man was never able to attack after meeting Ocelot

This is the final episode, to open it you need to complete all side quests marked in gold, listen to all audio recordings, and also have a 100% connection with Quiet.

The passage is no different from the “Prologue”, with the exception of cut scenes, here they are significantly expanded.

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